Module 1 Travel Unit 3 Language in use 单元练习 (含听力音频+听力原文+解析)

Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use 练习 2023-2024学年英语外研版九年级下册
1.Where does the woman want to go
A.To a shop. B.To a library. C.To a bookstore.
2.Why does the man like the red house
A.Because it has a big yard. B.Because it is beautiful. C.Because it has a big bedroom.
3.What does the woman want to do
A.Have a vacation. B.Go to the cinema. C.Finish her homework.
4.What’s the boy’s plan for his holiday
A.Having a trip.
B.Visiting his classmates.
C.Staying at home.
5.When does the museum open on Sundays
A.At 7 a.m. B.At 10 a.m. C.At 11 a.m.
A.Yes, please. B.Sorry, I can't. C.Good idea.
A.Sorry to hear that! B.Sorry, I don't. C.Have a great time!
A.Music. B.Beijing. C.Red.
A.I cooked it myself. B.You are right. C.I am glad you like it.
A.Don't worry. B.I agree with you. C.Please help us.
11.How does the man go to Chicago
A.By air. B.By train. C.By sea.
12.How soon will the man be at home
A.In two hours. B.In three hours. C.In four hours.
13.How many flights to Paris are there every week
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
14.When will the man go to Paris
A.On Monday. B.On Friday. C.On Wednesday.
15.How much will the man pay for the ticket
A.$150. B.$200. C.$300.
16.Mela lost _______ two years ago. arm and a leg B.his family C.his best friend
17.Mela went to the North Pole with the help of _______ .
A.a man-made leg B.his parents C.a wheelchair
18.Eight years ago, _______ went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year.
A.Mela B.Mela’s parents C.Kam
19.It took Mela_______ days to get to the North Pole.
A.12 B.20 C.21
20.The last several days to get to the North Pole were hard for Mela because of _______.
A.Kam B.the bad weather accident
Would you like to be taller It might not be too late. Here are three things you can do:
There are long bones in your legs and arms. At the end of these bones, children have soft spots called “growth plates”. When you exercise, the growth plates become more active, and your bones grow. 2. 22 Then, your height stays the same. Girls mature earlier than boys; their growth plates usually close at the age 14 to 15 while boy’s growth plates close later, at around the ages 16 to 17. So exercise regularly before your bones stop growing.
When you sleep, your body produces growth hormones that make you taller. The most growth hormones are made between 10 pm and 2 am while you are sleeping deeply. Therefore, if you stay up watching TV or playing games until 12 or 1 o’clock at night, your hormones can’t do their job properly.
When a child becomes overweight, their bones have a hard time supporting their weight. 25 Weak bones can’t grow properly. Therefore, those who are overweight at a young age might not grow as tall as they should.
A.Go to bed early.
B.Watch your weight.
C.Do regular exercise.
D.It’s very good for people’s health.
E.This can cause damage to their bones and make them weak.
F.But once you reach a certain age, the growth plates harden.
G.The more exercise you do, the taller you’ll be.
Child: Aged from 3 to 12
26.What can you see at Night Safari
A.Different kinds of animals
B.Kinds of butterflies
C.Different birds
27.If John’s parents takes him and his two younger sisters, one aged 5, the other aged 13, to Jurong Bird Park, how much will he pay
A.$63 B.$49 C.$42
28.. Mother and father take their 5-year-old child to _________ with the least money.
A.Undersea World
B.Butterfly Park
C.Night Safari
29.. You can visit _______ after 10:00 pm.
A.Underwater World
B.Butterfly Park
C.Night Safari
30.. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above
A.Undersea world opens for the longest time among all these four.
B.You take the bus on the Yellow Line to the zoo to see the dolphin.
C.Butterfly Park has the world’s largest collections of butterflies.
The Snowdonia Center The Snowdonia Center for young mountain climbers has a climbing lesson. The beginners’ costs are $57 for a week, including food and rooms. Equipment (设备) is included except walking shoes, which can be hired (租用) at a low cost. You must be in good health and prepared to go through body exercise. This could be the beginning of a lifetime of mountain climbing adventure (冒险).
Holiday News Vacations now and in the school holidays at a country hotel in Devon. This comfortable, friendly home-from-home hotel is near the beautiful quiet countryside, but just a drive away from the sea. The food is simple but good. Children and pets are welcome. Reduced prices are offered for low season.
The World Sea Trip of a Lifetime Our World Sea Trip of 2014 will be unlike any holiday that you have ever had before. You just go to bed in one country and wake up in another on the ship. But if you stay at one hotel after another as you traveled before, you’ll have to pack and unpack all your things, wait and travel during the tour. On the ship, you will be well taken care of. Every meal will be first-class and every cabin (房舱) will be like your home. During the trip, you can rest on deck (甲板), enjoy yourself in the game rooms and in the evening dance to our musical team and watch our wonderful play You will visit all the places most people only dream about---from Acapulco and Hawaii to Tokyo and Hong Kong. For a few thousand dollars, all the things can be yours.
31.What can you do if you like to go on holidays with pets
A.Choose the holiday in Devon.
B.Go to the Snowdonia Center.
C.Join the World Sea Trip of 2014.
D.Visit Acapulco and Hawaii.
32.In what way is the Snowdonia Center different from the other two holidays
A.It provides chances for families to get together.
B.It provides customers with good food.
C.It offers a climbing lesson.
D.It offers comfortable rooms.
33.What is the most special about the World Sea Trip of 2014
A.You can have free meals on deck every day.
B.You can sleep on a ship and travel to many places.
C.You can dance to your own favourite music.
D.You have to pack and unpack your things.
New changes have taken place in Paris in recent years. Paris used to be among Europe’s busiest cities. Traffic jams could be seen all the time. But now there is a new 2.5 kilometre-long car-free area inside the city. The Louvre(卢浮宫) attracts world tourists. People visit there not just for the art works, but also enjoy the roof of the building which is like a flying carpet. The world’s most beautiful city is now even more beautiful.
Lijiang River National Park, China.
Lijiang River is in Guilin. It is well-known for its clear water, limestone(石灰岩洞) and green hills. The hills have beautiful names depending on different shapes, such as “Elephant Trunk”. These attract many Chinese poets and artists. The best way to enjoy Lijing River is to take an 83 km boat trip from Guilin to Yangshuo in summer.
Zurich, Switzerland
What do you think Zurich is famous for Great banks Yes. People can find many Swiss banks and foreign banks here. But the city is of great interest to many people for another reason. Zurich hosts Europe’s largest street party each year. Its Street Parade has overtaken London’s Notting Hill Carival. What’s hot in the city in 2014 In August, Zurich will host the European Athletic Championships. This gives tourists a chance to see the world’s top athletes making new records.
Adelaide, Australia
Many people may know Sydney or Melbourne. They are big cities in Australia. But Adelaide wins people’s hearts with great festivals and tasty food. Adelaide Fringe Festival is the largest art festival in Australia. Every February and March, people celebrate with outdoor art works, dance performances and live music. Adelaide has many kinds of foreign foods. British fish and chips, Italian pizza and German pork can be found in most restaurants.
34.Tourists enjoy the art works as well as _______of the Louvre.
A.the busy street B.the shape of its roof
C.the car-free area D.the flying carpet
35.Many Chinese poets and artists are attracted by________ in Guilin.
A.elephant trunks B.warm weather
C.the highway to Yangshuo D.the green hills and limestone caves
36.Compared with London’s Notting Hill Carnival, the Street Parade in Zurich is _______.
A.even worse B.exactly the same C.much better D.less popular
37.When and where will the 2014European Athletics Championships be held
A.In August, Paris B.In February, Europe
C.In March, Adelaide D.In August, Zurich
38.Betty is studying art at college. She’s travelling to some place to enjoy art work and taste foreign foods. She could go to_____
A.Adelaide B.Lijiang River National Park
C.Zurich and Paris D.the Louvre
39.The sweater is ______small for him ______wear.
A.too; to B.very; that;/; that
40.---What does your father do ---He is _______ art teacher.
A.a C.the D./
41.________ mothers can't go to the parents' meeting because they are too busy.
A.Jack's and Paul B.Jack's and Paul's C.Jack and Paul's D.Jack and Paul
42.I will never forget that terrible accident _____ it happened so long ago.
A.only if B.even though C.only when D.ever since
43.---When shall we hand in the exercise book
---______ sooner, _______ better.
A.A; a B.A ; the C.The ; a D.The; the
44.—Which team do you expect to win the 2018 World Cup?
—Brazil, although it was only the world’s fourth team in the last World Cup.
A.good B.better C.the best
45.--How do you go to work
--I usually take bus.
A.the,a B./,a C.a,a D.the,/
46.We're travelling a speed of thirty miles an hour. C.for
47.There are fifty in our school. They are all friendly to us.
A.woman teachers B.women teacher
C.woman teacher D.women teachers
48.—Our school is going to hold the ________ Culture Festival.
—I see. And we can take part in the activity again.
A.five B.fifth C.fifths D.fiveth
The Browns lived in a town and they have a small bar(酒吧) near a 49
railway station. The bar didn’t close until midnight every day 50
because of people came to drink while they were waiting for trains. So the 51
business was good. At 2:00 one morning, a man was still sitting on the table in the 52
bar. He was sleeping. Mr. Brown wife wanted to go to bed. She looked around 53
the bar several times, so the man kept sleeping. Then she said to her husband, 54
“You have tried to wake that man several times, and he isn’t drinking, too. 55
Why not send him away It’s too late.” He answered with smile, “Oh, no, I don’t 56
want to send him away. Each time I woke him up, he gave me five pound. 57
Then he went to sleep again, you know.” What strange it was! 58
【原文】W: Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to the city library
M: Go along this street and turn right at the second crossing. You’ll see it next to a bookstore.
【原文】W: Which of the two houses do you prefer
M: Well, the white house is beautiful, but the red one has a big yard. So I like it better.
【原文】W: Would you like to go to the cinema with me this evening
M: Sure. But I must finish my plan for the next vacation.
【原文】W: Do you have any plan on your holiday
M: I will go traveling with my classmates.
【原文】M: Hello, the Science Museum waitress. This is Mr. Fun. I want to know your timetable.
W: Hello, Mr. Fun. It opens at 7 a.m. on weekdays and 11 a.m. on Sundays. Welcome to our museum.
【原文】What about going out to take a walk for a while
【原文】We will have a school trip to the countryside tomorrow.
【原文】Could you tell me what is your favorite place for the next vacation
【原文】Thank you very much for this beautiful bike, dad.
【原文】As long as it doesn’t rain, we can go out to play football.
11.A 12.C
【详解】W: Seat 14A is right here, sir. You may take your seat. I will put your bag in the compartment
M: Thanks Miss. You'll offer supper on the plane, won't you
W: Yes, sir. I'll bring you a menu shortly after we take off.
M: That would be nice. By the way, how long will this flight last
W: Three hours. Now it is six o'clock. We'll arrive in Chicago at nine o'clock.
M: Great! I'll be home at ten o'clock.
13.B 14.C 15.A
【原文】M: Good morning.
W: Good morning. Can I help you
M: I have to go to France next week, so I'd like some information about flights to Paris.
W: There are flights...err...on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
M: What time do they leave
W: At 10 a.m.
M: OK. Wednesday is best for me. How can I get to the airport
W: You can take the six o'clock bus from the bus station on Main Street.
M: How long does it take
W: About one and a half hours.
M: How much is a ticket to Paris
W: It's 300 dollars, but if you have a student card, you can pay onlyhalf of that.
M: Yes, I've got a student card. Here it is.
16.A 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.B
Jan Mela isn’t like most kids. Two years ago, he had an electrical accident and he lost an arm and a leg. But that didn’t stop him. On Saturday, the 15-year-old boy from Poland walked to the North Pole with the help of a 62,000-yuan man-made leg.
After the accident, Mela felt sad for himself. But he didn’t lose hope. One day, he met Kam. Eight years ago, Kam went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year. Mela wanted to see the North Pole, too. So Mela asked Kam if they could go together next time. Kam said yes.
It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole. The last three or four days were really hard because of the bad weather. But Mela kept going.
“I didn’t think we would succeed,” he said. “Then, things got better.”
21.C 22.F 23.A 24.B 25.E
22.根据There are long bones in your legs and arms. At the end of these bones, children have soft spots called “growth plates”. When you exercise, the growth plates become more active, and your bones grow. 和Then, your height stays the same. Girls mature earlier than boys; their growth plates usually close at the age 14 to 15 while boy’s growth plates close later, at around the ages 16 to 17. So exercise regularly before your bones stop growing和选项,可知是你一旦达到一定的年龄,你的生长板就变硬了,起到承上启下的作用;故选F。
23.根据When you sleep, your body produces growth hormones that make you taller. The most growth hormones are made between 10 pm and 2 am while you are sleeping deeply. Therefore, if you stay up watching TV or playing games until 12 or 1 o’clock at night, your hormones can’t do their job properly和选项,可知是早睡觉,起到引起下文作用;故选A。
24.根据When a child becomes overweight, their bones have a hard time supporting their weight和选项,可知是观察体重,起到引起下文作用;故选B。
25.根据When a child becomes overweight, their bones have a hard time supporting their weight. 和 Weak bones can’t grow properly.以及选项,可知是这能伤害到骨头,让它们变弱;起到承上启下的作用;故选E。
26.A 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.A
26.细节理解题。根据短文夜间动物园的特征Over 900 animals of 135 foreign kinds.,可知能看到各种动物,故选A。
27.细节理解题。根据裕廊飞禽公园的票价$ 14 adult,$ 7 child ,Child: Aged from 3 to 12及他们的人数,父母,他,及他的两个妹妹,因为他和一个妹妹超过了12岁,故成人票是14*4,儿童票一张,总计14*4+7=63.故选A。
30.归纳理解题。根据各个景点的开放时间,Jurong Bird Park 9:00a.m.-6:00 p.m.九个小时,Night Safari midnight六个小时,Underwater World 9:00a.m.-9:00pm十二个小时,Butterfly Park 9:00 a.m.—6:30 p.m九个半小时,故选A。
31.A 32.C 33.B
31.细节理解题。根据第二框中Children and pets are welcome。Vacations now and in the school holidays at a country hotel in Devon.可知选A。
32.细节理解题。根据第一框中The Snowdonia Center for young mountain climbers has a climbing lesson.可知选C。
33.细节理解题。根据第三框中You just go to bed in one country and wake up in another on the ship.可知选B。
34.B 35.D 36.C 37.D 38.A
【分析】试题分析:本文介绍了四个备受游客青睐的游览胜地:1.法国的卢浮宫;2.中国的丽江国家公园;3. 瑞士北部的苏黎世;4. 澳大利亚的阿德莱德。
34.细节理解题。根据People visit there not just for the art works, but also enjoy the roof of the building which is like a flying carpet.可知 人们去参观卢浮宫,不仅仅是看艺术品,还可以看到像飞毯一样的屋顶。故选B。
35.细节理解题。根据Lijiang River National Park, China.可知,许多中国的艺术家和诗人都是被桂林的青山绿水和石灰岩洞。故选D。
36.细节理解题。根据Its Street Parade has overtaken London’s Notting Hill Carival.可知,与伦敦的诺丁山艺术家相比较,苏黎世的街道狂欢节更胜一筹。故选C。
37.细节理解题。根据In August, Zurich will host the European Athletic Championships. 可知,2014年八月在苏黎世将举办欧洲田径运动锦标赛。故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据Adelaide wins people’s hearts with great festivals and tasty food. Adelaide Fringe Festival is the largest art festival in Australia. 可知,Betty可以到澳大利亚的Adelaide这个地方去欣赏艺术品和享受世界各地的美食。故选A。
【详解】句意:这件毛衣对他来说太小了不能穿。too…to 太…以至于不能…;very很,不能和that搭配;as像,作为;so…that如此…以至于,后面跟从句。根据句意可知,这里使用的是too+形容词+for sb. to do sth.对于某人来说太…以至于不能…,故应选A。
【点睛】不定冠词有两个,a 和 an。a用在辅音开头的单词前面;an用于以元音开头的单词前。如:a book, an apple。
考查名词所有格。表示两个人的所有格有两种形式:①在最后一个人名后加’s,表示两人共同所有;②在人名后分别加’s,表示两人各自所有。空后mothers 是复数,说明是Jack和 Paul各自的妈妈。故选B。
【详解】句意:即使它是很久以前发生的,我将永远不会忘记那场可怕的事故。only if只要;even though即使,尽管;only when只有当…的时候;ever since自从。根据句意可知,这里表示“即使,尽管”,用even though引导让步状语从句。
【详解】句意:——我将何时上交我们的作业本?——越开越好。The+比较级……;the+比较……,表示越……就越……;the sooner, the better.表示越快越好。根据题意,故选D。
【详解】句意:——你希望哪一支球队赢得2018年世界杯 ——巴西,尽管它只是去年世界杯中第四名的最好团队。good好的,better更好的,the best最好的,best最好的。根据in the last World Cup可知在去年世界杯上,此处是三者以上的球队在比赛,故用最高级,有名词所有格world’s修饰,因此最高级前面不加定冠词the。故选D。
【详解】句意:你怎么样去上班?——我通常会坐公共汽车。本题考查冠词。go to work去上班,work前不用冠词;take a bus乘公共汽车。故答案为B。
【详解】句意:我们以每小时三十英里的速度行驶。“以……速度”的表达是at a speed of...。故答案为A。
考查名词复数。woman teacher 是一个名词短语,意思是女老师。其复数形式是women teachers。根据空前的fifty可知,这里应该用复数形式。故选D。
49.have改为had 50.√ 51.删去of 52.on改为at 53.Mr. Brown 改为 Mr. Brown’s 54.so改为but 55.too改为either 56.在with和smile中间加个a 57.pound改为pounds 58.What 改为How
49.The Browns lived in a town and they have a small bar(酒吧) near a railway station.布朗夫妇住在一个镇上,他们在火车站附近有一个酒吧。根据文章内容可知讲述的是过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,have改为had。
51.The bar didn’t close until midnight every day because of people came to drink while they were waiting for trains.每天酒吧都直到午夜才关门,因为当人们在等火车的时候,他们会来喝酒。because of后加短语,because后加句子,故删去of。
52.At 2:00 one morning, a man was still sitting on the table in the bar.一天凌晨两点,一个男人仍然坐在酒吧的桌子边。在桌边:at the table,固定搭配,故把on改为at。
53.Mr. Brown wife wanted to go to bed.布朗先生的妻子想睡觉。分析句子可知此处表示“布朗先生的妻子”,修饰名词wife用名词所有格,故把Mr. Brown改为Mr. Brown’s。
54.She looked around the bar several times, so the man kept sleeping.她环顾酒吧几次,但是这个人还在睡觉。分析两个句子可知,两者是转折关系,故把so改为but。
55.You have tried to wake that man several times, and he isn’t drinking, too.你已经去叫醒那个人几次,而且他也没有喝酒。too表示“也”一般放在肯定句中,在否定句中表示“也”用either,故把too改为either。
56.He answered with smile.他面带微笑回答。smile此处是一个可数名词,表示泛指,前要加不定冠词,smile是辅音音素开头的单词,用a,故在with和smile中间加个a。
57.Each time I woke him up, he gave me five pound.每一次我去叫醒他,他都会给我五英镑。five后加名词复数,pound改为pounds。
58.What strange it was!真奇怪啊!在感叹句的结构中,修饰形容词时用how引导,放句首,首字母大写,把What改为How。




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