
1.The music ____________ really nice. I want to listen to it again.
A. hears B. sounds C. listens D. watches
2.Tree Planting Day is ________ March 12th every year.
A. at B. in C. to D. on
3.I am so excited _________ going to Xinjiang this May.
A. into B. in C. for D. about
4.I know it's _________ to work out the problem, but I will try _________ on it.
A. hard; hardly B. hardly; hard C. hardly; hardly D. hard; hard
5.—Have you ever been to Shenzhen _________ —Yes. I went there two weeks _________. It is a modern city.
A. yet; before B. just; ago C. yet; ago D. before; before
6.The ice and snow in Harbin are beautiful, so every winter _________ tourists come here.
A. five million of B. millions of C. million of D. five millions
7.It _________ a lot in summer in Beijing. It is often rainy.
A. rain B. rainy C. is raining D. rains
8.—We have lived in this city _________ 1980.—So you have lived here _________ over 30 years.
A. in; for B. for; since C. in; since D. since; for
9.—Tom, why are you playing computer games again —I _________ my homework.
A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. have finished
10.She couldn't help _________ when she heard the bad news.
A. cry B. to cry C. cried D. crying
11.Jason is good at running. He ______ run 100 meters in 11 seconds.
A. must B. should C. need D. can
12.—May I speak to Tom —Sorry, he _________ America. But he _________ in two days.
A. has been to; will come back B. has gone to; will come back
C. has gone to; came back D. has gone to; came back
Romain Rolland once said, "There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life." Cai Lei, a patient with ALS (渐冻症), perfectly 13 this sentence.
Cai Lei was once the vice president of Jingdong Group, with a 14 job and a happy family.
But who would have thought that at the age of 41, he was diagnosed (诊断) with ALS and could only watch his body "frozen" until he could not breathe.
The illness gave him a fatal (致命的) wound but he didn't want to bow to it. He began to think about 15 he could do for the people with ALS in the remaining days.
After much thought, Cai Lei 16 an idea: he wants to produce medicine that is good for the treatment of ALS.
When Cai Lei told others about this idea, everyone thought he was 17 . You know medicine development takes at least 10 years. 18 , the period from diagnosis to death of patients with ALS is no more than 5 years. Allowing patients at the moment to use medicine is impossible.
What's worse, many people in society still misunderstand him. That misunderstanding is like a 19 , burning Cai Lei's heart.
Although he is heartbroken, he never says anything for himself. He devotes himself to the research and development of the 20 . He believes: "Even if we can't use this medicine, we should let our future generations use it."
13.A. explained B. tested C. noticed D. taught
14.A. bad B. poor C. good D. sad
15.A. what B. how C. where D. which
16.A. worried about B. came up with C. made up D. heard of
17.A. excited B. satisfied C. crazy D. brave
18.A. Especially B. Suddenly C. Luckily D. However
19.A. hope B. noise C. lesson D. fire
20.A. ways B. inventions C. medicine D. lives
The Mogao Caves are a very special place in China, which are located in Dunhuang, Gansu Province. The Mogao Caves are thousands of years old and were listed as a world heritage (遗产) site by UNESCO in 1987.
Many people, including archaeologists (考古学家) and researchers, work hard to take care of the Mogao Caves and learn more about them. Fan Jinshi is one of them.
Fan was born in Beijing on July 9,1938. Her father was a graduate of Tsinghua University and had a strong interest in Chinese classical art and culture.
Influenced by her father, Fan liked visiting museums when she was in middle school. With the great love of Chinese culture, she studied in the archaeology department in Peking University and graduated in 1963. Then she started working at Dunhuang and has worked there ever since. She spends almost 60 years taking care of Dunhuang. People call her the "Daughter of Dunhuang".
On May 4, 2023, "Daughter of Dunhuang" Fan Jinshi returned to Peking University and brought back 10 million RMB donations to set up the Fan Jinshi Education Fund (基金) to support the research of Dunhuang studies at Peking University.
"Money made should be spent in the right way. People cannot only think of themselves," she said. "Hopefully the setting of the Fund can help Dunhuang studies at the university, so it can make people know more about Dunhuang and raise cultural confidence of the nation."
21.How long has Fan Jinshi worked at Dunhuang
A. For almost forty years. B. For about eighty years.
C. For almost sixty years. D. For over seventy years.
22.What does the underlined word "them" in Paragraph 2 refer to
A. Archaeologists. B. The Mogao Caves.
C. Researchers. D. World heritage sites.
23.Which is NOT the purpose of setting up Fan Jinshi Education Fund
A. To support the research of Dunhuang at Peking University.
B. To help people not to think of themselves.
C. To make people know more about Dunhuang.
D. To raise cultural confidence of the nation.
Talking to yourself isn't just for humans — it's for robots too. Italian researchers have developed a robot that can speak to itself, which enables users to hear its thought process (过程) and know how the robot makes decisions.
"If you were able to hear what the robots are thinking, the robots might be more trustworthy(可信赖的)," one of the researchers Antonio Chella says. "The robots will be easier to understand for people who aren't engineers. In other words, we can communicate and work with the robots better."
People talk to themselves when looking for clarity and moral (清晰的思维及道德方面的) guidance, and it helps in the decision-making process. The researchers set out to see how this could influence robots, so they developed one called Pepper, and they trained it to set a table. They then gave it the ability to say, in simple English, what it was "thinking" when completing a job.
After studying the robot, the researchers found that Pepper was better at solving dilemmas (进退两难的困境) when talking to itself. One experiment saw a user ask Pepper to break table setting rules by putting a fork in the wrong place, which led to the robot asking itself several self-directed questions. It then decided that the user might be wrong, so it made sure the user didn't give the wrong order before it went on talking to itself: "Emm, this situation is difficult to me. I would never break the rules, but I can't make him unhappy either, so I'm doing what he wants," Pepper said while putting the fork in the wrong place. The user can understand Pepper's thoughts as it uses its inner voice to solve a dilemma, which the researchers say could lead to human-robot trust.
Comparing Pepper's performance with and without inner speech, Chella discovered that the robot worked faster with inner speech, which means when it was talking to itself. "People were very surprised by the robot's ability," Chella says. "The research makes the robot different from other machines because it has the ability to reason, to think. Inner speech could be useful in all the situations where we trust the computer or a robot for evaluation (评价) of a situation."
Although hearing the inner voice of robots enriches the human-robot interaction (互动的), some people might find it inefficient because the robot spends more time completing jobs when it talks to itself. The robot's inner speech is also just the knowledge that researchers gave it. Still, Chella says their research lays the groundwork for more research into how self-dialogue can help robots pay attention, plan and learn.
24.What can we learn from the research
A. Inner speech helps the robot finish tasks better.
B. The research can help people understand robots' actions.
C. The Italian researchers created a new language for robots.
D. The robot helped study people’s decision-making process.
25.What does the underlined word "inefficient" mean
A. Not interesting. B. Not important.
C. Not right. D. Not good.
26.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A. Robots: Learn to Learn B. Robots: Think Out Loud
C. Robots: Make Better Speeches D. Robots: Always Trust Humans
Participation trophies (参与奖) appeared in children's sports competitions about a century ago. They have been used to encourage and reward children for participating in funny and healthy activities. The trophies recognize students' attendance (到场) and effort rather than their ability and the competition results.
Since the 1990s, though, there has been an increasingly strong voice that participation trophies are making the kids "soft". They ruin kids' competitive spirit and make children too lazy to work hard to get things they want. The thinking often goes, "Every kid will think they are winners, so they will always feel that they are born to win, even if they don't deserve (值得) to win."
However, this idea is worthy of much more thinking. Does anyone really think that kids are fooled into thinking their participation trophy is a gold medal Kids are always smarter than that and always more aware of their social surroundings. They know that a participation trophy just says it was good for them to be here having fun. It doesn't say everyone wins the first place.
Kids are learning about their abilities and strengths every day. The idea that participation trophies keep kids from experiencing the "real world" is, in my view, one-sided. Participation trophies recognize that kids' skill sets are wildly different and that we put kids in organized sports at young ages when their skills are still very much in development. Participation trophies celebrate every kid for being a part of the team or the activity, instead of their skill levels.
And different from the idea that participation trophies keep kids from trying hard things, my opinion is the exact opposite. They send a message that there's great value in trying something that you don't love or that you may not succeed in. Encouraging kids to try and fail at things is the key to building their confidence by teaching them that failing is necessary for growth and learning. These trophies are a drop in the bucket (桶) for now, but their effects may be seen after the kids step into the grown-up world. As kids get older, their strengths and interests develop more clearly. At that time, they will join in more competitive activities in their professional fields, and they will know the world of, winning and losing.
Participation trophies are protective of children's mental health, by giving them soft places to land in the rocky journey of childhood. Kids need kindness from the adults in their lives. They need to know that they have inherent (与生俱来的) value and worth no matter what they achieve or produce. This view keeps children's physical and mental well-being front and center right from the start, which couldn't be more important if we are to raise mentally healthy children.
27.According to the passage, the participation trophies have been used to ________.
A. celebrate kids' ability and their competition results
B. educate kids that everyone deserves to be a winner
C. encourage kids to work hard to get things they want
D. reward kids for joining the fun and healthy activities
28.The writer would probably agree that ________.
A. participation trophies recognize that kids are born with value
B. kids having participation trophies believe that they are winners
C. kids having participation trophies will become mentally healthy
D. participation trophies stop kids from experiencing the real world
29.What's the passage mainly talking about
A. The power of participation trophies.
B. The pressure of participation trophies.
C. The enjoyment of participation trophies.
D. The development of participation trophies.
Here are some picture books.
A Room for Everyone Writer: Naaz Khan More and more people get on the bus on the way to the pretty beach. It seems there can't be room, but after some moving around and fun, they make enough room for everyone. This is a book you will be happy to read again and again because it is full of happiness and energy. B Gladys the Magic Chicken Writer: Adam Rubin It can help you share a big laugh with your family. Set in ancient times, the story centers around a chicken named Gladys. With 48 pages, this book is longer than usual picture books, and that makes it look more special and amazing.
C A Boy Named Isamu Writer: James Yang The writer tells the story in the second person and it seems the book is talking to you. You can join the main character in an adventure and use your imagination to explore being alone and being creative. This book might help everyone understand how one might be "alone but not lonely". D The Very Hungry Caterpillar Writer: Eric Carle Join in a colorful adventure with a hungry caterpillar as it munches through different foods. With bright pictures and clever pages, this story teaches counting, days of the week, and the butterflies life cycle. Eric Carle's timeless story has attracted children for generations, making it a must-read for every little one.
Match each one with the choices (A—D). There is one you do not need.
Jack 1
I am interested in insects. I want to learn about the life of butterflies through a picture book.
Amy 2
I want to read a picture book which is written in the second person and full of imagination.
Kevin 3
I want to read an interesting picture book with an animal as the main character. And I hope it's longer than usual picture books.
30.A. A B. B C. C D. D
31.A. A B. B C. C D. D
32.A. A B. B C. C D. D
33.Traditional Chinese toys are part of the traditional Chinese culture. They make the folk games and sports activities of China rich and colorful. Here is a traditional Chinese toy many children like to play — Chinese shuttlecocks (jianzi).
Shuttlecocks kicking has a history of more than 2,000 years in China. Since the Han Dynasty, people have been playing shuttlecock kicking. Even now, shuttlecock kicking is still one of the most popular outdoor activities, not only with the children, but also with the old. Shuttlecock kicking can be played by one or a circle of people. Five or six persons may form a small circle, kicking a shuttlecock. There are also people who like playing alone. Even when you play by yourself, you can often attract other people and make them want to come around and watch you play.
Making a shuttlecock is quite easy. You just need to find two or three coins with holes, put several feathers in the hole, and then sew down the feathers to the coin with clothes strips. The rule of shuttlecock kicking is also simple: keeping the shuttlecock in the air by using any part of your body except your hands.
(1) How long have Chinese people been playing shuttlecock
(2) Whom is shuttlecock kicking popular with
(3) What is the rule of shuttlecock kicking
(4) What do you think of shuttlecock kicking Why do you think so
34.我妈妈上周感冒了。(catch a cold)
35.你去过北京动物园吗?(Beijing Zoo)
36.我来到这个学校两年了。(about 2 years)
38.友谊在我们的成长中至关重要,我们每个人都需要朋友。假如你是李华,请你写一篇英文演讲稿,内容包括:你的朋友是什么样的人,你们如何成为好朋友的,以及从他/她身上学到了什么。不少于50 词。
提示词语:nice, kind, help, share, care
提示问题:· What is your best friend like
· How did you become friends
· What have you learnt from him/her
My best friend
Good morning, everyone! I'm Li Hua.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【解析】句意:这首音乐真好听。我想再听一遍。hears听见;sounds听起来,连系动词,后接形容词作表语;listens听;watches看。根据“The music”和“really nice”可知,音乐好听,应用系动词sounds,故选B。
【解析】句意:植树节在每年的3月12日。at用于具体的时间点前;in用于年代,月份前;to到;on用于具体的某一天前。根据“March 12th”可知,3月12日是具体的某一天,所以时间介词用on。故选D。
【解析】句意:我对于今年五月去新疆感到非常兴奋。into进入;in在……里;for为了;about有关。be excited about“对……感到兴奋”,故选D。
【解析】句意:——你曾经去过深圳吗?——是的。我两周前去那里了。它是一个现代城市。yet还,用于否定句和疑问句;just只是;before在以前;ago以前,常用于一段时间之后。根据“Have you ever been to Shenzhen ”可知,是疑问句,第一空用yet。根据“I went there”可知,时态是一般过去时,ago符合句意,故选C。
【解析】句意:北京夏天雨很多,经常下雨。根据“It ... a lot in summer in Beijing.”可知,此处是描述客观事实,时态用一般现在时,主语It是第三人称单数,谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式。故选D。
【解析】句意:——自从1980年以来,我们一直住在这个城市。——所以你们已经在这里生活了30多年了。根据“We have lived in this city”可知,此处是现在完成时,结合“1980”可知,此处应用时间介词since;根据“So you have lived here”和“over 30 years”可知,此处应用时间介词for。故选D。
【解析】句意:——汤姆,你怎么又在玩电脑游戏?——我已经做完作业了。根据“Tom, why are you playing computer games again ”可知,此处指“已经完成家庭作业了”,应用现在完成时,表示过去已完成的动作对现在产生的影响。故选D。
【解析】句意:她听到这个坏消息时忍不住哭了起来。can't help doing sth.“情不自禁做某事”,固定搭配。故选D。
【解析】句意:杰森擅长跑步。他能在11秒内跑完100米。考查情态动词。must必须;should应该;need需要;can可以。根据"He...run 100 meters in 11 seconds."可知,此处强调能力,故选D。
【解析】句意:——我可以跟汤姆说话吗?——抱歉,他去了美国。但他在两天之后回来。has been to去过某地(已回来);has gone to去了某地(未回来)。根据“Sorry”可知,他去了美国还没回来,故第一空应填has gone to,排除A选项。根据“in two days”可知,此处应用一般将来时will do的结构,故选B。
句意:渐冻症患者蔡磊完美地解释了这句话。explained解释;tested测试;noticed注意;taught教。根据“‘There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.’”及全文可知,蔡磊对抗渐冻症这件事是对“世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是在认识到生活的真谛之后仍然热爱生活”这句话的完美解释。故选A。
句意:蔡磊曾经是京东集团的副总裁,有一份好工作,有一个幸福的家庭。 bad坏的;poor贫穷的;good好的;sad伤心的。根据“Cai Lei was once the vice president of Jingdong Group”可知,此处表示蔡磊有一份好工作,故选C。
句意:他开始考虑在接下来的日子里能为渐冻症患者做些什么。what什么;how如何;where在哪里;which哪一个。根据“think about...he could do”可知,此处表示考虑他能做什么。故选A。
句意:经过深思熟虑,蔡磊想出了一个主意:他想生产出对治疗渐冻症有益的药物。worried about担心;came up with想出来;made up编造;heard of听说。根据“...an idea”可知,此处表示想出了一个主意。故选B。
句意:当蔡磊把这个想法告诉别人时,大家都认为他疯了。excited兴奋的;satisfied满意的;crazy疯狂的;brave勇敢的。根据“You know, medicine development takes at least 10 years...the period from diagnosis to death of patients with ALS is no more than 5 years.”可知,药物的研发至少10年,而渐冻症患者从诊断到死亡的时间不超过5年,但是蔡磊却想用他有限的生命来研发药物,所以此处大家应觉得他这个想法很疯狂。故选C。
句意:然而,渐冻症患者从诊断到死亡的时间不超过 5年。Especially尤其;Suddenly突然;Luckily幸运地;However然而。根据“You know, medicine development takes at least 10 years...the period from diagnosis to death of patients with ALS is no more than 5 years.”可知,前后为为转折关系。故选D。
句意:每个人的误会都像一团火在烧蔡磊的心。hope希望;noise噪音;lesson课程;fire火。根据“...burning Cai Lei's heart”可知,此处表示像一团火在烧他的心。故选D。
句意:他致力于药物的研究和开发。ways方法;inventions发明;medicine药物;lives生命。根据“he wants to produce medicine”以及“...the research and development of...”可知,此处表示药物的研究和开发。故选C。
根据第四段“Then she started working at Dunhuang and has worked there ever since. She spends almost 60 years taking care of Dunhuang.”可知,她在敦煌工作了60多年。故选C。
根据第二段“Many people, including archaeologists (考古学家) and researchers, work hard to take care of the Mogao Caves and learn more about them.”可知,包括考古学家和研究人员在内的许多人都在努力保护莫高窟,并对它们有更多的了解;them代指的是前面提到的“the Mogao Caves”。故选B。
根据第五段内容和最后一段“'Hopefully the setting of the Fund can help Dunhuang studies at the university, so it can make people know more about Dunhuang and raise cultural confidence of the nation.'”可知,设立基金是为了支持北京大学敦煌研究,让人们更多地了解敦煌,提高民族的文化自信。故选B。
根据第二段“'The robots will be easier to understand for people who aren't engineers. In other words, we can communicate and work with the robots better.'”可知,这项研究可以帮助人们理解机器人的动作。故选B。
根据“because the robot spends more time completing jobs when it talks to itself”可知,机器人在自言自语时,会花费更多的时间来完成工作,因此效率低下,故划线单词表示“效率低下”,与not good近义。故选D。
根据第一段“Talking to yourself isn't just for humans—it's for robots too.”及“Italian researchers have developed a robot that can speak to itself, which enables users to hear its thought process and know how the robot make decisions.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了意大利研究人员设计了一种能自言自语的机器人,这使得用户能够听清它的思维过程及知道它是如何做决定的,因此B选项“机器人:大声思考”为最佳标题。故选B。
根据“Participation trophies appeared in children's sports competitions about a century ago. They have been used to encourage and reward children for participating in funny and healthy activities.”可知,参与奖用来奖励参加有趣和健康活动的孩子。故选D。
根据最后一段“Participation trophies are protective of children's mental health, by giving them soft places to land in the rocky journey of childhood...This view keeps children's physical and mental well-being front and center right from the start, which couldn't be more important if we are to raise mentally healthy children.”可知,作者可能同意获得参与奖的孩子将变得心理健康。故选C。
根据最后一段“This view keeps children's physical and mental well-being front and center right from the start, which couldn't be more important if we are to raise mentally healthy children.”以及全文信息可知,参与奖可以保护孩子们的心理健康,因此本文主要介绍了参与奖对儿童的影响力。故选A。
根据“I am interested in insects. I want to learn about the life of butterflies through a picture book.”可知,Jack对昆虫感兴趣,想通过一本图画书了解蝴蝶的生活。选项D“The Very Hungry Caterpillar”中With bright pictures and clever pages, this story teaches counting, days of the week, and the butterflies life cycle.(有着鲜艳的图片和巧妙的页面,这个故事教授计数、一周的日子以及蝴蝶的生命周期。)与之匹配,故选D。
根据“I want to read a picture book which is written in the second person and full of imagination.”可知,Amy想读一本用第二人称写的充满想象力的图画书。选项C“A Boy Named Isamu”中The writer tells the story in the second person and it seems the book is talking to you.(作者以第二人称来讲述这个故事,感觉这本书像是在和你说话。)与之匹配,故选C。
根据“I want to read an interesting picture book with an animal as the main character. And I hope it's longer than usual picture books.”可知,Kevin想读一本以动物为主角的有趣的图画书。选项B“Gladys the Magic Chicken”中Set in ancient times, the story centers around a chicken named Gladys.(以古代为背景,这个故事围绕一只名叫格拉迪斯的鸡展开。)与之匹配,故选B。
More than 2,000 years.
Children and old people.
The rule of shuttlecock kicking is keeping the shuttlecock in the air by using any part of your body except your hands.
I think kicking shuttlecock is very good, because it can enhance physical fitness.
根据第二段“Shuttlecocks kicking has a history of more than 2,000 years in China.”可知,中国人踢毽子有2000多年了。故填More than 2,000 years.。
根据第二段“Even now, shuttlecock kicking is still one of the most popular outdoor activities, not only with the children, but also with the old.”可知,孩子和老人喜欢踢毽子。故填Children and old people.。
根据最后一段“The rule of shuttlecock kicking is also simple: keeping the shuttlecock in the air by using any part of your body except your hands.”可知,踢毽子的规则是:除了手之外,用身体的任何部位将毽子保持在空中。故填The rule of shuttlecock kicking is keeping the shuttlecock in the air by using any part of your body except your hands.。
开放题,言之有理即可。我认为踢毽子很好,因为它可以增强体质。故填I think kicking shuttlecock is very good, because it can enhance physical fitness.。
34.【答案】My mother caught a cold last week.
【解析】my mother我的妈妈;catch a cold感冒;last week上周;根据句意可知句子时态是一般过去时,catch的过去式是caught。故填My mother caught a cold last week.。
35.【答案】Have you been to Beijing Zoo
【解析】根据中文提示可知,句子是一般疑问句,时态是现在完成时,去过:have been to;北京动物园:Beijing Zoo。一般疑问句把have放在句首,首字母大写,主语是you,故填Have you been to Beijing Zoo 。
36.【答案】I have been at this school for about two years.
【解析】根据中文提示可知,本题为肯定句,且时态为现在完成时。I作主语;在这个学校:be at this school;两年:for about two years。故填 I have been at this school for about two years.。
37.【答案】I find it difficult to insist on exercising.
【解析】根据中文提示可知,本句为肯定句,时态为一般现在时。可用固定句型“主语+find+it+adj.+to do sth.”表示“某人发现做某事……”。I“我”;difficult“困难的”;insist on exercising“坚持运动”。故填I find it difficult to insist on exercising.。
38.【答案】My best friend
Good morning, everyone! I'm Li Hua. Everyone needs friends. So do I. And I think a good friend plays a very important role in my growth.
My best friend is Linda, a tall slim girl with long black hair and big eyes. She always wears a smile on her face. ①I remember the first day when I came to the new school, I felt very nervous. At that moment, Linda came up to me and said "Hi." Then she introduced each teacher to me and shared some interesting stories in our class. It made me feel warm and relieved. Since then, we have been best friends.
②She has shown me how to be a kind and helpful person who brings care and love to others.
本文是一篇命题作文,围绕主题“My best friend(我最好的朋友)”展开写作,谈谈你的朋友是什么样的人,你们如何成为好朋友的,以及从他/她身上学到了什么。人称以第三人称为主,时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。结合提示问题进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
①play a very important role扮演重要角色
②come up to接近
①I remember the first day when I came to the new school, I felt very nervous. (when引导的定语从句)
②She has shown me how to be a kind and helpful person who brings care and love to others. (how引导的宾语从句;who引导的定语从句)



