Unit 6 Outdoor fun 语法填空练习(含解析)

Unit 6 Outdoor fun
(22-23七年级下·江苏苏州·期中)On a hot day of summer, an ant was searching 1 some water. After walking around for some time,she came near the river. To drink the water, she climbed up on 2 small rock. When she 3 (try) to drink water, she slipped (滑倒) and into the river.
There was a dove (鸽子) 4 (sit) on a branch of a tree, who saw the ant falling into the river. The dove 5 (quick) picked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto 6 . Soon, the leaf drifted (漂浮) to dry ground, and the ant jumped out. She looked up to the tree 7 thanked the dove.
Later the same day, a bird catcher nearby wanted to throw his net (网) over the dove, hoping to catch it. Theant saw him and guessed what he was going to do. But he dove was resting and he had no 8 (idea) about the bird catcher. The ant quickly bit (咬) 9 (he) on the foot. Feeling the pain, the bird catcher dropped his net and shouted. The dove noticed it and quickly 10 (fly) away.
The lesson the story gives us is: If you do good, good will come to you.
Long long ago, there was a swan (天鹅) with golden feathers. She lived in a lake. A woman lived in a small house by the lake with her two daughters. They were very poor. They worked hard all year round, but still, they lived a hard life and sometimes they even didn’t have enough money 11 (buy) food.
The swan was sad to see that. She said to 12 (she), “I’ll give one of my 13 (feather) to them each day, then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.” That evening, she flew to the poor woman’s house and left a golden feather on the table without 14 (say) anything. From then on, the swan came every day and 15 (give) them a feather. The woman was very happy because their life was much better than before.
But day after day, the woman became greedy (贪婪). She said to her daughters, “The swan may 16 (fly) away one day. If they fly away, we 17 (become) poor again. We should take all her feathers when she comes next time.”
“Oh, no, Mom!” cried the daughters, “This will hurt the swan. She helps us a lot.” But the mother wouldn’t listen. When the swan came as usual, the mother caught her and took all her feathers. But 18 (sudden), the golden feathers changed into chicken feathers.
Then, the Golden Swan said, “Poor Mother, I wanted to help you 19 (live) a happy life, but you wanted to kill me. Now I am leaving and will never come back. Please 20 (not be) greedy!” With these words, the swan flew away.
An elephant went into a new forest. She hoped to make some 21 (friend). She met a cat and asked, “Hello, cat! Will you be my friend ” But 22 cat said, “You are too big to be my friend.”
The elephant asked a rabbit to be 23 (she) friend. The rabbit refused(拒绝), “You are 24 big that you can’t stay in my house.” The elephant asked a monkey the same question. This monkey said, “Sorry, you are too heavy to jump high 25 me.” The elephant was really sad. This was the 26 (three) time they said no.
Then one day, she saw all the animals 27 (run) out of the forest. She asked a giraffe why they were running. The giraffe said, “The lion 28 (look) for food. Run!”
“Please don’t 29 (eat) these animals!” The elephant asked. But the lion laughed(嘲笑) and didn’t listen. The elephant got angry. She pushed(推) and scared the lion away. All the other animals 30 (slow) came out and cheered(欢呼), “You are just the right size to be our friend!”
Once upon a time, there was a lovely garden. There 31 (be) a tree with many leaves and some 32 (vegetable) in the garden. Both the vegetables and the tree made the garden beautiful. The gardener was very 33 (happily) with it. But the tree and vegetables didn’t like each other. The vegetables didn’t like 34 tree’s shadow (阴影). The tree thought the vegetables drank all the water.
One day, the vegetables decided to use all the water in the ground to dry the tree. Then the tree answered back 35 not giving the vegetables shadow. The gardener was sad and stopped 36 (give) them water. When he did that, both the tree and vegetables were really thirsty. They had no good ways to live longer, 37 one of the smallest vegetables wanted to solve (解决) the problem. He did his best to grow, grow, grow...
He 38 (grow) so big that the gardener began to take good care of them. He provided 39 (they) with water again. Then the vegetables and the tree grew strong again. They knew it was better to help each other than to fight. They worked together 40 (make) the garden beautiful again.
From Kitty
Sent Monday, June 26, 2023
To Millie
Subject My vacation in Hong Kong
Hi, Millie! I’m in Hong Kong. My parents and I 41 (arrive) here yesterday. And we’re going to stay here for five days.
Today we went to Disneyland. We got there 42 subway. At Disneyland, there were lots of 43 (interest) games to play. So we would like 44 (play) as many games as we could.
In the morning, we had fun on Space Mountain. There were lots of 45 (visit) in the park, so we had to spend more than an hour 46 (stand) in line. At 12:00 we had lunch in a restaurant. The food was delicious, but it was 47 (real) expensive. At 4:00, we did some shopping. I bought 48 gift for you. I’m sure you’ll like it. In the evening, we watched the fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. The fireworks were so beautiful 49 we took a lot of photos. We were tired but very happy. 50 wonderful the day was!
(21-22七年级下·山东淄博·期末)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
Do you like New Year’s Day It is one of the most important 51 (tradition) holidays in the US. This morning I got an 52 (interest) invitation from my school. Here is what it says:
Hi friends,
Would you like 53 (join) us in celebrating the holiday We plan to have a great party this weekend. It is 54 funny New Year’s Day sweater party!
To join in the party, you should 55 (wear) your funniest New Year’s Day sweater.
We will be served delicious food and drinks, but you can also bring your favorite food, such as some special cheese or a bottle of yogurt you made 56 (you). We will eat, play and dance. And 57 (final), we will choose the funniest New Year’s Day sweater at the party. So will you come
58 shall I answer Of course I’d love to! I’ll be ready to go to the party, and I’m sure I will make everyone 59 (surprise), because I believe I have the funniest New Year’s Day sweater 60 the world.
(2024七年级下·福建·专题练习)What do students often do on the weekend The answers are different. Some students go out for a camp. Some go travelling with 61 (they) friends. Others like 62 (stay) at home.
Lucy and Lily have a lot of things to do on weekends. They 63 (usual) finish their homework every Friday afternoon or evening. On Saturday mornings, Lucy has to run. She is in 64 school running team. After two hours’ practice, she feels tired. But she also feels happy because she can beat others in the team. Lily often spends one and a half hours playing the piano on Saturday mornings. She 65 (start) to play it at the age of five. She 66 (hope) to be a famous musician in the future.
Every Saturday afternoon, Lily and Lucy go to either of the two 67 (beach) near their house with their parents. There they swim 68 play games. On Sundays they often go cycling or climb mountains to enjoy the fresh air and keep 69 (health). After they get back home in the evening, they prepare school things 70 the next day. They always enjoy themselves on weekends.
Last Sunday, Tony 71 (get) up at eight o’clock and then 72 (have) his breakfast. His mother cooked his favorite food — chicken noodles for him. After breakfast, Tony began 73 (do) his homework. He didn’t have too much homework, because teachers 74 (want) them 75 (have) a good rest (休息) during weekends.
At thirty past nine, Tony read his favorite book Harry Potter (《哈利·波特》). It 76 (be) really a great book. After that, he 77 (listen) to songs. At eleven, he 78 (go) to his friend Mike’s party. They were very happy because they 79 (eat) their favorite food.
Lunch was over at about one thirty in the afternoon. Then they all went 80 (see) a new movie.
This was Tony’s Sunday. He really had a good time.
(22-23七年级下·湖南娄底·期中)Today is Sunday. Tony takes his bag and 81 (leave) home early. And he walks to the bus station. 82 does he want to go Tony’s grandparents live in a small village. Tony wants to go there to see 83 (they). Tony’s parents are busy, so they can’t go 84 him. 85 he is not afraid. His grandmother will meet him at the bus station.
The village is 18 86 (kilometer) away from Tony’s home. It takes him about one hour 87 (get) there by bus. It isn’t boring on the bus. Tony takes his mobile phone (手机) with him and he can play games and listen to music.
At last, the bus gets to the bus station. Tony takes his bag and gets off the bus. There 88 (be) many people at the bus station, but Tony sees his grandmother 89 (quick). He is very happy and runs to her. Tony thinks he can 90 (have) a good time in the village.
1.for 2.a 3.tried 4.sitting 5.quickly 6.it 7.and 8.idea 9.him 10.flew
1.句意:在一个炎热的夏天,一只蚂蚁正在找水。由句中“On a hot day of summer”和“some water”可知,此句是说蚂蚁正在找水。search for“搜寻”,为固定短语,故填for。
4.句意:有一只鸽子坐在树枝上,它看到蚂蚁掉进了河里。“There be doing sth.”意为“有……正在做某事”,故填sitting。
6.句意:蚂蚁向树叶移动,爬到了它的上面。此处应用代词it指代前面提到的单数可数名词“the leaf”,故填it。
7.句意:她抬头望着树,感谢鸽子。句中“looked up”和“thanked”为并列谓语,应用并列连词and表示顺承关系,故填and。
8.句意:但是鸽子正在休息,他不知道捕鸟器的事。idea“想法,主意”,have no idea about “对……一无所知”,故填idea。
11.to buy 12.herself 13.feathers 14.saying 15.gave 16.fly 17.will become 18.suddenly 19.live/to live 20.don’t be
11.句意:有时他们甚至没有足够的钱去购买食物。名词后不定式作后置定语。don’t have enough money to do sth. “没有足够的钱做某事”。故填to buy。
12.句意:她自言自语。say to oneself为固定搭配,意为“自言自语”。故填herself。
13.句意:我每天给他们一支羽毛。feather是可数名词,one of…“……之一”,后面的名词用复数。故填feathers。
15.句意:从那时起天鹅每天都来给他们留下一支羽毛。and 连接两个并列句,前后用相同时态,前句使用一般过去时,后面也用一般过去时,动词使用过去式。故填gave。
17.句意:如果它们飞走了,我们就会再次变穷。引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时(will do),从句用一般现在时。故填will become。
19.句意:可怜的母亲,我想帮你过上一种幸福的生活,但是你想杀了我。help sb. (to) do sth.“帮助某人做某事”。故填live/to live。
20.句意:请不要贪婪。否定祈使句的构成:Please+don’t+动词原形。故填don’t be。
21.friends 22.the 23.her 24.so 25.like 26.third 27.running 28.is looking 29.eat 30.slowly
24.句意:兔子拒绝了:“你这么大,不能住在我的房子里。”根据“ big that you can’t stay in my house”可知,修饰形容词big用so…that引导结果状语从句。故填so。
25.句意:这只猴子说:“对不起,你太重了,不能像我跳得那么高。”根据“you are too heavy to jump high … me”可知,太重了而不能像我一样跳得那么高,like“像”。故填like。
26.句意:这是他们第三次说不。根据空格前面的定冠词the可知,此处需要填序数词表示顺序,the third time“第三次”。故填third。
27.句意:然后有一天,她看到所有的动物都从森林里跑了出来。根据“she saw all the animals…out of the forest.”可知,她看到所有动物正从森林里跑出来,see sb. doing sth.“看见某人做某事”,强调看见动作正在发生,因此需要填入现在分词。故填running。
28.句意:狮子在找食物。根据“The lion… for food. Run”可知,狮子正在寻找食物,所以长颈鹿让大象赶紧跑,用现在进行时be doing的结构,主语是单数形式,助动词用is。故填is looking。
30.句意:所有其他的动物慢慢地都出来欢呼道。此空修饰动词短语came out,应填入一个副词,slowly“慢慢地”符合。故填slowly。
31.was 32.vegetables 33.happy 34.the 35.by 36.giving 37.but 38.grew 39.them 40.to make
31.句意:花园里有一棵长着许多叶子和一些蔬菜的树。此处是There be句型,时态是一般过去时,主语是“a tree”,故填was。
32.句意:花园里有一棵长着许多叶子和一些蔬菜的树。 some修饰可数名词复数,故填vegetables。
33.句意:园丁对此非常高兴。此处在句中作表语,用形容词happy,be happy with“对……高兴/满意”,故填happy。
35.句意:然后树以不给蔬菜阴影作为回应。根据“Then the tree answered back...not giving the vegetables shadow.”可知,通过不给蔬菜阴影作为回应,by“通过”符合语境,故填by。
36.句意:园丁很伤心,不再给它们浇水了。根据“The gardener was sad and stopped...them water”可知,园丁不给它们浇水了,stop doing sth“停止做某事”,故填giving。
37.句意:它们没有活得更久的好方法,但一种最小的蔬菜想要解决这个问题。分析“They had no good ways to live longer, ...one of the smallest vegetables wanted to solve (解决) the problem.”可知,前后构成转折关系,用but连接,故填but。
40.句意:它们一起努力使花园再次美丽起来。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填to make。
41.arrived 42.by 43.interesting 44.to play 45.visitors 46.standing 47.really 48.a 49.that 50.How
44.句意:因此,我们想尽可能多地玩游戏。would like to do sth.“想要做某事”,是固定搭配,空格处应用动词不定式to play。故填to play。
45.句意:公园里有许多游客,所以我们不得不花一个多小时排队。根据“so we had to spend more than an hour…(stand) in line”可知需要排很久的队,说明有很多游客,空格处应用visit的名词复数visitors“游客”。故填visitors。
46.句意:公园里有许多游客,所以我们不得不花一个多小时排队。spend time (in) doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,是固定表达,空格处应用stand的动名词形式standing。故填standing。
47.句意:食物很美味,但是真的贵。根据“it was…(real) expensive”可知空格处缺少副词修饰形容词,应用real的副词形式really“真的”。故填really。
48.句意:我给你买了一个礼物。根据“gift for you”可知是买了一个礼物,表泛指,gift以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a。故填a。
50.句意:多么美妙的一天!根据“…wonderful the day was!”可知原句是感叹句,中心词是形容词,应用how来引导,句首字母要大写。故填How。
51.traditional 52.interesting 53.to join 54.a 55.wear 56.yourself 57.finally 58.What 59.surprised 60.in
53.句意:你想和我们一起庆祝这个节日吗?would like to do sth“想做某事”,此空应填动词不定式,故填to join。
56.句意:比如一些特殊的奶酪或你自己做的一瓶酸奶。根据“such as some special cheese or a bottle of yogurt you made ”可知,由你自己做的酸奶,yourself“你自己”,故填yourself。
58.句意:我怎么回答呢?根据“shall I answer Of course I’d love to”可知,询问应该回答什么,故填What。
59.句意:我相信我会让每个人都感到惊讶的。make sb+形容词,表示“使某人……”,修饰人用以ed为结尾的形容词,故填surprised。
60.句意:因为我有世界上最有趣的新年毛衣。in the world“在世界上”,固定搭配,故填in。
61.their 62.staying 63.usually 64.the 65.started 66.hopes 67.beaches 68.and 69.healthy 70.for
62.句意:其他人喜欢待在家里。like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填staying。
65.句意:她五岁时就开始打网球了。根据“at the age of five”可知用一般过去时,start的过去式started。故填started。
69.句意:星期天他们经常骑自行车或爬山去呼吸新鲜空气,保持健康。keep healthy“保持健康”。故填healthy。
70.句意:晚上回到家后,他们准备第二天的学习用品。prepare sth. for ...“为……准备某物”。故填for。
71.got 72.had 73.to do 74.wanted 75.to have 76.was/is 77.listened 78.went 79.ate 80.to see
71.句意:上周日,托尼八点钟起床,然后吃早饭。根据“Last Sunday”可知用一般过去时,get的过去式为got。故填got。
72.句意:上周日,托尼八点钟起床,然后吃早饭。根据“Last Sunday”可知用一般过去时,have的过去式为had。故填had。
73.句意:早餐后,托尼开始做作业。begin to do sth.“开始做某事”。故填to do。
75.句意:他没有太多的作业,因为老师希望他们在周末好好休息。want sb. to do sth.“想要某人做某事”。故填to have。
77.句意:之后,他听歌。根据“After that”可知用一般过去时,listen的过去式为listened。故填listened。
78.句意:十一点,他去参加他的朋友迈克的聚会。根据“At eleven”及“were”可知用一般过去时,go的过去式为went。故填went。
80.句意:然后他们都去看了一部新电影。go to see a new movie“去看一部新电影”。故填to see。
81.leaves 82.Where 83.them 84.with 85.But 86.kilometers 87.to get 88.are 89.quickly 90.have
82.句意:他想去哪里?根据“Tony’s grandparents live in a small village”可知此处询问他要去哪里,where“哪里”。故填Where。
85.句意: 但他并不害怕。此处和前文是转折关系,用but连接。故填But。
87.句意:他坐公共汽车到那里大约需要一个小时。此处是结构it takes sb. time to do sth.“做某事花费某人多长时间”。故填to get。
88.句意:汽车站有很多人,但托尼很快就看见了他的祖母。本文时态为一般现在时,主语是many people,be动词用are。故填are。



上一篇:2024年陕西省西安市铁一中学中考七模物理试题( 无答案)
