Unit2 Let’s make a fruit salad 知识点梳理(无答案)

U2 Let’s make a fruit salad知识点梳理
1.一般说来,some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句。
She wants some chalk.
She doesn't want any chalk.
Do you have any milk
2.some 有时也可以用在疑问句或条件句中,表示请求、建议,并期望得到对方的肯定回答。它也可以用于反问句中,例如:
Would you like some more tea 你要再来点茶吗?
Could I have some milk, please 请给我一些牛奶好吗?
some 用于肯定句, 否定和疑问用any;
若表请求和邀请, 疑问句中要用some;
如表“任何”接单数, 肯定句也要用any。
1. Do you have ________ __________ Yes, I do.
some pineapples B. some pineapple C. any pineapple D. any pineapples
2. Do you have _______ ________ No, I don’t.
A. an grape B. some grapes C. an orange D. oranges
3. Do you have ______ apples Yes, I do.
A. some B. any C. an
4. I don't have______ books in my schoolbag.
A. a B. any C. some
5. Do you have ______ pencils? --Yes,I do. I have two______. .
A. a;pencils B. any;pencil C. any;pencils
6. Do you have _______ mangoes for our fruit salad, Mum
No, we don’t. But we have ________ bananas and grapes.
some ; any B. any; some C. some; some
7. Do you have ________ (some) bananas
8. Look at the ________ (panda). ----They’re cute.
9. The boys don’t have ________ (some) toy cars.
知识点二:I have…句型重难点
“I have a/an/some…”意为“我有一个/一些….”。a/an后接可数名词的单数形式,some后可接可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词。
I have a sister. 我有一个妹妹。
We have some pears. 我们有一些梨。
I have a/an+可数名词的单数 .
1. I have ________ orange jacket and my hat is ______ orange too.
A. a; an B. an; / C. an; an
I have some __________ (mango).
知识点三:Do you have… 句型重难点
“Do you have a/an/any… ”,意为“你有一个/一些……吗 ”。any后可接可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词。其肯定回答为“Yes, I do.否定回答No, I don’t.”
Do you have any bananas, Yang Ling 你有一些香蕉吗,杨玲?
Wang Bing,do you have a banana 王兵,你有一根香蕉吗?
Do you have a/an+可数名词的单数 ?
Yes , I do .
No , I don’t .
1. Do you have ________ (some) bananas
No, I______ (do) have _____ (some) bananas. But I have _____ (a) big apple.
2. Do you have _______ toy animals
A .some B. any C a D an
3._______you like a big pineapple? Yes,please.
A Do B Are C Would D.Is
3.___________you _______an toy elephant Yes,I do.
A Do have B Do like C Would like D Are have
知识点四: Here you are的用法复习点
“Here you are.”是把某物递给对方时的一种常用语,表示这就是对方所想要的东西,意为“给你”。其答句为“Thank you./Thanks./Thanks a lot.”
——May I have an apple, Mum 我可以吃个苹果吗,妈妈?
——Sure. Here you are. 当然。给你。
1.“Let’s=Let us” 意为“咱们”,后接动词原形。“Let’s…”是建议对方一起做某事的句型,意为“咱们……”。其答句为“OK/All right./Good idea.”等。
2. Let 是动词,后接人称代词要用宾格形式。
—— Let’s clean the window. 咱们擦窗户吧。
——OK/All right. 好的。
1. Let’s make a birthday cake. ________
A. No, please. B. Great! C. Yes, I do.
2. 1. Let's _________ a banana pie.
A. make B. makes C. to make
3. ________open the door.
A. Let B. Let we C. Let us
4. Let_______ (we) go and enjoy the party.
5. Let________ (they) read books in the library.
知识点六:“how many和how much”的区别重难点
how many与how much都有“多少”的意思。how many后可接可数名词的复数形式,how much后可接不可数名词。
针对数字提问,如果是可数名词用“How many ”;如果是不可数名词用“How much...”。
How many apples do you have 你有多少个苹果?
1. How many _________ do you have
A. mango B. mangoes C. some mango D. a mango
2. _________many mangoes do you have
A. What B. How C. Where
3. How many _____________ (box) do you have
4. I have three hamburgers.(对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ hamburgers do you _________
Come with me. 跟我一起来吧。
I have no money with me. 我没有带钱。
She wrote the letter with a pencil. 她用铅笔写那封信
1. Come and have a hot cake_________ a cherry.
A. in B. have C. with
2. Have a hot cake_________ some cherries.
That’s great!
A. but B. and C. with
How many_________ (grape) do you_________ (have)
2. Do you have any ________ (robot )
3. ________ pies do you have
We have three.
A. What B. How many C. What about
4. How many ________ do you have I have five.
A mangos B monkey C grapes D cake
2. I have a ________ .
A. orange B. apple C. mango
3. How many _________ do you have
A. book B. books C. banana
4. Do you have _________ pineapples
A. any B. some C. a
5. Here you are. ____________
No, thanks. B. Thanks. C. Yes, please.
_________ make a card.
A. Look at B. Let’s C. Listen to
Do you have _________apples
No, I don’t.
A. many B. some C. any
Would you like _________ pears
Yes, I like pears.
A. a B. this C. any D. some



