
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman need to hire
A. A computer repair specialist.
B. A web developer.
C. A sales manager.
2. What would the woman prefer in her tea
A. Honey. B. Sugar. C. Milk.
3. What is the woman’s best subject
A. Art. B. Science. C. Math.
4. What did the man do yesterday
A. He went to the zoo.
B. He watched TV.
C. He adopted a pet.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Mother and son.
6. What does the woman primarily use the device for
A. Reading books. B. Watching films. C. Writing articles.
7. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The wide usage of electronic products.
B. A book with a meaningful topic.
C. Ways to form new habits.
8. What is the woman’s nationality
A. Australian. B. British. C. American.
9. How did the man learn about the woman’s home country
A. From travel. B. From videos. C. From relatives.
10. Why do most people in the woman’s home country live 50 kilometers from the coast
A. The country has a severe climate.
B. It’s convenient to take road trips.
C. They want to enjoy surfing and beaches.
11. When did the man get to the office today
A. At 6:00 a. m. B. At 7:45a. m. C. At 8:45a. m.
12. Why did the woman invite the man to join her
A. He’s a department manager.
B. He’s a marketing expert.
C. He’s a reliable friend.
13. How will the man help the woman
A. By editing her marketing plans.
B. By making her a coffee.
C. By inspiring her ideas.
14. How did the man feel in the beginning
A. Grateful. B. Worried. C. Motivated.
15. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a school. B. In an office. C. At home.
16. What is the man’s initial motivation in language learning
A. To know about different peoples.
B. To have more work opportunities.
C. To understand movies in other languages.
17. What is the first step in language learning according to the woman
A. Appreciating cultures.
B. Gaining interest in languages.
C. Understanding the benefits of languages.
18. What does the speaker usually write about
A. Community relations.
B. Economic trends.
C. Medical care.
19. Where did the speaker learn the tips
A. From online articles.
B. From his doctor.
C. From a book.
20. What will the speaker share next
A. Further explanations of the topic.
B. A list of his favorite books.
C. A personal story.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
This Bachelor of Nursing course is designed to enable Registered Nurses with a diploma qualification in nursing to expand their professional education to a bachelor’s degree. This nursing degree consists of core studies and subjects relevant to the context of nursing practice in Singapore.
Students are assisted to expand their knowledge base in the discipline of nursing and apply this knowledge to nursing practice. They are also provided with the opportunity to develop academic and practical skills, and the attitudes needed to comprehend and evaluate new nursing knowledge in the discipline of nursing.
Course Highlights
Learn from our experienced academic team and fly-in lecturers from La Trobe University.
This course is under the list of accredited Nursing Education Programmes by the Singapore Nursing Board(SNB).
The Nursing Degree programme is 100% coursework based. Students will be graded on assignments and project work basis.
PSB Academy and La Trobe University awards 2 Nursing Scholarship annually with no bond requirements for students who applied for the Bachelor of Nursing programme.
Admission criteria
Applicants must hold a minimum three-year nursing certificate or diploma in nursing from a La Trobe approved and recognized nursing school.
Applicants need to have a current registration with SNB as a Registered Nurse.
Students must be employed as registered nurses and hold a valid (有效的) practising certificate from SNB.
Students need to be competent in communicating in English. As such, applicants who completed their pre-registration nursing education in a language other than English must provide evidence of their proficiency (能力) in the English language.
1. How can the participants benefit from the course
A. They will be qualified as a patient nurse.
B. They will be trained to be a registered nurse.
C. They will have their performance assessed.
D. They will have their knowledge and skills updated.
2. What might be a striking feature of the course
A. Internationally recognized coursework.
B. One-to-one instructions from lecturers.
C. A chance to get a nursing scholarship.
D. The evaluation of students’ exam results.
3. Which of the following is required of a participant
A. Having prior nursing experiences.
B. Holding a one-year nursing certificate.
C. Finishing nursing education in English.
D. Working as an officially registered nurse.
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“They are also provided with the opportunity to develop academic and practical skills, and the attitudes needed to comprehend and evaluate new nursing knowledge in the discipline of nursing.”(他们还有机会发展学术和实践技能,并培养理解和评估护理学科新知识所需的态度。)可推知,参加这个课程的人可以更新他们的知识和技能。故选D。
细节理解题。根据文章“PSB Academy and La Trobe University awards 2 Nursing Scholarship annually with no bond requirements for students who applied for the Bachelor of Nursing programme.”(PSB学院和拉筹伯大学每年为申请护理学士课程的学生提供2个无需保证金的护理奖学金。)可推知,这个课程的一个显著特点是有机会获得护理奖学金。故选C。
细节理解题。根据文章 “Students must be employed as registered nurses and hold a valid (有效的) practising certificate from SNB.”(学生必须是注册护士,并持有SNB的有效执业证书。)可推知,参加这个课程的人必须是正式注册的护士。故选D。
Robert was born on August 9, 1910 in the Netherlands. His mother came from a family of musicians and piano manufacturers, a fact that greatly influenced Robert’s life. His father was a physician in army, a position which required frequent foreign postings. The family stayed in various areas of East Asia for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.
Robert was a hardworking academic, collector of art and manuscripts, and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin, and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were unparalleled. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and folk legends.
In 1940, Robert came across a little-known and anonymous (匿名的)18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never anticipated. The novel, titled Four Great Strange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set in the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Fascinated, Robert not only translated the novel into English, he also did some research on the history of Chinese Penal Code and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation —Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries comprise over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental (东方的)editions, before being translated into English in 1957.
Through all the novels by Robert, he impressively brings to life the sights and sounds of daily Chinese life in the past. His passionate devotion and respect for the Chinese culture was never discounted, yet he also appreciated the purpose of fiction.
4. What inspired Robert’s love for oriental culture
A His language competence.
B. His previous stay in East Asia.
C. His mother’s good family background.
D. His father’s professional medical knowledge.
5. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about
A. Robert’s passion for China. B. Robert’s music proficiency.
C. Robert’s early achievements. D. Robert’s learning experiences.
6. What contributed to Robert’s fame
A. He introduced western civilization to China.
B. He polished an existing Chinese fiction style.
C. He spread Chinese literature to a wider audience.
D. He conducted research on famous Chinese detectives.
7. Which of the following can best describe Robert’s translations
A. Vivid and faithful. B. Dramatic and realistic.
C. Accurate and humorous. D. Imaginary and accessible.
【答案】4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了出生在荷兰的Robert van Gulik成长背景及其所取得的成就。
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The family stayed in various areas of East Asia for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.(罗伯特的童年大部分时间都在东亚各地度过。这段经历让他对各种文化有了更深的了解,并掌握了多种语言。)”可知,Robert小时候一家人生活在东亚,这激发了罗伯特对东方文化的热爱。故选B项。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Robert was a hardworking academic, collector of art and manuscripts, and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin, and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were unparalleled. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and folk legends. (罗伯特是一位勤奋的学者、艺术品和手稿收藏家以及古文翻译家。他学习和训练成为中国古琴大师,并最终写了两本关于古琴的书。同样,他作为一名艺术家在中国传统风格方面的技巧和书法知识也是无与伦比的。他撰写并出版了许多关于中国音乐、艺术和文学以及中国文化和民间传说的非小说、学术文章和书籍。)”可知,Robert是一个学着,艺术和手稿收藏家,翻译古代作品,他是中国古琴大师,写过两本乐器的书籍,他的中国传统风格的艺术几千和书法知识非凡,还撰写很多中国音乐、艺术、文学以及中国文化和传统的纪实、学术文章和书籍,由此可知,本段主要讲述的是Robert的所取得的成就。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“In 1940, Robert came across a little-known and anonymous(匿名的)18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never anticipated. The novel, titled Four Great Strange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set in the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Fascinated, Robert not only translated the novel into English, he also did some research on the history of Chinese Penal Code and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation —Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries comprise over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental(东方的)editions, before being translated into English in 1957. (1940 年,罗伯特偶然发现了一本鲜为人知的匿名 18 世纪中国小说,这本小说将他的职业生涯推向了一条意想不到的道路,并让他获得了从未预料到的公众名声。这本名为《武则天统治时期的四大奇案》的小说虚构了中国传统侦探小说英雄之一狄仁杰的事迹,故事背景设定在 7 世纪的唐朝。罗伯特对这本小说十分着迷,他不仅将这本小说翻译成英文,还对中国刑法史和当时其他法律文献做了一些研究。直到 1949 年,罗伯特才得以出版他的译作《狄公案:狄仁杰破获的三起谋杀案》。罗伯特的中国悬疑小说包括 10 多部小说和短篇小说集,记录了中国侦探狄仁杰的职业生涯。有趣的是,这些故事首先在东方版本中成名,然后于 1957 年被翻译成英文)”可知,Robert把中国文学传播给了更广泛的受众导致罗伯特名声大噪。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Through all the novels by Robert, he impressively brings to life the sights and sounds of daily Chinese life in the past. His passionate devotion and respect for the Chinese culture was never discounted, yet he also appreciated the purpose of fiction. (罗伯特的小说生动再现了中国古代日常生活的景象和声音,令人印象深刻。他对中国文化的热爱和尊重从未被忽视,但他也理解小说的意义。)”,由此可推断,Robert的翻译生动而忠实。故选A项。
The Merriam-Webster dictionary puts it simply: “birdbrain: a stupid person”. Well, some birds are having the last laugh with that one.
For animals, the ability to solve problems with multiple tools is a rare talent, which was reported only in chimpanzees (大猩猩). But now, a study conducted by Osuna-Mascaró’s team adds Goffin’s cockatoos (small white parrots)to the “Dean’s List”, too.
Inspired by the chimpanzees which fish for white ants via tools, the team tasked the cockatoos with fishing for a kind of nu t in three experiments. Firstly, the researchers made a box containing a nut which was covered by a transparent membrane (薄膜). Once a cockatoo broke it through with a sharp stick, the bird would need to use a straw (麦秆) to reach the nut. The birds were supplied with the two tools.
Seven of the 10 cockatoos figured it out, with two completing the task within 35seconds on their first attempt! Since the cockatoos don’t have similar foraging (觅食的) requirements in the wild, there is no chance that they can adapt their tool-using strategies to the task naturally.
Next, the team mixed up the boxes and randomly presented each bird with a box with the membrane or a box without. The birds were given the same two tools. As a result, all the cockatoos mastered the test quickly and were able to recognize when a single tool was sufficient and when two tools were required.
However, the birds showed an interesting behavior beyond the researchers’ expectations. “When they chose between which tool to use, they were picking one up, releasing it, then picking up the other one, and so on,” says Osuna-Mascaró. “It is worthwhile to figure this out in future.”
Subsequently, the researchers evaluated the birds’ transportation ability while carrying tools in different situations. Most cockatoos carried the two tools together when they were presented with a box having the membrane. “I’ve seen birds combining objects playfully, but they rarely transport more than one object together in their normal behavior,” says one biologist. “We feel that, in terms of technical cognition and tool use, birds have been underestimated. Maybe it’s time for dictionary editors to justify birds.”
8. What is the common feature of the animals in the “Dean’s List”
A. Exceptional social behavior.
B. The ability to recognize objects.
C. Strong adaptability to the environment.
D. The intelligence to use tools purposefully.
9. What’s the purpose of employing membrane in the first experiment
A. To prevent the nut from falling off.
B. To pose a challenge to the cockatoos.
C. To increase the visual appeal of the box.
D. To encourage competition among the cockatoos.
10. What can we learn about the cockatoos from the second experiment
A. They can employ tools correspondingly.
B They can identify the order of the boxes.
C. They can memorize the location of each nut.
D. They can prioritize the boxes with the membrane.
11. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. How do Goffin’s cockatoos use tools in the wild
B. Why did we use to underestimate birds’ intelligence
C. Goffin’s cockatoos beat off chimpanzees in using tools
D. Goffin’s cockatoos break down the “birdbrain” prejudice
【答案】8. D 9. B 10. A 11. D
【导语】这是一篇说明文,主要讲述了一项研究,该研究发现Goffin’s cockatoos(一种小型白色鹦鹉)具有使用工具解决问题的智能,这种智能在动物中非常罕见,此前只有大猩猩被报道具有这种能力。
细节理解题。根据第二段“For animals, the ability to solve problems with multiple tools is a rare talent, which was reported only in chimpanzees (大猩猩). But now, a study conducted by Osuna-Mascaró’s team adds Goffin’s cockatoos (small white parrots)to the “Dean’s List”, too.(对于动物来说,使用多种工具解决问题的能力是一种罕见的才能,这种才能只在大猩猩中被报道过。但现在,Osuna-Mascaró的团队也将Goffin’s cockatoos(一种小型白色鹦鹉)加入了“Dean’s List”中。)”可知,Dean’s List中的动物共同特征是具有使用工具解决问题的智能。故选D。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Firstly, the researchers made a box containing a nut which was covered by a transparent membrane (薄膜). Once a cockatoo broke it through with a sharp stick, the bird would need to use a straw (麦秆) to reach the nut.(首先,研究人员制作了一个装有坚果的盒子,上面覆盖着一层透明膜。一旦凤头鹦鹉用一根锋利的棍子把它撬开,它就需要用一根麦秆去够坚果。)”可知,薄膜的存在是为了给鹦鹉提供挑战,使它们需要使用工具才能够到坚果。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第五段“As a result, all the cockatoos mastered the test quickly and were able to recognize when a single tool was sufficient and when two tools were required.(结果,所有的鹦鹉都很快掌握了测试,并能够识别出何时一个工具就足够,何时需要两个工具。)”可知,鹦鹉能够根据情况选择使用工具。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据全文内容以及最后一段“We feel that, in terms of technical cognition and tool use, birds have been underestimated. Maybe it’s time for dictionary editors to justify birds.(我们认为,在技术认知和工具使用方面,鸟类被低估了。也许是时候让词典编辑为鸟类正名了)”可知,文章主要讲述了Goffin’s cockatoos(一种小型白色鹦鹉)具有使用工具解决问题的智能,这种智能在动物中非常罕见,此前只有大猩猩被报道具有这种能力,这打破了人们对鸟的脑袋的偏见。所以短文的最佳标题为“Goffin’s cockatoos打破了“鸟的脑袋”的偏见”。故选D。
I read a lot of nonfiction, mostly books about current issues. The topics vary but most of the books share a common feature. When I come to the last chapter — the one where solutions are supposed to be offered — I’m usually left disappointed. Most authors fall back on “I’ve laid out the problem, you fix it.” When solutions are offered, they usually call for strong action by the government, which, these days, is useless.
So I was excited when I recently read Jonathan Haidt’s new book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
Haidt, a social psychologist from New York University, shows how the play-based childhood began to decline in the 1980s, and how it was finally wiped out by the arrival of the phone-based childhood in the early 2010s. As teens traded in their flip phones (翻盖手机) for smartphones packed with social media apps, time online soared while time engaging face-to-face with friends and family dived.
He presents more than a dozen mechanisms by which this great rewiring of childhood has interfered with children’s social and neurological development, covering everything from addiction to loneliness, social comparison, and perfectionism.
What stands out in Haidt’s book is his commitment — along with many other educators, parents and community groups — to addressing the shortage of free play and the excess of social media. This eye-opening book is a powerful call-to-arms, offering practical advice for parents, schools, governments, and teens themselves. Solutions range from parents setting limits on their children’s use of smartphones, to groups of parents cooperating so their children won’t feel rejected by kids living in a phone-centered world.
To all the local schools, parents and agencies already working to let kids be kids, I say thanks, and keep up the good work. To everyone else interested in the subject, I urge you to read Haidt’s book and check out the many resources and groups he cites. If people don’t push for change, then tech companies driven by data collection and ad revenue (收入) will continue to rule kids’ lives, rather than parents and local communities.
12. Why do most books about current issues disappoint the author
A. They explore the same topic.
B. They justify government actions.
C. They fail to offer practical solutions.
D. They lack a full review of the situation.
13. The underlined part in paragraph 4 means the shift in kids’ energy and attention from ______.
A. flip phones to smart ones
B. the physical world to the virtual one
C. academic studies to stylish entertainments
D. over-protected childhood to care-free adulthood
14. What is the highlight of The Anxious Generation
A. It offers fresh insight into social media.
B. Its content is well received by children.
C. It will influence collective decision-making.
D. Its author suggests ways to fix the problems.
15. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph
A. Issue a warning. B. Recommend a book.
C. Express gratitude. D. Present an argument.
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。本文一篇书评,作者首先阐述了对于当前问题书籍的看法,然后在文中介绍了Jonathan Haidt的新书《The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.》并推荐大家阅读。
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“When I come to the last chapter — the one where solutions are supposed to be offered — I’m usually left disappointed.”(当我读到最后一章——应该提供解决方案的地方——我通常感到失望。)可推知,作者对大多数关于当前问题的书籍感到失望的原因是它们没有提供实际的解决方案。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第三段“As teens traded in their flip phones (翻盖手机) for smartphones packed with social media apps, time online soared while time engaging face-to-face with friends and family dived.”(随着青少年放弃翻盖手机,转而使用装有社交媒体应用程序的智能手机,在线时间飙升,而与朋友和家人面对面交流的时间急剧下降。)可推知,孩子们的精力和注意力从现实世界转移到了虚拟世界;由此可知,“by which this great rewiring of childhood has interfered with children’s social and neurological development, covering everything from addiction to loneliness, social comparison, and perfectionism”(by which this great rewiring of childhood干扰了儿童的社会和神经发育,涵盖了从上瘾到孤独,社会比较和完美主义的方方面面)中划线部分的意思是:孩子们的精力和注意力从现实世界转移到了虚拟世界。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第五段“This eye-opening book is a powerful call-to-arms, offering practical advice for parents, schools, governments, and teens themselves. Solutions range from parents setting limits on their children’s use of smartphones, to groups of parents cooperating so their children won’t feel rejected by kids living in a phone-centered world.”(这本令人大开眼界的书是一次强烈的呼吁,为父母、学校、政府和青少年自己提供了实用的建议。解决方案包括父母限制孩子使用智能手机,以及父母合作让孩子不会被生活在以手机为中心的世界里的孩子们所排斥。)可推知,《The Anxious Generation》的亮点是作者提出了解决问题的方法。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“To everyone else interested in the subject, I urge you to read Haidt’s book and check out the many resources and groups he cites.”(对于其他对这个主题感兴趣的人,我强烈建议你阅读Haidt的书,并查看他引用的许多资源和小组。)可推知,作者在最后一段是要推荐一本书。故选B。
Loving your own body is often easier said than done. Do you know that 70% of women between the ages of 18-30 dislike their bodies ____16____ 45% say they are dissatisfied with their bodies too. There are countless ways you can work on body positivity, and you’ll have to find out what works for you.
Think healthier, not skinnier
When you’re making meals, or when you’re hitting the gym, don’t set your fitness goals according to a number you’d like to see on the scale. Exercise and a healthy diet shouldn’t be a punishment. ____17____ So, instead of thinking about how much your body weighs, or how it’s shaped, think about all the amazing things it can do.
Surround yourself with positivity
Negative messages about body image are all around us. According to one study, participants who spent more time on social media were more likely to develop a negative body image and eating disorders. ____18____ Look for positive people, people who practice self-love, and people who will encourage you to be who you are.
Focus on the things you like about yourself
Every time a negative thought about your body pops into your mind, counter it with something positive. Try making lists of the things you like about your body. And not just how it looks, but the things it allows you to do. ____19____ We naturally tend to look for our dissatisfactions and overlook the good things. To break out of that way of thinking, it will take daily repetition. Just keep at it.
Stop comparing yourself to others
____20____ One person is beautiful in one way, and the next person in some other way. And isn’t that how it should be Imagine how boring it would be if there were only one way to be, and to feel, paring yourself to others can leave you feeling like you don’t look the way you should, but you’re not supposed to look like someone else; you’re supposed to look like you.
A. List it all out.
B. Pick up a new hobby.
C. And men aren’t much better off.
D. People come in all shapes and sizes.
E. So, try to cut out the negativity that you can.
F. Often we project our own insecurities onto others.
G. It is one way we show respect and appreciation for our bodies.
【答案】16. C 17. G 18. E 19. A 20. D
根据上文“Do you know that 70% of women between the ages of 18-30 dislike their bodies ”(你知道吗,在18-30岁的女性中,有70%的人不喜欢自己的身材 )以及下文“45% say they are dissatisfied with their bodies too.”(45%说他们也对自己的身材不满意。)可知,此空说明男性对自己身材的满意情况。故C选项“男性的情况也好不到哪里去”承上启下,符合语境。故选C项。
根据上文“When you’re making meals, or when you’re hitting the gym, don’t set your fitness goals according to a number you’d like to see on the scale. Exercise and a healthy diet shouldn’t be a punishment.”(当你做饭的时候,或者当你去健身房的时候,不要根据你想在体重秤上看到的数字来设定你的健身目标。锻炼和健康饮食不应该是一种惩罚。)可知,说明对锻炼和健康饮食不应该是一种惩罚,G选项“它是我们尊重和欣赏自己身体的一种方式”承接上文,阐述了对待锻炼和健康饮食的正确方式,符合语境,选项中的“It”指代上文中的“Exercise and a healthy diet”。故选G项。
上文“According to one study, participants who spent more time on social media were more likely to develop a negative body image and eating disorders.”(根据一项研究,在社交媒体上花费更多时间的参与者更有可能产生负面的身体形象和饮食失调)指出社交媒体上花费更多时间会对自己产生负面影响;E选项“所以,尽量消除消极影响。”与上文为因果关系;下文“Look for positive people, people who practice self-love, and people who will encourage you to be who you are.”(寻找积极向上的人,那些爱自己的人,那些鼓励你做自己的人)承接E选项,阐述消除消极情绪的方法。因此,E选项符合语境。故选E项。
根据上文“Try making lists of the things you like about your body. And not just how it looks, but the things it allows you to do.”(试着列出你喜欢自己身体的地方。不仅仅是它的外观,还有它允许你做的事情。)可知,选项承接上文,指出要把自己身上所有喜欢的方面都列举出来。故A选项“把这些都列出来”切题。故选A项。
根据上文“Stop comparing yourself to others”(不要拿自己和别人比较)以及下文“One person is beautiful in one way, and the next person in some other way.”(一个人在某一方面很美,另一个人在另一方面很美。)可知,选项解释不要拿自己和别人比较的原因:每个人都是不同的。故D选项“人有各种形状和大小”切题。故选D项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I recently retired from twenty-three fulfilling years as a classroom teacher. I always ____21____ my success in hugs and smiles from my students, not by data and test scores. I always ____22____ that I would have a positive influence on each of the young lives.
One day, I was standing in the checkout line of a local grocery store when I heard a ____23____ voice behind me “Excuse me, miss, but I think you were my seventh grade teacher.” I turned and had to ____24____ the speaker, a young man well over six feet tall.
He told me his name, and I ___25___ remembered which class he had been in, and even how he had ____26____ reading. We ____27____ briefly, and I asked what he was doing these days. “I am going to college,” he answered. “I want to be a ____28____ teacher.” “Wait a minute,” I said. “The Eddie I remember ____29____ to read.”
“Yes, ma’am. That was me. Because of how you never gave up on me, I now _____30_____ I can make a difference,” he continued. “If you had not made me realize I had some _____31_____, if you had not believed in me and if you had not _____32_____ me, I would never have gone to college.”
I know how _____33_____ one teacher can impact the life of a person who does not believe in himself. We may never know how much influence we have had on them, but when a _____34_____ student reaches out and says, “Thank you,” I feel a ____35____ that will accompany me for the rest of my life.
21. A. celebrated B. shared C. measured D. achieved
22. A. predicted B. explained C. confirmed D. prayed
23 A. curious B. hesitant C. plain D. sweet
24. A. look up at B. hold on to C. catch up with D. get away from
25. A. instantly B. temporarily C. secretly D. doubtfully
26. A. anticipated B. fancied C. practised D. hated
27. A. looked B. joked C. chatted D. debated
28. A. music B. reading C. business D. sports
29. A. refused B. intended C. preferred D. promised
30. A. deny B. believe C. complain D. declare
31. A. privilege B. weaknesses C. potential D. questions
32. A. entertained B. stopped C. attracted D. encouraged
33. A. precisely B. powerfully C. thoroughly D. fearfully
34. A. former B. courageous C. naughty D. troublesome
35. A. growth B. desire C. warmth D. signal
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我总是用学生的拥抱和微笑来衡量我的成功,而不是用数据和考试成绩。A. celebrated庆祝;B. shared分享;C. measured测量,衡量;D. achieved完成。根据上文“my success in hugs and smiles from my students”可知,我总是用学生的拥抱和微笑来衡量我的成功。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我总是祈祷我能对每一个年轻的生命产生积极的影响。A. predicted预测;B. explained解释;C. confirmed确认;D. prayed祈祷。根据下文“I would have a positive influence on each of the young lives.”可知,这是作者祈祷的内容。根故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一天,我站在当地一家杂货店的收银台前,这时我听到身后一个犹豫的声音:“对不起,小姐,我想你是我七年级的老师。A. curious好奇的;B. hesitant犹豫的;C. plain简单的;朴素的;D. sweet甜蜜的。根据下文“Excuse me, miss, but I think you were my seventh grade teacher.”可知,多年不见老师,所以是犹豫的。故选B项。
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我转过身,不得不抬头看着说话的人,一个身高超过六英尺的年轻人。A. look up at向上看;B. hold on to坚持;C. catch up with赶上;D. get away from逃离。根据下文“a young man well over six feet tall.”可知,年轻人较高,所以要抬头看。故选A项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:他告诉了我他的名字,我立刻记起了他上过那节课,甚至还记得他是多么讨厌读书。A. instantly立即;B. temporarily暂时地;C. secretly秘密地;D. doubtfully怀疑地。根据上文“He told me his name”可知,我立刻记起了他上过那节课。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他告诉了我他的名字,我立刻记起了他上过那节课,甚至还记得他是多么讨厌读书。A. anticipated期望;B. fancied想要;认为;C. practised实践;D. hated讨厌。根据下文“The Eddie I remember ____9____ to read”可知,这个学生讨厌阅读。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们聊了一会儿,我问他最近在做什么。A. looked看;B. joked 开玩笑;C. chatted聊天;D. debated讨论。根据下文“I asked what he was doing these days.”可知,他们聊了一会。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想成为一名阅读老师。A. music音乐;B. reading阅读;C. business商业;D. sports运动。根据下文“read”以及“Because of how you never gave up on me, I now ____10____ I can make a difference,” he continued.”可知,他想成为一名阅读老师。故选B项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我记忆中的艾迪拒绝阅读。A. refused拒绝;B. intended打算;C. preferred更喜欢;D. promised承诺。根据上文“even how he had ____6____ reading”可知,艾迪拒绝阅读。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为你从未放弃过我,我现在相信我可以有所作为。A. deny否认;B. believe相信;C. complain抱怨;D. declare宣称。根据上文“Because of how you never gave up on me”可知,老师没有放弃他,所以现在相信他可以有所作为。故选B项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果不是您让我意识到自己有潜力,如果不是您相信我,如果不是您鼓励我,我可能永远也上不了大学。A. privilege;B. weaknesses弱点;C. potential 潜力;D. questions问题。根据下文“if you had not believed in me and if you had not ____12____ me, I would never have gone to college.”可知,我认为艾迪很有潜力。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果不是您让我意识到自己有潜力,如果不是您相信我,如果不是您鼓励我,我可能永远也上不了大学。A. entertained娱乐;B. stopped停止;C. attracted吸引;D. encouraged鼓励。根据上文“believed in”可知,此处指鼓励。故选D项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们可能永远不知道我们对他们有多大的影响,但当一个以前的学生伸出手说“谢谢”时,我感到一种温暖,这种温暖将伴随我的余生。A. precisely精确地;B. powerfully有力量地;C. thoroughly全面地;D. fearfully害怕地。根据上文“If you had not made me realize I had some ____11____ , if you had not believed in me and if you had not ____12____ me, I would never have gone to college.”可知,老师对学生的影响力是巨大的。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们可能永远不知道我们对他们有多大的影响,但当一个以前的学生伸出手说“谢谢”时,我感到一种温暖,这种温暖将伴随我的余生。A. former以前的;B. courageous有勇气的;C. naughty淘气的;D. troublesome麻烦的;讨厌的。根据上文“Excuse me, miss, but I think you were my seventh grade teacher”可知,指以前的学生。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们可能永远不知道我们对他们有多大的影响,但当一个以前的学生伸出手说“谢谢”时,我感到一种温暖,这种温暖将伴随我的余生。。A. growth生长;B. desire愿望;C. warmth 温暖;D. signal信号。根据上文“Thank you,”可知,作者感到温暖。故选C项。
Shadow play, a conventional form of theatrical entertainment, ____36____ (survive) for centuries. The origins of shadow play ____37____ (believe) to date back to ancient China where it was later spread to other parts of the world.
The creation of puppets (木偶) is such a complex process that it demands extreme precision ____38____ is a test of the commitment as well as skills of craftsmen (匠人). These puppets are in ____39____ (they) works of art. Distinguishable character qualities appropriate for shadow performances are presented through the ____40____ (adopt) of realistic and abstract approaches.
In a typical shadow play performance, puppets are held behind a screen, with light cast onto the screen ____41____ (create) shadowy images that tell a story. The themes and characters ____42____ (feature) in shadow play performances vary widely depending on the cultural context.
While ____43____ (tradition) shadow play often involves fancy handmade puppets and fascinating storytelling, contemporary artists have explored new techniques, pushing the boundaries of ____44____ is possible with shadow play.
Despite the rise of digital entertainment, shadow play, a timeless tradition that goes beyond borders and generations, continues to exist ______45______ a valuable art form in many parts of the world.
【答案】36. has survived
37. are believed
38. and 39. themselves
40. adoption
41. to create
42. featured
43. traditional
44. what 45. as
考查时态和主谓一致。句意:皮影戏是一种传统的戏剧娱乐形式,已经存在了几个世纪。根据“for centuries ”可知,本句为现在完成时,主语单数,谓语单数。故填has survived。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:皮影戏的起源被认为可以追溯到古代中国,后来传播到世界其他地方。本句在陈述事实,时态用一般现在时,主语The origins of shadow play与谓语believe为被动关系,所以为一般现在的被动语态,且主语是复数,be动词应用are。故填are believed。
考查代词。句意:这些木偶本身就是艺术品。in oneself“本身”,为固定短语。故填themselves。
考查名词。句意:通过采用现实主义和抽象主义的方法来呈现适合于皮影表演的不同人物的品质。through为介词后接名词adoption作宾语。 故填adoption。
考查非谓语动词。句意:在典型的皮影戏表演中,木偶被放在屏幕后面,光线投射到屏幕上,形成讲述故事的阴影图像。句中已有谓语,空处为非谓语动词,用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to create。
考查非谓语动词。句意:皮影戏表演的主题和人物因文化背景的不同而有很大的不同。空处为非谓语动词,The themes and characters与feature为被动关系,用过去分词作定语。故填featured。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 学校英文报正在开展以How to manage after-school time为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 图表描述;
2. 简单评论;
3. 你的建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
How to manage after-school time
【答案】How to manage after-school time
As the chart shows, the majority of the students tend to spend their after-school time playing online games, while only a minority opt for a good rest, reading and engaging in sports.
The survey findings reflect a common phenomenon that many students tend to lean towards E-games rather than academic or physically beneficial pursuits after school. This tendency may pose challenges in terms of time management and personal growth.
As students, it's crucial to manage after-school time wisely and maintain a balanced lifestyle. I strongly recommend them to explore activities that promote both mental and physical well-being to enrich their extracurricular experiences and cultivate healthier habits.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于图表作文。学校英文报正在开展以How to manage after-school time为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿。
而不是:rather than→instead of
原句:As students, it's crucial to manage after-school time wisely and maintain a balanced lifestyle.
拓展句:As students, it's important that you should manage after-school time wisely and maintain a balanced lifestyle.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The survey findings reflect a common phenomenon that many students tend to lean towards E-games rather than academic or physically beneficial pursuits after school.(运用了that引导的同位语从句)
【高分句型2】I strongly recommend them to explore activities that promote both mental and physical well-being to enrich their extracurricular experiences and cultivate healthier habits.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“You don’t want that one,” the shelter volunteer said. “He’s broken.”
“Broken ” I asked. Had I heard her correctly The minute I’d walked into the animal shelter’s cat room, the little black creature had been one step behind me, my shadow. I wasn’t an expert, but he seemed friendly.
“He’s been a stray (流浪的动物) since birth,” the volunteer explained. “He doesn’t like anyone—not other cats, not people. It’s nearly impossible for him to be fully domesticated (驯养).”
“I want to adopt him,” I said.
“Really But why ” she asked, obviously confused.
“Because he needs a home,” I said. Then under my breath, “and because I’m broken too.”
I filled out the paperwork and left with him that afternoon. Back at home, I let him out of the carrier so he could explore. I watched as this little cat smelled every inch of the house. Eventually, his curiosity satisfied, he settled in my lap. I reached out a hesitant hand to pet him. He purred (猫发出呜呜声).
“Look, I’m going to be honest with you,” I said. “I’ve only been able to love two people in my entire life—my brother and one friend.” Though he wasn’t looking at me, the cat’s ears were pointed in my direction. I knew he was listening. “You shouldn’t expect me to love you. I don’t know how.” I continued. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, his body growing heavy. Then he drifted (进入某种状态) off to sleep.
It took me a week to come up with a name for him. I finally settled on Mr. Bojangles —Bo for short—after the song about a homeless man who, even after being arrested, remained happy and optimistic. The name fit this cat. Even when he was “behind bars” at the shelter, Bo had been meowing and purring, like he was trying to cheer me up.
As he adjusted to life with me, he got more talkative. More often than not, I found myself talking back:
“Good morning, Bo.”
“Yes, I’m home.”
“Meow. Meow!”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
By the time a month passed, we’d settled into a routine.
The word “love” seemed too big for Bo—until the day I came home and collapsed into bed, weeping.
【答案】By the time a month passed, we’d settled into a routine. I’d feed him, play with him, and then we’d settle down on the couch for a nap. He followed me everywhere, from room to room. And I didn't mind. In fact, I kind of liked it. I was still cautious about getting too attached. I mean, how could I let myself love a cat when I'd been unable to love anyone else But Bo was different. Somehow, he just understood.
The word “love” seemed too big for Bo—until the day I came home and collapsed into bed, weeping. I don't even remember what had set me off that particular day. All I knew was that I felt like my heart had been shattered into a million pieces. Bo jumped up onto the bed and curled up next to me. He didn't say anything. He just rested his head on my chest and purred. And somehow, his presence was enough. In that moment, I realized that Bo had become more than just a cat. He was my friend, my companion—and maybe, just maybe, he loved me, too.
【导语】本文以事件发展为线索展开,讲述了作者在动物收容所领养了一只别人认为“有问题”的猫,作者觉得自己和这只猫一样“破碎”,并给它取名为 Bo,随着相处他们逐渐形成了一种日常模式。
第二段由首句内容“‘爱’这个词对 Bo 来说似乎太大了——直到有一天我回到家,扑倒在床上哭泣。”可知,第二段可描写在作者悲伤时 Bo 反应以及作者对他们之间感情的新认知。
续写线索:日常相处——作者仍有顾虑——作者悲伤——Bo 陪伴——作者感悟
①跟随:follow/trail after
②哭泣:weep/burst into tears
③陪伴:accompany/be with
①谨慎的:cautious / wary
②破碎的:shattered / broken
【点睛】[高分句型 1]. The word “love” seemed too big for Bo—until the day I came home and collapsed into bed, weeping.(使用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型 2]. All I knew was that I felt like my heart had been shattered into a million pieces.(使用了省略关系代词that的定语从句,先行词为all。还使用了连接代词that连接的表语从句)2024届高三练习卷
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman need to hire
A. A computer repair specialist.
B. A web developer.
C. A sales manager.
2. What would the woman prefer in her tea
A. Honey. B. Sugar. C. Milk.
3. What is the woman’s best subject
A. Art. B. Science. C. Math.
4. What did the man do yesterday
A. He went to the zoo.
B. He watched TV.
C. He adopted a pet.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Mother and son.
6. What does the woman primarily use the device for
A. Reading books. B. Watching films. C. Writing articles.
7. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The wide usage of electronic products.
B. A book with a meaningful topic.
C. Ways to form new habits.
8. What is the woman’s nationality
A. Australian. B. British. C. American.
9. How did the man learn about the woman’s home country
A. From travel. B. From videos. C. From relatives.
10. Why do most people in the woman’s home country live 50 kilometers from the coast
A. The country has a severe climate.
B. It’s convenient to take road trips.
C. They want to enjoy surfing and beaches.
11. When did the man get to the office today
A. At 6:00 a. m. B. At 7:45a. m. C. At 8:45a. m.
12. Why did the woman invite the man to join her
A. He’s a department manager.
B. He’s a marketing expert.
C. He’s a reliable friend.
13. How will the man help the woman
A. By editing her marketing plans.
B. By making her a coffee.
C. By inspiring her ideas.
14. How did the man feel in the beginning
A. Grateful. B. Worried. C. Motivated.
15. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a school. B. In an office. C. At home.
16. What is the man’s initial motivation in language learning
A. To know about different peoples.
B. To have more work opportunities.
C. To understand movies in other languages.
17. What is the first step in language learning according to the woman
A. Appreciating cultures.
B. Gaining interest in languages.
C. Understanding the benefits of languages.
18. What does the speaker usually write about
A. Community relations.
B. Economic trends.
C. Medical care.
19. Where did the speaker learn the tips
A. From online articles.
B. From his doctor.
C. From a book.
20. What will the speaker share next
A. Further explanations of the topic.
B. A list of his favorite books.
C. A personal story.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
This Bachelor of Nursing course is designed to enable Registered Nurses with a diploma qualification in nursing to expand their professional education to a bachelor’s degree. This nursing degree consists of core studies and subjects relevant to the context of nursing practice in Singapore.
Students are assisted to expand their knowledge base in the discipline of nursing and apply this knowledge to nursing practice. They are also provided with the opportunity to develop academic and practical skills, and the attitudes needed to comprehend and evaluate new nursing knowledge in the discipline of nursing.
Course Highlights
Learn from our experienced academic team and fly-in lecturers from La Trobe University.
This course is under the list of accredited Nursing Education Programmes by the Singapore Nursing Board(SNB)
The Nursing Degree programme is 100% coursework based. Students will be graded on assignments and project work basis.
PSB Academy and La Trobe University awards 2 Nursing Scholarship annually with no bond requirements for students who applied for the Bachelor of Nursing programme.
Admission criteria
Applicants must hold a minimum three-year nursing certificate or diploma in nursing from a La Trobe approved and recognized nursing school.
Applicants need to have a current registration with SNB as a Registered Nurse.
Students must be employed as registered nurses and hold a valid (有效的) practising certificate from SNB.
Students need to be competent in communicating in English. As such, applicants who completed their pre-registration nursing education in a language other than English must provide evidence of their proficiency (能力) in the English language.
1. How can the participants benefit from the course
A. They will be qualified as a patient nurse.
B. They will be trained to be a registered nurse.
C. They will have their performance assessed.
D. They will have their knowledge and skills updated.
2. What might be a striking feature of the course
A. Internationally recognized coursework.
B. One-to-one instructions from lecturers.
C. A chance to get a nursing scholarship.
D. The evaluation of students’ exam results.
3. Which of the following is required of a participant
A. Having prior nursing experiences.
B. Holding a one-year nursing certificate.
C. Finishing nursing education in English.
D. Working as an officially registered nurse.
Robert was born on August 9, 1910 in the Netherlands. His mother came from a family of musicians and piano manufacturers, a fact that greatly influenced Robert’s life. His father was a physician in army, a position which required frequent foreign postings. The family stayed in various areas of East Asia for most of Robert’s youth. This experience contributed to his appreciation for cultures and mastery of several languages.
Robert was a hardworking academic, collector of art and manuscripts, and translator of ancient writings. He studied and trained to become a master musician on the Chinese guqin, and eventually wrote two books on the instrument. Similarly, his skills as an artist in the traditional Chinese style and knowledge of calligraphy were unparalleled. He wrote and published a number of non-fiction, scholarly articles and books on Chinese music, art, and literature, as well as Chinese culture and folk legends.
In 1940, Robert came across a little-known and anonymous (匿名的)18th-century Chinese novel that would take his career down an unplanned pathway and result in the public fame he never anticipated. The novel, titled Four Great Strange Cases of Empress Wu’s Reign, was a fictional account of the deeds of Judge Dee, one of the heroes of traditional Chinese detective fiction, and was set in the 7th-century Tang Dynasty. Fascinated, Robert not only translated the novel into English, he also did some research on the history of Chinese Penal Code and other legal literature of the period. It was not until 1949 that Robert was able to publish his translation —Dee Goong An: Three Murder Cases Solved by Judge Dee. Robert’s Chinese mysteries comprise over 10 novels and short-story volumes, recording the career of Chinese detective called Di Renjie. Interestingly, the tales first found fame in oriental (东方的)editions, before being translated into English in 1957.
Through all the novels by Robert, he impressively brings to life the sights and sounds of daily Chinese life in the past. His passionate devotion and respect for the Chinese culture was never discounted, yet he also appreciated the purpose of fiction.
4. What inspired Robert’s love for oriental culture
A. His language competence.
B. His previous stay in East Asia.
C His mother’s good family background.
D. His father’s professional medical knowledge.
5. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about
A. Robert’s passion for China. B. Robert’s music proficiency.
C. Robert’s early achievements. D. Robert’s learning experiences.
6. What contributed to Robert’s fame
A. He introduced western civilization to China.
B. He polished an existing Chinese fiction style.
C. He spread Chinese literature to a wider audience.
D. He conducted research on famous Chinese detectives.
7. Which of the following can best describe Robert’s translations
A. Vivid and faithful. B. Dramatic and realistic.
C. Accurate and humorous. D. Imaginary and accessible.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary puts it simply: “birdbrain: a stupid person”. Well, some birds are having the last laugh with that one.
For animals, the ability to solve problems with multiple tools is a rare talent, which was reported only in chimpanzees (大猩猩). But now, a study conducted by Osuna-Mascaró’s team adds Goffin’s cockatoos (small white parrots)to the “Dean’s List”, too.
Inspired by the chimpanzees which fish for white ants via tools, the team tasked the cockatoos with fishing for a kind of nu t in three experiments. Firstly, the researchers made a box containing a nut which was covered by a transparent membrane (薄膜). Once a cockatoo broke it through with a sharp stick, the bird would need to use a straw (麦秆) to reach the nut. The birds were supplied with the two tools.
Seven of the 10 cockatoos figured it out, with two completing the task within 35seconds on their first attempt! Since the cockatoos don’t have similar foraging (觅食的) requirements in the wild, there is no chance that they can adapt their tool-using strategies to the task naturally.
Next, the team mixed up the boxes and randomly presented each bird with a box with the membrane or a box without. The birds were given the same two tools. As a result, all the cockatoos mastered the test quickly and were able to recognize when a single tool was sufficient and when two tools were required.
However, the birds showed an interesting behavior beyond the researchers’ expectations. “When they chose between which tool to use, they were picking one up, releasing it, then picking up the other one, and so on,” says Osuna-Mascaró. “It is worthwhile to figure this out in future.”
Subsequently, the researchers evaluated the birds’ transportation ability while carrying tools in different situations. Most cockatoos carried the two tools together when they were presented with a box having the membrane. “I’ve seen birds combining objects playfully, but they rarely transport more than one object together in their normal behavior,” says one biologist. “We feel that, in terms of technical cognition and tool use, birds have been underestimated. Maybe it’s time for dictionary editors to justify birds.”
8. What is the common feature of the animals in the “Dean’s List”
A. Exceptional social behavior.
B. The ability to recognize objects.
C. Strong adaptability to the environment.
D. The intelligence to use tools purposefully.
9. What’s the purpose of employing membrane in the first experiment
A. To prevent the nut from falling off.
B. To pose a challenge to the cockatoos.
C. To increase the visual appeal of the box.
D. To encourage competition among the cockatoos.
10. What can we learn about the cockatoos from the second experiment
A. They can employ tools correspondingly.
B. They can identify the order of the boxes.
C They can memorize the location of each nut.
D. They can prioritize the boxes with the membrane.
11. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. How do Goffin’s cockatoos use tools in the wild
B. Why did we use to underestimate birds’ intelligence
C. Goffin’s cockatoos beat off chimpanzees in using tools
D. Goffin’s cockatoos break down the “birdbrain” prejudice
I read a lot of nonfiction, mostly books about current issues. The topics vary but most of the books share a common feature. When I come to the last chapter — the one where solutions are supposed to be offered — I’m usually left disappointed. Most authors fall back on “I’ve laid out the problem, you fix it.” When solutions are offered, they usually call for strong action by the government, which, these days, is useless.
So I was excited when I recently read Jonathan Haidt’s new book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
Haidt, a social psychologist from New York University, shows how the play-based childhood began to decline in the 1980s, and how it was finally wiped out by the arrival of the phone-based childhood in the early 2010s. As teens traded in their flip phones (翻盖手机) for smartphones packed with social media apps, time online soared while time engaging face-to-face with friends and family dived.
He presents more than a dozen mechanisms by which this great rewiring of childhood has interfered with children’s social and neurological development, covering everything from addiction to loneliness, social comparison, and perfectionism.
What stands out in Haidt’s book is his commitment — along with many other educators, parents and community groups — to addressing the shortage of free play and the excess of social media. This eye-opening book is a powerful call-to-arms, offering practical advice for parents, schools, governments, and teens themselves. Solutions range from parents setting limits on their children’s use of smartphones, to groups of parents cooperating so their children won’t feel rejected by kids living in a phone-centered world.
To all the local schools, parents and agencies already working to let kids be kids, I say thanks, and keep up the good work. To everyone else interested in the subject, I urge you to read Haidt’s book and check out the many resources and groups he cites. If people don’t push for change, then tech companies driven by data collection and ad revenue (收入) will continue to rule kids’ lives, rather than parents and local communities.
12. Why do most books about current issues disappoint the author
A. They explore the same topic.
B. They justify government actions.
C. They fail to offer practical solutions.
D. They lack a full review of the situation.
13. The underlined part in paragraph 4 means the shift in kids’ energy and attention from ______.
A. flip phones to smart ones
B. the physical world to the virtual one
C. academic studies to stylish entertainments
D. over-protected childhood to care-free adulthood
14. What is the highlight of The Anxious Generation
A. It offers fresh insight into social media.
B. Its content is well received by children.
C. It will influence collective decision-making.
D. Its author suggests ways to fix the problems.
15. What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph
A. Issue a warning. B. Recommend a book.
C. Express gratitude. D. Present an argument.
Loving your own body is often easier said than done. Do you know that 70% of women between the ages of 18-30 dislike their bodies ____16____ 45% say they are dissatisfied with their bodies too. There are countless ways you can work on body positivity, and you’ll have to find out what works for you.
Think healthier, not skinnier
When you’re making meals, or when you’re hitting the gym, don’t set your fitness goals according to a number you’d like to see on the scale. Exercise and a healthy diet shouldn’t be a punishment. ____17____ So, instead of thinking about how much your body weighs, or how it’s shaped, think about all the amazing things it can do.
Surround yourself with positivity
Negative messages about body image are all around us. According to one study, participants who spent more time on social media were more likely to develop a negative body image and eating disorders. ____18____ Look for positive people, people who practice self-love, and people who will encourage you to be who you are.
Focus on the things you like about yourself
Every time a negative thought about your body pops into your mind, counter it with something positive. Try making lists of the things you like about your body. And not just how it looks, but the things it allows you to do. ____19____ We naturally tend to look for our dissatisfactions and overlook the good things. To break out of that way of thinking, it will take daily repetition. Just keep at it.
Stop comparing yourself to others
____20____ One person is beautiful in one way, and the next person in some other way. And isn’t that how it should be Imagine how boring it would be if there were only one way to be, and to feel, paring yourself to others can leave you feeling like you don’t look the way you should, but you’re not supposed to look like someone else; you’re supposed to look like you.
A. List it all out.
B Pick up a new hobby.
C. And men aren’t much better off.
D. People come in all shapes and sizes.
E. So, try to cut out the negativity that you can.
F. Often we project our own insecurities onto others.
G. It is one way we show respect and appreciation for our bodies.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I recently retired from twenty-three fulfilling years as a classroom teacher. I always ____21____ my success in hugs and smiles from my students, not by data and test scores. I always ____22____ that I would have a positive influence on each of the young lives.
One day, I was standing in the checkout line of a local grocery store when I heard a ____23____ voice behind me “Excuse me, miss, but I think you were my seventh grade teacher.” I turned and had to ____24____ the speaker, a young man well over six feet tall.
He told me his name, and I ___25___ remembered which class he had been in, and even how he had ____26____ reading. We ____27____ briefly, and I asked what he was doing these days. “I am going to college,” he answered. “I want to be a ____28____ teacher.” “Wait a minute,” I said. “The Eddie I remember ____29____ to read.”
“Yes, ma’am. That was me. Because of how you never gave up on me, I now _____30_____ I can make a difference,” he continued. “If you had not made me realize I had some _____31_____, if you had not believed in me and if you had not _____32_____ me, I would never have gone to college.”
I know how _____33_____ one teacher can impact the life of a person who does not believe in himself. We may never know how much influence we have had on them, but when a _____34_____ student reaches out and says, “Thank you,” I feel a ____35____ that will accompany me for the rest of my life.
21. A. celebrated B. shared C. measured D. achieved
22. A. predicted B. explained C. confirmed D. prayed
23. A. curious B. hesitant C. plain D. sweet
24. A. look up at B. hold on to C. catch up with D. get away from
25. A. instantly B. temporarily C. secretly D. doubtfully
26. A. anticipated B. fancied C. practised D. hated
27. A. looked B. joked C. chatted D. debated
28. A. music B. reading C. business D. sports
29. A. refused B. intended C. preferred D. promised
30. A. deny B. believe C. complain D. declare
31. A. privilege B. weaknesses C. potential D. questions
32. A. entertained B. stopped C. attracted D. encouraged
33. A. precisely B. powerfully C. thoroughly D. fearfully
34 A. former B. courageous C. naughty D. troublesome
35. A. growth B. desire C. warmth D. signal
Shadow play, a conventional form of theatrical entertainment, ____36____ (survive) for centuries. The origins of shadow play ____37____ (believe) to date back to ancient China where it was later spread to other parts of the world.
The creation of puppets (木偶) is such a complex process that it demands extreme precision ____38____ is a test of the commitment as well as skills of craftsmen (匠人). These puppets are in ____39____ (they) works of art. Distinguishable character qualities appropriate for shadow performances are presented through the ____40____ (adopt) of realistic and abstract approaches.
In a typical shadow play performance, puppets are held behind a screen, with light cast onto the screen ____41____ (create) shadowy images that tell a story. The themes and characters ____42____ (feature) in shadow play performances vary widely depending on the cultural context.
While ____43____ (tradition) shadow play often involves fancy handmade puppets and fascinating storytelling, contemporary artists have explored new techniques, pushing the boundaries of ____44____ is possible with shadow play.
Despite the rise of digital entertainment, shadow play, a timeless tradition that goes beyond borders and generations, continues to exist ______45______ a valuable art form in many parts of the world.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 学校英文报正在开展以How to manage after-school time为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
1. 图表描述;
2. 简单评论;
3. 你的建议。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
How to manage after-school time
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“You don’t want that one,” the shelter volunteer said. “He’s broken.”
“Broken ” I asked. Had I heard her correctly The minute I’d walked into the animal shelter’s cat room, the little black creature had been one step behind me, my shadow. I wasn’t an expert, but he seemed friendly.
“He’s been a stray (流浪的动物) since birth,” the volunteer explained. “He doesn’t like anyone—not other cats, not people. It’s nearly impossible for him to be fully domesticated (驯养).”
“I want to adopt him,” I said.
“Really But why ” she asked, obviously confused.
“Because he needs a home,” I said. Then under my breath, “and because I’m broken too.”
I filled out the paperwork and left with him that afternoon. Back at home, I let him out of the carrier so he could explore. I watched as this little cat smelled every inch of the house. Eventually, his curiosity satisfied, he settled in my lap. I reached out a hesitant hand to pet him. He purred (猫发出呜呜声).
“Look, I’m going to be honest with you,” I said. “I’ve only been able to love two people in my entire life—my brother and one friend.” Though he wasn’t looking at me, the cat’s ears were pointed in my direction. I knew he was listening. “You shouldn’t expect me to love you. I don’t know how.” I continued. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, his body growing heavy. Then he drifted (进入某种状态) off to sleep.
It took me a week to come up with a name for him. I finally settled on Mr. Bojangles —Bo for short—after the song about a homeless man who, even after being arrested, remained happy and optimistic. The name fit this cat. Even when he was “behind bars” at the shelter, Bo had been meowing and purring, like he was trying to cheer me up.
As he adjusted to life with me, he got more talkative. More often than not, I found myself talking back:
“Good morning, Bo.”
“Yes, I’m home.”
“Meow. Meow!”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
By the time a month passed, we’d settled into a routine.
The word “love” seemed too big for Bo—until the day I came home and collapsed into bed, weeping.



