高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit7 The Internet 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

Unit7 The Internet知识清单
click[klik]v.点击 desired[di'zai d]adj.想要的
fresh[fre ]adj.新鲜的 icon['aik n]n.图标
interview['int vju:]v.采访 mobile['m ubail]adj.可移动的
passer-by['pɑ:s bai]n.路人 poem['p uim]n.诗
popular['p pj l (r)]adj.流行的;受欢迎的 ring[ri ]v.发出铃声
selfie[ selfi]n.自拍照片 spare[spe (r)]v.抽出;节约
take-out[ te k-a t]adj.外卖的 typical['tipikl]adj.典型的;有代表性的
unlock[ n'l k]v.解锁 concentrate on['k ns ntreit n]专心
go over[g u ' uv ]复习;重温 have access to[h v ' kses tu:]使用;接近
log onto[]登录;进入 stay up[stei p]熬夜
Li Zixuan is doing a survey and she is interviewing a passer-by, John Smith, about online games.
Li Zixuan: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey about online games. Could you spare a few minutes
John Smith: OK, what would you like to ask
Li Zixuan: Have you ever played games online
John Smith: Yes, I used to, but not any more.
Li Zixuan: How often did you play
John Smith: Almost every day.
Li Zixuan: Why did you like playing games online
John Smith: It was quite popular among young people. We had a lot to share with friends.
Li Zixuan: Then, what made you stop playing those games
John Smith: I often stayed up so late playing games that I couldn’t even concentrate on my studies. And I became bad-tempered when I lost a game.
Li Zixuan: It’s really wise to quit before it's too late. OK, thanks for your time.
John Smith: You’re welcome.
With smart phones, the Internet becomes mobile, and we can do most of the things we do on a typical day without moving around much.
Imagine one day on a weekend. You are at home alone. At 7:50, the phone is ringing for morning hobby classes. You unlock the phone, enter the online classroom and get ready. The teacher is talking about poems. You listen carefully, answer questions and discuss with classmates across the screen.
During a break, you log onto a take-out app and order your favorite jiaozi. It is sent to you at your desired time.
In the afternoon, you go over the morning lessons. After sending homework to your teacher by email, you decide to have some fun. You click on a music app icon and choose your favorite songs.
After an hour or so, you want to go to the nearby park for some fresh air. While you put on your shoes, your mobile phone is searching for the nearest shared bicycle to help you get on the move.
A Smart City
It is said that more and more of the world’s population will be living in cities. In order to make cities more comfortable for people, it is necessary to make cities smarter. Based on the idea of “Smart Globe(地球)”, a smart city uses technologies such as 5G networks and the InternetofThings(IoT) (物联网) to gather and process(处理)information. It then comes up with solutions to city problems concerning(关于) transportation, energy and healthcare (医疗保健).
People living in smart cities will enjoy a different life experience. For example, smart trash cans will be able to sense how full they are and inform the cleaners when necessary. Smart bike systems will allow riders to check on air quality and incoming weather on their way. Smart sensors(传感器) will give data to city managers for better control of traffic flow and better use of energy. Life in a smart city could be much safer, greener and more convenient.
1) Mr Chen is _____ the food on the Internet now.
A. ordered B. order C. orders D. ordering
2) Some people _____ at smart phones while crossing a street. It’s dangerous.
A.are looking B. is looking C. look D. looks
3) Mum, listen! Someone _____ at the door.
A. will knock B. is knocking C. knocks D. knock
4) Look! The boys _____ basketball while the girls are dancing.
A. are playing B. plays C. played D. is playing
5) — My I speak to Mr Wang
— Sorry, he _____ an online meeting now. Can I take a message
A. has B. is having C. have D. has have
6) — What’s the weather like today
— Terrible. It _____ now .
A. will rain B. rains C. is raining D. rain
7) — Could you help me with my English now, Mum
— Just a minute. I _____ an important e-mail.
A. am writing B. wrote C. will write D. write
8) — Where is Mr Li
— He’s at the airport. He _____ for Beijing.
A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. has left
9) Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _____.
A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off
10) Selecting a mobile phone is not easy because technology _____.
A. change B. will change C. is changing D. changes

1) Playing basketball s is my favorite.
Playing basketball is my _________ .
2)I play games online twice a week. (对画线部分提问)
_________ _________ do you play games online
3) Nancy recommended HUAWEI.(对画线部分提问)
_________ _________ did Nancy recommend
4) 共享单车可以帮你出行。(翻译)
_________ _________ can help you get on the move.
5) 不要熬夜玩电脑游戏。(翻译)
Nancy Wilson: Hello Sir, may I help you
John Davis: Yeah, my phone slipped into the water by accident and 1) _____ Nancy Wilson: I see. Well, 2) _____
John Davis: Sounds good. I am afraid it shouldn’t be too expensive, a mid-range one will do.
Nancy Wilson: OK, please take a look at this one. This HUAWEI mobile phone is pretty good and 3) _____ It has a curved display, built-in cameras, and a large storage space.
John Davis: How about the Internet access
Nancy Wilson: 4) _____ so you can enjoy fast access to the Internet wherever you are. You can also surf the Internet via Wi-Fi connection.
John Davis: One last thing, 5)_____
Nancy Wilson: It’s about 3500 yuan.
A. the price is mid-range.B. It works with the 5G network,C. By the way,D. I’m thinking of buying a new one.E. how much is it F. we have a lot of models for you to choose from.G. It’s expensive.
Li Zixuan: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey about online games.6) _____
John Smith: OK, what would you like to ask
Li Zixuan: 7) _____
John Smith: Yes, I used to, but not any more.
Li Zixuan: 8) _____
John Smith: Almost every day.
Li Zixuan: Why did you like playing games online
John Smith: It was quite popular among young people. We had a lot to share with friends.
Li Zixuan: Then, what made you stop playing those games
John Smith: I often stayed up so late playing games that I couldn’t even concentrate on my study. 9) _____
Li Zixuan: It’s really wise to quit before it’s too late. OK, 10) _____
John Smith: You are welcome.
A. How long have you played games online B. Have you ever played games online C. And I became bad-tempered when I lost a game.D. It sounds good. E. Could you spare me a few minutes F. thanks for your time.G. How often did you play
It is said that more and more of the world’s population will be living in cities. In order to
1) _________ cities more comfortable for people, it is necessary to make cities smarter. Based 2) _________ the idea of “Smart Globe”, a 3) _________ city uses technologies such as 5G networks 4) _________ the Internet of Things (IoT) to gather and process information. It then comes up with 5) _________ to city problems concerning transportation, energy and healthcare.
People living in smart cities will enjoy a 6)_________ life experience. For example, smart trash cans will be able to sense 7) _________ full they are and inform the cleaners when necessary. Smart bike systems will allow riders to 8) _________ air quality and incoming weather on their way. Smart sensors will give data to city managers for 9) _________ control of traffic flow and better use of energy. Life in a smart city could be much safer, greener and more10) _________.
1) A. have B. let C. make D. get
2) A. on B. in C. at D. with
3) A. smart B. good C. big D. great
4) A. either B. or C. but D. and
5) A. keys B. solutions C. methods D. ways
6) A. typical B. happy C. different D. easy
7) A. as B. what C. if D. how
8) A. check on B.check in C. check out D.check into
9) A. good B. better C. with D. for
10) A. modern B. beautiful C. convenient D. clean
1.cup of tea 2. How often 3. What brand
4. Shared bicycle 5.Don’t stay up late playing games.
01 Word and Expressions
02 Listening and Speaking
03 Reading and Writing
04 Culture understanding
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit7 The Internet知识清单
01 Word and Expressions
click[klik]v.点击 desired[di'zai d]adj.想要的
fresh[fre ]adj.新鲜的 icon['aik n]n.图标
interview['int vju:]v.采访 mobile['m ubail]adj.可移动的
passer-by['pɑ:s bai]n.路人 poem['p uim]n.诗
popular['p pj l (r)]adj.流行的;受欢迎的 ring[ri ]v.发出铃声
selfie[ selfi]n.自拍照片 spare[spe (r)]v.抽出;节约
take-out[ te k-a t]adj.外卖的 typical['tipikl]adj.典型的;有代表性的
unlock[ n'l k]v.解锁 concentrate on['k ns ntreit n]专心
go over[g u ' uv ]复习;重温 have access to[h v ' kses tu:]使用;接近
log onto[]登录;进入 stay up[stei p]熬夜
02 Listening and Speaking
Li Zixuan is doing a survey and she is interviewing a passer-by, John Smith, about online
Li Zixuan: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey about online games. Could you spare a few
John Smith: OK, what would you like to ask
Li Zixuan: Have you ever played games online
John Smith: Yes, I used to, but not any more.
Li Zixuan: How often did you play
John Smith: Almost every day.
Li Zixuan: Why did you like playing games online
John Smith: It was quite popular among young people. We had a lot to share with friends.
Li Zixuan: Then, what made you stop playing those games

John Smith: I often stayed up so late playing games that I couldn’t even concentrate on my
studies. And I became bad-tempered when I lost a game.
Li Zixuan: It’s really wise to quit before it's too late. OK, thanks for your time.
John Smith: You’re welcome.
03 Reading andWriting
With smart phones, the Internet becomes mobile, and we can do most of the things we do on a
typical day without moving around much.
Imagine one day on a weekend. You are at home alone. At 7:50, the phone is ringing for
morning hobby classes. You unlock the phone, enter the online classroom and get ready. The
teacher is talking about poems. You listen carefully, answer questions and discuss with
classmates across the screen.
During a break, you log onto a take-out app and order your favorite jiaozi. It is sent to you at
your desired time.
In the afternoon, you go over the morning lessons. After sending homework to your teacher by

email, you decide to have some fun. You click on a music app icon and choose your favorite
After an hour or so, you want to go to the nearby park for some fresh air. While you put on
your shoes, your mobile phone is searching for the nearest shared bicycle to help you get on
the move.
想象在周末的某一天,你一个人在家。早上 7:50,为上午兴趣班设定的闹铃响了。你解
04 Culture understanding
ASmart City
It is said that more and more of the world’s population will be living in cities. In order to make
cities more comfortable for people, it is necessary to make cities smarter. Based on the idea of
“Smart Globe( 地 球 )”, a smart city uses technologies such as 5G networks and the
InternetofThings(IoT) (物联网) to gather and process(处理)information. It then comes up with
solutions to city problems concerning(关于) transportation, energy and healthcare (医疗保健).
People living in smart cities will enjoy a different life experience. For example, smart trash
cans will be able to sense how full they are and inform the cleaners when necessary. Smart
bike systems will allow riders to check on air quality and incoming weather on their way.
Smart sensors(传感器 ) will give data to city managers for better control of traffic flow and
better use of energy. Life in a smart city could be much safer, greener and more convenient.

必要让城市变得更智慧。基于“智慧地球”的理念,智慧城市利用 5G网络和物联网等
1) Mr Chen is _____ the food on the Internet now.
A. ordered B. order C. orders D. ordering
2) Some people _____ at smart phones while crossing a street. It’s dangerous.
A.are looking B. is looking C. look D. looks
3) Mum, listen! Someone _____ at the door.
A. will knock B. is knocking C. knocks D. knock
4) Look! The boys _____ basketball while the girls are dancing.
A. are playing B. plays C. played D. is playing
5) — My I speak to Mr Wang
— Sorry, he _____ an online meeting now. Can I take a message
A. has B. is having C. have D. has have
6) —What’s the weather like today
— Terrible. It _____ now .
A. will rain B. rains C. is raining D. rain
7) — Could you help me with my English now, Mum
— Just a minute. I _____ an important e-mail.
A. am writing B. wrote C. will write D. write

8) —Where is Mr Li
— He’s at the airport. He _____ for Beijing.
A. leave B. leaves C. is leaving D. has left
9) Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _____.
A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off
10) Selecting a mobile phone is not easy because technology _____.
A. change B. will change C. is changing D. changes
1) Playing basketball s is my favorite.
Playing basketball is my _________ .
2)I play games online twice a week. (对画线部分提问)
_________ _________ do you play games online
3) Nancy recommended HUAWEI.(对画线部分提问)
_________ _________ did Nancy recommend
4) 共享单车可以帮你出行。(翻译)
_________ _________ can help you get on the move.
5) 不要熬夜玩电脑游戏。(翻译)
Nancy Wilson: Hello Sir, may I help you
John Davis: Yeah, my phone slipped into the water by accident and 1) _____ Nancy Wilson: I
see. Well, 2) _____
John Davis: Sounds good. I am afraid it shouldn’t be too expensive, a mid-range one will do.
Nancy Wilson: OK, please take a look at this one. This HUAWEI mobile phone is pretty good
and 3) _____ It has a curved display, built-in cameras, and a large storage space.
John Davis: How about the Internet access
Nancy Wilson: 4) _____ so you can enjoy fast access to the Internet wherever you are. You can
also surf the Internet via Wi-Fi connection.

John Davis: One last thing, 5)_____
Nancy Wilson: It’s about 3500 yuan.
A. the price is mid-range.
B. It works with the 5G network,
C. By the way,
D. I’m thinking of buying a new one.
E. how much is it
F. we have a lot of models for you to choose from.
G. It’s expensive.
Li Zixuan: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey about online games.6) _____
John Smith: OK, what would you like to ask
Li Zixuan: 7) _____
John Smith: Yes, I used to, but not any more.
Li Zixuan: 8) _____
John Smith: Almost every day.
Li Zixuan: Why did you like playing games online
John Smith: It was quite popular among young people. We had a lot to share with friends.
Li Zixuan: Then, what made you stop playing those games
John Smith: I often stayed up so late playing games that I couldn’t even concentrate on my
study. 9) _____
Li Zixuan: It’s really wise to quit before it’s too late. OK, 10) _____
John Smith: You are welcome.
A. How long have you played games online
B. Have you ever played games online
C. And I became bad-tempered when I lost a game.
D. It sounds good.
E. Could you spare me a few minutes
F. thanks for your time.
G. How often did you play

It is said that more and more of the world’s population will be living in cities. In order to
1) _________ cities more comfortable for people, it is necessary to make cities smarter.
Based 2) _________ the idea of “Smart Globe”, a 3) _________ city uses technologies such
as 5G networks 4) _________ the Internet of Things (IoT) to gather and process information. It
then comes up with 5) _________ to city problems concerning transportation, energy and
People living in smart cities will enjoy a 6)_________ life experience. For example, smart
trash cans will be able to sense 7) _________ full they are and inform the cleaners when
necessary. Smart bike systems will allow riders to 8) _________ air quality and incoming
weather on their way. Smart sensors will give data to city managers for 9) _________ control
of traffic flow and better use of energy. Life in a smart city could be much safer, greener and
more10) _________.
1) A. have B. let C. make D. get
2) A. on B. in C. at D. with
3) A. smart B. good C. big D. great
4) A. either B. or C. but D. and
5) A. keys B. solutions C. methods D. ways
6) A. typical B. happy C. different D. easy
7) A. as B. what C. if D. how
8) A. check on B.check in C. check out D.check into
9) A. good B. better C. with D. for
10) A. modern B. beautiful C. convenient D. clean

1.cup of tea 2. How often 3. What brand
4. Shared bicycle 5.Don’t stay up late playing games.




