高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit4 School Life 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

Unit 4 School Life知识清单
chemistry['kemistri]n.化学 college['k lid ]n.大学
competition[ k mp 'ti n]n.比赛 exciting[ik'saiti ]adj.令人兴奋的
experience[ik'spi ri ns]n.经验 favorite['feiv rit]adj.最喜爱的
fun[f n]adj.使人快乐的 n.乐趣 hall[h :l]n.大厅
hands-on['h ndz' n, -' :n]adj.实际操作的 hold[h uld]v.举办
interesting['intr sti ]adj.有趣的 internship['int :n ip]n.实习
major['meid (r)]n.专业;专业课 physics['fiziks]n.物理
politics['p l tiks]n.政治 practice['pr ktis]v.练习
relaxing[ri'l ksi ]adj.轻松的;令人放松的 related[ri'leitid]adj.相关的
skill[skil]n.技能;技艺 skilled[skild]adj.有技能的;熟练的
special['spe l]adj.特别的;特殊的 subject['s bd ikt]n.学科
training['treini ]n.训练 sound like 听上去似乎
information technology[ inf 'mei n tek'n l d i](IT)信息技术
practical training 实训 prepare ... for… 使…为…做好准备
Ella Baker and Lin Yang meet each other outside the classroom.
Lin Yang: What are your plans for the afternoon
Ella Baker: I have classes from 13:30 to 15:30.
Lin Yang: Me too. What are you going to do after that
Ella Baker: The singing club is holding a competition this afternoon. I’m going to watch it.
Lin Yang: Sounds fun. Where are they holding the competition
Ella Baker: In the meeting hall.
Lin Yang: When will it begin
Ella Baker: It’ll begin at 16:00.
Lin Yang: When will it be over
Ella Baker: It’ll be over by 18:00.
Lin Yang: I think I’ll be free from 16:00 to 18:00. Shall we go together
Ella Baker: Sure. It’ll be great. See you there!
Lin Yang: See you!
艾拉·贝克尔:我1:30到 3:30有课。
Star Vocational High School
Your bright future begins here.
Where do you see yourself in three years
Whether you want to get into a college or to become a skilled worker, Star Vocational High School (SVHS) will prepare you for it.
In the classroom
You will study basic subjects such as Politics, Chinese, Math, English and History.You will also study special subjects related to your major.
Learning by doing
You will learn and practice your skills in the training center.You will also get hands-on experience by doing internships at real companies.
Student life
Life at school is not all about studying. Having fun can help you relax and help you learn.At SVHS, you will have all kinds of school trips, activities, clubs, and sports teams to choose from.
Vocational Education in Germany
Germany has a world-famous vocational education system. About half of its students choose to have vocational education after leaving secondary school(<德国>中级学校).This is how it works.
Students choose an occupation (职业).
This is the occupation they will be trained for.
Students apply to(向…申请) a real company which offers training in that occupation.
This is like finding a job.
Students sign a training contract(签订培训合同) with the company to begin their training.
During the training, students spend
about 30% of their time learning basic special knowledge in a vocational school.
about 70% of their time learning skills and work steps(工序流程) at the company in real work environments.
Students take a final exam to get a certificate(认证证书)when the training ends.
Companies around the country recognize the certificate.
1) I _____ you as soon as I arrive home.
A. call B. will call C. calls D. called
2) The train _____ at 10 this morning.
A. going to arrive B. will be arrive
C. is going to arrive D. is arriving
3) --Let’s go out to play football.
--OK. I _____
A. will be coming B. be going to come
C. am coming D. come
4) If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we _____ go roller-skating.
A. will B. are C. have D. /
5) Who ________ Jack_____ swimming with tomorrow afternoon
A. will; go B. will; goes C. does; go D. do; going
6) ________ a concert next Saturday.
A. There can be B. There be will
C. There will be D. There are
7) Charlie ________ here next month.
A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working
C. isn’t going to work D. won’t working
8) --Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow
-- No, ________.
they don’t B. they won’t
C. they aren’t D. they didn’t
9) The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.
A. will watching B. watches
C. is watching D. are going to watch
10) Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It________ rain soon.
A.is going to B. is C. will D. will be
1) P.E. is my favorite course.
I love P.E. _________.
2) Tim would like to be a school football team member.
Tom would like to _________ the school football team.
3) We are going to have a picnic next week.(对划线部分提问)
_________ are you going to have a picnic
4) I will go out for a walk if it is fine tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)
5) 态度和能力一样重要。
Attitude is just _________ _________ _________ ability.
Ella Baker: Hi, Yuchen. How’s your day
Zhang Yuchen: 1)____ I just had a P.E. class. It was a lot of fun.
Ella Baker: Sounds like you really enjoyed it.
Zhang Yuchen: Yes, I did. 2)____
Ella Baker: Really 3)____ but it’s not my favorite.
Zhang Yuchen: 4)_____
Ella Baker: Information Technology.
Zhang Yuchen: Why do you like it so much
Ella Baker: 5)_____
A. Great.B. It is boring.C. I like P.E. too,D. Why do you like it E. P.E. is my favorite subject.F. What’s your favorite subject G. Because it’s very useful and interesting.
Lin Yang: What are your plans for the afternoon
Ella Baker: I have classes from 13:30 to 15:30.
Lin Yang: Me too. 6) _____
Ella Baker: The singing club is holding a competition this afternoon. I’m going to watch it.
Lin Yang: 7) _____ Where are they holding the competition
Ella Baker: In the meeting hall.
Lin Yang: 8) _____
Ella Baker: It’ll begin at 16:00.
Lin Yang: When will it be over
Ella Baker: 9) _____
Lin Yang: I think I’ll be free from 16:00 to 18:00. 10) _____
Ella Baker: Sure. It’ll be great. See you there!
Lin Yang: See you!
A. Sure.B. Sounds fun.C. When will it begin D. It’ll begin at 18:00.E. Shall we go together F. It’ll be over by 18:00.G. What are you going to do after that
Germany has a world-famous vocational education system. About half of its students 1) _____ to have vocational education after 2) _____ secondary school. Firstly, students choose 3)_____ occupation. This is the occupation they will be trained for. Secondly, students apply 4)_____ a real company which offers training in that occupation. This is like finding a 5) _____. Thirdly, Students 6) _____ a training contract with the company to begin their training. 7) _____ the training, students spend about 30% of their time 8) _____ basic special knowledge in a vocational school and about 70% of their time learning skills and 9) _____ steps at the company in real work environments. When the training ends, students will take a final exam to 10) _____ a certificate which companies around the country recognize.
1) A. chooses B. chose C. choose D. chosen
2) A. leaves B. leave C. leaving D. left
3) A. a B. an C. the D. /
4) A. to B. for C. in D. with
5) A. job B. company C. school D. course
6) A. draw B. sign C. get D. make
7) A. Along B. Within C. During D. Between
8) A. learnt B. learn C. learning D. to learn
9) A. learn B. work C. play D. train
10) A. get B. give C. begin D. take
1.best 2. join 3. When
4. Will you go out for a walk if it is fine tomorrow 5.as important as
01 Word and Expressions
02 Listening and Speaking
03 Reading and Writing
04 Culture understanding
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit 4 School Life知识清单
01 Word and Expressions
chemistry['kemistri]n.化学 college['k lid ]n.大学
competition[ k mp 'ti n]n.比赛 exciting[ik'saiti ]adj.令人兴奋的
experience[ik'spi ri ns]n.经验 favorite['feiv rit]adj.最喜爱的
fun[f n]adj.使人快乐的 n.乐趣 hall[h :l]n.大厅
hands-on['h ndz' n, -' :n]adj.实际操作的 hold[h uld]v.举办
interesting['intr sti ]adj.有趣的 internship['int :n ip]n.实习
major['meid (r)]n.专业;专业课 physics['fiziks]n.物理
politics['p l tiks]n.政治 practice['pr ktis]v.练习
relaxing[ri'l ksi ]adj.轻松的;令人放松的 related[ri'leitid]adj.相关的
skill[skil]n.技能;技艺 skilled[skild]adj.有技能的;熟练的
special['spe l]adj.特别的;特殊的 subject['s bd ikt]n.学科
training['treini ]n.训练 sound like 听上去似乎
information technology[ inf 'mei n tek'n l d i](IT)信息技术
practical training 实训 prepare ... for… 使…为…做好准备
02 Listening and Speaking
Ella Baker and Lin Yang meet each other outside the classroom.
Lin Yang: What are your plans for the afternoon
Ella Baker: I have classes from 13:30 to 15:30.
Lin Yang: Me too. What are you going to do after that
Ella Baker: The singing club is holding a competition this afternoon. I’m going to watch it.
Lin Yang: Sounds fun. Where are they holding the competition
Ella Baker: In the meeting hall.
Lin Yang: When will it begin

Ella Baker: It’ll begin at 16:00.
Lin Yang: When will it be over
Ella Baker: It’ll be over by 18:00.
Lin Yang: I think I’ll be free from 16:00 to 18:00. Shall we go together
Ella Baker: Sure. It’ll be great. See you there!
Lin Yang: See you!
艾拉·贝克尔:我 1:30到 3:30有课。
艾拉·贝克尔:下午 4点钟。林杨:那什么时候结束?
艾拉·贝克尔:到 6点钟结束。
林杨:我想我 4点到 6点有空,要不我们一起去吧?
03 Reading andWriting
Star Vocational High School
Your bright future begins here.
Where do you see yourself in three years
Whether you want to get into a college or to become a skilled worker, Star Vocational High
School (SVHS) will prepare you for it.
In the classroom
You will study basic subjects such as Politics, Chinese, Math, English and History.You will
also study special subjects related to your major.

Learning by doing
You will learn and practice your skills in the training center.You will also get hands-on
experience by doing internships at real companies.
Student life
Life at school is not all about studying. Having fun can help you relax and help you learn.At
SVHS, you will have all kinds of school trips, activities, clubs, and sports teams to choose
04 Culture understanding
Vocational Education in Germany
Germany has a world-famous vocational education system. About half of its students choose to
have vocational education after leaving secondary school(<德国>中级学校 ).This is how it
Students choose an occupation (职业).
This is the occupation they will be trained for.

Students apply to(向…申请) a real company which offers training in that occupation.
This is like finding a job.
Students sign a training contract(签订培训合同) with the company to begin their training.
During the training, students spend
about 30% of their time learning basic special knowledge in a vocational school.
about 70% of their time learning skills and work steps(工序流程) at the company in real work
Students take a final exam to get a certificate(认证证书)when the training ends.
Companies around the country recognize the certificate.
培训期间,学生用 30%的时间在职业学校进行基础的专业知识学习,用 70%的时间在真
1) I _____ you as soon as I arrive home.
A. call B. will call C. calls D. called
2) The train _____ at 10 this morning.
A. going to arrive B. will be arrive
C. is going to arrive D. is arriving

3) --Let’s go out to play football.
--OK. I _____
A. will be coming B. be going to come
C. am coming D. come
4) If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we _____ go roller-skating.
A. will B. are C. have D. /
5) Who ________ Jack_____ swimming with tomorrow afternoon
A. will; go B. will; goes C. does; go D. do; going
6) ________ a concert next Saturday.
A. There can be B. There be will
C. There will be D. There are
7) Charlie ________ here next month.
A. isn’t working B. doesn’t working
C. isn’t going to work D. won’t working
8) --Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow
-- No, ________.
A. they don’t B. they won’t
C. they aren’t D. they didn’t
9) The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match.
A. will watching B. watches
C. is watching D. are going to watch
10) Look at the dark clouds in the sky. It________ rain soon.
A.is going to B. is C. will D. will be
1) P.E. is my favorite course.
I love P.E. _________.
2) Tim would like to be a school football team member.
Tom would like to _________ the school football team.
3) We are going to have a picnic next week.(对划线部分提问)
_________ are you going to have a picnic

4) I will go out for a walk if it is fine tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)
5) 态度和能力一样重要。
Attitude is just _________ _________ _________ ability.
Ella Baker: Hi, Yuchen. How’s your day
Zhang Yuchen: 1)____ I just had a P.E. class. It was a lot of fun.
Ella Baker: Sounds like you really enjoyed it.
Zhang Yuchen: Yes, I did. 2)____
Ella Baker: Really 3)____ but it’s not my favorite.
Zhang Yuchen: 4)_____
Ella Baker: Information Technology.
Zhang Yuchen: Why do you like it so much
Ella Baker: 5)_____
A. Great.
B. It is boring.
C. I like P.E. too,
D. Why do you like it
E. P.E. is my favorite subject.
F. What’s your favorite subject
G. Because it’s very useful and interesting.
Lin Yang: What are your plans for the afternoon
Ella Baker: I have classes from 13:30 to 15:30.
Lin Yang: Me too. 6) _____
Ella Baker: The singing club is holding a competition this afternoon. I’m going to watch it.
Lin Yang: 7) _____ Where are they holding the competition
Ella Baker: In the meeting hall.
Lin Yang: 8) _____

Ella Baker: It’ll begin at 16:00.
Lin Yang: When will it be over
Ella Baker: 9) _____
Lin Yang: I think I’ll be free from 16:00 to 18:00. 10) _____
Ella Baker: Sure. It’ll be great. See you there!
Lin Yang: See you!
A. Sure.
B. Sounds fun.
C. When will it begin
D. It’ll begin at 18:00.
E. Shall we go together
F. It’ll be over by 18:00.
G. What are you going to do after that
Germany has a world-famous vocational education system. About half of its students 1) _____
to have vocational education after 2) _____ secondary school. Firstly, students choose 3)_____
occupation. This is the occupation they will be trained for. Secondly, students apply 4)_____ a
real company which offers training in that occupation. This is like finding a 5) _____. Thirdly,
Students 6) _____ a training contract with the company to begin their training. 7) _____ the
training, students spend about 30% of their time 8) _____ basic special knowledge in a
vocational school and about 70% of their time learning skills and 9) _____ steps at the
company in real work environments. When the training ends, students will take a final exam to
10) _____ a certificate which companies around the country recognize.
1) A. chooses B. chose C. choose D. chosen
2) A. leaves B. leave C. leaving D. left
3) A. a B. an C. the D. /
4) A. to B. for C. in D. with
5) A. job B. company C. school D. course
6) A. draw B. sign C. get D. make
7) A. Along B. Within C. During D. Between
8) A. learnt B. learn C. learning D. to learn

9) A. learn B. work C. play D. train
10) A. get B. give C. begin D. take
1.best 2. join 3. When
4. Will you go out for a walk if it is fine tomorrow 5.as important as




