
考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分 成绩:
( )1. A. wake B. water C. watch
( )2. A. letter B. little C. litter
( )3. A. large B. strong C. weak
( )4. A. soft B. safely C. safe
( )5. A. pavement B. passage C. parrot
( )6. A. habits B. rabbits C. robots
( )7. A. late B. never C. night
( )8. A. hit B. bite C. bit
( )9. A. loudly B. quietly C. sleepy
( )10. A. just now B. from then on C. just then
三 听两遍录音,给下列答句排序。(5分)
( ) At eight thirty.
( ) Yes, we did.
( ) You must keep the floor clean.
( )I ate some vegetables and a little rice.
( ) No, you can't.
四 听两遍录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的图片。(5分)
五 听两遍录音,填入所缺单词。(10分)
My parents and I were on Sunday. First, we to the supermarket by . It was . We some pineapples and there. Then we went to the . There were many books. I read a Chinese idiom book . It was fun.There were many animal in it. What a day!
1. My father is tall. He is a good player. cooking
2. Our classroom is not clean. We should the floor. sweep
3. Bobby often reads books about . mouse
4. The boy brought a flower for his mother this . morning
5. Look out! There is a little in the house. basketball
1. The boy is a boy and he always laughs
2. I'm small and , but maybe I can help you some day.
3. the floor is a good habit.
4. Look! The girl is helping the old woman the road.
5. He is a good boy. He always his books in .
6. Look! A cat is running after a .
7. Tom usually has some rice, some fish, some meat and a lot of vegetables and fruit in his meal, so he has a healthy .
8. When we can't find a zebra crossing near us, we can wait on the .
1. Stop (shout)! The students (have) an English lesson.
2. The tiger was hungry. It (bite) the meat (quick).
3. Tom was happy. He (hit) the ball hard. It (fly) into the classroom.
4. This question is . Sam can answer it . (easy)
5. There (be) a lot of yummy meat on the table yesterday. My father is good at (cook) meat.
( )1.— there any tea in the cup just now —Sorry, I don't know.
A. Are B. Were C. Was
( )2. — I watch TV
—No, you . It's too late. You go to bed now.
A. Can; can't; must B. Must; mustn't; can C. Can; mustn't; can
( )3.—Does Tom learn English
—Yes, he often English books after dinner.
A. good; reads B. well; reads C. well; looks
( )4.—Why does Mike look —Because he won the match just now.
A. excited B. excitedly C. exciting
( )5. Nancy will go to the library, but she doesn't know how .
A. to get to there B. get there C. to get there
( )6. How many do you want
A. glass of apple juice B. glass of apple juices C. glasses of apple juice
( )7. It is often in the UK, so people always an umbrella.
A. rainy; carry B. rainy; carries C. rains; carries
( )8. Which sentence is NOT right in intonation
A. Who is the lollipop for ↓ B. Will he say“It doesn't matter”
C. How nice the poster is! ↑
五 根据中文提示完成句子。(5分)
is the bus again
Please in the hospital.
We also need for the dinner.
, you should a zebra crossing.
六 根据上下文及图片提示填空,完成对话,每空一词。(10分)
Dad: Tom, what would you like lunch
Tom: I'd like a hamburger and a large bottle of cola.
Dad: You shouldn't drink too cola.
Tom: OK. I want a bottle. Can I have some food
Dad: Sure. But eat a at a . What about you, Anna
Anna: I'd like a of rice, some and some milk.
Dad: All right. Would you like some , my dears They're for you.
Anna & Tom: Sure.
七 将下列句子重新排序组成一段通顺的对话。(7分)
A. Shall we go by bike
B. Let's go now.
C. Great! But how can we get there
D. Where are you going, Mike
E. No. It's too slow. Let's go by car.
F. I'm going to the zoo. Do you want to go with me
G. All right. Cars go fast.
八 完形填空。(10 分)
Food is very important to us. Everyone needs to 1 healthy food if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our mind also needs a kind of 2 . It is knowledge. We begin to get knowledge when we are very 3 . Small children want to know everything around 4 .They learn while they are watching and 5 . When they get older, they begin to 6
storybooks, science books . .. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and 7 to find out the answers. Then, what is the best 8 to get knowledge If we learn by ourselves, we will get 9 knowledge. If we always get answers from 10 and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.
( )1. A. sleep B. read C. eat
( )2. A. sport B. exercise C. food
( )3. A. old B. young C. big
( )4. A. them B. us C. you
( )5. A. listening B. laughing C. taking
( )6. A. write B. read C. look
( )7. A. try B. have C. wait
( )8. A. place B. school C. way
( )9. A. little B. few C. more
( )10. A. books B. others C. children
九 阅读理解。(10分)
A healthy guide to children’s diet
·Don't waste food.
·Cook properly.
·Cultivate(培养) a good eating habit. Drink some milk every day. Add vegetables and fruit into meals. Have meals on time.
·Drink clean water every day instead of having sugary drinks(含糖饮料).
·Have some fish and meat every day, but don't eat too much.
·Do more outdoor exercise(户外运动).
Salt: about 6 g per day(每天)
Oil: about 25 g per day
Dairy and beans: about 150 g per day
Fish, meat and eggs: about 125 g—200 g per day
Vegetables and fruit: about 500 g—700 g per day
Cereals: about 300 g—500 g per day
( )1. In a healthy diet, you should have five grams(克) of salt every day.
( )2. You can drink lots of milk and sugary drinks every day.
( )3. If you like meat, you can eat a lot for meals.
( )4. Having three meals on time is a good eating habit.
( )5. Having a healthy diet and doing more outdoor exercise are good for your health.
Hi, I'm Jane. I'm thirteen years old. I'm a middle school student. But I am a little bit upset, because there are too many rules for me—class rules, family rules, dining hall rules and museum rules.
In our class, we must hand in our homework on time. We mustn't arrive late for class.And we can't eat or drink in the classroom.
At home, I can't watch TV from Monday to Friday. I have to do my homework first when I get home. It is a little difficult for me. And then I have to walk my dog. I must go to bed before ten o’clock.
In our dining hall, we can't be noisy. And I must eat up all my food.
In our museum, we mustn't take photos. And we can't run here and there.
Rules sound terrible. But they're necessary and important. As the saying goes, “No rules,no standards.”So we have to obey them to have a better future.
Too many rules for me
Class rules Hand in our homework on time and we can't be 1. ________ for class.
Family rules I can just watch TV at 2. _______.
Do my homework first when I get home. It is not 3. ________ for me.
Dining hall rules We can't make too much 4. _______. I should eat up all my food.
Museum rules We mustn't take photos or run everywhere.
Conclusion(结论) The Chinese meaning of“No rules, no standards.”is“5. _________”.
参考词汇:fox, look for food, look beautiful, jump up, go away
1. Don't wake up your brother.
2. There's a little milk in the bottle.
3. The rabbit is so weak and small.
4. Can you cross the road safely
5. Please wait on the pavement.
6. My grandpa has a lot of good habits.
7. Did you go to bed early last night
8. The dog bit the sofa yesterday. The owner was angry.
9. My mum is sleeping. Please talk quietly.
10. Tom drank a lot of water just now.
1. They are eating so much food.
2. There are too many cars on the road.
3. They are walking on the pavement.
4. This is a real story.
5. There isn't a clock in the room.
1. Did you clean your room yesterday
2. Can I have some coffee
3. When do you usually go to bed
4. What must we do in the classroom
5. What did you have for lunch yesterday
1. M: Do you do your homework late, Susan
W: No, I usually do my homework early. But I always do some reading before bedtime.
M: That's a good habit.
Q: What does Susan do before bedtime
2. W: Mike, you drink too much cola and eat too much meat. So you are not healthy.
M: What should I do, Doctor
W: You should eat a lot of vegetables every day.
Q: What should Mike eat every day
3. M: What do you think of Penny’s habits
W: Well, she likes reading. It's good. But She sometimes reads e-books on the road. It's not safe.
Q: What is Penny's bad habit
4. M: Hi, Miss Li. What do you have for breakfast and lunch
W: For breakfast, I often have some noodles and an apple. For lunch, I usually have some rice, some vegetables and some meat.
Q: What does Miss Li have for breakfast
5. M: Stop!
W: But there's no traffic lights here.
M: Look! There's an old woman crossing the road slowly. Let her go first.
W: I see.
Q: Why does the car stop here
My parents and I were busy on Sunday.First, we went to the supermarket by metro. It was full. We bought some pineapples and oranges there. Then we went to the bookshop. There were many books. I read a Chinese idiom book quietly. It was fun. There were many animal stories in it. What a happy day!
一、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C8. C 9. B 10. A
二、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T
三、3 1 4 5 2
四、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
五、 busy, went, metro, full, bought, oranges,bookshop, quietly, stories, happy【笔试答案】
一、 1. basketball 2. sweep 3. cooking
4. morning 5. mouse
二、1. happy, happily 2. weak 3. Sweeping
4. cross 5. puts, order 6. mouse 7. diet
8. pavement
三、 1. shouting, are having 2. bit, quickly3. hit, flew 4. easy, easily 5. was, cooking
四、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. A8. C
五、1. Why, stopping 2. talk/speak quietly
3. a few tomatoes 4. First, look for
六、 for, much, little, sweet, little, time, bowl,fish, vegetables, good
七、D F C A E G B
八、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A8. C 9. C 10. B
九、(A)1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T(B) 1. late 2. weekends 3. easy 4. noise5.没有规矩,不成方圆
Long long ago, there was a fox. He was hungry. He looked for food, and saw some grapes. He wanted to get those grapes because they looked beautiful. The fox started to jump up. But he couldn't get them. Then the fox went away. He said, “I don't want those grapes. They are green. They aren't sweet.”




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