
what one very how work small in off we so see take
Last Wednesday, Mr Luo 1 us to the Space Museum. We really enjoyed 2 a lot.
There were many things about space there. 3 , we saw a film about space travel. We saw how the space shuttle (航天飞机) took 4 in space and later landed on the earth again. It was 5 exciting that all of us want to learn more about space.
After the film, Mr Luo took us to see some models of rockets and space shuttles. The models looked very real, but they were much 6 . In addition, we have 7 some moon rocks (岩石). Two Americans landed on the moon 8 1969. They put American flag there. Then they took some rocks back to the earth.
Before we left, we also watched a video show about people living and 9 in a space station. We were surprised that the people could stay in the space station for several months. 10 great and mysterious (神秘的) the space is!
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Zu Ti was a great man of Jin Dynasty (朝代). He was famous for his hard work and great achievements (成就). 11 when he was a child, he was a naughty (顽皮的) boy. He didn’t like study and showed 12 interest in reading. As he grew up, Zu Ti 13 he didn’t have enough knowledge (知识) to serve the country well, so he decided to study hard.
Zu Ti had a good friend called Liu Kun. They not only slept on one bed every night but also woke up 14 the same time every morning at work. One day, when they 15 sleeping, Zu Ti heard the rooster crowing (鸡鸣). An 16 came to him. He woke up Liu Kun and said, “ 17 about getting up to play swords (剑) now ” Though he was 18 , Liu Kun agreed with Zu Ti. From then on, they would get up and practice swords as soon as the rooster began crowing. They 19 gave up no matter how cold in winter
or hot in summer. At last, they became talents with wisdom (智慧) and they tried 20 best to help their country. This is the Chinese idiom story To Rise with the Rooster.
(23-24八年级下·广东云浮·期中)请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使文章完整、连贯。注意每空一词, 每词仅用一次, 有两词为多余项。
we about ride going except owner fun shoe where raise invent countryside
Here is a piece of good news for you. Our class is going on a field trip to the Apple Farm on Saturday. I’m sure we'll enjoy 21 in the open air.
Mr. James is the 22 of the farm. He is friendly. He 23 a lot of farm animals, such as chickens, cows, ducks, and sheep. He is going to teach us about farm life and about 24 food comes from. We’ll have a chance to 25 in his big tractor (拖拉机) and feed the farm animals. This is always 26 and popular. Besides, there is a watch tower (瞭望塔) on his farm. We’ll get a good view of the 27 when we stand there watching.
Everything on the farm is free 28 our lunch. You’ll need to pay 15 yuan for your lunch. By the way, remember to wear a pair of comfortable 29 , as we’re going to walk a lot.
Please keep in mind that we're 30 there by school bus. The bus leaves at 9 o’clock, so please don’t be late.
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We have a colorful life at school. There are different 31 of activities, such as football, baseball, swimming and cycling. As for me, I like swimming best. My father is a PE teacher. When I was a child, I often 32 swimming with him. We enjoyed ourselves in the swimming pool. We both thought it was fun. Dad taught me 33 to swim. I kept practicing swimming every day and I learned a lot from 34 .
I think doing sports is good 35 me. I joined the school swimming club. 36 I finish my homework, I often go swimming with my friends, and it helps me 37 many new friends. The feeling is so great, and it makes me much 38 than before. I can 39 do well in my study now, and my teacher says I am a good student.
I want to be a famous swimmer when I grow up, and I hope I can have a 40 to take part in the Olympics. I will try my best to make my dream come true.
typical asked although full us compare
concert shape fascinating hug since crowded
We all agree that good teachers change our lives. When we are at school, teachers teach us to read and write, be confident and be 41 , as well as how to be kind to others. They also help us discover the 42 worlds of science, music or sports.
As for the superstar singer Miss Smith, teachers helped 43 her future and career. At a concert in London, the famous singer-songwriter Miss Smith was 44 to say one person who had inspired her. She named her English teacher Ms McDonald. 45 Ms McDonald taught her for just one year, she encouraged her love of literature ( 文学)—which led to her writing all her own song lyrics (歌词).
“She also did street dance and was so cool.” She told the people at the 46 . But she never knew that Ms McDonald was a surprise guest in the 47 . They were very glad to meet again on stage 48 they last met several years ago. “You did really change my life!” She told Ms McDonald. They 49 each other, tears in their eyes. What a touching scene it was!
A great teacher who is 50 of excitement and love for her students can make all the difference in
their lives. It’s teachers that help us to be better ourselves.
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I liked doing chores when I was young. My mother started to teach us to cook when we 51 five or six. There was a reason for that. My father was at home 52 only two days a month, so my mother had to do 53 . She had to grow crops, feed the dog and the 54 and cook for us. When we were five or six years old, we all need to learn to do something by 55 . And we all started to help our mother do the housework. My eldest sister Lora helped our mother reap (收割) crops on the farm. My second eldest sister Daisy did the 56 , and I cooked for the family. When my sisters 57 their work, they both came to the 58 to help me. I can still remember the tears (眼泪) in my mother’s eyes when she saw the 59 we cooked. When I was seven, I went to school, 60 I still came home every day and cooked for the family. I also liked to bring the food I cooked to school and share it with my classmates.
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Beijing Opera is the most famous Chinese opera form (形式). Having a history of about 200 years, it comes from 61 a few drama forms (戏剧形式), mostly from the local drama “Huiban”. It 62 popular around the world now.
In foreign dramas, actors don’t dance, speak or sing in one drama. 63 , Beijing Opera has all the three parts at the same time: speaking, singing and dancing. They are different 64 each other.
Beijing Opera has spread (传播) to many other places. It becomes one of the most 65 symbols of Chinese traditional (传统的) art forms and many foreign people get interested in it. “ 66 you feel a little bored at first. But keep watching, and you will fall in love with it even if you know 67 about the drama background. Listening to Beijing Opera is really an 68 thing.” This is what one American traveler said after he 69 watched Beijing Opera in the theater. Beijing Opera is China’s national opera and it is full of Chinese 70 . Welcome to China and enjoy Beijing Opera!
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Once I worked as an English teacher in a kindergarten (幼儿园). There were two classes, and each class had two Chinese teachers and 71 foreign language teacher.
My students were such sweet children, but one boy loved to 72 . He wanted to be a singer 73 he grew up. He refused to be under the direction (指导) of any teacher. We got on well 74 each other after I learned the skill of holding a kid in my hand while counting (数数) from one to twenty.
Another student was a girl. 75 did not always follow me. One day, she just said, “l love you, Miss Wang.” while we were coming down the stairs. She quickly became one of my favorites.
The children learned to sing and dance with others. They also learned 76 to fold their clothes, water the plants, feed chickens, and play the piano. They developed the habit of pushing their chairs in when they got 77 .
It’s wonderful to see how 78 Chinese children love going to school. It’s a good place for them to spend 79 with friends playing and learning together. Parents are also happy that their kids are making use of their time and not just 80 TV at home. They all think our school plays an important role in their children’s lives.
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In learning English, one should pay 81 to listening and speaking. You’d better try your best to speak while listening. Don’t be afraid to make 82 . But be careful not to let them stop you improving your English. 83 you are doing this, a good way is to write—keep a diary. When you write, you will easily find 84 mistakes in speaking. Then if you can, ask some others to go through the diary. 85 is easier for them to find out the mistakes.
If you are slow in speaking, don’t 86 about it. One of the 87 ways is reading. The important thing is to 88 something interesting to read. It mustn’t 89 too difficult for you. When
you are reading, don’t stop to look 90 the new words if you can guess their meanings. In this way you will read faster and better.
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We live in the age of the computer. Scientists, teachers, writers and even students use 91 to do all kinds of work. 92 , more than thirty years ago, computers couldn’t do much work. They were big and expensive. Only a few people were 93 in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 94 . They can do a lot of work for people.
Computers play 95 important role in our everyday life. They can work faster than people. Besides, they 96 fewer puters can help people 97 different work. 98 use them to write articles. Teachers use 99 to give lessons. Students use them to study. Nowadays computers are necessary in our daily life. They make our life easier and more interesting. What do you think our lives will 100 like without computers
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One day, I was walking on the road, with my friend Tina following. Suddenly, I heard a loud 101 from behind. I looked back and found Tina lying on the ground. I quickly helped her up and asked if she was OK. Luckily, Tina wasn’t hurt 102 . She cleaned her knees and said, “I was using my phone and not 103 attention to the road.”
When you cross the street, it’s 104 to know where to look. First, look left, then right, and then left
again. Start crossing 105 there’s no traffic. Keep watching for cars as you cross and look over your shoulder for turning cars. 106 , like Tina, not all of us follow these rules all the time. China Youth Daily says over 70% of people use 107 phones while walking on the road. These phone users are known as “smartphone zombies (低头族)”.
Cities around the world are trying to help people stop this bad habit. Honolulu passed a law 108 2017. Police can fine (罚款) people using phones while crossing the street $15-99. Two 109 later, Wenzhou had the same rule.
My friend Tina was “lucky”. She didn’t get fined and only hurt her knees. However, not all “smartphone zombies” are so lucky. Always 110 : Don’t use your phone while walking on the road, or you may face a fine and even put your life in danger.
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Do you know Nick Vujicic He was 111 unlucky man from Australia. He was born 112 arms or legs. Life was hard for him. With his mother’s help, he learned to write with his toes (脚趾) at the age of 6. At school, many students laughed at him. He seemed unhappy because he had 113 friends. When he was 13, he read a newspaper about a famous man. 114 the man was disabled (有残疾的), he was able to do a lot of great things by himself. He even tried 115 best to help others. Soon he knew 116 to do in life. He believed 117 was impossible. At the age of 17, he started to give talks to help disabled people. In his talks, he told 118 and shared his own experience. Because of him, many disabled people understand that they are helpful to the world.
Now Nick is one of the 119 speakers in the world. He 120 to other countries and gives talks to make people become happier and enjoy their life.
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Li Hong is a 14-year-old middle school student in Maoming. She loves English, 121 she often gets
bad marks in her English exams (考试). She is too 122 to ask questions. In order to improve her English, she works very hard.
123 of all, Li Hong gets up early and practices her pronunciation as much as possible. When she meets some problems, she often asks her English teacher and friends 124 help. Second, she often spends her free time watching English films and listening to English 125 . Maybe she doesn’t really understand all the words and sentences, but it doesn’t matter. She 126 that the more English she hears, the more she’ll understand. Third, 127 is very important. She tries her best to read short stories 128 she sleeps every night. At last, it’s also a good idea to write in English, so she keeps writing about her life in English.
As the saying (谚语) goes, 129 makes perfect. Now, Li Hong can talk with 130 teachers and classmates happily in English. She hopes to get a good mark in the final exam.
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We all know that safety (安全) comes first. As a teenager, it’s always important to take 131 of yourself. If you are going to travel without 132 family, keep my advice in mind. And you will enjoy your trip.
First, choose a right place. You can ask others for some information. If everyone says that the place is dangerous, you certainly can’t go 133 .
Next, travel 134 a friend. The journey will be easier and 135 interesting if you are going with a friend. For example, if you are careless, you will forget things 136 . If your friend is careful, he or she can help you a lot.
Third, make a 137 for the time, the place, and activities. It’s like organizing a meeting. To make sure everything 138 well, you should do a lot of preparations.
Last but not least, make a list of the things you need to take, like the ID card, the wallet, the phone, clothes, the umbrella and keys. 139 you need anything else, you should think of the size of your bag. It’s not a(n) 140 idea to take too many things with you.
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In the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong asked his officer Feng Deyi to look for some 141 people for him. However, after several months, Feng didn’t find anyone.
“I tried really 142 to look for them, but there were no such people at all.” Feng said. After hearing his words, Taizong 143 for a few minutes and said, “Different people are good at different things. We should try our best to find their talents and make good use of them. How can you say that there are no talented people in our 144 ”
With 145 Emperor’s words in mind, Feng found many talented people in different aspects.
The Emperor gave them important jobs and those talented people 146 the country become richer and stronger.
In fact, everything has its own special use. For example, 147 can cut things and chopsticks can pick up food. Although 148 is perfect (完美的), everyone also has their own talents. We can’t expect a person to be good at everything.
The Analets of Confucius also 149 the similar idea. From the book, we learn that we should give people chances 150 they are talented in some ways. Finding their shining points and letting them show their talents provides them better chances for the future.
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On the stage of America’s Got Talent, 11-year-old Tyler Butler Figueroa played the violin well. Also, he touched many people’s hearts 151 his story. Tyler comes from North Carolina. 152 the age of four, he had a health problem and started to lose hair. He felt sad. The feeling got even 153 when his classmates laughed at his look. And they stayed away from him. One day, Tyler saw a flyer (小传单) for free after-school violin lessons at school. He knew he was not 154 in music, but he decided to learn to play the violin. “I practiced 155 in my room every day,” he said. “If I play the violin every day, I 156 forget the bad things.” Tyler’s mother said the violin made him 157 again and she felt like she had her son back. Tyler stood strong, 158 he had to face those bad things. He 159 a book. He wanted to
share his story with other kids like 160 and told them to be strong.
1.took 2.ourselves 3.First 4.off 5.so 6.smaller 7.seen 8.in 9.working 10.How
1.句意:上周三,罗老师带我们去了太空博物馆。take sb. to sp.“带某人去某地”,本句时态为一般过去时,所以动词take用过去式形式。故填took。
2.句意:我们真的玩得很开心。enjoy oneself“玩得开心”,主语we的反身代词为ourselves“我们自己”。故填ourselves。
4.句意:我们看到航天飞机如何在太空中起飞,后来又降落到地球上。take off“起飞”。故填off。
7.句意:此外,我们还看到了一些月球岩石。根据“we have...”可知,本句时态为现在完成时have done结构,岩石是“看到”的场景,所以此处填写see的过去分词形式seen。故填seen。
10.句意:太空是多么伟大和神秘啊!本句为设空处引导的感叹句,中心词great and mysterious为形容词,所以引导词用how,位于句首字母h大写。故填How。
11.But 12.little 13.realized 14.at 15.were 16.idea 17.How
18.sleepy 19.never 20.their
11.句意:但当他还是个孩子的时候,他是一个顽皮的男孩。根据后文“he was a naughty (顽皮的) boy.”可知,后文语境发生了转折,备选词but“但是”符合语境,位于句首,首字母大写。故填But。
12.句意:他不喜欢学习,对读书也不怎么感兴趣。根据“He didn’t like study and showed”可知,设空处应该说对读书没有什么兴趣,备选词little修饰不可数名词“interest”,表示几乎没有什么兴趣。故填little。
13.句意:长大后,祖逖意识到自己没有足够的知识来为国家服务,所以他决定努力学习。根据“he didn’t have enough knowledge (知识) to serve the country well,”可知,是他意识到自己没有足够的知识,备选词realize符合语境,该句描述过去的动作,动词填过去式。故填realized。
14.句意:他们不仅每晚睡在一张床上,而且每天早上上班时都在同一时间起床。根据“the same time”可知,考查短语at the same time“同时”,备选词at符合题意。故填at。
16.句意:他想到了一个主意。根据“about getting up to play swords (剑) now ”可知,这里指的想到了一个主意,备选词idea“主意”符合语境,An接名词单数。故填idea。
17.句意:现在起来舞剑怎么样?根据“about getting up to play swords (剑) now ”可知,设空处提出建议,备选词how符合语境,how about doing sth“做某事怎么样”,句首应大写。故填How。
18.句意:刘琨虽然很困,但还是同意了祖逖的话。根据“One day, when they were sleeping,”以及“Though he was”可知,应说他虽然很困,备选词sleep的形容词sleepy“困倦的”符合语境。故填sleepy。
19.句意:不管冬天多冷,夏天多热,他们从不放弃。根据“gave up no matter how cold in winter or hot in summer.”可知,应说他们从不放弃,备选词never“从不”符合语境。故填never。
20.句意:最后,他们成为了有智慧的人才,他们尽自己最大的努力帮助他们的国家。根据“they tried…best to help”可知,这里指的是try one’s best to do“尽某人最大努力做某事”,备选词they的形容词性物主代词their“他们的”符合题意。故填their。
21.ourselves 22.owner 23.raises 24.where 25.ride 26.fun 27.countryside 28.except 29.shoes 30.going
21.句意:我确信我们将在户外玩得开心。考查短语enjoy oneself“玩得开心”,由于主语是we,所以是将we变为ourselves。故填ourselves。
24.句意:他将教我们关于农场生活并且教我们食物来自哪里。根据“comes from.”可知,是来自哪里。故填where。
25.句意:我将有机会乘坐他的大的拖拉机并且喂养农场的动物。根据“in his big tractor”可知是乘坐拖拉机。故填ride。
26.句意:这总是有趣和受欢迎的。根据“...and popular”可知,横线上应和横线后的保持一致,是形容词fun。故填fun。
30.句意:请牢记我们将乘公交车去那儿。根据“by school bus”乘校车,可知是将去那儿。故填going。
31.kinds 32.went 33.how 34.him 35.for 36.When 37.make 38.happier 39.also 40.chance
31.句意:有各种各样的活动,例如足球,排球,游泳和骑自行车。结合备选词汇以及“such as football, baseball, swimming and cycling”可知此处是指不同种类的运动。kind“种类”符合语境,且根据“There are”可知此处kind用复数形式。故填kinds。
32.句意:当我还是孩子的时候,我经常和他去游泳。结合备选词汇与空格后“swimming”可知此处考查固定搭配go swimming“去游泳”,分析句子结构可知本句缺少谓语动词,且根据“When I was a child”可知本句时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填went。
33.句意:爸爸教我如何游泳。分析句子结构可知本句宾语部分不完整,考虑使用特殊疑问+to do,结合备选词汇及句意可知此处是教我如何游泳。故填how。
35.句意:我认为做运动对我来说有好处。分析句子结构可知本句考查固定搭配be good for...“对……有好处”,故填for。
36.句意:当我完成作业时,我经常和朋友们游泳,这帮我交到了许多新朋友。分析句子结构可知“...I finish my homework”为本句状语从句,且缺少从属连词,结合备选词汇可知when“什么时候”符合语境,且句首首字母大写。故填When。
37.句意:当我完成作业时,我经常和朋友们游泳,这帮我交到了许多新朋友。结合备选单词及空格后“many new friends”可知此处考查固定搭配make friends“交朋友”,且本句空格处考查help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”,故填动词原形,故填make。
38.句意:这种感觉非常棒,并且这让我比之前快乐得多。根据空格前“make me...”可知此处考查固定搭配make sb+形容词“让某人……”,结合备选词汇及句意可知此处happy“快乐的”符合语境,由“much”即“than”可知空格处应填比较级,故填happier。
40.句意:我也想成为一名著名的游泳运动员,并且我希望我能有机会参加奥运会。由空格前“have a”可知此处填可数名词单数形式,结合备选词汇及句意可知此处chance“机会”符合语境。故填chance。
41.ourselves 42.fascinating 43.shape 44.asked 45.Although 46.concert 47.crowd 48.since 49.hugged 50.full
【导语】本文主要介绍了好的老师会改变我们的生活,并介绍了Miss Smith的老师对她的影响。
41.句意:当我们在学校的时候,老师教我们读写,自信,做自己,以及如何善待他人。根据“be confident and be”可知是做自己,故此处用反身代词ourselves“我们自己”。故填ourselves。
42.句意:它们还帮助我们发现科学、音乐或体育的迷人世界。根据“discover the...worlds of science, music or sports.”可知是发现科学、音乐或体育的迷人世界,修饰名词用形容词fascinating“迷人的”。故填fascinating。
43.句意:至于超级明星歌手Miss Smith,老师们帮助塑造了她的未来和事业。根据“her future and career”可知是塑造了她的未来和事业,shape“塑造”,help do sth.“帮助做某事”。故填shape。
44.句意:在伦敦的一场音乐会上,著名创作歌手Miss Smith被要求说出一个激励她的人。根据“to say one person who had inspired her.”可知是被要求说出一个激励她的人,ask“要求”,此处用过去分词和be动词构成被动语态。故填asked。
46.句意:她在音乐会上对人们说。根据“At a concert in London”可知是音乐会,concert“音乐会”,此处用名词单数。故填concert。
47.句意:但她从来不知道,人群中的McDonald女士是一位惊喜的客人。根据“Ms McDonald was a surprise guest in the”可知是音乐会上的人群中有McDonald女士,in the crowd“在人群中”。故填crowd。
48.句意:自从几年前她们最后一次见面以来,她们很高兴再次在舞台上见面。根据“They were very glad to meet again on stage...they last met several years ago”可知是自从她们最后一次见面,since“自从”。故填since。
49.句意:她们拥抱在一起,眼里噙着泪水。根据“each other”可知是拥抱在一起,hug“拥抱”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填hugged。
50.句意:一个对学生充满兴奋和爱的伟大老师可以让他们的生活发生翻天覆地的变化。根据“of excitement and love for her students”可知是充满爱和兴奋,full of“充满”。故填full。
51.were 52.for 53.everything 54.cat 55.ourselves 56.washing 57.finished 58.kitchen 59.dishes 60.but
53.句意:我爸爸一个月只有两天在家,所以我妈妈要做所有的事情。根据“my mother had to do”可知妈妈要做所有事,everything“所有事”。故填everything。
54.句意:她得种庄稼,喂狗和猫,给我们做饭。根据“feed the dog and the...”可知是喂狗和猫,此处用名词单数。故填cat。
55.句意: 当我们五六岁的时候,我们都需要学会自己做一些事情。根据“we all need to learn to do something by”可知是自己做事情,用反身代词ourselves“我们自己”。故填ourselves。
56.句意:我二姐Daisy洗衣服,我给家人做饭。根据“my second eldest sister Daisy did the...”可知此处指大家做的家务。do the washing表示“洗衣服”。故填washing。
57.句意:当我姐姐们完成她们的工作时,她们都会来到厨房帮我。根据“When my sisters...their work, they both came to the...to help me.”可知姐姐们完成自己的事,来帮“我”,finish表示“完成”,描述过去的事,用一般过去时。故填finished。
58. 句意:当我姐姐们完成她们的工作时,她们都会来到厨房帮我。根据“... and I cooked for the family.”可知姐姐来厨房帮“我”做饭,kitchen表示“厨房”。故填kitchen。
59.句意:我仍然记得当妈妈看到我们做的饭时,她眼中的眼泪。根据“we cooked”可知此处指“我们”做的饭,dish表示“菜肴”,此处表泛指,用复数。故填dishes。
61.quite 62.seems 63.However 64.from 65.famous 66.Maybe 67.nothing 68.enjoyable 69.first 70.culture
61.句意:它有大约200年的历史,来自于相当多的戏剧形式,主要来自于地方戏剧“徽班”。根据“a few drama forms (戏剧形式), mostly from the local drama “Huiban”.”可知,此句是说京剧来自于相当多的戏剧形式,quite a few意为“相当多”,为固定短语。故填quite。
62.句意:现在它似乎在全世界都很流行。根据“popular around the world now.”可知,此句是说现在它似乎在全世界都很流行。seem意为“似乎”,动词,此句为一般现在时,主语“It”为第三人称单数,seem用第三人称单数形式。故填seems。
63.句意:然而,京剧同时有三个部分:唱、念、打。前句“In foreign dramas, actors don’t dance, speak or sing in one drama.”和此句“Beijing Opera has all the three parts at the same time: speaking, singing and dancing.”构成转折关系,且句中有逗号,however 意为“然而”,句子开头,首字母大写。故填However。
64.句意:他们彼此不同。根据句中“different”可知,此句是说它们彼此不同,be different from意为“和……不同”。故填from。
65.句意:它成为中国传统艺术形式最著名的象征之一,许多外国人对它感兴趣。根据句中“one of”可知,此处是说它是中国传统艺术形式最著名的象征之一,“one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”意为“最……的之一”。famous意为“著名的”,其最高级由most构成。故填famous。
66.句意:也许一开始你会觉得有点无聊。根据句中“at first”可知,此句是说起初,可能会感觉无聊,maybe意为“也许”,句子开头,首字母大写。故填Maybe。
67.句意:但是,即使你对这部剧的背景一无所知,一直观看,你也会喜欢上它的。根据句中“even if”可知,此句是说即使对它的背景一无所知,nothing意为“没有什么”。故填nothing。
68.句意:听京剧真是一件令人愉快的事情。根据前句中“you will fall in love with it”可知,此句是说听京剧是一件让人愉快的事情。enjoyable意为“让人愉快的”。故填enjoyable。
69.句意:这是一位美国游客第一次在剧院看京剧后说的话。根据所给词和句中“watched Beijing Opera”可知,此句是说这是一位美国游客第一次在剧院看京剧后说的话,first 意为“第一”。故填first。
70.句意:京剧是中国的国剧,它充满了中国文化。根据句中“Beijing Opera is China’s national opera”可知,此句是说它充满了中国文化,culture意为“文化”,不可数名词。故填culture。
71.a 72.sing 73.when 74.with 75.She 76.how 77.up 78.much 79.time 80.watching
71.句意:有两个班,每个班有两个中文老师和一个外语老师。根据“two Chinese teachers and…foreign language teacher”可知,此处指“一名”外语老师,foreign发音是以辅音音素开头的单词,应用备选词汇中的不定冠词a修饰,表泛指。故填a。
72.句意:我的学生都是很可爱的孩子,但有一个男孩喜欢唱歌。根据“He wanted to be a singer”可知,此处指小男孩喜欢“唱歌”,结合“loved to do sth.”和备选词汇可知,应用sing的动词原形。故填sing。
73.句意:他长大后想成为一名歌手。根据“He wanted to be a singer”及“he grew up”可知,此处应用备选词汇中的when引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”。故填when。
74.句意:在我学会了抱着孩子从一数到二十的技巧后,我们相处得很好。根据“got on well…each other”可知,此处指“相处得很好”,应用备选词汇中的介词with搭配,get on well with each other意为“彼此相处融洽”。故填with。
75.句意:她并不总是跟着我。此处缺主语,根据“Another student was a girl”可知,此处指一个女孩,应用备选词汇中的代词主格she,意为“她”,句首首字母大写。故填She。
76.句意:他们还学会了叠衣服、浇花、喂鸡和弹钢琴。根据“ They also learned…to fold their clothes, water the plants, feed chickens, and play the piano. ”可知,此处指孩子们学会了“如何做某事”,应用备选词汇中的how搭配,how to do“如何做,怎样做”符合语境。故填how。
77.句意:他们养成了起床时把椅子往里推的习惯。根据“when they got…”及语境可知,此处指他们“起床”时,应用备选词汇中的介词up,与之构成get up,表示“起床”。故填up。
78.句意:看到中国孩子喜欢上学真是太棒了。结合语境可知,此处指中国学生非常喜欢上学,应用结合备选词汇中的much搭配,how much引导宾语从句,意为“多么”。故填much。
79.句意:这是他们与朋友一起玩耍和学习的好地方。分析题干可知,此处指“花时间和某人一起玩”,应用备选词汇中的time搭配,spend time with sb.“花时间和某人在一起”符合语境。故填time。
80.句意:父母也很高兴他们的孩子充分利用了他们的时间,而不仅仅是在家看电视。根据“their kids are making use of their time and…TV at home”可知,此处指“看电视”。该句为并列
81.attention 82.mistakes 83.While 84.more 85.It 86.worry 87.most helpful 88.choose 89.be 90.up
81.句意:学习英语时,应该注意听和说。固定搭配pay attention to意为“注意”,故填attention。
82.句意:不要害怕犯错误。固定搭配make mistakes意为“犯错误”,故填mistakes。
83.句意:当你这样做的时候,一个好方法是写——记日记。根据“you are doing this”及备选词可知,这里指当你这样做的时候,while意为“当……时候”,句首首字母大写,故填While。
84.句意:当你写作时,你会很容易发现更多的口语错误。根据“you will easily find…mistakes in speaking”及备选词可知,这里指容易发现更多的口语错误,这里是和书写时犯的错误进行相比,应用many比较级more,故填more。
85.句意:他们更容易找出错误。该句为句型“it is+形容词+for sb to do sth”,意为“对于某人来说做某事……”,it为形式主语,句首首字母大写,故填It。
86.句意:如果你说话慢,不要担心。固定短语worry about意为“担心”,祈使句的否定句结构为“don’t+动词原形”,故填worry。
87.句意:最有帮助的方式之一是阅读。根据“One of the…ways is reading”及备选词可知,这里指最有帮助的方式之一是阅读,helpful意为“有帮助的”,是形容词,修饰后面的名词ways,此处为“one of+the+最高级+名词复数”结构,意为“最……之一”,故填most helpful。
88.句意:重要的是选择一些有趣的东西来阅读。根据“…something interesting to read”及备选词可知,这里指选择一些有趣的东西来阅读,choose意为“选择”,此处是动词不定式作表语,故填choose。
90.句意:当你阅读时,如果你能猜出生词的意思,不要停下来查找单词。根据“look…the new words”及备选词可知,这里指查找单词,look up意为“查找”,故填up。
91.computers 92.However 93.interested 94.cheaper 95.an 96.make 97.with 98.Writers 99.them 100.be
91.句意:科学家、教师、作家甚至学生都使用电脑做各种工作。根据“We live in the age of the computer.”和备选词汇可知大家都用电脑,computer“电脑”,可数名词,这里用复数表示泛指,故填computers。
92.句意:然而,三十多年前,计算机不能做很多工作。根据“more than thirty years ago, computers couldn’t do much work”和备选词汇可知后面句意发生转折,however“然而”,表示转折,故填However。
93.句意:只有少数人对它们感兴趣并知道如何使用它们。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,是固定短语,故填interested。
94.句意:今天的电脑体积更小,价格更便宜。根据“Today computers are smaller and”和备选词汇可知今天的电脑越来越小,而且更便宜,cheap“便宜的”,这里是和以前相比,需要要用比较级,故填cheaper。
95.句意:电脑在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。固定搭配play an important role in“在……扮演着重要的角色”,故填an。
96.句意:此外,它们犯的错误更少。固定搭配make mistakes“犯错误”,原句是一般现在时,they作主语,动词要用原形,故填make。
97.句意:电脑可以帮助人们做不同的工作。固定搭配help sb with sth“帮助某人做某事”,故填with。
98.句意:作家用它们来写文章。根据“use them to write articles”和备选词汇可知是作家写文章,writer“作家”,可数名词,这里用复数表示泛指。故填Writers。
99.句意:老师用它们来上课。根据“Teachers use”和备选词汇可知是用电脑上课,这里用they指代电脑,use是动词,后面要加代词宾格,故填them。
100.句意:你认为没有电脑我们的生活会怎样?固定搭配be like“像”,will后面加动词原形,故填be。
101.noise 102.badly 103.paying 104.important 105.if 106.However 107.their 108.in 109.years 110.remember
103.句意:我当时正在用手机,没有注意路况。考查短语“pay attention to”注意……,由于“I was using my phone”所以横线上是进行时,所以将pay变为paying。故填paying。
104.句意:当你过马路时,要知道往哪里看很重要。分析句子可知,横线上是形容词作表语,根据“it’s...to know where to look.”可知,知道看哪儿很重要。故填important。
111.an 112.without 113.few 114.Although 115.his 116.what 117.nothing 118.jokes 119.greatest 120.travels
112.句意:他生来就没有胳膊和腿。根据“With his mother’s help, he learned to write with his toes (脚趾) at the age of 6.”可知,他没有胳膊和腿,此处应用介词without“没有”。故填without。
113.句意:他似乎不高兴,因为他没有什么朋友。根据“He seemed unhappy”可知,不开心是因为没有什么朋友,应用表示否定意义的词:few。故填few。
114.句意:虽然这个人残疾,但他能够靠自己做很多伟大的事情。根据“the man was disabled (有残疾的), he was able to do a lot of great things by himself. ”可知,前后句是转折让步关系,应用although引导。故填Although。
115.句意:他甚至尽自己最大的努力去帮助别人。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大努力做某事”,此处主语是he,one’s应用his。故填his。
117.句意:他相信没有什么是不可能的。结根据“He believed...was impossible.”可知,此处表示没有什么是不可能的,nothing“没有什么”符合语境,故填nothing。
118.句意:在演讲中,他讲笑话,分享自己的经历。根据“he told...and shared his own experience”结合选词可知,此处是指讲笑话,应用固定短语tell jokes。故填jokes。
119.句意:现在尼克是世界上最伟大的演说家之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“……最……之一……”;结合选词可知,应用great的最高级greatest。故填greatest。
120.句意:他到其他国家旅行,做演讲,让人们变得更快乐,享受生活。根据“He...to other countries and gives talks”结合选词可知,他去其他国家旅行。travel“旅行”,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。故填travels。
121.but 122.shy 123.First 124.for 125.songs 126.believes 127.reading 128.before 129.practice 130.her
122.句意:她太害羞了,不敢问问题。根据“She is too … to ask questions”及备选词可知,太害羞不敢问问题,故填shy。
123.句意:首先,李红早起,尽可能多地练习她的发音。first of all“首先”,固定搭配,故填First。
124.句意:当她遇到一些问题时,她经常向她的英语老师和朋友寻求帮助。ask sb for help“向某人求助”,固定搭配,故填for。
125.句意:其次,她经常在空闲时间看英语电影和听英语歌曲。根据“listening to English...”及备选词可知,此处指听英语歌曲,song“歌曲”,此空应填复数形式表示泛指,故填songs。
126.句意:她相信她听到的英语越多,她就能理解得越多。根据“She… that the more English she hears, the more she’ll understand. ”及备选词可知,相信听到的英语越多,就能理解得越多,believe“相信”,此句是一般现在时,主语She是第三人称单数形式,动词用三单形式,故填believes。
127.句意:第三,阅读很重要。根据“She tries her best to read short stories”可知,此处说的是阅读很重要,read“阅读”,此空在句中作主语,应填动名词,故填reading。
128.句意:她每天晚上睡觉前都尽量读短篇小说。根据“tries her best to read short stories… she sleeps every night”可知,睡觉前读小说,before“在……之前”,故填before。
129.句意:俗话说,熟能生巧。根据“As the saying (谚语) goes, … makes perfect.”可知,这是一句谚语“熟能生巧”,英文表达为practice makes perfect,故填practice。
130.句意:现在,李红可以愉快地用英语与老师和同学交谈。根据“Li Hong can talk with…teachers”可知,此处指李红和她的英语老师,修饰名词teachers,应填形容词性物主代词her,故填her。
131.care 132.your 133.there 134.with 135.more 136.easily 137.plan 138.goes 139.If 140.good
131.句意:作为一个青少年,照顾好自己总是很重要的。根据“take ... of yourself”可知考查动词短语 take care of oneself“照顾好某人自己”,备选词care符合语境 。故填care。
133.句意:如果每个人都说那个地方很危险,你当然不能去。根据“If everyone says that the place is dangerous,”可知说某个地方很危险,就不能去那里;备选词there“那里”符合语境,
指代“the place”。故填there。
134.句意:接下来,和朋友一起旅行。根据“if you are going with a friend.”可知说和朋友一起旅行,备选词with“和”符合语境。故填with。
135.句意:如果你和朋友一起去,旅行会更容易,更有趣。根据“be easier and ”可知设空处也用比较级,设空处后是“interesting”,多音节单词,故应用备选词much的比较级形式“more”,more interesting“更有趣的”。故填more。
136.句意:例如,如果你粗心,你会很容易忘记事情。根据“if you are careless, you will forget things”可知如果粗心,会很容易忘记事情,备选词easy的副词形式easily“容易地”符合语境。故填easily。
137.句意:第三,为时间、地点和活动制定一个计划。根据“It’s like organizing a meeting.”可知这里指的做计划,make a plan“做一个计划”,备选词plan“计划”符合语境。故填plan。
138.句意:为了确保一切顺利,你应该做很多准备工作。根据“everything”可知是复合不定代词作主语,该句是一般现在时,指的是一切顺利,go well“进展顺利”符合语境,结合时态,应填备选词go的“三单形式”。故填goes。
139.句意:如果你还需要什么,你应该考虑一下你的包的大小。根据“you need anything else,”可知这里是一种假设的条件,因此备选词if“如果”符合语境,句首首字母大写。故填If。
140.句意:带太多东西不是个好主意。根据“to take too many things with you.”可知这不是一个好主意。备选词good“好的”符合语境。故填good。
141.talented 142.hard 143.thought 144.country 145.the 146.helped 147.knives 148.nobody 149.has 150.if
141.句意:在唐朝,唐太宗让他的军官封德彝为他物色一些有才能的人。根据“look for some...people”以及所给词可知是寻找有才能的人,talented“有才能的”。故填talented。
142.句意:我真的很努力地寻找他们,但根本就没有这样的人。根据“I tried really”可知是真的很努力,修饰动词用副词hard“努力地”。故填hard。
143.句意:听了他的话,太宗想了几分钟。根据“for a few minutes”可知是想了几分钟,think“思考”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填thought。
144.句意:你怎么能说,我国没有人才呢?根据“in our...”以及所给词可知是在我们国家,country“国家”。故填country。
146.句意:皇帝给了他们重要的工作,这些有才华的人帮助国家变得更加富有和强大。根据“the country become richer and stronger.”可知是帮助国家变得富有和强大,help“帮助”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填helped。
147.句意:例如,刀可以切东西,筷子可以夹食物。根据“can cut things”可知刀可以切动词,此处表示泛指用名词复数knives“刀”。故填knives。
148.句意:虽然没有人是完美的,但每个人都有自己的才能。根据“is perfect”可知是没有人是完美的,nobody“没有人”。故填nobody。
149.句意:《论语》也有类似的思想。根据“the similar idea”可知是有类似的思想,have“有”,此处描述客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是The Analets of Confucius,谓语动词用单三。故填has。
151.with 152.At 153.worse 154.talented 155.hard 156.will 157.happy 158.although 159.wrote 160.him
151.句意:他也用他的故事打动了许多人的心。根据“ Also, he touched many people’s hearts ... his story.”可知,此处指用他的故事,with“用,以”,符合语境。故填with。
152.句意:在他4岁时,泰勒的身体出现了问题,开始掉头发。at the age of…表示“在某人多大时”,固定短语,句首首字母大写。故填At。
154.句意:他知道自己对音乐没有天赋。be talented in…表示“对……有天赋”,是固定搭配,此处用talent的形容词形式talented,故填talented。
156.句意:他说,“如果我每天弹小提琴,我就会忘记不开心的事情。”if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”,主句的时态应用一般将来时,结构为will do。故填will。
159.句意:他写了一本书。句子缺谓语动词,根据“a book”可知,此处指“写”书,句子时态为一般过去时,故用write的过去式wrote,故填wrote。



