
1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
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从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.—______ have you known each other
—Since we were in our childhood.
A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon
考查特殊疑问句。How long多长时间;How often多久一次;How far多远;How soon多久之后。根据“Since we were in our childhood.”可知此处询问时间段,用疑问词how long。故选A。
2.As far as we know, ________ TV series The Knockout (《狂飙》) is ________ huge hit at the box office (票房).
A.the; a B./; the C.a; an D.an; /
考查冠词用法。the定冠词,表示特指;a不定冠词,表示泛指,用于辅音音素开头的单词前;/零冠词;an不定冠词,表示泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前。第一空特指《狂飙》这部电视剧,用the;第二空后hit是可数名词单数,huge首字母发音为辅音,用a修饰,a huge hit“巨大的成功”。故选A。
3.They left Xinghua ________ 2018. That means they have been away from Xinghua ________ 2018.
A.in; since B.in; in C.since; in D.since; since
考查介词。in在某年/月/季节;since自从。根据“left Xinghua ... 2018”可知,空一处时态为一般过去时,用in+年份;根据“they have been away from Xinghua ... 2018.”可知,空二处时态是现在完成时,用since+时间点,表示自从2018年以来他们就离开了兴化。故选A。
4.Can you give me ________ on what to wear to the party, Sandy
A.an advice B.some advice C.some advices D.any advices
考查名词和不定代词用法。advice“建议”,不可数名词;some“一些”可用于表示征求意见,希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中;any“任何”用于疑问句或否定句中。根据“Can you give me…on what to wear to the party”可知此处表示征求意见,some advice符合,故选B。
5.The poor lonely man lived ________ in a small house, but he didn’t feel ________.
A.lonely; lonely B.alone; lonely
C.alone; alone D.lonely; alone
6.Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you ________ keep moving.
A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
考查情态动词。can能够;can’t不能;must必须;mustn’t禁止。根据“To keep your balance, you...keep moving.”可知,应表达为了保持你的平衡你必须保持前进。故选C。
7.He never feels ________ because his wife is at the bottom of his heart forever.
A.sadly B.friendly C.lonely D.kindly
动词,其后接形容词,作表语,所以排除选项A和D;根据“because his wife is at the bottom of his heart forever”可知,此处表示因为他的妻子永远在他心底,所以他从不感到孤独。故选C。
8.There ________ a lot of pollution along the street, but now the river is much cleaner.
A.used to be B.used to have C.had D.was
考查There be句型。根据“but now”可知前句描述的是过去发生的事情,used to do sth表示“过去常常做某事”。故选A。
9.—You won’t believe how great Gu Ailing is ________ you watch the game.
—Really I can’t wait to watch it.
A.as B.when C.until D.after
考查连词辨析。as随着;when当……时候;until直到;after以后。根据“You won’t believe how great Gu Ailing is...you watch the game”可知,直到你看了比赛,你才会相信谷爱凌有多棒;not...until“直到……才……”,until引导时间状语从句。故选C。
10.—Is David in the next room
—Well, it’s hard to say. But I saw him ________ with his pet dog when I passed by just now.
A.play B.to play C.playing D.played
考查非谓语动词。根据“when I passed by just now.”可知,强调动作正在进行,应用see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”,现在分词短语作宾语补足语。故选C。
11.Anny’s father ________ Anny’s mother when they were both 25 years old.
A.married with B.get married C.married D.married to
考查动词短语辨析。married with错误搭配;get married结婚,不跟宾语;married娶了,嫁了,后跟宾语;married to与……结婚,使用时常用“be married to sb.”。根据“...Anny’s mother when they were both 25 years
old.”可知,后有宾语Anny’s mother。故选C。
12.—Hello, John. Tom told me you are on holiday. Where have you gone
—I ________ Hainan since last week. You know sand and sea are my favourite.
A.went to B.have gone to C.have been to D.have been in
考查现在完成时用法。根据“since last week”可知,空处用现在完成时;故排除A;have gone to去了某地(现在人还没回来); have been to去过某地(现在人已经回来);have been in待在某地。根据“I ...Hainan since last week.”可知,此处指从上周以来就待在海南,应用延续性动词表达。故选D。
13.________ wonderful music lesson Mrs. Green gave us this morning!
A.What B.How C.What a D.How a
考查what引导的感叹句。What+形容词+不可数名词或复数名词;How+形容词/副词;What a+形容词+单数名词;How a错误表达。根据“wonderful music lesson”可知其中心词为lesson,且为单数名词,wonderful为辅音音素开头的单词,因此其前应用What a。故选C。
14.It took us about ________ to fly to Hong Kong Disneyland.
A.two and half an hours B.two and a half hours
C.two hours and half D.two hour and a half
考查数词及名词复数。根据句意及选项可知,此处是考查“两个半小时”的表达,两个半小时应该表达为“two and a half hours”或“two hours and a half”。故选B。
15.—I think life without old friends is ________.
—I agree. We should often visit some of our old friends.
A.a bit boring B.a bit of boring C.a bit bored D.a bit of bored
考查副词和形容词的用法。a bit of一些,少量,后接不可数名词;a bit有点,修饰形容词;boring无聊的,
修饰物;bored无聊的,修饰人;根据题目可知,此处是修饰形容词,表达“有点枯燥”,应用a bit修饰,排除B、D选项,又因语境分析,空白处修饰事情“life without old friends”,应用boring。故选A。
Four children have survived (生存) alone in Colombia’s rainforest for 40 days. The news that they’re 16 has brought joy to all of us.
The children’s story began on May 1st, 2023 when they were 17 with their mom. Their small plane went wrong and crashed (坠毁) in the rainforest. 18 , all three adults on the plane died, including the children’s mother. This 19 the four children alone in the rainforest. The 20 child was a 13-year-old girl. Next came a 9-year-old, a 4-year-old, and an 11-month-old baby.
The four children once lived in the rainforest, 21 they knew the environment well. At first, they lived on the 22 and water in the crashed plane. When they ran out of them, the children 23 the fruits of the rainforest to survive. They 24 made a shelter (避难处) by themselves.
As soon as the plane went down, people started searching to see if 25 had survived. After more than a month, the four children were found in a small open space in the forest, about 5 kilometers 26 where the plane had crashed. The children were very 27 , but they were still alive (活着的). They were taken to a 28 at once. Now the children are getting 29 and will soon be able to get back home.
Their story has 30 many people. It has also shown how the knowledge and skills about the wild can help in difficult times.
16.A.safe B.awake C.quiet D.poor
17.A.walking B.driving C.flying D.running
18.A.Luckily B.Sadly C.Recently D.Suddenly
19.A.agreed B.allowed C.took D.left
20.A.oldest B.tallest C.cleverest D.fattest
21.A.but B.because C.so D.or
22.A.glass B.food C.clothes D.gifts
23.A.looked up B.looked after C.looked at D.looked for
24.A.even B.ever C.still D.just
25.A.somebody B.everybody C.anybody D.nobody
26.A.with B.between C.from D.under
27.A.excited B.angry C.tired D.weak
28.A.school B.library C.park D.hospital
29.A.lazier B.healthier C.busier D.funnier
30.A.touched B.helped C.connected D.bored
16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.A
safe安全的;awake醒着的;quiet安静的;poor贫困的。根据“Four children have survived (生存) alone in Colombia’s rainforest for 40 days.”可知,四个孩子在哥伦比亚雨林中独自生存40天,此处指他们都安全的消息令所有人感到高兴。故选A。
walking散步;driving驾车;flying飞行;running跑。根据“Their small plane went wrong and crashed (坠毁) in the rainforest.”可知他们和母亲一起乘坐的小型飞机坠毁了,所以此处指飞行。故选C。
Luckily幸运地;Sadly不幸地,伤心地;Recently最近;Suddenly突然地。根据“all three adults on the plane died, including the children’s mother.”可知这是一件令人伤心的事情。故选B。
agreed同意;allowed允许;took带走;left留下。根据上句可知三名成年人全部丧生,所以此处指事故后,只留下孩子们在雨林中。leave sb. alone抛下某人,事故发生在过去,应用一般过去时。故选D。
oldest最老的;tallest最高的;cleverest最聪明的;fattest最胖的。根据 “a 13-year-old girl”及“Next came a 9-year-old, a 4-year-old, and an 11-month-old baby.”可知,13岁女孩是年龄最大的。故选 A。
glass玻璃杯;food食物;clothes衣服;gifts礼物。根据“live on...and water.”可知,空格处与water并列,结合选项,此处指“食物”。故选B。
looked up查阅;looked after照顾;looked at查看;looked for寻找。根据“...the fruits of the rainforest to survive”可知,此处指这些孩子寻找水果以求生存。故选D。
even甚至;ever曾经;still仍然;just刚刚。根据上文及空后的“made a shelter( 避难处) by themselves.”可知,这几个孩子的生存能力很强,此处指他们甚至搭建了一个避难处。故选A。
somebody某人;everybody每个人;anybody任何人;nobody没人。根据“if...had survived”可知,此处表示是否有任何人还活着。故选C。
with有,伴随;between在……之间;from从……,离某处……;under在……下。根据“about 5 kilometers...where the plane had crashed. ”可知此处指离飞机坠毁的地方大约五千米。故选C。
excited兴奋的;angry生气的;tired疲惫的;weak虚弱的。根据“but they were still alive (活着的).”可知此处指他们虽然很虚弱,但是还活着。故选D。
lazier更懒惰的;healthier更健康的;busier更忙碌的;funnier更有趣的。根据空后“will soon be able to get back home”可知,孩子们很快就能回家了,所以此处指他们恢复健康。故选B。
The Wilbur School would like the children of our school to bring their dads, grandpas and uncles to our
Father’s Day Pizza Night
When: Wednesday, September 1st
Where: The Wilbur School Meeting Room
Time: 5:30 pm—6:30 pm
Cost: $10 per family member
It will be great to see you!
Please pay (缴费) at the school office by Monday, August 30th and tell us how many people of your family will come.
We will have free soft drinks and water in the meeting room for everyone! No one can have beer or wine in the meeting room.
31.Who can students bring to the party
A.Brothers. B.Grandmothers. C.Uncles. D.Aunts.
32.How long is the Pizza Night
A.For half an hour. B.For one hour.
C.For one and a half hours. D.For two hours.
33.When can one pay the money
A.On August 30th. B.On August 31st. C.On September 1st. D.On September 2nd.
【答案】31.C 32.B 33.A
31.细节理解题。根据文中“The Wilbur School would like the children of our school to bring their dads, grandpas and uncles to our Father’s Day Pizza Night”可知,学生可以带叔叔来参加聚会。故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据文中“Time: 5:30 pm—6:30 pm”可知,披萨之夜持续一个小时。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据文中“Please pay (缴费) at the school office by Monday, August 30th and tell us how many people of your family will come.”可知,8月30日可以缴费。故选A。
In Europe, there are many great and it ere sing countries. But one country stands out for its tulips (郁金香) and windmills (风车). It is the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is more than 41, 500 square kilometres in size. It is about the size of Hainan.
It has lots of culture and art, for example, Vincent Van Gohn. You can see his works in the Van Gohn Museum in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands.
Besides fine art, many people also visit to see the tulips. The Netherlands is called the country of tulips. It
has the world’s largest tulip garden. Every year, at least 100 kinds of tulips bloom (花朵) here. Dutch (荷兰的) people are hardworking. More than a quarter of the country is below sea level (海平面). So Dutch people built many dams (水坝) to protect the country from the flooding. They a so got new land from seas and rivers.
The Netherlands is well known for its bicycles, too. There are more bicycles than people in some cities. You can ride a bicycle to go around.
34.What is the Netherlands famous for
a. fine art b. music c. tulips d. bicycles
A.abc B.abd C.acd D.bcd
35.The passage doesn’t show the Netherlands’ .
A.size B.history C.people D.culture and art
36.What do we know about the Netherlands from the passage
A.It is about the size of Henan. B.It is mostly below sea level.
C.People got new land from rivers. D.People like riding bicycles.
【答案】34.C 35.B 36.D
34.细节理解题。根据第四段“Besides fine art, many people also visit to see the tulips. ”和最后一段“The Netherlands is well known for its bicycles, too.”可知,荷兰以美术、郁金香和自行车闻名,故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据第二段“The Netherlands is more than 41, 500 square kilometres in size. It is about the size of Hainan.”第三段“It has lots of culture and art”和倒数第二段“ Dutch(荷兰的) people are hardworking. ”可知,本文介绍了荷兰的面积、文化和艺术以及人们,但是没有介绍荷兰的历史。故选B。
36.细节理解题。根据最后一段“The Netherlands is well known for its bicycles, too. There are more bicycles than people in some cities.”可知,荷兰人喜欢骑自行车。故选D。
Somebody is calling for help in the water. You want to jump in and save thew, but that might put you in danger. What do you do
Soon this won’t be a problem anymore because a robot swimmer called Swumanoid will be on hand to help.
Scientists from Japan designed this robot to swim like an Olympic athlete. They mapped a swimmer’s body
and looked at how every part of the body moves while swimming. The robot can swim just like a human does.
Swumanoid can swim the backstroke (仰泳) and the front crawl (自由泳) at a speed of 0.64 meters a second, about one-third of the world record speed for these swimming styles, according to the Daily Mail. Motomu Nakashima, head of the team that designed the robot, hopes that robots like Swumanoid can serve as lifeguards in the future.
Besides saving lives, Swumanoid can also be used in swimming research. It can test water resistance (阻力) and figure out (弄明自) how people swim. The information that is collected could help scientist find ways to improve a swimmer’s skills.
Unlike human swimmers, robots don’t get tired from doing the same stroke (泳姿) again and again, so they do not slow down. Therefore, they can collect information more efficiently (有效地).
But the robot is not yet ready to take the place of human lifeguards. Scientists say there are still certain things that need to be improved, such as its motors (引擎) and waterproofing design (防水设计).
37.Swumanoid can swim just like a human does because ________.
A.it was created by an Olympic swimmer B.it can swim the way real swimmers move
C.it can follow directions according to a map D.it can help people who are drowning
38.Swumanoid can collect information more efficiently because ________.
A.it can do many types of strokes B.it can swim as fast as world record-holders
C.it doesn’t feel water resistance D.it won’t feel tired and never slows down
39.How many uses for the robot swimmers are mentioned in the passage
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
40.The story is written to ________.
A.show how swimming robots are built
B.describe how lifeguards do their work
C.introduce the swimming robot Swumanoid
D.explain different swimming skills
【答案】37.B 38.D 39.B 40.C
37.细节理解题。根据“They mapped a swimmer’s body and looked at how every part of the body moves while
38.细节理解题。根据“Unlike human swimmers, robots don’t get tired from doing the same stroke (泳姿) again and again, so they do not slow down. Therefore, they can collect information more efficiently (有效地).”可知,与人类游泳者不同,机器人不会因为一次又一次地做同样的动作而感到疲劳,所以它们不会减速。因此,他们可以更有效地收集信息。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据“Besides saving lives, Swumanoid can also be used in swimming research”可知,机器人Swumanoid可以救生和用于游泳研究,因此机器人的用途有两种。故选B。
Homework is very important in students’ life. Homework can help teachers learn about students’ studies in class. So, how can you do your homework quickly and well 41
First, write the homework in your workbook, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about it.
42 Where do you usually do your homework On the school bus after school On the bed when you watch TV No! 43 You must do your homework in a right place.
Third, take some rest when you do your homework. 44
Last, when you meet difficult questions, ask for help. 45 You can also get some help from your classmates or parents.
A.Taking a 15-minute rest every hour is good for many students.
B.The first people you can ask for help are your teachers.
C.There are some things you can do.
D.You must stop doing like that.
E.Second, do your homework in a quiet place.
【答案】41.C 42.E 43.D 44.A 45.B
41.根据第一段“So, how can you do your homework quickly and well ”和下文内容可知,下文主要讲述如何更好地完成作业。所以此处应该表示需要做一些事。选项C“你可以做一些事。”符合语境。故选C。
42.根据第二段“First, write the homework in your workbook, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about it.”可知,此处应该表示第二件要做的事。选项E“第二,在一个安静的地方做作业。”符合语境。故选E。
43.根据第三段“Where do you usually do your homework On the school bus after school On the bed when you
watch TV No! ”可知,此处应该表示不能在校车和床上做作业。选项D“你不能再那样做了。”符合语境。故选D。
44.根据第四段“Third, take some rest when you do your homework.”可知,此处应该和休息有关。选项A“每小时休息15分钟对许多学生都有好处。”符合语境。故选A。
45.根据第五段“Last, when you meet difficult questions, ask for help.”可知,此处应该和寻求帮助有关。选项B“你可以先向老师寻求帮助。”符合语境。故选B。
luck visit ninety well postman
46.Take the medicine(药) and you will feel .
47.My family are getting ready for my grandpa’s birthday and I want to buy a sweater for him.
48.What a young man! He will go on a holiday to New York for free.
49.In the past(过去), the bicycles were always green.
50.Hainan is always full of every summer, so you can go there in winter.
【答案】46.better 47.ninetieth 48.lucky 49.postmen’s 50.visitors
【解析】46.句意:吃药你会感觉好多了。根据“Take the medicine”可知,吃药后会感觉更好,用well的比较级。故填better。
47.句意:我的家人正在为爷爷的九十岁生日做准备,我想给他买一件毛衣。根据“my grandpa’s … birthday”可知,是爷爷多少岁的生日,应选数字,第几个生日要用序数词。故填ninetieth。
48.句意:多么幸运的年轻人啊!根据“go on a holiday to New York for free.”可知,他是幸运的,修饰“young man”要用形容词。故填lucky。
50.句意:海南每年夏天总是挤满了游客,所以你可以在冬天去那里。根据“Hainan”和“you can go there”可知,海南是旅游胜地,游客多。“visitor”表示“参观者”应用复数。故填visitors。
David is 51 13-year-old boy. He 52 (be) in Grade Seven this year. He likes 53 (play)
sports and watching soccer games. He often goes to watch soccer games.
Now David is 54 (eat) lunch at home. He is very happy because there will be a soccer game 55 TV at 3: 00 this afternoon. He wants 56 (watch) it very much. But he has three 57 (class) this afternoon. Then he has a good idea.
“Hello, Mrs. Wang!” David 58 (say) to his teacher on the phone. “David is ill. He wants to ask for half a day off.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” says Mrs. Wang. “And 59 is that ”
“This is 60 (he) father, Mrs. Wang,” he says.
51.a 52.is 53.playing 54.eating 55.on 56.to watch 57.classes 58.says 59.who 60.his
51. 句意:大卫是一个十三岁的男孩。根据第一次出现的可数名词单数boy“男孩”,以及以辅音音素开头的定语 13-year-old “十三岁的”,可知应填不定冠词a,泛指“一个”。故填a。
53. 句意:他喜欢运动和看足球比赛。play做(运动),动词。根据固定搭配like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”,可知应填动名词形式playing。故填playing。
55.句意:他非常高兴,因为今天下午 3:00 电视上将播出一场足球比赛。根据“a soccer game...TV”,可知应是电视上将播出一场足球比赛,on TV意为“在电视上”。故填on。
56.句意:他非常想看它。watch看,动词。根据固定搭配want to do sth.“想要做某事”,可知应填动词不定式to watch,作wants的宾语。故填to watch。
57.句意: 但他今天下午有三节课。calss课,可数名词。根据空格前基数词three“三”可知,应填可数名词class的复数形式classes。故填classes。
58.句意:“喂,王老师!” 大卫在电话里对他的老师说。say说,动词。本文的主要时态为一般现在时,主语David为第三人称单数,可知谓语应用动词三单形式says。故填says。
59.句意:“哦,真遗憾,”王老师说。“那你是谁呢?” 根据“This is...father, Mrs. Wang,” 可知本空是在询问“你是谁?”,应填疑问代词who“谁”。故填who。
We have a music show at my school today. All the students go to w 61 it. We have great fun watching it and feel excited. We show our talents during the festival. My best friend Bob plays the p 62 . He likes playing the piano and spends two hours on it every day. My sister Alice is just ten y 63 old, but she does well in playing the violin. Everyone enjoys l 64 to her music. What can I do Well, I play the guitar and s 65 a song. I write the song by myself and many students think it is great. Do you have a music show at your school Could you tell us something about it
【答案】61.(w)atch 62.(p)iano 63.(y)ears 64.(l)istening 65.(s)ing
61.句意:所有学生都去看它。联系上文“We have a music show at my school today.”可知,此空表示“观看”,要用动词watch,动词不定式符号to后用动词原形。故填(w)atch。
62.句意:我最好的朋友Bob弹钢琴。根据下文“He likes playing the piano”可知,他喜欢弹钢琴。故填(p)iano。
63.句意:我的妹妹Alice只有10岁,但是她小提琴拉得很好。表示“……岁”要用短语“基数词+years old”。故填(y)ears。
64.句意:每个人都喜欢听她演奏的音乐。根据首字母提示和空后的“to her music”可知,此处表示听她演奏的音乐。listen to意为“听”,结合短语enjoy doing sth.“享受做某事”,空格处应填动词listen的动名词形式。故填(l)istening。
65.句意:我边弹吉他边唱歌。根据空后的“a song”可知,此处表示“唱歌”,要用动词sing,且从上文“I play the guitar”可看出,此句的时态是一般现在时,主语是I,动词要用原形。故填(s)ing。
Uncle Hobo is a traffic policeman. Now he’s working on Main Street. An old man comes to him. He says,
“Excuse me. I want to go to the supermarket. Can you tell me the way there ” Uncle Hobo says, “Yes, of course. Walk along Main Street, go past the restaurant, the baker’s and the bank, and turn right into Station Street. Go down the street and then you can see a station at the end of the street. Your destination (目的地) the supermarket is opposite (在……对面) it. It’s far from here. You can take a bus there.” The old man says, “Thank you, sir. Is there a tea room near here ” Uncle Hobo thinks for a while and says, “Yes. It’s opposite the bank.” The old man thanks him and then leaves. Several minutes later, the old man comes to Uncle Hobo again. He gives a cup of tea to him and says, “Thank you, young man.”
66.What is Uncle Hobo
67.Where does the old man want to go
68.As an old man, how can he get there
69.Is the tea room near Main Street
70.What does the old man thank Uncle Hobo with
【答案】66.He is a traffic policeman. 67.He wants to go to the supermarket. 68.He can take a bus. 69.Yes, it is. 70.A cup of tea.
66.根据“Uncle Hobo is a traffic policeman.”可知,Hobo叔叔是一名交警。故填He is a traffic policeman.
67.根据“I want to go to the supermarket.”可知,这位老人想去超市。故填He wants to go to the supermarket.
68.根据“It’s far from here. You can take a bus there.”可知,老人可以坐公共汽车去超市。故填He can take a bus.
69.根据“Walk along Main Street, go past the restaurant, the baker’s and the bank...”和“‘Is there a tea room near here ’...‘Yes. It’s opposite the bank.’”可知,茶室在主街附近。故填Yes, it is.
70.根据“He gives a cup of tea to him and says, ‘Thank you, young man.’”可知,老人用茶感谢Hobo叔叔。故填A cup of tea.
71.本学期即将结束,学生会正在开始评选 “学校之星”。假设你是 David,请根据以下要求,用英语写一封推荐信,推荐Tony为本年度“学校之星”。
Hobbies 爱好户外活动,例如:……
Abilities 学习东西快; 每样事情计划得很好; 各门功课学得很好
Qualities (品质) 勇敢,例如:…… 热心公益,例如:……
Dear Sir,
I am David from Class 5, Grade 7. I would like to recommend Tony for this year’s School Star Award. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
All of our classmates think Tony should get the award. Hope to hear from you.
Dear Sir,
I am David from Class 5, Grade 7. I would like to recommend Tony for this year’s School Star Award.
He likes doing outdoor activities. For example, he often goes skating in his free time. He can learn things quickly. It’s easy for him to plan everything well. Moreover, he is good at every subject. So, we all think he is really clever. Also, he is brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire. What’s more, he is a kind person too. He always raises money for poor children and collects things for them.
All of our classmates think Tony should get the award. Hope to hear from you.
①would like to do sth想要做某事
③What’s more此外
He always raises money for poor children and collects things for them.(and连接两个并列结构)2023-2024学年七年级英语下学期期末模拟测试卷
1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用05毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.—______ have you known each other
—Since we were in our childhood.
A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How soon
2.As far as we know, ________ TV series The Knockout (《狂飙》) is ________ huge hit at the box office (票房).
A.the; a B./; the C.a; an D.an; /
3.They left Xinghua ________ 2018. That means they have been away from Xinghua ________ 2018.
A.in; since B.in; in C.since; in D.since; since
4.Can you give me ________ on what to wear to the party, Sandy
A.an advice B.some advice C.some advices D.any advices
5.The poor lonely man lived ________ in a small house, but he didn’t feel ________.
A.lonely; lonely B.alone; lonely
C.alone; alone D.lonely; alone
6.Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you ________ keep moving.
A.can B.can’t C.must D.mustn’t
7.He never feels ________ because his wife is at the bottom of his heart forever.
A.sadly B.friendly C.lonely D.kindly
8.There ________ a lot of pollution along the street, but now the river is much cleaner.
A.used to be B.used to have C.had D.was
9.—You won’t believe how great Gu Ailing is ________ you watch the game.
—Really I can’t wait to watch it.
A.as B.when C.until D.after
10.—Is David in the next room
—Well, it’s hard to say. But I saw him ________ with his pet dog when I passed by just now.
A.play B.to play C.playing D.played
11.Anny’s father ________ Anny’s mother when they were both 25 years old.
A.married with B.get married C.married D.married to
12.—Hello, John. Tom told me you are on holiday. Where have you gone
—I ________ Hainan since last week. You know sand and sea are my favourite.
A.went to B.have gone to C.have been to D.have been in
13.________ wonderful music lesson Mrs. Green gave us this morning!
A.What B.How C.What a D.How a
14.It took us about ________ to fly to Hong Kong Disneyland.
A.two and half an hours B.two and a half hours
C.two hours and half D.two hour and a half
15.—I think life without old friends is ________.
—I agree. We should often visit some of our old friends.
A.a bit boring B.a bit of boring C.a bit bored D.a bit of bored
Four children have survived (生存) alone in Colombia’s rainforest for 40 days. The news that they’re 16 has brought joy to all of us.
The children’s story began on May 1st, 2023 when they were 17 with their mom. Their small plane went wrong and crashed (坠毁) in the rainforest. 18 , all three adults on the plane died, including the children’s mother. This 19 the four children alone in the rainforest. The 20 child was a 13-year-old girl. Next came a 9-year-old, a 4-year-old, and an 11-month-old baby.
The four children once lived in the rainforest, 21 they knew the environment well. At first, they lived on the 22 and water in the crashed plane. When they ran out of them, the children 23 the fruits of the rainforest to survive. They 24 made a shelter (避难处) by themselves.
As soon as the plane went down, people started searching to see if 25 had survived. After more
than a month, the four children were found in a small open space in the forest, about 5 kilometers 26 where the plane had crashed. The children were very 27 , but they were still alive (活着的). They were taken to a 28 at once. Now the children are getting 29 and will soon be able to get back home.
Their story has 30 many people. It has also shown how the knowledge and skills about the wild can help in difficult times.
16.A.safe B.awake C.quiet D.poor
17.A.walking B.driving C.flying D.running
18.A.Luckily B.Sadly C.Recently D.Suddenly
19.A.agreed B.allowed C.took D.left
20.A.oldest B.tallest C.cleverest D.fattest
21.A.but B.because C.so D.or
22.A.glass B.food C.clothes D.gifts
23.A.looked up B.looked after C.looked at D.looked for
24.A.even B.ever C.still D.just
25.A.somebody B.everybody C.anybody D.nobody
26.A.with B.between C.from D.under
27.A.excited B.angry C.tired D.weak
28.A.school B.library C.park D.hospital
29.A.lazier B.healthier C.busier D.funnier
30.A.touched B.helped C.connected D.bored
三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)HAPPY FATHER’S DAY
The Wilbur School would like the children of our school to bring their dads, grandpas and uncles to our
Father’s Day Pizza Night
When: Wednesday, September 1st
Where: The Wilbur School Meeting Room
Time: 5:30 pm—6:30 pm
Cost: $10 per family member
It will be great to see you!
Please pay (缴费) at the school office by Monday, August 30th and tell us how many people of your family will come.
We will have free soft drinks and water in the meeting room for everyone! No one can have beer or wine in
the meeting room.
31.Who can students bring to the party
A.Brothers. B.Grandmothers. C.Uncles. D.Aunts.
32.How long is the Pizza Night
A.For half an hour. B.For one hour.
C.For one and a half hours. D.For two hours.
33.When can one pay the money
A.On August 30th. B.On August 31st. C.On September 1st. D.On September 2nd.
In Europe, there are many great and it ere sing countries. But one country stands out for its tulips (郁金香) and windmills (风车). It is the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is more than 41, 500 square kilometres in size. It is about the size of Hainan.
It has lots of culture and art, for example, Vincent Van Gohn. You can see his works in the Van Gohn Museum in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands.
Besides fine art, many people also visit to see the tulips. The Netherlands is called the country of tulips. It has the world’s largest tulip garden. Every year, at least 100 kinds of tulips bloom (花朵) here. Dutch (荷兰的) people are hardworking. More than a quarter of the country is below sea level (海平面). So Dutch people built many dams (水坝) to protect the country from the flooding. They a so got new land from seas and rivers.
The Netherlands is well known for its bicycles, too. There are more bicycles than people in some cities. You can ride a bicycle to go around.
34.What is the Netherlands famous for
a. fine art b. music c. tulips d. bicycles
A.abc B.abd C.acd D.bcd
35.The passage doesn’t show the Netherlands’ .
A.size B.history C.people D.culture and art
36.What do we know about the Netherlands from the passage
A.It is about the size of Henan. B.It is mostly below sea level.
C.People got new land from rivers. D.People like riding bicycles.
Somebody is calling for help in the water. You want to jump in and save thew, but that might put you in danger. What do you do
Soon this won’t be a problem anymore because a robot swimmer called Swumanoid will be on hand to help.
Scientists from Japan designed this robot to swim like an Olympic athlete. They mapped a swimmer’s body and looked at how every part of the body moves while swimming. The robot can swim just like a human does.
Swumanoid can swim the backstroke (仰泳) and the front crawl (自由泳) at a speed of 0.64 meters a second, about one-third of the world record speed for these swimming styles, according to the Daily Mail. Motomu Nakashima, head of the team that designed the robot, hopes that robots like Swumanoid can serve as lifeguards in the future.
Besides saving lives, Swumanoid can also be used in swimming research. It can test water resistance (阻力) and figure out (弄明自) how people swim. The information that is collected could help scientist find ways to improve a swimmer’s skills.
Unlike human swimmers, robots don’t get tired from doing the same stroke (泳姿) again and again, so they do not slow down. Therefore, they can collect information more efficiently (有效地).
But the robot is not yet ready to take the place of human lifeguards. Scientists say there are still certain things that need to be improved, such as its motors (引擎) and waterproofing design (防水设计).
37.Swumanoid can swim just like a human does because ________.
A.it was created by an Olympic swimmer B.it can swim the way real swimmers move
C.it can follow directions according to a map D.it can help people who are drowning
38.Swumanoid can collect information more efficiently because ________.
A.it can do many types of strokes B.it can swim as fast as world record-holders
C.it doesn’t feel water resistance D.it won’t feel tired and never slows down
39.How many uses for the robot swimmers are mentioned in the passage
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
40.The story is written to ________.
A.show how swimming robots are built
B.describe how lifeguards do their work
C.introduce the swimming robot Swumanoid
D.explain different swimming skills
Homework is very important in students’ life. Homework can help teachers learn about students’ studies in class. So, how can you do your homework quickly and well 41
First, write the homework in your workbook, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about it.
42 Where do you usually do your homework On the school bus after school On the bed when you watch TV No! 43 You must do your homework in a right place.
Third, take some rest when you do your homework. 44
Last, when you meet difficult questions, ask for help. 45 You can also get some help from your classmates or parents.
A.Taking a 15-minute rest every hour is good for many students.
B.The first people you can ask for help are your teachers.
C.There are some things you can do.
D.You must stop doing like that.
E.Second, do your homework in a quiet place.
luck visit ninety well postman
46.Take the medicine(药) and you will feel .
47.My family are getting ready for my grandpa’s birthday and I want to buy a sweater for him.
48.What a young man! He will go on a holiday to New York for free.
49.In the past(过去), the bicycles were always green.
50.Hainan is always full of every summer, so you can go there in winter.
David is 51 13-year-old boy. He 52 (be) in Grade Seven this year. He likes 53 (play) sports and watching soccer games. He often goes to watch soccer games.
Now David is 54 (eat) lunch at home. He is very happy because there will be a soccer game 55 TV at 3: 00 this afternoon. He wants 56 (watch) it very much. But he has three 57 (class) this afternoon. Then he has a good idea.
“Hello, Mrs. Wang!” David 58 (say) to his teacher on the phone. “David is ill. He wants to ask for half a day off.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” says Mrs. Wang. “And 59 is that ”
“This is 60 (he) father, Mrs. Wang,” he says.
We have a music show at my school today. All the students go to w 61 it. We have great fun watching it and feel excited. We show our talents during the festival. My best friend Bob plays the p 62 . He likes playing the piano and spends two hours on it every day. My sister Alice is just ten y 63 old, but she does well in playing the violin. Everyone enjoys l 64 to her music. What can I do Well, I play the guitar and s 65 a song. I write the song by myself and many students think it is great. Do you have a music show at your school Could you tell us something about it
Uncle Hobo is a traffic policeman. Now he’s working on Main Street. An old man comes to him. He says, “Excuse me. I want to go to the supermarket. Can you tell me the way there ” Uncle Hobo says, “Yes, of course. Walk along Main Street, go past the restaurant, the baker’s and the bank, and turn right into Station Street. Go down the street and then you can see a station at the end of the street. Your destination (目的地) the supermarket is opposite (在……对面) it. It’s far from here. You can take a bus there.” The old man says, “Thank you, sir. Is there a tea room near here ” Uncle Hobo thinks for a while and says, “Yes. It’s opposite the bank.” The old man thanks him and then leaves. Several minutes later, the old man comes to Uncle Hobo again. He gives a cup of tea to him and says, “Thank you, young man.”
66.What is Uncle Hobo
67.Where does the old man want to go
68.As an old man, how can he get there
69.Is the tea room near Main Street
70.What does the old man thank Uncle Hobo with
71.本学期即将结束,学生会正在开始评选 “学校之星”。假设你是 David,请根据以下要求,用英语写一封推荐信,推荐Tony为本年度“学校之星”。
Hobbies 爱好户外活动,例如:……
Abilities 学习东西快; 每样事情计划得很好; 各门功课学得很好
Qualities (品质) 勇敢,例如:…… 热心公益,例如:……
Dear Sir,
I am David from Class 5, Grade 7. I would like to recommend Tony for this year’s School Star Award. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
All of our classmates think Tony should get the award. Hope to hear from you.



