
(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分)
1. 本试卷共两部分,六大题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。
2. 请务必在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。
3. 考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
Part 1 Grammar and Vocabulary
(第一部分 语法和词汇)
I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
(本大题共 15 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分。每题只有一个正确选项)
1.You must clean your room ________ your mother comes back.
A.after B.but C.before D.and
考查连词辨析。after在……之后;but但是;before在……之前;and和。根据“You must clean your room...your mother comes back”可知要在妈妈回来之前打扫房间。故选C。
2.—Lucy, what are you doing
—I a model plane.
A.make B.makes C.am making D.will make
考查时态。根据“Lucy, what are you doing ”可知,该句为现在进行时“am/is/are+动词现在分词”,主语为I,be动词用am,故选C。
3.I can’t go to the park with you ________ I am too busy these days.
A.so B.because C.but D.or
4.—________ are they doing
—They’re ________.
A.What; run B.Who; running
C.What; running D.Where; running
考查特殊疑问句及时态。根据答语“They’re…”并结合选项可知,第一个空所在句应该是问在做什么,应用疑问词what;根据“...are they doing”可知,为现在进行时“be doing”。故选C。
5.I have to go to bed ________ 10: 00 every night. I can’t go to bed too late.
A.after B.before C.in D.on
考查介词辨析。after在……之后;before在……之前;in后跟年月季节等时间;on后跟具体到某一天的时间。根据“have to go to bed...10: 00 every night”和“I can’t go to bed too late.”可知,是在10点前睡觉,故选B。
6.Please keep the park clean when you enjoy ________, children.
A.you B.your C.yourself D.yourselves
考查代词辨析。you你们,主格或宾格;your你们的,形容词性物主代词;yourself你自己,反身代词;yourselves你们自己,反身代词。根据“enjoy”可知,考查enjoy oneself“玩得开心”;结合选项,“children”对应的反身代词为yourselves,故选D。
7.I like to play ________ guitar, but my brother likes to play ________ chess.
A.a; the B.the; a C.the; the D.the; /
考查冠词。play the guitar“弹吉他”,西洋乐器之前加定冠词the;play chess“下棋”,棋类名词之前不加冠词。
8.There are 120 in our school.
A.man teacher B.man teachers
C.men teacher D.men teachers
考查可数名词复数。man teacher男老师,根据数字120可知,应用名词复数形式。man作定语修饰名词复数时,man也需要用复数形式。故选D。
9.—Hello! May I speak to Kate
—Sorry, she isn’t in. She ________ ping-pong outside.
A.plays B.is play C.will play D.is playing
【详解】句意:——你好!我可以和Kate通话吗? ——对不起,她不在。她正在外面打乒乓球。
考查动词时态。plays玩,动词三单形式;is play搭配错误;will play将会玩,一般将来时;is playing正在玩,现在进行时。根据语境及“May I speak to Kate”对方现在想要同Kate通话,可推测Kate现在不能接电话的原因是因为她正在外面打乒乓球,应用现在进行时表示现在正在做的事。故选D。
10.It’s raining ________. My clothes are all wet.
A.heavy B.bad C.hard D.big
考查副词的用法。heavy大量的,形容词;bad坏的,形容词;hard猛烈地,副词;big大的,形容词。根据“It’s raining”可知,形容雨下得猛烈,用副词hard修饰谓语动词。故选C。
11.Dad, we can ________ sports at school for one hour a day.
A.to do B.does C.do D.doing
12.There are only ________ oranges on the fridge. Are they enough
A.little B.a little C.few D.a few
考查代词辨析。little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;a little一些,修饰不可数名词;few几乎没有,修饰可数名词;a few一些,修饰可数名词。根据“only”可知是指只有一些橙子了,且oranges是可数名词,应用a few修饰,故选D。
13.Remember ________ the door when you go out, Julie.
A.close B.to close C.closing D.closes
考查非谓语动词。remember to do sth.“记得要做某事”,事情未发生,动词不定式作宾语,故选B。
14._________ be nervous.
A.Stop B.Don’t C.Can’t D.No
考查祈使句。Stop停止;Don’t不;Can’t不能;No不。此处是祈使句,结合“be nervous”可知是指不要紧张,用Don’t,后接动词原形。故选B。
15.— Can you wear a T-shirt on school days
— No, I can’t. I have to wear ________ uniform at school.
A.an B.a C.the D./
II. Choose the proper words in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once
(本大题共 5 题,每题 1 分,共5分,每题只有一个正确选项)
Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(选择最恰当的单词完成短文填空。每词限用一次。)
A.adventure B.reasons C. trained D.provide E. changes F. pearl
Have you ever heard of Zhang Guimei She is one of the greatest women teachers in China in recent years. With the help of the government (政府), Zhang Guimei built the country’s first senior high school to 16 free education (教育) for girls from poor families. Since it opened in 2008, more than 1,800 students in the school have been able to go to university and college. We always say each child should stand on the same starting line, but some girls from poor families can’t even study at school for some 17 . Zhang Guimei knows that and she tries her best to make some 18 . Over quite a few years, Zhang’s life has been a big 19 . She walked thousands of kilometers, visiting students’ families in the deep mountains, talking to villagers, persuading (劝说) girls to go back to school. She lived in the school with the girl students, 20 them in sports and helped them study every day. Zhang Guimei spends her whole life in changing the fates (命运) of those girls who need help.
【答案】16.D 17.B 18.E 19.A 20.C
16.句意:在政府的帮助下,张桂梅创办了全国第一所为贫困家庭的女孩提供免费的高中。根据“free education for girls from poor families”可知,本题考查provide sth. for sb.“为某人提供某物”。故选D。
17.句意:我们总是说每个孩子都应该站在同一起跑线上,但由于某些原因,一些贫困家庭的女孩甚至不能在学校学习。根据“some girls from poor families can’t even study at school”可知,此处说的是贫困家庭的女孩不能上学的原因,for some reason“由于某些原因”为固定搭配。故选B。
18.句意:张桂梅了解这一情况并尽最大努力做出改变。根据“Zhang Guimei knows that and she tries her best to make some...”可知,此处指改变这一情况,make changes“做出改变”。故选E。
19.句意:多年来,张桂梅的生活就是一场大的探险。根据“Zhang’s life has been a big...”和“She walked thousands of kilometers, visiting students’ families in the deep mountains...”可知,她的生活就是探险,adventure“探险”符合句意。故选A。
20.句意:她在学校和女生住在一起, 每天训练她们运动并帮助她们学习。根据“...them in sports and helped them study”可知,此处指训练她们运动。故选C。
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms
(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (本大题共 8 题,共 8 分)
21.They found five (trolley) near the entrance!
22.Mr Li and his family have all the objects they need. (bring)
23.We will have a writing tomorrow. (compete)
【详解】句意:我们明天要举行写作比赛。根据“have a writing…”可知,此空应该填一个名词。compete“竞争”的名词为competition,有不定冠词a修饰,此处用单数形式。故填competition。
24.We can see flags slightly in the wind. (fly)
【详解】句意:我们可以看到旗帜在风中轻轻飘扬。根据“slightly in the wind”可知看到旗帜正在飘扬,see sth. doing sth.“看到某物正在做某事”,fly的现在分词形式为flying。故填flying。
25.We must stop the oceans. (pollution).
【详解】句意:我们必须停止污染海洋。根据“We must stop ... the oceans.”结合常识可知要停止污染海洋,用stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”。pollution的动词形式为pollute,其动名词形式为polluting。故填polluting。
26.Our library is on the floor.(four)
27.I like scarves best because they can help me warm in winter.(wool)
的形容词“woollen”,意为“羊毛制的”,woollen scarves“羊毛围脖”。故填woollen。
28.He stopped talking on the teacher came in.(immediate)
plete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子。每空格限填一词)
(每题 2分,共 14分)
29.In the future, more people will go to work by underground.(保持句意基本不变)
In the future, more people will the to work.
【答案】 take underground
30.I will finish my homework in two hours.(对划线部分提问)
will you finish your homework
【答案】 How soon
【详解】句意:我将在两个小时内完成我的家庭作业。对in+时间的时间段划线提问,用表将来时的how soon“多久”提问,故填How;soon。
31.buy, we, need, to, don’t, nowadays, from, a bus, conductor, tickets, (连词成句)
【答案】Nowadays we don’t need to buy tickets from a bus conductor
【详解】根据结尾的句号可知,句子是陈述句,we“我们”作主语;助动词don’t“不”;谓语动词need“需要”,need to do sth“需要做某事”,不定式to buy tickets“买票”作宾语;介词from“从”;名词短语a bus conductor“公共汽车售票员”,故填Nowadays we don’t need to buy tickets from a bus conductor“现在我们不需要向公共汽车售票员买票”。
32.Mary will be taller and more beautiful in the future.(对划线部分提问)
will Mary be in the future
【答案】 What like
【详解】句意:玛丽将来会更高、更漂亮。What will sb. be like 为固定句型,意为“某人将会是什么样子?”,符合句意,故填What;like。
33.All the students had to recite the text.(改为否定句)
the students had to recite the text.
【答案】 None of
题目要求改为否定句,all 的完全否定形式为none of,表示“并非都”。故填None;of。
34.Robin took a bus to Shanghai Museum yesterday(改为一般疑问句)
Robin a bus to Shanghai Museum yesterday
【答案】 Did take
35.Mr. Smith stayed at home last night, and he didn’t go shopping. (保持句意不变)
Mr. Smith stayed at home going shopping last night.
【答案】 instead of
【详解】句意:史密斯先生昨晚待在家里,他没有去购物。原句是and连接的并列句,此句可以用简单句“史密斯先生昨晚待在家里,而不是去购物。”表达,结合动名词短语“going shopping last night”可知介词短语instead of“而不是,代替”符合题意。故填instead;of。
Part 2 Reading and Writing
(第二部分 读和写)
V.Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (本大题共 22 题,共 44分)
A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(10分)
A Free Meal
“I’m hungry,” Pat said to his friend, Mike. “Let’s have a meal somewhere.”
They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant. “This will be fine,” Pat said. “Just the place we want.”
He opened the door and they went inside. The waiter came up to them at once.
“A table for two, gentlemen ” he asked. “Yes. The best table you have.”
He took them to a table near a window. He gave them the menu and went away.
Pat and Mike looked at the menu carefully, then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
An hour later, they had almost finished their meal. It was one of the best meals they had ever had, and now they were eating their dessert(甜点).
Suddenly Pat looked carefully at his dish.
“What’s this ” he cried and pointed at something small and black in the dessert. The waiter hurried to their table.
“Look at this!” Pat said to him in a very loud voice. “There’s a dead fly(苍蝇) in my dessert. How terrible(可怕的)! I thought this was a good restaurant, but I was wrong.”
The waiter was very embarrassed. “Please, sir, do not speak so loud. I am so sorry about the fly. I’m afraid accidents happen sometimes, even in the best restaurants. We shall not, of course, charge(收费)you for your meals.”
Soon after this, Mike and Pat were walking past a hotel.
“Let’s go in and have a drink,” Pat said. “I’ve got one fly left(剩余).”
36.Pat and Mike went for dinner ________.
A.at home B.in a hotel C.in a cheap restaurant D.in an expensive restaurant
37.They ordered ________ for dinner.
A.rice, noodles and tea B.wine and dessert
C.the best dishes and coffee D.the most expensive dishes and a bottle of wine
38.Pat found ________ in his dessert.
A.an ant B.a bee C.a fly D.a bird
39.This story is called “A Free Meal” because ________.
A.they had no money
B.they were friends of the waiter
C.Pat and Mike had nothing to eat.
D.the waiter did not ask them to pay for the meal
40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Pat and Mike looked carefully at the menu.
B.Pat and Mike put a fly in the wine.
C.Pat and Mike were going to use the same trick(诡计)in a hotel.
D.The waiter felt very sorry for Pat and Mike.
【答案】36.D 37.D 38.C 39.D 40.B
36.细节理解题。根据“They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant.”可知,Pat和Mike去了一家昂贵的餐馆吃晚饭。故选D。
37.细节理解题。根据“then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.”可知,他们看完菜单后,点了最贵的菜和一瓶好酒。故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据“There’s a dead fly in my dessert.”可知,Pat在甜点里发现了一只苍蝇。故选C。
39.推理判断题。根据“We shall not, of course, charge you for your meals.”可知,Pat在甜点里“发现”了苍蝇后,服务员最后没有收取餐费,所以这个故事被称为“免费的一餐”。故选D。
40.细节理解题。根据“There’s a dead fly in my dessert.”可知,是在甜点里放进苍蝇,而不是酒里面。故选B。
B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) (12 分)
Once there was a kind king. His people 41 him and were proud of him. One day, the king decided to build a palace on the river bank. Soon the palace was ready. After showing it to the king, the minister (大臣) decided to take a final look.
“Great!” the minister said, looking at the palace gate. Then suddenly his eyes fell on a hut just a few steps away from the palace gate. “What is this hut doing here ” shouted the minister. “Sir, it belongs to an old woman. She has been living here for a long time,” 42 his servant.
The minister walked up to the hut and told the old lady that he could give her anything if she sold her hut to him. The old woman thought the hut was the dearest thing to her, 43 , she refused to sell it. The 44 was then taken to the king.
The king thought for a while, and then said, “Let the old lady have her hut where it is. It will 45 add beauty to the new palace.” Then turning to the minister, the king said, “Let us not forget that what seems ugly to us maybe 46 to someone else.”
41.A.visited B.left C.loved D.hated
42.A.spoke B.replied C.told D.talked
43.A.if B.therefore C.because D.when
44.A.story B.idea C.matter D.job
45.A.still B.quite C.already D.only
46.A.nice B.silly C.personal D.strange
【答案】41.C 42.B 43.B 44.C 45.A 46.A
visited参观;left离开;loved爱;hated讨厌。根据“were proud of him”可知,人们为国王感到骄傲,所以是爱国王的,故选C。
spoke说;replied回复;told告诉;talked谈论。根据“What is this hut doing here ”可知,大臣发出了提问,所以此处是回复他,故选B。
if如果;therefore因此;because因为;when当……的时候。根据“The old woman thought the hut was the dearest thing to her, ..., she refused to sell it.”可知,两句为因果关系,前因后果,所以填therefore,故选B。
still仍然,还;quite相当;already已经;only仅仅。根据“add beauty to the new palace”可知,此处指“仍然会为新宫殿增添美感”,其他选项不符合句意,故选A。
nice好看的;silly愚蠢的;personal个人的;strange奇怪的。根据“what seems ugly to us” 可知,此处填“ugly”的对应词“nice”,在我们看来丑陋的东西在别人看来可能是好的。故选A。
C.Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空
When things around you make you feel good, it is easy for you to feel at home. When you want your home (maybe a new one) more homey, you can try these simple w 47 to do.
Keep it clean
If you are trying to create a comfortable home, you need to make it clean first. It’s difficult to be completely relaxed and happy in a place when it is d 48 or untidy.
Hang art
Research has told us about the benefits (好处) of art. Looking at art can reduce stress and make you feel better. For example, hanging art in your house can make the space more enjoyable. What’s more, it t 49 others about your interest and style.
Keep a pet
Keeping a pet makes us h 50 and healthier. Your animal friend will always be excited to welcome you back home. Just imagine a cute dog or cat waiting by the door w 51 you get home after a tiring day. What could feel better
Go green
Just like art and animals, plants and flowers can also cheer you up. There are many easy houseplants to care for. By b 52 greenery and fresh blooms (花) into your home, you can feel closer to nature.
【答案】47.(w)ays 48.(d)irty 49.(t)ells 50.(h)appier 51.(w)hen 52.(b)ringing
47.句意:当你想要你的家(也许是一个新的)更温馨的时候,你可以尝试这些简单的方法。根据“you can try these simple...to do”和首字母提示,以及结合下文可知,此处指“方法”,way“方法”,these后接名词复数。故填(w)ays。
48.句意:在一个肮脏或不整洁的地方很难完全放松和快乐。根据“it is...or untidy”首字母提示可知,此处表示不整洁或者脏乱,dirty“肮脏的”,作表语。故填(d)irty。
49.句意:更重要的是,它可以告诉别人你的兴趣和风格。根据“it...others about your interest and style”和首字母提示可知,此处应是tell sb. about sth.“告诉某人关于某事的情况”,句子为一般现在时,主语是it,谓
50.句意:养宠物让我们更快乐,更健康。根据“Keeping a pet makes us...and healthier”和首字母提示可知,此处表示养宠物使人更快乐和更健康,空处应用happy的比较级happier,与“healthier”并列。故填(h)appier。
51.句意:想象一下,当你累了一天回到家时,一只可爱的狗或猫在门口等着你。根据“Just imagine a cute dog or cat waiting by the door...you get home after a tiring day”和首字母提示可知,空处应是when,引导时间状语从句。故填(w)hen。
52.句意:把绿色植物和鲜花带进你的家,你会感觉更接近大自然。根据“By...greenery and fresh blooms into your home”可知,此处指“把植物和鲜花带回家”,bring“带来”,空前是介词by,后接动名词。故填(b)ringing。
D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题) (10分)
An elephant and a crocodile were once standing beside a river. They were arguing (争吵) which was the better animal.
“I can pull up a tree with my strong trunk (象鼻),” said the elephant.
“But your skin is not as thick as mine,” replied the crocodile.
A lion heard their words and said, “I will give you a test and then I can tell between you.” Then the lion pointed across the river and asked them to bring the metal hat on that wall to him. The crocodile was used to the water, so he got to the other side and soon stood beside the wall first. After a while, the elephant arrived. When he saw the crocodile couldn’t reach the hat, he used his long trunk to take it down easily.
On the way back, the elephant tried to get ahead of the crocodile in the water. Unluckily, the elephant’s hat fell to the river bottom because he wasn’t careful enough. The crocodile dived down and brought it up in his huge mouth at once.
Finally, the crocodile put the hat at the lion’s feet. The lion took it up and said to the elephant, “Your trunk helped you reach the hat, but you couldn’t get it back in the water. ” “And you,” said the lion to the crocodile, “You couldn’t reach the hat, but you could save it in the end. So 5. ________.”
53.Who were arguing beside the river
54.What did the lion ask the elephant and the crocodile to do
55.Why did the hat fall into the river bottom
56.How did the crocodile save the hat
57.Complete the sentence in the last paragraph. (No more than 10 words)
So .
【答案】53.An elephant and a crocodile. 54.He asked them to bring the metal hat on that wall to him. 55.Because the elephant wasn’t careful enough. 56.The crocodile dived down and brought it up in his huge mouth at once. 57.everyone has their own wisdom
53.根据“An elephant and a crocodile were once standing beside a river. They were arguing (争吵) which was the better animal.”可知,一头大象和一条鳄鱼站在河边争吵。故填An elephant and a crocodile.
54.根据“Then the lion pointed across the river and asked them to bring the metal hat on that wall to him.”可知,狮子让他们把墙上的金属帽带给他。故填He asked them to bring the metal hat on that wall to him.
55.根据“Unluckily, the elephant’s hat fell to the river bottom because he wasn’t careful enough.”可知,因为他不够小心。故填Because the elephant wasn’t careful enough.
56.根据“The crocodile dived down and brought it up in his huge mouth at once.”可知,鳄鱼一头扎了下去,立刻用它巨大的嘴巴把它叼了起来。故填The crocodile dived down and brought it up in his huge mouth at once.
57.根据全文内容可知,大象和鳄鱼的共同的努力下,把帽子拿了回来,所以他们各自有自己的智慧和能力,不存在谁比谁更好的问题。故填everyone has their own wisdom。
Ⅵ.Writing (作文) (本大题共 1 题,共 18分)
58.Write at least 40 words on the topic “My favourite _________”. (请以“我最喜欢的__________”为题写一段话,不少于40个单词。注意:不得出现考生真实信息)
Suggested questions:
1. What is your favourite ... (city/ season/ festival/ sport/ book/ animal...... )
2. Why Give at least 2 reasons. (至少给出2个理由)
My favourite animal
I like dogs, because they are human’s good friends.
They can do many helpful things to us. For example, a guide dog can help and lead the blind people. Sometimes dogs can help their owner do some work! When we are bored, we can take them for a walk, and we can play with them.
I think dogs are cute, clever, friendly and helpful.
(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分)
1. 本试卷共两部分,六大题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。
2. 请务必在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。
3. 考试结束后,请将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
Part 1 Grammar and Vocabulary
(第一部分 语法和词汇)
I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)
(本大题共 15 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分。每题只有一个正确选项)
1.You must clean your room ________ your mother comes back.
A.after B.but C.before D.and
2.—Lucy, what are you doing
—I a model plane.
A.make B.makes C.am making D.will make
3.I can’t go to the park with you ________ I am too busy these days.
A.so B.because C.but D.or
4.—________ are they doing
—They’re ________.
A.What; run B.Who; running
C.What; running D.Where; running
5.I have to go to bed ________ 10: 00 every night. I can’t go to bed too late.
A.after B.before C.in D.on
6.Please keep the park clean when you enjoy ________, children.
A.you B.your C.yourself D.yourselves
7.I like to play ________ guitar, but my brother likes to play ________ chess.
A.a; the B.the; a C.the; the D.the; /
8.There are 120 in our school.
A.man teacher B.man teachers
C.men teacher D.men teachers
9.—Hello! May I speak to Kate
—Sorry, she isn’t in. She ________ ping-pong outside.
A.plays B.is play C.will play D.is playing
10.It’s raining ________. My clothes are all wet.
A.heavy B.bad C.hard D.big
11.Dad, we can ________ sports at school for one hour a day.
A.to do B.does C.do D.doing
12.There are only ________ oranges on the fridge. Are they enough
A.little B.a little C.few D.a few
13.Remember ________ the door when you go out, Julie.
A.close B.to close C.closing D.closes
14._________ be nervous.
A.Stop B.Don’t C.Can’t D.No
15.— Can you wear a T-shirt on school days
— No, I can’t. I have to wear ________ uniform at school.
A.an B.a C.the D./
II. Choose the proper words in the box to complete the following passage. Each can be used only once
(本大题共 5 题,每题 1 分,共5分,每题只有一个正确选项)
Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once(选择最恰当的单词完成短文填空。每词限用一次。)
A.adventure B.reasons C. trained D.provide E. changes F. pearl
Have you ever heard of Zhang Guimei She is one of the greatest women teachers in China in recent years. With the help of the government (政府), Zhang Guimei built the country’s first senior high school to 16 free education (教育) for girls from poor families. Since it opened in 2008, more than 1,800 students in the school have been able to go to university and college. We always say each child should stand on the same starting line, but some girls from poor families can’t even study at school for some 17 . Zhang Guimei knows that and she tries her best to make some 18 . Over quite a few years, Zhang’s life has been a big 19 . She walked thousands of kilometers, visiting students’ families in the deep mountains, talking to villagers, persuading (劝说) girls to go back to school. She lived in the school with the girl students, 20 them in sports and helped them study every day. Zhang Guimei spends her whole life in changing the fates (命运) of those girls who need help.
plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms
(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (本大题共 8 题,共 8 分)
21.They found five (trolley) near the entrance!
22.Mr Li and his family have all the objects they need. (bring)
23.We will have a writing tomorrow. (compete)
24.We can see flags slightly in the wind. (fly)
25.We must stop the oceans. (pollution).
26.Our library is on the floor.(four)
27.I like scarves best because they can help me warm in winter.(wool)
28.He stopped talking on the teacher came in.(immediate)
plete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求完成句子。每空格限填一词)
(每题 2分,共 14分)
29.In the future, more people will go to work by underground.(保持句意基本不变)
In the future, more people will the to work.
30.I will finish my homework in two hours.(对划线部分提问)
will you finish your homework
31.buy, we, need, to, don’t, nowadays, from, a bus, conductor, tickets, (连词成句)
32.Mary will be taller and more beautiful in the future.(对划线部分提问)
will Mary be in the future
33.All the students had to recite the text.(改为否定句)
the students had to recite the text.
34.Robin took a bus to Shanghai Museum yesterday(改为一般疑问句)
Robin a bus to Shanghai Museum yesterday
35.Mr. Smith stayed at home last night, and he didn’t go shopping. (保持句意不变)
Mr. Smith stayed at home going shopping last night.
Part 2 Reading and Writing
(第二部分 读和写)
V.Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (本大题共 22 题,共 44分)
A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)(10分)
A Free Meal
“I’m hungry,” Pat said to his friend, Mike. “Let’s have a meal somewhere.”
They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant. “This will be fine,” Pat said. “Just the place we want.”
He opened the door and they went inside. The waiter came up to them at once.
“A table for two, gentlemen ” he asked. “Yes. The best table you have.”
He took them to a table near a window. He gave them the menu and went away.
Pat and Mike looked at the menu carefully, then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
An hour later, they had almost finished their meal. It was one of the best meals they had ever had, and now they were eating their dessert(甜点).
Suddenly Pat looked carefully at his dish.
“What’s this ” he cried and pointed at something small and black in the dessert. The waiter hurried to their table.
“Look at this!” Pat said to him in a very loud voice. “There’s a dead fly(苍蝇) in my dessert. How terrible(可怕的)! I thought this was a good restaurant, but I was wrong.”
The waiter was very embarrassed. “Please, sir, do not speak so loud. I am so sorry about the fly. I’m afraid accidents happen sometimes, even in the best restaurants. We shall not, of course, charge(收费)you for your meals.”
Soon after this, Mike and Pat were walking past a hotel.
“Let’s go in and have a drink,” Pat said. “I’ve got one fly left(剩余).”
36.Pat and Mike went for dinner ________.
A.at home B.in a hotel C.in a cheap restaurant D.in an expensive restaurant
37.They ordered ________ for dinner.
A.rice, noodles and tea B.wine and dessert
C.the best dishes and coffee D.the most expensive dishes and a bottle of wine
38.Pat found ________ in his dessert.
A.an ant B.a bee C.a fly D.a bird
39.This story is called “A Free Meal” because ________.
A.they had no money
B.they were friends of the waiter
C.Pat and Mike had nothing to eat.
D.the waiter did not ask them to pay for the meal
40.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Pat and Mike looked carefully at the menu.
B.Pat and Mike put a fly in the wine.
C.Pat and Mike were going to use the same trick(诡计)in a hotel.
D.The waiter felt very sorry for Pat and Mike.
B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文) (12 分)
Once there was a kind king. His people 41 him and were proud of him. One day, the king decided to build a palace on the river bank. Soon the palace was ready. After showing it to the king, the minister (大臣) decided to take a final look.
“Great!” the minister said, looking at the palace gate. Then suddenly his eyes fell on a hut just a few steps away from the palace gate. “What is this hut doing here ” shouted the minister. “Sir, it belongs to an old woman.
She has been living here for a long time,” 42 his servant.
The minister walked up to the hut and told the old lady that he could give her anything if she sold her hut to him. The old woman thought the hut was the dearest thing to her, 43 , she refused to sell it. The 44 was then taken to the king.
The king thought for a while, and then said, “Let the old lady have her hut where it is. It will 45 add beauty to the new palace.” Then turning to the minister, the king said, “Let us not forget that what seems ugly to us maybe 46 to someone else.”
41.A.visited B.left C.loved D.hated
42.A.spoke B.replied C.told D.talked
43.A.if B.therefore C.because D.when
44.A.story B.idea C.matter D.job
45.A.still B.quite C.already D.only
46.A.nice B.silly C.personal D.strange
C.Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空
When things around you make you feel good, it is easy for you to feel at home. When you want your home (maybe a new one) more homey, you can try these simple w 47 to do.
Keep it clean
If you are trying to create a comfortable home, you need to make it clean first. It’s difficult to be completely relaxed and happy in a place when it is d 48 or untidy.
Hang art
Research has told us about the benefits (好处) of art. Looking at art can reduce stress and make you feel better. For example, hanging art in your house can make the space more enjoyable. What’s more, it t 49 others about your interest and style.
Keep a pet
Keeping a pet makes us h 50 and healthier. Your animal friend will always be excited to welcome you back home. Just imagine a cute dog or cat waiting by the door w 51 you get home after a tiring day. What could feel better
Go green
Just like art and animals, plants and flowers can also cheer you up. There are many easy houseplants to care for. By b 52 greenery and fresh blooms (花) into your home, you can feel closer to nature.
D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题) (10分)
An elephant and a crocodile were once standing beside a river. They were arguing (争吵) which was the better animal.
“I can pull up a tree with my strong trunk (象鼻),” said the elephant.
“But your skin is not as thick as mine,” replied the crocodile.
A lion heard their words and said, “I will give you a test and then I can tell between you.” Then the lion pointed across the river and asked them to bring the metal hat on that wall to him. The crocodile was used to the water, so he got to the other side and soon stood beside the wall first. After a while, the elephant arrived. When he saw the crocodile couldn’t reach the hat, he used his long trunk to take it down easily.
On the way back, the elephant tried to get ahead of the crocodile in the water. Unluckily, the elephant’s hat fell to the river bottom because he wasn’t careful enough. The crocodile dived down and brought it up in his huge mouth at once.
Finally, the crocodile put the hat at the lion’s feet. The lion took it up and said to the elephant, “Your trunk helped you reach the hat, but you couldn’t get it back in the water. ” “And you,” said the lion to the crocodile, “You couldn’t reach the hat, but you could save it in the end. So 5. ________.”
53.Who were arguing beside the river
54.What did the lion ask the elephant and the crocodile to do
55.Why did the hat fall into the river bottom
56.How did the crocodile save the hat
57.Complete the sentence in the last paragraph. (No more than 10 words)
So .
Ⅵ.Writing (作文) (本大题共 1 题,共 18分)
58.Write at least 40 words on the topic “My favourite _________”. (请以“我最喜欢的__________”为题写一段话,不少于40个单词。注意:不得出现考生真实信息)
Suggested questions:
1. What is your favourite ... (city/ season/ festival/ sport/ book/ animal...... )
2. Why Give at least 2 reasons. (至少给出2个理由)



