
(2024·辽宁盘锦·二模)Su Shi isn’t a strange name to us, as we learn his ci in textbooks. Su is one of the most popular ancient writers. He was good at almost all kinds of writings and art, including poems, ci and prose (散文) as well as calligraphy (书法) and painting. But Su was not only respected for his talents, but also for his positive attitude towards life.
When he was young, he passed the imperial examination (科举考试) and got a degree of Jinshi. After that, he became an official. Unluckily, Su was demoted (贬谪) to serve in far areas because of other officials’ bad words about him. But he was not too discouraged.
First, he went to Huangzhou, in today’s Hubei. There he tried to enjoy life in the countryside. He farmed a piece of land which he called Dongpo. This is why people call him Dongpo. It is also said that he invented Dongpo Pork, a famous Chinese dish, during this period. Many of his poems were written there, too. Including Tune: Calming the Waves. Its line “Impervious to wind, rain or shine, I’ll have my will (归去! 也无风雨也无晴)” showed his open-minded attitude.
Su was also demoted to Danzhou, in today’s Hainan. At the beginning, he couldn’t get used to the hot and wet weather. He couldn’t understand the local language. Instead of getting sad, he set up schools and got along well with the locals. Many people traveled from far places to visit him.
“Su is a great optimist (乐天派), a friend of people, a prose master.” writer Lin Yutang said in his book about Su.
1._________ is not mentioned about Su Shi’s talent.
A.Ci B.Painting C.Singing D.Poems
2.The underlined word “discouraged” in Paragraph 3 means _________.
A.disappointed B.confident C.surprised D.embarrassed
3._________is the correct order of Su Shi’s experiences.
①He was demoted to Huangzhou. ②He invented Dongpo Pork.
③He got a degree of Jinshi. ④He set up schools in Danzhou.
A.①②③④ B.②①④③ C.③①②④ D.③②①④
4.What we can learn from Su Shi’s experiences
A.We should work hard to avoid ups and downs.
B.We should try our best to help others.
C.We should ask friends for help when we are down.
D.We should stay positive when facing difficulties.
(2024·山东青岛·二模)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A 、B 、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Jiang Taigong was a great thinker. He was born in ancient China. He came from a poor background and grew up near a 5 . As a child, he loved fishing and spent a lot of time by the water. He was famous for his cleverness and ability to catch fish.
One day, Jiang Taigong decided to show off his skills 6 fishing in a river. Instead of using a fishing stick like most people, he used a simple fishing line with no bait (鱼饵) on it. He 7 the line into the water and sat patiently, waiting for a fish to eat. Many people passing by were 8 and asked him, “Why don’t you use any bait 9 can you catch fish without it ” Jiang Taigong smiled and said, “I’m not just catching any fish. I’m waiting for the fish that are willing to come to me.” Soon enough, a lot of fish started 10 around the area where Jiang Taigong was fishing. They were interested in his fishing line and were willing to be caught. One
after another, the fish voluntarily jumped onto his line. People were amazed by his fishing 11 . They realized that it wasn’t just about the fishing stick or the bait, but about attracting (吸引) the right chances. He taught people about the importance of patience, understanding the situation, and making 12 decisions.
This story teaches us an important lesson. Sometimes, in life, we don’t need to run after things. Just like Jiang Taigong, if we have patience, the right chances will come to us willingly, like fish voluntarily jumping onto a line. 13 , remember, be patient, work hard, and have confidence in 14 , just like Jiang Taigong, then you’ll be able to catch the right chances and achieve success!
5.A.garden B.mountain C.road D.river
6.A.with B.for C.by D.as
7.A.used B.threw C.brought D.stuck
8.A.surprised B.happy C.excited D.scared
9.A.What B.When C.Where D.How
10.A.climbing B.skating C.swimming D.running
11.A.bait B.sticks C.skills D.lines
12.A.similar B.difficult C.wise D.interesting
13.A.However B.So C.Because D.Or
14.A.yourselves B.ourselves C.themselves D.myself
As we all know, Fan Zhongyan’s Memorial to Yueyang Tower (岳阳楼记) was very famous. He wrote, “Be the first to stand the country’s hardship (艰辛), and the last to 15 its comfort.” This saying has been passed down to this day.
Fan Zhongyan’s early life was very 16 . His father died when he was only two years old. He and his mother became 17 . His mother got married again, but they still could not improve their life.
When he was young, he loved school, but the family was so poor that they could not even 18 the writing brushes or paper. In order to practice writing, he had to write in sand 19 sticks.
When he was a little older, Fan Zhongyan had the 20 to study in a temple. He did not have too much food, but he survived. A small pot of porridge got dried, then he 21 it into four pieces, two for breakfast and two for supper. 22 he was always hungry, he carried on studying.
Fan Zhongyan set himself learning goals every day. If he did not finish the 23 for the day, he would stay up late. When he was too tired to keep his eyes open, he would wash his face with cold water and then 24 studying.
After years of studying, Fan Zhongyan became a very learned person.
15.A.enjoy B.admire C.support D.refuse
16.A.exciting B.real C.boring D.hard
17.A.active B.careful C.homeless D.famous
18.A.bring B.afford C.produce D.choose
19.A.on B.with C.at D.for
20.A.effort B.report C.chance D.victory
21.A.repaired B.polluted C.judged D.divided
22.A.Because B.Though C.Since D.Unless
23.A.task B.skill C.rule D.advice
24.A.care for B.give up C.keep on D.put off
(2024·陕西商洛·一模)During the Lunar New Year in China, on the doors and windows of Chinese homes, you often see the bright red character fu posted upside down. There were many stories about the 25 of posting the character fu upside down.
One of them is that the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang 26 to post the character fu on the doors of some houses as a mark and planned to kill someone in the families.
In order to prevent too many killings, the 27 Empress (皇后) Ma made all the families post the character fu on their doors before sunrise. Certainly, no one dared to disobey (违抗) Empress Ma’s will, so the character fu was posted on the door of every house. Among them, some families who didn’t received the education 28 the character fu upside down.
The next day, the emperor sent soldiers to catch the victims (受害者), but they 29 that every family had the character fu posted on the door, while a few families did it upside down. When hearing the 30 , the emperor got angry, and quickly ordered his soldiers to 31 the families that stuck the character fu upside down. Just at the time, the Empress 32 went to talk to the emperor, “The families know that you are visiting today and on purpose put the 33 upside down. Doesn’t this mean ‘fu dao’ (literally meaning blessing
comes) ” Then the emperor thought the explanation made sense and ordered to set those people free.
Since then, some people have 34 the character fu upside down during the Chinese New Year.
25.A.reason B.result C.course D.excuse
26.A.listened B.ordered C.refused D.stopped
27.A.sad B.shy C.lazy D.kind
28.A.took B.brought C.stuck D.bought
29.A.found B.realized C.asked D.understood
30.A.story B.suggestion C.report D.letter
31.A.save B.kill C.train D.help
32.A.slowly B.hurriedly C.patiently D.angrily
33.A.picture B.homework C.art D.character
34.A.put off B.given up C.looked up D.put up
On the 3rd of March on the Chinese lunar calendar, Zhuang people dressed in festival clothes gather in the mountains to sing songs in antiphonal (对歌) style. Unmarried girls can throw an embroidered (绣花的) ball to choose a husband by 35 (sing) songs. The 36 (chose) man will visit the girl the following day to propose marriage (求婚) with the embroidered ball.
It 37 (be) a holiday to celebrate in Guangxi since 2014. Today, the Zhuang people’s Song Festival has become more popular and is 38 (wide) celebrated in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
There are several legends about the origin of the Song Festival. 39 , Liu Sanjie is the most famous one. It is said that Liu Sanjie was a popular 40 (sing) among the poor. One year on the third day of the third month on the Chinese lunar calendar, Liu Sanjie died because 41 an accident when she went to a mountain for firewood. 42 (honor) her, people got together to sing songs, and this becomes the Song Festival, also known as San Yue San today. It is now a public holiday in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and people can enjoy 43 two-day holiday. People have many activities to celebrate it but singing folk songs is 44 (important) one of the San Yue San Festival.
Confucius was a wise man in ancient China. He is such 45 great thinker that many people still know about him and his ideas.
“Ren” was considered to be the 46 (important) among Confucius’ ideas. This special word means being kind and caring about 47 happens in the world. Confucius also talked about “Li”, which means knowing the way to act 48 (proper) in different situations.
Confucius started a school 49 (spread) his ideas and thoughts. He believed that everyone, whether rich or poor, should have a chance to learn. This idea changed the way people thought about education.
The book, The Analects (《论语》), records many of the things that Confucius said. His students wrote 50 (they) down so that other people could learn from him too. In modern times, The Analects 51 (use) almost every day by lots of people because it has wise advice that can help us in our lives.
One idea Confucius had about learning was that it never stops. He said that if people wanted to get improvement, they should check themselves three 52 (time) a day. This is a very important idea, because the world is always changing and we need to keep up 53 it.
Confucius’ ideas 54 (be) around in people’s everyday lives since they appeared. They become more and more popular in Western countries and South Asia.
Do you know the Chinese story of “High Mountains and Running Water”《高山流水》 It’s about two best 55 (friend) Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in ancient China. Boya was a great 56 (music) at that time. He was
very good at playing the guqin.
One day, Boya met 57 man called Zhong Ziqi when he was playing the guqin. Ziqi said, “How 58 (beautiful) you’re playing the guqin!” Boya was glad to hear Ziqi’s words. Then he played a second piece of music. Ziqi couldn’t help clapping (鼓掌) 59 (he) hands. Then he said, “When I listen to it, I seem to hear mountains 60 (sing) and water running in your music.” Boya was 61 (excite) and decided to play more music for Ziqi. When he played another new piece, Ziqi could tell what Boya was thinking about.
62 that, Boya and Ziqi became closer. When Ziqi 63 (die), Boya played his guqin for the last time in front 64 Ziqi’s tomb (坟墓). Then he broke his guqin and decided never to play it again.
Now, we usually use the words “high mountains and running water” to describe that it’s difficult to find people who best understand and appreciate (欣赏) each other.
One summer night more than 1,500 years ago, a Chinese boy was sitting in a courtyard and 65 (watch) the full bright moon. He asked his grandpa why the moon sometimes was full and not at some other times.
The grandfather explained that the movement of the moon had 66 (it) own rules, so it became full at a certain time every month.
Then he asked the boy, “Are you 67 (interest) in the moon and stars ”
The boy answered ,“Yes, very much.”
The old man immediately went into the house. A few moments later, he 68 (return) with several books.
The boy spent much time 69 (read) the books in the following months. He then decided 70 (take) astronomy (天文学) as his career. At last he became one of the 71 (excellent) mathematicians and astronomers in the world. His name was Zu Chongzhi.
The Zu family moved from the north to today’s Nanjing to escape wars and political turmoil (混乱). Under the emperor’s support, the young Zu 72 (send) to study at the Imperial Institute.
During his study, Zu was able to work out the numerical value of pi to be between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. In 465 AD, Zu created a new calendar 73 (call) Daming Calendar. The new calendar was a great
improvement over previous ones and contained many 74 (discovery) in astronomy.
(2024·江苏南京·一模)China’s two favourite poets Li Bai and Du Fu were born about 1,300 years ago. In China, the language has changed so l 75 that poems remain easy for modern Chinese people to read. And their themes are still a 76 friendship, love and landscapes.
If you were to ask any kid in the street, “What was the greatest dynasty in China’s history ” Nine out of ten of them would a 77 the Tang. Every Chinese person learns poems by Li Bai and Du Fu from childhood. “They are as i 78 in Chinese literary history as Shakespeare (莎士比亚) is to people in Britain,” says historian Yuan Haiwang, writer of This Is China: The First 5,000 Years.
“I remember when my son was only a baby held in my a 79 , I began to teach him some of the poems, even though of course he couldn’t remember all of them. But that’s what the Chinese do.”
Back in the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai and Du Fu first m 80 in the year 744, when Li Bai, already a well-known poet, was 43 years of age and Du Fu was 32. They admired each other and quickly became friends. The two poets m 81 only a couple of times during their lives.
But they wrote many poems to and about each other. In one poem, Du Fu wrote: When can we again hold a cup of wine (酒), and chat about poem-writing line by l 82 (From “Missing Li Bai on a Spring Day”)
Li Bai and Du Fu formed a l 83 friendship, which ties one heart to the other no matter how far away they are from each other.
Today most Chinese people could still remember Li Bai’s and Du Fu’s poems. And they also e 84 their children to read their poems. Li Bai and Du Fu aren’t only in our textbooks but in our minds.
his death repeated discovered in person tons correct relatives influenced looked up
Li Shizhen is known as “the saint of medicine” in Chinese history. And his work, Bencao Gangmu, has 85 medicine greatly across the world.
When Li Shizhen was young, he became interested in medicine and began to read medical books. He 86 many mistakes in those books. He worried these mistakes would cause serious illnesses or even 87 . So Li Shizhen decided to write a new book. He traveled everywhere to look for herbs(草药)and 88 his tests.
He even tested herbs on himself and his 89 . Li Shizhen collected and recorded over 1,890 herbs. He also 90 facts in 900 medical books to get more about herbs. He worked day and night to make sure all the information was 91 . When there were patients, he would treat them with his herbs 92 . Finally, the valuable book, Bencao Gangmu, came out. It then got 93 of attention not only in China, but also in many other countries around the world.
Today, this book has been translated into many foreign languages. Most doctors know 94 book. What we can learn from Li Shizhen is his attitude(态度)to knowledge and his spirit of scientific research.
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.D
1.细节理解题。根据“He was good at almost all kinds of writings and art, including poems, ci and prose (散文) as well as calligraphy (书法) and painting.”可知,苏轼几乎擅长各种文字和艺术,包括诗歌、词和散文, 以及书法和绘画,可知文中没有提到苏轼会唱歌。故选C。
2.词义猜测题。根据“Unluckily, Su was demoted (贬谪) to serve in far areas because of other officials’ bad words about him.”可知,由于其他官员说他的坏话,苏轼被降职到偏远地区服役。转折词“but”后表达的与实际被贬后心情相反的意思,结合“not …”可猜测,下划线“discouraged”意为“沮丧的,灰心丧气的”。故选A。
3.细节理解题。第二段“When he was young, he passed the imperial examination (科举考试) and got a degree of Jinshi.”讲述了苏轼年轻时通过了科举考试,获得了进士学位;第三段“First, he went to Huangzhou, in today’s Hubei. There he tried to enjoy life in the countryside.”讲述了苏轼被贬后首先去了黄州;又根据“It is also said that he invented Dongpo Pork, a famous Chinese dish, during this period.”可知,苏轼在这一时期发明了著名的中国菜东坡肉;第四段“Instead of getting sad, he set up schools and got along well with the locals.”介绍了苏轼被贬后在儋州的生活。由此可知,其正确的顺序应为:③①②④。故选C。
4.推理判断题。根据“But Su was not only respected for his talents, but also for his positive attitude towards life.”以及全文都在描述苏轼被贬后依然积极面对人生的态度,可总结出我们在面对困难时也应该保持积极的态度。故选D。
5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.A
garden花园;mountain山;road路;river河。根据“he loved fishing and spent a lot of time by the water”可知他住在河边。故选D。
with和;for为了;by通过;as作为。根据“fishing in a river”可知是通过钓鱼展示自己的技能。故选C。
used用;threw投掷;brought带来;stuck卡住。根据“the line into the water”可知是把鱼线扔到水里。故选B。
surprised惊讶的;happy高兴的;excited兴奋的;scared害怕的。根据“Why don’t you use any bait”可知很多人很惊讶他为什么不用鱼饵。故选A。
What什么;When何时;Where何地;How如何。根据“can you catch fish without it”可知是没有鱼饵怎么能钓鱼。故选D。
10. 句意:很快,很多鱼开始在姜太公钓鱼的地方游来游去。
climbing攀岩;skating滑冰;swimming游泳;running跑步。根据“around the area where Jiang Taigong was fishing”可知是鱼在水里游泳。故选C。
bait鱼饵;sticks棍子;skills技能;lines线。根据“One after another, the fish voluntarily jumped onto his line. People were amazed by his fishing”可知没有鱼饵,他钓到了鱼,所以人们为他的钓鱼技能感到惊讶。故选C。
yourselves你们自己;ourselves我们自己;themselves他们自己;myself我自己。根据“have confidence in”可知祈使句省略了主语you,此处用反身代词yourselves。故选A。
15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.B 23.A 24.C
enjoy享受;admire钦佩;support支持;refuse拒绝。根据“its comfort”可知此处是指享受安逸。故选A。
exciting令人激动的;real真实的;boring无聊的;hard艰难的。根据“His father died when he was only two years old.”可知,他早年的生活很艰难。故选D。
active积极的;careful仔细的;homeless无家可归的;famous有名的。根据“His father died when he was only two years old.”可知,他父亲在他两岁的时候就去世了,因此范仲淹和他的母亲变得无家可归。故选C。
bring带来;afford买得起;produce生产;choose选择。根据“but the family was so poor”可知,家里太穷,买不起毛笔和纸。故选B。
on在上面;with和……一起,用;at在;for为了。根据“he had to write in sand ... sticks.”可知,是指用棍子在沙子上写字,with表示使用具体工具,with sticks“用木棍”。故选B。
effort努力;report报告;chance机会;victory胜利。根据“had the ... to study in a temple.”可知,是指有机会到寺庙学习。故选C。
repaired修理;polluted污染;judged判断;divided分开。根据“it into four pieces”可知,是指把粥分成四份,divide ... into“把……分成”。故选D。
Because因为;Though虽然;Since自从;Unless除非。根据“he was always hungry, he carried on studying.”可知,句子前后是让步关系,用though引导让步状语从句。故选B。
task任务;skill技能;rule规则;advice建议。根据“Fan Zhongyan set himself learning goals every day.”可知,他每天给自己设定了目标,如果没有完成任务,他就会熬夜。故选A。
care for关心;give up放弃;keep on继续;put off 推迟。根据“he would wash his face with cold water and then ... studying.”可知,他用冷水洗脸然后继续学习。故选C。
25.A 26.B 27.D 28.C 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.B 33.D 34.D
listened听;ordered命令;refused拒绝;stopped停止。根据“the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang ...to post the character fu on the doors of some houses as a mark and planned to kill someone in the families.”可知,贴“福”字和杀死一些人都是皇帝朱元璋命令手下去做的。故选B。
sad伤心的;shy害羞的;lazy懒惰的;kind仁慈的。根据“In order to prevent too many killings”可知,马皇后不想有太多杀戮,由此可知她应是仁慈的。故选D。
took拿;brought带来;stuck贴;bought买。根据下文“the families that stuck the character fu upside down.”
found发现;realized意识到;asked请求;understood理解。根据“they...that every family had the character fu posted on the door, while a few families did it upside down.”可知,此处指士兵发现一些家庭的“福”字贴倒了。故选A。
story故事;suggestion建议;report汇报;letter信。根据上文“they found that every family had the character fu posted on the door, while a few families did it upside down.”可知,士兵发现一些家庭的“福”字贴倒了,于是向皇帝汇报,皇帝听的是士兵的汇报。故选C。
save拯救;kill杀死;train训练;help帮助。根据“the emperor got angry”可知,皇帝很生气,便降罪于平民,下令让士兵杀死那些家庭。故选B。
slowly缓慢地;hurriedly匆忙地;patiently耐心地;angrily生气的。根据上文“kind Empress”和“ordered his soldiers to kill the families that stuck the character fu upside down.”可知,听说皇帝要杀人,仁慈的皇后应该是急忙去劝说皇帝。故选B。
picture图画;homework家庭作业;art艺术;character字。根据上文“some families who didn’t received the education stuck the character fu upside down.”可知,是字贴反了。故选D。
put off推迟;given up放弃;looked up查阅;put up张贴。根据“...the character fu upside down during the Chinese New Year.”可知,在中国新年期间把“福”字倒贴起来。故选D。
35.singing 36.chosen 37.has been 38.widely 39.However 40.singer 41.of 42.To honor 43.themselves 44.the most important
37.句意:自2014年以来,这是广西值得庆祝的节日。根据“ since 2014.”可知,这里是现在完成时,主语为it,因此助动词用has,be的过去分词为been。故填has been。
39.句意:然而,刘三姐是最有名的一个。根据“Liu Sanjie is the most famous one.”可知,此处表示转折,用however,句子开头,首字母大写。故填However。
40.句意:据说刘三姐是穷人中很受欢迎的歌手。根据“(sing) among the poor.”可知,这里指刘三姐是穷人中很受欢迎的歌手,sing意为“唱歌”,singer意为“歌手”,由a可知,这里用单数。故填singer。
41.句意:有一年,农历三月初三,刘三姐在上山拾柴时,因意外身亡。根据“an accident”可知,刘三姐因意外身亡,because of意为“因为、由于”。故填of。
42.句意:为了纪念她,人们聚在一起唱歌,这就成了歌会,也就是今天的三月三。根据“…(honor) her, people got together to sing songs,”可知,这里用动词不定式作目的,honor的动词不定式为to honor,句子开头,首字母大写。故填To honor。
44.句意:人们有很多活动来庆祝它,但唱民歌是三月节中最重要的一项。根据“of the San Yue San Festival.”可知,这里用形容词的最高级,important的最高级为the most important。故填the most important。
45.a 46.most important 47.what 48.properly 49.to spread 50.them 51.is used 52.times 53.with 54.have been
是形容词的最高级,故填important的最高级most important。故填most important。
47.句意:这个特殊的词意味着善良和关心世界上发生的事情。根据“happens in the world”可知是一个宾语从句,此空白处填宾语从句引导词what,在后面的句子中充当主语的成份。故填what。
49.句意:孔子开办了一所学校来传播他的思想。根据“his ideas and thoughts.”可知,此处用动词不定式来表目的,spread的动词不定式为to spread。故填to spread。
51.句意:在现代,《论语》几乎每天都被很多人使用,因为它有明智的建议,可以帮助我们的生活。根据“almost every day by lots of people because it has wise advice that can help us in our lives.”可知,此处是一般现在时的被动语态,主语The Analects是单数,因此be动词用is,use的过去分词为used。故填is used。
53.句意:这是一个非常重要的想法,因为世界总是在变化,必须要做到与时俱进。keep up with固定短语,“跟上”。故填with。
54.句意:孔子的思想从他们当时出现时起一直在影响着人们。根据“since they appeared.”可知,用现在完成时,主语是ideas,名词复数形式,因此助动词用have,be的过去分词为been。故填have been。
55.friends 56.musician 57.a 58.beautifully 59.his 60.singing 61.excited 62.After 63.died 64.of
55.句意:它讲的是中国古代两个最好的朋友俞伯牙和钟子期的故事。由“two best”可知,名词friend应用复数friends。故填friends。
56.句意:伯牙当时是一位很棒的音乐家。根据“He was very good at playing the guqin.”可知,伯牙是一位音乐家,应用musician“音乐家”,空前有不定冠词a,名词用单数。故填musician。
60.句意:当我听你的音乐时,我仿佛听到山在歌唱,水在流淌。根据“water running”可知,hear sb. doing sth.“听到某人正在做某事”,故此处应用现在分词singing作宾补。故填singing。
62.句意:从那以后,伯牙和子期走得更近了。根据“Boya and Ziqi became closer.”可知,此处指从那以后,after“在……之后”,符合语境,句首首字母大写。故填After。
64.句意:子期死后,伯牙在子期墓前最后一次弹古琴。in front of“在……前面”,固定短语。故填of。
65.watching 66.its 67.interested 68.returned 69.reading 70.to take 71.most excellent 72.was sent 73.called 74.discoveries
65.句意:1500多年前的一个夏夜,一个中国男孩坐在院子里看着一轮满月。was sitting表明本句使用过去进行时,and表明前后为并列关系,即sit和watch是并列的动作,所以watch也用现在分词。故填watching。
67.句意:然后他问男孩:“你对月亮和星星感兴趣吗?”根据Are ... in和提示词可知,此处用固定短语be interested in,表示“对……感兴趣”,interested“感兴趣的”,是形容词,符合题意。故填interested。
68.句意:过了一会儿,他拿着几本书回来了。根据全文时态,结合前一句went和本句的“A few moments later”可知,本句应使用一般过去时,return“返回”是动词,作谓语,在这里应使用过去式。故填returned。
69.句意:在接下来的几个月里,这个男孩花了很多时间读书。spend ... (time) doing sth.为固定搭配,表示“花……(时间)做某事”,read“阅读”为动词,在这里应使用动名词。故填reading。
70.句意:然后他决定把天文学作为他的事业。decide to do sth.为固定短语,表示“决定做某事”,take为动
词,在这里应使用动词不定式。故填to take。
71.句意:最后,他成了世界上最杰出的数学家和天文学家之一。根据“one of the ...”可知,本句采用了固定搭配“one of the+形容词最高级”表示“最……之一”,excellent“出色的”为形容词,在这里应使用形容词最高级,因excellent为多音节词,其最高级形式是在单词前加most。故填most excellent。
72.句意:在皇帝的支持下,年轻的祖被送到国子监学习。send“送”,是动词,本句主语Zu与send之间为动宾关系,指祖冲之被送去读书,应用被动语态,结合全文时态可知,应使用一般过去时,主语Zu为第三人称单数,因此be动词应用was。故填was sent。
73.句意:公元465年,祖制定了新的历法《大明历》。根据“Zu created a new calendar”可知,祖冲之制定了新的历法,被命名为Daming Calendar“《大明历》”,call“命名”为动词,这里应用过去分词表示“被叫做,被命名为”。故填called。
75.(l)ittle 76.(a)bout 77.(a)nswer 78.(i)mportant 79.(a)rms 80.(m)et 81.(m)ixed/(m)et 82.(l)ine 83.(l)asting 84.(e)ncourage
75.句意:在中国,语言变化不大,现代中国人仍然很容易阅读诗歌。根据“the language has changed so l... that poems remain easy for modern Chinese people to read”可知,因为语言变化不大,所以现代人可以读懂,little“几乎没有”符合句意。故填(l)ittle。
76.句意:他们的主题仍然是关于友谊、爱情和风景。根据“And their themes are still a...friendship, love and landscapes.”可知,友谊等属于主题,所以此处指“主题关于友谊等”,about“关于”符合句意,故填(a)bout。
78.句意:它们在中国文学史上的重要性不亚于莎士比亚对英国人的重要性。根据“They are as i... in Chinese literary history as Shakespeare (莎士比亚) is to people in Britain”可知,对于英国来说,莎士比亚是重要的,important“重要的”符合句意,故填(i)mportant。
据“a baby held in my a...”可知,婴儿用手臂抱在怀里,抱孩子用两只手臂,所以填arms“手臂”。故填(a)rms。
80.句意:早在唐朝,李白和杜甫第一次见面是在公元744年,当时已经是著名诗人的李白43岁,杜甫32岁。根据“first”可知,此处指“第一次见面”;根据“in the year 744”可知,此处为一般过去时,填过去式met。故填(m)et。
81.句意:这两位诗人一生中只见过/来往过几次。根据“The two poets m... only a couple of times during their lives.”可知,此处指“两人一生中只见过/来往过几次”,时态为一般过去时,动词填过去式,met“见”/mixed“来往”符合句意。故填(m)ixed/(m)et。
82.句意:在一首诗中,杜甫写道:我们什么时候才能再捧着一杯酒,一行一行地聊聊写诗?根据“line by”可知,此处考查line by line“一行一行地”,故填(l)ine。
84.句意:他们也鼓励孩子阅读他们的诗歌。根据“Li Bai and Du Fu aren’t only in our textbooks but in our minds.”可知,时态为一般现在时;根据“their children to read their poems”可知,此处指“鼓励孩子们读他们的诗”,encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”,主语为“they”,所以此处填动词原形,故填(e)ncourage。
85.influenced 86.discovered 87.death 88.repeated 89.relatives 90.looked up 91.correct 92.in person 93.tons 94.his
85.句意:他的著作《本草纲目》对全世界的医学产生了巨大的影响。根据本句话中“... medicine greatly across the world”可知,这里是强调《本草纲目》这部医学著作对世界医学的影响。再结合横线前面的has,可知这里用现在完成时(have/has done),influence过去分词形式为influenced。故填influenced。
86.句意:他在那些书中发现了许多错误。此处缺少动词作谓语。根据“He...many mistakes in those books.”和备选词可知,他发现了书中的错误。并且该句时态为一般过去时。因此此处应用discovered。故填discovered。
87.句意:他担心这些错误会导致严重的疾病甚至死亡。此处缺少名词。根据“He worried these mistakes would cause serious illnesses or even...”和备选词可知,他担心错误会导致疾病甚至死亡。death“死亡”符合语境。故填death。
88.句意:他走遍了很多地方去寻找草药,并重复他的测试。此处缺少动词作谓语。根据“He traveled everywhere to look for herbs and...his tests.”可知,此处指他走访了很多地方找寻草药并进行反复尝试。该句时态为一般过去时,结合备选词可知,此处应用动词repeated。故填repeated。
89.句意:他甚至在自己和亲人身上试验草药。此处缺少名词。根据“He even tested herbs on himself and his...”可知,他在自己和其他人身上做实验。再结合备选词,relatives“亲戚”符合语境。故填relatives。
90.句意:他还查阅了900本医学书籍,以获得更多关于草药的知识。此处缺少动词作谓语。根据“He also...facts in 900 medical books to get more about herbs.”和备选词可知,此处指他查阅了相关医学资料来更好地了解草药。该句时态为一般过去时,此处应用looked up“查找,查阅”。故填looked up。
91.句意:他夜以继日地工作,以确保所有的信息都是正确的。此处缺少形容词。根据“He worked day and night to make sure all the information was...”可知,他日日夜夜的工作是为了确保所有的信息都是准确无误的,应用备选词中的correct(表示“正确的”)。故填correct。
92.句意:当有病人时,他会亲自用他的草药治疗他们。根据“When there were patients, he would treat them with his herbs...”可知,在治疗病人时,他会自己来用这些草药给他们治疗,应用备选词中的in person“亲自”。故填in person。
93.句意:它不仅在中国,而且在世界上许多其他国家都引起了极大的关注。根据“It then got...of attention not only in China, but also in many other countries around the world.”可知,《本草纲目》这本书在中国及海外都引起了很大的关注。再结合备选词tons,这里tons of 表示“大量的”。故填tons。
94.句意:大多数医生都知道他的书。根据“Most doctors know...book.”可知,大多数的医生都知道李时珍的这本著作。再结合备选词中的his,表示“他的”,符合本句句意。故填his。



上一篇:2024年广东省湛江市 廉江市良垌三中九年级中考物理学业考试模拟试卷(1)( 无答案)
