
1. 本试卷共8页,总分120分,考试时间120分钟。
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I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. a college B. a fridge C. a bridge
2. A. give a card B. give a hand C. give a speech
3. A. a beautiful song B. a young singer C. a good guitar
4. A. Kim forgot to bring her report.
B. Kim left the classroom with a report.
C. Kim should hand in the report before leaving.
5. A. Brain and Danny can't swim.
B. Brain swims as well as Danny.
C. Brain can swim but Danny can't.
Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
6. A. Pretty good. B. Don't worry. C. No problem.
7. A. She is beautiful. B. She is a teacher. C. She is forty-two.
8. A. You're welcome. B. I'm happy. C. Thank you.
9. A. I don't know. B. Forget it. C. It's interesting.
10. A. When will it rain in your city
B. What is the weather like in your city
C. Which weather do you like best
Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
11. What will Tina have for breakfast today
A. B. C.
12. How will the weather be tomorrow
A. B. C.
13. What does the man want to buy
A. Shoes. B. Gloves. C. Socks.
14. When will they meet
A. At 3: 00 p. m. B. At 3: 20 p. m. C. At 4: 10 p. m.
15. How does the girl plan to go to the shopping center
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
16. What are they doing now
A. Making a dialogue. B. Practicing oral English. C. Having a phone call.
17. Who likes English best
A. Steven. B. Kate. C. We don't know.
18. Where will they go together
A. To the cinema. B. To the school. C. To the library.
Ⅳ. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)
19 Who will Ben travel with
A. David. B. His brother. C. His class.
20. Where does Ben want to visit
A. A photograph show. B. Helping Hotel. C. The Shanghai Museum.
21. How long will the English Club last
A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Six days.
22. What will the students do during the English Club
A. Sing English songs. B. Have a talk in English. C. Watch English films.
23. Where can the students buy the tickets
A. In the covered playground. B. In the Students' Center. C. In the school lab.
24. What will the money be collected for
A. Taking after-school activities.
B. Getting more books for our students.
C. Buying new computers for our school.
25. How was last year's club
A. Exciting. B. Improving. C. Successful.
V. 听短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Information Sheet Name: Lisa Age: 26. _______ years old Where: 27. in our school _______ When: 28. on a cold _______ Why: 29. to help reduce students _______ Who is she: 30. a great _______
Ⅵ. 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1. Hurry up, _________ we’ll be late for the early bus.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
考查并列连词辨析。but但是;and并且;so因此;or否则。根据“Hurry up”和“we’ll be late for the early bus”可知,该句为“祈使句+or+陈述句”句式,表示“要赶快,否则会迟到”,用or表示“否则,不然”。故选D。
2. This isn’t my postcard. _________ is in my schoolbag.
A. Yours B. Mine C. His D. Hers
考查代词辨析。Yours你的;Mine我的;His他的;Hers她的。根据前一句“This isn’t my postcard.”可知,此处应该表达我的明信片在书包里。故选B。
3. You will certainly make progress _________ you keep.
A. if B. although C. until D. before
考查从属连词辨析。if如果;although尽管;until直到……才;before在……之前。根据分析句子“You will certainly make progress…you keep.”,结合语境可知,“取得进步”是在“坚持”的条件下才会发生的事,应用if引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。故选A。
4. Although Mike is only five years old, he ________ dress himself every morning.
A. need B. may C. can D. might
考查动词辨析。need需要;may也许;can能,会;might可能。根据“Although Mike is only five years old, he...dress himself every morning.”可知,迈克虽然才5岁,但他已经能够每天早上自己穿衣服。表示某人具有做某事的能力,应用can。故选C。
5. People can only achieve success _________ hard work.
A. across B. into C. above D. through
考查介词辨析。across横穿,穿过;into到……里面;above在……以上;through通过。根据“People can only achieve success ... hard work.”可知,“通过”努力才能取得成功,应用through。故选D。
6. If I am free tomorrow, I ________ at home and do my homework with my classmates.
A. stay B. stayed C. will stay D. have stayed
考查动词时态。分析“If I am free tomorrow”可知,此处是if引导的条件状语从句,应遵循“主将从现”原则,即从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,其结构为“will do sth.”。故选C。
7. It’s nice of you to help the old man _________ the bus and find a seat for him.
A. get on B. get up C. get off D. get away
考查动词短语。get on上车;get up起床;get off下车;get away离开。根据“help the old man...the bus and find a seat for him”可知,此处应是指“上公共汽车”。故选A。
8. Celina, you’d better not go this way. The workers ________ the road.
A. repaired B. repair C. are repairing D. were repairing
考查现在进行时。根据“Celina, you’d better not go this way.”可知这件事正在发生,应用现在进行时。故选C。
9. It is reported that a new school _________ in our city in five years.
A. built B. will build C. was built D. will be built
考查被动语态。根据分析句子“a new school…in our city in five years.”,结合选项可知,主语school与谓语build是被动关系,即“被建”;根据“in five years”可知,是一般将来时态的标志,结构为will be+过去分词。故选D。
10. I can’t find my wallet everywhere. Maybe I ________ it.
A. lose B. will lose C. have lost D. are losing
考查现在完成时。结合题干可知,钱包在过去已经丢了,并且对现在造成了影响,所以应用现在完成时,其结构为have/has done。故选C。
Ⅶ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
About five years ago, a friend invited me to his country and live in his house. With full ___11___ in his promises, I packed all my ___12___ onto a ship going for Australia. At the beginning of the trip, everything had gone ___13___. I was happy and thought it must be an important and interesting part in my life.
___14___, when I got there, he said, “There is something trouble with us. Sorry, there is no room for you.” When I heard that, I was so ___15___ that I couldn’t speak. Like a frozen statue, I stood on the street, not sure of what to do. I felt so angry, and I could not go back to England because I ___16___ all my money.
In order to live, I took some part-time jobs to earn money, like sending newspaper. Sometimes I ___17___ articles to magazines. Gradually, I saved some money and bought a house.
Those years of wandering left an unforgettable memory. It was hard for me to live in a strange country, but later I ___18___ that the thing itself was meant for my spiritual development. If I had only stayed in my friend’s house, I would never have ___19___ many valuable lessons. One such lesson was that if we learned to be positive in life and never gave up, any bad ___20___ could be overcome.
Everything is possible if he or she smiles at life and keeps trying.
11. A. pleasure B. advice C. trust D. trip
12. A. suitcases B. friends C. houses D. places
13. A. quickly B. smoothly C. clearly D. slowly
14. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Unless D. However
15. A. happy B. shocked C. nervous D. sad
16. A. collected B. made C. spent D. borrowed
17. A. wrote B. read C. heard D. copied
18 A. chose B. controlled C. promised D. realized
19. A. forgot B. learned C. gave D. kept
20. A. environment B. ability C. situation D. skill
【答案】11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C
pleasure快乐,乐事;advice建议;trust信任;trip旅行。根据“a friend invited me to his country and live in his house”及“I packed all my…onto a ship going for Australia.”作者被邀请到澳大利亚的朋友家住并准备前往,可推测作者处于对朋友的完全“信任”。故选C。
suitcases行李箱;friends朋友;houses房子;places地点,位置。根据“a friend invited me to his country and live in his house”作者被邀请到澳大利亚的朋友家住,可推测作者用“行李箱”装好了所有要去的物品。故选A。
quickly迅速地;smoothly顺利地;clearly清晰地;slowly缓慢地。根据前文作者对朋友的完全信任出发去了澳大利亚及“I was happy and thought it must be an important and interesting part in my life.”作者很高兴,认为这一定是他生命中重要而有趣的一部分可推测,旅行之初一切顺利,go smoothly“顺利进行”符合语境。故选B。
Therefore因此;Besides除……之外;Unless除非;However然而。根据“when I got there, he said, ‘There is something trouble with us. Sorry, there is no room for you.’”可知,与旅行之初一切顺利不同,作者到达后发生了一些状况,应用however表示转折,意为“然而”。故选D。
happy高兴的;shocked震惊的;nervous紧张的;sad悲伤的。根据“There is something trouble with us. Sorry, there is no room for you.…that I couldn’t speak”及语境可知,作者处于对朋友的完全信任到此,朋友却变卦,可推测作者听到这个消息很“震惊”。故选B。
collected收集;made制作,赚(钱);spent花费;borrowed借。根据“I could not go back to England because I…all my money.”及“In order to live, I took some part-time jobs to earn money”为了生活,作者不得不去兼职挣钱,可推测作者不能回英国的原因是因为他“花光了”所有的钱。故选C。
wrote写;read读;heard听说;copied复制。根据“Gradually, I saved some money and bought a house.”可知,作者给杂志社投稿,此处指“写”文章。故选A。
chose选择;controlled控制;promised承诺;realized意识到。根据“…that the thing itself was meant for my spiritual development.”可知,此处指作者经历了这些事情后的反思,意识到这件事的意义。故选D。
forgot忘记;learned学会;gave给;kept保持。根据“…that the thing itself was meant for my spiritual development.”及“If I had only stayed in my friend’s house, I would never have…many valuable lessons.”作者认为这段经历有利于他自身的发展,可推测他意识到,如果待在朋友家,他永远“学习”不到这些教训,learn lessons“吸取教训”符合语境。故选B。
environment环境;ability能力;situation情况;skill技能。根据“if we learned to be positive in life and never gave up”可知,此处指只要积极面对生活不放弃,糟糕的“情况”都可以克服,bad situation“糟糕的情况”符合语境。故选C。
Ⅷ. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Ms. Gao Hello, boys and girls. Let’s talk about our parents’ jobs in this class.
Alex My father is a football coach. He often teaches me how to play football in the playground. My mother is a doctor. She cares a lot about her patients.
Judy My father is a scientist. He works in a lab. I want to be a scientist like him. My mother is a middle school teacher. She loves her students very much.
Bill My father is a pilot. He takes people to different places. My mother is a TV reporter. They are very busy, so they have little time to be with me. But still, I love them.
Daniel My parents are cleaners. No matter how bad the weather is, they get outside early in the morning and clean the streets. Sometimes I prepare breakfast for them.
It doesn’t matter what kind of jobs your parents have. They make our city a better place. They make great contributions to us, and everyone should take pride in them.
21. How many kinds of jobs are mentioned
A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Ten.
22. What does Daniel do for his parents
A. Make breakfast for them. B. Play football with them.
C. Care a lot about them. D. Clean the street with them
23. What does Ms. Gao want to tell the students
A. We should know our parents’ jobs. B. We should help our parents.
C. We should learn from our parents. D. We should be proud of our parents.
【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
细节理解题。根据Daniel的讲述“Sometimes I prepare breakfast for them.”可知,他有时会为父母准备早餐。故选A。
细节理解题。根据高老师说的话“They make great contributions to us, and everyone should take pride in them.”可知,我们应该为父母感到自豪。故选D。
A special popular dance has attracted attention widely. There are two stories about the origin (起源) of “Subject Three”. One story connects the dance to a wedding in Wuzhou, where guests danced as part of the celebrations. The other story suggests Guangxi local people go through three tests in their life: singing folk songs (“Subject One”), slurping rice noodles (“Subject Two”), and dancing (“Subject Three”).
Why has “Subject Three” dance become so popular around the world Some experts think the key to the success of “Subject Three” lies in its simplicity, which allows people to copy and take part. Its lasting joy is the secret to its popularity, satisfying people’s needs. While some others think openness leads to its popularity.
What’s more, “Subject Three” has gone beyond cultural differences and language barriers (障碍) to become an unusual form of expression in the digital age. From Psy’s “Gangnam Style” (South Korea) in 2013 to “Subject Three” in 2023, over the past ten years, some dance styles, songs and other performances have broken boundaries (边界) between different cultures.
“Subject Three” does not only belong to Guangxi alone, but it belongs to the world as well. China’s stories can be spread to the world even through simple, short videos of a dance. “Subject Three” provides the living conditions of the Chinese people for the international community. The works that are loved by the common Chinese are always attractive to the people around the world.
We often pay more attention to the word “good” to show high-brow (高雅的) Chinese culture to the world when it comes to telling China’s stories. But in 2023, the breakout success of “Subject Three” became a classic example of how to tell a good Chinese story. Hopefully, in the future, more stories like “Subject Three” will be heard by the world.
24. What are the two stories mentioned about the origin of “Subject Three”
A. A party and a test. B. A wedding and a tradition.
C. A concert and a custom. D. A festival and a game.
25. What is the secret to the popularity of “Subject Three”
A. Its special style. B. Its difficulty. C. Its lasting joy. D. Its humorous.
26. What does the passage say about “Subject Three”
A. It is only popular in China. B. It has broken cultural boundaries.
C. It is not an expression of Chinese culture. D. It is only suitable for young people.
【答案】24. B 25. C 26. B
细节理解题。根据“One story connects the dance to a wedding in Wuzhou”以及“The other story suggests Guangxi local people go through three tests in their life: singing folk songs, slurping rice noodles, and dancing”可知,提到的故事一个是婚礼一个是传统习俗,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Its lasting joy is the secret to its popularity”可知,它持久的快乐是它受欢迎的秘密,故选C。
细节理解题。根据“over the past ten years, some dance styles, songs and other performances have broken boundaries (边界) between different cultures.”可知,它打破了不同文化的界限,故选B。
Dear future Nicole (or rather myself),
I hope when you read this letter you will be happy and successful. At the moment, I’m 15 years old and living at home with my family. I love school and have lots of good friends. We do lots of fun things together. My biggest worry now is not doing well in my school exams, but I’m working really hard so hopefully I can make process.
Have you travelled all over the world I hope you’ve travelled all around the world and seen lots of things and met lots of people. I hope you’ve visited the Great Wall in China and the pyramids in Egypt, shopped in Paris and in Singapore, enjoyed operas in Sydney Opera House in Australia. I’ve just remembered, you always wanted to see elephants in Thailand. I hope you’ve managed to do that too.
I promise myself I’ll always try my best and have no regrets. I never want to forget every step of my life. Already it seems as if so much has happened. I’ve moved from primary to junior middle school (about to graduate), been taught to swim and dance, learned to speak English and French, and raised money for those in need by selling old toys and books.
I really hope you’re happy. I hope you have a successful career that you love doing and enjoy every morning when you wake up. I hope you’re surrounded by good friends and family, and maybe also have a family of your own. Most importantly, I hope you’ve enjoyed every single moment so far!
27. How does Nicole start paragraph 2
A. By giving examples. B. By asking a question.
C. By telling a story. D. By listing numbers.
28. What does she worry about now
A. Having no friends at school. B. Living with her family.
C. Doing badly in her exams. D. Graduating from middle school.
29. What has the writer learned
A. To swim and dance only. B. To speak English and French only.
C. To swim, dance, speak English and French. D. None of the above.
30. What is Nicole’s attitude towards the future
A. Curious. B. Uncertain. C. Hopeful. D. Afraid.
【答案】27. B 28. C 29. C 30. C
推理判断题。根据“Have you travelled all over the world ”可知,Nicole通过提出问题展开第二段的写作。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“My biggest worry now is not doing well in my school exams, but I’m working really hard so hopefully I can make process.”可知,她现在担心在学校考试中表现不好。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“I’ve moved from primary to junior middle school (about to graduate), been taught to swim and dance, learned to speak English and French, and raised money for those in need by selling old toys and books.”可知,作者学会了游泳和跳舞、讲英语和法语、通过卖出旧玩具和旧书为需要人筹款等。故选C。
观点态度题。根据“I hope you have a successful career that you love doing and enjoy every morning when you wake up. I hope you’re surrounded by good friends and family, and maybe also have a family of your own.”可知,Nicole心中未来的自己拥有自己热爱的成功事业,每天早上醒来都乐在其中,还被亲朋好友环绕,也许还有自己的家庭。由此可知她对于未来是充满希望的。故选C。
It can be really awkward (尴尬的) if someone sees you talking to yourself. But don’t feel bad about it! Talking to yourself actually has a lot of benefits.
You probably know that thinking is good for the brain. It helps us do things like making plans and managing our feelings. Speaking out loud is like showing this quiet inner (内在的) speech. It can help us do better in different areas like school, sports and work.
When encouragement comes from oneself, it adds to self-confidence. A 2023 study invited 72 tennis players to take part in some matches. Researchers put the players into two groups: one group that said nothing while playing, and the other that talked to themselves while playing. They found that the self-talkers showed more confidence and played better than those in the silent group.
Talking to yourself, especially in the third person, can also help us manage bad feelings. “Referring to (指代) yourself in the third person leads people to think about themselves more similar to how they think about others,” said Jason Moser, a professor from Michigan State University, U. S. This can help us see things from a different point of view, especially when we’re feeling sad or angry.
Self-talk also helps improve memory. Researchers tested four different ways to memorize things: reading silently, reading aloud, listening to someone else reading and listening to a recording of oneself reading. Those who read out loud recalled the information the best, researchers said in their study published (发布) in the journal Memory. It’s because the information is likely to become a long-term memory if said out loud.
What can you say to yourself
·What’s my plan for today
·This task is so hard!
·I’ve got to stay focused and get this done!
·Wow, the sunset is so beautiful!
31. Which word is close to the underlined word “benefits”
A. Activities. B. Advantages. C. Disadvantages. D. Challenges.
32. Why is thinking good for us
A. Because it helps us make plans. B. Because it helps us join in matches.
C. Because it makes our life happy. D. Because it makes us more confident.
33. What does paragraph 4 tell us
A. We’d better think about others.
B. Jason is a famous professor.
C. We should see things from different points of view.
D. Talking to yourself helps manage bad feelings.
34. According to the passage, which way of memorizing things is the best
A. Reading silently. B. Reading aloud.
C. Listening to someone else reading. D. Listening to a recording of oneself reading.
35. Which can be a proper title for the text
A. Speaking Aloud is a Quiet Inner Speech B. Encouraging Yourself Adds to Self-confidence
C. Speaking to Yourself Helps a Lot D. Reading Silently Helps Improve Memory
【答案】31. B 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. C
词句猜测题。根据第一段中的“But don’t feel bad about it!”可知,此处句意发生了转折,表示自言自语有很多好处。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“You probably know that thinking is good for the brain. It helps us do things like making plans and managing our feelings.”可知,思考对大脑有好处,它帮助我们做一些事情,比如制定计划和管理我们的感受。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第四段第一句“Talking to yourself, especially in the third person, can also help us manage bad feelings.”并通读本段可知,第四段主要讲述自言自语有助于控制不良情绪。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Those who read out loud recalled the information the best”可知,大声朗读的人回忆起的信息最好。故选B。
Ⅷ. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
What would you like for lunch Maybe, a battery Although it sounds unusual, this has already been realized by scientists as they develop electronic things you can eat.
Robofood, led by Dario Floreano from a Swiss Institute, has created a new drone (无人机) with scientists from Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Half of the parts inside can be eaten! The program aims to make robots that can be eaten and foods that act like robots by mixing food science and robots in a new way.
The drone’s wings are made from rice cakes glued together with oil and chocolate. It can find missing people or animals in emergencies and send food or medicine. Parts of the drone can be eaten because they meet food safety standards for emergencies set by the United Nations.
However, the main challenge is finding stronger edible (可食用的) materials for the drone’s wings to prepare for bad weather and high temperatures—of course, the chocolate may melt (融化) easily.
Robofood also developed an edible sensor to help monitor stomach sickness. It’s eaten by the patient to check the conditions inside. It’s different from other sensors because it’s easy for your body to digest (消化), so it won’t leave any remains inside the body.
The invention of Robofood also helps with environmental protection. There are batteries that you can fully eat. They are made from natural things like vitamin B2 and elements (元素) found in fruits. This helps the environment because you won’t have to throw them away like other batteries.
36. The program aims to make robots that can ________ and foods that act like robots.
37. The drone can find missing people or animals in emergencies and send ________.
38. What are the drone’s wings made from
39. Why does the invention of Robofood also help with environmental protection
40. Do you think the development of edible electronics is a good thing Why or why not
【答案】36. be eaten
37. food or medicine
38. The drone’s wings are made from rice cakes glued together with oil and chocolate.
39. Because the batteries can be fully eaten./They are made from natural things like vitamin B2 and elements found in fruits./You won’t have to throw them away like other batteries. (合理即可)
40. Yes, I do. Because it can help with environmental protection.
No, I don’t think so. Because maybe it’s not easy for my body to digest. (合理即可)
根据“The program aims to make robots that can be eaten and foods that act like robots by mixing food science and robots in a new way.”可知,该项目旨在制造出可以吃的机器人和像机器人一样的食物。故填be eaten。
根据“It can find missing people or animals in emergencies and send food or medicine.”可知,无人机可以在紧急情况下找到失踪的人或动物,并发送食物或药品。故填food or medicine。
根据“The drone’s wings are made from rice cakes glued together with oil and chocolate.”可知,无人机的翅膀是用米糕和油和巧克力粘在一起制成的。故填The drone’s wings are made from rice cakes glued together with oil and chocolate.
根据最后一段关于“The invention of Robofood also helps with environmental protection.机器人食品的发明也有助于环境保护”方面的描述可知,机器人食品的发明也有助于环境保护是因为“There are batteries that you can fully eat.”电池可以完全被吃掉或“They are made from natural things like vitamin B2 and elements found in fruits.”它们是由天然的东西,如维生素B2和水果中的元素制成的或“This helps the environment because you won’t have to throw them away like other batteries.”因为你不必像其它电池一样扔掉它们。故填Because the batteries can be fully eaten./They are made from natural things like vitamin B2 and elements found in fruits./You won’t have to throw them away like other batteries.
根据最后一段描述可知,机器人食品的发明也有助于环境保护。故有人认为可食用的电子产品是好东西,其肯定回答可表达为“是的,我喜欢。因为它可以帮助环境保护”;不看好这项发明的人们会认为可食用的电子产品不是好的东西,其否定回答可表达为“不,我不这么认为。因为我的身体可能不太容易消化”。故填Yes, I do. Because it can help with environmental protection./No, I don’t think so. Because maybe it’s not easy for my body to digest.
X. 词语运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Steve is my brother. He is two years ___41___ (old) than me. We have been best ___42___ (friend) to each other since we were little. We often talked about our daily life and dreams when we ___43___ (are) young. Time flies and we have grown up. My brother is a doctor and he is always nice ___44___ his patients. His wish is that all his patients will become ___45___ (health). I am really proud of ___46___ he does. I work in ___47___ famous international trade company, which is the ___48___ (three) largest one in China. I am busy on weekdays, but I am free on weekends. I often go to my brother’s home for dinner, because I don’t know how to cook by ___49___ (I). He always ___50___ (cook) delicious meals for me. We can often stay together as before.
【答案】41. older
42 friends
43. were 44. to
45. healthy
46. what 47. a
48. third 49. myself
50. cooks
句意:我们从小就是彼此最好的朋友。根据“We have been best”可知,此处用名词的复数friends“朋友”。故填friends。
句意:我们小的时候经常讨论我们的日常生活及梦想。根据“when we…young”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,主语为we,be动词应用were。故填were。
句意:我的哥哥是一名医生,他总是对他的病人很好。be nice to sb“对某人好”,固定短语。故填to。
句意:我在一家著名的国际贸易公司工作,这是中国第三大的贸易公司。根据“the…largest one”可知此处应用three的序数词third。故填third。
句意:我经常去哥哥家吃晚饭,因为我自己不知道怎么做饭。by oneself“靠某人自己”,主语为I,反身代词为myself。故填myself。
Ⅺ. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共20分)
A) 连词成句(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
51. good, what, news
【答案】What good news
【详解】根据所给词及标点可知,此句为感叹句,结构为“What+形容词+不可数名词!”。故填What good news“多好的消息啊”。
52. tomorrow, a picnic, can, we, go for
【答案】We can go for a picnic tomorrow ##Tomorrow we can go for a picnic
【详解】根据标点符号可知,该句为陈述句,结合所给词,we“我们”,作主语,can go for a picnic“可以去野餐”,作谓语和宾语,tomorrow“明天”,作时间状语,可位于句末,也可位于句首。故填We can go for a picnic tomorrow/Tomorrow we can go for a picnic“我们明天可以去野餐”。
53. asks, to, our teacher, us, some food, take
【答案】Our teacher asks us to take some food
【详解】根据所给标点可知应用陈述句的形式,分析所给单词可知,our teacher作主语,asks作谓语,us作宾语,to take some food动词不定式作宾语补足语。故答案为Our teacher asks us to take some food“我们的老师让我们带些食物”。
54. an amazing experience, is, for, it, me
【答案】It is an amazing experience for me##For me, it is an amazing experience
【详解】结合所给标点可知,应用陈述句的形式。分析所给词汇,it作主语,is是系动词,后接表语an amazing experience;for me作状语,可位于句首或句末,位于句首时常用逗号隔开。故填It is an amazing experience for me/ For me, it is an amazing experience “这对我来说是一次奇妙的经历”。
55. enjoy, we’ll, I, ourselves, believe
【答案】I believe we’ll enjoy ourselves
【详解】根据所给标点可知应用陈述句的形式,分析所给的单词,I作主语,believe作谓语,we’ll enjoy ourselves是宾语从句。其中we作从句的主语,enjoy作从句的谓语,ourselves反身代词作从句的宾语。故填I believe we’ll enjoy ourselves。
B) 书面表达(满分15分)
56. 初中生活已接近尾声,三年的时光肯定给你留下了很多美好的回忆。请你根据下面的表格提示写一篇短文。
with teachers and classmates get on well with, ...
school activities take part in, ...
... ...
I had so many good memories during three years in my middle school. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【答案】One possible version
I had so many good memories during three years in my middle school.
I got on well with my teachers and classmates. My teachers were very patient so I liked them very much. I was friendly to my classmates. We often helped each other when anyone was in trouble. Last year, I took part in the sports meet and I won first place in the long jump. I felt so proud of myself. During three years, I also fell in love with reading. When I felt tired I would read some books to relax. Reading opened my eyes and enriched my mind.
In a word, my life in middle school is colorful and unforgettable.
①get on well with…与……相处得好
②be friendly to…对……友好
③in trouble陷入困境
④take part in参加
⑤fall in love with爱上
We often helped each other when anyone was in trouble.(when引导时间状语从句)2024年初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试(二)
1. 本试卷共8页,总分120分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 答题前,考生务必将姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡的相应位置。
3. 所有答案均在答题卡上作答,在本试卷或草稿纸上作答无效。答题前,请仔细阅读答题卡上的“注意事项”,按照“注意事项”的规定答题。
4. 答选择题时,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;答非选择题时,请在答题卡上对应题目的答题区域内答题。
5. 考试结束时,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. a college B. a fridge C. a bridge
2. A. give a card B. give a hand C. give a speech
3. A. a beautiful song B. a young singer C. a good guitar
4. A. Kim forgot to bring her report.
B. Kim left the classroom with a report.
C. Kim should hand in the report before leaving.
5. A. Brain and Danny can't swim.
B. Brain swims as well as Danny.
C. Brain can swim but Danny can't.
Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
6. A. Pretty good. B. Don't worry. C. No problem.
7. A. She is beautiful. B. She is a teacher. C. She is forty-two.
8. A. You're welcome. B. I'm happy. C. Thank you.
9. A. I don't know. B. Forget it. C. It's interesting.
10. A. When will it rain in your city
B. What is the weather like in your city
C. Which weather do you like best
Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
11. What will Tina have for breakfast today
A. B. C.
12. How will the weather be tomorrow
A. B. C.
13. What does the man want to buy
A. Shoes. B. Gloves. C. Socks.
14. When will they meet
A. At 3: 00 p. m. B. At 3: 20 p. m. C. At 4: 10 p. m.
15. How does the girl plan to go to the shopping center
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
16 What are they doing now
A. Making a dialogue. B. Practicing oral English. C. Having a phone call.
17. Who likes English best
A. Steven. B. Kate. C. We don't know.
18. Where will they go together
A. To the cinema. B. To the school. C. To the library.
Ⅳ. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案(共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)
19. Who will Ben travel with
A. David. B. His brother. C. His class.
20. Where does Ben want to visit
A. A photograph show. B. Helping Hotel. C. The Shanghai Museum.
21. How long will the English Club last
A. Four days. B. Five days. C. Six days.
22. What will the students do during the English Club
A. Sing English songs. B. Have a talk in English. C. Watch English films.
23. Where can the students buy the tickets
A. In the covered playground. B. In the Students' Center. C. In the school lab.
24. What will the money be collected for
A. Taking after-school activities.
B. Getting more books for our students.
C. Buying new computers for our school.
25. How was last year's club
A. Exciting. B. Improving. C. Successful.
V. 听短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Information Sheet Name: Lisa Age: 26. _______ years old Where: 27. in our school _______ When: 28. on a cold _______ Why: 29. to help reduce students _______ Who is she: 30. a great _______
Ⅵ. 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1. Hurry up, _________ we’ll be late for the early bus.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
2. This isn’t my postcard. _________ is in my schoolbag.
A. Yours B. Mine C. His D. Hers
3. You will certainly make progress _________ you keep.
A. if B. although C. until D. before
4. Although Mike is only five years old, he ________ dress himself every morning.
A. need B. may C. can D. might
5. People can only achieve success _________ hard work.
A. across B. into C. above D. through
6. If I am free tomorrow, I ________ at home and do my homework with my classmates.
A. stay B. stayed C. will stay D. have stayed
7. It’s nice of you to help the old man _________ the bus and find a seat for him.
A. get on B. get up C. get off D. get away
8. Celina, you’d better not go this way. The workers ________ the road.
A. repaired B. repair C. are repairing D. were repairing
9. It is reported that a new school _________ in our city in five years.
A. built B. will build C. was built D. will be built
10. I can’t find my wallet everywhere. Maybe I ________ it.
A. lose B. will lose C. have lost D. are losing
Ⅶ. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
About five years ago, a friend invited me to his country and live in his house. With full ___11___ in his promises, I packed all my ___12___ onto a ship going for Australia. At the beginning of the trip, everything had gone ___13___. I was happy and thought it must be an important and interesting part in my life.
___14___, when I got there, he said, “There is something trouble with us. Sorry, there is no room for you.” When I heard that, I was so ___15___ that I couldn’t speak. Like a frozen statue, I stood on the street, not sure of what to do. I felt so angry, and I could not go back to England because I ___16___ all my money.
In order to live, I took some part-time jobs to earn money, like sending newspaper. Sometimes I ___17___ articles to magazines. Gradually, I saved some money and bought a house.
Those years of wandering left an unforgettable memory. It was hard for me to live in a strange country, but later I ___18___ that the thing itself was meant for my spiritual development. If I had only stayed in my friend’s house, I would never have ___19___ many valuable lessons. One such lesson was that if we learned to be positive in life and never gave up, any bad ___20___ could be overcome.
Everything is possible if he or she smiles at life and keeps trying.
11. A. pleasure B. advice C. trust D. trip
12. A. suitcases B. friends C. houses D. places
13. A. quickly B. smoothly C. clearly D. slowly
14. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Unless D. However
15. A. happy B. shocked C. nervous D. sad
16. A. collected B. made C. spent D. borrowed
17. A. wrote B. read C. heard D. copied
18. A. chose B. controlled C. promised D. realized
19 A. forgot B. learned C. gave D. kept
20. A. environment B. ability C. situation D. skill
Ⅷ. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Ms. Gao Hello, boys and girls. Let’s talk about our parents’ jobs in this class.
Alex My father is a football coach. He often teaches me how to play football in the playground. My mother is a doctor. She cares a lot about her patients.
Judy My father is a scientist. He works in a lab. I want to be a scientist like him. My mother is a middle school teacher. She loves her students very much.
Bill My father is a pilot. He takes people to different places. My mother is a TV reporter. They are very busy, so they have little time to be with me. But still, I love them.
Daniel My parents are cleaners. No matter how bad the weather is they get outside early in the morning and clean the streets. Sometimes I prepare breakfast for them.
It doesn’t matter what kind of jobs your parents have. They make our city a better place. They make great contributions to us, and everyone should take pride in them.
21. How many kinds of jobs are mentioned
A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Ten.
22. What does Daniel do for his parents
A. Make breakfast for them. B. Play football with them.
C. Care a lot about them. D. Clean the street with them
23. What does Ms. Gao want to tell the students
A. We should know our parents’ jobs. B. We should help our parents.
C. We should learn from our parents. D. We should be proud of our parents.
A special popular dance has attracted attention widely. There are two stories about the origin (起源) of “Subject Three”. One story connects the dance to a wedding in Wuzhou, where guests danced as part of the celebrations. The other story suggests Guangxi local people go through three tests in their life: singing folk songs (“Subject One”), slurping rice noodles (“Subject Two”), and dancing (“Subject Three”).
Why has “Subject Three” dance become so popular around the world Some experts think the key to the success of “Subject Three” lies in its simplicity, which allows people to copy and take part. Its lasting joy is the secret to its popularity, satisfying people’s needs. While some others think openness leads to its popularity.
What’s more, “Subject Three” has gone beyond cultural differences and language barriers (障碍) to become an unusual form of expression in the digital age. From Psy’s “Gangnam Style” (South Korea) in 2013 to “Subject Three” in 2023, over the past ten years, some dance styles, songs and other performances have broken boundaries (边界) between different cultures.
“Subject Three” does not only belong to Guangxi alone, but it belongs to the world as well. China’s stories can be spread to the world even through simple, short videos of a dance. “Subject Three” provides the living conditions of the Chinese people for the international community. The works that are loved by the common Chinese are always attractive to the people around the world.
We often pay more attention to the word “good” to show high-brow (高雅的) Chinese culture to the world when it comes to telling China’s stories. But in 2023, the breakout success of “Subject Three” became a classic example of how to tell a good Chinese story. Hopefully, in the future, more stories like “Subject Three” will be heard by the world.
24. What are the two stories mentioned about the origin of “Subject Three”
A. A party and a test. B. A wedding and a tradition.
C. A concert and a custom. D. A festival and a game.
25. What is the secret to the popularity of “Subject Three”
A. Its special style. B. Its difficulty. C. Its lasting joy. D. Its humorous.
26. What does the passage say about “Subject Three”
A. It is only popular in China. B. It has broken cultural boundaries.
C. It is not an expression of Chinese culture. D. It is only suitable for young people.
Dear future Nicole (or rather myself),
I hope when you read this letter you will be happy and successful. At the moment, I’m 15 years old and living at home with my family. I love school and have lots of good friends. We do lots of fun things together. My biggest worry now is not doing well in my school exams, but I’m working really hard so hopefully I can make process.
Have you travelled all over the world I hope you’ve travelled all around the world and seen lots of things and met lots of people. I hope you’ve visited the Great Wall in China and the pyramids in Egypt, shopped in Paris and in Singapore, enjoyed operas in Sydney Opera House in Australia. I’ve just remembered, you always wanted to see elephants in Thailand. I hope you’ve managed to do that too.
I promise myself I’ll always try my best and have no regrets. I never want to forget every step of my life. Already it seems as if so much has happened. I’ve moved from primary to junior middle school (about to graduate), been taught to swim and dance, learned to speak English and French, and raised money for those in need by selling old toys and books.
I really hope you’re happy. I hope you have a successful career that you love doing and enjoy every morning when you wake up. I hope you’re surrounded by good friends and family, and maybe also have a family of your own. Most importantly, I hope you’ve enjoyed every single moment so far!
27. How does Nicole start paragraph 2
A. By giving examples. B. By asking a question.
C. By telling a story. D. By listing numbers.
28. What does she worry about now
A. Having no friends at school. B. Living with her family.
C. Doing badly in her exams. D. Graduating from middle school.
29. What has the writer learned
A. To swim and dance only. B. To speak English and French only.
C. To swim, dance, speak English and French. D. None of the above.
30. What is Nicole’s attitude towards the future
A. Curious. B. Uncertain. C. Hopeful. D. Afraid.
It can be really awkward (尴尬的) if someone sees you talking to yourself. But don’t feel bad about it! Talking to yourself actually has a lot of benefits.
You probably know that thinking is good for the brain. It helps us do things like making plans and managing our feelings. Speaking out loud is like showing this quiet inner (内在的) speech. It can help us do better in different areas like school, sports and work.
When encouragement comes from oneself, it adds to self-confidence. A 2023 study invited 72 tennis players to take part in some matches. Researchers put the players into two groups: one group that said nothing while playing, and the other that talked to themselves while playing. They found that the self-talkers showed more confidence and played better than those in the silent group.
Talking to yourself, especially in the third person, can also help us manage bad feelings. “Referring to (指代) yourself in the third person leads people to think about themselves more similar to how they think about others,” said Jason Moser, a professor from Michigan State University, U. S. This can help us see things from a different point of view, especially when we’re feeling sad or angry.
Self-talk also helps improve memory. Researchers tested four different ways to memorize things: reading silently reading aloud, listening to someone else reading and listening to a recording of oneself reading. Those who read out loud recalled the information the best, researchers said in their study published (发布) in the journal Memory. It’s because the information is likely to become a long-term memory if said out loud.
What can you say to yourself
·What’s my plan for today
·This task is so hard!
·I’ve got to stay focused and get this done!
·Wow, the sunset is so beautiful!
31. Which word is close to the underlined word “benefits”
A. Activities. B. Advantages. C. Disadvantages. D. Challenges.
32. Why is thinking good for us
A. Because it helps us make plans. B. Because it helps us join in matches.
C. Because it makes our life happy. D. Because it makes us more confident.
33. What does paragraph 4 tell us
A. We’d better think about others.
B. Jason is a famous professor.
C. We should see things from different points of view.
D. Talking to yourself helps manage bad feelings.
34. According to the passage, which way of memorizing things is the best
A. Reading silently. B. Reading aloud.
C. Listening to someone else reading. D. Listening to a recording of oneself reading.
35. Which can be a proper title for the text
A. Speaking Aloud is a Quiet Inner Speech B. Encouraging Yourself Adds to Self-confidence
C. Speaking to Yourself Helps a Lot D. Reading Silently Helps Improve Memory
Ⅷ. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
What would you like for lunch Maybe, a battery Although it sounds unusual, this has already been realized by scientists as they develop electronic things you can eat.
Robofood, led by Dario Floreano from a Swiss Institute, has created a new drone (无人机) with scientists from Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Half of the parts inside can be eaten! The program aims to make robots that can be eaten and foods that act like robots by mixing food science and robots in a new way.
The drone’s wings are made from rice cakes glued together with oil and chocolate. It can find missing people or animals in emergencies and send food or medicine. Parts of the drone can be eaten because they meet food safety standards for emergencies set by the United Nations.
However, the main challenge is finding stronger edible (可食用的) materials for the drone’s wings to prepare for bad weather and high temperatures—of course, the chocolate may melt (融化) easily.
Robofood also developed an edible sensor to help monitor stomach sickness. It’s eaten by the patient to check the conditions inside. It’s different from other sensors because it’s easy for your body to digest (消化), so it won’t leave any remains inside the body.
The invention of Robofood also helps with environmental protection. There are batteries that you can fully eat. They are made from natural things like vitamin B2 and elements (元素) found in fruits. This helps the environment because you won’t have to throw them away like other batteries.
36. The program aims to make robots that can ________ and foods that act like robots.
37. The drone can find missing people or animals in emergencies and send ________.
38. What are the drone’s wings made from
39. Why does the invention of Robofood also help with environmental protection
40. Do you think the development of edible electronics is a good thing Why or why not
X. 词语运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Steve is my brother. He is two years ___41___ (old) than me. We have been best ___42___ (friend) to each other since we were little. We often talked about our daily life and dreams when we ___43___ (are) young. Time flies and we have grown up. My brother is a doctor and he is always nice ___44___ his patients. His wish is that all his patients will become ___45___ (health). I am really proud of ___46___ he does. I work in ___47___ famous international trade company, which is the ___48___ (three) largest one in China. I am busy on weekdays, but I am free on weekends. I often go to my brother’s home for dinner, because I don’t know how to cook by ___49___ (I). He always ___50___ (cook) delicious meals for me. We can often stay together as before.
Ⅺ. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分,A部分5分,B部分15分,共20分)
A) 连词成句(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
51. good, what, news
52. tomorrow, a picnic, can, we, go for
53. asks, to, our teacher, us, some food, take
54. an amazing experience, is, for, it, me
55. enjoy, we’ll, I, ourselves, believe
B) 书面表达(满分15分)
56. 初中生活已接近尾声,三年的时光肯定给你留下了很多美好的回忆。请你根据下面的表格提示写一篇短文。
with teachers and classmates get on well with, ...
school activities take part in, ...
... ...
I had so many good memories during three years in my middle school. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




下一篇:2024年广东省湛江市 廉江市良垌三中九年级中考物理学业考试模拟试卷(1)( 无答案)