
1. 全卷满分为 100分。考试时长为90分钟。
2. 请将姓名、准考证号分别填写在试题卷和答题卷的规定位置上。
3. 答题时, 把试题卷I的答案在答题卷I上对应的选项位置用 2B 铅笔涂黑、涂满。将试题卷II答案用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔书写, 答案必须按照题号顺序在答题卷II各题目规定区域内作答, 做在试题卷上或超出答题区域书写的答案无效。
Years ago, I was on a train ride into the city when I noticed a family getting on the train. There were two little girls, their mom, and her friend, all of them with big 1 . From 2 they looked like, they were going to be away for several days. One of the girls sat next to an older gentleman, who started talking with 3 .
As the train ride went on, the little girl said that they were 4 their way to the children’s hospital in the city, where her sister Hayley who was badly ill was 5 treatment (治疗). Without 6 more about it, the man spoke with the girl on and off during the journey.
Towards the 7 of the ride, the man started to 8 something on a piece of paper. When the train stopped at his station, he walked over to the girl’s mom and handed her the paper, which actually was a 9 , and said, “That’s for Hayley.” Then he 10 the train before the mom could say anything.
As the mom finally realized it was a check, she was very 11 . Then she quickly looked up, hoping to stop the man 12 he disappeared from view, but he was already 13 .
The moment left a lasting impression on me. It made me know that acts of kindness can make a big 14 to someone. It also made me wonder about the man’s story and what caused him to do this for 15 on a train.
1.A.eyes B.bags C.smiles D.toys
2.A.how B.where C.who D.what
3.A.her B.them C.herself D.himself
4.A.in B.on C.by D.at
5.A.giving B.refusing C.receiving D.waiting
6.A.listening B.sharing C.asking D.finding
7.A.end B.beginning C.point D.last
8.A.paint B.write C.show D.look
9.A.note B.letter C.bill D.check
10.A.got down B.got out C.got up D.got off
11.A.surprised B.worried C.sad D.angry
12.A.after B.before C.while D.until
13.A.travelling B.lost C.gone D.coming
14.A.mistake B.deal C.wish D.difference
15.A.strangers B.relatives C.friends D.classmates
Vermeer is a Dutch artist.
Art lovers say he is the “Magician of Light.”
And his paintings are so quiet.
The museum has opened a show of Vermeer.
It is the largest show of this artist’s paintings.
Girl with a Pearl Earring is his best-known piece.
The painting is there until the end of March.
The rest of the show will be there until June.
16.Vermeer’s paintings are ________.
A.large B.quiet C.modern D.colorful
17.Vermeer’s painting is famous for the ________.
A.magic B.people C.light D.color
18.When can people see Girl with a Pearl Earring at the museum
A.On April 1st. B.On June 20th. C.On March 15th. D.On July 1st.
Are you a football fan If so, you may have seen referees(裁判)show yellow or red cards. These cards have been used in football for more than 50 years. A yellow card is used to warn(警告)a player. A red card is for a player being sent off. If a player breaks a rule, he or she will usually get a yellow card. If a player behaves very badly or gets two yellow cards, he or she will get a red card.
A few years ago, the PFF(葡萄牙足球协会)introduced the use of white cards. You might think a white card must be for something even worse. But in fact, it is used for good things. The PFF hopes the white card will encourage sports spirit and fair games.
On January 21, a football match was held in Portugal(葡萄牙). It was between two women’s football teams. Campos was the referee of the match. During the match, a football fan fell ill. Medical workers of both teams quickly went to help the football fan. After it, Campos held up a white card.
The card was for the work of the medical teams. Many fans cheered for the decision. Campos became the first referee in history to use the new white card.
Portugal is the only country that has introduced the white card in football. Do you think more countries should copy this idea
19.A football player may get a yellow or red card if he or she________.
①falls ill ②breaks a rule
③helps the football fan ④ behaves badly
A.②③ B.①④ C.②④ D.③④
20.As for the way of warning, which of the following is TRUE
A.1 yellow card > 1 red card B.1 yellow card=2 red cards
C.2 yellow cards <1 red card D.2 yellow cards=1 red card
21.White cards were introduced into football in order to________.
A.make a player be sent off B.encourage spirit of sports
C.make the referees friendlier D.make the fans cheer more
22.What's the best title of the passage
A.Three Cards in Basketball B.Cards for Safe Games
C.White Cards around the World D.The First White Card
Islands are always changing shapes. Sometimes you can see the changes happening. A volcano can erupt (喷发) and shoot out red hot lava (岩浆). When the lava reaches the ocean, it cools and forms new land. The island grows.
But most changes are hard to see. Storms and wind blow dirt and sand from one side of the island and pile them up on another side. Oceans wash away earth and rocks from one beach and carry them to another. The island changes shapes slowly, a little bit at a time.
People on some small ocean islands are worried. They think their islands are changing shapes too fast. On some islands, the whole beaches have been washed away. Places that used to be dry have been wetter and wetter.
Why are so many islands becoming smaller and smaller Scientists say people cause pollution. They burn gas and coal for cars and factories, they cut down rain forests, and more. The pollution stores heat and makes Earth hotter. Warmer temperatures melt the ice at the North and South Poles. The melting ice flows into the ocean and raises sea levels. As a result, island disappears.
But there is hope. Scientists are looking for ways to stop sea levels rising and they are also looking for clean ways to run cars and factories. People are helping too, by recycling, planting trees, driving less, and wasting less. Together, we can stop the world’s islands from disappearing.
23.What is true about the islands from the first two paragraphs
A.The ocean cools and the new islands form.
B.You can always see the changes happening.
C.Storms and wind wash away earth and rocks.
D.They sometimes need a long time to change shapes.
24.Which is the right order for islands becoming smaller and smaller
A.④①②③ B.④②①③ C.④③ ①② D.④①②③
25.What is the writer’s attitude (态度) about the fliture
A.He feels angry. B.He feels excited.
C.He feels hopeful. D.He feels worried.
26.What can be the title of the passage
A.Smaller Islands.
B.Moving Islands.
C.Polluted Islands.
D.Disappearing Islands.
①Recently, I have finished four space tasks. I stayed in space for more than 43 days, and complete six spacewalks for 43 hours and 13 minutes, so I have a lot of experience there. Today, I want to share some information unusual: what it’s like to eat in space.
②People often ask me if Tang—a kind of orange drink mix—is still taken in space. Don’t laugh, but we still drink it. Today’s space foods look like foods we’re used to eating every day. Foods, like nuts (坚果) or brownies (布朗尼蛋糕), can be taken on board as much as possible. But things like macaroni (通心面) or noodles would be specially prepared, then kept and packaged (打包) to stop them going everywhere . It’s a difficult but necessary process. However, food on a space task can be quite rich and various, can’t it
③The microgravity (微重力) on the space station changes things in some ways. For one thing, there is no “up” or “down” in space. It also changes how things taste. On Earth, most of your blood is usually below your heart. In space, you’re weightless, so the sharing of blood in your body changes. One result is lowering your sense of taste, at least at first. This happened to me on one task. When I took sugar candy, I wasn’t able to taste it until the ninth day.
④Food can be a real happiness in space. For us, eating is more than just getting power and energy. Familiar foods and tastes can remind us of home and keep us feeling that we still keep in touch with Earth.
27.What is the passage about
A.Life in space. B.Eating in space.
C.Exercise in space. D.Sleeping in space.
28.Who might the writer be
A.A teacher. B.A scientist C.An astronaut. D.A police artist.
29.What does the underlined word “various” mean in the second paragraph
A.Be of much money. B.Be of similar taste.
C.Be of the same color. D.Be of different kinds.
30.How is the passage organized
A.B. C. D.
Coming back to work after vacation can be difficult. How do you get your groove(最佳状态) back Here is some good advice.
Faced with so many tasks, most people will feel lots of pressure as the vacation is over. What can we do to deal with this Come back a day earlier. By doing so, you will be able to get prepared for everything that’s to come.
A clean and comfortable workplace is very important. Why On the one hand, it will make you have a good mood(心情) and make you relaxed. On the other hand, you can get to work faster as you get organized.
It’s not easy for you to catch up with all the work you left behind. So don’t push yourself so hard and allow yourself to work a bit more slowly at first. This will give your body time to settle in(适应).
One of the best ways to get back to work after vacation is to create a plan. Through the plan, you can know
what should be done first and what can be finished later. This will help you get things done in an orderly(有条理的) manner.
Throwing yourself into work as soon as you’re back will make you more painful. Take a break, listen to music or go out for coffee with your coworkers. Do anything to make you feel comfortable! Then you can start working happily.
A.Make an action plan.
B.Clean up your workplace.
C.Plan your return one day early.
D.Do something that relaxes you.
E.Rome wasn’t built in a day.
F.Catch up on everything you missed.
第三部分 英语知识运用(本题有25 小题, 每小题1分, 共计 25 分)
A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。
luck take however old reason
My grandma used to be a woman who could win anyone with her love. She was the 36 of a big family with seven girls and one boy.
At the age of 16, my grandma married a 40-year-old man. But she lost her husband one year later. 37 , she had a son. But that didn’t last, as the son died soon! Completely by the age of 25, she lost her whole family!
38 , she didn’t lose hope. She focused her life on 39 care of every homeless child. This was the 40 she was loved and respected by everyone in our family.
B. 根据下列文章及所给的汉语注释,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。
I’m Cameron Davis. I’m 13 and I’ve visited 45 countries. I have been travelling for as long as I can remember.
Before we left on our first trip, I was very nervous. 41 (在……期间) the trip, I noticed that if I didn’t talk to others, I couldn’t make any friends. On my travels I have tried a lot of new things, from 42 (高山) biking in Whistler to camel 43 (骑行) near the Great Pyramid of Giza! When you travel to certain places, you start to learn about the different 44 (文化). I learned to cook Pad Thai in Thailand, ate curies in India, and tried dumplings in China. I learned that food was great in different countries. My trips also 45 (教) me how to become more independent. When we 46 (计划) to travel, I always had to pack my own suitcase. Also, when we were traveling I saw a lot of families that rally had to depend on each other to live. Now we wash 47 (餐具), make our own lunch and more. I don’t love these chores but we have learned that this family is like four gears (齿轮); if one stops 48 (工作), it is harder for the other three.
The 49 (最好的) thing that I’ve learned about traveling is that sometimes you will have to take risks. When I was in Vietnam, I was playing with a little boy when out of the blue, he bit me. I still have the mark! I learned that there are 50 (都) good and bad risks. Take the good ones.
C. 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或 使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。
“It’s a waste of time,” I said when my mom told me to join Madcaps, a charity (慈善) club that helps many children and 51 (woman). When she told me I had to volunteer at a homeless shelter (收容所), I thought that things were bad.
It rained 52 (heavy) so we got wet and arrived there late. Then we walked to the dirty homeless shelter, and we saw a lady shout at the guard (警卫). Then she led 53 (we) to the kitchen.
Then homeless people started to walk in and a little girl, around five years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was 54 (hand) out. I handed her a cold sandwich and she said thanks to me. She then walked over to her parents, and they sat at a large table. 55 she walked away, I thought about how much I had. I go to one of the top 56 (school) in San Diego, and I have a great house by the water, and I have 57 warm meal every night. Then I thought of how 58 she had. She probably didn’t go to school, and this is the place where she sleeps and eats every day. It took that little girl to make me realize just how 59 (luck) I am.
After that moment, I had a change of heart. Now, I love Madcaps and don’t miss one meeting. I have become outgoing 60 have many friends now.
第四部分 书面表达(共20分)
(2) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
(3) 词数80-100;标题已给出,不计入词数。
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A
eyes眼睛;bags袋子;smiles微笑;toys玩具。根据“they were going to be away for several days”可知要离开几天,带着行李袋。故选B。
her她;them他们;herself她自己;himself他自己。根据“One of the girls”可知开始和“她”说话。故选A。
in在……里面;on在……上面;by通过;at在。on one’s way to“在去……的路上”。故选B。
giving给;refusing拒绝;receiving接受;waiting等待。根据“their way to the children’s hospital in the city”可知要去医院,由此可知应是在接受治疗。故选C。
listening听;sharing分享;asking问;finding找到。根据“the man spoke with the girl on and off during the journey”可知没多问海莉生病的事情。故选C。
paint画画;write写;show展示;look看。根据“something on a piece of paper”可知在纸上写东西。故选B。
note便条;letter信件;bill钞票;check支票。根据“As the mom finally realized it was a check”可知给的是一张支票。故选D。
got down下来;got out离开;got up起床;got off下车。根据“Then she quickly looked up, hoping to stop the man ... he disappeared from view, but he was already ...”可知下了火车。故选D。
surprised惊讶的;worried担忧的;sad难过的;angry生气的。根据“As the mom finally realized it was a check”可知陌生人给自己了一张支票,妈妈是惊讶的。故选A。
after在……之后;before在……之前;while当……时候;until直到……为止。根据“hoping to stop the man ... he disappeared from view”可知希望在那人消失之前阻止他。故选B。
travelling旅行;lost丢失;gone走;coming来。根据“Then she quickly looked up, hoping to stop the man ... he disappeared from view, but he was already ...”可知but后句意出现转折,人已经走了。故选C。
mistake错误;deal交易;wish希望;difference差异,变化。make a big difference to sb.“对某人产生很大的影响”。故选D。
strangers陌生人;relatives亲戚;friends朋友;classmates同学。根据“It also made me wonder about the man’s story and what caused him to do this for ... on a train.”及上文内容可知是为陌生人提供了帮助。故选A。
16.B 17.C 18.C
16.细节理解题。根据“And his paintings are so quiet.”可知他的画作很安静。故选B。
17.细节理解题。根据“Art lovers say he is the ‘Magician of Light.’”可知他的画因光而闻名。故选C。
18.细节理解题。根据“The painting is there until the end of March”可知那幅画作将展出至三月底。故选C。
19.C 20.D 21.B 22.D
19.细节理解题。根据第一段“ If a player breaks a rule, he or she will usually get a yellow card. If a player behaves very badly or gets two yellow cards, he or she will get a red card.”可知,如果球员违反规则,他或她通常会得到一张黄牌。如果一个球员表现非常糟糕或者得到两张黄牌,他或她将得到一张红牌。故选C。
20.细节理解题。根据第一段“gets two yellow cards, he or she will get a red card.”可知,得到两张黄牌会被罚红牌。故两张黄牌等于一张红牌。故选D。
21.细节理解题。根据第二段“The PFF hopes the white card will encourage sports spirit and fair games.”可知,这张白卡用来鼓励体育精神和公平比赛。故选B。
23.D 24.A 25.C 26.D
23.细节理解题。根据“The island changes shapes slowly, a little bit at a time.”可知岛屿的形状改变有时候是看不到的,很慢的,一次就改变一点,所以有时需要很长时间才能看到形状改变。故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据“Scientists say people cause pollution...As a result, island disappears.”可知首先人们污染环境,然后污染导致地球变暖,然后海平面上升,极地冰雪融化。正确顺序是④①②③。故选A。
25.推理判断题。根据“But there is hope.”可知作者提出了可能的解决办法,因此对未来感觉是有希望的。故选C。
26.最佳标题题。根据“Islands are always changing shapes.”和“As a result, island disappears.”可
27.B 28.C 29.D 30.A
27.主旨大意题。根据“Today, I want to share some information unusual: what it’s like to eat in space.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了在太空吃东西的感觉。故选B。
28.推理判断题。根据“Recently, I have finished four space tasks. I stayed in space for more than 43 days, and complete six spacewalks for 43 hours and 13 minutes”可知,在太空执行任务的应是宇航员,故选C。
29.词义猜测题。根据“food on a space task can be quite rich ”可知,太空任务中的食物可以非常丰富,结合“. Foods, like nuts (坚果) or brownies (布朗尼蛋糕), can be taken on board as much as possible. But things like macaroni (通心面) or noodles ”可知,食物还是多种多样的,所以划线单词表示“多种多样的”,故选D。
31.C 32.B 33.E 34.A 35.D
31.根据下文“Come back a day earlier.”可知要提前一天回来,说明这一段的小标题应是选项C“计划提前一天回来。”。故选C。
32.根据下文“A clean and comfortable workplace is very important.”可知一个整洁舒适的工作间是非常重要的。说明这一段的小标题应是选项B“整理你的工作间。”。故选B。
33.根据下文“It’s not easy for you to catch up with all the work you left behind.”可知要把你落下的所有工作一下子全部赶上不是那么容易的事情,由此可知工作要慢慢做,说明小标题应是选项E“罗马不是一天建成的。”。故选E。
34.根据下文“One of the best ways to get back to work after vacation is to create a plan.”可知度假后回归工作最好的方法之一是制订计划。说明这一段的小标题应是选项A“制订一个行动计划。”。故选A。
35.根据下文“Do anything to make you feel comfortable!”可知要做一些让你感觉舒服的事情,
36.oldest 37.Luckily 38.However 39.taking 40.reason
36.句意:她是一个大家庭中年龄最大的,家里有七个女孩和一个男孩。根据“a big family with seven girls and one boy.”可知,他是这个家中年龄最大的,用形容词的最高级,old“年老的”,oldest“年龄最大的”,故填oldest。
39.句意:她一生专注于照顾每一个无家可归的孩子。take care of“照顾”,focus…on doing sth表示“专注做某事”,故填taking。
40.句意:这就是她受到我们家所有人爱戴和尊重的原因。根据前文的“She focused her life on…care of every homeless child.”可知,她一生专注于照顾每一个无家可归的孩子,因此这是解释她被爱戴和尊重的原因,this is the reason+句子,此处表示“这是……的原因”,故填reason。
41.During 42.mountain 43.riding 44.culture/cultures 45.taught 46.planned/were planning 47.dishes 48.working 49.best 50.both
45.句意:我的旅行也教会了我如何变得更加独立。teach”教“,根据“I learned that food was great in different countries.”可知,时态为一般过去时,动词应用过去式taught。故填taught。
46.句意:当我们计划旅行时,我总是要收拾自己的行李箱。根据“I always had to pack my own suitcase”可知,此处为过去的时态,时态可以用一般过去时,动词应用过去式planned;也可以用过去进行时“was/were doing”,主语是we,be动词用were。故填planned/were planning。
48.句意:如果一个停止工作,其他三个就更难了。work“工作”,stop doing sth.“停止做某事”,动词应用动名词形式。故填working。
50.句意:我明白了风险有好有坏。根据“...good and bad risks”可知,此处指“两个都”,both“两个都”符合语境。故填both。
51.women 52.heavily 53.us 54.handing 55.As/When 56.schools 57.a 58.little 59.lucky 60.and
51.句意:我的妈妈让我参加Madcaps,一个帮助了很多孩子和女士的慈善俱乐部。空格前为“many children”,空格与children是并列关系,用名词复数。woman“女士”的复数为不规则变化。故填women。
was/were doing。故填handing。
56.句意:我上的是圣地亚哥的一个顶尖学校。根据空格前的“one of the top”,结构为“one of+名词复数”,表示“……之一”。故填schools。
58.句意:然后我想这个小女孩拥有的有多么少。与上文“I thought about how much I had.”进行对比,我拥有很多东西,而小女孩拥有的很少,little“几乎没有”,故填little。
60.句意:我现在变得开朗并且有了很多朋友。空格前的“have become outgoing ”和空格后的“have many friends”,是两个并列的谓语动词,本句为陈述句,用and连接。故填and。
I would like to share my term life with you.
This term, I studied very hard. I copied the new words and recited a lot of good articles. It enriched my knowledge and improved my writing. I also did many volunteer activities. I helped the old people and students in poor areas. I chatted with old people and helped clean their rooms. I read stories to children and taught children singing and drawing. What’s more, I did sports for health. I ran with my classmates every day and played basketball with my friends at weekends. And I learned to do housework, too. I washed clothes and dishes. I swept the floor and watered the flowers.
I had a wonderful and meaningful term and I hope I will have a better term.



