
听力部分 (共20分)
I.听句子,选择与所听到内容相符的图片。 (每小题1分,共5分)
1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3. A. B. C.
4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C.
IL听句子,选择最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共5分)
6. A. Yes,I can B. Yes,I am C. I like computers.
7. A. On Friday B. At 3:00. C. No,I don’t.
8. A. By bus B. About 300 meters C. About 30 minutes.
9. A. That sounds great. B. Thanks. C. OK. I know.
10. A. Yes, they are B. They like singing. C. No, they can’t.
III.听对话,选择最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共5分)
11. What can the boy’s brother do
A. Play the guitar. B. Play basketball. C. Play chess.
12. What time does the boy usually get up
A. At 6:45 am.. B. At 7:15 am. C. At 7:30 am.
13. How long does it take Linda to go to school on foot
A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes. C. Fifteen minutes.
14. When does the girl clean her room
A. Every day. B. On school nights. C. On weekends.
15. What is Mike doing now
A. Sleeping. B. Swimming. C. Running.
Ⅳ.听短文, 完成表格,每空一词。 (每小题1分,共5分)
The rules at home
After school Do homework and can’t 16 out on school nights.
After dinner Wash the 17 .
At night Mary usually 18 but has to be in bed before 19 o’clock.
Every weekend Practice the guitar in the 20 club.
笔试部分(共 130分)
语法与情景对话。 (共25 小题,每小题1分,共25分)
1. He likes playing piano, but he doesn’t like playing chess.
A. the; the B. the; / C. /; / D. /; the
2. —Can you sing ________ dance
—I can dance.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
3. 1 often go to school ________ bike, but today I go to school ________ a car.
A. by by B. in, in C. by, in D. on, by
4. Kate, ______ girl, wants to be a teacher.
A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-years-old C. a 8 years old D. an 8-year-old
5. Mr. Li is good ________ music, and he is good ________ children in the music club.
A. at, with B. for, at C. with, at D. at, for
6. —________ do you like dolphins
—Because they are very smart.
A. What B. When C. Why D. How
7. My father often plays basketball ________ five o’clock ________ the afternoon.
A. at; at B. in; in C. at; in D. in; at
8. I can English a little, I can’t stories in English.
A. say, talk B. say, write C. speak, tell D. speak, say
9. She can’t _______ with you. She _______ homework now.
A. go; do B. going; doing C. go; is doing D. going; is doing
10. They usually eat dinner at ________ in the evening.
A. a quarter to seven B. a quarter seven C. seven a half D. a half seven
11. —________ is it from your home to the bank
—It’s about five kilometers.
A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How far
12. Tom is a _________ boy. He doesn’t do any housework at home.
A. good B. lazy C. cute D. shy
13. ______ play computer games after school.
A. Can’t B. No C. Not D. Don’t
14. —Let's ________ volleyball after school.
A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing
15. Please remember ________ the windows when you leave home.
A. close B. to close C. closing D. closes
16. The movie is ________ interesting. We want to go and see it.
A. kind of B. kinds of C. kind D. a kind of
17. —________ you swim
—No, I ________.
A. Can; can B. Can; can’t C. Can’t; do D. Don’t; can
18. — Is your mother watching TV now
— __________. She is cleaning the room.
A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she is
C. No, she doesn’t D. No, she isn’t
19. — ______ does it take you to get there by bus
—About five minutes.
A. How long B. How far
C. How much D. How many
20. —________ do you go to the supermarket
—By boat.
A. When B. How C. What D. Why
21. Ice cream usually ________.
A. taste well B. sound well C. tastes good D. sounds good
22. I don’t like milk. I don’t like water, ________.
A. too B. also C. or D. either
23. He practices ________ in a pool every Sunday.
A. to swim B. swimming C. to swimming D. swims
24. About two ________ students ride bikes to school in our town.
A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of
25. Hello! Can I speak to Lily ________.
A. I’m Lily B. This is Lily speaking C. Yes, please D. That is Lily speaking
IL完型填空(共10 小题,每小题1分, 共 10分)
Tony is a ten-year-old boy. He makes a friend on the first day of this term. His friend’s name is Linda, and ____26____ home is next to Tony’s. Tony wants to go to school by bike with Linda, but Linda can’t ____27____ a bike. Her father always takes her to school ____28____ his car.
Tony wants his mother to ____29____ him to school too. He asks his mother,“Mom, Linda goes to school by car. Can I go to school by car I don’t want to walk.”
“Oh, dear, I think walking is good ____30____,” says his mother.
Tony is not ____31____ but he has to walk.
The next day, it rains (下雨) after school. When Tony ____32____ at 5 o’clock, he is all wet (湿的) and that night he has a fever (发烧). Tony says to his mother, “Mom. ____33____ don’t you drive me home You see, I am ill (有病的). Can you drive me to school tomorrow ”
“Oh, dear. I will ____34____ it,”says his mother.
Tony thinks he can go to school by ____35____ , but when he is going to school, his mother gives him an umbrella (雨伞).
26. A. my B. your C. her D. his
27. A. see B. ride C. buy D. find
28. A. on B. by C. in D. at
29. A. sell B. tell C. drive D. dress
30 A. work B. time C. subject D. exercise
31. A. happy B. cool C. healthy D. busy
32. A. goes to work B. goes to bed C. gets up D. gets home
33. A. when B. why C. who D. where
34. A. ask for B. play with C. think about D. look at
35. A. bus B. car C. bike D. subway
Ⅲ阅读理解(共15 小题, 每题2分, 共30分)
Sun Library
Opening time: 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Sunday to Friday
Science books Section A
English books Section B
Storybooks Section C
History books Section D
Here are some rules for the readers:
Don’t take your bag into the library.
Don’t talk or listen to music in the library.
No food in the library.
Keep the library clean and quiet.
36. Mike’s mother works in Sun Library. She works for ________.
A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
37. If you want to read books in Sun Library, you can’t go on ________.
A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Saturday D. Sunday
38. How many rules are there in Sun Library
A. Five. B. Six. C. Four. D. Eight.
39. If you are in Sun Library, you must keep ________.
A. clean B. quiet C. clean and quiet D. dirty
40. Which of the following is TRUE
A. You can read some history books in Section B. B. You can eat in the library.
C. You can listen to music in the library. D. You must be quiet in the library.
Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Shanghai now. She studies in a middle school. She gets up at six every day. She likes learning Chinese. She is a hard-working girl. She can draw well. After school, she often reads newspapers with her classmates. At seven o’clock pm, Kate has dinner at home. Then she does her homework and goes to bed at nine.
41. Kate lives in ________.
A. London B. Beijing C. New York D. China
42. What does Kate like to do
A. She likes reading story books. B. She likes playing the guitar.
C. She likes learning Chinese. D. She likes swimming.
43. She is a ________ girl.
A. nice B. tall C. beautiful D. nice and hard-working
44. What does she often do after school
A. She draws pictures. B. She has dinner.
C. She does some reading with her classmates. D. She does her homework.
45. What time does she go to bed
A. At 6:00 am. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 9:00 pm. D. At 9:30 am.
Bob is an English boy. He lives in London(伦敦). It’s 5:00 p.m. Bob is writing e-mails to his pen friends. What are they doing
Elvira is from South Africa. It’s 7:00 p.m. She doesn’t have homework today, and she is watching TV with her family.
Logan is an American boy. It’s noon in New York, and Logan is having lunch at the school dining hall. “It’s delicious,” he says.
Jacob, an Australian boy, is sleeping. It’s 4:00 a.m. in Australia. And he has to get up before 6:00 a.m.
46. Bob is _________.
A. writing e-mails B. having class C. watching TV D. doing homework
47. It’s 7:00 p.m. in _________.
A. America B. Australia C. China D. South Africa
48. We can find Logan in _________.
A. the classroom B. the dining hall C. his room D. the library
49. Jacob is sleeping because it’s _________ in Australia now.
A. 1:00 a.m. B. 4:00 a.m. C. 7:00 p.m. D. 2:00 p.m.
50. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Bob always writes letters to his friends. B. Elvira is doing her homework at home.
C. Logan thinks his lunch tastes good. D. Jacob is an English boy.
quick; student; cross; love; by; get to; between; play with; villager; true
How do you get to school Do you go by bus or ___51___ train For many students, it is easy to ___52___ school. But for the students in one small village in China, it is difficult. There is a very big river ___53___ their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too ___54___ for boats. So these ___55___ go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.
One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, ___56___ the river every school day. But he is not afraid because he ___57___ school. “I love to ___58___ my classmates. And I love my teacher.” Many of the students and ___59___ never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come ______60______
Jenny is an English girl. She comes to China (A) ________ her father and mother. They come here to work, and Jenny comes to study. Jenny is in No. 11 Middle School. She gets up early in the morning. She has her breakfast and then goes to school. (B) She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus. (C) She gets to school at about half past seven.
Jenny is never late for school. Jenny is good at all her lessons, and she likes English best. Classes begin at 8:00. She has six classes every day.
Usually Jenny has lunch at school. She goes home at five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with their lessons. After dinner she usually watches TV. Then she does her homework. She goes to bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good girl.
61. 在 A 处填入适当的介词 ________
62. 写出 B 处划线句子的同义句。
She gets to the bus stop ________.
63. 把C处画线句子译成汉语。
64. What’s Jenny’s favorite subject
65. What time does Jenny go to bed
A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 (共10分)
66. I think it’s ________ (重要的) for us to keep the school rules.
67. The little baby has four ________ (牙齿) now.
68. You can buy many kinds of things in the _________(超市).
69. His dog is too ________ (吵闹的) at night.
70. There are many ________ (动物) in the zoo.
71. There are sixty m__________ in an hour.
72. Koalas are from A ________.
73. How many ________ (男人) teachers are there in your school
74. He always gets up late and ________ (到达) late for class.
75. Mary often plays the v________ on the weekend.
B.根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(共 10分)
76. How about ________ (take) the bus to the park
77. My parents can ________ (play) ping pong well.
78. Where is your brother I want _________(give)him a book.
79. Look! My mother ________ (make) soup in the kitchen.
80. You are very good at ________ (sing). And you will be the most popular star.
81. It is easy for us ________ (go) to school.
82. Tom ________ (get) up early so he is the first to get to school every day.
83 My mom often does the ________ (dish) after dinner.
84. My sister is only years old. Mom has to help her get ________ (dress).
85. The teacher is ________ (friend) to us in our school.
Ⅶ.根据汉语意思, 完成英语句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分)
86. 在晚上,他要么看书,要么看电视。
In the evening, he ________ reads books ________ watches TV.
87. 李老师对每位学生要求严格。
Mr. Li is ________ every student.
88. 不要砍伐树木。它们对我们有益。
Don’t ________ ________ trees. They’re good for us.
89. 我爷爷年纪大了,他经常迷路。
My grandfather is old and he often ________ ________
90. 我们必须准时做我们的家庭作业。
We must do our homework ________.
VIII.情景交际。(共5小题,每小题1分, 共5分)
A: Excuse me, Mary. Are you free now
B: Yes, I am. What can I do for you
A: ______91______
B: Let me see. Oh, it’s far from here.
A: ______92______
B: About five miles(英里). You can take a bus there.
A: ______93______
B: The No. 55 bus can take you there.
A: ______94______
B: It’s about half an hour.
A: ______95______
B: You’re welcome.
A. How far is it
B. Is it far from here
C. Thanks for your help.
D. Which(哪个) bus can I take
E. How long does it take to get there
F. Can you tell me how to get to the radio station
IX . 书面表达(10 分)
96. 假设你是Sarah,Peter 是你的美国网友。他最近发给你一封电子邮件,询向你的个人情况。请根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。
Name Sarah
are 13
from China
favorite subject English
favorite animals Pandas/cute, friendly
can do play basketball/play the piano
how to get to school On foot
1.不少于70词 (开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
Dear Peter,
Thanks for your e-mail. I am very happy to tell you something about myself.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Can I know more about you I wish to get your e-mail soon.
听力部分 (共20分)
I.听句子,选择与所听到内容相符的图片。 (每小题1分,共5分)
1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3. A. B. C.
4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C.
IL听句子,选择最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共5分)
6. A. Yes,I can B. Yes,I am C. I like computers.
7. A. On Friday B. At 3:00. C. No,I don’t.
8. A. By bus B. About 300 meters C. About 30 minutes.
9. A. That sounds great. B. Thanks. C. OK. I know.
10. A. Yes, they are B. They like singing. C. No, they can’t.
III.听对话,选择最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共5分)
11. What can the boy’s brother do
A. Play the guitar. B. Play basketball. C. Play chess.
12. What time does the boy usually get up
A. At 6:45 am.. B. At 7:15 am. C. At 7:30 am.
13. How long does it take Linda to go to school on foot
A. Five minutes. B. Ten minutes. C. Fifteen minutes.
14. When does the girl clean her room
A. Every day. B. On school nights. C. On weekends.
15. What is Mike doing now
A. Sleeping. B. Swimming. C. Running.
Ⅳ.听短文, 完成表格,每空一词。 (每小题1分,共5分)
The rules at home
After school Do homework and can’t 16 out on school nights.
After dinner Wash the 17 .
At night Mary usually 18 but has to be in bed before 19 o’clock.
Every weekend Practice the guitar in the 20 club.
笔试部分(共 130分)
语法与情景对话。 (共25 小题,每小题1分,共25分)
1. He likes playing piano, but he doesn’t like playing chess.
A. the; the B. the; / C. /; / D. /; the
【详解】句意:他喜欢弹钢琴,但不喜欢下棋。根据第一个空格前面的playing和后面的piano(钢琴)可知,这里要用定冠词(play the+乐器名词)。根据第二个空格前面的playing和后面的chess(国际象棋)可知,这里要用零冠词(play+棋类名词)。故选B。
2. —Can you sing ________ dance
—I can dance.
A. but B. and C. so D. or
考查连词辨析。but但是;and和、又;so因此;or或者。根据答语“I can dance.”可知,问句应是选择疑问句,故空处应用or。故选D。
3. 1 often go to school ________ bike, but today I go to school ________ a car.
A. by, by B. in, in C. by, in D. on, by
考查介词辨析。by乘坐;in在……里;on在……上。by bike为固定表达,排除选项B和选项D;结合“a car.”可知,有了冠词,不需再用by,in符合。故选C。
4. Kate, ______ girl, wants to be a teacher.
A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-years-old C. a 8 years old D. an 8-year-old
【详解】句意:凯特,一个八岁的小女孩,想成为一名老师。an 8-year-old girl一个8岁的女孩,8-year-old作前置定语,应用连词符号连接,中间的名词year不能用复数,排除B/C;这里eight的音标是[e t] 以元音音素开头应该用an,故选D。
5. Mr. Li is good ________ music, and he is good ________ children in the music club.
A. at, with B. for, at C. with, at D. at, for
考查形容词短语。be good at擅长;be good with和……相处得好;be good for有益于。根据句意可知,第一空指她擅长音乐,所以用at;第二空指她和孩子们相处得好,所以用with。故选A。
6. —________ do you like dolphins
—Because they are very smart.
A. What B. When C. Why D. How
考查疑问词辨析。What什么;When什么时候;Why为什么;How如何。根据“Because they are very smart.”可知询问喜欢海豚的原因。故选C。
7. My father often plays basketball ________ five o’clock ________ the afternoon.
A. at; at B. in; in C. at; in D. in; at
考查时间介词。at后面跟具体的时刻;in泛指在上午、下午或晚上。第一空后面“five o'clock”是具体的时间点用at;第二空后面是the afternoon,用in。故选C。
8. I can English a little, I can’t stories in English.
A. say, talk B. say, write C. speak, tell D. speak, say
【详解】句意:我能说一点英语。我不能用英语讲故事。say说,一般指说得内容;talk交谈,talk with/to…表示和……交谈;write写;speak说,说某种语言;tell表示讲述,告诉;tell stories表示讲故事。第一空是说说英语用speak;第二空是讲故事用tell。根据题意,故选C。
【点睛】speak讲语言 speak to sb about sth
tell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sb
say说 say sth to sb
talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sth
say ,speak talk 和tell辨析.
▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代
eg:He can say his name.他会说他的名字.
Please say it in English.请用英语用.
▲ speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容 .作及物动词时,常以某种
speak of something/somebody谈到某事(某人)speak to sb 跟某
Can you speak Japanese 你会说日语吗
She is speaking to her teacher.她正在跟她的老师说话.
He spoke at the meeting yesterday.他昨天在会上讲了话.
▲ talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是“交谈,谈话,着重强调两者之间的
eg:She is talking with Lucy in English.
What are you talking about 你们在谈论什么
The teacher is talking to him.老师正在和他谈话.
▲ tell常作及物动词,意为“讲述,告诉,动词常跟双宾语.
tell sb sth=tell sth to sb告诉某人某事.
eg:He is telling the children a story.
Did you tell her the news =Did you tell the news to her
9. She can’t _______ with you. She _______ homework now.
A. go; do B. going; doing C. go; is doing D. going; is doing
10. They usually eat dinner at ________ in the evening.
A. a quarter to seven B. a quarter seven C. seven a half D. a half seven
考查时间表达法。6:45可表达为“a quarter to seven”,其他三个选项表述错误。故选A。
11. —________ is it from your home to the bank
—It’s about five kilometers.
A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How far
考查特殊疑问句。How long多长;How many多少;How much多少钱;How far多远。根据“It’s about five kilometers.”可知,设空处应该对距离提问。故选D。
12. Tom is a _________ boy. He doesn’t do any housework at home.
A. good B. lazy C. cute D. shy
考查形容词辨析。good好的;lazy懒惰的;cute可爱的;shy害羞的。根据“He doesn’t do any housework at home.”可知在家不做任何家务,是懒惰的。故选B。
13. ______ play computer games after school.
A. Can’t B. No C. Not D. Don’t
考查祈使句。根据“play computer games after school”可知,此句省略了主语you,为否定祈使句,结构应为“Don’t+动词原形+其他”。故选D。
14. —Let's ________ volleyball after school.
A. play B. to play C. plays D. playing
【详解】句意:-放学后咱们打排球吧。 -好的。A. play动词,打;B. to play动词不定式;C. plays三单形式;D. playing现在分词。Let’s+动词原形,let是使役动词,动词原形作宾补。故选A。
15. Please remember ________ the windows when you leave home.
A. close B. to close C. closing D. closes
考查非谓语动词。close关闭,remember to do sth“记得要做某事”;remember doing sth“记得做过某事”,根据空后的“the windows when you leave home”可知,应该是当你离开家时,记得要关窗户,所以用动词不定式作宾语,故选B。
16. The movie is ________ interesting. We want to go and see it.
A. kind of B. kinds of C. kind D. a kind of
考查kind of。kind of有点,修饰形容词;kinds of各种各样的,修饰名词;kind种类,名词;a kind of一种,修饰名词,根据空后的“interesting”可知,应该是有点有趣,用kind of,故选A。
17. —________ you swim
—No, I ________.
A. Can; can B. Can; can’t C. Can’t; do D. Don’t; can
18. — Is your mother watching TV now
— __________. She is cleaning the room.
A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she is
C. No, she doesn’t D. No, she isn’t
考查一般疑问句。由后句“She is cleaning the room”可以推测出,她没有在看电视。作否定回答,前问句开头是is,回答也用be动词的恰当形式。故选D。
19. — ______ does it take you to get there by bus
—About five minutes.
A. How long B. How far
C. How much D. How many
【详解】句意:——坐公共汽车到那里需要多长时间? ——大约五分钟。
考查特殊疑问句。How long多长时间,是对时间段提问;How far多远,是对距离提问; How much多少钱,是对价格提问;How many多少,对数量提问。根据“About five minutes.”可知,此处是对时间段提问,用how long。故选A。
20. —________ do you go to the supermarket
—By boat.
A. When B. How C. What D. Why
考查特殊疑问句。When何时;How如何;What什么;Why为什么。根据答语“By boat.”可知,询问方式,故选B。
21. Ice cream usually ________.
A taste well B. sound well C. tastes good D. sounds good
考查感官动词。taste尝起来;sound听起来;well好,副词,作形容词通常指的身体状况好;good好的,形容词。该句是一般现在时,主语是“Ice cream”,应说冰淇淋尝起来味道好,且动词填三单形式,taste后接形容词。故选C。
22. I don’t like milk. I don’t like water, ________.
A. too B. also C. or D. either
考查副词辨析。too也,用于肯定句句末;also也,用于句中;or或者;either也(不),用于否定句句末。根据“I don’t like water”可知,否定句句末用either。故选D。
23. He practices ________ in a pool every Sunday.
A. to swim B. swimming C. to swimming D. swims
考查动名词作宾语。practice doing sth“练习做某事”,故选B。
24. About two ________ students ride bikes to school in our town.
A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of
考查数词的用法。hundred前面有具体数词修饰时,不能加s,如:one hundred,two hundred,three hundred;表示大概数目的时候,要加s;hundreds of 成百上千的。故选A。
25. Hello! Can I speak to Lily ________.
A. I’m Lily B. This is Lily speaking C. Yes, please D. That is Lily speaking
考查情景交际。I’m Lily我是莉莉;This is Lily speaking我是莉莉;Yes, please是的,请;That is Lily speaking那个是莉莉。根据“Can I speak to Lily ”可知,这是打电话的语境,要用This is...speaking表示“我是……”。故选B。
IL完型填空(共10 小题,每小题1分, 共 10分)
Tony is a ten-year-old boy. He makes a friend on the first day of this term. His friend’s name is Linda, and ____26____ home is next to Tony’s. Tony wants to go to school by bike with Linda, but Linda can’t ____27____ a bike. Her father always takes her to school ____28____ his car.
Tony wants his mother to ____29____ him to school, too. He asks his mother,“Mom, Linda goes to school by car. Can I go to school by car I don’t want to walk.”
“Oh, dear, I think walking is good ____30____,” says his mother.
Tony is not ____31____ but he has to walk.
The next day, it rains (下雨) after school. When Tony ____32____ at 5 o’clock, he is all wet (湿的) and that night he has a fever (发烧). Tony says to his mother, “Mom. ____33____ don’t you drive me home You see, I am ill (有病的). Can you drive me to school tomorrow ”
“Oh, dear. I will ____34____ it,”says his mother.
Tony thinks he can go to school by ____35____ , but when he is going to school, his mother gives him an umbrella (雨伞).
26. A. my B. your C. her D. his
27. A. see B. ride C. buy D. find
28. A. on B. by C. in D. at
29. A. sell B. tell C. drive D. dress
30. A. work B. time C. subject D. exercise
31. A. happy B. cool C. healthy D. busy
32. A. goes to work B. goes to bed C. gets up D. gets home
33. A. when B. why C. who D. where
34. A. ask for B. play with C. think about D. look at
35. A. bus B. car C. bike D. subway
【答案】26. C 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. B
my我的;your你的;her她的;his他的。根据文中“His friend’s name is Linda, and…home is next to Tony’s”可知,此处指琳达家。故选C。
see看;ride骑;buy买;find发现。根据文中“ Tony wants to go to school by bike with Linda, but Linda can’t…a bike”可知,此处指琳达不能骑自行车。故选B。
on在……上面;by通过;in在……里面;at在。根据文中“Her father always takes her to school…his car”可知,此处是in one’s car短语,意为“在车里”。故选C。
sell售卖;tell告诉;drive开车;dress装扮根据文中“Tony wants his mother to…him to school, too”可知,此处指托尼也想被开车送去学校。故选C。
work工作;time时间;subject课程;exercise锻炼。根据文中“Oh, dear, I think walking is good.”可知,妈妈认为步行是很好的锻炼,故选D。
happy开心的;cool酷的;healthy健康的;busy繁忙的。根据文中“Tony is not…but he has to walk.”可知,妈妈没同意开车送托尼,所以他不开心,故选A。
goes to work去上班;goes to bed上床睡觉;gets up起床;gets home回家。根据文中“The next day, it rains after school. When Tony…at 5 o’clock”可知,此处指的是托尼放学后回家。故选D。
when何时;why为什么;who谁;where哪里。根据文中“Mum…don’t you drive me home?”可知,此处是托尼询问妈妈为什么不送自己。故选B。
ask for请求;play with和一起玩;think about考虑;look at看。根据文中“Oh,dear. I will…it”可知,此处妈妈听到托尼的询问,说会考虑一下托尼的提议。故选C。
bus公交车;car汽车;bike自行车;subway地铁。根据“Tony thinks he can go to school by…but when he is going to school, his mother gives him an umbrella.”可知,托尼以为妈妈要开车送自己。故选B。
Ⅲ阅读理解(共15 小题, 每题2分, 共30分)
Sun Library
Opening time: 9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Sunday to Friday
Science books Section A
English books Section B
Storybooks Section C
History books Section D
Here are some rules for the readers:
Don’t take your bag into the library.
Don’t talk or listen to music in the library.
No food in the library.
Keep the library clean and quiet.
36. Mike’s mother works in Sun Library. She works for ________.
A. five B. six C. seven D. eight
37. If you want to read books in Sun Library, you can’t go on ________.
A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Saturday D. Sunday
38. How many rules are there in Sun Library
A. Five. B. Six. C. Four. D. Eight.
39. If you are in Sun Library, you must keep ________.
A. clean B. quiet C. clean and quiet D. dirty
40. Which of the following is TRUE
A. You can read some history books in Section B. B. You can eat in the library.
C. You can listen to music in the library. D. You must be quiet in the library.
【答案】36. D 37. C 38. C 39. C 40. D
细节理解题。根据“9:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.”可知,开放8小时,所以工作时间也是8小时,故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Sunday to Friday”可知,周六不开放,故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Don’t take your bag into the library. Don’t talk or listen to music in the library. No food in the library. Keep the library clean and quiet.”可知,介绍了四条规则,故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Keep the library clean and quiet.”可知,应该保持图书馆的清洁和安静。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Keep the library clean and quiet.”可知,在图书馆要保持安静,故选D。
Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Shanghai now. She studies in a middle school. She gets up at six every day. She likes learning Chinese. She is a hard-working girl. She can draw well. After school, she often reads newspapers with her classmates. At seven o’clock pm, Kate has dinner at home. Then she does her homework and goes to bed at nine.
41. Kate lives in ________.
A. London B. Beijing C. New York D. China
42. What does Kate like to do
A. She likes reading story books. B. She likes playing the guitar.
C. She likes learning Chinese. D. She likes swimming.
43. She is a ________ girl.
A. nice B. tall C. beautiful D. nice and hard-working
44. What does she often do after school
A. She draws pictures. B. She has dinner.
C. She does some reading with her classmates. D. She does her homework.
45. What time does she go to bed
A. At 6:00 am. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 9:00 pm. D. At 9:30 am.
【答案】41. D 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. C
细节理解题。根据“Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Shanghai now.”可知,Kate住在上海,上海在中国。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“She likes learning Chinese.”可知,Kate喜欢学中文。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Kate is a nice girl.”以及“She is a hard-working girl.”可知,Kate是一个好且勤奋的女孩。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“After school, she often reads newspapers with her classmates.”可知,Kate放学后会和同学阅读。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“Then she does her homework and goes to bed at nine.”可知,她晚上九点睡觉。故选C。
Bob is an English boy. He lives in London(伦敦). It’s 5:00 p.m. Bob is writing e-mails to his pen friends. What are they doing
Elvira is from South Africa. It’s 7:00 p.m. She doesn’t have homework today, and she is watching TV with her family.
Logan is an American boy. It’s noon in New York, and Logan is having lunch at the school dining hall. “It’s delicious,” he says.
Jacob, an Australian boy, is sleeping. It’s 4:00 a.m. in Australia. And he has to get up before 6:00 a.m.
46. Bob is _________.
A. writing e-mails B. having class C. watching TV D. doing homework
47. It’s 7:00 p.m. in _________.
A. America B. Australia C. China D. South Africa
48. We can find Logan in _________.
A. the classroom B. the dining hall C. his room D. the library
49. Jacob is sleeping because it’s _________ in Australia now.
A. 1:00 a.m. B. 4:00 a.m. C. 7:00 p.m. D. 2:00 p.m.
50. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Bob always writes letters to his friends. B. Elvira is doing her homework at home.
C. Logan thinks his lunch tastes good. D. Jacob is an English boy.
【答案】46. A 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. C
细节理解题。根据“Bob is writing e-mails to his pen friends.”可知,Bob在写电子邮件。故选A。
细节理解题。根据表格第一栏“Elvira is from South Africa. It’s 7:00 p.m.”可知,南非时间是傍晚7点。故选D。
细节理解题。根据表格第二栏“Logan is having lunch at the school dining hall.”可知,Logan在学校食堂吃午饭,因此可以在食堂找到Logan。故选B。
细节理解题。根据表格第三栏“Jacob, an Australian boy, is sleeping. It’s 4:00 a.m. in Australia.”可知,Jacob正在睡觉,因为澳大利亚时间是凌晨4点。故选B。
推理判断题。根据表格第二栏“Logan is having lunch at the school dining hall. ‘It’s delicious,’ he says.”可知,Logan觉得学校食堂午饭很美味,C项“Logan认为他的午饭味道很好”正确。故选C。
quick; student; cross; love; by; get to; between; play with; villager; true
How do you get to school Do you go by bus or ___51___ train For many students, it is easy to ___52___ school. But for the students in one small village in China, it is difficult. There is a very big river ___53___ their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too ___54___ for boats. So these ___55___ go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.
One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, ___56___ the river every school day. But he is not afraid because he ___57___ school. “I love to ___58___ my classmates. And I love my teacher.” Many of the students and ___59___ never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come ______60______
【答案】51. by 52. get to
53. between
54. quickly
55. students
56. crosses
57. loves 58. play with
59. villagers
60. true
句意:你是乘公共汽车去还是乘火车去?by train意为“乘火车”。故填by。
句意:对许多学生来说,上学很容易。get to school意为“到校”,to后跟动词原形。故填get to。
句意:在他们的学校和村子之间有一条很大的河。根据“their school and the village.”可知,在他们的学校和村子之间有一条很大的河,between…and…意为“在……和……之间”。故填between。
句意:这里没有桥,河水流得太快,船无法行驶。根据“the river runs too…for boats.”可知,这里是,河水流得太快,quick 意为“快的”,形容词,这里用副词quickly。故填quickly。
句意:所以这些学生乘索道渡河上学。根据“But for the students”可知,这里指学生们乘索道渡河上学,需用student的复数students。故填students。
句意:一个11岁的男孩亮亮每天上学都要渡河。根据“the river every school day.”可知,这里是过河去上学,cross the river意为“过河”,这里是一般现在时,主语Liangliang是单数,因此谓语用三单形式crosses。故填crosses。
句意:但他并不害怕,因为他热爱学校。根据“because he…school.”可知,这里指他热爱学校,love意为“热爱”,这里是一般现在时,主语he是单数,因此谓语用三单形式loves。故填loves。
句意:我喜欢和同学们一起玩。根据“I love to…my classmates.”可知,这里是喜欢和同学们一起玩,play with意为“玩”,to后跟动词原形。故填play with。
句意:许多学生和村民从未离开过村子。根据“never leave the village.”可知,这里指学生和村民从未离开过村子, villager意为“村民”,此处用复数形式villagers。故填villagers。
句意:他们的梦想能实现吗?come true意为“实现”,固定短语。故填true。
Jenny is an English girl. She comes to China (A) ________ her father and mother. They come here to work, and Jenny comes to study. Jenny is in No. 11 Middle School. She gets up early in the morning. She has her breakfast and then goes to school. (B) She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus. (C) She gets to school at about half past seven.
Jenny is never late for school. Jenny is good at all her lessons, and she likes English best. Classes begin at 8:00. She has six classes every day.
Usually Jenny has lunch at school. She goes home at five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with their lessons. After dinner she usually watches TV. Then she does her homework. She goes to bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good girl.
61. 在 A 处填入适当的介词 ________
62. 写出 B 处划线句子的同义句。
She gets to the bus stop ________.
63. 把C处画线句子译成汉语。
64. What’s Jenny’s favorite subject
65. What time does Jenny go to bed
【答案】61. with
62. on foot
63. 她大约七点半到达学校。
64. Her favorite subject is English./English./She likes English best.
65. Jenny goes to bed at about 9:30./At about 9:30.
根据“her father and mother.”可知,是和父母来中国,介词with“和”符合题意,故填with。
根据“She walks to the bus stop”可知,这里指的是步行,on foot“步行”符合题意。故填on foot。
She她;gets to school到达学校;at about half past seven大约七点半。故填:她大约七点半到达学校。
根据“Jenny is good at all her lessons, and she likes English best.”可知,Jenny最喜欢的科目是英语。故填Her favorite subject is English./English./She likes English best.
根据“She goes to bed at about 9:30.”可知,她晚上九点半睡觉。故填Jenny goes to bed at about 9:30./At about 9:30.
A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 (共10分)
66. I think it’s ________ (重要的) for us to keep the school rules.
67. The little baby has four ________ (牙齿) now.
68. You can buy many kinds of things in the _________(超市).
【详解】句意:你可以在超市里买到很多东西。supermarket“超市”,名词,in the supermarket“在超市里”作地点状语。故填supermarket。
69. His dog is too ________ (吵闹的) at night.
70. There are many ________ (动物) in the zoo.
71. There are sixty m__________ in an hour.
【详解】句意:一个小时有60分钟。根据“in an hour”和所给单词首字母可知,此处指60分钟,可数名词复数minutes“分钟”,故填(m)inutes。
72. Koalas are from A ________.
73. How many ________ (男人) teachers are there in your school
【详解】句意:你们学校有多少男老师?根据结构及脸汉语提示可知,应填入名词。man男人,名词。当man、woman和其他名词构成复合词时,单复数根据修饰的名词的单复数而定,意思是如果要变复数,两个词要一起变复数。men teachers男老师,符合句意。故填men。
74. He always gets up late and ________ (到达) late for class.
【详解】句意:他总是起床晚,上课迟到。根据单词的汉语意思和在句中的作用可知,这里考查arrive“到达”,动词。该空与前面的“gets up”并列,也应用第三人称单数形式。故填arrives。
75. Mary often plays the v________ on the weekend.
【详解】句意:玛丽经常在周末拉小提琴。根据“plays the”以及首字母提示,可知是violin,play the violin“拉小提琴”。故填(v)iolin。
B.根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(共 10分)
76. How about ________ (take) the bus to the park
【详解】句意:坐公共汽车去公园怎么样?how about doing“做某事怎么样”,用动名词作宾语,故填taking。
77. My parents can ________ (play) ping pong well.
【详解】句意:我父母乒乓球打得很好。play ping-pong“打乒乓球”,情态动词can后用动词原形,故填play。
78. Where is your brother I want _________(give)him a book.
【答案】to give
【详解】句意:你的哥哥在哪里?我想要给他一本书。根据句意“Where is your brother I want to give him a book.”可知,空缺处考查固定搭配want to do sth.“想要做某事”。故填 to give。
79. Look! My mother ________ (make) soup in the kitchen.
【答案】is making
【详解】句意:看!我妈妈正在厨房里熬汤。make soup“熬汤”,结合“Look!”可判断该句是现在进行时(be doing),主语是“My mother”。故填is making。
80. You are very good at ________ (sing). And you will be the most popular star.
【详解】句意:你很擅长唱歌。你会成为最受欢迎的明星。sing唱歌,根据“are very good at”可知,考查be good at doing“擅长做某事”,故填singing。
81. It is easy for us ________ (go) to school.
【答案】to go
【详解】句意:我们上学很容易。句子考查It is easy for sb. to do sth.表示“对某人来说做某事很容易”,这里用to引导的不定式短语,go的动词不定式为to go。故填to go。
82. Tom ________ (get) up early so he is the first to get to school every day.
【详解】句意:汤姆起得很早,所以他每天都是第一个到学校的。由every day可知,这里是一般现在时,主语Tom是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词用三单形式,get的三单为gets。故填gets。
83. My mom often does the ________ (dish) after dinner.
【详解】句意:我妈妈经常在晚饭后洗碗。dish“盘,待清洗的餐具”。此处填复数名词,泛指类别。do the dishes“洗碗”。故填dishes。
84. My sister is only years old. Mom has to help her get ________ (dress).
【详解】句意:我妹妹才几岁。妈妈必须帮她穿衣服。get dressed“穿衣服”,固定用法,过去分词作表语。故填dressed。
85. The teacher is ________ (friend) to us in our school.
【详解】句意:我们学校的老师对我们很友好。根据“is…to us”以及所给词可知,短语be friendly to“对……友好”符合题意。故填friendly。
Ⅶ.根据汉语意思, 完成英语句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分)
86. 在晚上,他要么看书,要么看电视。
In the evening, he ________ reads books ________ watches TV.
【答案】 ①. either ②. or
87. 李老师对每位学生要求严格。
Mr. Li is ________ every student.
【答案】strict with
【详解】be strict with“对……要求严格”,固定短语,故填strict with。
88. 不要砍伐树木。它们对我们有益。
Don’t ________ ________ trees. They’re good for us.
【答案】 ①. cut ②. down
【详解】cut down表示“砍下”,此处是祈使句的否定形式don’t+动词原形,故填cut;down。
89. 我爷爷年纪大了,他经常迷路。
My grandfather is old and he often ________ ________.
【答案】 ① gets ②. lost
【详解】he是主语,后接动词作谓语,根据often以及语境可知,句子使用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。get lost动词短语,意为“迷路”,故填gets;lost。
90. 我们必须准时做我们的家庭作业。
We must do our homework ________.
【答案】on time
【详解】对照中英文,设空处缺少on time“准时”,为固定短语。故填on time。
VIII.情景交际。(共5小题,每小题1分, 共5分)
A: Excuse me, Mary. Are you free now
B: Yes, I am. What can I do for you
A: ______91______
B: Let me see. Oh, it’s far from here.
A: ______92______
B: About five miles(英里). You can take a bus there.
A: ______93______
B: The No. 55 bus can take you there.
A: ______94______
B: It’s about half an hour.
A: ______95______
B: You’re welcome.
A. How far is it
B. Is it far from here
C. Thanks for your help.
D. Which(哪个) bus can I take
E. How long does it take to get there
F. Can you tell me how to get to the radio station
【答案】91. F 92. A 93. D 94. E 95. C
根据“What can I do for you ”以及“Let me see. Oh, it’s far from here.”可知此处是在询问如何到达一个地方。选项F“你能告诉我怎么去广播站吗?”符合语境,故选F。
根据“ About five miles(英里). You can take a bus there.”可知此处是询问距离,选项A“有多远?”符合语境,故选A。
根据“The No. 55 bus can take you there.”可知此处是在询问乘坐哪一个路公交车,选项D“我可以坐哪路公共汽车?”符合语境,故选D。
根据“ It’s about half an hour.”可知在询问要花费多少时间,选项E“到那里要多长时间?”符合语境,故选E。
根据“You’re welcome.”可知此处是表达感谢,选项C“谢谢你的帮助。”符合语境,故选C。
IX . 书面表达(10 分)
96. 假设你是Sarah,Peter 是你的美国网友。他最近发给你一封电子邮件,询向你的个人情况。请根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。
Name Sarah
are 13
from China
favorite subject English
favorite animals Pandas/cute, friendly
can do play basketball/play the piano
how to get to school On foot
1.不少于70词 (开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
Dear Peter,
Thanks for your e-mail. I am very happy to tell you something about myself.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Can I know more about you I wish to get your e-mail soon.
Dear Peter,
Thanks for your e-mail. I am very happy to tell you something about myself. My name is Sarah, and I’m 13. I am from China. I am a middle school student. My favorite subject is English because it is useful. I usually go to school on foot because it is green and healthy. On weekends, I usually go to the zoo to see animals because I like them. I like pandas best because they are cute and friendly. As a student, I don’t have many hobbies, I usually play basketball or play the piano after school. They help me feel relaxed.
Can I know more about you I wish to get your e-mail soon.
①go to school去上学
②play basketball打篮球
①My name is Sarah, and I’m 13.(and连接并列句)
②My favorite subject is English because it is useful.(because引导的原因状语从句)



