
1. This is ______ film that I’ve told you twice. I’ve never seen ______ more wonderful one.
A. a; an B. the; an C. the; a D. a; a
考查冠词。a一(表泛指,用于辅音音素前);an一(表泛指,用于元音音素前);the这/那(表特指)。第一空“This is...film that I’ve told you twice.”特指“告诉过你两次的那部电影”,应用定冠词the;第二空“I’ve never seen...more wonderful one.”则是泛指“一部更棒的电影”,more以辅音音素发音开头,应用不定冠词a。故选C。
2. —Have you finished your homework _______
—No, I haven’t finished it ________.
A. till; yet B. yet; already
C. yet; yet D. already; already
3. The new cinema in our city ______ for two months, but I ______ there.
A. has opened; haven’t been B. has been open; haven’t gone
C. has opened; haven’t gone D. has been open; haven’t been
考查现在完成时。根据时间状语“for two months” 可知谓语动词使用延续性动词,时态用现在完成时,open开始营业,非延续性动词,不能和一段时间连用。be open营业,延续性动词,所以第一个空格处填has been open;have gone to sp.已经去了某地,没有回来,说话人不在说话人地方;have been to sp.:去过某地,已经回来了,说话人在说话的地方,由语境可知此句说话人在说话的地方,用have been to sp.,there是地点副词,省略介词to。故选D。
4. There is too much homework for him and he doesn’t know ______.
A. what to do with B. what to do with it C. how to do with D. how to do with it
考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。根据“There is too much homework”结合选项可知,是指“不知道如何处理作业”,用what to do with it或how to deal with it来表示,故选B。
5. There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast, you will ______.
A. fall asleep B. fall behind C. fall over D. fall out
考查动词短语辨析。fall asleep入睡;fall behind落后;fall over摔跤;fall out掉落。根据“There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast, you will...”可知,地上雪多,骑得太快会摔倒。故选C。
6. His grandparents live ________in a small house, but they don’t feel ________.
A. lonely; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. alone; alone
7. —Must I hand in the homework as soon as I get to school
—No, you ______. You can ______ the homework for another day to check if there are any mistakes.
A. can’t; hand in B. don’t have to; hand in C. mustn’t; keep D. needn’t; keep
考查动词辨析。can’t不能;don’t have to不必;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不必;hand in上交;keep保留。根据“Must I hand in the homework as soon as I get to school ”可知,句子是含情态动词must的一般疑问句,否定回答用don’t have to或者needn’t;再根据“the homework for another day”可知,是指作业可以再保留一天。故选D。
8. Our teacher always tells us to finish our homework ______.
A. at a time B. at times C. on time D. at one time
考查介词短语。at a time每次;at times有时;on time按时;at one time一度。根据“finish our homework”可知是按时完成作业,故选C。
9. —Bob, I want to buy a car, but I don’t have enough money. Do you have any good ideas
—Why not buy a second one My cousin has a used car in perfect ______.
A. information B. pollution C. communication D. condition
【详解】句意:——鲍勃,我想买辆车,但是我没有足够的钱。你有什么好主意吗? ——为什么不买第二只呢?我表姐有一辆完好无损的二手车。
考查名词辨析。information信息;pollution污染;communication交流;condition状况。根据语境及“My cousin has a used car in perfect…”可知,此处是指车辆状况好,be in good condition“处于良好状态”符合语境。故选D。
10. — What a hot day! Would you please get me some drinks
— __________
A. That’s all right. B. With pleasure. C. It doesn’t matter. D. My pleasure.
考查交际运用。That’s all right.不要紧没关系。With pleasure.愿意效劳(用于别人请求你做某事,你很乐意去做的时候。)It doesn’t matter.没关系。My pleasure.别客气。(用来回答对方的感谢)。根据前句是别人的请求。故选B。
I grabbed some food and supplies and didn’t waste another minute. I hopped in the canoe and let it float down the river ____11____ me away.
Several miles downstream, I came up on Jackson Island. It was right in the ____12____ of the river. I steered the canoe up on the bank and ____13____ in the fresh air. It felt good to be ____14____ at last.
After a while I fetched my things from the canoe. I made a tent out of my ____15____ in case it rained. Near sundown I made a campfire. I caught a fish for my ____16____ and an extra one for my breakfast. Then I ____17____ back and counted the stars. I was there for about three days ____18____ and fishing and just being lazy. But later, I saw smoke coming from the other side of the island. I slipped ____19____ the trees and carefully made my way over to see ____20____ it was robbers or thieves.
I stayed behind some ____21____ at first, but then I decided to get a closer look. I saw a man stretched out with a blanket around his ____22____. I snuck up real quiet and waited. Pretty soon he stretched, ____23____ that blanket came off. That’s when I ____24____ his face. It was Miss Watson’s slave.
“Hello, Jim!” I said.
Jim bounced up and stared at me with ____25____ eyes. Then he dropped down on his knees, and put his hands together, saying, “Don’t hurt me! Please don’t! I’ve never done any harm to a ghost.”
11. A. driving B. carrying C. running D. stopping
12. A. front B. back C. way D. middle
13. A. breathed B. jumped C. sang D. danced
14. A. healthy B. excellent C. beautiful D. free
15. A. blankets B. clothes C. scarves D. coats
16. A. snacks B. food C. lunch D. supper
17. A. got B. ran C. lay D. sat
18. A. swimming B. hunting C. walking D. running
19. A. behind B. below C. through D. above
20. A. that B. if C. what D. why
21. A. flowers B. boats C. hills D. bushes
22. A. hand B. head C. arm D. foot
23. A. and B. or C. so D. but
24. A. found B. touched C. saw D. hit
25. A. wild B. happy C. good D. bright
【答案】11. B 12. D 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A
driving开车;carrying带;running跑;stopping阻止。根据“let it float down the river...me away.”可知是指独木舟带着作者顺流而下,故选B。
front前面;back后面;way方式;middle中间。根据“I steered the canoe up on the bank”可推知独木舟处于河中央,in the middle of“在……之间”,故选D。
breathed呼吸;jumped跳;sang唱歌;danced跳舞。根据“in the fresh air.”可知是指呼吸新鲜空气,故选A。
healthy健康的;excellent出色的;beautiful美丽的;free自由的。根据“It felt good to be”结合文章上下文可知作者来到了一个小岛,呼吸新鲜的空气,感到很自由,故选D。
blankets毯子;clothes衣服;scarves围巾;coats外套。根据“I made a tent out of my”可知应该是用毯子做个帐篷,故选A。
snacks小吃;food食物;lunch午餐;supper晚餐。根据“Near sundown I made a campfire”可知日落了应该是吃晚餐,故选D。
got得到;ran跑;lay躺;sat坐。根据“back and counted the stars.”可知是指躺下数星星,故选C。
behind在后面;below在下面;through通过;above在上面。根据“I slipped...the trees and carefully ”可知是指穿过树林,故选C。
that引导宾语从句无实际意义;if是否;what什么;why为什么。根据“see...it was robbers or thieves.”可知此处是宾语从句,这里应用if表示“是否”,故选B。
flowers花;boats船;hills小山;bushes灌木丛。根据“the trees”可知应该是在树林中的灌木丛后面,故选D。
hand手;head头;arm胳膊;foot脚。根据下文“that blanket came off. That’s when I...his face.”可知是指毯子从头上掉下来了,所以作者看清他的脸,故选B。
and和;or或者;so所以;but但是。根据“Pretty soon he stretched...that blanket came off.”可知伸懒腰和毛毯掉下来是并列关系,应用and,故选A。
found发现;touched触摸;saw看见;hit撞击。根据“That’s when I...his face. It was Miss Watson’s slave.”可知作者看到他的脸了,故选C。
wild狂暴的;happy开心的;good好的;bright明亮的。根据“Jim bounced up”以及“Don’t hurt me! Please don’t! I’ve never done any harm to a ghost”可知这个奴隶行为和眼神有点疯狂,故选A。
Have Fun & Learn in Little Rabbit
We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play, do homework, and learn after school. Experienced Teachers / Lunch & Snacks / Toys & Books Age 6 to 12 Our Programs: *Language * Math * Computer * Music Open 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Mon. to Fri. 26 Market Road, Star City (between First Street and Second Street, next to the Flower Market) Tel: 8765-4321
26. Who can have fun and learn in Little Rabbit
A. Mike, a school boy of 13. B. Mary, an eight-year-old girl.
C. Cathy an experienced teacher. D. Linda, a housewife without work.
27. Little Rabbit will be open for ________ in a week.
A. 4 hours B. 8 hours C. 20 hours D. 40 hours
28. Where’s Little Rabbit
A. It’s on Second Street. B. It’s on First Street.
C. It’s on Market Road. D. It’s in the Flower Market.
【答案】26. B 27. D 28. C
【导语】本文是Little Rabbit学习机构的广告。
细节理解题。根据“Age 6 to 12”可知,此处指岁数在6-12岁的小孩。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Open 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Mon. to Fri.”可知,每天营业8小时,周一到周五营业,所以每周共计营业时间为40小时。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“26 Market Road, Star City”可知,Little Rabbit的地点是在Market Road。故选C。
Ken and Anthony were childhood friends. They went to primary and high school together. They went to college in different states, and then they lost touch. That was twenty years ago.
One morning Ken was reading the newspaper with his morning coffee. Inside he saw a notice for a poetry reading at a nearby bookstore. He was surprised to find that the poet was none other than his friend Anthony. Ken decided to see what his friend was up to.
Ken sat in the last row of the area set up inside the bookstore. When Anthony was introduced and came up the podium, Ken hardly recognized him. Anthony was almost completely bald and had a little potbelly(大肚皮). When Anthony was in high school, he was very handsome. What Anthony had lost in looks was made up for in talent. Anthony’s poetry was quite good.
Anthony recognized(认出) Ken sitting in the back row. When the reading was over, Ken stood in line with the others waiting for Anthony to sign a copy of his book. When it was Ken’s turn, Anthony stood up and hugged his long lost friend. Anthony invited Ken to stay until he had finished signing books. Ken did, and the two men grabbed a cup of coffee at a nearby cafe.
Even though so many years had passed since the two had seen each other, both men had a lot in common. Both graduated from college with degrees in comparative literature (比较文学). Both went to graduate school. Anthony got his Master’s of Fine Art in writing. Ken went to law school. Both men married Mexican women. Both men also had sons that were only a year apart. Ken and Anthony decided not to lose touch again. They planned to meet once a month for breakfast on Saturdays.
29. Ken found his long lost friend from the ________.
A. radio B. TV C. magazine D. newspaper
30. How did Ken probably feel while seeing Anthony at the bookstore
A. Worried. B. Amazed. C. Frightened. D. Relaxed.
31. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Although Anthony was out of shape, he became wise and talented.
B. Anthony had changed a lot, for writing poetry needed lots of energy.
C. Although Anthony was bald and a little fat, he was still very handsome.
D. Anthony looked wise because he was completely bald and had a little potbelly.
32. What can be the best title for the passage
A. Childhood friends B. Childhood memories
C. Changes of friends D. Ways to get friends back
【答案】29 D 30. B 31. A 32. A
细节理解题。根据“One morning Ken was reading the newspaper with his morning coffee. Inside he saw a notice for a poetry reading at a nearby bookstore. He was surprised to find that the poet was none other than his friend Anthony”可知肯从报纸上发现了他失散多年的朋友。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“When Anthony was introduced and came up the podium, Ken hardly recognized him.”(当安东尼被介绍上台时,肯几乎认不出他来。)可知肯几乎认不出他了,因此可推知肯感到吃惊。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据“Anthony was almost completely bald and had a little potbelly(大肚皮). ”以及“Anthony’s poetry was quite good.”可知安东尼几乎完全秃顶,有一个小啤酒肚,但是安东尼的诗相当不错。因此划线部分的意思为“虽然安东尼的身材变形了,但他变得聪明而有才华。”,故选A。
① ChatGPT is back in the headlines (新闻头条)! OpenAI, the company behind the popular chatbot, has now introduced a powerful new language model: GPT-4.
② On March 14, GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than the previous GPT-3.5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger (充电器), GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny.
③ But GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there. The new language model can code (用代码编写) classic games like Tetris (俄罗斯方块) in a matter of minutes, and produce the code and layout (布局) for a website based on a hand-made drawing. It can also change the tone (语气) and style based on what you ask it to do. GPT-4 is much better than the older GPT at passing tests, which may worry teachers. According to CNN, GPT-4 did really well on a law school test, with a score in the top 10 percent of test takers. But GPT-3.5 only got a score in the bottom 10 percent.
④ GPT-4 will also see greater use as a tool to power other apps and services. For example, the language learning app Duolingo plans to use GPT-4 in their upcoming (即将到来的) Duolingo Max function (功能). Users can learn language by talking with AI. Another app, Be My Eyes, will have a digital (数字) assistant to help blind people better understand the world around them. The government of Iceland also plans to use GPT-4 to protect the language.
⑤ There are still problems with the new language model, however. GPT-4 still tries hard to get completely correct answers, especially with newer information after September 2021. GPT-4 also sometimes “hallucinates (产生幻觉)”, meaning that it will believe that wrong information is true.
33. What can we infer from Paragraph 2
A. GPT-3.5 cannot understand pictures. B. GPT-4 can respond in a fun way.
C. GPT-4 can tell if a phone is recharging (充电). D. GPT-4 can create funny pictures.
34. The phrase “in a matter of minutes” in paragraph 3 shows that _____.
A. games like Tetris are easy to code B. GPT-4 can code games like Tetris quickly
C. hand-made drawings help GPT-4 work better D. anyone can code games using GPT-4
35. What does the underlined word “assistant” in paragraph 4 mean
A. 图片 B. 相机 C. 助手 D. 机器
36. What’s the structure of the story
A. B. C. D.
【答案】33. A 34. B 35. C 36. A
推理判断题。根据第二段中“On March 14, GPT4 showed the world how smarter it is than the previous GP T-3.5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures.”可知,GPT-4可以理解图片,比GPT- 3.5要智能,即GPT- 3.5不能理解图片。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第三段中“But GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there. The new language model can code (用代码编写) classic games like Tetris (俄罗斯方块) in a matter of minutes, and produce the code and layout (布局) for a website based on a hand-made drawing.”可知,这种新的语言模型可以在几分钟内编写俄罗斯方块等经典游戏的代码,并根据手绘图纸为网站制作代码和布局。由此可推断出,第三段中“in a matter of minutes”表明的是GPT-4在几分钟之内就可以解码俄罗斯方块,速度很快。故选B。
词义猜测题。根据第四段中“Another app, Be My Eyes, will have a digital (数字) assistant to help blind people better understand the world around them.”可知,另一个应用程序“成为我的眼睛”将有一个数字助手,帮助盲人更好地了解周围的世界。由此可出,划线单词“assistant”最有可能的意思是“助手”。故选C。
The last Monday in March is an important day in China. It is a day for school safety education (教育). At school, the big accidents mainly are stampedes (踩踏), earthquakes and fires.
A stampede always happens in crowded places. When students around you begin to push stand there and try to hold onto something. If you fall down in the crowd, put your hands around your head. Move to one side, and bend (弯曲) your body and legs.
Earthquakes happen all over the world. When you feel everything is moving. quickly get under a desk and hold on. If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees, and power lines (电线). In Japan, many schools take earthquake drills (演练) once a month. They help students stay calm in a real earthquake.
When there’s a fire, leave the classroom quickly. It’s better to put something wet over your mouth and nose. This way, you won’t breathe in (吸入) smoke. When there’s a fire, people can’t jump out of the window from higher than two floors. They may hurt themselves. In the US, most school buildings have fire escapes. They are usually made of steel and lie outside the building.
People can get away from the fire and run outside through a special door or a window.
37. How many kinds of accidents are mentioned (被提及) in the article
38. How often does Japanese schools take earthquake drills
39. What are fire escapes usually made of
【答案】37. 3/Three.
38 Once a month.
39. Steel.
根据“At school, the big accidents mainly are stampedes (踩踏), earthquakes and fires.”可知有提到3种事故,故填3/Three.
根据“In Japan, many schools take earthquake drills (演练) once a month.”可知在日本,许多学校每月进行一次地震演习。故填Once a month.
根据“In the US, most school buildings have fire escapes. They are usually made of steel and lie outside the building.”可知它们通常是钢制的,放在大楼外面。故填Steel.
As time goes by, are you still the same person you were Many of you would think you are. ______40______ You could be a completely different person when you get old.
Psychologist (心理学家) at the UK’s University of Edinburgh did the research on a group of Scottish people. ______41______
In 1970, a group of teachers gave over 1200 14-year-old students personality tests. ______42______ They were self-confidence, sense of responsibility perseverance (耐心), strong wishes to win, creativity and moods (情绪).
In 2020, researchers successfully found 174 of those 1200 students and gave them a test similar to the one they had received before. They were surprised to find great changes to all six personality traits (特性) of these people. ______43______ lt was “as if the second test had been given to different people.”
In the past, personality was widely believed to be unchangeable. This new study may bring some fresh ideas to the world.
A. They tested six basic personality traits.
B. Then they compared the then-and-now test results.
C. But according to a new study, your personality can change greatly.
D. The younger and older self seemed to be totally different for each person.
E. The research found almost everyone's personality changed when they grew old.
F. The research found people changed nothing.
【答案】40. C 41. E 42. A 43. D
根据“You could be a completely different person when you get old.”可知,当你变老了,你可能完全不同了,因此表示你发生了变化。C项“但是根据一项新的研究,你的性格会有很大的改变。”与之相符,故选C。
根据“Psychologists (心理学家) at the UK’s University of Edinburgh did the research on a group of Scottish people.”可知,此处是英国心理学家做了一项研究,故此处介绍研究发现的内容,E项“研究发现,几乎每个人的性格都会随着年龄的增长而改变。”与之相符,故选E。
根据“In 1970, a group of teachers gave over 1,200 14-year-old students personality tests.”可知,此处介绍老师对学生的性格测试,故此处会介绍测试的内容,A项“他们测试了六种基本的人格特征。”与之相符,故选A。
根据“It was ‘as if the second test had been given to different people.’”可知,第二次测试仿佛是给不同的人进行的,因此每一个人年轻时的自己和年老时的自己是不同的。D项“对每个人来说,年轻的自己和年老的自己似乎都是完全不同的。”与之相符,故选D。
The Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in the world. The China Cultural Centre in Wellington joined one of the New Zealand’s _____44_____ (large) outdoor festivals CubaDupa in Wellington. It lasted _____45_____ March 27th to 28th.
The event attracted 1,750 artists and more than 200, 000 _____46_____ (visit), with about 500 performances (表演) held. It _____47_____ (break) the record among global (全球的) outdoor festivals already.
The _____48_____ (relax) performances of Chinese artists during the festival were very popular _____49_____ they performed Chinese folk music and lion dances. Gerry Paul, CubaDupa’s art director, said thousands of artists wished _____50_____ (be) back on the stage (舞台) through the festival. Because of the epidemic (疫情), many of them were _____51_____ (able) to hold shows.
The centre director Guo Zongguang said it was _____52_____ (exact) the first time the centre took part in the festival, and it could be _____53_____ chance to push for the cultural exchanges between the two nations.
【答案】44. largest
45. from 46. visitors
47. has broken
48. relaxing
49. because
50. to be 51. unable
52. exactly
53. a
句意:位于惠灵顿的中国文化中心加入了新西兰最大的户外节日之一——CubaDupa艺术节。“one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”为固定结构,表示“最……之一”,空处应填large的最高级形式。故填largest。
句意:活动吸引了1750名艺术家和20多万名游客。根据空前内容“The event attracted 1,750 artists and more than 200, 000”可知,此处指吸引了很多游客,空处应填可数名词复数,visit的名词复数形式visitors符合语境。故填visitors。
句意:它已经打破了全球户外节日的纪录。由关键词already可知句子应用现在完成时,且主语为It,助动词用has,break的过去分词形式为broken。故填has broken。
句意:CubaDupa的艺术总监格里·保罗说,成千上万的艺术家希望在艺术节期间重返舞台。wish to do sth.“希望做某事”,是固定短语。故填to be。
54. Shirley, would you mind ________ (预订) tickets of the music show for me
【详解】句意:雪莉,你介意帮我预订音乐会的票吗?book“预订”,是动词,mind doing sth.“介意做某事”,故填booking。
55. There is a modern cinema in the __________ (北方的) part of town.
56. I could hear the rain beating __________ (撞) the window at that time.
【详解】句意:那时我能听到雨水打在窗户上的声音。against“撞”,介词,beat against“拍打”,故填against。
57. An __________ (大批) of red crowned cranes fly from Zhalong to the south every November.
【详解】句意:每年11月,一批丹顶鹤从扎龙飞往南方。根据“An…of red crowned cranes fly from Zhalong to the south every November.”,结合中文提示可知,此处应该填入army,an army of “一批……”,固定搭配。故填army。
58. —If the lift doesn’t work, how can I go up and down
—Sorry. I don’t have any ideas __________ (也).
【详解】句意:——如果电梯坏了,我该怎么上下楼?——很抱歉,我也没有任何想法。根据中文提示及“I don’t have...”可知,在否定句中,“也”对应的表达是“either”,故填either。
59. 这些游客一下车就忍不住在海边拍起照来。
The tourists ________________ photos by the sea as soon as they _______________ the bus.
【答案】 ①. couldn’t stop taking ②. got off
【详解】根据英汉对照可知,空格处填“忍不住拍照”和“下车”;can’t stop doing sth.“忍不住做某事”,take photos“拍照”,get off“下车”;根据语境可知,这件事发生在过去,应用过去时。故填couldn’t stop taking;got off。
60. 休息过后,这个老人继续把羊绑在了树上。
After a rest, the old man ________________ to the tree.
【答案】continued tying the sheep
【详解】对比所给中英文可知,设空处为“继续把羊绑在”;continue doing sth.“继续做某事”,固定词组,句子时态为一般过去时,此处应用动词的过去式形式;tie“绑”;the sheep“羊”。故填continued tying the sheep。
61. 看巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下,是多么让人兴奋啊!
How exciting it is _________________________________________________ the darkness!
【答案】to see the huge glass ball falling through
【详解】结合中英文,此句表达的是“做某事让人……”,应用句型“It is adj. to do sth.”;表达“看到巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下”可用“see...doing”结构,the huge glass ball“巨大的玻璃球”,fall“落下”,through“穿过”。故填to see the huge glass ball falling through。
62. 自从他出国后,这个男人已经习惯了早起。
The man has _______________ since he _______________.
【答案】 ①. been used to getting up early ②. went abroad
【详解】be used to doing sth.“习惯做某事”;get up early“早起”;go abroad“出国”。根据“since he...”可知从句时态为一般过去时,动词go应用过去式;主句时态为现在完成时“have/has done”,be动词过去分词为been。故填been used to getting up early;went abroad。
63. 这些建议给我们开启了一个全新的世界吗
Has the _____________________________________________________________________
【答案】advice opened up a whole new world to us
【详解】根据句意、标点及“Has the...”可知,此句为一般疑问句,且时态为现在完成时,建议“advice”,为不可数名词;open up表示“开放,开启”;a whole new world“一个全新的世界”。给我们“to us”;谓语动词open需用过去分词opened。故填advice opened up a whole new world to us。
64. a, a, work, what, place, hard, after, will, be, good, to, relax, day’s 连词成句
【答案】What will be a good place to relax after a hard day’s work
【详解】根据所给标点符号可知,本句是疑问句。what是疑问词;will be是谓语动词;a good place是名词短语作表语;to relax是动词不定式作后置定语;after a hard day’s work作时间状语。故填What will be a good place to relax after a hard day’s work“辛苦工作一天后,哪里是放松的好地方”。
65. Known as “Dragon City”, Changzhou is an old city with a history of over 2500 years, and at the same time, a young city full of modern style and developing economy (经济). Please talk about the past and present of Changzhou and share your feelings about the changes.
Great changes have taken place in Changzhou. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Great changes have taken place in Changzhou. The roads here used to be narrow and bumpy. People traveled almost exclusively on foot or by bicycle. The roads are wide and flat now. People travel by bus or drive private cars. There used to be garbage everywhere. It’s a beautiful place now. There are birds singing and flowers everywhere. There are also many parks. People often go for a walk in the park after dinner. Now Changzhou is a very nice city. People live a happy and healthy life. I hope Changzhou can get better and better.
①used to be曾经是
②by bicycle骑自行车
③go for a walk去散步
①There are birds singing and flowers everywhere. (there be句型)
②I hope Changzhou can get better and better. (宾语从句)常州外国语学校2022-2023学年第二学期八年级期中质量调研英语
1. This is ______ film that I’ve told you twice. I’ve never seen ______ more wonderful one.
A. a; an B. the; an C. the; a D. a; a
2. —Have you finished your homework _______
—No I haven’t finished it ________.
A. till; yet B. yet; already
C. yet; yet D. already; already
3. The new cinema in our city ______ for two months, but I ______ there.
A. has opened; haven’t been B. has been open; haven’t gone
C. has opened; haven’t gone D. has been open; haven’t been
4. There is too much homework for him and he doesn’t know ______.
A. what to do with B. what to do with it C. how to do with D. how to do with it
5. There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast, you will ______.
A. fall asleep B. fall behind C. fall over D. fall out
6. His grandparents live ________in a small house, but they don’t feel ________.
A. lonely; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. alone; alone
7. —Must I hand in the homework as soon as I get to school
—No, you ______. You can ______ the homework for another day to check if there are any mistakes.
A. can’t; hand in B. don’t have to; hand in C. mustn’t; keep D. needn’t; keep
8. Our teacher always tells us to finish our homework ______.
A. at a time B. at times C. on time D. at one time
9. —Bob, I want to buy a car, but I don’t have enough money. Do you have any good ideas
—Why not buy a second one My cousin has a used car in perfect ______.
A. information B. pollution C. communication D. condition
10. — What a hot day! Would you please get me some drinks
— __________
A. That’s all right. B. With pleasure. C. It doesn’t matter. D. My pleasure.
I grabbed some food and supplies and didn’t waste another minute. I hopped in the canoe and let it float down the river ____11____ me away.
Several miles downstream, I came up on Jackson Island. It was right in the ____12____ of the river. I steered the canoe up on the bank and ____13____ in the fresh air. It felt good to be ____14____ at last.
After a while I fetched my things from the canoe. I made a tent out of my ____15____ in case it rained. Near sundown I made a campfire. I caught a fish for my ____16____ and an extra one for my breakfast. Then I ____17____ back and counted the stars. I was there for about three days ____18____ and fishing and just being lazy. But later, I saw smoke coming from the other side of the island. I slipped ____19____ the trees and carefully made my way over to see ____20____ it was robbers or thieves.
I stayed behind some ____21____ at first, but then I decided to get a closer look. I saw a man stretched out with a blanket around his ____22____. I snuck up real quiet and waited. Pretty soon he stretched, ____23____ that blanket came off. That’s when I ____24____ his face. It was Miss Watson’s slave.
“Hello, Jim!” I said.
Jim bounced up and stared at me with ____25____ eyes. Then he dropped down on his knees, and put his hands together, saying, “Don’t hurt me! Please don’t! I’ve never done any harm to a ghost.”
11. A. driving B. carrying C. running D. stopping
12. A. front B. back C. way D. middle
13. A. breathed B. jumped C. sang D. danced
14. A. healthy B. excellent C. beautiful D. free
15. A. blankets B. clothes C. scarves D. coats
16. A. snacks B. food C. lunch D. supper
17. A. got B. ran C. lay D. sat
18. A. swimming B. hunting C. walking D. running
19. A. behind B. below C. through D. above
20. A. that B. if C. what D. why
21. A. flowers B. boats C. hills D. bushes
22. A. hand B. head C. arm D. foot
23. A. and B. or C. so D. but
24. A. found B. touched C. saw D. hit
25. A. wild B. happy C. good D. bright
Have Fun & Learn in Little Rabbit
We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play, do homework, and learn after school. Experienced Teachers / Lunch & Snacks / Toys & Books Age 6 to 12 Our Programs: *Language * Math * Computer * Music Open 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Mon. to Fri. 26 Market Road, Star City (between First Street and Second Street next to the Flower Market) Tel: 8765-4321
26. Who can have fun and learn in Little Rabbit
A. Mike, a school boy of 13. B. Mary, an eight-year-old girl.
C. Cathy, an experienced teacher. D. Linda, a housewife without work.
27. Little Rabbit will be open for ________ in a week.
A. 4 hours B. 8 hours C. 20 hours D. 40 hours
28 Where’s Little Rabbit
A. It’s on Second Street. B. It’s on First Street.
C. It’s on Market Road. D. It’s in the Flower Market.
Ken and Anthony were childhood friends. They went to primary and high school together. They went to college in different states, and then they lost touch. That was twenty years ago.
One morning Ken was reading the newspaper with his morning coffee. Inside he saw a notice for a poetry reading at a nearby bookstore. He was surprised to find that the poet was none other than his friend Anthony. Ken decided to see what his friend was up to.
Ken sat in the last row of the area set up inside the bookstore. When Anthony was introduced and came up the podium, Ken hardly recognized him. Anthony was almost completely bald and had a little potbelly(大肚皮). When Anthony was in high school, he was very handsome. What Anthony had lost in looks was made up for in talent. Anthony’s poetry was quite good.
Anthony recognized(认出) Ken sitting in the back row. When the reading was over, Ken stood in line with the others waiting for Anthony to sign a copy of his book. When it was Ken’s turn, Anthony stood up and hugged his long lost friend. Anthony invited Ken to stay until he had finished signing books. Ken did, and the two men grabbed a cup of coffee at a nearby cafe.
Even though so many years had passed since the two had seen each other both men had a lot in common. Both graduated from college with degrees in comparative literature (比较文学). Both went to graduate school. Anthony got his Master’s of Fine Art in writing. Ken went to law school. Both men married Mexican women. Both men also had sons that were only a year apart. Ken and Anthony decided not to lose touch again. They planned to meet once a month for breakfast on Saturdays.
29. Ken found his long lost friend from the ________.
A. radio B. TV C. magazine D. newspaper
30. How did Ken probably feel while seeing Anthony at the bookstore
A. Worried. B. Amazed. C. Frightened. D. Relaxed.
31. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean
A. Although Anthony was out of shape, he became wise and talented.
B. Anthony had changed a lot, for writing poetry needed lots of energy.
C. Although Anthony was bald and a little fat, he was still very handsome.
D. Anthony looked wise because he was completely bald and had a little potbelly.
32. What can be the best title for the passage
A. Childhood friends B. Childhood memories
C. Changes of friends D. Ways to get friends back
① ChatGPT is back in the headlines (新闻头条)! OpenAI, the company behind the popular chatbot, has now introduced a powerful new language model: GPT-4.
② On March 14, GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than the previous GPT-3.5. One of its best new features is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger (充电器), GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny.
③ But GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there. The new language model can code (用代码编写) classic games like Tetris (俄罗斯方块) in a matter of minutes, and produce the code and layout (布局) for a website based on a hand-made drawing. It can also change the tone (语气) and style based on what you ask it to do. GPT-4 is much better than the older GPT at passing tests, which may worry teachers. According to CNN, GPT-4 did really well on a law school test, with a score in the top 10 percent of test takers. But GPT-3.5 only got a score in the bottom 10 percent.
④ GPT-4 will also see greater use as a tool to power other apps and services. For example, the language learning app Duolingo plans to use GPT-4 in their upcoming (即将到来的) Duolingo Max function (功能). Users can learn language by talking with AI. Another app, Be My Eyes, will have a digital (数字) assistant to help blind people better understand the world around them. The government of Iceland also plans to use GPT-4 to protect the language.
⑤ There are still problems with the new language model, however. GPT-4 still tries hard to get completely correct answers, especially with newer information after September 2021. GPT-4 also sometimes “hallucinates (产生幻觉)”, meaning that it will believe that wrong information is true.
33. What can we infer from Paragraph 2
A. GPT-3.5 cannot understand pictures. B. GPT-4 can respond in a fun way.
C. GPT-4 can tell if a phone is recharging (充电). D. GPT-4 can create funny pictures.
34. The phrase “in a matter of minutes” in paragraph 3 shows that _____.
A. games like Tetris are easy to code B. GPT-4 can code games like Tetris quickly
C. hand-made drawings help GPT-4 work better D. anyone can code games using GPT-4
35. What does the underlined word “assistant” in paragraph 4 mean
A. 图片 B. 相机 C. 助手 D. 机器
36. What’s the structure of the story
A. B. C. D.
The last Monday in March is an important day in China. It is a day for school safety education (教育). At school, the big accidents mainly are stampedes (踩踏), earthquakes and fires.
A stampede always happens in crowded places. When students around you begin to push, stand there and try to hold onto something. If you fall down in the crowd, put your hands around your head. Move to one side, and bend (弯曲) your body and legs.
Earthquakes happen all over the world. When you feel everything is moving. quickly get under a desk and hold on. If you are outdoors, find a place away from buildings, trees, and power lines (电线). In Japan, many schools take earthquake drills (演练) once a month. They help students stay calm in a real earthquake.
When there’s a fire, leave the classroom quickly. It’s better to put something wet over your mouth and nose. This way, you won’t breathe in (吸入) smoke. When there’s a fire, people can’t jump out of the window from higher than two floors. They may hurt themselves. In the US, most school buildings have fire escapes. They are usually made of steel and lie outside the building.
People can get away from the fire and run outside through a special door or a window.
37. How many kinds of accidents are mentioned (被提及) in the article
38. How often does Japanese schools take earthquake drills
39. What are fire escapes usually made of
As time goes by, are you still the same person you were Many of you would think you are. ______40______ You could be a completely different person when you get old.
Psychologist (心理学家) at the UK’s University of Edinburgh did the research on a group of Scottish people. ______41______
In 1970, a group of teachers gave over 1200 14-year-old students personality tests. ______42______ They were self-confidence, sense of responsibility perseverance (耐心), strong wishes to win, creativity and moods (情绪).
In 2020, researchers successfully found 174 of those 1200 students and gave them a test similar to the one they had received before. They were surprised to find great changes to all six personality traits (特性) of these people. ______43______ lt was “as if the second test had been given to different people.”
In the past, personality was widely believed to be unchangeable. This new study may bring some fresh ideas to the world.
A They tested six basic personality traits.
B. Then they compared the then-and-now test results.
C. But according to a new study, your personality can change greatly.
D. The younger and older self seemed to be totally different for each person.
E. The research found almost everyone's personality changed when they grew old.
F. The research found people changed nothing.
The Chinese culture is becoming more and more popular in the world. The China Cultural Centre in Wellington joined one of the New Zealand’s _____44_____ (large) outdoor festivals CubaDupa in Wellington. It lasted _____45_____ March 27th to 28th.
The event attracted 1,750 artists and more than 200, 000 _____46_____ (visit), with about 500 performances (表演) held. It _____47_____ (break) the record among global (全球的) outdoor festivals already.
The _____48_____ (relax) performances of Chinese artists during the festival were very popular _____49_____ they performed Chinese folk music and lion dances. Gerry Paul, CubaDupa’s art director, said thousands of artists wished _____50_____ (be) back on the stage (舞台) through the festival. Because of the epidemic (疫情), many of them were _____51_____ (able) to hold shows.
The centre director Guo Zongguang said it was _____52_____ (exact) the first time the centre took part in the festival, and it could be _____53_____ chance to push for the cultural exchanges between the two nations.
54. Shirley, would you mind ________ (预订) tickets of the music show for me
55. There is a modern cinema in the __________ (北方的) part of town.
56. I could hear the rain beating __________ (撞) the window at that time.
57. An __________ (大批) of red crowned cranes fly from Zhalong to the south every November.
58. —If the lift doesn’t work, how can I go up and down
—Sorry. I don’t have any ideas __________ (也).
59. 这些游客一下车就忍不住在海边拍起照来。
The tourists ________________ photos by the sea as soon as they _______________ the bus.
60. 休息过后,这个老人继续把羊绑在了树上。
After a rest, the old man ________________ to the tree.
61. 看巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下,是多么让人兴奋啊!
How exciting it is _________________________________________________ the darkness!
62. 自从他出国后,这个男人已经习惯了早起。
The man has _______________ since he _______________.
63. 这些建议给我们开启了一个全新的世界吗
Has the _____________________________________________________________________
64. a, a, work, what, place, hard, after, will, be, good, to, relax, day’s 连词成句
65. Known as “Dragon City”, Changzhou is an old city with a history of over 2500 years, and at the same time, a young city full of modern style and developing economy (经济). Please talk about the past and present of Changzhou and share your feelings about the changes.
Great changes have taken place in Changzhou. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



