
1.B 2.D 3.A
细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Within two to three days after the interview, the advisor will be in touch by email to let you know if your application has been successful.(在面试后的两到三天内,指导老师会通过电子邮件通知你是否申请成功)”可知,在面试后两到三天内可以知道面试的结果,也就是申请是否成功。故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章第三段“To confirm your placement in our program, you’ll need to reply to our letter of offer and pay your agreed program deposit.(为了确认您在我们项目中的安排,您需要回复我们的通知书并支付您同意的项目押金)”可知,为了确认信息,需要支付项目押金。故选D。
推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Our support doesn’t end when you arrive. We are as dedicated to ensuring you have around the clock support for the duration of your stay as we do in getting you here. Your journey will include your paid internship, accommodation, language courses, cultural experiences, tours, and networking.(我们的支持不会随着你的到来而结束。我们致力于确保您在入住期间得到24小时的支持,就像我们把您送到这里一样。你的旅程将包括带薪实习、住宿、语言课程、文化体验、旅游和社交)”以及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了来中国旅游的四个简单的步骤,由此可以判断,本文是来中国的旅游指南。故选A。
4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C
4.细节理解题。根据第三段“I was more than happy to do it. At age five, this kind of task brought me such joy.(我非常乐意这么做。在五岁的时候,这种任务给我带来了如此多的快乐)”可知,作者小时候与父亲的相处是非常愉快的。故选A。
5.细节理解题。根据第四段“Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky.(爸爸的生意不太好,我们稳定的生活开始变得不稳定)”以及“Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job Why take the risk and place the whole family in trouble (他为什么不听妈妈的话,继续干他原来的工作呢?为什么要冒这个险,让全家人陷入麻烦?)”可知,因为爸爸的工作,我们之前的生活是稳定的,后来爸爸想要让家庭生活变得更好,因此辞职创业。故选D。
6.推理判断题。根据第三段“I was more than happy to do it. At age five, this kind of task brought me such joy.(我非常乐意这么做。在五岁的时候,这种任务给我带来了如此多的快乐)”;第四段“And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad.(当他回家时,总是很晚,而我已经上床睡觉了。我开始生气了)”以及最后一段“He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was still as heartwarming as before.(他看着它,笑了。但这一次,我注意到了一些不同。我父亲老了。他笑的时候眼角有了皱纹,但他的笑容还是像以前一样暖心)”可推知,作者这些年和爸爸在一起的情感变化是快乐→生气→温暖。故选A。
7.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb and car keys. They would always occupy the same spot on the table every time.(我最早的一些记忆是每天晚上当我父亲从办公室回家时,他都坐在他的书房里。我看着他把他的私人物品放好:他的手表、钱包、梳子和车钥匙。每次他们总是占据桌子上的同一个位置)”结合本文以一把梳子为线索,讲述了作者小时候喜欢在晚上给父亲清理梳子,后来爸爸想要让家庭生活变得更好,因此辞职创业,和作者的关系也疏远了,后来作者长大了找到了一份工作最终理解了父亲。可知,C选项“晚上和爸爸在一起”最符合文章标题。故选C。
8.C 9.B 10.C 11.A
这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了斯坦福大学的学生Millie Salvato研究出了一种可穿戴的袖子,它可以模拟人类的触摸并通过电子方式传递社交信息。
8.细节理解题。根据第二段“In each test, one person wore a pressure-sensing device on an arm, and another touched it to respond to six different scenes: attention seeking, gratitude, happiness, calming, love and sadness. (在每次测试中,一个人在手臂上佩戴压力感应装置,另一个人触摸它以应对六个不同的场景:寻求关注、感激、幸福、平静、爱和悲伤)”可知,在研究中,参与者要求对不同的情境做出回应。故选C。
9.推理判断题。根据第一段“Distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has made both physical and social connections a touch more difficult to maintain. For Stanford University student Millie Salvato, being apart from her friend on the opposite coast has proved challenging. Sometimes a text or video call is not enough, and people in Salvato’s situation often long for a way to send a comforting hug from afar.(在新冠期间,保持社交距离使得身体上和社会上的联系更难以维持。对于斯坦福大学的学生Millie Salvato来说,与远在大洋彼岸的朋友分开是一种挑战。有时候一个短信或者视频通话远远不够,跟Salvato相同处境的人经常渴望一种能从远方送一个安慰的拥抱的方式)”可知,她和她的同事发明了一种可穿戴的袖子是因为想要模仿人类接触并能以电子方式发送社交信息。故选B。
10.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Gerling, a touch researcher at Harvard who was not involved in the study, said the invention was really surprising. But the study was small and needs to cover far larger groups of people to determine exactly which are the most desirable responses. (哈佛大学的一名没有参与这项研究的触摸研究人员Gerling说,这项发明真的很令人惊讶。但这项研究规模较小,需要覆盖更大的人群,以确定哪些是最理想的反应)”可知,Gerling建议做更深入的研究。故选C。
11.主旨大意题。根据第一段“In a new study detailed in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, she and her colleagues demonstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate (模拟) human touch and convey social messages sent electronically (《IEEE触觉论汇刊》中详细介绍了一项新研究,她和她的同事展示了一种可穿戴的袖子,它可以模拟人的触摸并通过电子方式传递社交信息)”以及第二段““The instant it received signals, I could feel the touch and identify its intended meaning.”One participant reported. (一位参与者报告说:“它一收到信号,我就能感觉到那种触摸,并识别出它的意图”)”可知,本文主要讲的是电子套袖有助于感受虚拟触感。所以,用A项“Electronic Sleeves Helping Feel Virtual Touch”作为本文标题,与文章主题相符合。故选A。
12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C
12.细节理解题。根据第二段“The psychologist Piaget suggested an interesting hypothesis (假说) relating to the process of cognitive (认知的) change in children. Cognitive change was expected to result from the pupils’ own intellectual activity.(心理学家皮亚杰提出了一个关于儿童认知变化过程的有趣假设。认知的改变是由学生自己的智力活动引起的)”可知,皮亚杰认为认知的进步主要依靠儿童自身的智力活动。故选D项。
13.细节理解题。根据第三段“Piaget’s hypothesis about how cognitive change occurs was later translated into an educational approach which is now termed “discovery learning”. Discovery learning initially took what is now considered the “lone learners” route.(皮亚杰关于认知变化如何发生的假设后来被翻译成一种教育方法,现在被称为“发现式学习”。发现式学习最初采取的是现在被认为是“单独学习者”的路线)”可知,单独学习者路线是一种在早期发现式学习中采用的教育方法。故选A项。
14.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Christine Howe and her colleagues, for example, have compared children’s progress in understanding several types of science concepts when they are given the opportunity to observe relevant events. In one study, Howe compared the progress of 8 to 12-year-old children in understanding what influences motion down a slope.(例如,Christine Howe和她的同事们比较了孩子们在有机会观察相关事件时,在理解几种科学概念方面的进展。在一项研究中,Howe比较了8到12岁儿童在理解是什么影响了他们从斜坡上滑下来方面的进展)”可知,Howe对8到12岁儿童的实验是对孩子们理解物理现象的能力进行了评估。故选B项。
15.推理判断题。根据最后一段“In order to figure out the role of conflict in group work, they created two kinds of groups according to a pre-test: one in which the children had dissimilar views, and a second in which the children had similar views.(为了弄清楚冲突在小组工作中的作用,他们根据预先测试创建了两种小组:一种是孩子们有不同的观点,另一种是他们有相似的观点)”以及“However, they found no evidence to support the idea that the children worked out their new conceptions during their group discussions, because progress was not actually observed in a post-test immediately after the sessions of group work, but rather in a second test given around four weeks after the group work.(然而,他们没有发现证据支持孩子们在小组讨论中形成新概念的观点,因为实际上在小组工作后立即进行的测试中并没有观察到进步,而是在小组工作后四周进行的第二次测试中观察到进步)”可知,孩子们总共接受了三次测试。故选C项。
16.F 17.D 18.G 19.A 20.B
16.根据后文“But a recent study found more than 17,000 bacterial gene copies on the phones of high school students. (但最近的一项研究发现,高中生的手机上有超过1.7万个细菌基因拷贝。)”可知,本句主要引出后文关于手机上有多少细菌的话题,故F选项“关于平均一部手机上有多少细菌的研究各不相同。”符合语境,故选F。
17.根据上文“One of the worst places to use cell phones is in the bathroom. (卫生间是最不适合使用手机的地方之一。)”可知,本句承接上文,继续说明为什么卫生间是最不适合使用手机的地方之一。故D选项“厕所冲水时,细菌四处传播。”符合语境,故选D。
18.根据上文“While many of us wash our hands regularly after going to the bathroom, we seldom consider washing our hands after touching our phones. (虽然我们中的许多人经常在上完厕所后洗手,但我们很少考虑在接触手机后洗手。)”以及下一段“You can use alcohol-based wipes or sprays to clean your phone regularly. (你可以定期使用含酒精的湿巾或喷雾剂清洁手机。)”可知,本句与上文构成转折,指出可以避免手机上的细菌。故G选项“幸运的是,有一些简单的方法可以避免手机上的细菌。”符合语境,故选G。
19.根据上文“You can use alcohol-based wipes or sprays to clean your phone regularly. They need to contain at least 70% alcohol to disinfect phone casings and touch screens. (你可以定期使用含酒精的湿巾或喷雾剂清洁手机。它们需要含有至少70%的酒精来消毒手机壳和触摸屏。)”可知,上文提到了用酒精给手机消毒,故本句承接上文,说明消毒的频率。故A选项“如果可能的话,每天都做。”符合语境,故选A。
20.根据后文“Get in the habit of putting your phone away when it’s not in use, then cleaning your hands. When not at home, keep your phone in your pocket or bag. Use a disposable paper list of to-do items, rather than constantly consulting your phone. (养成不使用手机时把它收起来的习惯,然后洗手。不在家的时候,把手机放在口袋或包里。使用一张一次性的待办事项清单,而不是不断地查看你的手机。)”可知,本段主要关于如何使用手机来避免细菌。故B选项“如何使用手机也很关键。”符合语境,故选B。
21.B 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.C 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D 31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.A 36.C 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.A
21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Queen 3岁的时候,在那漫长的月份里,她仍然一次又一次地被忽视。A. cared关心;B. ignored忽视;C. visited拜访;D. admired钦佩。由上文“If seven days of living with noisy dogs seems like a lot, imagine being there for 400. That’s how long a little dog named Queen lived inside a shelter. (如果和吵闹的狗一起生活七天似乎很多,想象一下在那里呆400天。这就是一只名叫Queen的小狗在收容所里生活的时间)”可知,Queen在收容所里呆了400天,说明狗狗没被领养走,被人忽视了。故选B项。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后Scott Poore决定帮忙。A. help帮助;B. quit停止;C. leave离开;D. wait等待。由下文“After he met her, he was even more determined to help her (在见到她之后,他更加坚定地帮助她)”可知,Scott Poore决定帮助狗狗。故选A项。
23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:斯科特经营着一个组织,为动物收容所筹集资金。A. shelter收容所;B. hospital医院;C. zoo动物园;D. organization组织。由下文“that creates fundraisers to help animal shelters”和“his charity (他的慈善机构)”可知,斯科特经营着一个慈善组织。故选D项。
24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他听说Queen在收容所住了这么长时间后变得多么沮丧时,他决定尽他所能引起人们对这只不幸的狗的注意。A. fierce凶猛的;B. depressed沮丧的;C. noisy吵闹的;D. old老旧的。由上文语境可知,Queen在收容所里呆了400天,一直没被领养走,狗狗肯定心情沮丧。故选B项。
25.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他听说Queen在收容所住了这么长时间后变得多么沮丧时,他决定尽他所能引起人们对这只不幸的狗的注意。A. brave勇敢的;B. scared害怕的;C. unfortunate不幸的;D. disabled有残疾的。由上文语境可知,无家可归的Queen在收容所里呆了400天,一直没被领养走,这是一只不幸的狗狗。故选C项。
26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在见到她之后,他更加坚定地帮助她找到永远的家。A. partner伙伴;B. friendship友谊;C. home家;D. memory记忆。由下文“a father and son saw a report about Queen and her new roommate and decided to   11   and take her home (一对父子看到了一篇关于Queen和她的新室友的报道,决定……并带她回家)”可知,斯科特要帮在收容所里呆了400天的无家可归的狗狗Queen找到永远的家。故选C项。
27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他公开搬进Queen的狗窝后,他最终花了很多时间和她一对一生活。A. moved搬进;B. broke打破;C. transformed使改变;D. looked看。由下文“during his days in the kennel (他在狗窝里的日子里)”和“a father and son saw a report about Queen and her new roommate and decided to   11   and take her home (一对父子看到了一篇关于Queen和她的新室友的报道,决定……并带她回家)”可知,Queen的新室友指的就是斯科特,可得出斯科特搬进了Queen的狗窝。故选A项。
28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:正如你所能想象的,动物收容所不是一个休息的好地方。A. tell告诉;B. describe描述;C. imagine想象;D. see看。由下文“animal shelters are not a great place to get any rest”可知,动物收容所不是一个休息的好地方,这是人们可以想象到的。故选C项。
29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:斯科特承认,他在狗窝里的日子里几乎没有睡觉。A. changed改变;B. slept睡觉;C. engaged从事;D. declined下降。由上文“animal shelters are not a great place to get any rest (动物收容所不是一个能休息的好地方)”可知,斯科特在狗窝里的日子里几乎没有睡觉。故选B项。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但斯科特的所有努力都得到了回报,一对父子看到了一篇关于女王和她的新室友的报道,决定站出来带她回家。A. witnessed目击;B. recorded记录;C. reported报道;D. rewarded奖励,回报。由上文“he decided to do what he could to draw some attention to the   5   dog (他决定尽他所能引起人们对这只不幸的狗的注意)”和下文“a father and son saw a report about Queen and her new roommate and decided to   11   and take her home (一对父子看到了一篇关于Queen和她的新室友的报道,决定……并带她回家)”可知,斯科特搬进狗窝是为了引起人们对Queen的注意,以至于领养Queen,现在有家庭领养Queen了,斯科特的所有努力都得到了回报。故选D项。
31.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但斯科特的所有努力都得到了回报,一对父子看到了一篇关于女王和她的新室友的报道,决定站出来带她回家。A. give up放弃;B. step up走上前去;C. come back回来;D. hold on继续。由下文“take her home”可知,有家庭领养Queen了,说明有家庭站了出来,给与Queen一个家。故选B项。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:至于他为什么不亲自收养Queen,他提醒人们,他的慈善机构每天都会接触到这么多可怜的动物。A. protect保护;B. fetch取来;C. train训练;D. adopt收养。由本处语境可知,人们质疑爱狗的斯科特为什么不亲自收养Queen。故选D项。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:至于他为什么不亲自收养Queen,他提醒人们,他的慈善机构每天都会接触到这么多可怜的动物。A. poor可怜的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. rare稀有的;D. unusual不寻常的。由上文“Scott runs a(n)   3   that creates fundraisers to help animal shelters. (斯科特经营着一个组织,为动物收容所筹集资金)”可知,斯科特是在帮助无家可归、可怜的狗狗。故选A项。
34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一旦Queen找到了她的家人,这位狗狗的爱好者就继续寻找下一只急需他的动物。A. owner主人;B. expert专家;C. follower爱好者;D. advocate拥护者。由上文“Scott runs a(n)   3   that creates fundraisers to help animal shelters. (斯科特经营着一个组织,为动物收容所筹集资金)”可知,斯科特是在帮助无家可归、可怜的狗狗,是一位狗狗的爱好者。故选C项。
35.考查副词词义辨析。句意:一旦Queen找到了她的家人,这位狗狗的爱好者就继续寻找下一只急需他的动物。A. desperately绝望地、极度地;B. continuously连续不断地;C. initially最初;D. gradually渐渐。由上文讲斯科特帮在收容所里呆了400天的无家可归的狗狗Queen找到永远的家,可知斯科特会帮助急需他的动物。故选A项。
36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他解释道:“帮助我度过工作中情绪化的一面的是,我很快就找到了下一只需要我帮助的动物。”A. injury损伤;B. hunger饥饿;C. side方面;D. burden负担。由本处语境可知,此处指这份工作中的情感方面的影响。故选C项。
37.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们非常感谢像Scott Poore这样的人为那些不能发声的动物发声。A. familiar熟悉的;B. devoted忠诚的;C. grateful感激的;D. friendly友好的。由下文“people like Scott Poore”可知,人们感激像斯科特这样帮助狗狗的好心人。故选C项。
38.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们非常感谢像Scott Poore这样的人为那些没有声音的人发声。A. apologizing to想……道歉;B. cheering up振作起来;C. listening to倾听;D. speaking for为……说话。由下文“those without voices”可知,狗狗不会说话,斯科特住进狗窝来引起人们对无家可归狗狗Queen的注意,以便Queen被领养,他在为狗狗发声。故选D项。
39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:愿意为了动物的幸福而放弃自己的舒适是一种终极的好事。A. dream梦想;B. comfort舒适;C. career事业;D. hobby业余爱好。由上文语境可知,斯科特住进狗窝来引起人们对无家可归狗狗Queen的注意,是放弃了自己的舒适。故选B项。
40.考查名词词义辨析。句意:愿意为了动物的幸福而放弃自己的舒适是一种终极的好事。A. deed行为;B. goal目标;C. cure治疗;D. choice选择。由上文语境可知,斯科特放弃舒适,住进狗窝来引起人们对无家可归狗狗Queen的注意,以便Queen被领养,在做好事。故选A项。
41.in 42.is blocked 43.sizes 44.attention 45.To catch 46.truly 47.and 48.regarded 49.where 50.containing
41.考查介词。句意:对敦煌丰富多彩的历史感兴趣的人会被莫高窟吸引,莫高窟是这座城市的主要景点之一。be interested in…是固定搭配,意为“对……感兴趣”。故填in。
42.考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:每个洞穴的入口都被一扇锁着的门堵住了,只有专业的导游才能打开。分析句子可知,block“阻塞”是句中谓语动词,与主语The entrance“入口”之间是被动关系,描述客观事实,应使用一般现在时态,又因主语是单数名词,所以谓语动词也应使用单数形式。故填is blocked。
44.考查名词。句意:洞穴里有成千上万无价的手稿和丝绸画,它们一经发现,就引起了人们对该地区的极大关注。设空处作宾语,用不可数名词attention;draw attention to…“引起对……的注意”。故填attention。
45.考查非谓语动词。句意:要看这令人难以置信的景色,你必须早起。catch this incredible scene是rise early的目的,用不定式作目的状语。故填To catch。
47.考查连词。句意:从骆驼上下来,走上一个相当陡峭的沙丘,俯瞰新月湖。Get off the camels和walk up a rather steep dune是顺承关系,用并列连词and连接。故填and。
48.考查非谓语动词。句意:从这个被认为是最好的位置,不可思议的日落是令人敬畏的。regard as the best one作非限制性后置定语,regard“认为,把……看作”是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语position之间是被动关系,用过去分词表被动。故填regarded。
49.考查定语从句。句意:不去敦煌博物馆,你的敦煌之旅就不完整,在那里,你可以把这座城市的所有历史遗迹都置于适当的历史背景中。分析句子可知,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词the Dunhuang Museum作补充说明,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,表示“在敦煌”,应使用关系副词where引导该从句。故填where。
50.考查非谓语动词。句意:博物馆很宽敞,包含许多原创艺术品。contain many original artworks作伴随状语,contain“包含”是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语The museum之间是主动关系,用现在分词表主动。故填containing。
51.1. became→becomes
2. obviously→obvious
3. resource→resources
4. Otherwise→However
5. that→what
6. for→of
7. 在enhance前加to
8. engaged→engaging
9.删除 which
10. they→we
【详解】1.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:随着在线学习的普及,我们享受着它的便利,但也面临着挑战。由主句动词enjoy和face可知,该句应为一般现在时,结合从句主语online learning为第三人称单数意义名词,所以谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故将became改为becomes。
6.考查固定短语。句意:我们还应该充分利用技术的优势,比如利用工具来加强学习,避免分心。分析句子可知,此处为固定短语make full use of“充分利用”,满足句意要求。故将for改为of。
7.考查固定短语。句意:我们还应该充分利用技术的优势,比如利用工具来加强学习,避免分心。分析句子可知,此处为固定短语use sth. to do sth.“使用某物做某事”,所以此处应在enhance前加to。故在enhance前加to。
9.考查动词。句意:此外,参与在线讨论和寻求同伴的帮助可以弥补面对面交流的不足。分析句子结构可知, engaging in online discussions and seeking help from peers作句子主语,谓语动词为can make up for,所以为其前面的which多余。故将which删除。
As people’s pace of life is getting faster and faster, ready-made meals begin to emerge on the market and are served on the dinner table. However, they should be forbidden to enter the campus for the following reasons.
First of all, it is difficult to secure food safety for lack of a universal standard for ready-to-eat meals, which would raise concerns from both students and parents. Besides, they can’t provide enough nutrition which students need for their growth and development, because the processing method increases nutrition loss.
As mentioned above, ready-made food is not the best choice for students, so I am strongly against the idea of it entering the campus.
首先:first of all→to begin with
另外:besides→in addition
2. 句式拓展
原句:As people’s pace of life is getting faster and faster, ready-made meals begin to emerge on the market and are served on the dinner table.
拓展句:As people’s pace of life is getting faster and faster, ready-made meals, which have started to emerge on the market, are increasingly being served on the dinner table.
【点睛】[高分句型1]First of all, it is difficult to secure food safety for lack of a universal standard for ready-to-eat meals, which would raise concerns from both students and parents.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]Besides, they can’t provide enough nutrition which students need for their growth and development, because the processing method increases nutrition loss.(which引导的定语从句和because引导原因状语从句)
英 语
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.Who made Mike love skateboarding
A.Catherine. B.John. C.Lucy.
2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Boss and employee. B.Teacher and parent. C.Business partners.
3.Where are the speakers now
A.At an airport. B.In a railway station. C.On a flight.
4.How does the man feel now
A.Excited. B.Tired. C.Bored.
5.Why does the man look different now according to himself
A.He lost weight. B.He got older. C.He had a haircut.
第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.How many friends does the man want to invite to the party
A.14. B.25. C.13.
7.Why is Matt mentioned in the conversation
A.He suggests the idea of the party.
B.He will help with the man’s party.
C.He had a big birthday party last year.
8.What is the main industry in the woman’s hometown now
A.Fishing. B.Sheep farming. C.Potato growing.
9.What does the man think of the woman’s hometown
A.It’s recommended for travelling.
B.It’s a place with pleasant weather.
C.It’s not a good place to make a living.
10.Who works with cars
A.Phil. B.Chris. C.The man.
11.What does the man want in the apartment
A.Two bedrooms.
B.A bathroom with a shower.
C.Two bathrooms and a kitchen.
12.Which part of the city does the man like to live in
A.The north. B.The west. C.The east.
13.Who is the man
A.A host. B.A farmer. C.A businessman.
14.Why did the woman start the Food Exchange
A.To save money. B.To avoid wasting food. C.To bring people together.
15.Where is the Food Exchange
A.In a supermarket. B.In a backyard. C.By the roadside.
16.What does the woman bring to the Food Exchange
A.Jam. B.Dried fruit. C.Fresh vegetables.
17.What do we know about FLVS
A.It is a public school.
B.Its teachers are virtual.
C.It’s USA’s largest school.
18.What can we say about the courses offered by FLVS
A.Cheap. B.Flexible. C.Academic.
19.How many options are there to take the courses at FLVS
A.2. B.3. C.4.
20.What should he do if Tom wants to attend FLVS as a home-school student
A.Prove he’s 18. B.Pass an exam online. C.Get parents’ permission.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Four Easy Steps to Go Abroad China
Apply online
Review program info and complete our online application form to get the ball rolling.
Application Assessment
You will have a 15-min Skype interview with your program advisor to discuss your motivation, goals, needs, destination and duration. From this, we can make sure we tailor the right service package for you. We’ll also know if this is the right program for you. Within two to three days after the interview, the advisor will be in touch by email to let you know if your application has been successful. If so, we’ll send you a formal offer.
To confirm your placement in our program, you’ll need to reply to our letter of offer and pay your agreed program deposit. Once this has been done, we’ll send you all the documents you need: your contract and all the required documents for your visa application as well as your pre-departure package via email, which contains all the information you’ll need regarding your trip and stay in China.
Start your wonderful China journey
Once your flights have been booked, let us know your arrival details (date and time, flight number) so that we can organize airport pick-up. we’ll be excited to welcome you to our program in person!
Our support doesn’t end when you arrive. We are as dedicated to ensuring you have around the clock support for the duration of your stay as we do in getting you here. Your journey will include your paid internship, accommodation, language courses, cultural experiences, tours, and networking.
1.When will the application result be informed
A.In 15 minutes after the Skype interview
B.Within two or three days after the interview.
C.As soon as the online application is complete.
D.After the flights have been booked.
2.What is required for the confirmation
A.A face-to-face interview. B.A formal offer.
C.Flight arrival details. D.Program deposit payment.
3.Where is the passage probably taken from
A.A traveling guide. B.A college textbook
C.A movie review. D.A university application form.
Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home from the office. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet, comb and car keys. They would always occupy the same spot on the table every time.
Dad’s comb was jade green. I heard he bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say, “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK ”
I was more than happy to do it. At age five, this kind of task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the tap on, and then brush the comb with a used toothbrush as hard as I could. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would proudly return the comb to Dad. He would smile at me, and place the comb on top of his wallet.
About two years later, Dad left his sales job and started his own wholesale business. I started primary school. That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well, and our stable life started getting shaky. He didn’t come home as much as he used to. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job Why take the risk and place the whole family in trouble Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home, and stopped going downstairs to check on him.
Now 28, I’ve graduated from college and got a job. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track. Yet the uncomfortable silence between Dad and me went on.
Two days before my birthday last year, Dad came home early. On that evening, I helped him carry his bags into his study as usual. When I turned to leave, he asked me to clean his comb. I looked at him for a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink.
It was a new comb. This one was brown. I hadn’t noticed that he’d changed it. After cleaning it, I passed it back to Dad. He looked at it and smiled. But this time, I noticed something different. My dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was still as heartwarming as before.
4.From the first three paragraphs, we can learn .
A.the earliest memories with Dad were full of joy
B.the precious green comb of Dad was made of jade
C.the author was unwilling to clean the comb for Dad
D.the author would study together with Dad every evening
5.What probably made Dad decide to resign from his original job to start his own business
A.That he was eager to get everything on track. B.That he wanted to keep his family life stable.
C.That he was laid off and had to make a living. D.That he hoped to earn a better life for the family.
6.What emotional changes did the author experience when staying with Dad these years
A.cheerful→ mad→ warm. B.mad → satisfied → warm.
C.satisfied → worried → angry. D.warm → concerned → uncomfortable.
7.What could be the best title for the text
A.A Comb of Jade Green B.Dad’s Wholesale Business
C.Evenings with My Dad D.My Earliest Memories with Dad
Distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has made both physical and social connections a touch more difficult to maintain. For Stanford University student Millie Salvato, being apart from her friend on the opposite coast has proved challenging. Sometimes a text or video call is not enough, and people in Salvato’s situation often long for a way to send a comforting hug from afar. In a new study detailed in IEEE Transactions on Haptics, she and her colleagues demonstrated a wearable sleeve that can simulate (模拟) human touch and convey social messages sent electronically.
Salvato and her team measured how 37 participants expressed social messages in different situations. In each test, one person wore a pressure-sensing device on an arm, and another touched it to respond to six different scenes: attention seeking, gratitude, happiness, calming, love and sadness. After collecting 661 touch movements, Salvato and her colleagues mapped the location and pressure of each. Next, they used a machine-learning algorithm (算法) to select the movements that were most reliable part of each response. Finally, they programmed a wearable sleeve to simulate these movements using eight built-in disks that vibrate when electronically signaled. “The instant it received signals, I could feel the touch and identify its intended meaning.” One participant reported.
Even with no training, the participants correctly matched the simulated touches to the six scenes 45 percent of the time. For comparison, a previous study found participants could match scenes for touches from real human hands 55 percent of the time.
Gerling, a touch researcher at Harvard who was not involved in the study, said the invention was really surprising. But the study was small and needs to cover far larger groups of people to determine exactly which are the most desirable responses. Besides, he believes the sleeve surely will enjoy great popularity once launched on the market.
8.What were participants asked to do during the study
A.Pick up reliable responses. B.Model on electronic touches.
C.Respond to different situations. D.Mark out programmed movements.
9.Why did Salvato and her team invent the wearable sleeve
A.To keep track of the COVID-19 pandemic.
B.To imitate human touch and express social messages sent electronically .
C.To enjoy great popularity once launched on the market.
D.To stress the significance of physical and social connections .
10.What does Gerling suggest according to the last paragraph
A.Covering more scenes. B.Launching on the market.
C.Conducting further research. D.Interviewing the participants.
11.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A.Electronic Sleeves Helping Feel Virtual Touch
B.New Technology Improving Social Connections
C.New Sensing Device Increasing Physical Touches
D.Electronic Sleeves Responding to Different Situations
Children’s Acquiring the Principles of Mathematics and Science
It has been pointed out that learning mathematics and science is not so much learning facts as learning ways of thinking. It has also been emphasized that in order to learn science, people often have to change the way they think in ordinary situations. These changes in ways of thinking are often referred to as “conceptual changes”. But how do “conceptual changes” happen How do children change their ways of thinking as they learn in school
The psychologist Piaget suggested an interesting hypothesis (假说) relating to the process of cognitive (认知的) change in children. Cognitive change was expected to result from the pupils’ own intellectual activity. When met with a result that challenges their thinking, that is when faced with conflict, pupils realize that they need to think again about their own ways of solving problems, regardless of whether the problem is one in mathematics or in science. He hypothesised that conflict brings about unbalance, and then triggers processes that ultimately produce cognitive changes. For this reason, pupils need to be actively engaged in solving problems that will challenge their current mode of reasoning. However, Piaget also pointed out that young children do not always abandon their ideas in the face of conflicting evidence. They may actually abandon the evidence and keep their theory.
Piaget’s hypothesis about how cognitive change occurs was later translated into an educational approach which is now termed “discovery learning”. Discovery learning initially took what is now considered the “lone learners” route. The role of the teacher was to select situations that challenged the pupils’ reasoning; and the pupils’ peers had no real role in this process. However, it was subsequently proposed that interpersonal conflict, especially with peers, might play an important role in promoting cognitive change. This hypothesis has been investigated in many recent studies of science teaching and learning.
Christine Howe and her colleagues, for example, have compared children’s progress in understanding several types of science concepts when they are given the opportunity to observe relevant events. In one study, Howe compared the progress of 8 to 12-year-old children in understanding what influences motion down a slope. In order to figure out the role of conflict in group work, they created two kinds of groups according to a pre-test: one in which the children had dissimilar views, and a second in which the children had similar views. They found support for the idea that children in the groups with dissimilar views progressed more after their training sessions than those who had been placed in groups with similar views. However, they found no evidence to support the idea that the children worked out their new conceptions during their group discussions, because progress was not actually observed in a post-test immediately after the sessions of group work, but rather in a second test given around four weeks after the group work.
12.Which of the following statements is in line with Piaget’s hypothesis
A.Teachers play a big role in learning by explaining difficult concepts.
B.Teaching should be consistent in order to easily acquire knowledge.
C.Children can help each other make cognitive progress.
D.Cognitive progress mainly relies on children’s own intellectual activity.
13.The lone learner’ route is an educational approach which ________.
A.was adopted during discovery learning early on
B.requires help from the pupils’ peers
C.relies on how the teacher guides the students heavily
D.played an important role in cognitive change
14.Which statement describes Howe’s experiment with 8 to 12-year-old children correctly
A.The most active children made the least progress according to a pre-test.
B.The children were evaluated on their abilities to understand a physics phenomenon.
C.The teacher aided the children to understand a scientific problem in group work.
D.All the children were working in mixed-ability groups to work out new conceptions.
15.It can be inferred from the last paragraph ________.
A.that children acquire more when learning in groups
B.that children opposing each other would learn slower
C.that the children were given a total of three tests, at different times
D.that there can be a satisfying result thanks to the duration of test
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
It’s been estimated that people touch their cell phones hundreds of times every day. That means plenty of opportunities for germs to move from our fingers to our phones.
16 But a recent study found more than 17,000 bacterial gene copies on the phones of high school students.
One of the worst places to use cell phones is in the bathroom. 17 Studies have found that our mobile phones are much dirtier than toilet seats. Just as an expert puts it, taking a phone into the bathroom and then leaving with it is kind of like going in, not washing your hands and then coming back out.
While many of us wash our hands regularly after going to the bathroom, we seldom consider washing our hands after touching our phones. 18
You can use alcohol-based wipes or sprays to clean your phone regularly. They need to contain at least 70% alcohol to disinfect phone casings and touch screens. 19 Remember to sanitize (消毒) your phone charger occasionally when you are cleaning your phone. And wash your hands thoroughly after you’ve finished cleaning.
20 Get in the habit of putting your phone away when it’s not in use, then cleaning your hands. When not at home, keep your phone in your pocket or bag. Use a disposable paper list of to-do items, rather than constantly consulting your phone.
Do not share your phone with others if you have not first sanitized it. If children are allowed to play with your phone, sanitize it as soon as possible afterward.
A.Do it every day if possible.
B.How you handle your phone will also be critical.
C.So it’s clear that you keep away from your phone.9125
D.When toilets flush, they spread germs everywhere.
E.The more germs they collect, the more germs you touch.
F.Research has varied on how many germs are on an average phone.
G.Fortunately, there are easy ways to avoid your phone collecting germs.
第三部分 语言运用
第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
If seven days of living with noisy dogs seems like a lot, imagine being there for 400. That’s how long a little dog named Queen lived inside a shelter. When Queen was 3 years old, she’d still somehow been 21 time and again during those long months. Then Scott Poore decided to 22 .
Scott runs a(n) 23 that creates fundraisers to help animal shelters. Once he heard about how 24 Queen had become from living in the shelter for so long, he decided to do what he could to draw some attention to the 25 dog.
After he met her, he was even more determined to help her find her forever 26 . He ended up spending plenty of one-on-one time with her after he publicly 27 into Queen’s kennel (狗窝).
As you can 28 , animal shelters are not a great place to get any rest. Scott admitted he barely 29 during his days in the kennel. But all of Scott’s efforts were 30 when a father and son saw a report about Queen and her new roommate and decided to 31 and take her home.
As for why he didn’t 32 Queen himself, he reminded people that his charity came in contact with so many 33 animals every single day. Once Queen had found her people, this dog 34 moved on to find the next animal that 35 needs him.
“What helps me get through the emotional 36 of my work is I move very quickly to the next animal that needs my help,” he explained.
We’re so 37 to people like Scott Poore for 38 those without voices. Being willing to give up your own 39 for an animal’s happiness is the ultimate good 40 . Thank you, Scott!
21.A.cared B.ignored C.visited D.admired
22.A.help B.quit C.leave D.wait
23.A.shelter B.hospital C.zoo D.organization
24.A.fierce B.depressed C.noisy D.old
25.A.brave B.scared C.unfortunate D.disabled
26.A.partner B.friendship C.home D.memory
27.A.moved B.broke C.transformed D.looked
28.A.tell B.describe C.imagine D.see
29.A.changed B.slept C.engaged D.declined
30.A.witnessed B.recorded C.reported D.rewarded
31.A.give up B.step up C.come back D.hold on
32.A.protect B.fetch C.train D.adopt
33.A.poor B.energetic C.rare D.unusual
34.A.owner B.expert C.follower D.advocate
35.A.desperately B.continuously C.initially D.gradually
36.A.injury B.hunger C.side D.burden
37.A.familiar B.devoted C.grateful D.friendly
38.A.apologizing to B.cheering up C.listening to D.speaking for
39.A.dream B.comfort C.career D.hobby
40.A.deed B.goal C.cure D.choice
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Dunhuang, an oasis (绿洲) in the Taklamakan Desert, used to be a major stop along the Silk Road, but is now mainly a fascinating tourist destination.
Those interested 41 Dunhuang’s colorful history will be attracted by the Mogao Caves, one of the city’s main attractions. The entrance to each cave 42 (block) by a locked door, which can only be opened by expert guides. Behind these doors are caves of all 43 (size) — from very small to absolutely huge. The caves contain thousands of priceless manuscripts and silk paintings, which, upon their discovery, drew much 44 (attend) to the area.
Also, there are few things as special as walking across the desert oasis at sunrise. 45 (catch) this incredible scene, you must rise early. It’s bitterly cold. But as the sun rises atop the golden dunes (沙丘) and paints a 46 (true) picturesque scene, all your efforts pay off. Sunset is a popular time for a camel ride. Get off the camels 47 walk up a rather steep dune overlooking Crescent Lake. From this position, 48 (regard) as the best one, the incredible sunset is awe-inspiring.
No trip to Dunhuang is complete without visiting the Dunhuang Museum, 49 it’s possible to put all of the city’s historical sites into proper historical context. The museum is expansive, 50 (contain) many original artworks. Here, you are bound to be amazed by Dunhuang’s rich culture.
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
As online learning became popular, we enjoy its convenience but also face challenges. The obviously advantage is having access to vast resource anytime and anywhere. Otherwise, distractions and the lack of face-to-face interaction can be its disadvantages.
To be smart online learners, that we should do is set clear learning goals and stick to a schedule. We should also make full use for advantages of the technology, such as using tools enhance learning and avoid distractions. Additionally, engaged in online discussions and seeking help from peers which can make up for the lack of face-to-face interaction. By doing so, they can maximize the benefits of online learning and become smarter learners in this digital era.
参考词汇:预制菜 ready-made meals




