Unit 9 第一课时 Section A 1a-2d(课时练习)原卷版+解析版【大单元教学】人教版八年级英语下册

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum
Section A(1a-2d)同步训练题
1. 太空博物馆______________   2. 历史博物馆_________________  
3. 水上公园_________________ 4. 游乐场________________
5. 去滑冰______________ 6. 了解,获知______________
7. 导致,导向_____________ 8. 搭建帐篷______________
9. 国家科学博物馆___________________ 10不同的某处 __________________
11.去过某地____________________ 12.在山上宿营________________
13.去某地去了 ____________________ 14. 几次_______________________
【答案】1.space museum 2.history museum 3.water park 4.amusement park 5.go skating 6.learn about 7.lead to 8.put up a tent 9.National Science Museum 10.somewhere different 11.have been to 12.camp on the mountain 13.have gone to 14.many times
1. Adam loves taking photos. He hopes to have a ________ one day.
A. car B. phone C. robot D. camera
考查名词辨析。car汽车;phone电话;robot机器人;camera照相机。结合语境和前一句“Adam loves taking photos.”以及常识可知,亚当喜欢摄影,所以他希望能有一部相机。故选D。
2. —Have you ever been to New York
—No, ________. But I really want to go there on vacation.
A. never B. just C. always D. sometimes
考查副词辨析。never从未;just刚刚;always总是;sometimes有时。根据“But I really want to go there on vacation.”可知,是指没有去过纽约,故选A。
3. Papermaking is one of the four great ________ of ancient China.
A. cultures B. inventions C. progress D. products
4. —I have never been to a water park.
A. So have I B. Neither have I C. So do I D. Neither am I
考查倒装句。“So/Neither/Nor+be/情态动词/助动词+主语”,表示“……也是/不是如此”,说明和前者的情况一样。根据语境“I have never been to a water park.”可知,这里表示否定,表示“我也没去过”,助动词用have。故选B。
5. Edison was a great ________ and he had many ________.
A. inventor; invention B. invention; inventors C. inventor; inventions D. invent inventions
6. Let’s     the tent and then we can sleep in it.
A. put on B. look up C. put up D. run out
考查动词短语。put on穿上;look up查阅;put up搭起,张贴;run out用完;根据“then we can sleep in it”可知,是要把帐篷搭起来,用put up符合语境。故选C。
7. —Where would you like to spend your winter vacation
—I’d like to go ________. I don’t like cold places.
A. somewhere warm B. warm somewhere C. anywhere warm D. warm anywhere
考查复合不定代词的用法。根据问句“Where would you like to spend your winter vacation ”可知,这里表示“一些地方”,是肯定句,所以用somewhere,由后文“ I don’t like cold places.”可知,我想去一些暖和的对方,形容词修饰复合不定代词要后置,所以是somewhere warm。故选A。
8. I ________ to West Lake four times, but I will go there again this summer.
A. have gone B. have been C. went D. had gone
考查动词时态。根据“I will go there again”可知,说话人现在没在西湖,空处表示“曾经去过”,应用 have been to。故选B。
9. —Have you finished your homework________ —Yes, I have done that ________.
A. yet; already B. already; yet C. ever; never D. still; just
【解析】句意:——你做完你的家庭作业了吗?—— 是的,我已经把它做完了。
10. —______to Canada
—No,never. But I______ to the US a few years ago.
A. Have you been;went B. Have you gone;went
C. Did you go;have gone D. Will you go;have been
【解析】句意:——你去过加拿大吗?——没有,从来没有。但是我在几年前去了美国。have been to
去了某地又回来了;have gone to表示去了某地,还没有。根据No, never.可知第一空表示去过某地吗,故用have been to,第二空根据a few years ago用一般过去时,故选A。
三、根据句意. 首字母或汉语提示写出所缺的单词
1.I remember putting my bag     (在某处) in my bedroom.
2.A     (照相机) is a piece of equipment used for taking photos.
3.Boys and girls, join in the summer    (露营), and you will develop some basic life skills.
4.I think the car is one of the most useful     (发明物) in our life.
5.My little brother likes going to the     (科学) museum.
6.Generally speaking, hard work can l     to success.
7. My sister is going to s    her summer holiday in the countryside.
8.Children like going to the a    park.
9.—Li Ming isn’t having a good time.—n      am I.
Have you e________ been to the US
【答案】1.somewhere 2.camera 3.camp 4.invention 5.science 6.lead 7.spend 8.amusement 9.neither 10.ever
1.The    (invent) of the Internet has changed the world greatly.
2.Now she doesn’t have     (somewhere) to stay.
3.Tom and I went     (camp) in the mountains last Sunday.
4.Mary’s eyes twinkled (闪光) with     (amuse).
5.How about     (go) there next weekend
6.It’s a great way     (listen) to the English news to improve your English.
7.     (have) you ever     (be) to the Great Wall
8.Where      (have) he      (go) I can’t find him here.
9.I     (go) to Fun Time Amusement Park last year.
10.Neither of them     (have) been to Shanghai before.
【答案】1.invention 2.anywhere 3.camping 4.amusement 5.going 6.to listen 7.Have been 8.has gone 9.went 10.has
五、 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词
1. 你曾经去过太空博物馆吗?它很有趣,难道不是吗?
________you________ ________ ________a space museum It is very interesting,_____ _____?
2. 我的同学们昨天在水上乐园玩得很开心。
My classmates______ _______ __________ ______at the Water Park yesterday.
3. 我们在山顶上支起了一顶帐篷。
We________ ________a tent on the top of the mountain.
4. 我们相信他的努力最终会促使他的成功。
We believe that his hard work_____ ____ ___his success at last.
5. 我们今天去某处不同的地方吧。
Let's go__________ ____________ today.
6. 她不在家,去游乐场了。
She is not at home. She ________ _________ ______ the amusement park.
7. --- I have been to the film museum.--- ______ ______ I. (我也去过)
8. 我爷爷没有去过美国。我也没有去过。
My grandfather _______ ______ to America. ________ ________\ ________ _______ _______.
【答案】1. Have ever been to isn’t it 2.had a good time 3.put up 4.will lead to 5.somewhere different 6.has gone to 7.so have 8.has been me nether neither have I
A:Hello, Emma! 1.   
B:Yes, I have. I went there two years ago.
A:How do you like it
B:Great! 2.   
A:Did you swim in the sea
B: 3.   
A: 4.   
B:Yes, I went boating sometimes.
A:Boating 5.   
B:I learned it from my uncle before I went there.
A:Would you like to teach me how to boat
B:Yes, I'd like to. I'll teach you how to boat next summer holiday.
A. Qingdao is a very beautiful place, especially the beaches.
B. Did you do any other water sports
C. Where did you go
D. Have you ever been to Qingdao
E. How did you learn boating
F. Yes, I went swimming with my father there every day.
G. Did you learn boating by yourself
What do your family usually do in your free time My family 1 (most) go to the amusement park. There is 2 amusement park in the center of my city. I think it is wonderful and exciting.
I 3 (visit) the amusement park with my parents this spring. I remember it was a sunny day. A long line of people were 4 (wait) to buy tickets. Most people brought 5 (camera) with them because they wanted to take some photos. Inside the amusement park 6 (be) many wonderful rides such as water rides, a roller coaster (过山车) and sightseeing trains. My parents liked sightseeing trains that 7 (carry) passengers around the amusement park. They felt very relaxed. I liked water rides. You can’t imagine how excited you feel until you travel through the water. The roller coaster was very popular 8 adults and kids. A lot of people wanted to get on, 9 some of them couldn’t stand up after getting off the roller coaster!
We had a happy day and I would love to visit the amusement park again. It is really a perfect place to spend 10 (you) day with your family. So, just go.
【答案】1. mostly 2. an 3. visited 4. waiting 5. cameras 6. were 7. carried 8. with 9. but 10. your
When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been 1 . Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often been to France. 2 I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand 3 . But when I went to America, I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any 4 problems.
How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 5 telephone to give my friend Danny a ring. So I asked an old man, “I want to give my friend a ring. Could you help me ” “Well, that’s 6 ,” he answered in surprise. “You look very 7 . Are you getting married ” “Oh, No,” I replied . “I just want to give a ring to tell him I’ve arrived. Could you tell me 8 there’s a phone box near here ” “Oh! Sorry,” he said, “there’s a phone downstairs.”
When we met up, Danny 9 the misunderstanding to me. “Don’t worry! I met such problems at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 10 differently in meaning from English people. But most of the time the English and American people understand each other well! You’ll soon got used to all the funny things they say.”
1. A. out B. away C. outside D. abroad
2. A. But B. So C. And D. Then
3. A. English B. French C. Russian D. Chinese
4. A. lesson B. math C. language D. money
5. A. cheap B. popular C. public D. good
6. A. good B. strange C. nice D. funny
7. A. small B. smart C. little D. young
8. A. where B. what C. if D. /
9. A. described B. explained C. talked . D. expressed
10. A. write B. speak C. use D. read
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C
1. 句意:这不是我第一次去国外。out 在外面;away离开; outside 在外边;abroad在国外。根据上文When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to the United States可知作者去了美国,再根据下文I had often been to France.可知,作者经常去法国,因此这里是说这不是他第一次去国外,故应选D。
2. 句意:因此我习惯了跟不明白英语的人说外语。But 但是,表示转折;So 因此,表示结果;And 和,而且,表示并列;Then然后,是一个副词。根据上文I had often been to France可知,作者经常出国,所以他习惯了说外语,这里是因果关系,故应选B。
3. 句意:因此我习惯了跟不明白英语的人说外语。English英语;French法语;Russia俄语;Chinese汉语。根据上句话Like most English children,I learned French at school可知,作者是英国人,但是他也会说法语,所以他可以跟不懂英语的人用法语交流。故应选A。
4. 句意:但是当我去美国的时候,我真的盼望着能度过一个没有任何语言问题,美好的、轻松的假期。lesson课;math数学;language 语言;money钱。根据上文Like most English children可知,作者是英国人,他们和美国人一样,都是说英语的,所以他去美国不会有语言的问题。故选C。
5. 句意:我在找一个公共电话,去给我的美国朋友Danny打一个电话。cheap便宜的;popular流行的,受欢迎的;public公共的;good好的。根据下文here's a phone box near here 可知,作者想找一个公共电话亭,故应选C。
6. 句意:他惊讶的回答:那太奇怪了。good 好的;strange 奇怪的,陌生的;nice 好的;funny滑稽的,可笑的。根据句中he answered in surprise可知,他感到很惊奇,故应选B。
7. 句意:你看起来很年轻,你结婚了吗?small 小的;smart 聪明的;little小的,少的;young年轻的。根据下句话Are you getting married可知,这个陌生人觉得作者还很小,不可能已经结婚了,所以是看起来年轻。故选D。
8. 句意:你能告诉我这附近有公用电话亭吗?where在哪里;what什么;if是否。这里考查宾语从句,根据句意可知,作者想知道这附近是否有公共电话亭。故应选C。
9. 句意:当我们见面的时候,Danny给我解释了这个误会。described 描述;explained解释;talked谈话;expressed表达。根据句意可知,Danny是给作者解释作者在语言上出的错误。故应选B。
10. 句意:有很多单词在意思上美国人和英国人用的是不一样的。write写;speak说;use用;read读。根据上文作者在美国遇到的事情可知,他是在单词的使用上出现了错误,因此这句话是说有一些单词英国人和美国人在使用的时候是不一样的,故应选C。
I will never forget a girl student sitting at the back of the classroom. Having failed the college entrance examination and changed schools twice, she couldn't smile naturally.
Life is harder for senior high school students. Every time when the scores came out, her scores wouldn't be the first but the last. Dark clouds always flashed in her eyes. When I invited her to the teachers' office, we never talked about studies or scores but jokes.
The exam results finally came out and she did pass! Since then she had never been heard from again.
Two days before the Spring Festival Eve, I was shopping in a supermarket. Suddenly an excited voice came into my ears, "Hello, Mr Deng." I looked up and she was doing her part-time job during the college vacation. From her happy face, I could see she was busy but happy. "Mr Deng, I am in the second year of my college. You helped me get through my darkest time. Thank you."
At that moment, I realized how important it was to give a bit of care to those in need. Your each gesture or word may mean a lot to someone.
1. How many times did the girl take the college entrance examination
A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times.
2. The girl's scores were________ in every exam before going to college.
A. always the first B. usually too bad C. sometimes good D. never the last
3. How long had the girl been in college
A. For about half a year. B. For about a year.
C. For about one and a half years. D. For about two years.
4. What does the underlined sentence tell us
A. You may help others a lot even if you give a little.
B. You should greet others when meeting on the way.
C. You must try to help everyone in need.
D. You need to explain each gesture or word to someone.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A
1. 细节理解题。根据Having failed the college entrance examination and changed schools twice, she couldn't smile naturally. 和The exam results finally came out and she did pass!可知女孩两次高考失利,第三次才考上大学,可知女孩参加了三次高考;故选C。
2. 推理判断题。根据Every time when the scores came out, her scores wouldn't be the first but the last.可知,她的考试成绩总是最后,由此可知她的成绩总是很差;故选B。
3. 推理判断题。根据Two days before the Spring Festival Eve, 和I am in the second year of my college.可知见面是春节前的两天,且女孩现在在上大二,可推断女孩上了大约一年半大学了;故选C。
4. 句意猜测题。根据文章可知作者认为自己并没有帮助女孩什么,但她却觉得老师给了她很大的帮助,因此作者感慨I realized how important it was to give a bit of care to those in need.你的一点点关心对别人意味着很多;故选A。
It’s been more than 8 years since I moved from the US to Beijing. At that time, my parents have grown older, just as I have. When I went off to college, we lived in different cities, but we still stayed in touch by phone and email. 5 But living in Beijing has made it a bit more difficult. You see, we’re separated(分开) not only by distance, but also by time. My hometown is on the opposite side of the planet from Beijing—it’s a 12-hour time difference. 6 This can make it difficult to find a suitable time to contact my family.
7 We just try to choose times that are convenient(便利的) for both of us. This means I usually call my mom late in the evening, when she’s taking her lunch break. We talk about our work, the weather, and whatever else is happening in our lives. It’s nice to check in with her and see how she’s doing.
8 About once every other year, I’ll fly back to the US to see my parents and sisters for the holidays. It’s rare(珍贵的) for us to get the whole family together—but when we do, we have a lot of fun.
9 We try to stay in touch as best as we can.
A. But we make it work anyway.
B. My parents are healthy and they often do sports.
C. It was easy to call up my mom and catch up with her.
D. Like many other foreigners living in China, I do miss my family.
E. This means that when it’s morning in Beijing, it’s nighttime in my hometown.
F. And of course, I try to visit home from time to time.
【答案】5. C 6. E 7. A 8. F 9. D
5. 根据“When I went off to college, we lived in different cities, but we still stayed in touch by phone and email.”可知,上大学时可以打电话、发邮件,联系很方便,选项C“给我妈妈打电话,了解她的情况很容易”符合语境,故选C。
6. 根据“My hometown is on the opposite side of the planet from Beijing—it’s a 12-hour time difference.”可知,家乡与北京有12个小时的时差,选项E“这意味着,当北京是早晨时,在我的家乡就是夜晚”符合语境,故选E。
7. 根据“We just try to choose times that are convenient(便利的) for both of us.”可知,虽然有时差,但是我们尽量选择对我们双方都方便的时间。选项A“但不管怎样,我们都做到了”符合语境,故选A。
8. 根据“About once every other year, I’ll fly back to the US to see my parents and sisters for the holidays.”可知,大约每隔一年,我就会飞回美国去看望我的父母和姐妹们过节日。选项F“当然,我也会时不时地回家看看”符合语境,故选F。
9. 根据“We try to stay in touch as best as we can.”可知,此处谈及与自己相同情况的人们都是在尽量和家人保持联系,选项D“和许多住在中国的外国人一样,我很想念我的家人”符合语境,故选D。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum
Section A(1a-2d)同步训练题
1. 太空博物馆______________   2. 历史博物馆_________________  
3. 水上公园_________________ 4. 游乐场________________
5. 去滑冰______________ 6. 了解,获知______________
7. 导致,导向_____________ 8. 搭建帐篷______________
9. 国家科学博物馆___________________ 10不同的某处 __________________
11.去过某地____________________ 12.在山上宿营________________
13.去某地去了 ____________________ 14. 几次_______________________
1. Adam loves taking photos. He hopes to have a ________ one day.
A. car B. phone C. robot D. camera
2. —Have you ever been to New York
—No, ________. But I really want to go there on vacation.
A. never B. just C. always D. sometimes
3. Papermaking is one of the four great ________ of ancient China.
A. cultures B. inventions C. progress D. products
4. —I have never been to a water park.
A. So have I B. Neither have I C. So do I D. Neither am I
5. Edison was a great ________ and he had many ________.
A. inventor; invention B. invention; inventors C. inventor; inventions D. invent inventions
6. Let’s     the tent and then we can sleep in it.
A. put on B. look up C. put up D. run out
7. —Where would you like to spend your winter vacation
—I’d like to go ________. I don’t like cold places.
A. somewhere warm B. warm somewhere C. anywhere warm D. warm anywhere
8. I ________ to West Lake four times, but I will go there again this summer.
A. have gone B. have been C. went D. had gone
9. —Have you finished your homework________ —Yes, I have done that ________.
A. yet; already B. already; yet C. ever; never D. still; just
10. —______to Canada
—No,never. But I______ to the US a few years ago.
A. Have you been;went B. Have you gone;went
C. Did you go;have gone D. Will you go;have been
三、根据句意. 首字母或汉语提示写出所缺的单词
1.I remember putting my bag     (在某处) in my bedroom.
2.A     (照相机) is a piece of equipment used for taking photos.
3.Boys and girls, join in the summer    (露营), and you will develop some basic life skills.
4.I think the car is one of the most useful     (发明物) in our life.
5.My little brother likes going to the     (科学) museum.
6.Generally speaking, hard work can l     to success.
7. My sister is going to s    her summer holiday in the countryside.
8.Children like going to the a    park.
9.—Li Ming isn’t having a good time.—n      am I.
Have you e________ been to the US
1.The    (invent) of the Internet has changed the world greatly.
2.Now she doesn’t have     (somewhere) to stay.
3.Tom and I went     (camp) in the mountains last Sunday.
4.Mary’s eyes twinkled (闪光) with     (amuse).
5.How about     (go) there next weekend
6.It’s a great way     (listen) to the English news to improve your English.
7.     (have) you ever     (be) to the Great Wall
8.Where      (have) he      (go) I can’t find him here.
9.I     (go) to Fun Time Amusement Park last year.
10.Neither of them     (have) been to Shanghai before.
五、 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词
1. 你曾经去过太空博物馆吗?它很有趣,难道不是吗?
________you________ ________ ________a space museum It is very interesting,_____ _____?
2. 我的同学们昨天在水上乐园玩得很开心。
My classmates______ _______ __________ ______at the Water Park yesterday.
3. 我们在山顶上支起了一顶帐篷。
We________ ________a tent on the top of the mountain.
4. 我们相信他的努力最终会促使他的成功。
We believe that his hard work_____ ____ ___his success at last.
5. 我们今天去某处不同的地方吧。
Let's go__________ ____________ today.
6. 她不在家,去游乐场了。
She is not at home. She ________ _________ ______ the amusement park.
7. --- I have been to the film museum.--- ______ ______ I. (我也去过)
8. 我爷爷没有去过美国。我也没有去过。
My grandfather _______ ______ to America. ________ ________\ ________ _______ _______.
A:Hello, Emma! 1.   
B:Yes, I have. I went there two years ago.
A:How do you like it
B:Great! 2.   
A:Did you swim in the sea
B: 3.   
A: 4.   
B:Yes, I went boating sometimes.
A:Boating 5.   
B:I learned it from my uncle before I went there.
A:Would you like to teach me how to boat
B:Yes, I'd like to. I'll teach you how to boat next summer holiday.
A. Qingdao is a very beautiful place, especially the beaches.
B. Did you do any other water sports
C. Where did you go
D. Have you ever been to Qingdao
E. How did you learn boating
F. Yes, I went swimming with my father there every day.
G. Did you learn boating by yourself
What do your family usually do in your free time My family 1 (most) go to the amusement park. There is 2 amusement park in the center of my city. I think it is wonderful and exciting.
I 3 (visit) the amusement park with my parents this spring. I remember it was a sunny day. A long line of people were 4 (wait) to buy tickets. Most people brought 5 (camera) with them because they wanted to take some photos. Inside the amusement park 6 (be) many wonderful rides such as water rides, a roller coaster (过山车) and sightseeing trains. My parents liked sightseeing trains that 7 (carry) passengers around the amusement park. They felt very relaxed. I liked water rides. You can’t imagine how excited you feel until you travel through the water. The roller coaster was very popular 8 adults and kids. A lot of people wanted to get on, 9 some of them couldn’t stand up after getting off the roller coaster!
We had a happy day and I would love to visit the amusement park again. It is really a perfect place to spend 10 (you) day with your family. So, just go.
When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn’t the first time I had been 1 . Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often been to France. 2 I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn’t understand 3 . But when I went to America, I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any 4 problems.
How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a 5 telephone to give my friend Danny a ring. So I asked an old man, “I want to give my friend a ring. Could you help me ” “Well, that’s 6 ,” he answered in surprise. “You look very 7 . Are you getting married ” “Oh, No,” I replied . “I just want to give a ring to tell him I’ve arrived. Could you tell me 8 there’s a phone box near here ” “Oh! Sorry,” he said, “there’s a phone downstairs.”
When we met up, Danny 9 the misunderstanding to me. “Don’t worry! I met such problems at first. There are lots of words which the Americans 10 differently in meaning from English people. But most of the time the English and American people understand each other well! You’ll soon got used to all the funny things they say.”
1. A. out B. away C. outside D. abroad
2. A. But B. So C. And D. Then
3. A. English B. French C. Russian D. Chinese
4. A. lesson B. math C. language D. money
5. A. cheap B. popular C. public D. good
6. A. good B. strange C. nice D. funny
7. A. small B. smart C. little D. young
8. A. where B. what C. if D. /
9. A. described B. explained C. talked . D. expressed
10. A. write B. speak C. use D. read
I will never forget a girl student sitting at the back of the classroom. Having failed the college entrance examination and changed schools twice, she couldn't smile naturally.
Life is harder for senior high school students. Every time when the scores came out, her scores wouldn't be the first but the last. Dark clouds always flashed in her eyes. When I invited her to the teachers' office, we never talked about studies or scores but jokes.
The exam results finally came out and she did pass! Since then she had never been heard from again.
Two days before the Spring Festival Eve, I was shopping in a supermarket. Suddenly an excited voice came into my ears, "Hello, Mr Deng." I looked up and she was doing her part-time job during the college vacation. From her happy face, I could see she was busy but happy. "Mr Deng, I am in the second year of my college. You helped me get through my darkest time. Thank you."
At that moment, I realized how important it was to give a bit of care to those in need. Your each gesture or word may mean a lot to someone.
1. How many times did the girl take the college entrance examination
A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times.
2. The girl's scores were________ in every exam before going to college.
A. always the first B. usually too bad C. sometimes good D. never the last
3. How long had the girl been in college
A. For about half a year. B. For about a year.
C. For about one and a half years. D. For about two years.
4. What does the underlined sentence tell us
A. You may help others a lot even if you give a little.
B. You should greet others when meeting on the way.
C. You must try to help everyone in need.
D. You need to explain each gesture or word to someone.
It’s been more than 8 years since I moved from the US to Beijing. At that time, my parents have grown older, just as I have. When I went off to college, we lived in different cities, but we still stayed in touch by phone and email. 5 But living in Beijing has made it a bit more difficult. You see, we’re separated(分开) not only by distance, but also by time. My hometown is on the opposite side of the planet from Beijing—it’s a 12-hour time difference. 6 This can make it difficult to find a suitable time to contact my family.
7 We just try to choose times that are convenient(便利的) for both of us. This means I usually call my mom late in the evening, when she’s taking her lunch break. We talk about our work, the weather, and whatever else is happening in our lives. It’s nice to check in with her and see how she’s doing.
8 About once every other year, I’ll fly back to the US to see my parents and sisters for the holidays. It’s rare(珍贵的) for us to get the whole family together—but when we do, we have a lot of fun.
9 We try to stay in touch as best as we can.
A. But we make it work anyway.
B. My parents are healthy and they often do sports.
C. It was easy to call up my mom and catch up with her.
D. Like many other foreigners living in China, I do miss my family.
E. This means that when it’s morning in Beijing, it’s nighttime in my hometown.
F. And of course, I try to visit home from time to time.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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