
1.Where did the man go for his last vacation
2.How often does the woman exercise
A five times a week B.Six times a week
C Seven times a week
3.How will the two speakers go to Wanda Cincma
A.By bus.B.By subway.C.On foot.
4.What does the girl want to be now
A.A teacher.B.ATV reporter.C.Asinger.
5.When will the train leave
6.What is Tom going to do
A.To see Susan in the library.B.To borrow books in the library.
C.To visit the bus station.
7.Which bus will Tom take
A.He will take No.7 Bus.B.He will take No.13 Bus.C.He will take No.30 Bus.
8.Is Mary free tomorrow
A.No.B.Yes.C.Don't know.
9.What day does Mary have a volleyball class
A.Saturday B.Friday.C.Sunday.
10.What does Mary think of learning volleyball
A.interesting but difficult.B.Interesting and easy.C.Boring and difficult.
11.How old is Tom
3亿人都在用的扫福ADP2023 学年第二学期八年级学科竞赛英语学科试题卷
八年级 英语学科 听力原文及参考答案
第一部分 听小对话回答问题(计 5分)
1.W: How was your last vacation M: It was great. We had fun in Paris.
2. M: How often do you exercise
W: I like sports. I do them six times a week.
3.W: Wanda Cinema is the closest. Let's walk there. M:OK.
4.M:Wow, you sing so beautifully. Do you want to be a singer, Linda
W:No, I don't. When I was young, I hoped to be a teacher, but now I want to be a TV reporter.
5.W: Hurry up, Tom!It's 9:15 now. The train waits for no man!
M: Don't worry, dear! We still have 30 minutes left.
第二部分 听较长对话回答问题(计 7.5分)
现在听一段较长对话,回答第 6~7两小题。
W: Where are you going, Tom
M: I'm going to borrow some books in the library with Susan. W: I know the library. It's great.
M: Must 1 catch a No.7 Bus to get there
W: No, you needn't. I caught a No. 7 Bus yesterday, and they said I had taken a wrong bus. A No.13 Bus will take
you there. M: Thank you, Jane. I'll get a No.13 Bus.
听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 8~10三小题。
M: Hello,Steve speaking. W: Hi, Steve.It's Mary.
M:Mary, are you free tomorrow Would you like to go shopping with me
W: Oh, sorry, Steve, tomorrow I have a volleyball class. I play volleyball on every Saturday.
M: Really You are learning volleyball! How's that
W: It's interesting but a little difficult for me. But playing sports is really good for our health. M: I see. I also want
to join some sports clubs. Can you give me some advice
W: Sure, maybe we can meet on Sunday and talk about it. I hope we can do sports together. M:OK, see you!
第三部分 听短文回答问题(计 5分)
Hello, everyone! My name is Tom Black; I'm a 11-year-old middle school student. I'd like to share my great
holiday with you. During the holiday, the weather was sunny but cool. I did something exciting with my friends.
First, we took a trip to the Science Museum. I was surprised to see a lot of pictures about science, and I learned a
lot of useful things. Then we went to a farm. On the farm, we talked with farmers and learned about farming. At
last, we went to the amusement park for fun. There are so many exciting rides. And I bought some nice gifts for
my parents. I really enjoyed the holiday!
一、听力: 1-5 ABCBC 6-10 BBAAA 11-15 AABCC
二、完形填空: 16-20 DCDAB 21-25 ADCBA 26-30 CCBDA
三、阅读理解: 31-33 DBC 34-37 ABCC 38-41 DBAC 42-45CBDD
四、任务型阅读 46-50 BACDC
51. nature 52. breathing 53. rubblish 54. threw 55. usual
56.knives 57. hate 58. proper 59. cheats 60. ship/ sea
61. began 62.first 63.himself 64. breaking 65. that
66.when 67.found 68. twice 69. worse 70. in
71. finally 72. broken 73.to stop 74.people’s 75.lives
Dear Mike,
How is everything going Summer vacation is coming, and I'm planning to do some volunteer work.
Being an animal lover, I will first volunteer to help save the homeless animals. When taking good care of
them and seeing them becoming better, I can get a strong feeling of satisfaction. I also decide to help in a summer
camp for kids because I really enjoy staying with them. l like to play games with them and tell stories to them.
When I see the joy on their faces, I will surely feel relaxed and proud.
l can't wait to know about your vacation plan. Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua



