冀教版(三年级起点)小学英语三年级下册期末练习 连词成句(含答案)

you dance can ( )
this is what ( )
a it’s cow (.)
it a is duck ( )
can fish swim (.)
bird can fly (.)
you can sing ( )
can horses run (.)
jump can rabbits (.)
a horse run can ( )
animals what swim can ( )
is the where cat ( )
on it’s the box (.)
in the what’s box ( )
help I can you ( )
big is the elephant (.)
at the look rabbit (.)
nose is its long (.)
are ears its short (.)
there how many are monkeys ( )
five monkeys there are (.)
do where live they ( )
does bird live where a ( )
do what they eat ( )
eat cows grass (.)
bananas monkeys eat (.)
cow a on lives farm a (.)
eat you will me (.)
sheep are you nice a (.)
zoo let’s go to the (.)
see I elephants two (.)
jump horses can and dogs (.)
chicken the small is (.)
can I see apple an (.)
it a is bird ( )
is she teacher a ( )
animals and are dogs cats (.)
a cat swim can ( )
hungry I am (.)
want I eat to (.)
eat let’s (!)
good this is juice (.)
on what’s table the ( )
soup like would some you ( )
you are hungry ( )
hungry am I very (.)
food your what’s favourite ( )
chicken like I (.)
fish don’t I like (.)
okay rice is (.)
dumplings good are (.)
noodles favourite is my food (.)
have I in breakfast morning the (.)
go then I school to (.)
I in have lunch afternoon the (.)
I evening dinner have the in (.)
read I then book a (.)
lunch time it’s for (.)
want I rice dumplings to and eat (.)
breakfast what’s for ( )
head hands put on your your (.)
for I noodles like breakfast (.)
dumplings I like lunch and chicken for (.)
dinner no there food is for (.)
stone magic have I a (.)
it may I use ( )
what’s stone a magic ( )
soup it makes (.)
have let’s look a (.)
fish some I and noodles have (.)
soup ready the is (.)
stone magic there no is (.)
magic the are you (.)
makes soup what the ( )
do like what you ( )
watermelon like I (.)
like you what would ( )
a juice some I’d hamburger and like (.)
one may I have ( )
hot dog I may have a ( )
water I’d some like (.)
it much how is ( )
for how donut much one ( )
take I’ll twelve (.)
donuts friends like my (.)
hamburger much a how is ( )
apples you do have any ( )
they much are how ( )
oranges how are the much ( )
fruit you some I’ll for get (.)
look apples the good (.)
a get I’ll big one (.)
fruit where the is ( )
for time dinner (.)
much is how this ( )
Can you dance
What is this
It’s a cow.
Is it a duck
Fish can swim.
Bird can fly.
Can you sing
Horses can run.
Rabbits can jump.
Can a horse run
What animals can swim
Where is the cat
It’s on the box.
What’s in the box
Can I help you
The elephant is big.
Look at the rabbit.
Its nose is long.
Its ears are short.
How many monkeys are there
There are five monkeys.
Where do they live
Where does a bird live
What do they eat
Cows eat grass.
Monkeys eat bananas.
A cow lives on a farm.
You will eat me.
You are a nice sheep.
Let’s go to the zoo.
I see two elephants.
Horses and dogs can jump.
The chicken is small.
I can see an apple.
Is it a bird
Is she a teacher
Dogs and cats are animals.
Can a cat swim
I am hungry.
I want to eat.
Let’s eat!
This juice is good.
What’s on the table
Would you like some soup
Are you hungry
I am very hungry.
What’s your favourite food
I like chicken.
I don’t like fish.
Rice is okay.
Dumplings are good.
My favourite food is noodles.
I have breakfast in the morning.
Then I go to school.
I have lunch in the afternoon.
I have dinner in the evening.
Then I read a book.
It’s time for lunch.
I want to eat dumplings and rice.
What’s for breakfast
Put your hands on your head.
I like noodles for breakfast.
I like dumplings and chicken for lunch.
There is no food for dinner.
I have a magic stone.
May I use it
What’s a magic stone
It makes soup.
Let’s have a look.
I have some fish and noodles.
The soup is ready.
There is no magic stone.
You are the magic.
What makes the soup
What do you like
I like watermelon.
What would you like
I’d like a hamburger and some juice.
May I have one
May I have a hot dog
I’d like some water.
How much is it
How much for one donut
I’ll take twelve.
My friends like donuts.
How much is a hamburger
Do you have any apples
How much are they
How much are the oranges
I’ll get some fruit for you.
The apples look good.
I’ll get a big one.
Where is the fruit
Time for dinner.
How much is this
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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