【新题型】牛津上海版 八年级下册英语期末综合复习卷 (含解析 )

【新题型】牛津上海版 八年级下册英语期末综合复习卷 (含解析 )
1.Our light is broken suddenly. We’ll change the ________ soon.
A.wire B.cable C.battery D.bulb
2.Parents ________ their children’s action when they are under age.
A.are interested in B.are responsible for
C.are away from D.are different from
3.You may dial this number ________ you run out of food and drink during your stay.
A.if B.until C.although D.because
4.—Hello, Mr. Sharma. Did you just call in to ________ a theft
—Yes, I did. A middle-aged man stole my bag.
A.tell B.study C.experience D.report
5.This cup of water is very hot. You can only ________, or you will be hurt.
A.eat B.drink C.sip D.have
6.When you plan to help poor people or people ________ , do not expect that ________ will take care of it. Instead, it starts with you.
A.in trouble; others B.in trouble; the others
C.in the trouble; none D.in the troubles; neither
7.His show was really good because it was creative and full of deep feelings.
His show was really good because it was creative as full of deep feelings.
8.English words, difficult, to, it, think, is, very, students, that, memorize, some (连词成句)
9.He was always searching for new ways to make them better.(对画线部分提间)
he always searching for new ways
10.I will sell my old car.
will you your old car
will you your old car
11.enter, may, you, room, until 10:00, not, your
12.Mum said to Tom, “Are you ready for school or not ” (改宾语从句)
Mum Tom he ready for school or not.
Fill in the blanks with proper words (在对话的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)
Judy: Hello, Tom. Please take a seat. I’m Judy.
Tom: Hello, Judy. Nice to meet you.
Judy: You too. You’ve applied to do a teaching course here, haven’t you I’d like you to tell me, first of all, why you want to be a teacher.
Tom: Well, I’d always like to e 13 things to help people understand. And I also want to work with young people.
Judy: And why have you decided to become a PE teacher
Tom: I love all sports and I really believe it’s important for young people to do sports r 14 , for example, playing badminton twice a week. Doing sports also teaches young people important life l 15 , such as the importance of teamwork, discipline (纪律) and so on.
Judy: OK, thank you. And, where does your passion (热情) for sports come from
Tom: Hmm, let me think. It’s d 16 to choose one special thing because I can think of many unforgettable experiences. More importantly, my mum was also a good sportswoman. She has inspired (启发) me a lot.
Judy:That’s OK. And how do you think teachers can e 17 their students to enjoy sports
Tom: Hmm, that’s an interesting question. I think many students enjoy the competitive element (要素). They always want to be the best! What’s more, we need to reward them for trying their best. Anyway, it’s not all about w 18 the game! They can also learn from failures.
Judy: OK, thank you very much, Tom. You make some good points.
Tom: It’s my pleasure. Thank you.
A.because B.trips C. major D.depends on E. search for F. Travellers
The next long vacation might be still months away, but it’s never too early to make a good travel plan. Here, we offer some tips on how to plan a cheap, creative travel route.
※ Book a flight
The key to getting any good-priced plane ticket is to book the flight early. Most 19 airlines offer discount tickets for off-peak travel. For example, China Southern Airlines now provides favourable group tickets to attract tourists to cities like Hong Kong and Guilin. Another way is to 20 a cheap ticket on the websites of low-cost airlines, which offer you very low fares.
※ Popular airline routes
Air Asia: The Malaysian-based airline flies from seven cities in China including Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Guilin and Shenzhen in the Chinese mainland, and provides 21 to cities such as Paris and London. It can transfer you to most Southeast Asian countries. Many tickets are priced under 1,500 yuan.
Jetstar Asia Airways: It’s a low-cost airline in Singapore. 22 can leave from airports in many cities including Beijing.
※ Find a cheap 5-star service hotel
Like airline tickets, the price for a hotel 23 when you book it—the earlier, the cheaper.
24.You will get fish bones (trap) in your throat if you talk while (eat).
25.Nobody will give them a hand, so they’ll have to make a on on their own. (decide)
26.Nobody will help him with his work, so he’ll have to do it by . (he)
27.Hurricane (飓风) Katrina in New Orleans was a great disaster to people in America. (nature)
28.Ants can release to tell their friends the location of the food. (chemistry)
To our surprise, people make a huge amount of rubbish in their daily life. We should save the environment. The following 3 Rs rules may help us.
We can reduce waste by using things wisely. People cut down millions of trees in order to make paper. However, people don’t save paper and waste a lot of paper carelessly. We may have no trees in the near future if we don’t save paper. Besides wasting paper, people also waste other things. They don’t know how to deal with the waste in some big cities. That’s why people need to make waste less.
We should think about how to reuse the used things before we threw them away. The clothes which are too small for you are still usable. We wash our old clothes and give them to the people who can’t afford new clothes. Family members can share the clothes with each other.
Recycling some rubbish such as empty cans, plastic bottles and used paper is very easy. We can make some money by recycling it. For example, used plastic bottles can be collected and smashed (粉碎). It can be made into usable plastic things again. So why not try our best to recycle things as many as possible
29.It is surprising that people make a lot of rubbish every day, isn’t it
30.How can we reduce waste
31.Why do people need to make waste less
32.Who can we give our old clothes to
33.What can be recycled according to this passage List at least two items.
34.In this passage, which rule do you like best Why
A safe new home
The large female wolf ran, and the six wolves in the group followed. She heard the whirr (呼呼声), whirr of a huge bird and saw its shadow on the snow. She was trying to lead the group to the safety of the trees across the field.
Soon the wolf could not run anymore, and she fell to the ground. She did not know about the dart (箭;镖) in her side. It was filled with medicine to make her sleep. When the wolf awoke, she was puzzled by the strange sound and the darkness.
Suddenly, she saw another wolf. It was her grown daughter! The two wolves greeted each other by licking (舔) and rubbing.
For a long time, the two wolves lay curled together in this dark place. The ground was rocking back and forth under them. The rocking motion stopped and suddenly sunlight appeared. Two strange creatures were standing before them. The wolves had never seen people before. The large wolf showed her teeth and shouted at them.
For a short time the two wolves lived inside an area with railings (圈栏) around. Meat was brought for them to eat, and they had each other for company. From the inside the wolves saw trees and snow, and they smelt the air. Soon they got used to this new place.
One spring day the strangers arrived to open the gate. The large wolf carefully went near the opening and then rushed out. She called, and her daughter followed. They ran like the wind. They were free!
“May they have long and happy lives here in Yellowstone National Park!” said the hopefulr voice of the park keeper!
35.What did the female wolf do before she fell to the ground
A.She was trying to catch the huge bird.
B.She was playing with her children.
C.She was trying to look for a safe place for her children to hide.
D.She was looking for some food to eat together with her children.
36.What is probably the huge bird which gives the sound “whirr, whirl”
A.A real bird. B.A very big cloud.
C.A helicopter. D.A person who is flying in the sky.
37.“The ground was rocking back and forth under them” is taken from Paragraph 4, what do you learn from the sentence
A.The two wolves were on their way to a new place in something.
B.The two wolves were walking to their new home.
C.The two wolves were in a deep sleep.
D.The two wolves wouldn’t wake up again.
38.Why did the large wolf show her teeth to the strangers
A.She wanted to frighten them away.
B.She wanted to make friends with them.
C.She wanted to run away.
D.She didn’t want to walk up.
39.From Paragraph 5, we know that the wolves had got used to the new place. Where were they then
A.In a wooden house. B.In a cage. C.In the forest. D.In the snow.
40.Our school is introducing a set of school uniform recently. How do you like it Would you like to wear the formal (正式的) uniform during the schooldays Why or why not Please write at least 60 words on the topic “my views on the formal school uniform” (我校最近向学生们推出一套正装校服,请问你喜欢么?你会在学生时代穿么?为什么?请写一篇不少于60字的短文来表达你对穿正装校服的看法)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
考查名词辨析。wire电线;cable电缆; battery电池;bulb电灯泡。根据“Our light is broken”和常识可知,灯坏了,应该换灯泡。故选D。
考查形容词短语。are interested in对……感兴趣;are responsible for对……负责;are away from远离;are different from和……不同。根据“Parents...their children’s action”可知父母应对未成年的孩子的行为负责。故选B。
考查连词辨析。if如果;until直到……为止;although虽然;because因为。“you run out of food and drink during your stay”是“You may dial this number”的条件,所以用if引导条件状语从句。故选A。
考查动词辨析。tell告诉;study学习;experience经历;report报告,举报。根据“Did you just call in to ... a theft ”及“A middle-aged man stole my bag.”可知,是打电话报失窃案,用report表示。故选D。
考查动词辨析。eat吃;drink喝;sip小口喝;have有。根据“This cup of water is very hot. You can only...or you will be hurt.”可知,因为水很烫,所以只能喝一小口,不然会烫伤。故选C。
考查介词短语和代词辨析。in trouble“在困境中”,固定短语;other“其他人”;the others其余的(表示在一个范围内的其他全部);none“一个也没有”;neither“两者都不”。根据“When you plan to help poor people or people ... do not expect that ....will take care of it”可知,第二空指的是的“不要指望其他人关心这件事”,这里没有确定范围,所以用others。故选A。
7. as well
【详解】句意:他的节目真的很好, 因为它很有创意, 充满了深情。and“和, 并且”, 相当于as well as“以及”。故填as;well。
8.Some students think that it is very difficult to memorize English words
【详解】分析所给词汇可知,本句是宾语从句。Some students作主句的主语;think作主句的谓语;that为引导词,引导宾语从句;从句中it is+adj.+to do sth为固定用法;very修饰形容词difficult。故填Some students think that it is very difficult to memorize English words“一些学生认为记忆英语单词很难”。
9. Why was
10. How/What deal/do with What/How do/deal with
【详解】句意:我将卖掉我的旧车。对sell提问,可表达成“你将怎么处理你的旧车?”,“处理”deal with,对应的疑问词是how;“处理”do with,对应的疑问词是what。故填HowHow;deal/do;with;What/How;do/deal;with。
11.You may not enter your room until 10:00
【详解】根据所给标点可知,本句为陈述句。you作主语;not ... until“直到……才……”;may not enter作谓语;your room作宾语;until 10:00作时间状语。故填You may not enter your room until 10:00“你也许直到到10点才进房间”。
12. asked whether was
【详解】句意:妈妈对汤姆说:“你准备好上学了吗?”改为宾语从句后,应译为“妈妈问汤姆是不是准备好去上学了。”。 “问”ask,句子时态应使用过去式,应填asked;根据“...ready for school or not”可知,宾语从句连接词与or not连用,应使用引导词whether;宾语从句的时态“主过从过”,从句中be动词应使用过去式,主语为he,be动词应使用单数形式was。故填asked;whether;was。
13.(e)xplain 14.(r)egularly 15.(l)essons 16.(d)ifficult 17.(e)ncourage 18.(w)inning
13.句意:我总是想解释一些东西来帮助人们理解。根据“things to help people understand”可知是解释东西帮助人理解,explain“解释”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填(e)xplain。
14.句意:我喜欢所有的运动,我真的相信年轻人定期运动很重要,比如每周打两次羽毛球。根据“for example, playing badminton twice a week”可知要定期做运动,此处修饰动词用副词regularly“定期地”。故填(r)egularly。
15.句意:运动也教会年轻人重要的人生课程,比如团队合作、纪律等的重要性。根据“such as the importance of teamwork, discipline (纪律) and so on”可知是教他们一些人生课程,lesson“课程”,此处用名词复数。故填(l)essons。
16.句意:很难选择一件特别的东西,因为我能想到许多难忘的经历。根据“choose one special thing because I can think of many unforgettable experiences.”可知有很多难忘的经历,所以选择一个是困难的,difficult“困难的”。故填(d)ifficult。
17.句意:你认为老师如何鼓励学生享受体育运动?根据“their students to enjoy sports”可知是鼓励学生做运动,encourage“鼓励”,情态动词后加动词原形。故填(e)ncourage。
18.句意:无论如何,这并不全是为了赢得比赛!根据“the game! They can also learn from failures.”可知不全是为了赢得比赛,win“赢”,介词about后加动名词。故填(w)inning。
19.C 20.E 21.B 22.F 23.D
24. trapped eating
【详解】句意:如果你边吃边说话,鱼刺会卡在你的喉咙里。根据“if you talk”可知,第一空表示被鱼刺卡到,get...trapped“被……困住”;第二空while意为“当……时候”,引导时间状语从句时,如果和主句主语一致,可省略主语和be动词,用现在分词表示正在发生的动作,可直接用eating,表示“当你吃鱼的时候”。故填trapped;eating。
【详解】句意:没有人会帮他做他的工作,所以他不得不自己做。根据“he have to do it by...”可知,此处应是by oneself“独自地”,空处应填入he的反身代词himself。故填himself。
29.Yes, it is. 30.By using things wisely. 31.Because they don’t know how to deal with the waste in some big cities. 32.The people who can’t afford new clothes. 33.Empty cans, plastic bottles and used paper. 34.I like the reduce rule. Because there will be less waste if we use things wisely, and our city will be cleaner and more beautiful.
【导语】本文主要讲了在日常生活中,人们制造了大量的垃圾,为了拯救环境, 我们应该如何做,文中给出了三条建议。
29.根据“To our surprise, people make a huge amount of rubbish in their daily life.”可知,令我们惊讶的是人们在日常生活中制造了大量的垃圾。故填Yes, it is.
30.根据“We can reduce waste by using things wisely.”可知,我们可以通过明智地使用东西来减少浪费。故填By using things wisely.
31.根据“They don’t know how to deal with the waste in some big cities. That’s why people need to make waste less.”可知,人们需要减少浪费,因为在一些大城市,他们不知道如何处理垃圾。故填Because they don’t know how to deal with the waste in some big cities.
32.根据“We wash our old clothes and give them to the people who can’t afford new clothes.”可知,我们可以把旧衣服送给那些买不起新衣服的人。故填The people who can’t afford new clothes.
33.根据“Recycling some rubbish such as empty cans, plastic bottles and used paper is very easy.”可知,空罐、塑料瓶和废纸等可以被回收利用。故填Empty cans, plastic bottles and used paper.
34.开放性试题,答案言之有理即可。参考答案为:I like the reduce rule. Because there will be less waste if we use things wisely, and our city will be cleaner and more beautiful.
35.C 36.C 37.A 38.A 39.B
35.细节理解题。根据“She was trying to lead the group to the safety of the trees across the field. Soon the wolf could not run anymore, and she fell to the ground.”可知当时正在寻找安全的地方让她的孩子们躲起来。故选C。
36.推理判断题。根据“She did not know about the dart (箭;镖) in her side. It was filled with medicine to make her sleep.”可知狼被射中了,箭上有药,由此推出大鸟可能是载人的直升机。故选C。
37.句意猜测题。根据“The ground was rocking back and forth under them.”可知地面在他们脚下前后摇晃,由此可知她们在某个移动的东西里,正在被带到一个新地方。故选A。
38.推理判断题。根据“The wolves had never seen people before. The large wolf showed her teeth and shouted at them.”可知之前没见过人类,由此推出呲着牙是想要把人吓跑。故选A。
39.推理判断题。根据“For a short time the two wolves lived inside an area with railings (圈栏) around.”可知,两只狼在一个有栏杆的区域内生活了一段时间,这说明他们当时在笼子里,故选B。
40. I think the introduction of a set of school uniform is a good idea. I like to wear the formal uniform during the schooldays. If I wear school uniforms at school, I’ll spend more time on my lessons instead. Another reason is that I don’t have to pay attention to clothes. I should spend more time on my study, and I’ll do better in my lessons. So I would be in favor of wearing a formal school uniform during schooldays.
①spend more time on sth.花更多时间在某事上
②pay attention to关注
③do better in在某方面表现更好
① I think the introduction of a set of school uniform is a good idea. (省略that的宾语从句)
② If I wear school uniforms at school, I’ll spend more time on my lessons instead. (if引导条件状语从句)



