
(总分:100分 答卷时间:60分钟)
( )1. A. B. C.
( )2. A. B. C.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4. A. B. C.
( )5. A. B. C.
( )6. A. B. C.
( )7 A. B. C.
( )8. A. B. C.
( )9. A. B. C.
( )10. A. B. C.
( ) 1. There is a ________ in the pencil box.
A. pencil B. crayon C. ruler
( )2. Jason likes ________.
A. grapes B. apples C. pears
( )3. It is ________ in Moscow.
A. sunny B. snowy C. rainy
( )4. Emily has a ________ skirt.
A. red B. blue C. pink
( )5. The teddy bear is ________ the sofa.
A. behind B. on C. under
( )6. Mike sees some ________.
A. cows B. horses C. sheep
( )7. The sports meet is on ________.
A. June4th B. July4th C. June 14th
( )8. The boy is ________ than the girl.
A. shorter B. heavier C. taller
( )9. Anna likes ________.
A. dancing B. singing C. playing the piano
( )10. Jimmy ________ last Saturday.
A. went fishing B. did homework C. slept
( )1. —What day was it yesterday —It was ________.
A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday
( )2. —Who did May go with yesterday —She went with ________.
A. her friends B. her family C. her teachers
( )3. —How old is Mark’s grandpa —He is ________ years old.
A. 62 B. 65 C. 72
( )4. —What does grandpa do every day —He ________ every day.
A. plays ping-pong B. goes for a walk C. does kung fu
( )5. —What is grandpa’s favourite vegetable —He likes ________ best.
A. tomatoes B. potatoes C. green beans
A. three B. duck C. lake D. chips E. house
1. The ______ is in the tub. How funny it is!
2. Cherry sells cheap ______ in the shop.
3. Dave is eating a yummy cake by the ______.
4. There are ______ geese sitting on Jean’s seat.
5. The pig and the elephant found a mouse in front of the ______.
A. next to B. clever C. saw a film D. by ferry E. twelfth F. chopsticks
6. knife fork _______
7. funny strict _______
8 eighth twentieth _______
9. by train by subway _______
10. above between _______
11. had a cold rode a horse _______
12. It’s cold. I put on my ______. ( )
A. gloves B. sweater C. scarf
13. ______ is golden and farmers are busy. ( )
A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn
14. The dog is chasing me. I’m ______. ( )
A. afraid B. happy C. angry
15. This is the boy’s bike. It’s ______. ( )
A. his B. hers C. mine
16. Mia ______ last May Day. ( )
A. went hiking B. washed clothes C. visited her grandparents
17. The sign means “______”. ( )
A. No eating B. Talk quietly C. Keep your desk clean
18. —Mum, what’s in the box ( )
—Oh! It’s ______ new schoolbag. It’s a gift for you.
A. a B. an C. some
19. —Are there any rivers in this village, Miss Smith ( )
—Yes, there ______ one. Let me show you.
A. am B. is C. are
20. —Mum, I’m very hungry. ( )
—There is a ______ near here. Let’s go and have lunch there.
A. restaurant B. hospital C. library
21. —______ does your uncle work, Peter ( )
—He works at Jinan University. He is a science teacher.
A. What B. When C. Where
22. —Lisa, who’s that man ( )
—Su Bingtian. He’s a super runner. He ______ very fast.
A. run B. runs C. running
23. —Good morning, Leo. Where is your brother ( )
—I don’t know. He does sports every morning. Maybe he is ______ in the park now.
A. studying B. playing basketball C. working
24. —Did you go to Xinhua Bookstore yesterday, Bob ( )
—______ I bought some storybooks there.
A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I didn’t.
25. —Ben, my family will go to Caocun and have a picnic tomorrow. ( )
—That’s really a nice place. ______
A. Thank you! B. You are welcome! C. Have a good time!
Alice: Hello, this is Alice.
Lucy: Hi, Alice. What are you doing now
Alice: ___26___
Lucy: Why are you cooking today
Alice: ___27___ I’m learning now.
Lucy: Really ___28___
Alice: We will learn how to cook and do housework.
Lucy: Cool! When will we have these classes
Alice: ___29___
Lucy: Wow! That sounds great!
Alice: Would you like to come to my home and cook with me this Sunday
Lucy: ___30___ I can’t wait. See you on Sunday.
Alice: See you!
A. What will we do in these classes
B. I’m cooking jiaozi.
C. Yes, of course.
D. Because we’ll have life skills classes(劳动课程) soon.
E. This September.
31. 阅读并补全相关信息。
Youth Park What: fly a kite (1) ______ go camping play games on the grass draw pictures Tip: Keep the park clean! Happy Farm What: pick tomatoes (2) ______ milk a cow with your friends Tip: Don’t pick the small green tomatoes!
Rainbow Beach What: eat ice cream under the umbrella (3) ______ play with balls Tip: Take your sun cream! Fun Zoo What: see the tigers, giraffes, lions. . . ride a horse and take pictures watch the monkey show Tip: (4) ______
(1) A. B. C.
(2) A. go skating B. plant cucumbers C. see the pandas
(3) A. go swimming B. pick apples C. plant flowers
(4) A. Don’t feed the animals! B. Don’t pick tomatoes! C. Don’t fly a kite!
32. 请根据调查结果,选择正确的选项。
Students like ______ best. ( )
A. Youth Park B. Happy Farm C. Rainbow Beach D. Fun Zoo
Hello. I’m Cindy from Group 2. We have finished our project(项目) step by step. First, we made a plan. Then, Lily and I interviewed(采访) the head teacher Mr Ma. We asked some questions about our school. Ken took some pictures of the school. Peter bought some drawing paper, crayons and pencils. At last, we made a poster(海报) of our school last weekend. This is our poster. Let’s have a look!
Guangming School
Special Clubs Numbers ●STEAM ●Chinese chess ●Swimming ●English Drama Buildings ▲40 classrooms ▲A library ▲A swimming pool ▲A gym ▲2 dining halls Numbers ■98 teachers ■1200 students For more information 0577-88886666 (9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m.) Guangmingschool communications@guangming.org 500 Binjiang Road, Wenzhou, Zhejiang. China Remember to visit www.guangming.org!
33. In Group 2, there are ______ students. ( )
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5
34. In this project, Ken ______. ( )
A. took pictures B. bought drawing paper C. interviewed the head teacher
35. From the poster, we can know ______. ( )
A. the special clubs in Guangming School B. the names of the teachers
C. the number of the playgrounds
36. Which of the following is true(正确的) ( )
A. Mr Ma is the head teacher of Guangming School.
B. There are two gyms in Guangming School.
C. If you want to know more about the school, you can call at 9:00 p.m.
37. From Cindy’s report, we know their steps of the project are as follows(步骤如下): ______. ( )
A. make a poster→make a plan→interview and take pictures
B. make a plan→make a poster→interview and take pictures
C. make a plan→interview and take pictures→make a poster
Cool technologies make the Beijing Winter Olympics stand out. What cool technologies can we see at this Winter Olympic Games
●Robot Canteen
In the Robot Canteen. there are no human cooks or waiters. You only see 120 robots working as cooks and waiters. You can scan the QR code(扫二维码). The robot cooks will cook the food and send it to you. They can cook both Chinese and Western food. What’s more, they work day and night, so you can have delicious food anytime.
●Driverless Helpers
Walking in the Beijing Winter Olympic Village, you can see different kinds of cars with no drivers. They are helpful driverless cars. When you feel tired, the cars will take you to the place you want. When you feel hungry, you can buy food from a “driverless car shop”. Some driverless cars can even send things to your place.
●Smart Beds
People in the Beijing Winter Olympics don’t have to sleep on the cardboard beds(硬纸板床). They can enjoy a nice sleep on smart beds. The beds have different modes(模式). If you want to watch TV, you can have the TV mode. If you want to read, you can choose the sofa mode. If you get up late, the wake-up mode will start to work. How smart!
38. There are ______ in the Robot Canteen. ( )
A. human cooks B. human waiters C. robot cooks and waiters
39. They are helpful driverless cars. Here, “driverless” means “______”. ( )
A. 新能源的 B. 无人驾驶的 C. 正在行驶的
40. If you get up late, the smart bed will change into ______. ( )
A. wake-up mode B. sofa mode C. TV mode
41. In the Winter Olympic Village, ______. ( )
A. driverless cars are not helpful
B. you can only eat Chinese food in the Robot Canteen
C. people can enjoy a nice sleep on smart beds
42. The best title(题目) for the passage is ______. ( )
A. Robot Canteen at the Beijing Winter Olympics
B. Cool technologies at the Beijing Winter Olympics
C. Happy days at the Beijing Winter Olympics
43. 书面表达。
Before the party At the party After the party
May 28th cloudy clean the classroom busy June 1st sunny . . . . . . June 1st sunny take pictures tired but happy
It was May 28th. It was cloudy. We drew pictures We bought some food. We l. _________. We made invitation cards. It was a busy day! It was 2:00 p.m. on 2.______. It was 3. ______. We had the Children’s Day party. We 4 ______. 5. __________ We had a good time. It was a 6. ______ party! (提示:4、5、6小题需根据情景,发挥想象,填入合适的短语或句子。) It was 5:00 p.m. on June 1st. The party was over. We 7. __________. We swept the floor together. It was a 8 ________ day! We will never forget it!六年级(下)英语
(总分:100分 答卷时间:60分钟)
( )1. A. B. C.
( )2. A. B. C.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4 A. B. C.
( )5. A. B. C.
( )6. A. B. C.
( )7. A. B. C.
( )8. A. B. C.
( )9. A. B. C.
( )10. A. B. C.
( ) 1. There is a ________ in the pencil box.
A. pencil B. crayon C. ruler
( )2. Jason likes ________.
A. grapes B. apples C. pears
( )3. It is ________ in Moscow.
A. sunny B. snowy C. rainy
( )4. Emily has a ________ skirt.
A. red B. blue C. pink
( )5. The teddy bear is ________ the sofa.
A. behind B. on C. under
( )6. Mike sees some ________.
A. cows B. horses C. sheep
( )7. The sports meet is on ________.
A. June4th B. July4th C. June 14th
( )8. The boy is ________ than the girl.
A. shorter B. heavier C. taller
( )9. Anna likes ________.
A. dancing B. singing C. playing the piano
( )10. Jimmy ________ last Saturday.
A. went fishing B. did homework C. slept
( )1. —What day was it yesterday —It was ________.
A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday
( )2. —Who did May go with yesterday —She went with ________.
A. her friends B. her family C. her teachers
( )3. —How old is Mark’s grandpa —He is ________ years old.
A. 62 B. 65 C. 72
( )4. —What does grandpa do every day —He ________ every day.
A. plays ping-pong B. goes for a walk C. does kung fu
( )5. —What is grandpa’s favourite vegetable —He likes ________ best.
A. tomatoes B. potatoes C. green beans
A. three B. duck C. lake D. chips E. house
1. The ______ is in the tub. How funny it is!
2. Cherry sells cheap ______ in the shop.
3. Dave is eating a yummy cake by the ______.
4. There are ______ geese sitting on Jean’s seat.
5. The pig and the elephant found a mouse in front of the ______.
【答案】1. B 2. D
3. C 4. A
5. E
句意:鸭子在浴缸里。真有趣!图片是鸭子duck,duck和funny的字母u发音均为/ /,故选B。
句意:Cherry在商店里卖便宜的薯条。图片是薯条chips,Cherry、chips和cheap的字母组合ch发音均为/t /,故选D。
句意:戴夫正在湖边吃美味的蛋糕。图片是湖lake,Dave、cake和lake的字母a发音均为/e /,故选C。
句意:吉恩的座位上坐着三只鹅。图片是三只three,three和geese的字母组合ee发音均为/i /,故选A。
句意:猪和大象在房子前面发现了一只老鼠。图片是房子house,mouse和house的字母组合ou发音均为/a /,故选E。
A. next to B. clever C. saw a film D. by ferry E. twelfth F. chopsticks
6. knife fork _______
7. funny strict _______
8. eighth twentieth _______
9. by train by subway _______
10. above between _______
11. had a cold rode a horse _______
【答案】6. F 7. B
8. E 9. D
10. A 11. C
knife刀,fork叉, chopsticks筷子,都是餐具,故选F。
by train乘火车,by subway乘地铁,by ferry乘渡船,都是介词固定搭配,故选D。
above在……上方,between在……之间,next to紧邻,都是地点方位介词,故选A。
had a cold感冒,rode a horse骑马,saw a film看电影,都是动词短语,故选C。
12. It’s cold. I put on my ______. ( )
A. gloves B. sweater C. scarf
13. ______ is golden and farmers are busy. ( )
A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn
14. The dog is chasing me. I’m ______. ( )
A. afraid B. happy C. angry
15. This is the boy’s bike. It’s ______. ( )
A. his B. hers C. mine
16. Mia ______ last May Day. ( )
A. went hiking B. washed clothes C. visited her grandparents
17. The sign means “______”. ( )
A. No eating B. Talk quietly C. Keep your desk clean
18. —Mum, what’s in the box ( )
—Oh! It’s ______ new schoolbag. It’s a gift for you.
A. a B. an C. some
19. —Are there any rivers in this village, Miss Smith ( )
—Yes, there ______ one. Let me show you.
A. am B. is C. are
【详解】句意:—史密斯小姐,这个村子里有河流吗?—是的,有一条。我带你看。本题考查there be句型,one是单数且是第三人称,be用is,故选B。
20. —Mum, I’m very hungry. ( )
—There is a ______ near here. Let’s go and have lunch there.
A. restaurant B. hospital C. library
【详解】句意:—妈妈,我非常饿。—附近有个饭店。让我们去那里吃午餐吧。本题按扣除名词辨析。A饭店,B医院,C图书馆。根据“Let’s go and have lunch there.”可知附近有个饭店,故选A。
21. —______ does your uncle work, Peter ( )
—He works at Jinan University. He is a science teacher.
A. What B. When C. Where
22. —Lisa, who’s that man ( )
—Su Bingtian He’s a super runner. He ______ very fast.
A. run B. runs C. running
23. —Good morning, Leo. Where is your brother ( )
—I don’t know. He does sports every morning. Maybe he is ______ in the park now.
A. studying B. playing basketball C. working
24. —Did you go to Xinhua Bookstore yesterday, Bob ( )
—______ I bought some storybooks there.
A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I didn’t.
25. —Ben, my family will go to Caocun and have a picnic tomorrow. ( )
—That’s really a nice place. ______
A. Thank you! B. You are welcome! C. Have a good time!
Alice: Hello, this is Alice.
Lucy: Hi, Alice. What are you doing now
Alice: ___26___
Lucy: Why are you cooking today
Alice: ___27___ I’m learning now.
Lucy: Really ___28___
Alice: We will learn how to cook and do housework.
Lucy: Cool! When will we have these classes
Alice: ___29___
Lucy: Wow! That sounds great!
Alice: Would you like to come to my home and cook with me this Sunday
Lucy: ___30___ I can’t wait. See you on Sunday.
Alice: See you!
A. What will we do in these classes
B. I’m cooking jiaozi.
C. Yes, of course.
D. Because we’ll have life skills classes(劳动课程) soon.
E. This September.
【答案】26. B 27. D 28. A 29. E 30. C
31. 阅读并补全相关信息。
Youth Park What: fly a kite (1) ______ go camping play games on the grass draw pictures Tip: Keep the park clean! Happy Farm What: pick tomatoes (2) ______ milk a cow with your friends Tip: Don’t pick the small green tomatoes!
Rainbow Beach What: eat ice cream under the umbrella (3) ______ play with balls Tip: Take your sun cream! Fun Zoo What: see the tigers, giraffes, lions. . . ride a horse and take pictures watch the monkey show Tip: (4) ______
(1) A. B. C.
(2) A. go skating B. plant cucumbers C. see the pandas
(3) A. go swimming B. pick apples C. plant flowers
(4) A. Don’t feed the animals! B. Don’t pick tomatoes! C. Don’t fly a kite!
32. 请根据调查结果,选择正确的选项。
Students like ______ best. ( )
A. Youth Park B. Happy Farm C. Rainbow Beach D. Fun Zoo
【答案】31. ①. B ②. B ③. A ④. A
32. C
(1)根据“What: fly a kite ”可知可以放风筝,图B是放风筝,故选B。
(2)A滑冰,B种黄瓜,C看熊猫。根据“Happy Farm What: pick tomatoes”可知是农场,农场可知种黄瓜,故选B。
(3)A游泳,B摘苹果,C种花。根据“Rainbow Beach What: eat ice cream under the umbrella”可知去海滩可以游泳,故选A。
(4)A不要喂养动物。B不要摘西红柿。B不要放风筝。根据“Fun Zoo What: see the tigers, giraffes, lions...”可知在动物园不要喂养动物,故选A。
Hello. I’m Cindy from Group 2. We have finished our project(项目) step by step. First, we made a plan. Then, Lily and I interviewed(采访) the head teacher Mr Ma. We asked some questions about our school. Ken took some pictures of the school. Peter bought some drawing paper, crayons and pencils. At last, we made a poster(海报) of our school last weekend. This is our poster. Let’s have a look!
Guangming School
Special Clubs Numbers ●STEAM ●Chinese chess ●Swimming ●English Drama Buildings ▲40 classrooms ▲A library ▲A swimming pool ▲A gym ▲2 dining halls Numbers ■98 teachers ■1200 students For more information 0577-88886666 (9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m.) Guangmingschool communications@guangming.org 500 Binjiang Road, Wenzhou, Zhejiang. China Remember to visit www.guangming.org!
33. In Group 2, there are ______ students. ( )
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5
34. In this project, Ken ______. ( )
A. took pictures B. bought drawing paper C. interviewed the head teacher
35. From the poster, we can know ______. ( )
A. the special clubs in Guangming School B. the names of the teachers
C. the number of the playgrounds
36. Which of the following is true(正确的) ( )
A. Mr Ma is the head teacher of Guangming School.
B. There are two gyms in Guangming School.
C. If you want to know more about the school, you can call at 9:00 p.m.
37. From Cindy’s report, we know their steps of the project are as follows(步骤如下): ______. ( )
A. make a poster→make a plan→interview and take pictures
B. make a plan→make a poster→interview and take pictures
C. make a plan→interview and take pictures→make a poster
【答案】33. B 34. A 35. A 36. A 37. C
句意:在项目中,肯______。A拍照,B买画纸,C采访校长。根据“Ken took some pictures of the school.”可知肯负责拍照,故选A。
句意:下列哪个是正确的?A马老师是光明学校的校长。B光明学校有两个体育馆。C如果你想了解更多关于学校的信息,你可以在晚上9点打电话。根据“Then, Lily and I interviewed(采访) the head teacher Mr Ma. ”可知马老师是校长,故选A。
句意:从辛迪的报告,我们知道项目的步骤如下:________。A制作海报→制定计划→采访和拍照。B制定计划→制作海报→采访和拍照。C制动计划→采访和拍照→制作海报。根据“First, we made a plan. Then, Lily and I interviewed(采访) the head teacher Mr Ma. At last, we made a poster(海报) of our school last weekend.”可知先制定计划,然后采访和拍照,最后是制作海报,故选C。
Cool technologies make the Beijing Winter Olympics stand out. What cool technologies can we see at this Winter Olympic Games
●Robot Canteen
In the Robot Canteen. there are no human cooks or waiters. You only see 120 robots working as cooks and waiters. You can scan the QR code(扫二维码). The robot cooks will cook the food and send it to you. They can cook both Chinese and Western food. What’s more, they work day and night, so you can have delicious food anytime.
●Driverless Helpers
Walking in the Beijing Winter Olympic Village, you can see different kinds of cars with no drivers. They are helpful driverless cars. When you feel tired, the cars will take you to the place you want. When you feel hungry, you can buy food from a “driverless car shop”. Some driverless cars can even send things to your place.
●Smart Beds
People in the Beijing Winter Olympics don’t have to sleep on the cardboard beds(硬纸板床). They can enjoy a nice sleep on smart beds. The beds have different modes(模式). If you want to watch TV, you can have the TV mode. If you want to read, you can choose the sofa mode. If you get up late, the wake-up mode will start to work. How smart!
38. There are ______ in the Robot Canteen. ( )
A. human cooks B. human waiters C. robot cooks and waiters
39. They are helpful driverless cars. Here, “driverless” means “______”. ( )
A. 新能源的 B. 无人驾驶的 C. 正在行驶的
40. If you get up late, the smart bed will change into ______. ( )
A. wake-up mode B. sofa mode C. TV mode
41. In the Winter Olympic Village, ______. ( )
A. driverless cars are not helpful
B. you can only eat Chinese food in the Robot Canteen
C. people can enjoy a nice sleep on smart beds
42. The best title(题目) for the passage is ______. ( )
A. Robot Canteen at the Beijing Winter Olympics
B. Cool technologies at the Beijing Winter Olympics
C. Happy days at the Beijing Winter Olympics
【答案】38. C 39. B 40. A 41. C 42. B
句意:在机器人食堂有______。A人类厨师,B人类服务员,C机器人厨师和服务员。根据“In the Robot Canteen. there are no human cooks or waiters. You only see 120 robots working as cooks and waiters.”可知机器人食堂有机器人厨师和服务员,故选C。
句意:“driverless”意思是_______。根据“Walking in the Beijing Winter Olympic Village, you can see different kinds of cars with no drivers. They are helpful driverless cars.”可知是无人驾驶汽车,故选B。
句意:如果你起晚了,智能床将变成_______。A唤醒模式,B沙发模式,C电视模式。根据“If you get up late, the wake-up mode will start to work. How smart!”可知起晚了,智能床将会开启叫醒模式,故选A。
句意:在冬奥村,________。A无人驾驶汽车没有帮助,B你只能在机器人食堂吃中餐,C人们可以在智能床上睡个好觉。根据“They can enjoy a nice sleep on smart beds.”可知人们能在智能床睡个好觉,故选C。
句意:文章的标题是________。A北京冬奥会机器人食堂。B北京冬奥会上的酷炫技术。C北京冬奥会快乐的日子。根据“Cool technologies make the Beijing Winter Olympics stand out. ”可知文章讲述的是北京冬奥会酷炫的技术,故选B。
43. 书面表达。
Before the party At the party After the party
May 28th cloudy clean the classroom busy June 1st sunny . . . . . June 1st sunny take pictures tired but happy
It was May 28th. It was cloudy. We drew pictures. We bought some food. We l. _________. We made invitation cards. It was a busy day! It was 2:00 p.m. on 2.______. It was 3. ______. We had the Children’s Day party. We 4. ______. 5. __________ We had a good time. It was a 6. ______ party! (提示:4、5、6小题需根据情景,发挥想象,填入合适的短语或句子。) It was 5:00 p.m. on June 1st. The party was over. We 7. __________. We swept the floor together. It was a 8. ________ day! We will never forget it!
【答案】1. cleaned the classroom 2. June 1st 3. sunny 4. had food and drinks
5. We played games 6. happy 7. took pictures 8. tired but happy
2. 参考词汇和参考句型:
参考词汇:cleaned the classroom打扫教室,sunny晴朗的,had food and drinks吃食物和饮料,played games玩游戏,happy快乐的,took pictures拍照,tired but happy累但快乐
参考句型:We...;It was...;We had...



