
(总分:100分 答卷时间:60分钟)
( )1. A. smarter B. smaller ( )2. A. watched B. washed
( )3 A. bought B. breath ( )4. A. fell B. fast
( )5. A. metre B. mule ( )6. A. bridge B. fridge
( )7. A. polite B. pilot ( )8. A. afraid B. angry
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
6. 7. 8. 9.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. He is 1. 72 metres. B. He is forty years old.
( )2. A. I’m fine, thanks. B. It was fine.
( )3. A. No, I didn’t. B. No, I wasn’t.
( )4. A. I went there last summer holiday. B. I went there by train.
( )5. A. He is a police officer. B. He is playing football.
Sarah wrote a diary about her weekend.
A. 听录音,排序(5分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
B. 再听一次,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(6分)
( )1. It was a sunny day.
( )2. Sarah ate lunch at her grandparents’home.
( )3. Sarah’s family went home in the morning.
A. Wednesday B. taller C. rode D. fisherman E. last month
1. took bought ( )
2. younger longer ( )
3. last night yesterday ( )
4. Tuesday Friday ( )
5. postman coach ( )
【答案】1. C 2. B
3. E 4. A
5. D
took 拿,bought 买,rode 骑,都是动词的过去式,故选C。
younger更年轻,longer 更长,taller 更高,都是形容词的比较级,故选B。
last night 昨天晚上,yesterday 昨天,last month 上个月,都是表示过去的时间,故选E。
Tuesday 星期二,Friday 星期五,Wednesday 星期三,都是表示星期几,故选A。
postman 邮递员,coach 教练,fisherman 渔民,都是职业名词,故选D。
A. B. C. D. E.
6. —Hey, you look so excited. What happened ( )
—I went camping yesterday.
—Wow, I want to go camping, too.
7. Before, I couldn’t play badminton. Now I can play badminton well. ( )
8. —Look. How tall is the dinosaur ( )
—Maybe 1 metres. It’s taller than both of us together.
9. —What did you do yesterday. Binbin I didn’t see you. ( )
—I went to the museum with Robin. There was a robot show.
10. —Hey. Lucy. Let’s go to the bookstore. ( )
—What will you buy
—I’m going to buy the new film magazine.
—I read it last weekend It was interesting.
【答案】6. B 7. E
8. C 9. A
10. D
Read and complete the dialogue (读对话,选句子)
It’s Saturday today. Mike is at Yifan’s home.
Y: Mike, come and look at the photos of my last summer holiday.
M: Wow, you look so cool! ____11____
Y: I went to Hangzhou with my family.
M: Look here! ____12____
Y: Yes, I am. There were many colourful fishes.
M: Cool! ____13____
Y: I’m sorry we can’t take a big trip this summer holiday because of the 2019-nCoV(新冠病毒).
M: Oh, yes. That’s too bad. ____14____ We can play with Bill.
Y: Go to a farm ____15____
M: We can pick fruits and vegetables, ride horses, go fishing and milk cows.
Y: Sounds great! Let me go and ask my parents.
A. What can we do
B. Are you feeding the fishes
C. Where are you going this summer holiday
D. Where did you go
E. Would you like to go to Mrs Booth’s farm with me
【答案】11. D 12. B 13. C 14. E 15. A
jumped water took by bike delicious fishing
Last Sunday, my friends and I went to a nature park. We went there ___16___. There were green mountains around the lake. The ___17___ in the lake was green and clean. Lily and Jack went ___18___ by the lake. Li Mei and I went boating. We saw many animals there. Two monkeys ___19___ from tree to tree. We ___20___ lots of pictures. In the afternoon, we ate some ___21___ food. That was fun.
【答案】16. by bike
17. water 18. fishing
19. jumped 20. took
21. delicious
句意:我们骑自行车去那里。根据常识和句子结构,可以推断出此处需要一个表示交通方式的短语。by bike表示骑自行车,符合语境,故答案为by bike。
句意:我们拍了很多照片。根据句子结构和语境,这里表示拍照,take picture拍照,句子是一般过去时,此处需用动词过去式took,故答案为took。
Dear Mum, Robin and I arrived in Hangzhou at noon. Ben’s family met us at the Hangzhou East Railway Station. Then we came to their home by car. In the afternoon we walked to the West Lake with Ben’s family. It was so beautiful. We rowed a boat on the lake and took many pictures. In the evening, we went to a famous restaurant and ate lots of delicious food. My favourite food was fish. It was sweet and sour. After dinner, we took a walk along the West Lake. But unluckily, Robin and I lost the way. Thanks to Robin’s BDS, we could find our way. We were tired but very happy. Tomorrow we’re going to the Hangzhou Zoo. That’ll be interesting! Everything is fine. Don’t worry about us! Love, Binbin
22. When did Binbin arrive in Hangzhou ( )
A. At 12 o’clock. B. At 10 o’clock. C. At 2 o’clock.
23. Robin and Binbin didn’t ______ in the afternoon. ( )
A. row a boat B. go to the Hangzhou Zoo C. take pictures
24 How did they go to the West Lake ( )
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
25. The underlined word “unluckily” means “______” in Chinese. ( )
A. 不幸的 B. 令人高兴的 C. 有趣的
26. Which one is right ( )
A. Robin and Binbin lived in the hotel. B. They bought many gifts for Binbin’s mum.
C. Robin and Binbin will stay in Hangzhou tomorrow.
【答案】22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. C
【详解】1. 句意:Binbin什么时候到达杭州的?A在12点,B在10点,C在2点,根据 “Robin and I arrived in Hangzhou at noon.” 可知是正午到达杭州,即12点,故选A。
2. 句意:Robin和Binbin在下午没有做什么?A划船,B去杭州动物园,C拍照,根据 “In the afternoon. . We rowed a boat on the lake and took many pictures.” 和正文最后一段 “Tomorrow we’re going to the Hangzhou Zoo.” 可知A项和C项都是下午做的事,B项是明天做的事,故选B。
3. 句意:他们怎么去西湖的?A坐汽车,B做公交车,C走路,根据 “In the afternoon we walked to the West Lake with Ben’s family.” 可知是走路去西湖,故选C。
4. 句意:划线的单词“unluckily”在中文中的意思是___?根据后文 “lost the way” 可知迷路了,故可推测是“不幸的”的意思,故选A。
5. 句意:哪一个是正确的?A罗宾和宾宾住在旅馆里。B他们给彬彬的妈妈买了很多礼物。C罗宾和彬彬明天将留在杭州。根据信的内容,Binbin和Robin并没有住在酒店,也没有提到他们为Binbin的妈妈买了很多礼物,但信的最后提到“Tomorrow we’re going to the Hangzhou Zoo.”,所以他们明天还会在杭州,故选C。
I was in Grade 4. I went to Mr Mac-Donald’s farm. We saw many animals. We had a picnic there. We ate lots of fresh vegetables. Then we went to Farmers’ Market, and I bought a gift for Sam. It was a toy cow. What a nice day! We had an English party in Grade 5. We read riddles and played games. How happy! And I made a play with Robin. I was a police officer in the play. That was a great day!
Last summer holiday, I went to a forest with my family. The weather was fine. I sang songs on the way to the forest. We rode a bike for three people in the afternoon. How cool! We went camping in the evening. We saw many stars. I felt excited. That was a special day! I went to Mrs Booth’s farm. I met a new friend, Bill. We often played together. In the morning, we did homework and went fishing. In the afternoon, we picked grapes and rode horses. In the evening, we played ping-pong and watched TV together. We had great fun!
27. 读短文,对四则推文进行配图。
A. B. C. D.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
28. 读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
(1) Sarah bought a toy car for Sam. ( )
(2) Wu Binbin made a play with Robin in the English party in Grade 5. ( )
(3) John went camping with his family in the afternoon over the summer holiday. ( )
(4) Mike and Bill went fishing and played ping-pong in the afternoon. ( )
【答案】27. ①. A ②. C ③. B ④. D
28. ①. F ②. T ③. F ④. F
【详解】(1) 根据关键词 “farm” 和 “animals” 可知有农场和动物,图片A是农场,故选A。
(2) 根据关键词 “English party” 可知是英文派对,选项C是英文派对,故选C。
(3) 根据关键词 “went camping” 可知是去露营,选项B是露营,故选B。
(4) 根据关键词 “went fishing” 和 “picked grapes” 可知是摘葡萄和骑马,选项D是摘葡萄和骑马,故选D。
2. (1) 句意:Sarah给Sam买了一个玩具车。根据“I bought a gift for Sam. It was a toy cow.”可知作者给Sam买了一个玩具牛,而不是玩具车。故答案为F。
(2) 句意:在五年级的英语聚会上,Wu Binbin和Robin一起制作了一个剧本。根据“And I made a play with Robin.”可知Wu Binbin在五年级的英语聚会上与Robin一起制作了一个剧本。故答案为T。
(3) 句意:John在暑假下午和家人一起去露营。根据“We went camping in the evening.”可知John在暑假晚上与家人一起去露营,而不是下午。故答案为F。
(4 )句意:Mike和Bill在下午去钓鱼和打乒乓球。根据“In the afternoon, we picked grapes and rode horses.”可知Mike和Bill在下午摘葡萄和骑马,而不是去钓鱼和打乒乓球。故答案为F。
29. 书面表达。
时间过得真快,小学六年生活即将结束。瞧,你长高了,也更能干了。请你回顾一下你的小学生活,以“My changes”为题写一篇英语短文,描述自己在外貌、性格、能力、喜好等方面的成长和变化。
参考句型:Before I was. . .;Now I am. . . ;Before I didn’t like. . . ;Now I like. . .;Before I couldn’t. Now I can. . .
My changes
How time flies! I changed a lot. Before, __________________________________________________________
My changes
How time flies! I changed a lot. Before I was short and thin. I had long hair and didn’t wear glasses. Now, I’m tall and strong. I have short hair and wear a pair of glasses. Before, I was quiet. Now, I am active. Before, I couldn’t ride a bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. And I can play the piano well. I didn’t like maths or PE before. But now, they are my favourite. And I’m good at playing badminton.
参考词汇:changed改变,short矮的,long hair长发,strong强壮的,active活跃的,go cycling骑自行车, play the piano弹钢琴
参考句型:I was...;I’m...;I have...;I can...六年级(下)英语
(总分:100分 答卷时间:60分钟)
( )1. A. smarter B. smaller ( )2. A. watched B. washed
( )3 A. bought B. breath ( )4. A. fell B. fast
( )5. A. metre B. mule ( )6. A. bridge B. fridge
( )7. A. polite B. pilot ( )8. A. afraid B. angry
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
6. 7. 8. 9.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1. A. He is 1. 72 metres. B. He is forty years old.
( )2. A. I’m fine, thanks. B. It was fine.
( )3. A. No, I didn’t. B. No, I wasn’t.
( )4. A. I went there last summer holiday. B. I went there by train.
( )5. A. He is a police officer. B. He is playing football.
Sarah wrote a diary about her weekend.
A. 听录音,排序。(5分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
B. 再听一次,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(6分)
( )1. It was a sunny day.
( )2. Sarah ate lunch at her grandparents’home.
( )3. Sarah’s family went home in the morning.
A. Wednesday B. taller C. rode D. fisherman E. last month
1. took bought ( )
2 younger longer ( )
3. last night yesterday ( )
4. Tuesday Friday ( )
5. postman coach ( )
A. B. C. D. E.
6. —Hey, you look so excited. What happened ( )
—I went camping yesterday.
—Wow, I want to go camping, too.
7. Before, I couldn’t play badminton. Now I can play badminton well. ( )
8. —Look. How tall is the dinosaur ( )
—Maybe 1 metres. It’s taller than both of us together.
9. —What did you do yesterday. Binbin I didn’t see you. ( )
—I went to the museum with Robin. There was a robot show.
10. —Hey. Lucy. Let’s go to the bookstore. ( )
—What will you buy
—I’m going to buy the new film magazine.
—I read it last weekend. It was interesting.
Read and complete the dialogue (读对话,选句子)
It’s Saturday today. Mike is at Yifan’s home.
Y: Mike, come and look at the photos of my last summer holiday.
M: Wow, you look so cool! ____11____
Y: I went to Hangzhou with my family.
M: Look here! ____12____
Y: Yes, I am. There were many colourful fishes.
M: Cool! ____13____
Y: I’m sorry we can’t take a big trip this summer holiday because of the 2019-nCoV(新冠病毒).
M: Oh yes. That’s too bad. ____14____ We can play with Bill.
Y: Go to a farm ____15____
M: We can pick fruits and vegetables, ride horses, go fishing and milk cows.
Y: Sounds great! Let me go and ask my parents.
A What can we do
B. Are you feeding the fishes
C. Where are you going this summer holiday
D. Where did you go
E. Would you like to go to Mrs Booth’s farm with me
jumped water took by bike delicious fishing
Last Sunday, my friends and I went to a nature park. We went there ___16___. There were green mountains around the lake. The ___17___ in the lake was green and clean. Lily and Jack went ___18___ by the lake. Li Mei and I went boating. We saw many animals there. Two monkeys ___19___ from tree to tree. We ___20___ lots of pictures. In the afternoon, we ate some ___21___ food. That was fun.
Dear Mum, Robin and I arrived in Hangzhou at noon. Ben’s family met us at the Hangzhou East Railway Station. Then we came to their home by car. In the afternoon we walked to the West Lake with Ben’s family. It was so beautiful. We rowed a boat on the lake and took many pictures. In the evening, we went to a famous restaurant and ate lots of delicious food. My favourite food was fish. It was sweet and sour. After dinner, we took a walk along the West Lake. But unluckily, Robin and I lost the way. Thanks to Robin’s BDS, we could find our way. We were tired but very happy. Tomorrow we’re going to the Hangzhou Zoo. That’ll be interesting! Everything is fine. Don’t worry about us! Love, Binbin
22. When did Binbin arrive in Hangzhou ( )
A. At 12 o’clock. B. At 10 o’clock. C. At 2 o’clock.
23. Robin and Binbin didn’t ______ in the afternoon. ( )
A. row a boat B. go to the Hangzhou Zoo C. take pictures
24. How did they go to the West Lake ( )
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
25. The underlined word “unluckily” means “______” in Chinese. ( )
A. 不幸的 B. 令人高兴的 C. 有趣的
26. Which one is right ( )
A. Robin and Binbin lived in the hotel. B. They bought many gifts for Binbin’s mum.
C. Robin and Binbin will stay in Hangzhou tomorrow.
I was in Grade 4. I went to Mr Mac-Donald’s farm. We saw many animals. We had a picnic there. We ate lots of fresh vegetables. Then we went to Farmers’ Market, and I bought a gift for Sam. It was a toy cow. What a nice day! We had an English party in Grade 5. We read riddles and played games. How happy! And I made a play with Robin. I was a police officer in the play. That was a great day!
Last summer holiday, I went to a forest with my family. The weather was fine. I sang songs on the way to the forest. We rode a bike for three people in the afternoon. How cool! We went camping in the evening. We saw many stars. I felt excited. That was a special day! I went to Mrs Booth’s farm. I met a new friend, Bill. We often played together. In the morning, we did homework and went fishing. In the afternoon, we picked grapes and rode horses. In the evening, we played ping-pong and watched TV together. We had great fun!
27. 读短文,对四则推文进行配图。
A. B. C. D.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
28. 读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
(1) Sarah bought a toy car for Sam. ( )
(2) Wu Binbin made a play with Robin in the English party in Grade 5. ( )
(3) John went camping with his family in the afternoon over the summer holiday. ( )
(4) Mike and Bill went fishing and played ping-pong in the afternoon. ( )
29. 书面表达。
时间过得真快,小学六年生活即将结束。瞧,你长高了,也更能干了。请你回顾一下你的小学生活,以“My changes”为题写一篇英语短文,描述自己在外貌、性格、能力、喜好等方面的成长和变化。
参考句型:Before I was. . .;Now I am. . . ;Before I didn’t like. . . ;Now I like. . .;Before I couldn’t. Now I can. . .
My changes
How time flies! I changed a lot. Before, __________________________________________________________



