
( ) 1. A. washed B. watched C. watered
( ) 2. A. January 1st B. July 1st C. June 1st
( ) 3. A. 1.54 metres B. 1.40 metres C. 1.50 metres
( ) 4. A. went swimming B. went hiking C. went shopping
( ) 5. A. beside the houses B. behind the houses
C. between the houses
( ) 1. How does Mary feel today
A. She is happy. B. She is fine. C. She is tired.
( ) 2. Where are the two people talking now
A. In the hotel. B. In the post office. C. In the bookstore.
( ) 3. How heavy is Tom
A. He’s 42 kilograms. B. He’s 54 kilograms. C. He’s 46 kilograms.
( ) 4. When will John and Sarah play football
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon.
( ) 5. What did Amy do last Saturday
A. She read a book. B. She read a newspaper. C. She went to London.
( ) 1. Where does Lily come from
A China. B. The USA. C. Australia.
( ) 2. What are Lily’s hobbies
A. Swimming and singing. B. Swimming and reading. C. Singing and reading.
( ) 3. Anna has ______ now.
A. short black hair B. long black hair C. long brown hair
( ) 4. Could Anna ride a bike well before
A. No. Her bike was too short.
B. No, she couldn’t.
C. Yes, she could.
( ) 5. There was no ______ in Anna’s old school.
A. small building B. playground C. gym
( ) 1. Mike’s family went to the countryside by car last May Day.
( ) 2. It was a short time to go to the countryside.
( ) 3. Mike’s family had a picnic near a hill.
( ) 4. The weather was not good that morning.
( ) 5. Mike’s family had a good time in the afternoon.
1. us me ( )
A. your B. them C. he
2. mule rabbit ( )
A. grass B. basket C. tiger
3. polite clever ( )
A. write B. active C. magazine
4. younger thinner ( )
A. smaller B. driver C. officer
5. eating listening ( )
A. evening B. laughing C. interesting
6. —I can’t play ping-pong with you today. I will do housework with my mum. ( )
—______ Maybe next time.
A. Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. I’d love to come.
7. —I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic is too heavy today. ( )
—______ Come in, please. You are just in time for the party.
A. Don’t worry. B. You’re welcome. C. You’re OK.
8. —Excuse me. Where is the science museum ( )
—______ I’m new here, too.
A. This way, please. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. There it is.
9. —You look so happy, Binbin. What happened ( )
A. I had a cold. B. I hurt my arm. C. I won the race.
10. —Hi. I’d like a chicken sandwich and a beef hamburger, please. ( )
—OK! ______
—A bottle of orange juice please.
A. Anything else B. Help yourself. C. Are you hungry
A. But it looks like a beautiful park now. B. He hurt his leg and had to stay at home. C. It’s half price then. D. But this year, he is holding a picture show in the school. E. The children are reading books in the classroom.
11. Talk quietly, please. ( )
12. Before he didn’t draw very well. ( )
13. Let’s go and see a film on Tuesday, Amy. ( )
14. My friend didn’t go to the farewell party last week. ( )
15. There were only old houses and dirty rivers in the village ten years ago. ( )
16. —What did you do last winter vacation
—I went to Harbin and ______.
17. My new pen pal likes ______ very much. He wants to be a dancer one day.
18 Tony is twelve years old now. He ______ his bike to school every day.
19. John can carry this big desk, but Mike can’t. John is ______ than Mike.
20. This house is ours and that one near the lake is ______ (他们的) .
Waste not, want not (俭以防匮)!
Rebecca and Maise are twin (双胞胎) sisters, but they are very ___21___. Rebecca always spends (花费) a lot of her money. Maise is careful with ___22___.
It was their birthday last month. They both got money from their parents. Rebecca spent her money on new clothes. She didn’t ___23___ new clothes, but she just wanted some new clothes for the birthday.
Every day, the girls’ mother ___24___ healthy sandwiches for their lunch. But Rebecca ___25___ many ice creams and snacks. Soon she had no money.
Yesterday, there was good news from their school: a school trip to New York! Rebecca and Maise were ___26___. But the trip to New York was ___27___! “I really want to go, but I have no money,” said Rebecca. But Maise had enough money for her trip, —and for Rebecca’s, too! “I’ll pay for your trip. You must pay back next year,” she said to Rebecca.
A. need
B. excited
C. bought
D. hers
E. different
F. expensive
G. made
Jerry: You look so sad, Kitty. ___28___
Kitty: I didn’t do well in the English contest. ___29___ What should I do
Jerry: That’s OK, Kitty. You’re so hard-working. ___30___
Kitty: But I really don’t know how to learn English. ___31___
Jerry: Sure. You should read and speak English every day. Also you should do more exercises and ask for help from your teacher and classmates.
Kitty: OK. ___32___
Jerry: You can take a deep breath and say “I can” to yourself. It always works for me.
A. My parents will not be happy with me.
B. You can do better next time.
C. But I always feel bad before English contests.
D. What’s wrong
E. Can you help me
33. 读短文,根据语段顺序给图片排序,将阿拉伯数字填入括号内。
1. A singing gnat (飞虫) was flying around the lion’s head. “Go away!” said the angry lion.
2. The gnat said, “Ha-ha! You’re King of the Forest, but I’m not afraid of you.” Then the gnat stung (叮) him on the nose.
3. The lion tried to catch the gnat with his paw (爪子). But he hurt his nose.
4. The gnat tried to sting the lion again. And the lion tried to catch the gnat with his teeth, but he bit his paw. He hurt his paw.
5. The gnat liked this so much. “It’s a funny game!” He stung the lion all over his body. The lion was very very tired and said to the gnat, “Leave me alone. You win!”
6. The gnat flew away and wanted to tell the world about it. But he flew into a spider’s web and became the spider’s food.
( ) ( 1 ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
Mary bought some Christmas gifts for her children. She put the gifts in the trunk (= the back of the car). On the way home from the supermarket, it suddenly rained and one of the tyres (轮胎) suddenly got broken. Mary didn’t know how to change a tyre. She stood in the rain and hoped someone would help her.
Luckily, a car stopped. The young driver told Mary to wait in the car when he was changing the tyre. The young man opened the trunk and moved the gifts to his car. He took out the spare (备用的) tyre and changed the broken one with it. Mary was so happy. She thanked the young man.
Mary got home and opened the trunk. But there were no gifts there! “Oops, the young man took the gifts away,” Mary said. Then she saw a ring (戒指) in the trunk with a man’s name on it. “The ring doesn’t belong to me. It’s his. I should give it back.” So she put an ad (广告) in the city newspaper and hoped the man would see the ad and get the ring back.
The next day the young man came to Mary’s house. ______ Mary thanked him and gave one of the gifts to him. She wished him a Merry Christmas.
34. 选择最佳选项,将字母标号填在括号内。
(1) Mary bought the Christmas gifts for ______. ( )
A. herself B. the young man C. her children
(2) The young man really wanted to ______. ( )
A. take the Christmas gifts away
B. help Mary to change the tyre
C leave his ring in the trunk of Mary’s car
(3) Mary felt very ______ when she found no Christmas gifts in the trunk. ( )
A. afraid B. angry C. worried
(4) The title of this story is “______”. ( )
A. A helpful man B. An honest man C. A polite man
35. 根据上下文改写粗体画线部分的句子,写在四线格中,保持意思相同。不超过6个单词。
36. 在短文横线上填入一个合适的语句,写在四线三格中。不少于5个单词。六年级(下)英语
( ) 1. A. washed B. watched C. watered
( ) 2. A. January 1st B. July 1st C. June 1st
( ) 3. A. 1.54 metres B. 1.40 metres C. 1.50 metres
( ) 4. A. went swimming B. went hiking C. went shopping
( ) 5. A. beside the houses B. behind the houses
C. between the houses
( ) 1. How does Mary feel today
A. She is happy. B. She is fine. C. She is tired.
( ) 2. Where are the two people talking now
A. In the hotel. B. In the post office. C. In the bookstore.
( ) 3. How heavy is Tom
A. He’s 42 kilograms. B. He’s 54 kilograms. C. He’s 46 kilograms.
( ) 4. When will John and Sarah play football
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon.
( ) 5. What did Amy do last Saturday
A. She read a book. B. She read a newspaper. C. She went to London.
( ) 1. Where does Lily come from
A. China. B. The USA. C. Australia.
( ) 2. What are Lily’s hobbies
A. Swimming and singing. B. Swimming and reading. C. Singing and reading.
( ) 3. Anna has ______ now.
A. short black hair B. long black hair C. long brown hair
( ) 4. Could Anna ride a bike well before
A. No. Her bike was too short.
B. No, she couldn’t.
C. Yes, she could.
( ) 5. There was no ______ in Anna’s old school.
A. small building B. playground C. gym
( ) 1 Mike’s family went to the countryside by car last May Day.
( ) 2. It was a short time to go to the countryside.
( ) 3. Mike’s family had a picnic near a hill.
( ) 4. The weather was not good that morning.
( ) 5. Mike’s family had a good time in the afternoon.
1. us me ( )
A. your B. them C. he
2. mule rabbit ( )
A. grass B. basket C. tiger
3. polite clever ( )
A. write B. active C. magazine
4. younger thinner ( )
A. smaller B. driver C. officer
5. eating listening ( )
A. evening B. laughing C. interesting
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
6. —I can’t play ping-pong with you today. I will do housework with my mum. ( )
—______ Maybe next time.
A. Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. I’d love to come.
7. —I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic is too heavy today. ( )
—______ Come in, please. You are just in time for the party.
A. Don’t worry. B. You’re welcome. C. You’re OK.
8. —Excuse me. Where is the science museum ( )
—______ I’m new here, too.
A. This way, please. B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. There it is.
9. —You look so happy, Binbin. What happened ( )
A. I had a cold. B. I hurt my arm. C. I won the race.
10. —Hi. I’d like a chicken sandwich and a beef hamburger, please. ( )
—OK! ______
—A bottle of orange juice, please.
A. Anything else B. Help yourself. C. Are you hungry
A. But it looks like a beautiful park now. B. He hurt his leg and had to stay at home. C. It’s half price then. D. But this year, he is holding a picture show in the school. E. The children are reading books in the classroom.
11. Talk quietly, please. ( )
12. Before he didn’t draw very well. ( )
13. Let’s go and see a film on Tuesday, Amy. ( )
14. My friend didn’t go to the farewell party last week. ( )
15. There were only old houses and dirty rivers in the village ten years ago. ( )
【答案】11. E 12. D
13 C 14. B
15. A
16. —What did you do last winter vacation
—I went to Harbin and ______.
17. My new pen pal likes ______ very much. He wants to be a dancer one day.
【答案】dancing##to dance
【详解】句意: 我的新笔友非常喜欢_______。他想有一天成为一名舞蹈家。本题考查动词的形式。根据句意可知考查单词dance跳舞,喜欢干某事like doing/to do sth,dance的动名词是dancing。故答案为dancing/to dance。
18. Tony is twelve years old now. He ______ his bike to school every day.
【详解】句意:托尼现在十二岁了。他每天骑自行车去上学。本题考查动词短语和动词的形式。ride a bike骑自行车,由every day可知是一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,故ride用第三人称单数形式rides。故答案为rides。
19. John can carry this big desk, but Mike can’t. John is ______ than Mike.
20. This house is ours and that one near the lake is ______ (他们的) .
【详解】句意:这个房子是我们的,靠近湖边的那个房子是他们的。本题考查名词性物主代词。根据句意和汉语提示,可知考查单词theirs他们的,theirs=their house。故答案为theirs。
Waste not, want not (俭以防匮)!
Rebecca and Maise are twin (双胞胎) sisters, but they are very ___21___. Rebecca always spends (花费) a lot of her money. Maise is careful with ___22___.
It was their birthday last month. They both got money from their parents. Rebecca spent her money on new clothes. She didn’t ___23___ new clothes, but she just wanted some new clothes for the birthday.
Every day, the girls’ mother ___24___ healthy sandwiches for their lunch. But Rebecca ___25___ many ice creams and snacks. Soon she had no money.
Yesterday, there was good news from their school: a school trip to New York! Rebecca and Maise were ___26___. But the trip to New York was ___27___! “I really want to go, but I have no money,” said Rebecca. But Maise had enough money for her trip, —and for Rebecca’s, too! “I’ll pay for your trip. You must pay back next year,” she said to Rebecca.
A. need
B. excited
C. bought
D. hers
E. different
F. expensive
G. made
【答案】21. E 22. D 23. A 24. G 25. C 26. B 27. F
句意:梅兹对______很谨慎。hers符合题意,由上句可知这里的hers指的是her money她的钱。故选D。
Jerry: You look so sad, Kitty. ___28___
Kitty: I didn’t do well in the English contest. ___29___ What should I do
Jerry: That’s OK, Kitty. You’re so hard-working. ___30___
Kitty: But I really don’t know how to learn English. ___31___
Jerry: Sure. You should read and speak English every day. Also, you should do more exercises and ask for help from your teacher and classmates.
Kitty: OK. ___32___
Jerry: You can take a deep breath and say “I can” to yourself. It always works for me.
A. My parents will not be happy with me.
B. You can do better next time.
C. But I always feel bad before English contests.
D. What’s wrong
E. Can you help me
【答案】28. D 29. A 30. B 31. E 32. C
33. 读短文,根据语段顺序给图片排序,将阿拉伯数字填入括号内。
1. A singing gnat (飞虫) was flying around the lion’s head. “Go away!” said the angry lion.
2. The gnat said, “Ha-ha! You’re King of the Forest, but I’m not afraid of you.” Then the gnat stung (叮) him on the nose.
3. The lion tried to catch the gnat with his paw (爪子). But he hurt his nose.
4. The gnat tried to sting the lion again. And the lion tried to catch the gnat with his teeth, but he bit his paw. He hurt his paw.
5. The gnat liked this so much. “It’s a funny game!” He stung the lion all over his body. The lion was very very tired and said to the gnat, “Leave me alone. You win!”
6. The gnat flew away and wanted to tell the world about it. But he flew into a spider’s web and became the spider’s food.
( ) ( 1 ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
【答案】 ①. 3 ②. 2 ③. 5 ④. 4 ⑤. 6
1. 一只会唱歌的飞虫在狮子的头上飞来飞去。“走开!”愤怒的狮子说道。
2. 飞虫说:“哈哈!你是森林之王,但我不怕你。”然后飞虫叮了他的鼻子。
3. 狮子试图用爪子抓住飞虫。但他把自己的鼻子弄伤了。
4. 飞虫试图再次叮狮子。狮子试图用牙齿抓住咬牙切齿,但他咬住了爪子。他的爪子受伤了。
5. 这只飞虫非常喜欢这个。“这是一个有趣的游戏!”他把狮子的全身都叮了一遍。狮子非常非常疲惫,对飞虫说:“别管我。你赢了!”
6. 这只飞虫飞走了,想把这件事告诉全世界。但他飞进了蜘蛛网,成了蜘蛛的食物。
Mary bought some Christmas gifts for her children. She put the gifts in the trunk (= the back of the car). On the way home from the supermarket, it suddenly rained and one of the tyres (轮胎) suddenly got broken. Mary didn’t know how to change a tyre. She stood in the rain and hoped someone would help her.
Luckily, a car stopped. The young driver told Mary to wait in the car when he was changing the tyre. The young man opened the trunk and moved the gifts to his car. He took out the spare (备用的) tyre and changed the broken one with it. Mary was so happy. She thanked the young man.
Mary got home and opened the trunk. But there were no gifts there! “Oops the young man took the gifts away,” Mary said. Then she saw a ring (戒指) in the trunk with a man’s name on it. “The ring doesn’t belong to me. It’s his. I should give it back.” So she put an ad (广告) in the city newspaper and hoped the man would see the ad and get the ring back.
The next day the young man came to Mary’s house. ______ Mary thanked him and gave one of the gifts to him. She wished him a Merry Christmas.
34. 选择最佳选项,将字母标号填在括号内。
(1) Mary bought the Christmas gifts for ______. ( )
A. herself B. the young man C. her children
(2) The young man really wanted to ______. ( )
A. take the Christmas gifts away
B. help Mary to change the tyre
C. leave his ring in the trunk of Mary’s car
(3) Mary felt very ______ when she found no Christmas gifts in the trunk. ( )
A. afraid B. angry C. worried
(4) The title of this story is “______”. ( )
A. A helpful man B. An honest man C. A polite man
35. 根据上下文改写粗体画线部分的句子,写在四线格中,保持意思相同。不超过6个单词。
36. 在短文横线上填入一个合适的语句,写在四线三格中。不少于5个单词。
【答案】34. ①. C ②. B ③. C ④. A
35 36.
(1)句意:玛丽为______买了圣诞礼物。A她自己,B这个年轻男人,C她的孩子。根据“Mary bought some Christmas gifts for her children.”可知玛丽给孩子买了礼物,故选C。
(2)句意:这个年轻人真的很想______。A把圣诞礼物带走,B帮玛丽换轮胎,C把他的戒指留在玛丽汽车的后备箱里。根据“The young driver told Mary to wait in the car when he was changing the tyre. The young man opened the trunk and moved the gifts to his car. He took out the spare (备用的 ) tyre and changed the broken one with it.”可知这个男人真的是在给玛丽换轮胎,故选B。
(3)句意:当玛丽在后备箱里发现没有圣诞礼物时,她感到非常______。A害怕的,B生气的,C担忧的。根据“So she put an ad (广告) in the city newspaper and hoped the man would see the ad and get the ring back.”可知她担心这个男人因为找不到戒指而着急,故选C。
文章中粗体部分的句意是:这个戒指不属于我。本题答案不唯一。改成同义句的句意可以是:这个戒指不是我的。这个戒指the ring,不是is not=isn’t,我的mine。故答案为。
本题答案不唯一。根据后文“Mary thanked him and gave one of the gifts to him.”可知玛丽感谢了他,并且给了他一份礼物。可知这个男人把礼物归还了,拿到了自己的戒指。归还礼物give the gifts back,拿回戒指get the ring back。故答案为。



