2023-2024四年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(福建专版)专题05 补全对话或短文(含解析)

专题05 补全对话或短文
1.(2023春 福清市期末)根据描述选择合适的选项。
Lucy lives in Fuzhou.She is a nice girl.Her favorite season is summer.Why?
A.Christmas is coming.
B.It's hot,I can wear a skirt.
C.I have a long vacation.
D.I can go swimming with my cousin.
E.I can eat ice cream.
F.I can wear a sweater.
G.Children's Day is in summer.
2.(2023春 思明区期末)Read and complete the dialogue.读一读,选择正确句子的序号,完成对话。
A.Are you good at Art? B.What's his favourite things? C.What will you do for your dad ? D.And you can write a message.
Lily:Tomorrow is Father's Day. (1)   
Zara:I don't know.Maybe I'll make a card for him.
Lily:That's a good idea. (2)   
Zara:He likes cars best.I think I'll draw some cars.
Lily: (3)   
Zara:No,I'm not.Will you help me?
Lily:Yes,I will.(4)   
Zara:Thank you.I will.
3.(2023春 思明区期末)Read and match.阅读自制英文报的过程,把文字与图片相匹配。
A.Draw some pictures with crayons.
B.Write the reports on the paper.
C.Cut the paper with scissors.
D.Stick the pictures on the newspaper.
Let's make an English newspaper.
(1)    (2)    (3)    (4)   
4.(2023春 尤溪县期末)根据上下文选择句子完成对话,将句子抄写在横线上。
A.What do you like doing for Mother's Day? B.I can make a card for my mum. C.What day is it today?
Kate:It's Sunday.Today is Mother's Day.
Kate:I like giving mum some flowers.What about you?
Bill:I like making cards.(3)   
5.(2023春 大田县期末)根据下列图片提供的故事情节,在方框中选择正确的用语。
A.No,Sam fell off his bike. B.Did you buy some water? C.And then we were hungry and thirsty. D.I bumped my head! E.Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.
6.(2023春 永安市期末)根据情境,从方框中选择正确的句子,并将序号填在横线上。
A:Yes,I will. B:Will you take your kite? C:Why not? D:We're going to have a picnic on Saturday.
Maomao and Xiaoyong are going to have a picnic on Saturday.
Maomao: (1)   
Xiaoyong:No,I won't.I can't fly a kite.
Maomao:Will you take a ball?
Xiaoyong: (2)   .I can play it well.
Maomao:Let's play ball game tomorrow.
Maomao: (3)   
Xiaoyong:Because tomorrow is Friday.(4)   Ha ha ha...
7.(2023春 思明区校级期末)根据所给情景。选择合适的句子补全对话。
A.Can I try them on? B.Let's try size 7. C.Can I help you? D.Are they OK? E.How much are they?
(shop assistant售货员)
Shop assistant:Good morning.(1)   
Mum:Yes.These shoes are nice.
John:(2)   Size 6,please.
Shop assistant:Of course.Here you are.
John:No.They are too small.
Mum:OK.(4)   Are they just right?
Mum:OK.We'll take them.(5)   
Shop assistant:They are 99 yuan.
Mum:Here is the money.
Shop assistant:Thank you.
8.(2023春 建阳区期末)根据情景,将句子前的序号填入框内。
Sally:What's your favorite season?
Julia:We have a long vacation.
Sally:(2)   What will you do?
Julia:I will go to Shanghai.
Sally:Shanghai is a beautiful place.(3)   
Julia:No,I will go there by car.
Julia:I will visit the Oriental Pearl Tower.(东方明珠塔)
A.Vacation is coming. B.That's great. C.What will you do in Shanghai? D.Summer. E.Will you go there by train?
专题05 补全对话或短文-2023-2024学年四年级英语下学期期末备考真题分类汇编(福建专版)
【解答】(1)考查陈述句肯定形式。根据生活常识可知,夏天天气很热,可以穿短裙。结合选项B.It's hot,I can wear a skirt.(气很热,我可以穿短裙。)符合。故选:B。
(2)考查陈述句肯定形式。根据生活常识可知,夏天有一个很长的暑假。结合选项C.I have a long vacation.(我有一个长假。)符合。故选:C。
(3)考查陈述句肯定形式。根据生活常识可知,在夏天可以游泳。结合选项D.I can go swimming with my cousin.(我可以和我表哥一起去游泳。)符合。故选:D。
(4)考查陈述句肯定形式。根据生活常识可知,在夏天可以吃冰淇淋。结合选项E.I can eat ice cream.(我可以吃冰淇淋。)符合。故选:E。
(5)考查陈述句肯定形式。根据生活常识可知,儿童节在6月1日,在夏天。结合选项G.Children's Day is in summer.(儿童节在夏天。)符合。故选:G。
【解答】(1)由I don't know.Maybe I'll make a card for him.我不知道。也许我会给他做一张卡片。推测上一句的意思是你将为你父亲做些什么?C.What will you do for your dad ?你会为你父亲做什么?符合。故选:C。
(2)由He likes cars best.他最喜欢汽车。推测上一句的意思是你父亲最喜欢什么?B.What's his favourite things?他最喜欢的东西是什么?符合。故选:B。
(3)由No,I'm not.Will you help me?不,我不擅长。你能帮我吗?推测上一句话的意思是你擅长美术吗?A.Are you good at Art?你擅长美术吗?符合。故选:A。
(4)由Thank you.I will.谢谢。我会的。推测对方又给出了一条建议,D.And you can write a message.你可以写一条信息。符合。故选:D。
【解答】(1)由图片可知第一步是在纸上写报告。B.Write the reports on the paper.在纸上写报告。符合。故选:B。
(2)由图片可知第二步是用剪刀剪纸。C.Cut the paper with scissors.用剪刀剪纸。符合。故选:C。
(3)由图片可知第三步是在报纸上粘图片。D.Stick the pictures on the newspaper.在报纸上粘图片。符合。故选:D。
(4)由图片可知第四步是用蜡笔画一些图片。A.Draw some pictures with crayons.用蜡笔画一些图片。符合。故选:A。
【解答】(1)考查what day引导的特殊疑问句。由It's Sunday.今天是星期天。可知上文问的是今天星期几。可见C.What day is it today?(今天星期几?)符合语境。故选:C。
(2)考查what引导的特殊疑问句。由I like giving mum some flowers.我喜欢送花给妈妈。可知上文问的是母亲节喜欢做什么。可见A.What do you like doing for Mother's Day?( 母亲节你喜欢做什么?)符合语境。故选:A。
(3)考查陈述句的肯定形式。由I like making cards.可知下文应该是给妈妈做卡片,可见B.I can make a card for my mum.(我可以给我妈妈做一张卡片。)符合语境。故选:B。
【解答】(1)由What did you do yesterday,Daming?(大明,你昨天做了什么?)可知,此处回答我干什么了。选项E.Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.(萨姆和我昨天去骑自行车。)符合。故选:E。
(2)由And then…?(然后……?)可知,此处回答然后干什么了。选项C.And then we were hungry and thirsty.(然后我们又饿又渴。)符合。故选:C。
(3)由No,we bought a watermelon.(不,我们买了一个西瓜。)可知,此处是一个一般疑问句。选项B.Did you buy some water?(你买了水吗?)符合。故选:B。
(4)由Did you fall off your bike?(你从自行车上摔下来了吗?)可知,此处回答是不是。选项A.No,Sam fell off his bike.(不,山姆从自行车上摔下来了。)符合。故选:A。
(5)由What about you?(那你呢?)可知,此处回答我怎么样了。选项D.I bumped my head!(我撞到头了!)符合。故选:D。
【解答】(1)由No,I won't.(不,我不会。)可知,此处是一个以will开头的一般疑问句。选项B:Will you take your kite?(你会带上你的风筝吗?)符合。故选:B。
(2)由Will you take a ball?(你会带上一个球吗?)可知,此处回答会不会。选项A:Yes,I will.(是的,我会的。)符合。故选:A。
(3)由Because tomorrow is Friday.(因为明天是星期五。)可知,此处询问为什么。选项C:Why not?(为什么不呢?)符合。故选:C。
(4)由Because tomorrow is Friday.(因为明天是星期五。)可知,此处补充说明原因。选项D:We're going to have a picnic on Saturday.(我们星期六要去野餐。)符合。故选:D。
【解答】(1)C。Good morning.是售货员向顾客打招呼,C选项Can I help you?"我能帮你吗?"询问顾客的需求,符合。故选:C。
(2)A。Size 6,please.是请对方给自己找一双六码的鞋,A选项Can I try them on?"我能试穿它们吗?"是询问自己能否试穿一下鞋,符合。故选:A。
(3)D。No.They are too small.表明此处在询问六码的鞋是否合适,D选项Are they OK?"它们可以吗?"符合。故选:D。
(4)B。No.They are too small.表明现在试穿的鞋太小,B选项Let's try size 7."让我们试一下七码的。"是售货员建议顾客试一下七码的鞋,符合。故选:B。
(5)E。They are 99 yuan.表明此处在询问它们的价格,E选项How much are they?"它们多少钱?"符合。故选:E。
【解答】(1)D。由What's your favorite season?(你最喜欢的季节是什么?)可知应回答出是哪个季节,结合选项D.Summer.(夏季。)符合语境。故选:D。
(2)A。由We have a long vacation.(我们有一个长假。)可知很快要放暑假了,结合选项A.Vacation is coming(假期就要到了。)符合语境。故选:A。
(3)E。由No,I will go there by car.(不,我要开车去。)可知这是一般疑问句的否定回答,那上句就是一般疑问句,结合选项E.Will you go there by train?(你坐火车去吗?)符合语境。故选:E。
(4)C。由I will visit the Oriental Pearl Tower.(我要去参观东方明珠塔。)可知应问你会在上海做什么,结合选项C.What will you do in Shanghai?(你将在上海做什么?)符合语境。故选:C。
(5)B。由I will visit the Oriental Pearl Tower.(我要去参观东方明珠塔。)可知Sally听说Julia要去参观东方明珠塔,认为太好了。结合选项B.That's great.(太棒了。)符合语境。故选:B。
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