2024人教八下英语期末复习:【考题预测】09 语法填空(原卷版+解析版)

专题09 语法填空
I was at a restaurant eating my dinner. And there was a father 1 (sit) with his two young girls. The girls were asking about everything and anything. I was 2 (interest) in their endless questions.
One of the 3 (girl) looked at me and asked her father, “Daddy, 4 is she wearing that ” As a foreigner in this country, I still 5 (wear) my national dress every day, so I often heard people talk about me.
Her father said something that made my heart so warm. He said, “There are different countries, cultures and languages 6 the world. We all have to learn about them.” He then shared a 7 (person) experience with his daughter. He said, “You know what, girls I lived abroad and learned 8 (speak) Spanish many years ago. I really learned a lot. When you grow up, you must go to visit different countries. That 9 (be) amazing!”
This is how parents should teach their children love, acceptance, understanding and respect. It starts from 10 early age. Children copy the way their parents talk and do thing. They are their role models.
Pandas are a symbol of China. But scientists say there are now only about 2,000 pandas living 11 the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other 12 (country). Pandas do not have many babies. Maybe they have only one every two years. The babies often 13 (die) from illnesses and do not live very long. Adult pandas spend much time 14 (eat) about 10 kilos of bamboo every day. Many years ago, there were a lot more pandas and bamboo forests in China, but then humans started to cut down these forests. As a result, pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having 15 (few) babies than before.
An education program in Chengdu 16 (teach) children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving these animals. And the Chinese government is trying its best 17 (help) save the pandas. Scientists are 18 (do) research to 19 (well) understand the habits of pandas. We all hope that in the future there 20 (be) a lot more pandas.
Wang Wei, a man who took part in the seventh Wushan Fitness Championship in Hangzhou for the 21 (one)time, touched many people with his fight against cancer which lasted for seven years.
Wang was diagnosed(诊断)with follicular lymphoma(滤泡性淋巴瘤)in 2014. He felt very low after 22 (know)that. “It was like I was dreaming, because my body had always been in good condition and I didn’t smoke or drink,” Wang said. “It scared me and I hit the 23 (low)point in my life.”
Through the comfort and support of his family and friends, Wang began to receive medical treatment in November 2014. At the same time, he continued fitness training. Wang said fitness training had been one of his 24 (hobby)since middle school. Although he got the cancer, he wouldn’t give up 25 (do)exercise.
Unluckily, a re-examination in 2018 found his cancer entered a terminal stage(晚期). “When I 26 (learn)about it, I wasn’t as 27 (worry)as the last time. I carried on with my hobby and went to the fitness centre to exercise regularly as usual.”
In April 2021, Wang 28 (encourage)to join in the Wushan Fitness Championship. To show the best of his body shape on stage, Wang trained very hard, losing 15.6 kilograms of weight in 161 days. While he was preparing for it, he was also receiving cancer treatment, and had to 29 (visit)the hospital every week.
When Wang 30 (final)stood on the championship stage, he felt what he’d done was worth(值得)it. “I hope my experiences can encourage more cancer patients to look on the bright side of life,” he said.
When you are a kid, your parents decide everything for you. You depend 31 your parents for your food, your clothes, and other basic necessities (必需品) of life. Parents get used to 32 (take) care of you all the time.
However, you finally grow up and it is 33 (nature) that you want to follow your own ideas. But as you change, your parents aren’t used to a new you yet. They still regard (把……当作) you as 34 kid who always needs their help. Although you have your own ways 35 (solve) some problems, in their eyes you can do few things by yourself. And they still take it for granted (视为理所当然) that you will always depend on 36 (they) as before. In most families, this situation can cause a lot of problems between children 37 parents. It can take several 38 (year) for parents and teens to get used to their new roles. For teenagers, talking with parents is the 39 (good) way to make things easier.
40 (share) your ideas with your parents can help you get more respect and trust from them. It makes everyone happy.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3 个词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Jack is a famous writer now. But he said he 41 not a good student when he was young. He was often late for class and didn’t like 42 (do) his homework. Sometimes he 43 (sleep) in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much, but he always thought he understood everything.
One day the teacher 44 (ask) the students a question, “When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother ” Jack answered, “That’s easy. His brother is twice as old 45 John, so he is now thirty.”
Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, “ 46 it thunders (打雷), why do we always see the light before we hear the sound ” “But, Miss White,” said Jack 47 (quick). “Can’t you see our eyes are in 48 of our ears ”
The 49 (three) time, the teacher in a biology class asked, “Why can fish swim in the water ” “But, Miss White,”said Jack quickly. “don’t you know fish can’t 50 (walk) on land ”
Jane Eyre is a famous novel(小说)written by Charlotte Bront , a British writer. It came to the public in 1847. It was thought to be one of the greatest 51 (work) in the world.
When Jane Eyre was little, she lived a terrible life after her parents died. She lived with her aunt and later was sent to a school. In the face of difficulties, she did her best to be strong and 52 (confidence).
Several years later, she found a job 53 a governess(女家庭教师)at Thornfield Hall. There she 54 (meet) Edward Rochester, the house owner. After spending time together, Jane fell in love with 55 (he). Later, Rochester asked Jane to marry(嫁)him.
56 , on their wedding day, Jane discovered that Rochester couldn’t marry her because he already had a wife. Jane thought Rochester was not honest, so she left him 57 ( angry).
After that, Jane was taken care by some good people. One of them was St.John. He gave her 58 job and soon asked her to marry him. John suggested that she join him to travel to India. At the 59 (begin), Jane agreed to leave with him but not as his wife. But when Jane heard a call from Rochester, she left St. John and returned to Thornfield. She found that the house 60 (burn) by Rochester’s wife, and she then jumped to her death. Rochester was blinded because he tried to save her from fire.
Finally, Jane and Rochester got married, and they had a son.
阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式 (最多限填三个单词) 填空。
My name is Robinson Crusoe. I was born in the old city of York, where there is a river, with ships coming and going. My father was a 61 (success) businessman. He gave me a good 62 (educate) and I was expected to be a lawyer.
However, I wanted 63 (go) to sea. My father was very angry with me. He didn’t understand 64 I wanted to leave his house, where I would have 65 easy and comfortable life. “Only the very poor people and the very rich people go to sea,” he said. “The poor 66 (be) foolish, having no other ways to live. The rich own ships and can make money with them. You are neither too poor 67 too rich, so you should stay at home. 68 you don’t listen to me, you will have a difficult life!”
I argued with my parents for nearly a year. Then, I 69 (go) to Hull with a friend who was going to London. He invited me to go with him 70 ship, and I agreed. I didn’t even tell my parents where I was going. I just went. That was how all my bad luck began.
For the whole year, I waited for the summer holidays to start all the time, because I would visit my 71 (uncle) family in India. My cousins were waiting for me. Finally I reached there 72 June 9th.
In the evening when we were discussing what to do the next day, my uncle advised us to visit an elephant sanctuary (保护区). We were so 73 (excite). I love elephants.
The place was not far. The bus ride only took half 74 hour. My uncle 75 (visit) it already, he said it used to be a great palace (宫殿). 76 I got in, I feared that the elephants might stamp (踩) on me, but soon I got relaxed. I saw a cute baby elephant. Then many more came over. Some elephants 77 (take) a shower while others were resting under the trees. The guide told us that there were 49 elephants. They ate mostly palm leaves (棕榈叶). Each took about three bundles (捆) of palm leaves at a time.
My cousins and I fed the elephants and took lots of 78 (photo) of them. Soon we had to leave. On our way home, we kept 79 (talk) about the visit happily. Later that night I dreamed of playing with elephants. It was truly an 80 (usual) journey in my life.
In the UK, netball(无板篮球) is a popular sport, but it’s only for girls. In England, about 1.4 million people, 81 (main) women and girls, play netball every week, according to Sport England. I myself love netball a lot. Since the first year of junior school, I 82 (be) a member of my school team and also my local team, Woodford Warriors.
Netball is a sport with seven players on a team. We need to score by throwing the ball through a hoop(篮筐) 3.05 83 (meter) high. Unlike basketball, the net ball hoop has no backboard and is much 84 (small). The seven players each have a place and can only stay in 85 (they) areas.
Playing netball is great for my physical health. It also 86 (teach) me life lessons. For example, because of the restriction(限制) of movement, sometimes you need to step back 87 let other people handle (处理) things. You don’t always have to stay at the front to play 88 important role.
Also, my team and I share something that I cannot share 89 my other friends, because we work together to win a game. A netball player must be able 90 (tell) which direction (方向) others will drive out and when they will jump to catch the ball and much more. This friendship is amazing.
Have you ever cut your finger while playing outside Then you have probably used a number of Band-Aids(创口贴) 91 (bandage). There is a really nice story about them. It is said that a man named Earl Dickson created them for his wife, Josephine.
Mrs. Dickson enjoyed 92 (cook), but she often cut or burned herself while working in the kitchen. If she was at home alone, she couldn’t cover her injuries alone 93 (easy). This 94 (cause)her husband worried. So he came up with 95 idea.
Mr. Dickson placed a piece 96 bandage on a table and then put some glue on the bandage. Then he folded another bandage into a small square and put it in the center of the bandage with glue. If his wife cut or burned herself, she could put the bandage over the hurt area by 97 (her). Mrs. Dickson loved this kind of sticky bandages.
Mr. Dickson showed the bandage to his boss. They loved it too, and they decided to sell the product.
At 98 (one), the sticky bandage was not popular. Some months 99 (late), W. Johnson Kenyon came up with a new word, “Band-Aids”. The word “band” was for the piece of bandage and “aid” was for first aid or help for the person who was hurt.
And 100 then, Band-Aids have become famous, and people of all the ages have used them to cover small injuries.
A long time ago, there was an old man. He had 101 (second) sons, Qing Shan and Hong Shan. The old man gave East Mountain to Qing Shan and West Mountain to Hong Shan.
There 102 (be) many trees in West Mountain. Hong Shan worked hard all day to cut down trees 103 firewood. Five years later, there were not many trees in the mountain, so he started to plant crops. 104 (unlucky), a heavy rain washed away all the crops. He had nothing to eat and had to go to 105 (he) brother in East Mountain.
There were only a few trees in East Mountain at first, 106 Qing Shan had a plan. He first cut down the trees of poor quality and then planted some trees. He planted crops and 107 (feed) cows and horses, too. Five years later, there were many trees, crops, cows, sheep and horses in 108 mountain. The heavy rain 109 (can) not wash away the crops because of the trees in the mountain. Later people praised Qing Shan, saying, “As long as the green 110 (mountain) are there, there is no need to worry about firewood.”
Mary was waiting for the airplane to take off. She was happy to get a seat by 111 (she). Just then, an air hostess came up to her and asked. “Would you mind 112 (change) your seat A man would like to sit with his wife.” The only available seat was next to a girl with her arms broke, a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “I don’t want 113 (sit) there,” Mary thought 114 (immediate). But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, Mary moved to that seat.
The girl was named Emily. She had been in a car accident and now 115 (be) on her way for treatment. When the snack and juice arrived, Mary 116 (realize) that Emily could not feed herself. Mary considered offering to feed her but hesitated, it seemed too 117 (polite) to offer a service to a 118 (strange). But then Mary realized that Emily’s need was more important. Mary offered to help her eat. Although Emily was uncomfortable to accept, she agreed. They became closer and closer in a short time. By the end of the five-hour trip, Mary’s heart had warmed, and the time was really 119 (good) spent than if she had just sat by herself.
Mary was very glad that she had sat next to Emily and fed her. Love sometimes goes beyond human borders (边界) and take away the fears that keep people away. When we reach our hands to serve another, we grow to live in a 120 (large) and more rewarding world.
In 1901, an Austrian scientist discovered that there are four types of blood. He 121 (name) them A, B, AB and O. People have one of these four types. Blood type O is the most common around the world. Blood type A is the 122 (two) most common, and blood type AB is the least common.
In 1927, a Japanese doctor found that people with different blood 123 (type) have different personalities, too. He said that people with type A blood are 124 (usual) calm and serious; people with type B blood are cheerful and outgoing; people with type O blood are generous (慷慨的) and honest; those with type AB blood are often caring and 125 (create).
More recently, doctor Peter D’ Adamo in the United States wrote a book that connects (连接) blood with 126 people eat. The book suggests people with type O blood should eat more meat and 127 (little) bread. A diet for people with type A blood 128 (include) more vegetables. His book, Eat Right for Your Type, 129 (be) a hit with people who want to lose weight since it came out. 130 , he believes that eating food that matches a person’s blood type will make the person healthier in other ways, too.
Recently, Chinese Internet users praised(赞扬)a 5-year-old boy from Xinxiang, Henan province, for his moving action. 131 little boy hasn’t had a haircut for three years to help children with cancer. He planned to cut it and sell it this summer, People’s 132 (day) reported.
In a video posted online, Guangnian showed his more than 30-centimeter-long hair. He thought of this form of 133 (volunteer) three years ago when he watched a video of cancer-afflicted(被癌症折磨的)children in which he noticed girls with total hair loss as a side effect(副作用)of the treatment.
After that, Guangnian made up his mind 134 (grow)his hair long and donate them to children who have lost their hair because of cancer treatment.
No one took his words 135 (serious)at that time, as he was just a 3-year-old kid. They did not believe that Guangnian would stick to his decision all the way.
“On my 136 (one)day of school, it was really hard for me. I 137 (see)as a girl by others and I felt really uncomfortable. I told them I was a boy, 138 they still called me a girl, which made me sad,” Guangnian said.
Though many students laughed at him, Guangnian never thought of giving up, even when his mother tried several times to make him have his hair cut short.
“Sometimes I would envy my litter 139 (brother) short hair because people could tell he is a boy from his look. But my father told me that boys should not be afraid of being laughed at,” he said. “I’m not giving up. I want to help others 140 this way,” he said.
“What a brave little boy! Guangnian, you’re so cool!” one Internet user said.
Today, I’m going to share a story with you. So far, I 141 (read) it many times.
Long long ago, there was a man living in a village with his wife. One day, they found their hen laid (下蛋) a golden egg. The man 142 (sell) the golden egg and the family lived a rich life. 143 the man was very greedy (贪婪的) . The more money he had, the 144 (many) eggs he wanted. He even wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at a time. So, he thought hard and he got a plan in the end. He decided 145 (kill) the hen and get all the eggs. He didn’t want to tell his wife about the plan, because he wanted to give her 146 big surprise. He was so 147 (excite) about his great plan. He even sang 148 (happy) when he thought of the hen.
The next day when the hen was laying a golden egg, the man took a knife and cut 149 (it) body open. However, there weren’t any eggs at all!
Their life used to be easy and 150 (comfort) with one golden egg a day, but it changed a lot. How stupid he was!
Ershi Wenchuang (儿时文创) is a shop in my hometown Wuhan. 151 (It) name means “childhood culture”.
In the front was an old TV. A show from the 80s 152 (play). There was 153 old bike by the door. A white box 154 (put) behind the seat. On the box was the Chinese word “popsicles (冰棍)”.
Walk in, another old TV would catch your eye. It was connected to a video game: Super Mario! At first, I 155 (think) the game was boring. But once I found out my parents played it when they were kids, I was really excited 156 (try) it out. The game was easy 157 interesting. I was 158 (surprise) at how such a simple game could be so fun.
The store sells 159 (product) from the 70s, 80s and 90s. They’re mostly snacks and little toys. My parents often talk about the old things and old days. They went through many difficulties. 160 (Lucky), they had a fun childhood.
Albert Einstein is a world famous physical scientist. But do you know that actually there are many 161 (interest) stories about him
One afternoon, Einstein was 162 (walk) home from work, while 12-year-old girl was walking home from school. They were soon walking side by side. 163 (冠词) girl looked at him surprisedly from time to time.
“Pardon me,” the girl said. “but you look just like Albert Einstein.” “That’s because I am Albert Einstein!” Einstein said.
“I don’t believe you,” the girl said, “Everyone 164 (know) that Einstein is a genius (天才). 165 (连词) you’re wearing your sweater backwards (反了), so you can’t be very clever.
Einstein began to laugh, “You’re the 166 (one) person to be so honest with me,” he said to the girl. “It’s a pleasure to hear someone 167 (tell) me the truth about my look.”
After that day, the girl often went to visit Einstein’s house by 168 (her) after school. One afternoon, the girl’s mother went to visit Einstein. She asked him why he spent so much time with her daughter.
“It’s easy to explain our friendship.” Einstein said, “Your daughter tells me the truth about my look and brings me cookies. 169 (介词) return, I help her with her math homework.”
It’s easy to make 170 (friend) even with great people like Einstein. Just be sincere to others.
Recently, many people have 171 (begin) a new way of shopping through the Internet. They are very 172 (interest) in it. Why is it 173 (become) more and more popular now There are some 174 (reason). First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be 175 (join) with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they don’t need to go to shops 176 (them). Because of these advantages, few people refuse it.
However, some people don’t like this new way of shopping. They are 177 (worry) about the safety of shopping online. Customers can only see the pictures of a product 178 the Internet. And they can’t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in 179 large supermarket or a wonderful shopping centre. 180 I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.
Flamingos (火烈鸟) are one of the most beautiful birds in the world. At 181 (born), they are grey or white. And they slowly turn pink when they grow up. They can usually live 20 to 30 years, and some even live up to the age of 50. They are able to “run” on the water because of their special 182 (foot).
Dr Paul Rose and his team have done a study on flamingos. It shows the birds always live in large groups, but they spend most of the time with a small group of friends, just 183 people.
“It’s easy to find out whether flamingos are friends or not. Usually, 184 group of friends sit or stand less than one neck length away from each other. So when other groups of flamingos come too near, they will extend(伸长) their long necks 185 (fight),” Dr Rose said.
Another interesting thing 186 (find) by the team and it surprised them—Flamingos choose those with similar personalities and colours when making friends.
The findings of the study are important 187 they can help zoos get to know how to keep flamingos happy and 188 (health). “Keepers should have as many birds as possible. If the group is bigger, the flamingos will be able to find their friends 189 (easy),” Dr Rose said. “And when moving 190 (they) from one zoo to another, keepers should be careful not to keep the birds away from their good friends.”
Tea in China is as important as coffee in western countries. As a Chinese, I am proud 191 our tea culture. Tea originated (起源) in China, so it should be no surprise that the use of teapot (茶壶) is from China as well. However, it is strange that the invention of teapots came at 192 (little) 500 years after tea was first made to drink.
During the early days of tea drinking, tea leaves were placed 193 (direct) into a cup of hot water. It wasn’t until the Ming Dynasty that the first teapot was created.
The first teapot came from Yixing, China. Since the Sung Dynasty, a kind of purple clay 194 (call) zisha had been mined (开采) around Lake Taihu, and it was used to make teapots. The purple clay can take in the taste of tea. 195 a teapot is used long enough, it’ll store enough of the tea’s taste. Then it is possible 196 (make) tea with the teapot and boiling water alone.
Yixing teapots were the prototype (雏形) of teapots. They were made 197 hand and in some 198 (tradition) ways. Yixing teapots are still used today in China, and their construction (构造) has changed little over the centuries.
Chinese teapots 199 (stay) nearly the same in the past few centuries. From their first 200 (introduce) to the West in the late 1600s, however, western teapots have changed a lot at the European market.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题09 语法填空
I was at a restaurant eating my dinner. And there was a father 1 (sit) with his two young girls. The girls were asking about everything and anything. I was 2 (interest) in their endless questions.
One of the 3 (girl) looked at me and asked her father, “Daddy, 4 is she wearing that ” As a foreigner in this country, I still 5 (wear) my national dress every day, so I often heard people talk about me.
Her father said something that made my heart so warm. He said, “There are different countries, cultures and languages 6 the world. We all have to learn about them.” He then shared a 7 (person) experience with his daughter. He said, “You know what, girls I lived abroad and learned 8 (speak) Spanish many years ago. I really learned a lot. When you grow up, you must go to visit different countries. That 9 (be) amazing!”
This is how parents should teach their children love, acceptance, understanding and respect. It starts from 10 early age. Children copy the way their parents talk and do thing. They are their role models.
sitting 2.interested 3.girls 4.why 5.wore
6.in/around 7.personal 8.to speak 9.will be 10.an
1.句意:一位父亲和他的两个小女儿坐在一起。根据“a father”可知,father与sit是主动关系,此处用现在分词作定语,sitting符合句意,故填sitting。
2.句意:我对他们没完没了的问题很感兴趣。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
3.句意:其中一个女孩看着我,问她爸爸:“爸爸,她为什么要穿那个?”one of+名词复数“……之一”,此处用名词复数,故填girls。
4.句意:其中一个女孩看着我,问她爸爸:“爸爸,她为什么要穿那个?”根据“so I often heard people talk about me”可知,询问为什么,why符合句意,故填why。
5.句意:作为一个在这个国家的外国人,我仍然每天穿着我的民族服装,所以我经常听到人们谈论我。根据“so I often heard people talk about me.”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,谓语用wore,故填wore。
6.句意:他说:“世界上有不同的国家、文化和语言。”in/around the world“在世界上”,故填in/around。
8.句意:我在国外生活过,很多年前就学会了说西班牙语。learn to do sth.“学会做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to speak。
9.句意:那太棒了!根据“When you grow up, you must go to visit different countries.”可知,句子时态是一般将来时时,will be符合句意,故填will be。
10.句意:它从很小的时候就开始了。根据“early age”可知,不定冠词表示泛指,early是元音音素开头,an符合句意,故填an。
Pandas are a symbol of China. But scientists say there are now only about 2,000 pandas living 11 the forests. Another 300 or so live in zoos or research centers in China and other 12 (country). Pandas do not have many babies. Maybe they have only one every two years. The babies often 13 (die) from illnesses and do not live very long. Adult pandas spend much time 14 (eat) about 10 kilos of bamboo every day. Many years ago, there were a lot more pandas and bamboo forests in China, but then humans started to cut down these forests. As a result, pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having 15 (few) babies than before.
An education program in Chengdu 16 (teach) children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving these animals. And the Chinese government is trying its best 17 (help) save the pandas. Scientists are 18 (do) research to 19 (well) understand the habits of pandas. We all hope that in the future there 20 (be) a lot more pandas.
in 12.countries 13.die 14.eating 15.fewer
16.teaches 17.to help 18.doing 19.better 20.will be
11.句意:但是科学家说现在只有大约2000只熊猫生活在森林里。根据“But scientists say there are now only about 2,000 pandas living…the forests.”可知,此处指的是生活在森林里,此处应用介词in。故填in。
13.句意:这些熊猫宝宝经常死于疾病,活不长。根据“often”可知,句子的时态是一般现在时,The babies是名词复数形式,作主语,因此此处用动词原形。故填die。
14.句意:成年熊猫每天花很多时间吃大约10公斤的竹子。spend+时间(in)doing sth.意为“花时间做某事”,因此此处用动名词形式。故填eating。
16.句意:成都的一个教育项目教孩子们关于熊猫和其他濒危野生动物的知识。句子的时态是一般现在时,主语是“An education program”可知,谓语动词用单数形式“teaches”,意为“教”。故填teaches。
17.句意:中国政府正在尽最大努力帮助拯救大熊猫。try one’s best to do sth.意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”,固定用法。故填to help。
18.句意:科学家们正在进行研究,以便更好地了解熊猫的习性。根据“Scientists are…research”可知,句子的时态是现在进行时,其谓语动词构成是be+现在分词,因此此处用do的现在分词形式doing。故填doing。
19.句意:科学家们正在进行研究,以便更好地了解熊猫的习性。根据“…understand the habits of pandas.”可知,此处指的是“更好的了解”,因此此处用形容词比较级形式better。故填better。
20.句意:我们都希望将来会有更多的熊猫。根据“in the future”可知,句子的时态是一般将来时,其谓语动词构成是will+动词原形。故填will be。
Wang Wei, a man who took part in the seventh Wushan Fitness Championship in Hangzhou for the 21 (one)time, touched many people with his fight against cancer which lasted for seven years.
Wang was diagnosed(诊断)with follicular lymphoma(滤泡性淋巴瘤)in 2014. He felt very low after 22 (know)that. “It was like I was dreaming, because my body had always been in good condition and I didn’t smoke or drink,” Wang said. “It scared me and I hit the 23 (low)point in my life.”
Through the comfort and support of his family and friends, Wang began to receive medical treatment in November 2014. At the same time, he continued fitness training. Wang said fitness training had been one of his 24 (hobby)since middle school. Although he got the cancer, he wouldn’t give up 25 (do)exercise.
Unluckily, a re-examination in 2018 found his cancer entered a terminal stage(晚期). “When I 26 (learn)about it, I wasn’t as 27 (worry)as the last time. I carried on with my hobby and went to the fitness centre to exercise regularly as usual.”
In April 2021, Wang 28 (encourage)to join in the Wushan Fitness Championship. To show the best of his body shape on stage, Wang trained very hard, losing 15.6 kilograms of weight in 161 days. While he was preparing for it, he was also receiving cancer treatment, and had to 29 (visit)the hospital every week.
When Wang 30 (final)stood on the championship stage, he felt what he’d done was worth(值得)it. “I hope my experiences can encourage more cancer patients to look on the bright side of life,” he said.
21.first 22.knowing 23.lowest 24.hobbies 25.doing 26.learned 27.worried 28.was encouraged 29.visit 30.finally
24.句意:他说从中学起,健身训练就是他的爱好之一。由“one of+可数名词复数”表示“……之一”,所以hobby要是用复数hobbies。故填hobbies。
25.句意:尽管他得了癌症,它不会放弃锻炼。由英语give up doing表示“放弃做某事”可知,此处do放在介词up之后,要用doing。故填doing。
26.句意:当我了解了它,我就不像上次那样担心了。由“ I wasn't...last time. ”可知主句是过去式,所以when引导的从句也应该是过去式,故填learned。
28.句意:2021年4月,他被鼓励参加武山健身锦标赛。根据语境可知,王伟是被鼓励的对象,时态为过去式。故填was encouraged。
29.句意:他一边准备锦标赛,一边接受癌症治疗,他不得不每周去医院。have to do sth.表示“不得不做某事”,to后面跟动词原形。故填visit。
30.句意:当王伟最终站在了冠军的舞台时,他觉得他所做的一切都值得。由语境可知用副词finally修饰动词词组“stood on the championship stage”。故填finally。
When you are a kid, your parents decide everything for you. You depend 31 your parents for your food, your clothes, and other basic necessities (必需品) of life. Parents get used to 32 (take) care of you all the time.
However, you finally grow up and it is 33 (nature) that you want to follow your own ideas. But as you change, your parents aren’t used to a new you yet. They still regard (把……当作) you as 34 kid who always needs their help. Although you have your own ways 35 (solve) some problems, in their eyes you can do few things by yourself. And they still take it for granted (视为理所当然) that you will always depend on 36 (they) as before. In most families, this situation can cause a lot of problems between children 37 parents. It can take several 38 (year) for parents and teens to get used to their new roles. For teenagers, talking with parents is the 39 (good) way to make things easier.
40 (share) your ideas with your parents can help you get more respect and trust from them. It makes everyone happy.
31.on 32.taking 33.natural 34.a 35.to solve 36.them 37.and 38.years 39.best 40.Sharing
31.句意:你的食物、衣服和其他生活必需品都依赖于你的父母。depend on“依靠”,动词短语,故填on。
32.句意:父母习惯于一直照顾你。get used to doing sth“习惯做某事”,此空应填动名词,故填taking。
35.句意:虽然你有自己的方法来解决一些问题,但在他们眼中,你自己做不了什么事情。此空修饰名词ways,应填动词不定式作定语,故填to solve。
39.句意:对青少年来说,与父母交谈是让事情变得更容易的最好方法。根据the可知,此空应填最高级,the best way to do sth“做某事的最好方法”,故填best。
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3 个词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
Jack is a famous writer now. But he said he 41 not a good student when he was young. He was often late for class and didn’t like 42 (do) his homework. Sometimes he 43 (sleep) in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much, but he always thought he understood everything.
One day the teacher 44 (ask) the students a question, “When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother ” Jack answered, “That’s easy. His brother is twice as old 45 John, so he is now thirty.”
Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, “ 46 it thunders (打雷), why do we always see the light before we hear the sound ” “But, Miss White,” said Jack 47 (quick). “Can’t you see our eyes are in 48 of our ears ”
The 49 (three) time, the teacher in a biology class asked, “Why can fish swim in the water ” “But, Miss White,”said Jack quickly. “don’t you know fish can’t 50 (walk) on land ”
was 42.doing/to do 43.slept 44.asked 45.as
46.When 47.quickly 48.front 49.third 50.walk
42.句意:他上课经常迟到,也不喜欢做作业。like doing/to do sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填doing/to do。
43.句意:有时老师在教学时,他在课堂上睡觉。根据“while the teacher was teaching”可知老师在上课时,他睡觉,主句用一般过去时,动词用过去式slept“睡觉”。故填slept。
46.句意:当打雷的时候,为什么我们总是在听到声音之前先看到光呢?根据“it thunders...”可知是当打雷的时候,when“当”。故填When。
48.句意:难道你不知道我们的眼睛就在我们的耳朵前面吗?根据“our eyes are in...of our ears”可知眼睛在耳朵的前面,in front of“在……前面”。故填front。
Jane Eyre is a famous novel(小说)written by Charlotte Bront , a British writer. It came to the public in 1847. It was thought to be one of the greatest 51 (work) in the world.
When Jane Eyre was little, she lived a terrible life after her parents died. She lived with her aunt and later was sent to a school. In the face of difficulties, she did her best to be strong and 52 (confidence).
Several years later, she found a job 53 a governess(女家庭教师)at Thornfield Hall. There she 54 (meet) Edward Rochester, the house owner. After spending time together, Jane fell in love with 55 (he). Later, Rochester asked Jane to marry(嫁)him.
56 , on their wedding day, Jane discovered that Rochester couldn’t marry her because he already had a wife. Jane thought Rochester was not honest, so she left him 57 ( angry).
After that, Jane was taken care by some good people. One of them was St.John. He gave her 58 job and soon asked her to marry him. John suggested that she join him to travel to India. At the 59 (begin), Jane agreed to leave with him but not as his wife. But when Jane heard a call from Rochester, she left St. John and returned to Thornfield. She found that the house 60 (burn) by Rochester’s wife, and she then jumped to her death. Rochester was blinded because he tried to save her from fire.
Finally, Jane and Rochester got married, and they had a son.
works 52.confident 53.as 54.met 55.him
56.However 57.angrily 58.a 59.beginning 60.was burnt
【导语】本文主要介绍了夏洛蒂 勃朗特写的一部著名小说《简 爱》的主要内容。
51.句意:它被认为是世界上最伟大的作品之一。work名词,作品,one of+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示最……其中之一。故填works。
54.句意:在那里,她遇到了房子的主人爱德华 罗切斯特。meet遇见,分析句子可知,描述过去的事,所以是一般过去时态,动词要用过去式。故填met。
59.句意:起初,简同意和他一起离开,但不是作为他的妻子。固定短语at the beginning of在……的开头。故填beginning。
60.句意: 她发现房子被罗切斯特的妻子烧掉了,然后她跳楼自杀了。描述过去的事所以是一般过去时,burn燃烧,房子是被点燃,要用被动语态,由于主语是单数,所以是was burnt。故填was burnt。
阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式 (最多限填三个单词) 填空。
My name is Robinson Crusoe. I was born in the old city of York, where there is a river, with ships coming and going. My father was a 61 (success) businessman. He gave me a good 62 (educate) and I was expected to be a lawyer.
However, I wanted 63 (go) to sea. My father was very angry with me. He didn’t understand 64 I wanted to leave his house, where I would have 65 easy and comfortable life. “Only the very poor people and the very rich people go to sea,” he said. “The poor 66 (be) foolish, having no other ways to live. The rich own ships and can make money with them. You are neither too poor 67 too rich, so you should stay at home. 68 you don’t listen to me, you will have a difficult life!”
I argued with my parents for nearly a year. Then, I 69 (go) to Hull with a friend who was going to London. He invited me to go with him 70 ship, and I agreed. I didn’t even tell my parents where I was going. I just went. That was how all my bad luck began.
successful 62.education 63.to go 64.why 65.an
66.are 67.nor 68.If 69.went 70.by
63.句意:然而,我想出海。go“去”,动词。want to do sth.“想要做某事”,不定式作宾语。故填to go。
64.句意:他不明白我为什么要离开他的房子,在那里我可以过上轻松舒适的生活。根据“He didn’t understand…I wanted to leave his house”可知,父亲不理解为什么“我”要离家去航海,应用why引导宾语从句。故填why。
68.句意:如果你不听我的话,你的生活会很艰难!根据“you don’t listen to me, you will have a difficult life!”可知,如果鲁滨逊不听父亲的话,父亲认为他会活得很艰难,应用if引导条件状语从句,句首首字母大写。故填If。
69.句意:然后,我和一个准备去伦敦的朋友去了赫尔。go“去”,动词。根据“I argued with my parents for nearly a year.”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用其过去式。故填went。
70.句意:他邀请我和他一起坐船去,我同意了。此处是by ship“乘船”。故填by。
For the whole year, I waited for the summer holidays to start all the time, because I would visit my 71 (uncle) family in India. My cousins were waiting for me. Finally I reached there 72 June 9th.
In the evening when we were discussing what to do the next day, my uncle advised us to visit an elephant sanctuary (保护区). We were so 73 (excite). I love elephants.
The place was not far. The bus ride only took half 74 hour. My uncle 75 (visit) it already, he said it used to be a great palace (宫殿). 76 I got in, I feared that the elephants might stamp (踩) on me, but soon I got relaxed. I saw a cute baby elephant. Then many more came over. Some elephants 77 (take) a shower while others were resting under the trees. The guide told us that there were 49 elephants. They ate mostly palm leaves (棕榈叶). Each took about three bundles (捆) of palm leaves at a time.
My cousins and I fed the elephants and took lots of 78 (photo) of them. Soon we had to leave. On our way home, we kept 79 (talk) about the visit happily. Later that night I dreamed of playing with elephants. It was truly an 80 (usual) journey in my life.
uncle’s 72.on 73.excited 74.an 75.has visited
76.Before 77.were taking 78.photos 79.talking 80.unusual
71.句意:整整一年,我一直在等待暑假的开始,因为我要去印度看望我叔叔的家人。根据“For the whole year, I waited for the summer holidays to start all the time, because I would visit my…family in India.”可知,此处用名词所有格,表示“叔叔的家人”。故填uncle’s。
74.句意:坐公共汽车只花了半个小时。half an hour意为“半小时”,固定用法。故填an。
75.句意:我叔叔已经参观过了,他说这曾经是一座很棒的宫殿。时间状语是“already”,因此用现在完成时,谓语动词构成为“have/has done”,主语是“My uncle”,因此助动词用“has”。故填has visited
76.句意:在我进去之前,我担心大象会跺脚踩在我身上,但很快我就放松了。根据“…I got in, I feared that the elephants might stamp on me, but soon I got relaxed.”可知,此处指“在我进去之前感到害怕”,before意为“在……之前”。故填Before。
77.句意:一些大象在洗澡,而另一些在树下休息。根据“were resting”可知,此处用过去进行时,其谓语动词构成为“were/was+doing”,主语是“elephants”,因此用were。故填were taking。
78.句意:我和我的堂兄弟喂大象,拍了很多照片。由“lots of”可知,此处用名词复数形式,photos意为“照片”。故填photos。
79.句意:在回家的路上,我们一直愉快地谈论着这次参观。keep doing sth.意为“一直做某事”,因此此处用talking,意为“谈论”。故填talking。
In the UK, netball(无板篮球) is a popular sport, but it’s only for girls. In England, about 1.4 million people, 81 (main) women and girls, play netball every week, according to Sport England. I myself love netball a lot. Since the first year of junior school, I 82 (be) a member of my school team and also my local team, Woodford Warriors.
Netball is a sport with seven players on a team. We need to score by throwing the ball through a hoop(篮筐) 3.05 83 (meter) high. Unlike basketball, the net ball hoop has no backboard and is much 84 (small). The seven players each have a place and can only stay in 85 (they) areas.
Playing netball is great for my physical health. It also 86 (teach) me life lessons. For example, because of the restriction(限制) of movement, sometimes you need to step back 87 let other people handle (处理) things. You don’t always have to stay at the front to play 88 important role.
Also, my team and I share something that I cannot share 89 my other friends, because we work together to win a game. A netball player must be able 90 (tell) which direction (方向) others will drive out and when they will jump to catch the ball and much more. This friendship is amazing.
81.mainly 82.have been 83.meters 84.smaller 85.their 86.teaches 87.and 88.an 89.with 90.to tell
81.句意:在英格兰,每周约有140万人(主要是妇女和女孩) 打无板篮球。根据“about 1.4 million people,…(main) women and girls,”可知,140万人中主要是妇女和女孩,mainly“主要地”符合题意。故填mainly。
82.句意:从初中一年级开始,我就加入了校队和地方队。根据“Since the first year of junior school,”可知,此处应该是现在完成时have/has done。主语是I,助动词为have。故填have been。
87.句意:有时候你需要退一步,让别人来处理事情。根据“step back”以及“let other people handle (处理) things”表示并列可知,此空应该用连词and。故填and。
88.句意:你不必总是待在前线扮演重要角色。play a/an…role“扮演……角色”,important以元音音素开头,不定冠词an符合题意。故填an。
89.句意:此外,我和我的团队分享了一些我不能和其他朋友分享的东西,因为我们一起努力赢得比赛。share sth. with sb“和某人分享某物”。故填with。
90.句意:一名无板篮球运动员必须能够判断别人会向哪个方向出发,以及他们什么时候会跳起来接球等等。be able to do sth.“能够做某事”。故填to tell。
Have you ever cut your finger while playing outside Then you have probably used a number of Band-Aids(创口贴) 91 (bandage). There is a really nice story about them. It is said that a man named Earl Dickson created them for his wife, Josephine.
Mrs. Dickson enjoyed 92 (cook), but she often cut or burned herself while working in the kitchen. If she was at home alone, she couldn’t cover her injuries alone 93 (easy). This 94 (cause)her husband worried. So he came up with 95 idea.
Mr. Dickson placed a piece 96 bandage on a table and then put some glue on the bandage. Then he folded another bandage into a small square and put it in the center of the bandage with glue. If his wife cut or burned herself, she could put the bandage over the hurt area by 97 (her). Mrs. Dickson loved this kind of sticky bandages.
Mr. Dickson showed the bandage to his boss. They loved it too, and they decided to sell the product.
At 98 (one), the sticky bandage was not popular. Some months 99 (late), W. Johnson Kenyon came up with a new word, “Band-Aids”. The word “band” was for the piece of bandage and “aid” was for first aid or help for the person who was hurt.
And 100 then, Band-Aids have become famous, and people of all the ages have used them to cover small injuries.
bandages 92.cooking 93.easily 94.caused 95.an
96.of 97.herself 98.first 99.later 100.since
91.句意:那么你可能用过很多创可贴。根据a number of+名词复数,表示“很多”,bandage“绷带”,可数名词,此处用复数形式。故填bandages。
92.句意:迪克松太太喜欢做饭。根据enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”可知此处用动名词形式。故填cooking。
93.句意:如果她一个人在家,她不可能一个人轻易地包扎自己的伤口。根据“If she was at home alone, she couldn’t cover her injuries alone…”可知她自己在家,不方便自己处理伤口,此处缺副词修饰动词cover。故填easily。
96.句意:迪克松先生在桌子上放了一块绷带,然后在绷带上涂了一些胶水。a piece of“一块”,为固定短语,故填of。
97.句意:她可以自己把绷带贴在受伤的地方。by oneself“独自”,是固定短语,此处应用反身代词。故填herself。
98.句意:起初,粘性绷带并不流行。at first“起初”,为固定短语。故填first。
99.句意:几个月后,W·约翰逊·肯扬想出了一个新词,“创可贴”。根据“Some months…, W. Johnson Kenyon came up with a new word, ‘Band-Aids’.”可知几个月后他才想出这个新词,later“以后”符合语境,故填later。
100.句意:从此以后,创可贴已经出名,各个年龄段的人都用它来保护小伤。根据“have become”可知句子是现在完成时,since then“从此以后”符合语境,故填since。
A long time ago, there was an old man. He had 101 (second) sons, Qing Shan and Hong Shan. The old man gave East Mountain to Qing Shan and West Mountain to Hong Shan.
There 102 (be) many trees in West Mountain. Hong Shan worked hard all day to cut down trees 103 firewood. Five years later, there were not many trees in the mountain, so he started to plant crops. 104 (unlucky), a heavy rain washed away all the crops. He had nothing to eat and had to go to 105 (he) brother in East Mountain.
There were only a few trees in East Mountain at first, 106 Qing Shan had a plan. He first cut down the trees of poor quality and then planted some trees. He planted crops and 107 (feed) cows and horses, too. Five years later, there were many trees, crops, cows, sheep and horses in 108 mountain. The heavy rain 109 (can) not wash away the crops because of the trees in the mountain. Later people praised Qing Shan, saying, “As long as the green 110 (mountain) are there, there is no need to worry about firewood.”
101.two 102.were 103.for 104.Unluckily 105.his 106.but 107.fed 108.the 109.could 110.mountains
101.句意:他有两个儿子,青山和红山。根据“He had…sons”可知,此处表示他有两个儿子,因此用基数词“two”。故填two。
102.句意:西山上有许多树。根据下文“worked”可知,事情发生在过去,因此此处用一般过去时,由“many trees”可知,此处be动词用“were”。故填were。
103.句意:红山整天辛苦地砍树当柴烧。根据“Hong Shan worked hard all day to cut down trees…firewood.”可知,此处指“为了木柴而砍树”,因此此处用介词“for”。故填for。
108.句意:五年后,山里有了许多树、庄稼、牛、羊和马。in the mountain意为“在山里”。故填the。
Mary was waiting for the airplane to take off. She was happy to get a seat by 111 (she). Just then, an air hostess came up to her and asked. “Would you mind 112 (change) your seat A man would like to sit with his wife.” The only available seat was next to a girl with her arms broke, a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “I don’t want 113 (sit) there,” Mary thought 114 (immediate). But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, Mary moved to that seat.
The girl was named Emily. She had been in a car accident and now 115 (be) on her way for treatment. When the snack and juice arrived, Mary 116 (realize) that Emily could not feed herself. Mary considered offering to feed her but hesitated, it seemed too 117 (polite) to offer a service to a 118 (strange). But then Mary realized that Emily’s need was more important. Mary offered to help her eat. Although Emily was uncomfortable to accept, she agreed. They became closer and closer in a short time. By the end of the five-hour trip, Mary’s heart had warmed, and the time was really 119 (good) spent than if she had just sat by herself.
Mary was very glad that she had sat next to Emily and fed her. Love sometimes goes beyond human borders (边界) and take away the fears that keep people away. When we reach our hands to serve another, we grow to live in a 120 (large) and more rewarding world.
111.herself 112.changing 113.to sit 114.immediately 115.was 116.realized 117.impolite 118.stranger 119.better 120.larger
111.句意:她很高兴自己找到了一个座位。by oneself“独自”,此空应填反身代词,故填herself。
112.句意:您介意换一下座位吗?mind doing sth“介意做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填changing。
113.句意:我不想坐在那。want to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to sit。
117.句意:玛丽考虑给她吃点东西,但又犹豫了一下,因为给陌生人提供服务似乎太不礼貌了。根据“offer a service to a”可知,给一个陌生人提供服务似乎不太礼貌,seemed后接形容词作表语,impolite“不礼貌的”,故填impolite。
120.句意:当我们伸出手去服务他人时,我们就生活在一个更大、更有价值的世界里。根据“more rewarding”可知,此空应填比较级,故填larger。
In 1901, an Austrian scientist discovered that there are four types of blood. He 121 (name) them A, B, AB and O. People have one of these four types. Blood type O is the most common around the world. Blood type A is the 122 (two) most common, and blood type AB is the least common.
In 1927, a Japanese doctor found that people with different blood 123 (type) have different personalities, too. He said that people with type A blood are 124 (usual) calm and serious; people with type B blood are cheerful and outgoing; people with type O blood are generous (慷慨的) and honest; those with type AB blood are often caring and 125 (create).
More recently, doctor Peter D’ Adamo in the United States wrote a book that connects (连接) blood with 126 people eat. The book suggests people with type O blood should eat more meat and 127 (little) bread. A diet for people with type A blood 128 (include) more vegetables. His book, Eat Right for Your Type, 129 (be) a hit with people who want to lose weight since it came out. 130 , he believes that eating food that matches a person’s blood type will make the person healthier in other ways, too.
121.named 122.second 123.types 124.usually 125.creative 126.what 127.less 128.includes 129.has been 130.However
121.句意:他给它们命名为A,B,AB和O。name“命名”,根据“In 1901”可知,此处用一般过去时,故填named。
126.句意:最近,美国的Peter D ' Adamo医生写了一本书,将血液与人们的饮食联系起来。作为介词with的宾语从句,动词eat后,缺少宾语,表示事物,用代词what,故填what。
128.句意:A型血的人的饮食包括更多的蔬菜。include“包括”,主语a diet for people with type A blood是第三人称单数形式,谓语用第三人称单数形式, 故填includes。
129.句意:他的书《正确饮食帮你减肥》自出版以来一直受到想要减肥的人的欢迎。be“是”,根据“since it came out”可知,谓语用现在完成时,主语his book是第三人称单数形式,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填has been。
Recently, Chinese Internet users praised(赞扬)a 5-year-old boy from Xinxiang, Henan province, for his moving action. 131 little boy hasn’t had a haircut for three years to help children with cancer. He planned to cut it and sell it this summer, People’s 132 (day) reported.
In a video posted online, Guangnian showed his more than 30-centimeter-long hair. He thought of this form of 133 (volunteer) three years ago when he watched a video of cancer-afflicted(被癌症折磨的)children in which he noticed girls with total hair loss as a side effect(副作用)of the treatment.
After that, Guangnian made up his mind 134 (grow)his hair long and donate them to children who have lost their hair because of cancer treatment.
No one took his words 135 (serious)at that time, as he was just a 3-year-old kid. They did not believe that Guangnian would stick to his decision all the way.
“On my 136 (one)day of school, it was really hard for me. I 137 (see)as a girl by others and I felt really uncomfortable. I told them I was a boy, 138 they still called me a girl, which made me sad,” Guangnian said.
Though many students laughed at him, Guangnian never thought of giving up, even when his mother tried several times to make him have his hair cut short.
“Sometimes I would envy my litter 139 (brother) short hair because people could tell he is a boy from his look. But my father told me that boys should not be afraid of being laughed at,” he said. “I’m not giving up. I want to help others 140 this way,” he said.
“What a brave little boy! Guangnian, you’re so cool!” one Internet user said.
The 132.Daily 133.volunteer 134.to grow 135.seriously
136.first 137.was seen 138.but 139.brother’s 140.in
131.句意:这个小男孩已经三年没有理发了,为的是帮助患癌症的儿童。根据上文“a 5-year-old boy”(一个5岁的男孩)可知,此处表示特指,因此用定冠词the,位于句首首字母大写。故填The。
132.句意:据《人民日报》报道,他计划今年夏天把它剪下来卖掉。根据“reported”及句意可知,此处指人民日报,因此填Daily,People’s Daily“人民日报”。故填Daily。
133.句意:三年前,当他看到一段癌症患儿的视频时,他想到了这种形式的志愿者,在视频中,他注意到治疗的副作用是女孩们的头发全部掉光了。根据句意可知,此处指这种形式的志愿者,“of”为介词, 因此填volunteer“志愿者”,根据“this form”可知,volunteer应用单数形式。故填volunteer。
134.句意:在那之后,广年决定把他的头发留长,并把它们捐给那些因为癌症治疗而失去头发的孩子们。“make up one’s mind to do sth”为固定搭配,意为“下决定做某事”,因此填动词不定式。故填to grow。
135.句意:当时没有人把他的话当真,因为他只是个3岁的孩子。take sth seriously为固定搭配,意为“认真对待某事”。故填seriously。
136.句意:在我上学的第一天,对我来说真的很难。根据“On my…day of school”及句意可知,此处表示第一天,因此用first“第一的”。故填first。
137.句意:别人把我看作一个女孩,我感到很不舒服。根据“I felt really uncomfortable”(我感到很不舒服)可知,别人把我看作一个女孩,因此用被动语态,be seen as为固定搭配,意为“被看作”,句子是一般过去时,主语“I”为单数,因此be动词用was。故填was seen。
138.句意:“在我上学的第一天,对我来说真的很难。别人把我看作一个女孩,我感到很不舒服。我告诉他们我是男孩,但他们还是叫我女孩,这让我很难过, ”Guangnian说。根据句意可知,前后之间构成转折关系,因此填but“但是”。故填but。
139.句意:有时我会羡慕我弟弟的短发,因为人们可以从他的样子看出他是个男孩。根据“Sometimes I would envy my litter…short hair”可知空格部分修饰名词“hair”,因此用名词所有格。故填brother’s。
140.句意:“我不会放弃。我想用这种方式帮助别人,”他说。in this way为固定搭配,意为“用这种方式”。故填in。
Today, I’m going to share a story with you. So far, I 141 (read) it many times.
Long long ago, there was a man living in a village with his wife. One day, they found their hen laid (下蛋) a golden egg. The man 142 (sell) the golden egg and the family lived a rich life. 143 the man was very greedy (贪婪的) . The more money he had, the 144 (many) eggs he wanted. He even wanted to get all the golden eggs from his hen at a time. So, he thought hard and he got a plan in the end. He decided 145 (kill) the hen and get all the eggs. He didn’t want to tell his wife about the plan, because he wanted to give her 146 big surprise. He was so 147 (excite) about his great plan. He even sang 148 (happy) when he thought of the hen.
The next day when the hen was laying a golden egg, the man took a knife and cut 149 (it) body open. However, there weren’t any eggs at all!
Their life used to be easy and 150 (comfort) with one golden egg a day, but it changed a lot. How stupid he was!
141.have read 142.sold 143.But 144.more 145.to kill 146.a 147.excited 148.happily 149.its 150.comfortable
141.句意:到目前为止,我已经读了很多遍。根据“So far”可知此句用现在完成时。故填have read。
142.句意:男人卖了金蛋,家人过上了富裕的生活。根据“the family lived a rich life”可知描述过去的事情,用一般过去时。故填sold。
144.句意:他有的钱越多,他就想要更多的蛋。“the 比较级...,the 比较级”表示“越……,越……”,many比较级为more。故填more。
145.句意:他决定杀掉母鸡,得到所有的蛋。decide to do sth表示“决定做某事”。故填to kill。
Ershi Wenchuang (儿时文创) is a shop in my hometown Wuhan. 151 (It) name means “childhood culture”.
In the front was an old TV. A show from the 80s 152 (play). There was 153 old bike by the door. A white box 154 (put) behind the seat. On the box was the Chinese word “popsicles (冰棍)”.
Walk in, another old TV would catch your eye. It was connected to a video game: Super Mario! At first, I 155 (think) the game was boring. But once I found out my parents played it when they were kids, I was really excited 156 (try) it out. The game was easy 157 interesting. I was 158 (surprise) at how such a simple game could be so fun.
The store sells 159 (product) from the 70s, 80s and 90s. They’re mostly snacks and little toys. My parents often talk about the old things and old days. They went through many difficulties. 160 (Lucky), they had a fun childhood.
Its 152.was playing/was being played 153.an 154.was put 155.thought
156.to try 157.but 158.surprised 159.products 160.Luckily
151.句意:它的名字意思是“童年文化”。根据“...name means ‘childhood culture’.”和提示词汇可知,名词name前需填形容词性物主代词,作定语,its“它的”为人称代词主格it的形容词性物主代词,位于句首,首字母i需大写。故填Its。
152.句意:一个80年代的节目正在被播放。根据上文“In the front was an old TV.”和提示词汇可知,上文提到前面是一台老电视,可推测此处是一个80年代的演出正在进行,时态为过去进行时,主语为A show,第三人称单数,谓语用“was+现在分词”的结构,playing“上演”为动词现在分词,此处亦可为一个80年代的节目正在被播放,时态为过去进行时被动语态,谓语用“was being+过去分词”的结构,played“播放”为动词过去分词。故填was playing/was being played。
153.句意:门口有一辆旧自行车。根据“There was...old bike by the door.”和提示词汇可知,there be句型,was后为名词单数,空处需填冠词,又因此处为一辆旧自行车,表泛指,需用不定冠词a或an修饰,old首字母发音为元音音素,其前面需用an修饰。故填an。
154.句意:一个白色盒子被放在座位后面。根据“A white box...behind the seat.”和提示词汇可知,“A white box”与“put”之间为被动关系,即白盒子被放在座位后,时态为一般过去时,语态为被动,主语为A white box,第三人称单数,谓语用“was+过去分词”的结构,put“放”为动词过去分词。故填was put。
155.句意:起初,我觉得这个游戏很无聊。根据“At first, I...the game was boring.”和提示词汇可知,我认为游戏无聊,句子为省略that的宾语从句,从句为一般过去时,遵循主过从必过原则,主句时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式,thought为动词think的过去式。故填thought。
156.句意:但当我发现我的父母小时候玩过它时,我真地对尝试它感到兴奋。根据“I was really excited...it out”和提示词汇可知,be excited to do sth表示“对……感到兴奋”,空处需填“不定式to+动词原形”,try“尝试”,动词。故填to try。
157.句意:这场游戏很容易,但很有趣。根据“The game was easy...interesting.”和提示词汇可知,“这个游戏容易”与“有趣”之间为转折关系,形容词easy与interesting之间需填并列连词,表转折,并列连词but“但是”符合语境。故填but。
158.句意:我很惊讶这么简单的游戏竟然如此有趣。根据“I was...at...”和提示词汇可知,be surprised at表示“对……感到惊讶”,空处需填形容词,作表语,surprised“惊讶的”为动词surprise的形容词。故填surprised。
159.句意:这家商店出售70年代、80年代和90年代的产品。根据“The store sells...from the 70s, 80s and 90s.”和提示词汇可知,此处是这家商店出售70年代、80年代和90年代的产品,空处需填名词复数,作宾语,products“产品”为名词product的复数形式。故填products。
160.句意:幸运地是,他们有一个有趣的童年。根据“..., they had a fun childhood.”和提示词汇可知,此处他们有一个有趣的童年是很幸运的,位于句首,空处需填副词,修饰they had a fun childhood,作状语,luckily“幸运地”为形容词lucky的副词,位于句首,首字母l需大写。故填Luckily。
Albert Einstein is a world famous physical scientist. But do you know that actually there are many 161 (interest) stories about him
One afternoon, Einstein was 162 (walk) home from work, while 12-year-old girl was walking home from school. They were soon walking side by side. 163 (冠词) girl looked at him surprisedly from time to time.
“Pardon me,” the girl said. “but you look just like Albert Einstein.” “That’s because I am Albert Einstein!” Einstein said.
“I don’t believe you,” the girl said, “Everyone 164 (know) that Einstein is a genius (天才). 165 (连词) you’re wearing your sweater backwards (反了), so you can’t be very clever.
Einstein began to laugh, “You’re the 166 (one) person to be so honest with me,” he said to the girl. “It’s a pleasure to hear someone 167 (tell) me the truth about my look.”
After that day, the girl often went to visit Einstein’s house by 168 (her) after school. One afternoon, the girl’s mother went to visit Einstein. She asked him why he spent so much time with her daughter.
“It’s easy to explain our friendship.” Einstein said, “Your daughter tells me the truth about my look and brings me cookies. 169 (介词) return, I help her with her math homework.”
It’s easy to make 170 (friend) even with great people like Einstein. Just be sincere to others.
161.interesting 162.walking 163.The 164.knows 165.But 166.first 167.tell 168.herself 169.In 170.friends
161.句意:但是你知道吗,其实关于他还有很多有趣的故事。根据“many ... stories”可知是许多有趣的故事,用interest的形容词interesting表示“有趣的”,形容词作定语。故填interesting。
162.句意:一天下午,爱因斯坦下班回家,而一个12岁的女孩放学回家。根据“One afternoon, Einstein was ... (walk) home from work, while 12-year-old girl was walking home from school.”可知两件事情同时进行,此处是过去进行时,was后接现在分词walking。故填walking。
166.句意:你是第一个对我这么坦诚的人。根据“the ... (one) person”可知此处指第一个人,用序数词first表示“第一”。故填first。
167.句意:很高兴听到有人告诉我关于我外表的真相。hear sb. do sth.“听到某人做某事”。故填tell。
168.句意:从那天起,这个女孩经常在放学后独自去爱因斯坦的家。by oneself“独自”,此处用her的反身代词herself。故填herself。
169.句意:作为回报,我帮她做数学作业。in return“作为回报”,句子开头首字母大写。故填In。
170.句意:即使和爱因斯坦这样伟大的人交朋友也很容易。make friends“交朋友”。故填friends。
Recently, many people have 171 (begin) a new way of shopping through the Internet. They are very 172 (interest) in it. Why is it 173 (become) more and more popular now There are some 174 (reason). First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be 175 (join) with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they don’t need to go to shops 176 (them). Because of these advantages, few people refuse it.
However, some people don’t like this new way of shopping. They are 177 (worry) about the safety of shopping online. Customers can only see the pictures of a product 178 the Internet. And they can’t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in 179 large supermarket or a wonderful shopping centre. 180 I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.
171.begun 172.interested 173.becoming 174.reasons 175.joined 176.themselves 177.worried 178.on 179.a 180.But
172.句意:他们对它很感兴趣。be interested in“对……感兴趣”,固定短语,故填interested。
175.句意:首先,越来越多的人有了自己的电脑,他们的电脑可以接入互联网。their computers与join是被动关系,用被动语态,“be+过去分词”构成被动语态,join的过去分词是joined。故填joined。
177.句意:他们担心网上购物的安全。该句是一般现在时,be后接形容词作表语,worry是动词,其形容词是worried,be worried about“担心”。故填worried。
178.句意:顾客只能在网上看到产品的图片。on the Internet“在网上”,固定短语,故填on。
179.句意:他们无法享受在大型超市或一流的购物中心购物的乐趣。根据“...and a wonderful shopping centre”可知,此处是一个大超市,用不定冠词泛指“一个”,且large发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。
180.句意:但我认为将来会有越来越多的人喜欢这种新型的购物方式。根据“And they can’t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in a large supermarket or a wonderful shopping centre.”和“I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.”可知,两句之间是转折关系,用but“但是”表示转折,且句首字母大写。故填But。
Flamingos (火烈鸟) are one of the most beautiful birds in the world. At 181 (born), they are grey or white. And they slowly turn pink when they grow up. They can usually live 20 to 30 years, and some even live up to the age of 50. They are able to “run” on the water because of their special 182 (foot).
Dr Paul Rose and his team have done a study on flamingos. It shows the birds always live in large groups, but they spend most of the time with a small group of friends, just 183 people.
“It’s easy to find out whether flamingos are friends or not. Usually, 184 group of friends sit or stand less than one neck length away from each other. So when other groups of flamingos come too near, they will extend(伸长) their long necks 185 (fight),” Dr Rose said.
Another interesting thing 186 (find) by the team and it surprised them—Flamingos choose those with similar personalities and colours when making friends.
The findings of the study are important 187 they can help zoos get to know how to keep flamingos happy and 188 (health). “Keepers should have as many birds as possible. If the group is bigger, the flamingos will be able to find their friends 189 (easy),” Dr Rose said. “And when moving 190 (they) from one zoo to another, keepers should be careful not to keep the birds away from their good friends.”
181.birth 182.feet 183.like 184.a 185.to fight 186.was found 187.because 188.healthy 189.easily 190.them
181.句意:出生时,它们是灰色或白色的。此处是短语at birth“出生时”,故填birth。
183.句意:这表明鸟类总是成群生活,但它们大部分时间都和一小群朋友在一起,就像人一样。根据“they spend most of the time with a small group of friends, just...people”可知,此处指的是“就像人一样”,just like“就像”,故填like。
184.句意:通常情况下,一群朋友坐着或站着时距离彼此不到一个脖子的长度。根据“group of friends sit or stand less than one neck length away from each other.”可知,此处说的是“一群朋友”,a“一个”,故填a。
185.句意:所以当其他火烈鸟群离得太近时,它们会伸出长脖子来战斗。空处表示目的,应用不定式作目的状语,故填to fight。
186.句意:研究小组发现了另一件有趣的事情。空处修饰句子主语“Another interesting thing”,此处表示“有趣的事情被发现”,根据and后“it surprised them”,可知用一般过去时的被动语态,结构为was/were done,主语为名词单数,系动词用was。故填was found。
Tea in China is as important as coffee in western countries. As a Chinese, I am proud 191 our tea culture. Tea originated (起源) in China, so it should be no surprise that the use of teapot (茶壶) is from China as well. However, it is strange that the invention of teapots came at 192 (little) 500 years after tea was first made to drink.
During the early days of tea drinking, tea leaves were placed 193 (direct) into a cup of hot water. It wasn’t until the Ming Dynasty that the first teapot was created.
The first teapot came from Yixing, China. Since the Sung Dynasty, a kind of purple clay 194 (call) zisha had been mined (开采) around Lake Taihu, and it was used to make teapots. The purple clay can take in the taste of tea. 195 a teapot is used long enough, it’ll store enough of the tea’s taste. Then it is possible 196 (make) tea with the teapot and boiling water alone.
Yixing teapots were the prototype (雏形) of teapots. They were made 197 hand and in some 198 (tradition) ways. Yixing teapots are still used today in China, and their construction (构造) has changed little over the centuries.
Chinese teapots 199 (stay) nearly the same in the past few centuries. From their first 200 (introduce) to the West in the late 1600s, however, western teapots have changed a lot at the European market.
191.of 192.least 193.directly 194.called 195.If 196.to make 197.by 198.traditional 199.have stayed 200.introduction
191.句意:作为中国人,我因我们的茶文化而骄傲。be proud of表示“因……而骄傲”。故填of。
192.句意:然而,奇怪的是,茶壶的发明至少在茶第一次被用来喝的500年后才出现。介词短语at least表示“至少”。故填least。
195.句意:如果茶壶被用的足够长,它会储存足够的茶的味道。根据“a teapot is used long enough, it’ll store enough of the tea’s taste.”可知此句是条件状语从句,用if引导。故填If。
196.句意:这样就可以只用茶壶和开水泡茶了。此处用不定式作主语,it作形式主语。故填to make。
197.句意:它们是用传统方法手工制作的。介词短语by hand表示“手工”。故填by。
199.句意:在过去的几个世纪里,中国的茶壶几乎保持不变。根据“in the past few centuries.”可知此句用现在完成时。故填have stayed。
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