2024人教八下英语期末复习:【考题预测】04 补全对话(原卷版+解析版)

专题04 补全对话
②分析对话,试填答案。根据通读全文所获得的信息试探性地猜测所需语句。试填答案时一要问答一致,根据所学有关方面典型句型来试填。 二要注意对话的表达要符合西方人的风俗习惯,英汉两种语言对日常生活中的同一话题可能会有不同的表达方法。
通常在补全对话命题中可以根据答语来确定疑问句的种类,如以yes, no作答的肯定是一般疑问句和反意疑问句;以时间、地点或方式等细节信息作答的多为特殊疑问句。如:
B:We’re going to Los Angeles.
我们只需对Los Angeles这个地名画线提问就可以了,找出特殊疑问词Where,然后变原句为一般疑问句即可,正确答案:Where are you going 。
A: Ben, you don’t look very well. What’s wrong
B: I fell off the shared-bike(共享单车) in the park.
A: 1
B: Yes, I cut my knee.
A: 2
B: Not really, but I was also taken to the hospital.
A: Have you taken your temperature
B: Yes. Luckily, I didn’t have a fever. The doctor put some medicine and a bandage on it.
A: 3 Maybe students in Harbin shouldn’t ride the shared-bikes.
B: Why do you say so The shared bikes make our life easier and greener.
A: Yes. 4 But some people ride them quickly through the heavy traffic. How dangerous!
B: 5
A: That’s a good idea. How about putting up some signs about the rules first
B: OK.
A.You should be careful next time.
B.Did you have a cough
C.Is there anything wrong with you
D.That’s all right.
E.You’re right.
F.Why don’t we do something to tell people to follow the traffic rules
G.Was the cut serious
A: Good morning, Bill. 6
B: Yes. I finished my homework yesterday evening.
A: 7
B: I’d like to work outside.
A: Me, too. 8
B: I’d like to do something to help others. Would you like to go with me
A: Sure! Let’s come up with a plan. 9 In the afternoon, we can visit the children’s hospital to cheer up the sick children. What do you think
B: 10 But we’d better join the school weekend volunteer program.
A: Good idea. We could do better then.
A.Do you have any ideas
B.Are you free tomorrow
C.I don’t agree with you.
D.That sounds good.
E.In the morning let’s do your homework first.
F.What would you like to do
G.Tomorrow morning let’s hand out food at the food bank.
A: Could I invite my friends to my birthday party on Saturday, Mom
B: Of course! 11
A: Yeah, Um… 12
B: What for
A: 13
B: Well, I am shopping tomorrow. And I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.
A: Oh, good. Thank you, Mom.
B: You’re welcome. Oh, could you clean your room
A: 14
B: You need to clean it again for your party.
A: OK, but I need to do my homework first.
B: OK! After you finish your homework, let’s clean the room. I can sweep the floor and do the dishes.
A: 15
B: Sure.
A.I cleaned it last week.
B.Could I borrow some money
C.There is no need for it.
D.That sounds like fun.
E.I need to buy some drinks and snacks.
F.Could I take out the rubbish
G.Sorry, I can’t.
A: Hi, Mary. What are you going to do tomorrow
B: Nothing much.
A: 16
B: Good idea. But I can’t.
A: But why You know, there will be a free concert at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. 17
B: But my mother won’t let me go out if I don’t help her finish all the chores.
A: 18 You can tell her that you will finish them after you go back from the concert.
B: Is that OK As you know, 19
A: You can take her with you to the concert. OK
B: You are right. I’ll talk with my mother. I think she will agree. By the way, when shall we go there
A: At half past eight at the gate of our school. 20
B: OK, see you.
A.We’ll take the bus to go there.
B.Why don’t you talk with her
C.You are always busy with your homework on weekends.
D.You like pop music so much.
E.Your sister is old enough to look after herself.
F.I must look after my little sister on weekends.
G.Why not go to the theater with us tomorrow
A: Hello. The Wujiang Hotel! What can I do for you
B: 21 .
A: Next week Well, how many nights
B: Just three nights.
A: OK. Three nights! 22
B: Friday.
A: Do you need single rooms or double
B: 23
A: OK. Two single rooms from Friday to Sunday.
B: 24
A: Well, it’s 300 yuan.
B: I see. Can I book the rooms now
A: 25 May I have your name, please
B: Tom Green.
A.Of course.
B.When do you need them
C.How shall we get there
D.What’s the price of a single room
E.I’d like to book two rooms for next week.
F.I want to book two single rooms.
A: Hi, Jane! Did you go anywhere interesting last Sunday
B: No, I stayed at home.
A: 26
B: I read a story called “The Little Match Girl” (《卖火柴的小女孩》).
A: 27
B: Oh, it’s really moving. A poor young girl tried to sell matches in the street on a cold night. She was afraid to go home.
A: 28
B: She found a corner and sat down. Then she lit some matches to warm herself.
A: 29
B: No, no one. After running out of the matches, she died.
A: 30
B: Yes. From the story I learned that we should help those in need.
A: I agree with you.
A.How do you like it
B.She was really nice.
C.Didn’t anyone help her
D.What a poor girl!
E.What did you do at home
F.What happened next
A: Hey, Joy, This is Steve, calling from the Tianmen Mountain of Zhangjiajie!
B: Hi, Steve, You are already in Zhangjiajie Great to hear you! 31
A: Oh, amazing! You know, Zhangjiajie is famous for its steep (陡峭的) mountains, which are quite different from those in our country.
B: Really 32
A: No. Instead of walking, we took the cable car (缆车).
B: That was also an exciting experience, I suppose. 33
A: For five days. My dad will have an important meeting next Monday, work comes first.
B: What a pity! Given more time, you could visit more places of interest. How about the food there
A: 34 As a real foodie, I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here. And so do my family.
B: You do
A: Yes. And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglong Cave. It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves (岩溶洞) in the world and it has attracted so many travelers.
B: Fantastic! Could you please tell me more about it when you are back
A: 35 I’ll see you in a few days. Talk to you soon.
B: Thank you. Have a nice journey!
A.No problem.
B.It tastes delicious.
C.Who did you go with
D.What do you think of it
E.How long will you stay there
F.Did you climb the mountain on foot
A: Hello, Lucy. Long time no see. How are you
B: Fine, thank you. 36
A: I’m very well. What are you busy with these days
B: 37
A: The Voice of China This program is very popular in China.
B: Yes. More and more foreigners take part in it. 38
A: Great. Which song will you sing
B: My heart will go on. The song is so beautiful. I like it very much.
A: 39
B: At 10:00 p.m., next Friday.
A: 40
B: Thank you very much.
A.I’d like to have a try.
B.You are welcome.
C.How about you
D.I’m getting ready for The Voice of China.
E.Then when is your show time
F.Good luck to you!
A: Good afternoon, boy! 41
B: I have a sore leg. I can’t move easily.
A: Let me see... Do you do a lot of exercise these days
B: 42 . Because I want to run in the sports meeting next month.
A: Oh, that’s the problem, boy.
B: Should I get an X-ray
A: 43 . It is not that serious.
B: Oh, I see. 44
A: You should have a good rest and put this medicine on your leg every day. What’s more, don’t exercise for a week.
B: OK. Thank you, Doctor.
A: 45 .
A: Hello, Li Hua. 46
B: I’m doing my homework.
A: 47 There is a new panda in the zoo.
B: Really I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t.
A: 48
B: Because my mother says I can’t go out by myself.
A: Sounds bad. 49
B: There are many rules. For example (例如), I can’t watch TV on school days and I must go to bed before ten.
A: Your parents are really strict with you. Don’t worry. Maybe we can go next time.
B: OK. 50 .
A: You’re welcome.
A: What are you listening to, Peter
B: Hey, Jenny! I’m listening to a band called “Grey Sky”. Have you heard of it yet
A: No, I haven’t. 51
B: Yes. It only started this year. But it has made four CDs.
A: Wow, it must be really popular. 52
B: There are five people in the band.
A: Are they all teenage boys
B: 53 .
A: 54
B: They are playing pop music, but it sounds more like rock.
A: 55
B: Because the boys look cool and their music is loud and full of energy. I feel excited when I listen to it.
A: Oh, I see.
Clerk: Hello, Beijing Railway Station. 56
Kangkang: Yes, I’d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th.
Clerk: OK. The train leaves at 11:15 a.m. and arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:17 p.m.
Kangkang: Great! 57
Clerk: We have tickets at 145 for the hard sleeper and 224 for the soft sleeper. 58
Kangkang: I’d like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper.
Clerk: All right. You want 21 hard sleeper tickets. Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. 59
Kangkang: Sure. I’m Li Weikang and my telephone number is 8250-2448.
Clerk: Li Weikang. Your phone number is 8250-2448
Kangkang: 60 . Thank you.
Clerk: You are welcome.
A: Hello, Tom. You are reading a book. What’s it
B: Hello, Nancy. It is The Journey to the West.
A: It’s one of the four great classic Chinese novels. 61
B: Of course, the Monkey King. He is very brave.
A: 62
B: I have finished half of it.
A: By the way, are you free this Sunday afternoon I am going to volunteer to work at Children’s Home. 63
B: Yes, I’d like to. I can make some cards for the children. 64
A: We will go there by bike. It’s not far from our school.
B: When and where shall we meet
A: 65 .
B: OK. See you then.
A: See you.
Stella: Hi, David. You have been in Beijing for two months. Do you like the life here
David: Hi, Stella. Yes, I like Beijing, I’ve seen many interesting things in China.
Stella: That sounds great. By the way, I called you at 8:00 last night. But you didn’t answered me. 66
David: Oh, I was reading a book.
Stella: A book 67
David: It’s Journey to the west. Have you ever read it
Stella: Yes. My mother bought it for me. I read it two months ago.
David: 68
Stella: Hmm... I think it is creative and meaningful. 69
David: Yes, I have. I tried Beijing’s special food Beijing Roast Duck last week. It’s so delicious.
Stella: Have you been to the Ming Great Wall yet Chinese people often say that “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.
David: Yes. I visited it last week. It’s the longest wall in the world.
Stella: 70
David: It’s about 8,850 kilometers long.
Stella: Wow! Sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for telling me so many interesting things.
A: Hi, Jane. What are you going to do this Saturday morning
B: Hi, Lucy. 71
A: A fashion show When will it start
B: It will start at 9:00 in the morning. You know there was a fashion show last week.
A: Did you watch it
B: Yes, I did. And my mother watched it with me, too.
A: What did your mother say about the fashion show
B: 72 And people decide to have another fashion show this Saturday morning. Would you like to go with me
A: Sure, I’d love to.
B: Great idea! But we can’t wear jeans there. You know, it’s a fashion show.
A: 73
B: We should wear a formal dress. It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.
A: 74 Oh, I know Mary likes fashion shows very much. Shall we invite her
B: Good idea! I’m sure that she will like it.
A: 75
B: Let’s meet at our school gate at 8:00 a.m.
A: Hello, this is Mario speaking. Is that Jimmy
B: Yes! It’s Jimmy here. Mario, are you feeling better now I heard many 76 on the bus you took last Tuesday got hurt because of a speeding car.
A: Yes. Thanks. I feel much better now, but still 77 . Sometimes I had bad dreams at night.
B: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that how did that happen
A: Our bus ran very slowly when suddenly a truck rushed from the 78 direction. They knocked into each other 79 with a big sound and then my leg was badly hurt.
B: 80 may happen every day. No matter what we are going to do, safety comes first.
A: Yes. We should not only take care of ourselves, but also exercise to stay strong and healthy.
B: Exactly! You know weeks ago, Will Liu, a singer and actor from Taiwan, 81 in catching the eye of people across our country online by giving people personal training class on Douyin.
A: Yes. I’m wondering why he is so popular with people.
B: There are lots of reasons. Firstly, the epidemic(疫情)has made it much 82 for people to go to fitness corners(健身中心)than before, so simple exercises at home is a very good choice.
A: But it’s not easy for people to keep on doing sports in real life, how can they finish that online
B: Because of livestream(直播). When watching the livestream, people will keep 83 with others by messages. They feel like they are working out with many people, which 84 them to keep going until the last minute.
A: Yes. How could we refuse a star singer as a personal trainer
B: You’re right. Dancing to music like A Herbalist’s Manual(本草纲目)is tiring but relaxing. His training class is 85 in ten minutes, I’ll put on my sports suit! I hope you could be better soon. Then we can be “Will Liu Boys,” together!
A: Thank you! I really hope so.
Li Ming: Hi Jenny! Are you there
Jenny: Yes, Li Ming. What’s up
Li Ming: SOS! I need your 86 with my English project this week.
Jenny: No problem! Tell me 87 about it.
Li Ming: We are supposed to describe 88 in a report. What should I write about myself I find it a little hard.
Jenny: I can’t help you write the report, 89 I can help you think about it.
Li Ming: Yes, please. That would be great!
Jenny: First, think about yourself. 90 do you like about yourself
Li Ming: Hmm...Let me think. I’m a good student, and I think I’m a good person. I
91 have many friends.
Jenny: That’s right! You can also write about your special 92 and personal strengths. What 93 you unique(与众不同)
Li Ming: That seems hard!
Jenny: Not really. Suppose you are talking to a friend. Tell them about yourself: What are you good at What are you 94 of
Li Ming: Yes, that makes sense. Thank you so much for your help.
Jenny: It’s my 95 .
A: Hello, Mike. Long time no see. 96 have you been
B: I’ve been to Sichuan to see pandas.
A: How lucky! Would you mind 97 me something about pandas
B: Not at all. Baby pandas are 98 smaller than adult pandas. When they’re born, they only weigh about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos.
A: How small they are!
B: Yes. 99 birth, it’s only about 15 cm long.
A: Is a baby panda also black and white
B: No, it’s pink.
A: How long can pandas live
B: They can live 100 to 20 to 30 years.
A: You are late, Tom.
B: I’m terribly sorry, but I got up late this morning.
A: What did you do last night Did you play computer games
B: Oh, no. It was all because of my 101 . I was doing my homework at nine o’clock last night when suddenly some loud music from the next door broke the 102 . I listened carefully and found that they were having a party.
A: Are you kidding Should they have a party at such a late hour
B: It’s true. I stopped and waited for some time, but there was no 103 that they would stop. 104 , the music became louder and louder and they even began to dance.
A: Perhaps they just didn’t 105 that the music was disturbing (打扰) you. You could go and ask them to turn down the music a little.
B: I did! But it didn’t help. They just kept 106 themselves.
A: They were truly unfriendly and selfish. People should try to be understanding and care about each other, shouldn’t they So what did you do in the end
B: I couldn’t 107 but report it to the police. About twenty minutes later, two policemen came and the noise finally died down.
A: So you could 108 with your homework
B: Yes. But it was too late when I finished my homework and went to bed. And this morning I 109 didn’t hear the alarm go off.
A: Oh, my poor boy! You did have a terrible 110 last night.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题04 补全对话
②分析对话,试填答案。根据通读全文所获得的信息试探性地猜测所需语句。试填答案时一要问答一致,根据所学有关方面典型句型来试填。 二要注意对话的表达要符合西方人的风俗习惯,英汉两种语言对日常生活中的同一话题可能会有不同的表达方法。
通常在补全对话命题中可以根据答语来确定疑问句的种类,如以yes, no作答的肯定是一般疑问句和反意疑问句;以时间、地点或方式等细节信息作答的多为特殊疑问句。如:
B:We’re going to Los Angeles.
我们只需对Los Angeles这个地名画线提问就可以了,找出特殊疑问词Where,然后变原句为一般疑问句即可,正确答案:Where are you going 。
A: Ben, you don’t look very well. What’s wrong
B: I fell off the shared-bike(共享单车) in the park.
A: 1
B: Yes, I cut my knee.
A: 2
B: Not really, but I was also taken to the hospital.
A: Have you taken your temperature
B: Yes. Luckily, I didn’t have a fever. The doctor put some medicine and a bandage on it.
A: 3 Maybe students in Harbin shouldn’t ride the shared-bikes.
B: Why do you say so The shared bikes make our life easier and greener.
A: Yes. 4 But some people ride them quickly through the heavy traffic. How dangerous!
B: 5
A: That’s a good idea. How about putting up some signs about the rules first
B: OK.
A.You should be careful next time.
B.Did you have a cough
C.Is there anything wrong with you
D.That’s all right.
E.You’re right.
F.Why don’t we do something to tell people to follow the traffic rules
G.Was the cut serious
【答案】1.C 2.G 3.A 4.E 5.F
1.根据“Yes, I cut my knee.”可知,此处要用一般疑问句,结合选项可知,横线处在询问从自行车上摔下来的时候是否受伤,选项C“你有什么问题吗?”符合语境。故选C。
2.根据上文“Yes, I cut my knee.”和下文“Not really”可知,横线处是询问伤得是否严重,选项G“伤口严重吗?”符合语境。故选G。
3.根据下文“Maybe students in Harbin shouldn’t ride the shared-bikes.”可知,此处是B对A的提醒或者建议,选项A“下次你应该小心点。”符合语境。故选A。
5.根据下文“That’s a good idea. How about putting up some signs about the rules first ”可知,横线处提出了建议,为提醒人们遵守交通规则做些事情,选项F“我们为什么不做点事情让人们遵守交通规则呢?”符合语境。故选F。
A: Good morning, Bill. 6
B: Yes. I finished my homework yesterday evening.
A: 7
B: I’d like to work outside.
A: Me, too. 8
B: I’d like to do something to help others. Would you like to go with me
A: Sure! Let’s come up with a plan. 9 In the afternoon, we can visit the children’s hospital to cheer up the sick children. What do you think
B: 10 But we’d better join the school weekend volunteer program.
A: Good idea. We could do better then.
A.Do you have any ideas
B.Are you free tomorrow
C.I don’t agree with you.
D.That sounds good.
E.In the morning let’s do your homework first.
F.What would you like to do
G.Tomorrow morning let’s hand out food at the food bank.
【答案】6.B 7.F 8.A 9.G 10.D
6.此空由下文“Yes. I finished my homework yesterday evening.”可知,我已经做完作业了,空处应为一个疑问句,选项B“你明天有空吗?”符合情景。故选B。
7.此空由下文“I’d like to work outside.”可知,我想去外面工作,空处应为询问对方想干什么的疑问句,选项F“你想做什么?”符合情景。故选F。
8.此空由空前“Me, too.”和下文“I’d like to do something to help others.”可知,他们都想去外面工作,比尔想做些事情帮助别人,空处应为询问对方有什么想法的疑问句,选项A“你有什么主意吗?”符合情景。故选A。
9.此空由“ Let’s come up with a plan...In the afternoon,...”可知,他们在做明天上下午的计划,空处应为上午要做的事情,选项G“明天早上我们到食品银行去分发食品吧。”符合情景。故选G。
10.此空由上文“What do you think ”和“But we’d better join the school weekend volunteer program.”可知,两人达成一致意见,且比尔也提出了自己的建议,空处应为表示赞同对方建议的句子,选项D“听起来很不错。”符合情景。故选D。
A: Could I invite my friends to my birthday party on Saturday, Mom
B: Of course! 11
A: Yeah, Um… 12
B: What for
A: 13
B: Well, I am shopping tomorrow. And I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.
A: Oh, good. Thank you, Mom.
B: You’re welcome. Oh, could you clean your room
A: 14
B: You need to clean it again for your party.
A: OK, but I need to do my homework first.
B: OK! After you finish your homework, let’s clean the room. I can sweep the floor and do the dishes.
A: 15
B: Sure.
A.I cleaned it last week.
B.Could I borrow some money
C.There is no need for it.
D.That sounds like fun.
E.I need to buy some drinks and snacks.
F.Could I take out the rubbish
G.Sorry, I can’t.
【答案】11.D 12.B 13.E 14.A 15.F
11.根据空前的“ Of course!”可知,此处是肯定回答,则表示赞同该建议,选项D“听起来很有趣。”符合语境。故选D。
12.根据下文“Well, I am shopping tomorrow. And I can buy some drinks and snacks for you.”并结合选项可知,下文说去购物,买一些饮料和小吃,所以此处与借钱有关,选项B“我能借点钱吗?”符合语境。故选B。
13.根据上文“What for ”可知,此处回答借钱的原因,选项E“我需要买一些饮料和零食。”符合语境。故选E。
14.根据下文“You need to clean it again for your party.”可知,此处指已经打扫过了,选项A“我上周打扫过。”符合语境。故选A。
A: Hi, Mary. What are you going to do tomorrow
B: Nothing much.
A: 16
B: Good idea. But I can’t.
A: But why You know, there will be a free concert at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow. 17
B: But my mother won’t let me go out if I don’t help her finish all the chores.
A: 18 You can tell her that you will finish them after you go back from the concert.
B: Is that OK As you know, 19
A: You can take her with you to the concert. OK
B: You are right. I’ll talk with my mother. I think she will agree. By the way, when shall we go there
A: At half past eight at the gate of our school. 20
B: OK, see you.
A.We’ll take the bus to go there.
B.Why don’t you talk with her
C.You are always busy with your homework on weekends.
D.You like pop music so much.
E.Your sister is old enough to look after herself.
F.I must look after my little sister on weekends.
G.Why not go to the theater with us tomorrow
【答案】16.G 17.D 18.B 19.F 20.A
16.根据下文“Good idea. But I can’t”玛丽作出评价但表示拒绝,可知此处是发出了一个邀请,G选项“明天为什么不和我们一起去剧院呢”符合语境,故选G。
17.根据前文“You know, there will be a free concert at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow”在介绍有免费音乐会,是在劝说玛丽一起去,可知会继续劝说,D选项“你那么喜欢流行乐”符合语境,故选D。
18.根据后文“You can tell her that you will finish them after you go back from the concert”对方在建议玛丽和妈妈作出保证,可知此处是建议玛丽和妈妈聊聊,B选项“你为什么不和她谈谈呢”符合语境,故选B。
19.根据下文“You can take her with you to the concert”说带某个人一起去,可知此处会说自己要照顾妹妹,F选项“我在周末必须照顾我妹妹”符合语境,故选F。
20.根据前文“At half past eight at the gate of our school”在告知集合的时间和地点,可知此处会继续说明去那里的方式,A选项“我们会坐公交车去那儿”符合语境,故选A。
A: Hello. The Wujiang Hotel! What can I do for you
B: 21 .
A: Next week Well, how many nights
B: Just three nights.
A: OK. Three nights! 22
B: Friday.
A: Do you need single rooms or double
B: 23
A: OK. Two single rooms from Friday to Sunday.
B: 24
A: Well, it’s 300 yuan.
B: I see. Can I book the rooms now
A: 25 May I have your name, please
B: Tom Green.
A.Of course.
B.When do you need them
C.How shall we get there
D.What’s the price of a single room
E.I’d like to book two rooms for next week.
F.I want to book two single rooms.
【答案】21.E 22.B 23.F 24.D 25.A
21.根据“The Wujiang Hotel! What can I do for you ”可知,此处是打电话订房间,结合“Next week”可知,是下周要用的,选项E“我想订两间下周用的房间。”符合语境,故选E。
23.根据“Do you need single rooms or double ”可知,此处是回答需要单人间还是标间,选项F“我想订两间单人房。”符合语境,故选F。
24.根据“Well, it’s 300 yuan.”可知,是问价格,选项D“单人间的价格是多少?”符合语境,故选D。
25.根据“Can I book the rooms now ”以及“May I have your name, please ”可知,应作肯定回答,选项A“当然可以。”符合语境,故选A。
A: Hi, Jane! Did you go anywhere interesting last Sunday
B: No, I stayed at home.
A: 26
B: I read a story called “The Little Match Girl” (《卖火柴的小女孩》).
A: 27
B: Oh, it’s really moving. A poor young girl tried to sell matches in the street on a cold night. She was afraid to go home.
A: 28
B: She found a corner and sat down. Then she lit some matches to warm herself.
A: 29
B: No, no one. After running out of the matches, she died.
A: 30
B: Yes. From the story I learned that we should help those in need.
A: I agree with you.
A.How do you like it
B.She was really nice.
C.Didn’t anyone help her
D.What a poor girl!
E.What did you do at home
F.What happened next
【答案】26.E 27.A 28.F 29.C 30.D
26.根据“I stayed at home.”和“I read a story called ‘The Little Match Girl’”可知,此处询问在家做了什么。选项E“你在家里做了什么”符合语境。故选E。
27.根据“Oh, it’s really moving.”可知,此处询问对这本书的评价。选项A“你认为它怎么样”符合语境。故选A。
28.根据“She found a corner and sat down. Then she lit some matches to warm herself.”可知,下文讲了发生的事情,推知此处应是询问发生了什么事,选项F“接下来发生了什么”符合语境。故选F。
29.根据“No, no one. After running out of the matches, she died.”可知,此处询问有没有人帮助她。选项C“没有人帮助她吗”符合语境。故选C。
30.根据“Yes. From the story I learned that we should help those in need.”可知,此处感叹小女孩很可怜。选项D“多么可怜的一个女孩啊”符合语境。故选D。
A: Hey, Joy, This is Steve, calling from the Tianmen Mountain of Zhangjiajie!
B: Hi, Steve, You are already in Zhangjiajie Great to hear you! 31
A: Oh, amazing! You know, Zhangjiajie is famous for its steep (陡峭的) mountains, which are quite different from those in our country.
B: Really 32
A: No. Instead of walking, we took the cable car (缆车).
B: That was also an exciting experience, I suppose. 33
A: For five days. My dad will have an important meeting next Monday, work comes first.
B: What a pity! Given more time, you could visit more places of interest. How about the food there
A: 34 As a real foodie, I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here. And so do my family.
B: You do
A: Yes. And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglong Cave. It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves (岩溶洞) in the world and it has attracted so many travelers.
B: Fantastic! Could you please tell me more about it when you are back
A: 35 I’ll see you in a few days. Talk to you soon.
B: Thank you. Have a nice journey!
A.No problem.
B.It tastes delicious.
C.Who did you go with
D.What do you think of it
E.How long will you stay there
F.Did you climb the mountain on foot
【答案】31.D 32.F 33.E 34.B 35.A
【导语】本文是一则A (Steve) 和B (Joy)讨论有关张家界的天门山的对话。
31.根据“Oh, amazing! You know, Zhangjiajie is famous for its steep (陡峭的) mountains, which are quite different from those in our country.”可知,此处是乔伊询问史蒂夫觉得张家界怎么样。选项D“你觉得怎么样?”符合语境。故选D。
32.根据“No. Instead of walking, we took the cable car (缆车).”可知,此处为一般疑问句,且与登山方式相关。选项F“你是徒步爬山的吗?”符合语境。故选F。
33.根据“For five days.”可知,此处是在询问对方将在张家界呆多久。选项E“你要在那里呆多久?”符合语境。故选E。
34.根据“As a real foodie, I enjoy all kinds of traditional food here. And so do my family.”可知,史蒂夫喜欢那里的美食,因此应对食物给予肯定的评价。选项B“它味道鲜美。”符合语境。故选B。
35.根据“I’ll see you in a few days. Talk to you soon.”可知,史蒂夫答应了对方的请求。选项A“没问题。”符合语境。故选A。
A: Hello, Lucy. Long time no see. How are you
B: Fine, thank you. 36
A: I’m very well. What are you busy with these days
B: 37
A: The Voice of China This program is very popular in China.
B: Yes. More and more foreigners take part in it. 38
A: Great. Which song will you sing
B: My heart will go on. The song is so beautiful. I like it very much.
A: 39
B: At 10:00 p.m., next Friday.
A: 40
B: Thank you very much.
A.I’d like to have a try.
B.You are welcome.
C.How about you
D.I’m getting ready for The Voice of China.
E.Then when is your show time
F.Good luck to you!
【答案】36.C 37.D 38.A 39.E 40.F
36.根据“I’m very well.”可知是询问过得怎么样,选项C“你怎么样?”符合情景。故选C。
37.根据“The Voice of China This program is very popular in China.”可知是说要去参加《中国好声音》。选项D“我在为中国之音做准备。”符合情景。故选D。
38.根据“More and more foreigners take part in it. ”可知B也想参加,选项A“我想试试。”符合情景。故选A。
39.根据“At 10:00 p.m., next Friday.”可知是询问演出时间,选项E“那你的表演时间是什么时候?”符合情景。故选E。
40.根据“Thank you very much.”可知是表达祝愿,选项F“祝你好运!”符合情景。故选F。
A: Good afternoon, boy! 41
B: I have a sore leg. I can’t move easily.
A: Let me see... Do you do a lot of exercise these days
B: 42 . Because I want to run in the sports meeting next month.
A: Oh, that’s the problem, boy.
B: Should I get an X-ray
A: 43 . It is not that serious.
B: Oh, I see. 44
A: You should have a good rest and put this medicine on your leg every day. What’s more, don’t exercise for a week.
B: OK. Thank you, Doctor.
A: 45 .
【答案】41.What’s wrong with you 42.Yes, I do 43.No, you shouldn’t
44.What should I do 45.You are welcome
41.根据“I have a sore leg. I can’t move easily.”可知,空处应询问怎么了。故填What’s wrong with you。
42.根据“Do you do a lot of exercise these days ”和下文“Because I want to run in the sports meeting next month.”可知, 空处应对一般疑问句进行肯定回答。故填Yes, I do。
43.根据“Should I get an X-ray ”和“It is not that serious.”可知, 空处应对一般疑问句进行否定性回答。故填No, you shouldn’t。
44.根据“You should have a good rest and put this medicine on your leg every day. What’s more, don’t exercise for a week.”可知,空处应询问应该怎么办。故填What should I do。
45.根据“Thank you, doctor.”可知,空处应说不用谢。故填 You are welcome。
A: Hello, Li Hua. 46
B: I’m doing my homework.
A: 47 There is a new panda in the zoo.
B: Really I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t.
A: 48
B: Because my mother says I can’t go out by myself.
A: Sounds bad. 49
B: There are many rules. For example (例如), I can’t watch TV on school days and I must go to bed before ten.
A: Your parents are really strict with you. Don’t worry. Maybe we can go next time.
B: OK. 50 .
A: You’re welcome.
【答案】46.What are you doing 47.Do you want to go to the zoo this afternoon/Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow /What about going to the zoo tomorrow/... 48.But why (can’t you go)/... 49.What rules do you have at home/... 50.Thank you/...
46.根据“I’m doing my homework.”可知,询问对方正在做什么,故填What are you doing。
47.根据“Really I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t.”可知,询问对方是否想去动物园,故填Do you want to go to the zoo this afternoon/Would you like to go to the zoo tomorrow /What about going to the zoo tomorrow/...。
48.根据“Because my mother says I can’t go out by myself.”可知,询问不能去的原因,故填But why (can’t you go)/...。
49.根据“There are many rules.”可知,询问家里有什么规则,故填What rules do you have at home/...。
50.根据“You’re welcome.”可知,感谢对方,故填Thank you/...。
A: What are you listening to, Peter
B: Hey, Jenny! I’m listening to a band called “Grey Sky”. Have you heard of it yet
A: No, I haven’t. 51
B: Yes. It only started this year. But it has made four CDs.
A: Wow, it must be really popular. 52
B: There are five people in the band.
A: Are they all teenage boys
B: 53 .
A: 54
B: They are playing pop music, but it sounds more like rock.
A: 55
B: Because the boys look cool and their music is loud and full of energy. I feel excited when I listen to it.
A: Oh, I see.
【答案】51.Is it a new band 52.How many people are there in the band
53.Yes, they are 54.What kind of music are they playing 55.Why do you like them
51.根据上文“No, I haven’t.”及答语“Yes. It only started this year.”可知Jenny没有听说过《灰色天空》乐队,她会问“它是新乐队吗?”,故填Is it a new band。
52.根据答语“There are five people in the band.”可知,Jenny会问乐队有多少人。故填How many people are there in the band。
53.根据下文“Because the boys look cool”可知乐队成员是男孩,作肯定回答。故填Yes, they are。
54.根据下文“They are playing pop music,”可知Jenny会问他们正演奏什么音乐。故填What kind of music are they playing。
55.根据答语“Because the boys look cool and their music is loud and full of energy.”可知Jenny会问你为什么会喜欢他们。故填Why do you like them。
Clerk: Hello, Beijing Railway Station. 56
Kangkang: Yes, I’d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th.
Clerk: OK. The train leaves at 11:15 a.m. and arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:17 p.m.
Kangkang: Great! 57
Clerk: We have tickets at 145 for the hard sleeper and 224 for the soft sleeper. 58
Kangkang: I’d like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper.
Clerk: All right. You want 21 hard sleeper tickets. Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. 59
Kangkang: Sure. I’m Li Weikang and my telephone number is 8250-2448.
Clerk: Li Weikang. Your phone number is 8250-2448
Kangkang: 60 . Thank you.
Clerk: You are welcome.
【答案】56.May I help you/ Can I help you/What can I do for you
57.And what about the price 58.Which kind do you want 59.May I have your name and telephone number 60.Right
56.根据“Yes, I’d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th.”可知,此处询问的是需不需什么帮助。故填May I help you/ Can I help you/What can I do for you。
57.根据“We have tickets at 145 for the hard sleeper and 224 for the soft sleeper.”可知,此处询问的是价格,因此用What进行提问。故填And what about the price。
58.根据“I’d like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper.”可知,此处询问对方想要什么类型的票。故填Which kind do you want。
59.根据“Sure. I’m Li Weikang and my telephone number is 8250-2448.”可知,此处询问的是对方的姓名和电话号码。故填May I have your name and telephone number。
60.根据“Your phone number is 8250-2448 ”可知,此处在核对手机号码,可以回复对的。故填Right。
A: Hello, Tom. You are reading a book. What’s it
B: Hello, Nancy. It is The Journey to the West.
A: It’s one of the four great classic Chinese novels. 61
B: Of course, the Monkey King. He is very brave.
A: 62
B: I have finished half of it.
A: By the way, are you free this Sunday afternoon I am going to volunteer to work at Children’s Home. 63
B: Yes, I’d like to. I can make some cards for the children. 64
A: We will go there by bike. It’s not far from our school.
B: When and where shall we meet
A: 65 .
B: OK. See you then.
A: See you.
【答案】61.Do you know who the main character is
How much have you finished 63.Would you like to go with me
64.How will we go there 65.Let’s meet at the school gate at two
61.根据“Of course, the Monkey King. He is very brave”可知此处是一般疑问句,询问对方知不知道书中的主要角色是谁。故填Do you know who the main character is。
62.根据“I have finished half of it.”可知此处询问对方读了多少了。故填How much have you finished。
63.根据“Yes, I’d like to”可知此处询问对方想不想一起去。故填Would you like to go with me。
64.根据“We will go there by bike”可知此处询问如何去那里。故填How will we go there。
65.根据“When and where shall we meet”可知此处回答见面的时间和地点。故填Let’s meet at the school gate at two。
Stella: Hi, David. You have been in Beijing for two months. Do you like the life here
David: Hi, Stella. Yes, I like Beijing, I’ve seen many interesting things in China.
Stella: That sounds great. By the way, I called you at 8:00 last night. But you didn’t answered me. 66
David: Oh, I was reading a book.
Stella: A book 67
David: It’s Journey to the west. Have you ever read it
Stella: Yes. My mother bought it for me. I read it two months ago.
David: 68
Stella: Hmm... I think it is creative and meaningful. 69
David: Yes, I have. I tried Beijing’s special food Beijing Roast Duck last week. It’s so delicious.
Stella: Have you been to the Ming Great Wall yet Chinese people often say that “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.
David: Yes. I visited it last week. It’s the longest wall in the world.
Stella: 70
David: It’s about 8,850 kilometers long.
Stella: Wow! Sounds wonderful! Thank you so much for telling me so many interesting things.
【答案】66.What were you doing (at that/the time)
What’s the name of the book/What’s the book’s name
What do you think of it/How is it /What’s it like
69.Have you ever tried any special/delicious food 70.How long is it
66.根据“Oh, I was reading a book”可知,此处询问对方那时正在做什么,故填What were you doing (at that/the time)。
67.根据“It’s Journey to the west.”可知,此处询问那本书的名字是什么,故填What’s the name of the book/What’s the book’s name。
68.根据“Hmm...I think it is creative and meaningful.”可知,此处询问对它的看法或评价,故填What do you think of it/How is it /What’s it like。
69.根据“Yes, I have. I tried Beijing’s special food Beijing Roast Duck last week.”可知,此处是一般疑问句,询问是否吃过一些美食,故填Have you ever tried any special/delicious food。
70.根据“It’s about 8,850 kilometers long.”可知,此处询问它的长度,故填How long is it。
A: Hi, Jane. What are you going to do this Saturday morning
B: Hi, Lucy. 71
A: A fashion show When will it start
B: It will start at 9:00 in the morning. You know there was a fashion show last week.
A: Did you watch it
B: Yes, I did. And my mother watched it with me, too.
A: What did your mother say about the fashion show
B: 72 And people decide to have another fashion show this Saturday morning. Would you like to go with me
A: Sure, I’d love to.
B: Great idea! But we can’t wear jeans there. You know, it’s a fashion show.
A: 73
B: We should wear a formal dress. It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.
A: 74 Oh, I know Mary likes fashion shows very much. Shall we invite her
B: Good idea! I’m sure that she will like it.
A: 75
B: Let’s meet at our school gate at 8:00 a.m.
【答案】71.I’m going to watch a fashion show.
She said it was great. 73.Can you tell me what I should wear
74.That’s true./You are right. 75.When and where shall we meet
71.根据“A fashion show ”可知,此处应是B打算去看时尚秀,故填I’m going to watch a fashion show.
72.根据“What did your mother say about the fashion show ”和“And people decide to have another fashion show this Saturday morning.”可知,此处是B的妈妈对时尚秀非常棒,故填She said it was great.
73.根据“We should wear a formal dress.”可知,此处是在询问去看时尚秀穿什么衣服,故填Can you tell me what I should wear
74.根据“It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion.”可知,此处应是认同不同场合穿适当的衣服的观点,故填That’s true./You are right.
75.根据“Let’s meet at our school gate at 8:00 a.m.”可知,此处在询问见面的时间,故填When and where shall we meet
A: Hello, this is Mario speaking. Is that Jimmy
B: Yes! It’s Jimmy here. Mario, are you feeling better now I heard many 76 on the bus you took last Tuesday got hurt because of a speeding car.
A: Yes. Thanks. I feel much better now, but still 77 . Sometimes I had bad dreams at night.
B: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that how did that happen
A: Our bus ran very slowly when suddenly a truck rushed from the 78 direction. They knocked into each other 79 with a big sound and then my leg was badly hurt.
B: 80 may happen every day. No matter what we are going to do, safety comes first.
A: Yes. We should not only take care of ourselves, but also exercise to stay strong and healthy.
B: Exactly! You know weeks ago, Will Liu, a singer and actor from Taiwan, 81 in catching the eye of people across our country online by giving people personal training class on Douyin.
A: Yes. I’m wondering why he is so popular with people.
B: There are lots of reasons. Firstly, the epidemic(疫情)has made it much 82 for people to go to fitness corners(健身中心)than before, so simple exercises at home is a very good choice.
A: But it’s not easy for people to keep on doing sports in real life, how can they finish that online
B: Because of livestream(直播). When watching the livestream, people will keep 83 with others by messages. They feel like they are working out with many people, which 84 them to keep going until the last minute.
A: Yes. How could we refuse a star singer as a personal trainer
B: You’re right. Dancing to music like A Herbalist’s Manual(本草纲目)is tiring but relaxing. His training class is 85 in ten minutes, I’ll put on my sports suit! I hope you could be better soon. Then we can be “Will Liu Boys,” together!
A: Thank you! I really hope so.
76.passengers 77.scared/afraid/fearful/frightened/uneasy 78.opposite 79.heavily/terribly/badly/seriously 80.Accidents 81.succeeded 82.harder 83.communicating 84.encourages/leads/helps 85.coming/starting/beginning
76.根据“many...got hurt because of a speeding car.”可知,此处是指公共汽车上有很多人因为超速行驶而受伤。passenger“乘客”,名词;many后跟名词复数形式。故填passengers。
77.根据“I feel much better now, but still...Sometimes I had bad dreams at night.”可知,晚上有时候会做恶梦,所以是仍然很害怕的/不安的。scared/afraid/fearful/frightened“害怕的”。uneasy“不安的。故填scared/afraid/fearful/frightened/uneasy。
78.根据“Our bus ran very slowly when suddenly a truck rushed from the...direction.”可知,此处是指辆卡车从相反的方向冲了过来。opposite“相反的”,形容词修饰其后的名词“direction”。故填opposite。
79.根据“They knocked into each other...”可知,此处是指撞得很严重/厉害。空处需用副词形式修饰前面的动词“knocked”。heavily“沉重地”;terribly/badly/seriously“严重地”。故填heavily/terribly/badly/seriously。
80.根据“may happen every day.”可知,事故每天都可能发生。accident“事故”,名词;此处需用复数形式表示泛指。故填Accidents。
81.根据“I’m wondering why he is so popular with people.”可知,此处是指成功地在网上引起了全国人民的关注。固定短语succeed in doing sth.“成功做某事”;再根据“You know weeks ago”可知,本句是一般过去时,动词需用过去式。故填succeeded。
82.根据“the epidemic(疫情)has made it much...for people to go to fitness corners(健身中心)than before,”可知,此处是指疫情让人们去健身中心比以前更难了。hard“艰难的”,形容词;much修饰形容词比较级。故填harder。
83.根据“They feel like they are working out with many people,”可知,此处是指与他人交流。communicate“沟通”,动词;keep doing sth.“保持做某事”。故填communicating。
84.根据“them to keep going until the last minute.”可知,此处是指鼓励/带领/帮助人们坚持到最后一刻。encourage“鼓励”/lead“带领”/help“帮助”,动词;空前which指代前面一个句子,动词需用三单形式。故填encourages/leads/helps。
85.根据“His training class is...in ten minutes, I’ll put on my sports suit!”可知,此处是指刘畊宏的训练课程马上就要开始了。come“来”/start“开始”/begin“开始”,动词;此处需用现在分词形式,与空前“is”构成现在进行时。故填coming/starting/beginning。
Li Ming: Hi Jenny! Are you there
Jenny: Yes, Li Ming. What’s up
Li Ming: SOS! I need your 86 with my English project this week.
Jenny: No problem! Tell me 87 about it.
Li Ming: We are supposed to describe 88 in a report. What should I write about myself I find it a little hard.
Jenny: I can’t help you write the report, 89 I can help you think about it.
Li Ming: Yes, please. That would be great!
Jenny: First, think about yourself. 90 do you like about yourself
Li Ming: Hmm...Let me think. I’m a good student, and I think I’m a good person. I
91 have many friends.
Jenny: That’s right! You can also write about your special 92 and personal strengths. What 93 you unique(与众不同)
Li Ming: That seems hard!
Jenny: Not really. Suppose you are talking to a friend. Tell them about yourself: What are you good at What are you 94 of
Li Ming: Yes, that makes sense. Thank you so much for your help.
Jenny: It’s my 95 .
86.help 87.more 88.ourselves 89.but 90.What 91.also 92.talents 93.makes 94.proud 95.pleasure
86.根据“I need your…with my English project this week.”可知,此处指李明需要珍妮的帮助;help“帮助”,不可数名词。故填help。
87.根据“We are supposed to describe…”可知,珍妮让李明告诉自己更多信息;more“更多”。故填more。
88.根据下文“What should I write about myself ”可知,这篇报告要求描述自己;结合“We are supposed to describe…”可知,主语是we,故用反身代词ourselves。故填ourselves。
90.What do you like about sth.“你喜欢某个事物的哪方面”,此处指珍妮询问李明喜欢自己的哪个方面。故填What。
91.根据“I’m a good student, and I think I’m a good person. I…have many friends.”可知,此处是李明列举自己的优点,他也有很多好朋友;also“也”。故填also。
92.根据“You can also write about your special…and personal strengths.”可知,此处指特殊才能和个人长处;talent“才能”,名词,由“personal strengths”可知,此处用其复数形式。故填talents。
93.根据“What…you unique(与众不同)?”可知,此处是珍妮询问李明是什么让他与众不同;make“使”,动词,时态是一般现在时,疑问代词what后,谓语动词用其单三形式。故填makes。
94.根据“What are you good at What are you…of ”可知,此处指李明以什么为骄傲;be proud of“为……而骄傲”。故填proud。
95.根据“Thank you so much for your help.”可知,此处是珍妮回答李明的感谢;It’s my pleasure“不客气”。故填pleasure。
A: Hello, Mike. Long time no see. 96 have you been
B: I’ve been to Sichuan to see pandas.
A: How lucky! Would you mind 97 me something about pandas
B: Not at all. Baby pandas are 98 smaller than adult pandas. When they’re born, they only weigh about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos.
A: How small they are!
B: Yes. 99 birth, it’s only about 15 cm long.
A: Is a baby panda also black and white
B: No, it’s pink.
A: How long can pandas live
B: They can live 100 to 20 to 30 years.
【答案】96.Where 97.telling 98.much 99.At 100.up
96.根据“I’ve been to Sichuan to see pandas.”可知,这里是问去了哪里,where意为“哪里”,首字母大写。故填Where。
97.根据“something about pandas ”可知,这里是问你介意告诉我一些关于熊猫的事吗,tell意为“告诉”,这里是:mind doing sth.意为“介意做某事”,需用动名词。故填telling。
99.根据“it’s only about 15 cm long.”可知,这里是说刚出生时,它只有15厘米长。at birth意为“出生时”,首字母大写。故填At。
100.根据“to 20 to 30 years.”可知,这里是说他们可以活20到30年,live up to意为“活多少年”。故填up。
A: You are late, Tom.
B: I’m terribly sorry, but I got up late this morning.
A: What did you do last night Did you play computer games
B: Oh, no. It was all because of my 101 . I was doing my homework at nine o’clock last night when suddenly some loud music from the next door broke the 102 . I listened carefully and found that they were having a party.
A: Are you kidding Should they have a party at such a late hour
B: It’s true. I stopped and waited for some time, but there was no 103 that they would stop. 104 , the music became louder and louder and they even began to dance.
A: Perhaps they just didn’t 105 that the music was disturbing (打扰) you. You could go and ask them to turn down the music a little.
B: I did! But it didn’t help. They just kept 106 themselves.
A: They were truly unfriendly and selfish. People should try to be understanding and care about each other, shouldn’t they So what did you do in the end
B: I couldn’t 107 but report it to the police. About twenty minutes later, two policemen came and the noise finally died down.
A: So you could 108 with your homework
B: Yes. But it was too late when I finished my homework and went to bed. And this morning I 109 didn’t hear the alarm go off.
A: Oh, my poor boy! You did have a terrible 110 last night.
101.neighbors 102.silence 103.sign 104.Instead 105.realize/know 106.enjoying 107.choose 108.continue 109.completely 110.experience
101.句意:都因为我邻居。根据后文“I was doing my homework at nine o’clock last night when suddenly some loud music from the next door”可知,吵闹的音乐是来自邻居那边。neighbor“邻居”,邻居不是一个,因此要用复数。故填neighbors。
102.句意:昨晚九点时,当我正在做作业时,突然这时隔壁们传来的吵闹的音乐打破了这份宁静。根据前文“I was doing my homework at nine o’clock last night”可知,九点钟,又是在做作业,环境应该是安静的。进而推断出吵闹的音乐打破了这份宁静。Break the silence“打破宁静”。故填silence。
103.句意:我停下来等了段时间,但是他们没有停的迹象。根据语境及后文“that they would stop.”作横线处的定语,可判断是没有停的“迹象”。sign“迹象”,符合语境。故填sign。
104.句意:相反,音乐变得越来越大,他们甚至开始跳起来了。根据前文“I stopped and waited for some time, but there was no sign that they would stop”及后文“the music became louder and louder and they even began to dance.”可知,音乐及吵闹声是越来越大,所以等待后的结果更糟,instead“相反”,符合语境。故填Instead。
105.句意:可能是他们没有意识到音乐会打扰到你。根据语境及后文的建议“You could go and ask them to turn down the music a little.”可判断,这里说的是“意识到”或者“知道”。故填realize/know。
106.句意:他们只是继续开心地玩。根据语境及后文的“themselves”可判断是“玩得开心”。Enjoy themselves表示“玩得开心”,符合语境。keep后面加动词的ing形式,故填enjoying。
107.句意:我别无选择,报警了。根据前文的“I did! But it didn’t help. They just kept enjoying themselves.”可知,Tom劝说没用,所以是“别无选择”才报警的。choose表示“选择”。couldn’t后加动词原形。故填choose。
108.句意:因此你可以继续做你的作业了?根据前文Tom停下作业,可知这里邻居不吵了,可以继续做作业了。continue with表示“继续做”。故填continue。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



