2024人教八下英语期末复习:【考题预测】01 单项选择100题(原卷版+解析版)

专题01 单项选择100题
1.—What’s the matter with Judy
—She hurt ________ in the P. E. class.
A.her B.himself C.herself
2.— My brother had a bad ________.
— He shouldn’t eat so much candy.
A.backache B.headache C.stomachache D.toothache
3.—Mom, I have a toothache. What should I do
—Oh, you should see a dentist and get ________ X-ray.
A.a B.an C.the D./
4.I have great ________ in learning English grammar but I will try my best to improve it.
A.trouble B.funny C.interesting D.hard
5.You should ________ more water when you have a fever.
A.drinks B.drinking C.drinked D.drink
6.—Let’s go and buy the whole series of books Harry Potter.
—Oh, it is much too expensive and I don’t think we have _________ to buy them.
A.many money B.money enough C.much money D.enough money
7.I have a ________, so the doctor tells me to take my temperature and drink some water.
A.sore back B.toothache C.stomachache D.fever
8.—The thief ________ to us. In fact, he didn’t ________ the purse on the cupboard.
—Yeah. The police found it ________ at the corner of the kitchen.
A.lied; lay; lied B.lay; lie; lying C.lied; lay; lying D.lay; lying; lied
9.—Did you take your ________ , Judy
—Yes. I have a fever. I should take some medicine.
A.trouble B.temperature C.matter D.meal
10.—What’s the matter with Kate
—She hurt ________ in P.E. class.
A.her B.herself C.himself
11.—What can we learn from this story
—We should manage ______ problems by ourselves.
A.solve B.to solve C.solving
12.—How about putting on a show ________ money for the children in poor villages
—That’s a good idea.
A.to choose B.to raise C.to receive
13.My old neighbor Charles felt ______ after his children moved out.
A.lonely B.alone C.excited D.surprised
14.—Nowadays a lot of old people feel ________.
—Yes, their children aren’t with them so they have to live ________.
A.lonely; alone B.alone; alone C.lonely; lonely D.alone; lonely
15.These programs will help _________ a new world to the farmers in the poor villages in the future.
A.put up B.open up C.give up D.set up
16.—Most of your new neighbor’s T-shirts and hats are red.
—He really this color.
A.looks after B.looks up C.turns on D.cares for
17.I hear Jay Chou will come to have a concert in our city. I can’t wait ________ him.
A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see
18.Linda is a kind girl. She often offers ________ her seat to the old on the bus.
A.gave B.giving C.to give
19.Allen often helps his teachers to ________ exercise books.
A.give out B.give up C.give away
20.Please move your car. We don’t allow drivers _________ here.
A.park B.parking C.to park D.parked
21.—Did you get the books from a bookstore or online
—Oh, ________. I borrowed them from the library.
A.neither B.either C.both D.none
22.______ you improve your handwriting (书写), you will easily get better grades.
A.Before B.Since C.So D.If
23.My brother is a smart boy. He ________ read when he was five.
A.must B.should C.would D.could
24.David, don’t eat junk food any more. It’s important to ________ healthy habits in daily life.
A.develop B.change C.raise D.carry
25.—Could Linda fold her clothes or do the dishes
—________. But she can sweep the floor.
A.Neither B.Either C.Both
26.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow, Joan
—It ________ the weather.
A.waits for B.looks for C.decides on D.depends on
27.—Can you come on Saturday or Sunday
—Sorry, I am afraid ________ day is possible.
A.either B.neither C.any
28.—Would you like a cup of hot tea or hot coffee with sugar
—_________. Just a glass of water.
A.Both B.All C.Either D.Neither
29.—Could you please ________ your storybook ________ me
—Sure. But you must return it to me before Wednesday.
A.borrow; to B.keep; for C.lend; to D.buy; for
30.—Could I do my homework in your room, Dad
—Of course, if you don’t make a ________ in it.
A.matter B.decision C.promise D.mess
31.Sandy is so excellent that she can often ________ all kinds of problems successfully.
A.look after B.take up C.work out D.give away
32.—I have a bad cold.
—You ________ lie down and have a good rest.
A.should B.may C.will D.can
33.—Why did you miss your online English class this afternoon
—Oh, I forget about it! I will ______ it to Miss Li right away.
A.give B.send C.explain D.continue
34.—It’s useful for deaf people to learn sign language (手语).
—Yes, it’s a good way of ________ for them.
A.preparation B.communication C.invitation D.relation
35.Before an English speech, I’m always . What should I do
A.crazy B.nervous C.happy
36.A lot of old people are lonely, so we should listen to them and ________ them.
A.deal with B.care for C.fill with D.work out
37.Sally thought hard and ________ that problem in the end.
A.looked out B.took out C.put out D.worked out
38.—James ate much and he has a stomachache now.
—I think he ________ lie down and have a rest.
A.should B.may C.will D.might
39.If the rain doesn’t stop, they will ________ the sports meeting.
A.come up with B.cut off C.put off D.work out
40.—Mom, I didn’t sleep well last night and I’m so tired now.
—Oh, my poor baby, you ________ stay up late to play with your new mobile phone.
A.wouldn’t B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.can’t
41.The boy with two dogs _________ in the yard when the earthquake hit the city.
A.is playing B.are playing C.was playing D.were playing
42.When an earthquake hit Gansu on December 18th, most people ______ in bed.
A.sleep B.are sleeping C.were sleeping
43.When I arrived at his house, he ______ on the phone.
A.was talking B.talked C.is speaking. D.speaks
44.Tom’s dad ______ pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.
A.puts B.was put C.put D.was putting
45.The twins were both tired, and they had to sit ________ each other on the ground.
A.with B.around C.over D.against
46.All the people in this town ________ at night ________ the earthquake happened.
A.were sleeping; while B.were sleeping; when C.slept; when
47.—I called you last night, but you didn’t answer.
—Sorry, Grace. I ________ TV when the phone rang.
A.am watching B.was watching C.watched
48.My sister ________ the clothes when the bell rang.
A.am folding B.was folding C.folded
49.Our English teacher often asks us to ________ an article quickly and then find the main idea of it.
A.cut off B.put up C.look through D.take down
50.My parents and I ________ the Spring Festival Gala when it began to snow last night.
A.watched B.have watched C.were watching
51.Jimmy was very excited to tell his parents ________ he got the good news.
A.because of B.so that C.as long as D.as soon as
52.Please tell Jim to call me as soon as you _________ him.
A.saw B.see C.will see
53.—Is Mr. Wang back home
—Not yet. I’ll call you as soon as he ________ back home.
A.comes B.came C.will come
54.Dr. Wang is ________ nice ________ everybody loves and respects him.
A.such; that B.so; that C.too; to D.very; that
55.—Dave, why are you in such a hurry
—Because ________ is waiting for me at the school gate.
A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody
56.—Did you catch what the teacher said
—No. She spoke so fast ________ I couldn’t hear her very clearly.
A.which B.that C.when
57.—This is the third time that Billy makes it to the top in the final exams.
—He is such a ________ kid that he can learn anything well in a short time. But more importantly, he always works hard.
A.light B.quick C.bright D.silly
58.Don’t rush out of the classroom as soon as the bell ________. Please pay attention to your safety.
A.ring B.rings C.will ring
59. ________ we work hard, it’s hard for us to realize our dream.
A.If B.Unless C.As soon as
60.We’ll cause more pollution ________ we find a way to deal with more rubbish.
A.although B.if C.since D.unless
61.______ people gather at Square to watch the raising of national flag every morning.
A.Hundreds B.Hundred of C.Hundreds of
62.—I don’t know how to use the App Fun Dubbing (趣配音).
—Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of ________ in doing it.
A.experience B.information C.difference D.condition
63.—Why do you learn English so well
—It’s very simple. ________ you study, ________ grades you will get.
A.The harder; the better B.The harder; the worse
C.The more; the fewer D.The more; the worse
64.________ a child starts learning a new language, ________ he will be.
A.The late; the better B.The earlier; the better C.The early; the best
65.—I think it’s necessary for students to get into good habits.
—I agree with you. And ________.
A.the earlier, the better B.the earlier, the good C.the early, the good D.the early, the better
66.Jeff speaks Chinese much ________ than John.
A.well B.good C.better D.best
67.Chongqing is one of __________ cities in China nowadays.
A.famous B.more famous C.most famous D.the most famous
68.To the teacher’s ________, the best student didn’t pass the English test again.
A.excitement B.surprise C.satisfaction D.development
69.Because of the bad weather, the volleyball game has to be ________ until next weekend.
A.put on B.taken on C.taken in D.put off
70.Our teachers always say: “No pains, no gains”. It means ________ time you spend on your study ________ results you will get.
A.the more; the better B.the less; the better C.the more; the worse
71.________ of the students are from Wuxi, but only a few ________ Yuantouzhu.
A.Hundreds; have been to B.Two hundred; have been to
C.Two hundreds; have gone to D.Hundreds; have gone to
72.—Do you know the film YOLO
—Sure. I have ______ it twice.
A.saw B.seen C.see
73.Mr. Wu, we ________ the cleaning work. Can we go home now
A.finish B.have finished C.finishes D.will finish
74.—Hi, Penny. Would you like to go to Wenzhou Science Museum with me tomorrow
—Yes, I’d love to. But Peter ________ me to watch the Dragon Boat Race.
A.invites B.has invited C.is inviting D.will invite
75.— ________ the Internet ________ in your school
— Yes, but the computer in our office ________ down.
A.Is; used; has broken B.Does; use; was broken
C.Has; used; broke D.Did; use; was breaking
76.Jack ________ a used car. It’s much cheaper than a new one.
A.will buy B.is buying C.was bought D.has bought
77.The film “YOLO” (热辣滚烫) is so wonderful that I ________ it twice.
A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.have watched
78.—Have you finished your new travel planning to Paris ________
—Yes, I’ve ________ finished it.
A.already; just B.already; just now C.yet; just D.yet; just now
79.Look! The rain ________ and the sun is shining. Let’s go outside and play!
A.had stopped B.stopped C.is stopping D.has stopped
80.—What changes ________ in your lives
—Our lives have changed a lot.
A.have there had B.has there been C.have there been D.has there had
81.—________ you ________ the book ________ to the library
—Yes, I have.
A.Have; returned; / B.Have; returned; back
C.Did; return; / D.Did; return; back
82.—Mr. Wang used to ________ to work, but now he gets used to ________ to work.
—How green he is now!
A.drive; ride B.drive; riding C.driving; ride
83.—ChatGPT is becoming very popular across the world.
—Yeah, it can tell you ________ you want to know if you chat with the AI Chatbot.
A.whatever B.whenever C.however
84.—How was your visit to the Summer Palace in BeiJing
—Great! We enjoyed ________ very much.
A.itself B.myself C.yourselves D.ourselves
85.—What a lovely card! Where did you buy it
—I made it by ________ .
A.me B.himself C.myself D.itself
86.—Excuse me, but can I take the seat
—________. It’s for the elderly only.
A.You’d better not B.You’d better don’t C.Not at all D.Never mind
87.When I face difficulties, my teacher always encourages me ________ hard.
A.to work B.works C.working D.worked
88.—Would you like to attend a party with me
—Sorry, my parents don’t ________ me to go out at night.
A.encourage B.advise C.allow D.lead
89.— Andrew, the Chinese New Year is coming. What are you going to do
—________ going skiing in Harbin
A.Why not B.Would you like C.How about D.Shall we
90.The young man ________ the army for half a year.
A.has joined B.has been on C.has been in D.has joined in
91.—Mom, I want to watch Tom and Jerry tonight.
—Oh, dear, it ________ for a few e on!
A.began B.will begin C.has been on D.has begun
92.My parents ________ for over 50 years and they love each other very much.
A.have married B.married
C.will marry D.have been married
93.The volunteers ________ a lot of help ________ the community for nearly ten years.
A.will offer; for B.are providing; for C.have offered; to D.have provided; with
94.Since then, they ________ each other.
A.haven’t met B.don’t meet C.didn’t meet D.won’t meet
95.Uncle Li can speak English very well because he ________ England for 5 years.
A.has been in B.has been to C.has gone to D.has arrived in
96.A lie can travel halfway around the world ________ the truth is putting on its shoes.
A.if B.while C.unless D.until
97.— When did the boy ________ the girl
— They have ________ for ten years.
A.get married to; been married B.get married to; got married
C.get married with; been married D.get married with; got married
98.The shopping mall Mixc in the northern part of Nanjing ________ since last December.
A.opened B.has opened C.has been on D.has been open
99.More than 20 people ________ in traffic accidents ________ last week.
A.died; for B.have been dead; since C.have died; for D.have been dead, for
100.The restaurant near my home ________ for three years, but I ________ there so far.
A.has been open; haven’t been B.has been opened; haven’t been
C.has been open; haven’t been to D.has opened; haven’t been
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题01 单项选择100题
1.—What’s the matter with Judy
—She hurt ________ in the P. E. class.
A.her B.himself C.herself
2.— My brother had a bad ________.
— He shouldn’t eat so much candy.
A.backache B.headache C.stomachache D.toothache
3.—Mom, I have a toothache. What should I do
—Oh, you should see a dentist and get ________ X-ray.
A.a B.an C.the D./
4.I have great ________ in learning English grammar but I will try my best to improve it.
A.trouble B.funny C.interesting D.hard
5.You should ________ more water when you have a fever.
A.drinks B.drinking C.drinked D.drink
6.—Let’s go and buy the whole series of books Harry Potter.
—Oh, it is much too expensive and I don’t think we have _________ to buy them.
A.many money B.money enough C.much money D.enough money
7.I have a ________, so the doctor tells me to take my temperature and drink some water.
A.sore back B.toothache C.stomachache D.fever
8.—The thief ________ to us. In fact, he didn’t ________ the purse on the cupboard.
—Yeah. The police found it ________ at the corner of the kitchen.
A.lied; lay; lied B.lay; lie; lying C.lied; lay; lying D.lay; lying; lied
9.—Did you take your ________ , Judy
—Yes. I have a fever. I should take some medicine.
A.trouble B.temperature C.matter D.meal
10.—What’s the matter with Kate
—She hurt ________ in P.E. class.
A.her B.herself C.himself
11.—What can we learn from this story
—We should manage ______ problems by ourselves.
A.solve B.to solve C.solving
12.—How about putting on a show ________ money for the children in poor villages
—That’s a good idea.
A.to choose B.to raise C.to receive
13.My old neighbor Charles felt ______ after his children moved out.
A.lonely B.alone C.excited D.surprised
14.—Nowadays a lot of old people feel ________.
—Yes, their children aren’t with them so they have to live ________.
A.lonely; alone B.alone; alone C.lonely; lonely D.alone; lonely
15.These programs will help _________ a new world to the farmers in the poor villages in the future.
A.put up B.open up C.give up D.set up
16.—Most of your new neighbor’s T-shirts and hats are red.
—He really this color.
A.looks after B.looks up C.turns on D.cares for
17.I hear Jay Chou will come to have a concert in our city. I can’t wait ________ him.
A.see B.saw C.seeing D.to see
18.Linda is a kind girl. She often offers ________ her seat to the old on the bus.
A.gave B.giving C.to give
19.Allen often helps his teachers to ________ exercise books.
A.give out B.give up C.give away
20.Please move your car. We don’t allow drivers _________ here.
A.park B.parking C.to park D.parked
21.—Did you get the books from a bookstore or online
—Oh, ________. I borrowed them from the library.
A.neither B.either C.both D.none
22.______ you improve your handwriting (书写), you will easily get better grades.
A.Before B.Since C.So D.If
23.My brother is a smart boy. He ________ read when he was five.
A.must B.should C.would D.could
24.David, don’t eat junk food any more. It’s important to ________ healthy habits in daily life.
A.develop B.change C.raise D.carry
25.—Could Linda fold her clothes or do the dishes
—________. But she can sweep the floor.
A.Neither B.Either C.Both
26.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow, Joan
—It ________ the weather.
A.waits for B.looks for C.decides on D.depends on
27.—Can you come on Saturday or Sunday
—Sorry, I am afraid ________ day is possible.
A.either B.neither C.any
28.—Would you like a cup of hot tea or hot coffee with sugar
—_________. Just a glass of water.
A.Both B.All C.Either D.Neither
29.—Could you please ________ your storybook ________ me
—Sure. But you must return it to me before Wednesday.
A.borrow; to B.keep; for C.lend; to D.buy; for
30.—Could I do my homework in your room, Dad
—Of course, if you don’t make a ________ in it.
A.matter B.decision C.promise D.mess
31.Sandy is so excellent that she can often ________ all kinds of problems successfully.
A.look after B.take up C.work out D.give away
32.—I have a bad cold.
—You ________ lie down and have a good rest.
A.should B.may C.will D.can
33.—Why did you miss your online English class this afternoon
—Oh, I forget about it! I will ______ it to Miss Li right away.
A.give B.send C.explain D.continue
34.—It’s useful for deaf people to learn sign language (手语).
—Yes, it’s a good way of ________ for them.
A.preparation B.communication C.invitation D.relation
35.Before an English speech, I’m always . What should I do
A.crazy B.nervous C.happy
36.A lot of old people are lonely, so we should listen to them and ________ them.
A.deal with B.care for C.fill with D.work out
37.Sally thought hard and ________ that problem in the end.
A.looked out B.took out C.put out D.worked out
38.—James ate much and he has a stomachache now.
—I think he ________ lie down and have a rest.
A.should B.may C.will D.might
39.If the rain doesn’t stop, they will ________ the sports meeting.
A.come up with B.cut off C.put off D.work out
40.—Mom, I didn’t sleep well last night and I’m so tired now.
—Oh, my poor baby, you ________ stay up late to play with your new mobile phone.
A.wouldn’t B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.can’t
41.The boy with two dogs _________ in the yard when the earthquake hit the city.
A.is playing B.are playing C.was playing D.were playing
42.When an earthquake hit Gansu on December 18th, most people ______ in bed.
A.sleep B.are sleeping C.were sleeping
43.When I arrived at his house, he ______ on the phone.
A.was talking B.talked C.is speaking. D.speaks
44.Tom’s dad ______ pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.
A.puts B.was put C.put D.was putting
45.The twins were both tired, and they had to sit ________ each other on the ground.
A.with B.around C.over D.against
46.All the people in this town ________ at night ________ the earthquake happened.
A.were sleeping; while B.were sleeping; when C.slept; when
47.—I called you last night, but you didn’t answer.
—Sorry, Grace. I ________ TV when the phone rang.
A.am watching B.was watching C.watched
48.My sister ________ the clothes when the bell rang.
A.am folding B.was folding C.folded
49.Our English teacher often asks us to ________ an article quickly and then find the main idea of it.
A.cut off B.put up C.look through D.take down
50.My parents and I ________ the Spring Festival Gala when it began to snow last night.
A.watched B.have watched C.were watching
51.Jimmy was very excited to tell his parents ________ he got the good news.
A.because of B.so that C.as long as D.as soon as
52.Please tell Jim to call me as soon as you _________ him.
A.saw B.see C.will see
53.—Is Mr. Wang back home
—Not yet. I’ll call you as soon as he ________ back home.
A.comes B.came C.will come
54.Dr. Wang is ________ nice ________ everybody loves and respects him.
A.such; that B.so; that C.too; to D.very; that
55.—Dave, why are you in such a hurry
—Because ________ is waiting for me at the school gate.
A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody
56.—Did you catch what the teacher said
—No. She spoke so fast ________ I couldn’t hear her very clearly.
A.which B.that C.when
57.—This is the third time that Billy makes it to the top in the final exams.
—He is such a ________ kid that he can learn anything well in a short time. But more importantly, he always works hard.
A.light B.quick C.bright D.silly
58.Don’t rush out of the classroom as soon as the bell ________. Please pay attention to your safety.
A.ring B.rings C.will ring
59. ________ we work hard, it’s hard for us to realize our dream.
A.If B.Unless C.As soon as
60.We’ll cause more pollution ________ we find a way to deal with more rubbish.
A.although B.if C.since D.unless
61.______ people gather at Square to watch the raising of national flag every morning.
A.Hundreds B.Hundred of C.Hundreds of
62.—I don’t know how to use the App Fun Dubbing (趣配音).
—Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of ________ in doing it.
A.experience B.information C.difference D.condition
63.—Why do you learn English so well
—It’s very simple. ________ you study, ________ grades you will get.
A.The harder; the better B.The harder; the worse
C.The more; the fewer D.The more; the worse
64.________ a child starts learning a new language, ________ he will be.
A.The late; the better B.The earlier; the better C.The early; the best
65.—I think it’s necessary for students to get into good habits.
—I agree with you. And ________.
A.the earlier, the better B.the earlier, the good C.the early, the good D.the early, the better
66.Jeff speaks Chinese much ________ than John.
A.well B.good C.better D.best
67.Chongqing is one of __________ cities in China nowadays.
A.famous B.more famous C.most famous D.the most famous
68.To the teacher’s ________, the best student didn’t pass the English test again.
A.excitement B.surprise C.satisfaction D.development
69.Because of the bad weather, the volleyball game has to be ________ until next weekend.
A.put on B.taken on C.taken in D.put off
70.Our teachers always say: “No pains, no gains”. It means ________ time you spend on your study ________ results you will get.
A.the more; the better B.the less; the better C.the more; the worse
71.________ of the students are from Wuxi, but only a few ________ Yuantouzhu.
A.Hundreds; have been to B.Two hundred; have been to
C.Two hundreds; have gone to D.Hundreds; have gone to
72.—Do you know the film YOLO
—Sure. I have ______ it twice.
A.saw B.seen C.see
73.Mr. Wu, we ________ the cleaning work. Can we go home now
A.finish B.have finished C.finishes D.will finish
74.—Hi, Penny. Would you like to go to Wenzhou Science Museum with me tomorrow
—Yes, I’d love to. But Peter ________ me to watch the Dragon Boat Race.
A.invites B.has invited C.is inviting D.will invite
75.— ________ the Internet ________ in your school
— Yes, but the computer in our office ________ down.
A.Is; used; has broken B.Does; use; was broken
C.Has; used; broke D.Did; use; was breaking
76.Jack ________ a used car. It’s much cheaper than a new one.
A.will buy B.is buying C.was bought D.has bought
77.The film “YOLO” (热辣滚烫) is so wonderful that I ________ it twice.
A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.have watched
78.—Have you finished your new travel planning to Paris ________
—Yes, I’ve ________ finished it.
A.already; just B.already; just now C.yet; just D.yet; just now
79.Look! The rain ________ and the sun is shining. Let’s go outside and play!
A.had stopped B.stopped C.is stopping D.has stopped
80.—What changes ________ in your lives
—Our lives have changed a lot.
A.have there had B.has there been C.have there been D.has there had
81.—________ you ________ the book ________ to the library
—Yes, I have.
A.Have; returned; / B.Have; returned; back
C.Did; return; / D.Did; return; back
82.—Mr. Wang used to ________ to work, but now he gets used to ________ to work.
—How green he is now!
A.drive; ride B.drive; riding C.driving; ride
83.—ChatGPT is becoming very popular across the world.
—Yeah, it can tell you ________ you want to know if you chat with the AI Chatbot.
A.whatever B.whenever C.however
84.—How was your visit to the Summer Palace in BeiJing
—Great! We enjoyed ________ very much.
A.itself B.myself C.yourselves D.ourselves
85.—What a lovely card! Where did you buy it
—I made it by ________ .
A.me B.himself C.myself D.itself
86.—Excuse me, but can I take the seat
—________. It’s for the elderly only.
A.You’d better not B.You’d better don’t C.Not at all D.Never mind
87.When I face difficulties, my teacher always encourages me ________ hard.
A.to work B.works C.working D.worked
88.—Would you like to attend a party with me
—Sorry, my parents don’t ________ me to go out at night.
A.encourage B.advise C.allow D.lead
89.— Andrew, the Chinese New Year is coming. What are you going to do
—________ going skiing in Harbin
A.Why not B.Would you like C.How about D.Shall we
90.The young man ________ the army for half a year.
A.has joined B.has been on C.has been in D.has joined in
91.—Mom, I want to watch Tom and Jerry tonight.
—Oh, dear, it ________ for a few e on!
A.began B.will begin C.has been on D.has begun
92.My parents ________ for over 50 years and they love each other very much.
A.have married B.married
C.will marry D.have been married
93.The volunteers ________ a lot of help ________ the community for nearly ten years.
A.will offer; for B.are providing; for C.have offered; to D.have provided; with
94.Since then, they ________ each other.
A.haven’t met B.don’t meet C.didn’t meet D.won’t meet
95.Uncle Li can speak English very well because he ________ England for 5 years.
A.has been in B.has been to C.has gone to D.has arrived in
96.A lie can travel halfway around the world ________ the truth is putting on its shoes.
A.if B.while C.unless D.until
97.— When did the boy ________ the girl
— They have ________ for ten years.
A.get married to; been married B.get married to; got married
C.get married with; been married D.get married with; got married
98.The shopping mall Mixc in the northern part of Nanjing ________ since last December.
A.opened B.has opened C.has been on D.has been open
99.More than 20 people ________ in traffic accidents ________ last week.
A.died; for B.have been dead; since C.have died; for D.have been dead, for
100.The restaurant near my home ________ for three years, but I ________ there so far.
A.has been open; haven’t been B.has been opened; haven’t been
C.has been open; haven’t been to D.has opened; haven’t been
考查名词辨析。backache背疼;headache头疼;stomachache胃疼;toothache牙疼。根据“He shouldn’t eat so much candy.”可知,弟弟患有牙疼。故选D。
考查形容词、名词辨析。trouble麻烦,名词;funny有趣的,形容词;interesting有趣的,形容词;hard困难的,形容词。由“I have great…in learning English grammar”可知,此处应填名词。故选A。
考查情态动词should的用法。should “应该”,是情态动词,后面接动词原形。故选D。
考查形容词。many许多的,修饰可数名词;much许多的,修饰不可数名词;enough足够的。根据“it is much too expensive”可知是指我们没有足够的钱买,enough money“足够的钱”,故选D。
考查名词辨析。sore back背痛;toothache牙痛;stomachache胃痛;fever发烧。根据“so the doctor tells me to take my temperature and drink some water”可知,医生让量体温,故应是发烧了。故选D。
考查动词辨析。lie动词,撒谎,过去式为lied,现在分词为lying;lie动词,平躺,位于,过去式为lay,现在分词为lying;lay动词,放置,过去式为laid,现在分词为laying。第一空考查lie to sb.“向某人撒谎”,句中使用一般过去时态,所以第一空为lied;第二空考查lay sth. on sp.“把……放在……上”,句中使用了didn’t+动词原形,所以第二空为lay;第三空考查现在分词lying作宾语补足语。the purse和lie“位于”之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词。故选C。
【详解】句意:——你量体温了吗,朱迪 ——是的。我发烧了。我应该吃点药。
考查名词辨析。trouble困难;temperature温度,体温;matter问题,事情;meal餐。根据“Yes. I have a fever.”可知,是在询问是否量了体温,take one’s temperature “量体温”。故选B。
考查非谓语动词。manage to do sth“设法做成某事”,为固定短语。故选B。
考查动词辨析。choose选择;raise筹集;receive收到。根据“money for the children in poor villages”可知,是指筹集钱,故选B。
考查形容词辨析。lonely孤独的;alone独自的;excited激动的;surprised惊讶的。根据“after his children moved out”可知,此处表示查尔斯在他的孩子搬走后感到很孤独。故选A。
考查形容词和副词。 alone为形容词或副词,意为“单独”,侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感彩,只表示客观的状态;lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感彩,指因缺少朋友、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作定语时,意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。第一空是情感的孤独,所以是lonely,第二空强调独自一人,所以是alone。故选A。
考查动词短语。put up张贴;open up打开;give up放弃;set up建立。根据“a new world to the farmers”可知,此句是说有助于为未来贫困农村的农民开辟一个新的世界,故选B。
考查动词短语。looks after照顾;looks up查找,向上看;turns on打开;cares for喜欢。根据“Most of your new neighbor’s T-shirts and hats are red.”可知,他是真的非常喜欢这个颜色。故选D。
考查非谓语动词。根据“I can’t wait…him.”可知,can’t wait to do sth.“迫不及待地想做某事”,动词短语,此处应填动词不定式。故选D。
考查非谓语。根据offer to do表示“主动提出做”可知,offer to give符合题意。故选C。
考查动词短语。give out分发,散发;give up放弃;give away赠送,泄露。根据“Allen often helps his teachers to…exercise books”可知是分发练习本。故选A。
考查非谓语动词。根据“allow drivers”可知,allow sb to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,故此处应用动词不定式作宾补。故选C。
考查不定代词。neither两者都不;either两者之一;both两者都;none三者或三者以上都不。根据“I borrowed them from the library.”可知不是在书店或网上买的,此处是两者都不,用“neither”。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。Before在……之前;Since自从;So所以;If如果。根据“you will easily get better grades”可知,此处表示假设,应用if引导条件状语从句,故选D。
考查情态动词。must必须;should应该;would将;could能。根据“He...read when he was five.”可知,此处表示“会读书的能力”,且时态为一般过去时,需用can的过去式could。故选D。
考查动词辨析。develop发展,培养;change改变;raise举起;carry携带。根据“It’s important to…healthy habits in daily life.”可知,此处是指养成健康的习惯很重要,故选A。
考查代词辨析。Neither两者都不;Either二者之一;Both两者都。根据“But she can sweep the floor.”可知,前后句意转折,她会扫地,所以不会叠衣服或洗碗。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。waits for等待;looks for寻找;decides on决定;depends on取决于。根据“Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow, Joan ”以及“It…the weather.”可知,此处指的是“取决于天气”。故选D。
考查代词辨析。either(两者中)任意一个;neither(两者)都不;any任何。根据“Sorry, I am afraid”可知,星期六和星期天都不行,应用neither。故选B。
考查代词辨析。both两者都;all全都;either两者之一;neither两者都不。根据“Just a glass of water.”可知不要热茶,也不要加糖的热咖啡,表示“两者都不”用neither。故选D。
考查动词词组辨析。borrow借给,一般与from连用,keep保存;lend sth to sb.把……借出,一般与to连用;buy sth for sb.为某人买东西。根据“But you must return it to me before Wednesday”你必须在周三之前还给我,可知是lend。故选C。
考查名词辨析。matter事情;decision决定;promise诺言;mess杂乱。根据“if you don’t make a...in it”可知,爸爸要求他不要把房间弄乱,make a mess“弄得一团糟”。故选D。
考查动词短语。look after“照顾”;take up“开始从事,占据”;work out“解决(问题)”;give away“赠送,泄露”。根据“all kinds of problems successfully”可知,应是成功解决各种各样的问题。故选C。
考查情态动词。should应该;may可能;will将;can能。根据“lie down and have a good rest”可知是应该躺下来好好休息。故选A。
考查动词辨析。give给;send发送;explain解释;continue继续。根据“Why did you miss your online English class this afternoon ”可知,此处指向老师解释错过课程的原因。故选C。
考查名词辨析。preparation准备;communication交流;invitation邀请;relation关系。根据“It’s useful for the deaf people to learn sign language.”可知,手语是聋人的一种交流方式。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。deal with处理;care for照顾;fill with充满;work out计算。根据“A lot of old people are lonely, so we should listen to them and…”可知,此处说的是“关心他们”。故选B。
考查动词短语。looked out当心;took out取出;put out熄灭,扑灭;worked out解决。根据“Sally thought hard”可知她最终解决了问题。故选D。
考查情态动词辨析。should应该;may可能;will将会;might可能。根据“James ate much and he has a stomachache now.”以及“I think he…lie down and have a rest.”可知,此处表示的是自己的建议,因此此处指的是“应该躺下来休息一下”,用should。故选A。
考查短语辨析。come up with想出,提出;cut off切断,中断,隔绝;put off推迟,延迟;work out解决,计算出。根据语境可知,雨不停,运动会应是将会延迟召开。故选C。
考查情态动词辨析。wouldn’t将不会;needn’t不需要;shouldn’t不应该;can’t不可能。根据“you…stay up late to play with your new mobile phone.”可知,此处表示不应该熬夜玩新手机。故选C。
考查主谓一致和动词时态。根据“when the earthquake hit the city”可知,该句是when引导的时间状语从句,此处指地震发生时正在发生的动作,从句是一般过去时,所以主句用过去进行时“was/were+动词现在分词”;with连接两个名词时,谓语动词遵循“就远原则”,即要与the boy保持一致,所以be动词用was,故选C。
考查动词时态。根据题干可知,此句是when引导的时间状语从句,从句是一般过去时,主句应用过去进行时:was/were doing。故选C。
考查动词时态和动词辨析。talk谈话;speak说。根据“on the phone”可知,此处是指打电话,应用talk on the phone。when引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句应用过去进行时。故选A。
考查过去进行时。while意为“与……同时”,常与进行时连用,表示主句和从句的动作同时进行,根据“while his mom was making sure...”可知,此处应用过去进行时。故选D。
考查介词辨析。with和;around在……周围;over在……对面,在……上方;against紧靠。根据“The twins were both tired”可知,他们很累,所以是互相紧靠着坐在地上。故选D。
考查时态及when与while的辨析。when后面可以用延续性动词也可以用非延续性动词;while后面只能用延续性动词。根据“the earthquake happened”可知,happen“发生”为非延续性动词,所以A选项错误;根据“All the people in this town ... at night when the earthquake happened”可知,此处强调地震发生时,人们正在做某事,所以用过去进行时。故选B。
考查过去进行时。根据“I called you last night, but you didn’t answer.”和“I...TV when the phone rang.”可知,谈论的是昨晚的事情,句子为when引导的时间状语从句,即电话响的时候正在做的事情,时态为过去进行时,主语为I,谓语用“was+现在分词”的结构,watching为现在分词。故选B。
考查过去进行时。根据“when the bell rang”可知,此处应用过去进行时,表示“正在做某事,这时候……”,其谓语结构为:was/were+现在分词。故选B。
考查动词短语。cut off切断;put up张贴;look through浏览;take down写下。根据“an article quickly and then find the main idea of it.”可知是快速浏览一篇文章,然后找到文章的大意。故选C。
考查动词的时态。根据“when it began to snow last night.”可知,此处应该表达我和父母正在看春节联欢晚会,时态为过去进行时,主语是My parents and I,所以结构为:were+现在分词。故选C。
考查从属连词辨析。because of由于;so that以便;as long as只要;as soon as一……就。根据“he got the good news.”可知,应该说一得到这个好消息就非常兴奋地告诉了他的父母,应用as soon as引导时间状语从句。故选D。
考查动词时态。根据“Please tell Jim to call me as soon as you”可知,as soon as引导的时间状语从句,主句用祈使句,从句用一般现在时,从句主语是“you”,动词填原形。故选B。
考查时间状语从句的主将从现。根据“I’ll call you as soon as he…back home.”可知,as soon as引导的时间状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则,主句采用一般将来时,从句采用一般现在时表将来,主语为he,谓语动词用三单形式。故选A。
考查结果状语从句引导词。such/so…that…如此……以至于……;too…to…太……而不能……。根据句中“everybody loves and respects him”可知,王博士是如此好,以至于人们喜欢和尊敬他。“nice”是形容词,用so修饰;such只能修饰名词。故选B。
考查复合不定代词。everybody每个人;somebody某人,用于肯定句;anybody任何人,一般用于否定句或疑问句中;nobody没有人。根据下文“Because…is waiting for me at the school gate”可知,这里是说某人在门口正在等我。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。light轻的;quick快的;bright聪明的;silly愚蠢的。根据“he can learn anything well in a short time”可知,他非常聪明,故选C。
考查时间状语从句。此处为as soon as引导的时间状语从句,时态遵循“主将从现”,从句应用一般现在时,因从句主语the bell为第三人称单数,则从句谓语动词应用单三形式,即rings,故选B。
考查连词辨析。if如果;unless除非;as soon as一……就。分析句子可知,前句是后句的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句。故选B。
考查连词辨析。although虽然; if如果;since因为;unless除非。“we find a way to deal with more rubbish”是“We’ll cause more pollution”的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if not,故选D。
考查大数表达。hundred百,前面有具体数字时,不用复数;当后面有of时,hundred变复数,表示泛指。分析句子可知,本句无具体数字,需用Hundreds of表示“数以百计的”。故选C。
考查名词辨析。experience经验;information消息;difference区别;condition情况。根据“He has lots of...in doing it.”可知,此处指使用这个软件的经验。故选A。
考查比较级。harder更努力;better更好;worse更差;fewer更少;more更多。根据“you study”以及“grades you will get.”可知,应说越努力,成绩就越好。故选A。
【详解】句意:——我认为学生养成好习惯很有必要。 ——我同意。并且越早越好。
考查“the+比较级,the+比较级”。“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……越……”,根据“I agree with you.”可知,此处表示“越早越好”,选项A正确。故选A。
考查形容词最高级。分析句子结构可知,此处是“one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数”结构,表示“最……之一”,故选D。
考查名词辨析。excitement激动;surprise惊讶;satisfaction满意;development发展。根据“the best student didn’t pass the English test again”可知,此处表示令老师惊讶。故选B。
考查动词短语。put on穿上;taken on承担;taken in吸收;put off推迟。根据“Because of the bad weather”可知,由于天气不好,排球比赛需要推迟,故选D。
考查比较级句型。the more更多;the less更少;the better更好;the worse更糟糕。根据“No pains, no gains”可知,花的时间越多,得到的结果越好,故选A。
考查hundred和现在完成时。have been to去过(人已回来);have gone to去了(人未回来)。根据第一个空空后的“of the students”并结合选项可知,此处指这群学生中的200人来自无锡,hundred前有数字,不需要加s;根据“only a few…Yuantouzhu”的句意可知,此处指去过鼋头渚。故选B。
考查现在完成时。根据“Mr. Wu, we…the cleaning work. Can we go home now ”可知,此处描述的是已经完成的动作对现在的影响,因此用现在完成时,其谓语动词是have done。故选B。
考查时态。invites一般现在时的三单形式;has invited现在完成时;is inviting现在进行时;will invite一般将来时。根据“But Peter ... me to watch the Dragon Boat Race.”可知,此事发生在过去并对现在产生影响,“我”不能去科技馆了,应该用现在完成时。故选B。
考查被动语态及时态用法。本句主语the Internet是动词use的承受者,需用被动语态,因描述的是现在的情况,需一般现在时的被动语态,其结构为:be+done,因主语是the Internet,be动词需用is,;再根据“but the computer in our office...down.”可知,电脑坏了这个动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响是上不了网了,需用现在完成时,其结构为:have/has+done,主语为the computer,助动词用has,break的过去分词为broken。故选A。
考查现在完成时。根据后文“It’s much cheaper than a new one.”可知,是已经买了,动作已经完成,结合选项,需用现在完成时,结构为have/has done。故选D。
考查时态。watch观看,一般现在时;watched观看,一般过去时;will watch将要观看;have watched已经观看,现在完成时。根据“twice”可知,此处用现在完成时。故选D。
考查现在完成时。yet“还”,用于疑问句和否定句;already“已经”,用于肯定句;just“刚刚”,用于现在完成时;just now“刚刚”,用于一般过去时。第一个句子是疑问句,故第一空填yet;第二个句子是肯定句,根据句意可知第二个空填just,故选C。
考查动词时态。根据“The rain...and the sun is shining. Let’s go outside and play!”可知,雨已经停了,表示已经发生的事情对现在的影响应用现在完成时。故选D。
考查there be句型的完成时态结构。根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“生活中有……”,英语中应该用there be句型,而回答用的是完成时,所以这里也用完成时,there be句型的完成时的结构是:there have/ has been,而句中的名词是changes,是复数名词,所以这里应该用have,疑问句要把have提前,变成have there been的结构。故选C。
考查现在完成时和动词用法。根据return“归还”,give back“归还”,所以排除B、D,根据yet可知用现在完成时态。故选A。
【详解】句意:——王先生过去常常开车上班,但现在他已经习惯骑车上班了。 ——他现在多环保啊!
考查动词短语。used to do sth.过去常常做某事;get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事。根据“Mr. Wang used to…to work”可知,过去常常开车上班,第一空应用动词原形;又根据“but now he gets used to…to work.”可知,现在习惯骑车上班,第二空应用动名词形式。故选B。
考查连词辨析。whatever无论什么;whenever无论什么时候;however无论怎么样。根据“you want to know”可知,此处是指任何你想知道的事情,应用whatever。故选A。
考查代词辨析。me我,宾格;himself他自己;myself我自己;itself它自己。by oneself“靠自己,独自地”,根据主语I可知,此处用myself,故选C。
考查情景交际。You’d better not你最好不要;You’d better don’t错误表达;Not at all不客气;Never mind不要紧。根据“It’s for the elderly only.”可知,这个座位是专门为老人准备的,所以劝对方最好不要坐这个座位。故选A。
考查动词的非谓语。encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”,固定短语。故选A。
考查动词辨析。encourage鼓励;advise建议;allow允许;lead引导。根据“my parents don’t...me to go out at night.”可知,父母不允许自己晚上出去,故选C。
考查情景交际。根据该句是一个问句及语境可知,此处应是在提出建议,再根据空后的“going”为动词ing形式可知,应用how about来表示“提出建议”。故选C。
考查现在完成时和延续性动词。根据“for half a year.”可知,句子要用现在完成时,且与延续性动词连用。join的延续性动词形式是be in。故选C。
考查动词时态。根据“for a few minutes”可知,本句时态为现在完成时,begin“开始”为非延续性动词,不能用于现在完成时。故选C。
考查现在完成时和延续性动词。根据“for over 50 years”可知,时态用现在完成时,其谓语动词构成是have/has done,又因接一段时间,动词需要延续性动词,be married为延续性,因此此处用have been married。故选D。
考查时态及动词短语。will offer,一般将来时;are providing,现在进行时;have offered,现在完成时;have provided,现在完成时。根据for nearly ten years可知,该句应用现在完成时,排除A、B。给某人提供某物为provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth/ offer sth to sb,排除D选项,故选C。
考查动词时态。根据“Since then”可知,此处是指从那个时间点到现在的情况,句子应用现在完成时。故选A。
考查现在完成时。has been in待在某地;has been to曾经去过某地(已经回来);has gone to去了某地还未回来;has arrived in已经到达。根据“for 5 years”可知,设空处应用延续性动词,has been in符合题意。故选A。
考查连词辨析。if如果;while当……时;unless除非;until直到。根据“A lie can travel halfway around the world ... the truth is putting on its shoes.”可知,是指当真理还在穿鞋的时候,用while引导时间状语从句。故选B。
考查动词短语和现在完成时。get married to和某人结婚;get married with错误用法;got married结婚了(不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用);been married已经结婚了(可与表示一段时间的时间状语连用)。根据“They have...for ten years.”可知,此句应是现在完成时,且句子的谓语动词应是延续性动词,可与for ten years连用,所以此空是been married,排除选项B和D;而get married with为错误用法,第一空应是get married to。故选A。
考查时态及延续性动词。根据“since last December”可知用现在完成时,此处表示从去年12月到现在,谓语动词用延续性动词be open。故选D。
考查时态和介词。died死亡,是瞬间性动词;have been dead死亡的,是延续性动词;for+时间段,表示长达多长时间;since自从。与last week连用,用介词since;since引导的时间状语,与现在完成时连用,故选B。
考查现在完成时。open开业,动词;be open开着的;have been to曾经去过。第一空,主语“The restaurant”与open是主谓关系,不用被动,排除B;根据“for three years”可知,时态为现在完成时,谓语动词需要延续性动词,而动词open为非延续性动词,排除D;be open表示状态,可以与段时间连用,所以此处应用has been open;第二空,根据“so far”可知,此处是指还没有去过那里,应用haven’t been to,且空后there是副词,要省略to,排除C。故选A。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



