期末 (试题) -2023-2024译林版(三起)英语六年级下册(含答案)

总分 100 分 时间 45 分钟 姓名_________ 分数__________
( )1.A. near B. hear C. year D. bear
( )2.A. why B. what C. whose D. when
( )3.A. back B. apple C. hat D. grape
( )4.A. great B. bread C. head D. sweater
( )5.A. bus B. music C. computer D. use
1.做更多的运动_____________________ 2.爱护,照顾__________________________
3.开心地大笑_______________________ 4.需要一点甜食________________________
5.一次令人兴奋的旅行________________ 6. go to Ocean Park______________________
7. arrive too late______________________ 8. care about their teeth___________________
9. on the left side______________________ 10. have dinner on time____________________
( )1. My sister doesn't like ________.
A. dance B. dances C. danced D. dancing
( )2. How can you help ________
A. I B. me C. my D. we
( )3. — How old are you — I am ________.
A. 13 year B. 13 years C. 13 years old D. 13 year old
( )4. — Where ________ she ________ — She comes from Nanjing.
A. is; come from B. does; from C. is; from D. comes; from
( )5. — ________ there a lot of big apples on the tree now
— No. But there ________ a lot of big ones last year.
A. Are; are B. Were; are
C. Are; were D. Were; were
( )6. Millie ________ a bus to school every day. But now she ________ to school with her friends.
A. takes; is walking B. take; is walking
C. gets; on foot D. got; on foot
( )7. — ________ your brother a football player — Yes, he ________.
A. Does; is B. Is; does C. Do; is D. Is; is
( )8. Amy ________ swimming.
A. is good in B. is good at C. do good at D. does clever at
( )9. I ________ listening to music very much, but she ________ like it.
A. love; do B. likes; does C. enjoy; doesn't D. loves; doesn't
( )10. He wants ________ a player when he grows up.
A. to be B. do C. to D. does
1. I want to see your dreams come t________.
2. From then on, the lion and the mouse became f________.
3. You should put your things in o________.
4. To keep s________, we must follow the traffic rules.
5. Yang Liping is a great d________. She dances beautifully.
6. Bobby wants to ________ (旅游) around the world.
7. People in China welcome all the ________ (参观者) from the world.
8. Qian Xuesen is a famous ________ (科学家) in China.
9. Eating too much is not a ________ (健康的) diet.
10. ________ (遵守) the rules and stay safe on the road!
1. The students are ________(get) very excited.
2. I ________(eat) some bread for breakfast yesterday.
3. It's a ________(rain) day. We can't go camping.
4. There are some ________(mango) in the box.
5. Don't shout. Speak ________(quiet).
1. Mike does well at school. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Mike ________ well at school
2. She is from London. (同义句转换)
She ________ ________ London.
3. Helen is flying a kite in the park now. (用 tomorrow替换now改写句子)
Helen ________ ________ a kite in the park tomorrow.
4. I will visit the Bund next week. (改为否定句)
I ________ ________ the Bund next week.
5. We're going to have a picnic next Saturday. (用last Saturday代替next Saturday)
We ________ ________ picnic last Saturday.
1. 那个男人正在问孩子们关于他们的梦想。
That man is ________ the children ________ their ________.
2. — 他将在那里待多久 — 一个月。
— ________ ________ will he stay there — ________ month.
You'll find Niagara Falls in ________.
He wants to fly a ________ to the ________.
In the UK, people ________ on the ________ ________ of the road.
Dear Dr Know,
I'm not happy. I have too ___1___ rules in my family. I have to ___2___ at 6:00 every morning. I can't ___3___ my friends after school ___4___ I have to ___5___ my dog for a walk. I can't watch TV on school nights. And I have to ___6___ in bed by ten o'clock. ___7___ weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mother ___8___ dinner. Later I have to go to the Children's Palace(少年宫) ___9___the piano. I never have any fun. ___10___can I do
( )1.A. many B. much C. a few
( )2.A. go to bed B. get up C. go home
( )3.A. watch B. look C. meet
( )4.A. so B. then C. because
( )5.A. bring B. take C. carry
( )6.A. stays B. stay C. staying
( )7.A. In B. To C. At
( )8.A. make B. making C. do
( )9.A. learn B. to learn C. learning
( )10.A. Why B. What C. How
In China, spring is usually very short. It usually comes in March and ends in May. Summer is often very hot. It is from June to August. The hottest month is July. Autumn begins in September, and goes on to
November. The weather can be very cool in autumn. Winter is from December to February, and it is very
cold. You must wear lots of warm clothes. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn. In summer it is
often too hot, and in winter it is too cold.
The seasons of the year in England and America are nearly the same. But the weather in England never
gets too hot or too cold. The seasons in Australia are different. Its summer is from December to February,
and winter is in June, July and August. So when it is winter in China, it is summer in Australia.
( )1. Autumn is from September to November in China.
( )2. The hottest month in China is June.
( )3. The best time to visit China is spring or autumn.
( )4. When China is in spring, Australia is in winter.
( )5. The weather in America is most like that in China.
Mr. Green has a dog. It loves him very much. One day Mr. Green goes out to throw away his old shoes. He puts them near the rubbish box. The dog goes there to look for food. It sees the shoes. It knows they are its owner's shoes. So the dog takes one shoe back with its mouth, then the other. The dog puts them near his bed. He is sleeping.
After some time, Mr. Green gets up. He sees the shoes. He is angry. He lights a fire and throws them into the fire. Just then, there is a big wind. The fire lights the house. But the dog takes the shoes out of the fire again at last.
( )1. Mr. Green wants to throw away ________.
A. his dog B. his shoes C. his socks D. the rubbish
( )2. In Paragraph 1, the underlined word “owner” means “________” in Chinese.
A.自己 B.朋友 C.主人 D.邻居
( )3. The dog takes back Mr. Green's shoes with its ________.
A. nose B. mouth C. legs D. head
( )4. Why does Mr. Green light a fire
A. Because he wants to light his dog.
B. Because he wants to light his house.
C. Because he wants to light his bed.
D. Because he wants to light his shoes.
( )5. Are the shoes burned up in the fire
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, it isn't. D. No, they aren't.
我们的国家日益强大。作为中国人,我们万分自豪,请以“Welcome to China”为题,向大
少于50个单词。提示:可以从weather, cities, sports, animals, places等方面介绍。)
Welcome to China
一、1.D 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.A
二、1.do more sport 2. take care of 3. laugh happily 4. need a little sweet food
5. an exciting travel 6.去海洋公园 7.到得太晚 8.关心他们的牙齿
9.在左侧 10.准时吃晚饭
三、1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.C
6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A
四、(A)1. true 2. friends 3. order 4. safe 5. dancer
6. travel 7. visitors 8. scientist 9. healthy 10. Follow
(B)1. getting 2. ate 3. rainy 4. mangoes 5. quietly
五、1. Does; do 2. comes from 3. will fly 4. won't visit 5. had a
六、1. asking; about; dreams 2. How long; One/A
3. Canada 4. spaceship; moon 5. drive; left side
七、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B
八、(A) 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
(B) 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D



上一篇:2024年山东省临沂市沂南县中考二模物理试题( 无答案)
