Unit3 A healthy diet 易错题(无答案)

Unit3 A healthy diet易错题
( ) 1. A. country B. shout C. cousin D. mouse
( ) 2. A. morning B. horse C. work D. sports
( ) 3. A. chat B. have C. name D. than
( ) 4. A. food B. good C. book D. look
( ) 5. A. low B. window C. flower D. show
1. safe(名词) 2. stop(现在分词)
3. safe (副词) 4. stop(过去式)
5. cross(名词) 6. can’t(完整形式)
7. easily(形容词) 8. city(复数)
9. traffic(复数) 10. China(形容词)
1. 道路交通安全 2. 和其他人一起过马路
3. 斑马线 4. 遵守规则
5. 交通信号灯 6. 到达
7. 等绿灯 8. 班规
9. 当心,提防 10. 停下来等待
11 .左侧 12. except Hong Kong and Macau
1. She likes___________(eat)fish.
2. There isn’t ___________(many)food in the fridge.
3. I ________ (have) go to the supermarket.
4. Do you ________ (want) come with me
5. Sam sees some ________ (drink).
6. Now they are ______ (go) home.
7. Mike _________ (have) some bread and milk for breakfast.
8. Does Mike _________ (have) a healthy diet
9. He only _________(drink) a little water every day.
10. Do you have a ________ (health) diet
11. He is asking Yang Ling how ___________ there. (get)
12. ___________ (not pick) the flowers in the park.
13. Will you please ___________ (go) to the park with me
14. I _______ ( go ) to Beijing last summer holiday.
15. They stopped the thief and ___________ (take) him to the police station.
16. Don’t make noise, My mother ___________ (sleep) in the bedroom.
17. She often ___________ (play) basketball after school.
18. They are now ___________ (live) in Beijing.
19. How many ___________ (bus)are there
20.From then on, they ________( become )good friends.
五、 按要求改写句子。
1. He usually has much rice for lunch. (改为否定句)
He _______ usually _______ lunch rice for lunch.
Tim eats a lot of sweets every day. (对划线部分提问)
________ does Tim ________ every day
Liu Tao has a few apples every week. (提问)
_______ ________ apples does Liu Tao have every week
Su Yang has a healthy diet. (改为一般疑问句)
________ Su Yang ________ a healthy diet
Mike has some bread for lunch. (改为一般疑问句)
______ Mike _______ ______ bread for lunch
I got my purse back. (改为否定句)
I _________ _________ my purse back.
There is one stop on this road. (对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ ________ are there on this road
I have some noodles for breakfast. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _________ you for breakfast
The middle school is near the post office. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ the middle school
I was in a bookshop last Sunday afternoon. (提问)
_______ ________ _______ in a bookshop
You can get to the theatre by bus. (提问)
_________ _________ _________ get to the theatre
I see a short man behind me. (改一般过去时)
_________ _________ a short man behind me.



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