
专题06 阅读理解
A. B. C. D.
(1) Hi, I’m Anna. I’m from the USA.I’m thin and not so tall. I have long hair (头发) and big blue eyes. I like pears.
(2) I’m Zhang Li. I’m a boy. I’m from Beijing. I’m twelve years old. I have small eyes. I’m short. I like blue.
(3) I’m Jim. I’m thirteen. I’m from Canada. I like sports.
(4) I’m Su Yun. I’m from Zhejiang. I’m tall. I have a cat. It’s cute.
(1) Jim is 13 years old. He likes sports. ( )
(2) Anna is tall and thin. ( )
(3) Su Yun is a boy. He is from Zhejiang. ( )
(B)(22-23三年级下·浙江温州·期末)阅读理解。阅读 Sarah 的暑假日记(diaries),选择正确的选项。
7.10 I have a new friend in China. He’s a baby panda. He is black and white. He is short and fat. He’s so cute! I like it very much! 7.15 I am in the UK. I row a boat with my family. In the morning, I can’t find my cap. Where is it On the bed In my bag “It’s on your head,” my mum says. Oh, yes! Silly me! 7.22 Australia is so big and nice. I see many animals here. I see eighteen kangaroos (袋鼠) . They are tall and big. They are so funny. Look! The mother kangaroo has a long tail.
1.The baby panda is _______. ( )
A.short and thin B.short and cute C.tall and big
2.Sarah’s cap is _______. ( )
A.on the bed B.in the bag C.on her head
3.Kangaroos are from _______. ( )
A.China B.the UK C.Australia
4.Sarah sees _______ kangaroos. ( )
A.18 B.17 C.16
5.Sarah _______ with her family. ( )
A.eats fruit B.goes to the USA C.rows a boat
Hello, I’m Bob. I have a happy and big family. They are my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my mother and my sister. I love them very much. My grandpa has a farm(农场). It is big. There are many animals(动物). He has a dog, thirteen ducks and eighteen pigs. The dog has a long body. The pigs are fat and big. He has many fruits, too. There are many fruit trees. He has seventeen apple trees, fifteen pear trees and twelve orange trees. I like pears very much. But I don’t like apples.
A.15 B.13 C. 17 D.18 E. 20 F. 12
(1) There are ______ people in Bob’s family. ( )
A.five B.six C. seven
(2) The dog has ______. ( )
A.a fat body B.a big body C. a long body
(3) Bob likes ______ very much. ( )
A.oranges B.pears C. apples
Hello! My name is Alice. Look! This is my new friend. It’s a pencil box. My sister gives me as a birthday gift. It looks like a duck. It’s yellow. It’s big. How lovely it is! My pens, pencils, a ruler and an eraser are all in it. It helps me a lot. I like it very much.
1.Alice has a new toy duck and a pencil box. ( )
2.Alice’s gift is from her sister. ( )
3.The gift is yellow. ( )
4.The gift isn’t big. ( )
5.Alice doesn’t like the birthday gift. ( )
Wendy: Look at my family photo, Julia. There are five people.
Julia: Who’s that man
Wendy: He is my father’s brother, my uncle David.
Julia: He is so tall!
Wendy: Yes. He is strong, too. He likes pears.
Julia: That’s cool! Who’s that tall woman
Wendy: She is my father’s sister, my aunt Susan. She is an English teacher.
Julia: Really She is beautiful.
Wendy: Yes, she is.
1.The family photo is ________. ( )
A. B. C.
2.My uncle is ________. ( )
A.my brother B.my mother’s sister C.my father’s brother
3.My aunt is ________. ( )
A.my father’s sister B.my mother’s sister C.my sister
4.David likes ________. ( )
A. B. C.
5.Susan is a ________. ( )
A. B. C.
(F)(22-23三年级下·浙江丽水·期末)__________ Hi, I’m Kathy. I’m an orange cat. I’m small and thin. I have blue eyes. I’m cute.
__________ Look, this is my family. I have my dad, my mum, two brothers and a sister. We are from China. We love each other!
__________ Who’s that boy He is Mike. He likes sports. He is so tall! We are friends. We like to play balls.
__________ I like fish and apples! Yummy! But, I don’t like grapes.
__________ Wow, so many flowers! One, two... I see sixteen! Oh, no! The big one is a butterfly (蝴蝶)! How beautiful!
(1) Kathy’s family are from Canada. ( )
(2) Kathy’s family has six cats. ( )
(3) Kathy likes oranges and apples but not grapes. ( )
(4) Kathy sees sixteen flowers and a butterfly. ( )
(5) Mike and Kathy like to play balls. ( )
Mike: Mum, where is my cap
Mum: Is it on your desk
Mike: No, it isn’t.
Mum: Is it in your toy box
Mike: No, it isn’t.
Mum: Look! It’s on the chair.
Mike: Yeah! Silly me. Thanks, mum.
Mike: Goodbye! Mum.
Mum: Bye!
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(H)(22-23三年级下·浙江金华·期末)My name is Chen Jie. I'm a girl from Jinhua, China. I'm eleven years old and I'm a student.
I have a happy family. My father is very tall. My mother is thin and beautiful. My sister is ten years old. She has big eyes. She likes grapes and she likes purple. She has a purple bag. Look, it's on the bed.
1.How old is Chen Jie ( )
A.11. B.15. C.10.
2.Chen Jie is a ________. ( )
A.teacher B.student C.baby
3.Chen Jie is from ________. ( )
A.China B.UK C.USA
4.Where is the purple bag ( )
A.It's in the book. B.It's in the desk. C.It's on the bed.
5.Chen Jie's sister likes ________. ( )
A.pears B.grapes C.oranges
(I)(22-23三年级下·浙江宁波·期末)Hello! My name is Lisa. I am twelve years old. I’m from Australia. I am a new student in China. In Australia, kangaroos are very popular (受欢迎的). The mother kangaroo is very tall. Where is the baby kangaroo (小袋鼠) It’s in her mother’s pouch. Today I have a new toy animal. This animal is from China. It’s black and white. It’s fat and cute. It has two black eyes. It likes bamboo. I like it very much. What is it Can you guess
1.Where is Lisa from ( )
A.China B.Australia C.Canada
2.We see many ______ in Australia. ( )
A.elephants B.monkeys C.kangaroos
3.Lisa is a new ______. ( )
A.pupil B.teacher C.animal
4.The underlined word pouch means ______. (文中划线词pouch是什么意思?) ( )
A.口袋 B.嘴巴 C.包
5.What is Lisa’s new toy animal ( )
A.A toy tiger. B.A toy panda. C.A toy bear.
My name is Berry. My family all like fruit. I like watermelons. I like watermelon juice. My mother likes bananas. She likes to make banana cake. My father doesn’t like bananas, he likes grapes. They taste really good. My brother likes oranges. He often eats bread with orange jam. My sister likes pears. She likes pear salad.
(1) The family all like watermelons. ( )
(2) Berry’s mother likes to make banana cake. ( )
(3) Berry’s brother likes to eat bread with pear jam. ( )
(A)1. D C A B 2. T F F
(3) 句意:我是吉姆。我13岁。我来自加拿大。我喜欢运动。根据“我喜欢运动。”可知A符合题意,故选A。
2.(1) 句意:吉姆13岁。他喜欢运动。根据“I’m Jim. I’m thirteen. I’m from Canada. I like sports.”可知吉姆13岁。他喜欢运动,句子和短文内容相符,故答案为T。
(2)句意:安娜又高又瘦。根据“ Hi, I’m Anna. I’m from the USA. I’m thin and not so tall.”可知安娜瘦但是不高,句子和短文内容不符,故答案为F。
(3) 句意:苏云是个男孩。他来自浙江。根据1题可知,图片B是苏云,她是女孩,句子和短文内容不符,故答案为F。
(B)1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C
1.句意:熊猫宝宝______。A又矮又瘦,B又矮又可爱,C又高又大,根据“He is short and fat. He’s so cute!”,可知熊猫宝宝又矮又可爱,故选B。
2.句意:萨拉的帽子______。A在床上,B在包里,C在她的头上,根据““It’s on your head,” my mum says. Oh, yes! Silly me!”,可知萨拉的帽子在她的头上,故选C。
3.句意:袋鼠来自_____。A中国,B英国,C澳大利亚,根据“Australia is so big and nice. I see many animals here. I see eighteen kangaroos (袋鼠).”,可知袋鼠来自澳大利亚,故选C。
4.句意:萨拉看到_____只袋鼠。根据“I see eighteen kangaroos (袋鼠).”,可知萨拉看到18只袋鼠,故选A。
5.句意:萨拉和她的家人一起_______。A吃水果,B去美国,C划船,根据“I row a boat with my family.”,可知萨拉和她的家人一起划船,故选C。
(C)1. B D C A F 2. B C B
1.(1)根据“He has a dog, thirteen ducks and eighteen pigs.”,可知鸭子的数量是13,故选B。
(2)根据“He has a dog, thirteen ducks and eighteen pigs.”,可知猪的数量是18,故选D。
(3)根据“He has seventeen apple trees, fifteen pear trees and twelve orange trees.”,可知苹果树的数量是17,故选C。
(4)根据“He has seventeen apple trees, fifteen pear trees and twelve orange trees.”,可知梨树的数量是15,故选A。
(5)根据“He has seventeen apple trees, fifteen pear trees and twelve orange trees.”,可知橘子树的数量是12,故选F。
2.(1)句意:鲍勃家有_____口人。A五,B六,C七,根据“They are my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my mother and my sister.”,可知鲍勃家有六口人,故选B。
(2)句意:狗有______。A一个胖身体,B一个大身体,C一个长身体,根据“The dog has a long body.”,可知狗有一个长身体,故选C。
(3)句意:鲍勃非常喜欢______。A橘子,B梨,C苹果,根据“I like pears very much.”,可知鲍勃非常喜欢梨,故选B。
(D)1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F
1.句意:爱丽丝有一个新的玩具鸭子和一个铅笔盒。根据“It’s a pencil box. It looks like a duck.”可知它是一个铅笔盒。它像一只鸭子。故答案为F。
2.句意:爱丽丝的礼物来自她的妹妹。根据“My sister gives me as a birthday gift.”可知我的妹妹送给我的生日礼物,故答案为T。
3.句意:礼物是黄色的。根据“It’s yellow.”可知它是黄色的。故答案为T。
4.句意:礼物不是很大。根据“It’s big.”可知它是大的。故答案为F。
5.句意:爱丽丝不喜欢这个生日礼物。根据“I like it very much.”可知爱丽丝非常喜欢它。故答案为F。
(E)1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B
1.句意:全家福是_______。根据“Look at my family photo, Julia. There are five people.”,可知全家福有五口人,故选A。
2.句意:我叔叔是______。A我哥哥/弟弟,B我妈妈的姐姐/妹妹,C我爸爸的弟弟,根据“He is my father’s brother, my uncle David.”,可知温蒂的叔叔是温蒂爸爸的弟弟,故选C。
3.句意:我姑姑是______。A我爸爸的姐姐/妹妹,B我妈妈的姐姐/妹妹,C我的姐姐/妹妹,根据“She is my father’s sister, my aunt Susan.”,可知温蒂的姑姑是温蒂爸爸的姐姐/妹妹,故选A。
4.句意:大卫喜欢_______。根据“He likes pears.”,可知大卫喜欢梨,故选C。
5.句意:苏珊是一名_______。根据“She is my father’s sister, my aunt Susan. She is an English teacher.”,可知苏珊是一名英语老师,故选B。
(F)1.DEACB 2. F T F F T
2.(1)句意:凯西的家庭来自加拿大。根据文中“We are from China.”可知凯西的家庭来自中国,与原文不符,故答案为F。
(2)句意:凯西的家庭里有六只猫。根据文中“I have my dad, my mum, two brothers and a sister.”可知凯西有爸爸,妈妈,两个哥哥/弟弟和一个姐姐/妹妹,共六只猫,与原文相符,故答案为T。
(3)句意:凯西喜欢橙子和苹果,但不喜欢葡萄。根据文中“I like fish and apples! Yummy! But, I don’t like grapes.”可知凯西喜欢鱼和苹果,但不喜欢葡萄,和原文不符,故答案为F。
(4)句意:凯西看到了十六朵花和一只蝴蝶。根据文中“One, two... I see sixteen! Oh, no! The big one is a butterfly!”可知凯西看到了十五朵花和一只蝴蝶,故答案为F。
(5)句意:迈克和凯西喜欢玩球。根据文中“We like to play balls.”可知迈克和凯西喜欢玩球,故答案为T。
(G) 1 4 2 3
【详解】1.根据文中句子“Is it on your desk ”可知首先在桌子上找帽子,第一幅图片上是妈妈在桌子上找帽子,所以标序号1。
2. 根据文中句子“Is it in your toy box ”可知接着在玩具箱里找帽子,第三幅图片是在玩具箱里找帽子,所以表序号2。
3. 根据文中句子“Look! It’s on the chair.”可知最后在椅子上找到了帽子,第四幅图片是帽子在椅子上,所以标序号3。
4 根据文中句子“Goodbye! Mum.”可知最后迈克和妈妈告别,第二幅图片是在告别,标符号4。
(H)1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B
1.句意:陈洁多大?根据“I'm eleven years old and I'm a student.”,可知陈洁11岁,故选A。
2.句意:陈洁是一名_______。A老师,B学生,C婴儿,根据“I'm eleven years old and I'm a student.”,可知陈洁是一名学生,故选B。
3.句意:陈洁来自_______。A中国,B英国,C美国,根据“My name is Chen Jie. I'm a girl from Jinhua, China.”,可知陈洁来自中国,故选A。
4.句意:紫色的包在哪?A它在书里。B它在书桌里。C它在床上。根据“She has a purple bag. Look, it's on the bed.”,可知紫色的包在床上,故选C。
5.句意:陈洁的妹妹喜欢_______。A梨,B葡萄,C橙子,根据“My sister is ten years old. She has big eyes. She likes grapes and she likes purple.”,可知陈洁的妹妹喜欢葡萄,故选B。
(I)1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B
1.题干句意:丽莎是哪里人?A中国,B澳大利亚,C加拿大,根据“I’m from Australia.”可知是澳大利亚的,故选B。
2.题干句意:我们在澳大利亚看到很多_____。A大象,B猴子,C袋鼠,根据“In Australia, kangaroos are very popular (受欢迎的).”可知是袋鼠,故选C。
3.题干句意:丽莎是新来的_____。A学生,B教师,C动物,根据“I am a new student in China.”可知是学生,故选A。
4.题干句意:带下划线的单词pouch表示_______。根据“Where is the baby kangaroo (小袋鼠) It’s in her mother’s pouch. ”可知是口袋,故选A。
5.题干句意:丽莎的新玩具动物是什么?A玩具老虎。B一只玩具熊猫。C玩具熊。根据“Today I have a new toy animal. This animal is from China. It’s black and white. It’s fat and cute. It has two black eyes. It likes bamboo.”可知是熊猫,故选B。
(J)1. 2. F T F
1.根据“My mother likes bananas. My father doesn’t like bananas, he likes grapes. My brother likes oranges. My sister likes pears.”,可知贝瑞的妈妈喜欢香蕉,贝瑞的爸爸喜欢葡萄,贝瑞的弟弟喜欢橘子,贝瑞的妹妹喜欢梨,故答案为 。
2.(1)句意:全家人都喜欢西瓜。根据“My family all like fruit. I like watermelons.”,可知全家人都喜欢水果,但是文中只提到贝瑞喜欢西瓜,故答案为F。
(2)句意:贝瑞的妈妈喜欢做香蕉蛋糕。根据“My mother likes bananas. She likes to make banana cake.”,可知贝瑞的妈妈喜欢做香蕉蛋糕,故答案为T。
(3)句意:贝瑞的弟弟喜欢吃加了梨酱的面包。根据“My brother likes oranges. He often eats bread with orange jam.”,可知贝瑞的弟弟喜欢吃加了橘子酱的面包,故答案为F。



