
(总分:100分 答卷时间:60分钟)
( )1. A. today B. tonight ( )2. A. read B. rode
( )3. A. dictionary B. comic book ( )4. A. feel B. fell
( )5. A. postman B. pilot ( )6. A. gym B. goat
( )7. A. smarter B. smaller ( )8. A. cap B. Helmet
( )1. A. B. ( )2. A. B.
( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B.
( )5. A. B. ( )6. A. B.
( )7. A. B. ( )8. A. B.
( )1. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes. I do.
( )2. A. Turn right at the hospital. B. It's near the hospital.
( )3. A. She likes reading books. B. She is tall and thin.
( )4. A. I'm 48 kilograms. B. I'm 1. 65 metres.
( )5. A. No, it isn't. B. Yes, there is.
( )6. A. I will say thank you to my mum. B. I will plant trees.
( )1. Who did Sarah go with
A. Her friend. B. Her mother. C. Her aunt.
( )2. What size are Sarah's shoes
A. Size 3. B. Size 7. C. Size 6.
( )3. How much are they
A. 50 yuan. B. 15 yuan. C. 55 yuan.
( )4. Where is Wang Tao going
A. To the bookstore. B. To the science museum. C. To the post office.
( )5. What are they going to do there
A. See the dinosaurs. B. Meet robots. C. Both A and B.
( )6. How are they going there
A. By car. B. By subway. C. On foot.
A. 听第一遍短文,在正确的选项前打“√”。(6分)
B. 再听一遍短文,补全单词(每空一词)。(5分)
She can speak 1. _________ well and calls herself a “Beijing girl”. She started to ski when she 2. _________ only three. Before, she couldn't ski well. But she 3. _________ hard. Now. skiing is her favourite 4. _________ . At the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, she 5. _________ two gold medals. What a cool girl!
A. juice B. forks C. grapes D. Food E. playing the pipa F. postcards
1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________
二、孩子们还为晚会准备了一个小游戏:判断画线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“T”, 不同的写“F”。(6分)
( )1. “How was the beach ” the teacher asked me.
( )2. My mother is a postwoman. And my father is a doctor.
( )3. The little ant is sitting on the grass.
( )4. I cleaned my room and washed clothes.
( )5. I am afraid it will be a rainy day tomorrow.
( )6. Li Mei is shorter than her father.
( )1. This is an invitation to a birthday party.
( )2. This invitation is for Mike.
( )3. The party is on June 6th.
( )4. The party starts at 2 p. m.
( )5. There will be a party in our school dining hall.
A. 选一选,补全对话。(5分)
Amy: Hello! Sarah. Glad to see you!
Sarah: Hi! I miss you so much. 1. _________
Amy: It was good but also bad.
Sarah: 2. _________
Amy: I just stayed at home all the days. It was bad.
Luckily, I watched the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games on TV.
Sarah: Yes! Chinese athletes were so great!
Amy: What about you 3. _________
Sarah: Yes, I saw a film The Battle at Lake Changjin Ⅱ with my parents.
Amy: Did you do anything else
Sarah: Yes. 4. _________
Amy: I like space, too. 5. _________
Sarah: Of course.
A. I read a book about space. B. Can I read it C. How was your winter holiday D. Did you have a good time E. What happened
B. 阅读Chen Jie的寒假旅程,选择正确的选项。(4分)
I had a wonderful trip last winter holiday. I went to Hangzhou and visited my aunt with my parents. We went there by car. My father was a good driver. It took us 2 hours and a half. Dinner was ready when we arrived. We had a big dinner. Then I played with my cousin and we were so happy! The second day, we visited the West Lake and the Lingyin Temple. Many people took pictures there. There was a small shop in the temple. I bought some gifts there. The third day, we visited Zhejiang Science and Technology Museum. There were a lot of robots. The AI technology was amazing! Then we went home. The trip was full of fun.
( )1. Where does Chen Jie's aunt live
A. Hangzhou. B. Quzhou. C. Shanghai.
( )2. Which place didn't Chen Jie visit during the trip
A. B. C.
( )3. Where did Chen Jie buy gifts
A. Near the West Lake. B. In the Lingyin Temple. C. In the supermarket.
( )4. How long was the trip
A. Two days. B. One day. C. Three days.
1. Oliver wants to be a _________.
2. 根据单词提示,连词成句。注意大小写和标点符号。
go did yesterday you cycling ( )
3. Miss White: What's your hobby, Zhang Peng
Zhang Peng: _________________________________________________________
六、Miss White 和孩子们分享了整个小学时期的照片。阅读短文,完成相关任务。(8分)
Changes are all around us. Our school was small before. We didn't have a library and there weren't any computer rooms at all. Now we have a big 1. _______ and four computer rooms.
Look at Mike! He was thin and short before. He couldn't run fast or play basketball well. But now, he can play basketball very well. He wants to be a basketball coach one day. This is Chen Jie. Before, she was shorter than Sarah. But now she is 2. _______ than Sarah and she has long hair. Before, she liked watching cartoons on TV. Now she likes seeing films in the cinema. How about Wu Binbin He 3. _______ ride a bike when he was 7 years old. But now he can ride a bike very well. Each of us has changed a lot.
( )4. The school was big before.
( )5. Mike wants to be a basketball player.
( )6. Chen Jie has long hair now.
Before, ________________________. Now, ________________________.
keep in touch Make more friends take a deep breath Have a good trip see a doctor keep healthy
1. Please don't forget me. Let's ______________.
2. Do more exercises and ______________.
3. If you are angry, ______________.
4. Summer holiday is coming. ______________.
5. ______________ in your new school and you can help each other.
When: July 2nd The Special Day What: ate delicious food played games shared films and books talked about dreams saw old pictures …
Where: our school dining hall
With whom: teachers and friends
How: great/wonderful. . .
Friday, July 2nd
Today was a special day. There was a farewell party in our ___________________________________________
How time flies! Goodbye, my school! Goodbye, my dear teachers and friends!
一、1. I'm going to see a film tonight. 2. Amy read a book yesterday.
3. I want to buy a dictionary. 4. John fell off his bike last Saturday.
5. My uncle is a pilot. 6. There was no gym in my old school.
7. You're older and smarter than me 8. In China, people on e-bikes must wear a helmet.
二、1. W: Which season do you like best M: Summer. I can go swimming every day.
2. W: When is China's National Day M: It's on October 1st.
3. W: How do you feel M: My cat is ill. I feel sad.
4. W: What's your brother like M: He is tall and thin.
5. W: Where is the bookstore M: It's next to the post office.
6. W: Wait! Don't go at the red light! M: Sorry.
7. W: How do you come to school M: Usually. I come by bus.
8. W: What did you do last Sunday, John M: I went camping.
三、1. Did you watch TV last night 2. How can I get to the library
3. What's your pen pal's hobby 4. How tall are you
5. Is there a river in front of your house 6. What will you do for your mum on Mother's Day
四、W1: What did you do last weekend, Mike
M1: I saw a film.
W1: What did you do last weekend, Wu Binbin
M2: I played badminton.
W1: What did you do last weekend, Amy
W2: I cooked dinner.
W1: What did you do last weekend, Zhang Peng
M3: I went swimming.
W1: What did you do last weekend, Sarah
W3: I went ice-skating.
五、Hi, I'm Mike. I'm 12 years old. My birthday is on April 4th. I have many hobbies. I like listening to music best. I'm a student. I go to school by bike every day. It's good exercise. My favourite day is Monday. On Monday I have maths, English, music and PE. I like English class. Miss White is my English teacher. She is kind. We'll have a sports meet in August. 1 will run for it.
M: What did you do last Saturday, Sarah
W: I went shopping with my mother.
M: Did you buy anything
W: Yes, I bought shoes. They're nice.
M: What size are your shoes
W: My shoes are size b.
M: Oh, your feet are smaller than mine. How much are your shoes
W: 55 yuan.
W: Hi, Wang Tao. What are you going to do tomorrow
M: I'm going to visit the science museum.
Would you like to go with me
W: I'd like to, but is it interesting
M: Of course. There will be a dinosaur show.
We can see many different kinds of dinosaurs.
W: It sounds interesting. Is the museum far
M: Yes, it's a little far. We can go by subway.
W: OK. Let's go tomorrow.
七、Gu Ailing is a Chinese-American skier. She is 18 years old. She is tall and thin. She is friendly and lovely. She likes singing, running and riding a horse. She can speak Chinese well and calls herself a “Beijing girl”. She started to ski when she was only three. Before, she couldn't ski well. But she worked hard. Now, skiing is her favourite sport. At the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, she won two gold medals. What a cool girl!
一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B
二、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A
6. B 解析:据听力录音可知是红灯不能走,故B图交通灯符合。
7. A 8. B
三、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A
五、6 4 5 2 1 3
六、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B
七、A. Age: 18 years old Appearance: tall and thin Character: friendly and lovely
Hobby: singing running riding a horse
B. 1. Chinese 2. was 3. worked 4. sport 5. won
一、1. C 2. A 3. B 解析:tableware意为“餐具”。 4. F 5. D 6. E
二、1. T 2. F 解析:postwoman的画线部分发音为/ /,doctor的画线部分发音为/ /。
3. F 解析:ant的画线部分发音为/ /,grass的画线部分发音为/ɑ:/。
4. F 解析:cleaned的画线部分发音为/d/,washed的画线部分发音为/t/。
5. T 6. T
三、1. F 解析:根据图片可知是farewell party,故错误。
2. T 3. F 解析:根据图片知是July 2nd,故错。
4. F 解析:根据图片可知是1 p. m. 开始,故错误。
5. T
四、A. 1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B
B. 1. A 2. C 解析:C是东方明电视塔,不在杭州。
3. B 解析:根据文章 “There was a small shop in the temple. I bought some gifts there.” 可知是在灵隐寺的商店里买的礼物,故选B。
解析:根据文章 “The third day… Then we went home.” 可知待了三天。
五、1. businessman 2. Did you go cycling yesterday 3. I like doing kung fu.
六、任务一:1. library 2. taller 3. couldn't
任务二:4. F 解析:根据文章第一段 “Our school was small before.” 可知错误。
5. F 解析:根据文章第二段 “Look at Mike. . . He wants to be a basketball coach one day.” 可知错误。
6. T
任务三: Before, I was short and fat. Now, I am tall and thin. (答案不唯一)
七、1. keep in touch 2. keep healthy 3. take a deep breath 4. Have a good trip 5. Make more friends八、参考范文:
Friday, July 2nd
Today was a special day. There was a farewell party in our school dining hall. Our teachers and friends all came to the party.
We ate delicious food in the party. We played games. We shared films and books with each other. We talked about dreams and saw old pictures. It was a wonderful party. We really had a good time!
How time flies! Goodbye, my school! Goodbye, my dear teachers and friends!



