2024年湖北省武汉中考词语与短语填空新题型(7选5) - 新动力6-10(含答案)

五、词与短语填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分 10 分阅读下面短文,用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使短文在结构、语意和逻辑上正确。(提示:方框中有二个单词或短语是多余的。)
offered /provided /biggest /longest /experiences /understanding / came across
Zhu Zhiwen is in his thirties. Over the past 11 years, he has traveled through 45 countries and areas by bike .
“From Asia to Africa, from South America to North America, I have met lots of wonderful people and have had many great __66__. For example, I met a man who was an owner of a small hotel when I was riding in South America in 2016. After I knew he had been to China several times and was a fan of the Chinese culture and food, I cooked him a Chinese dinner. He was very happy and in return he__67__ me a night of accommodation (住宿) for free,” Zhu said.
“During my 11 years of bike riding, my life was full of the unexpected things, too. I lost two bikes and had one broken. Worse still, I was attacked by some wild animals on the way .I also __68__verybad weather. These put me in dangerous situations many times. However, I think the trip is worth it ,” added Zhu.
When Zhu was asked about his __69__ of the meaning of travel, he said ,“I think it is to enjoy everything that is possible, no matter if it is good or bad. After years of traveling by bike, my __70__discovery is that I love my home country even more. It's especially true when I go through troubles ina foreign country."
included / including / free / started with / deal with / made / interest
In a beautiful yard in Beijing, a musician named Wang Peng is playing the guqin - a traditional Chinese musical instrument.
For many years, Wang Peng has __66__ the traditional instrument a big part of his life. In fact, the guqin that was used at the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympics was made by him .
Wang, who is now nearly 60 years old, also helped repair more than 100 pieces of ancient gugin,__67__some that date back to the Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty .In the 1980s, Wang studied the art of guqin at Shenyang Conservatory of Music. It was then that he developed a deep love for guqin. He said playing the guqin could take people to a wonderful world .“It teaches me important life lessons about how to __68__challenges, failures and successes, and how to live peacefully,” he said.
Now, more and more young people are showing __69__in the traditional Chinese instrument. In order to help more people learn about it, Wang built a studio. “Gugin touches my heart and helps me find inner (内心的) peace,” said a woman, who started learning the guqin five years ago. “l come to the studio whenever I'm __70__ ," she added.
came from / lived in /hometown /country/support / friendly / restaurant
Mario Vieira, a Michelin chef (米其林厨师) from Germany, has chosen to work and live in Changsha, Hunan, He now runs a Western _66_ in Yanghu Wetland Park in the city. “When I was a little kid, I liked cooking in the kitchen and wanted to be a chef,” Vieira said.
In more than 30 years, Vieira has worked and __67__ 18 countries, including Italy, France, the United States and Australia. “But I chose to stay here finally," he said. “When I first came here in2007, I found I liked the city very much. I couldn't speak Chinese at that time, but all the people were __68__ to me.
The city did not let him down, “I am lucky. I have many friends and old customers. They always__69__me," he said, “Some customers even drive over three hours just to come to eat my food .In the past 15 years, the German has witnessed (见证) the rapid development of the country .“Changsha is quite different now, It's like magic,” he said. Vieira met his wife in Changsha and his son was born there . “China has become my second___70___,”he said, He wants to experience more and get more memories in China.
五、词与短语填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文, 用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使短文在结构、语意和逻辑上正确。(提示:方框中有二个单词或短语是多余的。)
so /progress / interesting / interested / warned / paid of/ paid for
In a small village in China, a boy named Li enjoyed taking on challenges. He had been _66__ in kung fu. He had heard many great stories about famous kung fu masters and hoped to become one of them.
One day, Li visited a school for kung fu training. Everyone in the school was serious and focused .They were all practicing their kicks and punches (重拳击打), making loud noises._67_ Li went to the teacher, Master Chen, and asked if he could learn kung fu from him .Master Chen __68_ the boy that learning kung fu wouldn't be easy and that he would have to prepare himself for hard training .
Li didn't let that stop him and then started training with Master Chen. He practiced his kicks and punches, getting better every day. It was difficult, but he felt good every time he saw his _69__.
After a while, Li's kicks became powerful, and he looked more confident. He felt stronger and healthier than ever before. Days turned into weeks, and Master Chen finally nodded in appreciation when he saw Li practicing his best moves.
Li was so proud! He knew his hard work had __70_. As he continued his kung fu training, he discovered that kung fu is not just a hobby or a sport - it is a long journey and a way of life.
五、词与短语填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文, 用方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使短文在结构、语意和逻辑上正确。(提示:方框中有二个单词或短语是多余的。)
because / because of/come from /expressed / medical / below / above
On June 13, 2023, Peng Qinglin, a Chinese food deliveryman (外卖员) in Hangzhou, was doing his job like he always did. When he rode across a bridge, he noticed that a woman was struggling in the Qiantang River _66_. Peng decided he had to do something to save the woman. At first, he was uneasy __67_ the bridge was 12 meters above the water .
“It was quite high, and my legs were shaking. However, ifI didn't jump, the woman would probably die," Peng said. “Nothing is more important than life.”
When Peng came up to the surface with the woman, he had a hard time breathing. It was a scary moment. Luckily, several policemen came and saved them in about 10 minutes .
Although Peng paid a physical price and required _68__treatment after he jumped off the bridge and hit the water, the woman he saved is in good condition. She said she wasn't expecting anybody to help her. Atfer she was safe ,she _69_ her thanks to Peng.
Because of his heroic move, Peng got a lot of attention. He was offered a big reward of 50,000yuan and even a free chance to go to university. Heroes don't have to_70_ the sky. They are just people, who help out in dangerous times.
66~70 experiences; offered, came across; understanding; biggest
66~70 made; including; deal with; interest; free
新动力预测卷 八
66~70 restaurant; lived in; friendly; support; hometown
66~70 interested; So; warned; progress; paid off
66~70 below; because; medical; expressed; come from



