Unit 6 Sunshine for all Grammar - Task 单词背默音标写词造句应用同步练习(含答案)2023-2024 牛津译林版英语八年级下册

Unit 6
Grammar - Task
单词 音标 含义 例句
confident / k n.f .d nt/ 自信的 She is confident in her abilities.
background / b k.gra nd/ 背景 He comes from a musical background.
closely / klo s.li/ 密切地 I watched the race closely.
achieve / t i v/ 实现 She achieved her goal of becoming a doctor.
prize /pra z/ 奖品 The winner of the competition will receive a prize.
donate /d ne t/ 捐赠 They donated money to charity.
charity / t r. .ti/ 慈善机构 The charity helps children in need.
organization / r.g .na ze . n/ 组织 The United Nations is an international organization.
one-to-one / w n t w n/ 一对一的 He had a one-to-one meeting with the manager.
blood /bl d/ 血液 Blood carries oxygen throughout the body.
south-west / sa θ west/ 西南 The city is located in the southwest of the country.
north-west / n θ west/ 西北 We are traveling to the northwest coast.
project / pro .d ekt/ 项目 They are working on a science project.
introduction / n.tro d k. n/ 介绍 The book begins with an introduction to the topic.
disease /d zi z/ 疾病 Cancer is a serious disease.
operation / p. re . n/ 手术 He had a successful operation on his knee.
give a helping hand /g v h l.p h nd/ 帮忙 They volunteered to give a helping hand at the soup kitchen.
survivor /s va .v r/ 幸存者 He is a cancer survivor.
默词 音标 含义 完成句子
/ k n.f .d nt/ 自信的 She is ________________ in her abilities.
/ b k.gra nd/ 背景 He comes from a musical ________________.
/ klo s.li/ 密切地 I watched the race ________________.
/ t i v/ 实现 She ________________ her goal of becoming a doctor.
/pra z/ 奖品 The winner of the competition will receive a ________________.
/d ne t/ 捐赠 They ________________ money to charity.
/ t r. .ti/ 慈善机构 The ________________ helps children in need.
/ r.g .na ze . n/ 组织 The United Nations is an international ________________.
/ w n t w n/ 一对一的 He had a ________________ meeting with the manager.
/bl d/ 血液 ________________ carries oxygen throughout the body.
/ sa θ west/ 西南 The city is located in the ________________ of the country.
/ n θ west/ 西北 We are traveling to the ________________ coast.
/ pro .d ekt/ 项目 They are working on a science ________________.
/ n.tro d k. n/ 介绍 The book begins with an ________________ to the topic.
/d zi z/ 疾病 Cancer is a serious ________________.
/ p. re . n/ 手术 He had a successful ________________ on his knee.
/g v h l.p h nd/ 帮忙 They volunteered to ___________________________ at the soup kitchen.
/s va .v r/ 幸存者 He is a cancer ________________.
默词 音标 完成句子
/ k n.f .d nt/ She is ________________ in her abilities.
/ b k.gra nd/ He comes from a musical ________________.
/ klo s.li/ I watched the race ________________.
/ t i v/ She ________________ her goal of becoming a doctor.
/pra z/ The winner of the competition will receive a ________________.
/d ne t/ They ________________ money to charity.
/ t r. .ti/ The ________________ helps children in need.
/ r.g .na ze . n/ The United Nations is an international ________________.
/ w n t w n/ He had a ________________ meeting with the manager.
/bl d/ ________________ carries oxygen throughout the body.
/ sa θ west/ The city is located in the ________________ of the country.
/ n θ west/ We are traveling to the ________________ coast.
/ pro .d ekt/ They are working on a science ________________.
/ n.tro d k. n/ The book begins with an ________________ to the topic.
/d zi z/ Cancer is a serious ________________.
/ p. re . n/ He had a successful ________________ on his knee.
/g v h l.p h nd/ They volunteered to ___________________________ at the soup kitchen.
/s va .v r/ He is a cancer ________________.
单词 音标 含义 造句
confident / k n.f .d nt/ 自信的
background / b k.gra nd/ 背景
closely / klo s.li/ 密切地
achieve / t i v/ 实现
prize /pra z/ 奖品
donate /d ne t/ 捐赠
charity / t r. .ti/ 慈善机构
organization / r.g .na ze . n/ 组织
one-to-one / w n t w n/ 一对一的
blood /bl d/ 血液
south-west / sa θ west/ 西南
north-west / n θ west/ 西北
project / pro .d ekt/ 项目
introduction / n.tro d k. n/ 介绍
disease /d zi z/ 疾病
operation / p. re . n/ 手术
give a helping hand /g v h l.p h nd/ 帮忙
survivor /s va .v r/ 幸存者




下一篇:第十九章 一次函数单元检测试题(含答案)