
英 语 试 卷
第一部分(听力 共30分)
Ⅰ.听选答案(共15 小题,计20分)
1. A. Cloudy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
2. A. Green. B. Red. C. Blue.
3. A. Bored. B. Happy. C. Worried.
4. A. To a restaurant. B. To a bank. C. To a hotel.
5. A. Sams sister. B. Sam's mother. C. Sam's aunt.
6. A.320 yuan. B.230 yuan. C.203 yuan.
7. A. By bus. B. Bv air. C. By high-speed train.
8. A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Waiter and customer.
9. A. At 7:15. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30.
10. A. A dentist. B. An engineer. C. A pilot.
听第11段材料, 回答第11、12 小题。
11. What sport will Gina take part in
A. Running. B. The long jump. C. The high jump.
12. What happened to Jack
A. He lost his watch. B. He hurt his leg. C. He did a bad job.
听第12段材料,回答第13 至15小题。
13. Where does the man want to sit
A. Beside the kitchen. B. Beside the door. C. Beside the window.
14. What does the man want to eat
A. Pizza. B. Beef. C. Fish.
15. How soon will the man get his food
A. In about 20 minutes. B. In about 10 minutes. G. In about 30 minutes.
绥德县2024年九年级英语第三次模拟考试 B-1-(共8页)
Ⅱ、听填信息(共5 小题,计10分)
16. The famous magazine wants designs of T-shirts from students in art schools.
17. The topic is about saving the
18. The students’works must be handed in before 21st.
19. The winners will get the chance to the magazine next summer holiday.
20. The winner schools will get 100 green T-shirts .
第二部分(笔试 共90 分)
Lyu Meng was born in the northwest of today’s Anhui Province. His father died 21 he was a child. Then his mother took him to the south.
Lyu Meng and his mother 22 with Deng Dang, who was Lyu Meng's brother-in-law. As 23 officer in the army of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, Deng Dang trained his men every day. Lyu Meng watched and learnt quietly.
He told his brother-in-law that he wanted 24 a soldier. Deng Dang told him that he was too young, but Lyu Meng made up his mind to fight in the army.
One day, Deng Dang went to fight a battle (战役). Lyu Meng thought,“I am already 25 . I'm old enough to fight.”He left his home and went to the army camp. The soldiers knew Lyu Meng. He 26 into the camp by the soldiers.
Deng Dang was angry when he saw Lyu Meng. “ 27 ” he shouted“You're not a soldier! Go home now!” Lyu Meng didn't listen to him and ran with the soldiers.
When Lyu Meng arrived home, his mother shouted. “You're 28 to fight!”Lyu Meng agreed that he was young but he said,“I don't know 29 old enough to fight. But if I never fight, I will never know. A man must enter the tiger's den to catch a tiger cub.” Lyu Meng's mother looked at him 30 . Finally, she said, “You're right, my son.”
*Lyu Meng was a famous person in Chinese ancient history.
21. A. because B. until C. though D. when
22. A. lived B. live C. was living D. are living
23. A. an B. a C. the D./
24. A. be B. to be C. hit D. to hit
25. A.15-year-old B.15 year old C.15 years old D.15 year-old
26. A. took B. takes C. is taken D. was taken
27. A. Why you are here B. Why are you here
C. When you are here D. When are you here
28. A. not old enough B. old enough C. enough old D. not enough old
29. A. that I am B. that am I C. if I am D. if am I
30. A. sadness B. sad C. sadly D. sadder
绥德县2024年九年级英语第三次模拟考试 B-2-(共8页)
Lyu Meng grew up and became better and better at fighting. Deng Dang started to see him with 31 eyes. Finally, he became the assistant (助手) to Deng Dang.
A few years later, Deng Dang 32 . After his death, Lyu Meng became the leader of his army.Lyu Meng was very brave but he was not well 33 . The emperor(皇帝) of the Eastern Wu Kingdom was called Sun Quan. He saw the 34 Lyu Meng. One day, he said,“You’re 35 , but an army leader needs more than bravery. He needs to read and learn.”
Lyu Meng claimed (声称) that he was too busy to read books. The emperor said,“I don't expect you to read every 36 in the world. But you must read some about war and history!
Lyu Meng was not sure. The emperor told him,“I used to be the same as you. I 37 the point of reading. I was only interested in learning to fight better. But one day, I 38 a book and began to see the world with new eyes. I got a lot from reading.”
After some more discussion, Lyu Meng said,“You're 39 .”From then on, Lyu Meng began to read more books and Sun Quan put him in a(n) 40 position. Finally, he became a very famous general in his time.
31. A. small B. big C. new D. old
32. A. laughed B. cried C. died D. returned
33. A. dressed B. educated C. thought D. fought
34. A. problem with B. pride of C. interest in D. answer to
35. A. clever B. brave C. honest D. strong
36. A. notice B. stone C. diary D. book
37. A. didn't see B. saw C. heard D. didn't hear
38. A. turned on B. put down C. picked up D. threw away
39. A. wrong B. right C. rich D. poor
40. A. strange B. expensive C. peaceful D. important
Ⅳ.阅读理解(共15 小题,计20分)
It's Saturday today. Lisa goes to Xi’an SEG International Shopping Center with her 6-year-old daughter Cindy.
Welcome to Xi'an SEG International Shopping Center 9F - 12F Parking lot
6F - 8F Food Hall
5F Children's Clothing and shoes ·Children's playground
3F - 4F Women's Shoes ·Women's Accessories Make-ups ·Women's Sportswear ·Women's Clothing ·Underwear
2F Men's Shoes Men's Clothing
1F Luxury goods(奢侈品)
B1 Market
B2 Drinks Subway Station
* B1 stands for Basement First Floor
41. Which floor may Cindy like best
A.3F. B.1F. C.5F. D.9F.
42. Lisa spends much time on the second floor because she can find most things for her .
A. sister B. husband C. mother D. child
43. Which of the following is TRUE
A. Lisa can have some delicious food on the seventh floor.
B. Lisa can't park her car in the shopping center.
C. Lisa can buy make-ups for herself on the sixth floor.
D. Lisa can't find the su bway station in the shopping center.
On the evening of September 26th, the streets of Geneva in Switzerland went dark. This usually happens when there is a problem with the electricity, but this time the lights were turned off to allow people to go outside and look at the stars. This is often impossible in a city because of light pollution.
Light pollution is caused when light from streetlights or buildings makes the night less dark. There are many reasons why this is a problem. Animals sleep less because they think it is still the daytime.Birds that fly to warmer countries in the autumn need to see the moon and stars to find their way, but light pollution makes this difficult. Insects and birds in cities often fly towards lights at night. They knock into buildings and die.
Light pollution is also detrimental to us. It can stop us sleeping and give us headaches. Also, we don't see the same sky that people in the past did. This means we almost never see one of the greatest scenes in the world; millions of stars. Hundreds of thousands of people have never seen it in their lives.
However, it is not difficult to do a few things to reduce (减少) light pollution. We can all turn off lights when we don't need them and we can cover our windows. If there is less light pollution, we will once again be able to enjoy the beauty of the night sky.
44. How does the writer start the passage
A. By using a saying. B. By giving an example.
C. By listing numbers. D. By asking a question.
45. The underlined word“detrimental”probably means“ ”in the passage.
A. bad B. good C. easy D. hard
46. From the last paragraph, what can we do to reduce light pollution
①Turn off lights. ②Go outside often. ③Cover our windows. ④Sleep more.
A.①③ B.①② C.②③ D.③④
47. In which part of a newspaper can the text be found
A. Culture. B. Science. C. Sports. D. Environment.
Summer is the most common season for drowning (溺水) accidents. Here is some drowning prevention and rescue (救援) knowledge. Hope to help you.
Risk factors for drowning
For children, they face the danger of drowning because they aren't well looked after by their parents.For teenagers and adults, firstly, some aren't able to swim. Secondly, not paying attention to the environment, for example, falling into the water when walking near shallow water is part of the reason.And drinking is also the cause of half of adults' drowning deaths.
How can you tell if someone is drowning
Drowning is a silent killer. Drowning people may not be able to call for help because they are
spending all of their energy trying to breathe or keep their heads above water. So drowning people often keep their heads tilted (倾斜) back and their mouths wide open. Their eyes keep wide open and may hold a sense of worry.
How to rescue a drowning person
The most important thing for a drowning person is to carry out first aid. Often, once the drowning person has been removed from the water, CPR (心肺复苏) may be necessary and emergency medical services should be called.
Drowning prevention
Learning how to swim should be the most important thing for people of all ages. When you take part in water sports, the use of a personal life jacket is a must. Never leave a little kid in a pool or near water. Know about the danger in fresh or sea water. Know the depth of ice before walking on it. Never swim alone.
48. According to the passage, a drowning person often .
A. keeps his mouth closed and his eyes wide open
B. keeps his head tilted back and his eyes closed
C. keeps his head tilted back and his eyes wide open
D. keeps his head tilted forward and his mouth wide open
49. Which of the following is correct to rescue a drowning person according to the passage
50. The writer wrote the passage mainly to .
A. tell readers how to avoid drowning B. tell readers to learn how to swim
C. tell readers different reasons for drowning D. tell readers some facts about drowning
Do you speak a dialect(方言) in daily life While many Chinese speak Putonghua, some local dialects are in danger of disappearing. 51. They started the Chinese Language Resources Protection Project a few years ago.
This project looks at how people talk in 1,712 places. Their languages include 103 dialects that are almost gone. 52. There is an online library where people can learn dialects.
Why is it important to protect the dialect culture According to Harold Palmer, an expert who studies language, dialects are a key to st oring local culture. 53.
Scholar (学者) Zhang Hongming talked about these worries of the disappearance of dialects. For about over 10 years, in the Wu dialect areas, children aged 6 to 15 can understand but hardly speak the local dialect. 54. If this keeps happening, the dialect might disappear.
So how did China make this big library Over five years, more than 350 universities and research groups joined in, along with over 4,500 experts and more than 6,000 dialect speakers.
55. This includes creating digital tools like apps and mobile dictionaries to help people learn dialects.
A. This project hasn't been carried out.
B. The project is now entering into its second part.
C. What did the Chinese government do to save them
D. What do you think of the disappearance of dialects
E. Young people above 15 years old sometimes speak it, but not well.
F. Dialects really show the history and the culture of an area.
G. It has helped China to build the largest language resource library in the world.
Miss Li looks very , but actually, she is very nice.
It is well known that Mount Taibai is in Shaanxi.
He chose to face the difficulty evading responsibility.
I reading English for a while before breakfast.
The city walls of Xi’an were during the Ming Dynasty.
Ⅵ.短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)(共10 小题,计10分)
How fast can someone climb 15 meters The answer from Chinese speed climber——Cao Long——is 4.98seconds.
The 23-year-old is the 61. person to have finished the speed climbing line in less than 5 seconds. The other two are Indonesian athletes Kiromal Katibin and Veddriq Leonardo. People call Cao“the 62. man in China” or“Chinese Spider-Man”
According to Cao, the result of speed climbing can change every time because it's a highly stressful race where two pete at the same time. It's also a sport that finishes in seconds.If you want to 64. , everything has to be perfect.
But this pressure is part of the climbing and that is the reason why Cao loves the sport. “The pressure of competing side by side with another climber really makes me 65. ,”he said.
Cao tried climbing at the age of 8. Like many kids who first get into climbing , Cao was mainly doing bouldering(抱石运动) and lead climbing and was doing very well. However, he got 66. and had surgery (手术) at the age of 18. He then 67. to try speed climbing because it used different skills from bouldering and lead climbing and put less pressure on his body.
It turned out that Cao was good at speed climbing as well. He 68. understands how to use his body to win.“I know how to better distribute (分配) power to different parts of 69. body,”Cao said. In his eyes, the national record of 4.98 second s has 70. a thing of the past.“I will keep trying to do better and outdo (超越) myself,”said Cao.
New Dragon Gate Inn, a new Yueju Opera production, has become a hit among young people since its first performance in March , 2023. According to reports, tickets for the performances of the opera in
“The stage (舞台) seems to disappear. Everyoné is part of the performance,”said Creen Lijun,who plays an important role in the opera.
With New Dragon Gate Inn setting a good example, we look forward to the rise of more traditional Chinese art forms.
71. When was the opera New Dragon Gate Inn first performed
It was first performed .
72. Which English word means“最早的;起初的”in the first paragraph
It is“ ”
73. What does the underlined word“they”refer to
It refers to“ ”
74. How many reasons does the writer think make the opera so popular
The writer thinks reasons make the opera so popular.
75. How will you complete the following title for the passage in no more than eight words
Traditional Chinese Opera .
[Jenny (A), an exchange student, meets her friend Liu Fan (B) at the school gate.]
A:Hello, Liu Fan. Did you enjoy your May Day
B: Yes, I had a good time in the countryside.
B:With my friends.
B: We stayed in a home-stay in a village. We went fishing in the lake nearby. We really enjoyed ourselves there.
A:78. . What was the weather like there
B: It was sunny and warm.
B: Yes, I took many photos. I will bring you some photos tomorrow.80.
A:I went to my friend's birthday party. We danced and sang ha ppily together.
B:I think you had a great time, too.
假如你是九年级一班班长李明,你所在学校打算本周六组织学生拜访敬老院,需要通知因事缺勤的交换生 Billy参加活动。请根据下面的提示内容,用英语写一封电子邮件告知其相关信息。
Time on Saturday morning
How to get there by school bus
Notes 1. wear school uniform; 2. keep quiet
Activities 1. teach the elderly how to use smartphones; 2. introduce the traditional Chinese culture—paper-cutting; 3.…
Dear Billy,
We are going to visit the old people's home. Here is some information you need to know.
Li Ming



