
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.Who will draw the posters
A.Joe B.Carol C.Jack
2.Where will the woman go first
A.To a bakery. B.To a bank. C.To a laundry.
3.What is the man worried about
A.His job interview. B.His health. C.His son’s study.
4.What did the woman tell the man to do
A.Take the rubbish out. B.Clean the kitchen floor. C.Put the rubbish in the bags.
5.What dose the man say about Stephanie
A.She will get well soon. B.She has a very bad cold. C.She will come to the beach.
6.How soon will the woman meet Ted
A.In half an hour. B.In an hour. C.In one and a half hours.
7.How will the woman go to the cinema
A.By car. B.By taxi. C.By bus.
8.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.On a plane. B.In a car. C.On the train.
9.Why is the man traveling
A.To visit his parents. B.To give a speech. C.To attend school.
10.What should the woman’s mother drink
A.Hot water with sugar. B.Warm boiled water. C.Something cold.
11.How old is Tom
A.12. B.10. C.8
12.What is the probable relationship between Henry and Andrew
A.Babysitter and host. B.Fellow workers. C.Neighbors.
13.What will the woman do next
A.Prepare a meal. B.Look for umbrellas. C.Go to the park.
14.Why does the woman call the man
A.To sell him old coins. B.To recommend a sports club. C.To sell him low-price wine.
15.What does the man think of the cookers
A.Useful. B.Expensive. C.Bad.
16.What does the man ask the woman to do
A.Stop calling him. B.Provide the product list. C.Give him a special offer.
17.Which part of Minnesota will be affected first by the storm
A.The eastern part. B.The southern part. C.The northern part.
18.When will the storm move to the Easter Coast
A.By Wednesday. B.By Thursday. C.By Friday.
19.How deep will the snow be in the mountain s of New York
A.About a foot. B.About eight inches. C.About four inches.
20.What should people be very careful about with the storm
A.The low temperature. B.The high winds C.The icy roads.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Great Apps for Kids
Silly Street Learn & Play
age 4
It is an educational app based on a physical game that aims to build character through play. Kids can play solo or with up to 6 players. They can read the directions or turn on the sound to have them narrated. The free game includes six card packs that target curiosity, adaptability, and other character skills through entertaining tasks. The prompts(提示)on the cards encourage kids to express themselves.
age 7+
It is a lightly educational game that uses comparisons to create questions that players answer for points. The app puts together the size, weight, and more of buildings, animals, and other objects to create clues. Along with the Quiz game mode, there’s also a Compare mode in which players read mix-and-match comparisons.
age 9+
It is a free cooperative game for two to eight players that requires a separate device for each player. It works best when everyone is on the same Wi-Fi connection and in the same room. Kids will need to be confident readers as there are a number of made-up words that need to quickly be read aloud or recognized on screen. It also tends to get loud, so it’s best played where it won’t bother others.
age 14+
This expensive but very cool GPS app makes it possible for the whole family to go geocaching, a high-tech treasure hunt game. Geocaches can be hidden in rough terrain and public locations. Since you are going to locations that are known by and will attract others, this app creates some dangers of exposure to strangers. While this game might be okay for older teens by themselves, a better route would be to always play this game with friends.
1. What is the purpose of Silly Street Learn & Play
A. To teach children how to tell stories.
B. To help children read through special cards.
C. To help children build character through games.
D. To teach children how to talk about their feelings.
2. What is one of the characteristics of Spaceteam
A. It can be noisy.
B. It can be used offline.
C. It is sold at a low price.
D. It is suitable for any age groups.
3. Which app should you choose if you’re looking for an outdoor adventure
A. Cramble. B. Spaceteam.
C. Geocaching. D. Silly Street Learn & Play.
My relationship with books began at a very young age; my parents constantly read to me and I quickly grew fond of all kinds of stories. My reading adventures existed beyond the four walls of my room though, most importantly during the Centerville Public Library’s story hour. Once I aged out of the story hour and picked up reading abilities of my own, my parents were constantly taking me to the library to pick out any book I desired. This was when my love for library books caught fire.
I’ve always enjoyed trips to libraries. Being able to borrow a book from a library knowing that so many other eyes have interacted with it just makes the experience more exciting.
E-books started gaining popularity after 2010, and as someone accepting of change, I decided to try them out. I believe the first and last e-book I read was The Maze Runner. This great book was ruined by the head and eye aches my NOOK gave me if I stared at it for too long. This ultimately ruined my interest in ever reading digitally again.
I love reading because it gives me time to disconnect and wander away from the constant impacts of screens and media. So, reading an e-book would completely ruin the disconnection from screen time that I try so hard to achieve. Reading from an e-book does not allow you the satisfaction of leafing through pages, and makes the term “page-turner” meaningless.
There is hardly anything that is both free and full of value, so being able to knock out both of these birds with one trip to the library is a true blessing.
For these reasons, I believe that any hardcover book, particularly those coming from a library, should always have advantages over an e-book. Library books are an art form that I will never allow to die!
4. What can be learned about the author as a child
A. He frequented bookstores.
B. He was deeply involved in reading.
C. He was a lead in the library’s story hour.
D. He developed a real passion for story writing.
5. How did the author feel after reading his first e-book
A. Satisfied. B. Impressed.
C. Regretful. D. Discouraged.
6 Why is going to the library a true blessing
A. It compares two things.
B. It can avoid two troubles.
C. It seizes two opportunities.
D. It can achieve two aims.
7. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. My Love of Library Books
B Reading: A Source of Knowledge
C. My Experience of E-book Reading
D. Library: A Place Where the Young Mature
A new analysis of photographs from the International Space Station has identified a shift in the kind of lighting technologies that European countries are using at night to brighten streets and buildings. Researchers have found that the old warm high-pressure street lights are rapidly being replaced by cooler LED lights. The University of Exeter study claimed that “this phenomenon is widely increasing the risk of harmful effects to ecosystems”.
LED lighting was promoted as being intended to reduce emissions, but its usage has raised energy consumption. One explanation of this is that the increase in power efficiency and the associated decrease in economic cost have driven increased demand for lighting, therefore, any efficiency gains have been balanced out by increased consumption of light.
The study also claimed that previous research into the effects of light pollution have underestimated the impacts of blue light radiation. Chief among the health consequences of blue light is its ability to reduce the production of melatonin (褪黑素) that regulates sleep patterns in humans and other organisms. Scientific studies have warned that increased exposure to artificial blue light can worsen people’s sleeping habits.
The increase in blue light radiation in Europe has also reduced the visibility of stars in the night sky, which may have impacts on people’s sense of nature. Blue light can also alter the behavioral patterns of animals including bats and moths, as it can change their movements towards or away from light sources.
David Smith, of the conservation charity Buglife, said, “Light pollution can dramatically impact animals. We should consider light from a wider biological perspective than that of just humans and focus on better quality lighting that is harmonious with our natural world. Better quality and lower levels of lighting would help save energy, and lower financial costs, while also making our environment safer for living beings. Authorities can dim (使昏暗) the lights during night hours, and change the bandwidths (带宽值) of their LED bulbs to produce less harmful blue light.”
8. What is the phenomenon described in Paragraph 1
A. The increasing use of LED lights.
B. The rising demand for public lighting.
C. Old street lights producing lots of emissions.
D. Artificial lights at night wasting much energy.
9. In which aspect are people influenced by blue lights
A. Eyesight. B. Social behaviors.
C. Learning ability. D. Sleep patterns.
10. What does the underlined word “alter” in Paragraph 4 probably mean
A. improve. B. change.
C. form. D. consume.
11. What is the author’s purpose by mentioning David Smith
A. To stress the importance of saving energy.
B. To persuade authorities to avoid using LED lights.
C. To provide suggestions on reducing light pollution.
D. To show ways of improving the quality of LED bulbs.
The first appointment this month was for high fever, the second for red eyes and now your child has a cough. With limited time off at your job, there’s no way you are taking him to the clinic again this month. You decide Dr. Google will work as you enter symptom into your search box. You’re not alone!
While online self-diagnosis (自我诊断) resources seem like savers in our moments of confusing illness, healthcare professionals see dangers in this practice.
For some, it’s a simple math equation: Symptoms + Internet search = You’re probably dying. “People read about the worst possible situation on Google when they look up their symptoms. This can contribute to great stress,” says Dana Corriel, a Primary Care Physician at Highland Medical. “It’s human nature to worry about the worst possible outcomes.”
Besides, Corriel warns of health blogs written by people unqualified to be giving advice. “Often, the information is too general,” Corriel explains. “Each person has a different family history, different risk factors and a varying social history, all of which contribute to the decision-making process a physician goes through when deciding on a proper diagnosis.”
“While an inaccurate diagnosis can be stressful, the greater risk is that patients take the next step in attempting to treat,” says Nicole Prause, a psychologist and researcher at Liberos. “This can lead to unjustified expense at the least and dangerous effects at worst.” Prause also sees the financial burden of unnecessary testing with the amount at 20- and 30-year-olds now requesting MRIs because they have headaches. The undue stress damages your emotional well-being, and it’s expensive for the patient, the insurance company and the medical provider.
Even after understanding the dangers of self-diagnosis, you can’t get past the convenience of using the Internet. It’s important to know that doctors do not intend to prohibit their patients from playing an active role in healthcare. The key is to be careful of the risks, involved with self-diagnosis and to be able to identify sources of information with an attitude of doubt.
12. How does the author introduce the topic of the text
A. By describing his own experience.
B. By presenting problems existing in our life.
C. By imagining a possible situation.
D. By offering a definition of online self-diagnosis.
13. What does Corriel say about turning to the Internet for medical advice
A. It is extremely convenient.
B. It can bring great stress and anxiety.
C. It may fail to get a general diagnosis.
D. It helps to diagnose confusing illnesses.
14. What is important when you self-diagnose online
A. Having a critical eye.
B. Discussing with other patients.
C. Turning to reliable websites.
D. Getting some medical knowledge.
15. What is the main idea of this passage
A How to find a doctor online.
B. Dangers on online self-diagnosis.
C. Necessity for self-diagnosis.
D. Ways to seek self-diagnosis online.
Awake Here Is How to Return to Sleep
It is usual for people to wake up a few times during the night. Older people often get up to go to the bathroom. Waking at night usually is not a problem.
But what about some other people If it happens a few times a week, there may be a troublesome reason. ____16____. Such sleep difficulties are called insomnia (失眠). You may wake up, look at the clock and worry about your work. There may be stressful things on your mind. These feelings may activate a stress hormone in your body. If you worry about not sleeping, it may make it harder to fall asleep.
What to do.
If you are awake 25 minutes or more, ____17____. Gentle stretches or breathing exercises might help. Meditation (冥想) also may work. You may sit on a couch and read a book or magazine in dim light. Do not read on a smartphone or a table t in rayless place.
Try to go back to sleep.
____18____. Coffee can stay in your digestive system well into the evening.
Napping lowers your drive to fall asleep in the evening. Avoid napping late in the day. Nap no later than early afternoon. ____19____
Try to keep to a routine schedule for sleep. There is a problem when you go to bed and wake up at different times. Studies have shown that irregular bedtimes may lead to insomnia. ____20____, called circadian rhythms (昼夜节律). They work on 24-hour cycles.
If you get up during the night to go to the bathroom, limit how much water or liquids you drink a few hours before bedtime.
A. Avoid coffee after 2 p. m.
B. Try to avoid naps
C. And do not nap anytime longer than 30 minutes
D. The problem has to do with the sleep cycle of your body
E. get out of bed and do something quiet
F. Stress and anxiety are some of the reasons people have sleep difficulties
G. Here are some reasons for the difficulties in your sleeping
第三部分 语言运用(共2节,满分30分)
I had been invited to go to my friend’s birthday party. I was excited because I liked to go to parties. Although Tori was not my best friend, I ___21___ to be there.
Two days later, my best friend asked me to go to Disneyland. I really wanted to go. That’s when my mom ___22___ me that Tori’s party was on the same day. She said I couldn’t change my mind just because something better came along.
My___23___ about going to the birthday party was ___24___. Tori’s party would be okay but not as ___25___ as a whole day at Disneyland. ___26___, Tori wasn’t even my best friend. I begged my mom but she ___27___. She asked me to think about how I would feel if someone did that to me. I had to ___28___ that it would ___29___ my feelings. My mom was ___30___.
So my mom dropped me off at Tori’s party. Something ___31___ happened after I got there. We did stuff that was fun and different. We watched a movie that hadn’t come out in theaters yet and that was pretty ___32___. There was also a make-your-own pizza contest. We gave presents to Tori and her parents had a special present to give to each of us ___33___! That was so cool.
When my mom came to ___34___ me up, she was glad that I’d had a good time. Not only did I ___35___ the party, but I learned an important lesson. My mom was right…as usual.
A. happened B. pretended C. afforded D. promised
A. comforted B. reminded C. convinced D. taught
A. doubt B. curiosity C. excitement D. confusion
A. gone B. obvious C. normal D. endless
A. free B. busy C. fun D. long
A. Otherwise B. Besides C. However D. Therefore
A. suffered B. complained C. hesitated D. disagreed
A. predict B. admit C. expect D. ignore
A. hurt B. control C. reflect D. inspire
A. different B. voluntary C. sad D. right
A. conventional B. practical C. difficult D. interesting
A. informal B. amazing C. strange D. private
A. in return B. at once C. at ease D. in theory
A. hurry B. bring C. pick D. cheer
A. change B. throw C. love D. miss
As a long-time resident of Beijing I have always wanted to travel around and see more of China. And I finally found my big chance on the Labor Day holiday, ___36___ people would have seven days off, so I made a trip to Shanghai.
It was my first time that I ___37___ (travel) by not only rail but high-speed rail as well, which made this trip special. Many Americans aren’t used to ___38___ (take) public transportation, instead mainly using cars to get around. For me, riding to Shanghai by train was especially fascinating since I could ___39___ (expose) to different kinds of beautiful scenery and towns along the way through the spacious windows. In particular, I have always been a fan of the uniquely-shaped ___40___ (mountain) of China, enjoying their elegant shapes as they make the peaceful horizon more attractive. Another benefit of riding on trains was the spacious legroom which allowed me ___41___ (relax) more easily during my trip.
Throughout the journey, I couldn’t help considering it to be a good idea for the US to build a ___42___ (similar) useful and convenient railway system. The outspread cities in the US make ___43___ easy to see how the US would benefit from this kind of public investment. This could lead to less ___44___ (dependent) on car ownership and have a positive impact ____45____ both the economy and environment.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,正在美国纽约留学。因有事你无法参加定于本周六晚由邻居Henry组织的户外烧烤派对。请给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When You Snooze (贪睡), You Lose!
Last Wednesday, I set my alarm for seven o’clock in the morning, just like I always did. But I’d gone to bed a little later than usual, so when it went off, I rolled over and hit the snooze button, thinking I’d have five more minutes of sleep before I got up. For some reason, the snooze alarm didn’t go off. When I saw that it was 7:45, I couldn’t believe it!
Since I was late, I skipped breakfast, and I didn’t make the bed or straighten up my room even though it was part of the “house rules”.
I ran as fast as I could to catch the school bus, but even so, I missed it. Luckily for me, my father hadn’t left for work yet, so I asked him for a ride to school. He wasn’t too happy about it because it meant he would be late for an appointment he had set up. So he was annoyed with me, especially since it was the second time in two weeks that I had missed the school bus. We rode to school in total silence.
By the time I got to school, the bell had already rung, so I had to go to the office to get a “late pass” before I could be admitted to class. That’s when I remembered that I hadn’t asked my father to write a note for my being late. He’d been in such a bad mood, and I knew that this was especially directed at me, so I decided there was no way I could call him now. Besides, he was sure to be in his meeting.
So, there I was, sitting out the first hour in the principal’s office. Things were really starting to snowball but it was only the beginning. Since I was absent from my first-hour class, I missed my science test. My teacher said I couldn’t make up the test since I was absent without leave. But I really needed that test to improve my grade point average. My dad promised to give me half of the money for a car if my grades improved by the end of this semester. So I started thinking about not being able to buy a car, and I got even more upset.
Paragraph 1:
Then I was preparing for my second-hour class when I discovered my math book was missing.
Paragraph 2:
Knowing I would surely be scolded for my skipping class, I went home in fear.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A
【答案】8. A 9. D 10. B 11. C
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B
【答案】16. F 17. E 18. A 19. C 20. D
第三部分 语言运用(共2节,满分30分)
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. C
【答案】36. when
37. had travel(l)ed
38. taking 39. be exposed
40. mountains
41. to relax
42. similarly
43. it 44. dependence
45. on
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Henry,
I am writing to express my sincere apologies for not being able to attend the outdoor barbecue party organized by you due to some unforeseen circumstances.
Unfortunately, my roommate suddenly fell ill and I had to go to the hospital to visit him, so I couldn’t attend the party.
Once again, please accept my apologies for my absence. Also, I prepare a gift for you. I hope you can have a good time together and create lasting and wonderful memories.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
Then I was preparing for my second-hour class when I discovered my math book was missing. When I was wondering what to do, a classmate told me that my deskmate was on sick leave and that my math book was most likely to be taken home by him mistakenly. What’s worse, I had put my math assignment in the math book, which I should have handed in the day before. My math teacher would be mad if she knew I was again not able to turn in the assignment. Not daring to face her, I chose to skip the math class. But soon I was caught skipping class, and my head teacher called my mother at work.
Knowing I would surely be scolded for my skipping class, I went home in fear. Not having the energy to make things sound any less disastrous than they were, I frankly told my parents the whole story. And you know what They were really cool about it. Mother helped me analyze a series of things over the dinner. Had I not chosen to snooze, all of this could have been avoidable. “When you snooze, you lose,” as my father put it.



