
1. A. This term. B. On January 3. C. In 2009.
2. A. She is tall. B. She is 40 years old. C. She is kind.
3. A. For two hours. B. In the morning. C. Twice a week.
4. A. Sure, I'd love to. B. I can't help crying. C. No, I can't.
5. A. In Suzhou. B. Cotton. C. Expensive.
第二节(共15分; 每小题1分)
听短对话, 回答问题
你将听到5段短对话, 每段对话后面设有一个小题, 请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
6. Who lost the dictionary
A. Frank. B. Peter. C. Tony.
7. Where was Jack last Sunday morning
A. At home. B. In the park. C. At the old people's home.
8. Which program did Mike prefer yesterday evening
A. Talk show. B. Sitcom. C. Game show.
9. Who bought the bike for Bill
A. His father. B. His mother. C. His brother.
10. Where has Sally decided to go in June
A. Hong Kong. B. Thailand. C. Australia.
听长对话, 回答问题。
你将听到2段长对话, 每段对话后面设有三个小题, 请从题中所给的A. B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各小题, 每小题5秒钟: 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话读两遍。
听第11段材料, 回答第11-13题。
11. What does Anna think of the neighborhood
A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Fantastic.
12. Why is the supermarket on Long Street the best
A. Because it is near the neighborhood.
B. Because the food there is the cheapest.
C. Because the food there is the most delicious.
13. When will Anna go to Sun Library
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon.
听第12段材料, 回答第14-16题。
14. What did Alice find
A. Her sister was reading magazines.
B. Her sister was playing with her toys.
C. Her sister was looking through her things.
15. Did Alice's sister give toys and magazines back
A. Yes. B. No. C. I don't know.
16. What's Paul's advice
A. To fight with her sister.
B. To remember it for ever.
C. To tell her sister to say sorry.
听短文, 回答问题。
你将听到一段短文, 短文后面设有四个小题, 请从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳选项。听短文前, 你将有时间阅读各小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间, 短文读两遍。
17. In Western countries, what are teenagers allowed to do at eighteen
A. To move out. B. To start working. C. To manage their own lives.
18. When should teenagers be educated to take care of themselves in western countries
A. At eighteen. B. As they get older. C. From a young age.
19. What do Chinese parents believe is better for children in China
A. To live alone. B. To live with parents. C. To take care of their parents.
20. Why do Chinese adults continue to live with their parents
A. To save money. B. To look after each other. C. To educate their children.
第一部分 选择题
一、阅读理解(共20小题, 每小题2分; 满分40分)
第一节阅读下面语言材料, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Reading Lu Xun's works has become memories of Chinese students. Since a young age, we have studied his works such as 《My Old Home》. And we got to know some characters like Runtu under his pen. What do young people think of Lu Xun
"He changed his dream to save the country. This encouraged me a lot, " said Zhao Zhihan, 13, from Beijing. "When choosing between several things, students should think about what they are for."
Though Lu Xun's works were written in his time, they are still popular today. His words are often quoted(引用)and used in stories, videos, emojis and on things like pens and notebooks." said Wang Man.
"Nowadays Lu Xun is also a most talked-about writer on the video website Bilibili. And I think it's a good thing that his voice is still heard." Wang Qiang said.
21. Runtu is____________.
A. Lu Xun's son B. Lu Xun's student
C.13 years old D. a character under Lu Xun's pen
22. From the underlined sentence, we can infer(推断)___________.
A. Zhao Zhihan's dream is to be a doctor
B. Zhao Zhihan is good at making decisions
C. Lu Xun has met Zhao Zhihan's family members
D. Lun Xun's works have made a great difference to Zhao Zhihan
23. According to the passage, we know___________ still popular with people today.
A. changing dreams is B. the video website is
C. Lu Xun's works are D. Chinese textbook is
24. Wang Qiang feels happy that___________.
A. he makes Bilibili popular B. he lets everyone know Bilibili
C. he can make more money on Bilibili D. he often hears Lu Xun's voice on Bilibili
Imagine there is a thing that could monitor(监测)your physical condition in real time. It is very useful, isn't it Some scientists may have taken some steps down that road. They've invented a wearable ultrasound patch(超声贴片)—something like a Band-Aid(创可贴). This patch offers an easy way to see deep inside the body.
This little "Band-Aid" thing has a lot of medical uses. People can stick the little thing over their skin(皮肤). It can record their physical condition and help doctors diagnose(诊断)signs of organ damage(器官损伤)or cancer. Most machines in hospitals that have these functions(功能)aren't wearable. But this patch is wearable, so it's very convenient. And it can work just as well as the machines in hospitals. What's more, the patch can work for up to 48 hours—even while people are moving around a lot, like playing a sport.
"This is just the beginning," says Zhao Xuanhe. He's part of the team that created the patch. Next, Zhao's team will make the patch wireless(无线的)so that people can check the results on their phones.
In many poor countries, medical machines are usually not enough. The new patch can be a big help in these parts of the world. Right now, it takes about $100 to make one. But its designers hope to bring that cost down.
25. Paragraph Two is mainly about__________.
A. the size of an ultrasound patch B. when to use an ultrasound patch
C. the advantages of an ultrasound patch D. where we can wear an ultrasound patch
26. Which of the following is right about an ultrasound patch
A. Now an ultrasound patch can work for three days.
B. An ultrasound patch won't be used in poor countries.
C. We can use an ultrasound patch only when we lie on the bed.
D. It is easy to wear an ultrasound patch just like using a Band-Aid.
27. Which of the following can show the structure of the passage
(①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph 2,…)
A. B. C. D.
28. What's the best title for the article
A. Little patch, big help B. An important lesson
C. An expensive invention D. The development of an ultrasound patch
In recent years, some museums have created a lot of products by combining(结合)Chinese cultural relics(文物)with modern life, such as Sanxingdui ice-cream. This creative combination gives people a chance to experience special products and understand traditional Chinese culture better.
The National Museum of China also tried "this cool idea" this year. In order to better show cultural relics in its collection, the museum has enriched people's experiences by offering a new product. The product combines Siyang Fangzun with the design of food.
Siyang Fangzun is one of the most famous cultural relics in the museum. The great bronzework(青铜制品)can date back to the Shang Dynasty. How to make it "live" and let more people see it and know more about it The museum gave a good answer—designing a special chocolate. People can "dig" a piece of chocolate in the shape of Siyang Fangzun from a jar of(一罐)chocolate chips. In this way, they can clearly see what Siyang Fangzun looks like and experience the fun of archaeology(考古).
The National Museum of China has been trying to make products with Chinese cultural elements(元素)since the end of 2018. The chocolate is the latest in a series of(一系列)food products. This product has attracted more young people to get close to traditional Chinese culture." We combine chocolate with Siyang Fangzun and try to make the product creative," said Liao Fei, a staff member in the museum. "People can feel the beauty of Chinese cultural relics while tasting food."
29. The first paragraph mainly tells us__________.
A. the place of buying Sanxingdui ice-cream
B. the time of creating this creative combination
C. the progress of making Sanxingdui ice-cream
D. the purpose of creating this creative combination
30. What does the underlined word "enrich” mean
A. improve B. copy C. punish D. relax
31. Which word in the third paragraph can express the process of experiencing is interesting
A. make B. dig C. give D. design
32. The underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph shows____________.
A. young people are used to eating chocolate
B. the latest in a series of food products are cheap
C. combining Chinese cultural relics with modern life works well
D. tasting food is a good way to visit the National Museum of China
Miserable Faith, a famous Chinese rock band, recently gave a concert in Xinjiang. That was a special concert for a group of special people.
The concert was held in Xinjiang's Jeminay County. People there are mostly herders(牧民). In different seasons, they need to move to different grasslands. As a result, it is difficult for them to receive health care. Thankfully, a group of 41 people are there to solve the problem: They are village doctors.
Across China, there are 1.44 million village doctors. They provide health services in a large number of villages. To support the work of village doctors, a project was started in 2017.
Miserable Faith joined the project in 2019. So far, they have visited village doctors in different provinces. This year, they came to Xinjiang, where they learned a lot about the work of village doctors in grasslands: Different from the village doctors in other places, who live in one fixed(固定的)place, village doctors in Jeminay County need to move with the herders. Each doctor needs to take care of lots of herders and spend months with them. Despite the difficult conditions, the doctors try their best to help the herders.
The band was deeply moved. So, they organized the concert. The concert came with a special requirement. The tickets were free, but people coming to the concert had to bring some medicine. The tickets were sold out in just several minutes, and many people around China who couldn't go to the concert also sent medicine to Xinjiang.
The band was thankful and happy to see that. Gao Hu, one of the members, said, "The concert made them really proud."
33. Who started a project in 2017
A. Miserable Faith. B. Herders. C. Village doctors. D. Gao Hu.
34. What do we know about the special concert
A. It lasted for several months. B. Tickets were paid for with medicine.
C. It was held by some village doctors. D. It told the importance of health to herders.
35. Why did Miserable Faith organize the special concert
A. To make it be the pride of China.
B. To call on more people to join Miserable Faith.
C. To let people know the work of village doctors in grasslands is colorful.
D. To let more people know about and care for the village doctors in the country.
36. What does the underlined sentences mean in the fifth paragraph
A. People in Xinjiang are rich and friendly.
B. The concert was no doubt a great success.
C. Miserable Faith will come to Xinjiang again.
D. It is right for Miserable Faith to live in Xinjiang.
第二节阅读短文, 从短文后的五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个多余的选项。
26-year-old Lyu Jiangtao is a student of Qinqiang at Shaanxi Opera Research Institute(陕西省戏曲研究院). Influenced by his parents, Lyu was interested in Qinqiang when he was little. 37. __________
Qinqiang is an old local opera that is popular in Shaanxi, as well as its neighboring areas, such as Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, and Xinjiang. The opera started from local folk songs and dance forms in the Yellow River Valley of Shaanxi and Gansu—the birthplaces of Chinese culture, and it dates back to the Qin Dynasty. Because it has long history, Qinqiang is regarded as the traditional opera in northwest China.
However, for most teenagers, it wouldn't be their first choice to decide on a career as a performer of Qinqiang. "38. __________” Lyu said with a sigh(叹气). "But this art form has to be inherited(继承)and passed on.”
Learning the basic skills of Qinqiang is very difficult, "I had injuries(损伤)and accidents. I cried. 39. __________That happened a lot," said Lyu. "But that's what one has to go through in order to master the opera."
Now, Lyu is good at Qinqiang, and more and more people start to enjoy his performance. “40. __________” he said. “I've loved it since I was little, and I will pass it on.”
A. I had fights with my parents. B. It doesn't matter how much money I make. C. And he has been learning it for many years. D. Its culture and its spirit should never be remembered. E. To tell the truth, fewer and fewer people are learning Qinqiang.
二、完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分; 满分10分)
阅读短文, 理解其大意, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Zhou Enlai was the first premier(总理)of the People's Republic of China. People all honor him because he did a lot 41 the country and the people.
Many movies and TV dramas have shown his contributions(贡献)as an adult, but few works(作品)have 42 on his childhood. Zhou Enlai in His Childhood is a movie that 43 the gap(空白)of his life story.
The film documents(记录)the history of Zhou growing up in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province from birth to the age of 12. It gives audiences(观众)a chance to learn about the 44 of a great man during his childhood. From this movie, we get to know 45 he developed into such a great man. Zhou was born in 1898, near the end of the Qing Dynasty. After his father left his hometown to make money to support the family, Zhou lived with his mother. Life was not easy at that time. Seeing his mother and neighbors suffering, Zhou 46 a goa—to study hard and help China rise—at a young age. He studied hard every day and never let up(松懈). 47 he reached his goal and became a great man. The movie is a textbook example of a red 48 that can educate young people and guide Party members. We are now living in a different time, 49 Zhou's spirit is not out of date. The best way for students to honor Premier Zhou is to keep his spirit 50 —study hard and help China rise even higher.
41. A. from B. in C. for D. at
42. A. influenced B. touched C. called D. lived
43. A. connects B. enters C. lifts D. fills
44. A. growth B. warmth C. health D. wealth
45. A. when B. why C. how D. where
46. A. lead B. change C. set D. discuss
47. A. Finally B. Luckily C. Politely D. Recently
48. A. picture B. tool C. gift D. classic
49. A. so B. but C. or D. and
50. A. awake B. magic C. alive D. sweet
第二部分 非选择题
三、语篇填空(共10小题, 每小题1分; 满分10分)
阅读短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号 所给词的正确形式填空, 使短文填通顺、连贯。
Many people create art with a pencil, but he 51 (turn)a pencil itself into art.
Li Mingjun, a young man from Hebei, China, recently surprised 52 (million)of people online with his mini sculptures(微雕)created out of pencil lead(铅笔芯). Some of his sculptures include helmets(头盔)for flies, Chinese characters and 53 (music)instruments. "I came up with the idea of sculpturing helmets for flies when I saw 54 fly repeatedly hit my bedroom window. I thought, "Why not make a helmet for it " said Li.
In the past six years, Li 55 (complete)over 100 works.
According to Li, his strong interest 56 pencil mini sculptures dates back to his time in high school. When he was an art student in high school, he had to sharpen(削尖)pencils every day. One day he sculptured a heart shape on a piece of pencil lead and 57 (win)praise from his classmates. That gave him a great sense of 58 (achieve). He has been creating these mini sculptures in his spare time 59 then. While working as a special makeup artist(特效化妆师)for film and television, he was only able to throw himself into the world of art for a few days every two or three months.
Early this year, Li decided to start his own mini sculpture workshop after 60 (leave)his job. And he has a big dream—he hopes to have a mini sculpture art show in the near future.
Hopefully, his dream will come true.
四、阅读与表达(共4小题, 61-63小题, 每小题2分, 64小题4分; 满分10分)
阅读短文, 然后根据内容回答问题。
Traffic police in Wuhan, Hubei Province, have finished the wish of a sick 5-year-old girl. They invited her to be a traffic policewoman for a day.
Liu Yihan was diagnosed(诊断)with a rare(罕见的)cancer that chiefly affects(影响)children under the age of 5, in November last year. She has a particular love of traffic policewoman, she really wants to keep everyone safe. Liu never complains to her mother Hu Yuting, but her wish to be a traffic policewoman really touched her mother's heart.
"I hope her dream is strong enough to get her through treatment, which will be difficult," Hu said. When she told her daughter's story to the traffic police station in Qiaokou District, the community where the family lives, they were moved and agreed to help Liu's wish come true.
Du Zewen, an officer with the station, said that the chief officers decided to help the mother and the little girl. He told the other members of the station, "We must help the little girl's dream of becoming a traffic policewoman come true. She is so young, but she is suffering from such a painful disease."
On the afternoon of September 20, Liu and her mother were warmly welcomed by the station. They dressed her in a specially made uniform and told her that she was a "visiting policewoman". Little Liu was taken through the daily routine of a traffic policewoman and taught a few basic rules. She was excited and soon went on duty with the other members.
When a day-long experience was about to finish, the vice-director said, "As your commander(指挥官), I have two orders. First, listen to your mother and finish your treatment. Second, study hard and exercise to become a real traffic policewoman!"
61. Why does Liu Yihan want to be a traffic policewoman
62. What does Liu Yihan's mother think of Liu Yihan's treatment
63. How long did Liu Yihan experience being a traffic policewoman
64. What was your small dream in your junior high school Who helped you achieve it (write 30 words or more)
65. 在我们成长的过程中, 会遇到各种各样的选择。请谈谈你做过的一次选择。内容包括:
1. 你做出的选择是什么;
2. 你为什么做出这样的选择;
3. 这次选择带给你的感受。
要求: 1, 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称等;
2. 词数 80-100.



