Unit2 Neighbour Period5 Integrated skills 课时周练(含答案)2023-2024牛津译林版七年级英语下册

Unit2 Neighbour
Period 5 Integrated skills
1. Look,there are two____________(policeman) over there. Let's ask them for help.
2. 一How many___________(people) are there In your family —There are live.
3.—Your story ____________(sound) very exciting.
一Thank you for saying so.
4. — What are you going to do when you grow up
—I__________(be) a basketball player.
5. He wants to be a player_____________(like) Yi Jianlian.
1. — did you celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival this year,Tom
一By making rice dumplings with my Chinese friends.
A. Where B. When C. How D. Why
2. —Would you like to go to the cinema with us —. Where shall we meet
A. No,thanks B. Yes,I do C. No,I can't D. Yes,I'd love to
3. I ______sure you’ll be a good football player.
A. will B. do C. am D. am going to
4. 一Is Simon________ —Yes. I think he should see a doctor at once(立刻).
A. sick B. kind C. healthy D. lucky
5. The bedroom is _________. They share it.
A. Tom's and Tim B. Tom and Tim's C. Tom and Tim D. Tom's and Tim's
6. 这位社会工作者经常步行去老年之家帮助老人。
The___________ often goes to the old people's home ___________ to help the elderly.
You can make the world a brighter place. How Here are a few ideas. Which have you tried Which
would you like to try
You can volunteer.
Clean up litter in a park. Pick up plastic on a beach. Lend a helping hand to a neighbour in need.
You can raise money.
Hold a bake(销售)sale. Run a lemonade stand(售货摊).You can donate(捐献)the money you earn (赚).It can help a person you care about.
You can lead a food drive.
Get your friends together. Collect canned food. Ask neighbors to donate too. Bring the canned goods to a food bank in your town.
You can donate.
Do you have clothes that no longer fit Do you have toys you no longer play with Give them to a local shelter(庇护所).
1. Which have you tried
2. Which would you like to try
3. Who can make the world a brighter place
4. How can you make the world a brighter place
Which title is better,Ways to Give or Ways to Take
My best friend Ally and I spare a few hours of our time every week as volunteers for Buddy Ball.
It's a 1 that helps disabled(残疾的)kids do sports and make new friends.
So what does a buddy(伙伴)do 2 ,I am a buddy for an eleven-year-old boy Tom. He
is in a wheelchair(轮椅)and is a good basketball player,but just like any kid,it upsets (难过)him 3 he misses a shot(射击)or makes a bad pass. He starts to cry and doesn’t want to play. Sometimes he even(甚至)wants to 4 . So,as his buddy,I encourage(鼓励)him. Now we're working on our basketball skills together. It's great to see how he has 5 and he doesn’t get upset so easily.
Ally is a buddy for Clara, a kid with very few language(语言)skills. She is also a bit 6 ! She likes running away. Ally has learned how to work with Clara and to get her to join in the 7 . Now she loves baseball and has more friends. Next week she's playing in a team. Her parents are 8 happy about Buddy Ball and they say that Clara is more confident(自信的)and 9 after her Buddy Ball sessions(学年).
Buddy Ball is a great chance for everyone! Differences 10 and we realize that we're all just kids
loving sports. I love doing Buddy Ball because I know I'm doing something meaningful!
1. A. decision B. subject C. program
2. A. In the end B. On the way C. At the moment
3. A. when B. until C. before
4. A. keep on B. get down C. give up
5. A. dreamed B. improved C. prepared
6. A. wild B. friendly C. easy-going
7. A. games B. discussions C. lessons
8. A. hardly B. truly C. possibly
9. A. careful B. sociable C. creative
10. A. increase B. remain C. disappear



