Unit8 Birthdays专项练习补全对话+短文(含答案)

Unit 8 Birthdays专项练习-补全对话&短文
A: Hi, Liu Tao. You look happy.
B: Yes, I’m going to Wang Lei’s home. 1
A: 2
B: Yes, you are right. And this robot is for him.
A: Great! Does he usually have a birthday party
B: 3 And his mother always makes him a big birthday cake.
A: 4
B: Of course, we are good friends. We always have great fun at the party.
A.Yes, he often has his birthday party at home.
B.There’s a party at his house.
C.I think you often go to his birthday party.
D.Er… is it his birthday today
A: Today is Jim’s birthday.
B: What does he w 1
A: A new yellow T-shirt and blue jeans. He l 2 cool.
B: Are there any drinks, food and f 3 on the table
A: Yes, of course. They are delicious.
B: Do his friends give many p 4 to him
A: Yes. There’s chocolate, s 5 books, CDs and many other things.
B: I think Jim is very h 6 to get them.
A: Certainly, and everyone l 7 the party. They t 8 about interesting films.
At last, they walk to Jim and s 9 “Happy birthday” to him.
Jim and his friends have a g 10 time.
A: Bill, it’s the second of June today. 1
B: Yes, Mum. 2
A: 3
B: I want to have a birthday party at home.
A: OK. 4
B: I’d like a big birthday cake, some fruit and orange juice.
A: I see. 5
B: I’d like a storybook.
A.What do you want to do tomorrow
B.When’s your birthday
C.I can’t wait.
D.What food would you like for the party
E.What present do you want for your birthday then
F.Who wants to come to your party
G.Tomorrow is your birthday.
A: What are you g 1 to do on C 2 Day
B: I’m going to see a p 3 in the m 4 . I’m going to p 5 the p 6 in the afternoon. What a 7 you
A: I’m going to p 8 basketball with my friends and then we will watch a f 9 .
B: You are going to have a lot of f 10 .
Ben: Dad, what 1 is it today
Dad: It’s the 3rd of December.
Ben: Oh, tomorrow is the 2 of December. It’s my 3 .
Dad: Yes. What 4 you like as a 5 How about a 6
Ben: No, I don’t like 7 football. I’d like a cake with lots 8 fruit.
Dad: Would you like a VCD of Chinese cartoons too
Ben: Yes. Thank you.
A: Look at the boy in the picture on your right.
B: Oh, he is Wang Bing, Wang Ying’s 1.b .
A: He looks so 2.h . Why
B: His birthday is coming.
A: 3.H birthday How old is he
B: He is 4.n .
A: Then can his parents have a party 5.f him
B: Yes, his mother can make a big 6.c for him.
A: Can some of his friends come to his party
B: Yes, and they can give him some nice 7.p , too.
It’s Liu Tao’s birthday today. His parents are busy in the kitchen.
Liu Tao: Mum and Dad, What are you 1 in the 2
Mum: I’m 3 a birthday cake. Your father 4 cooking some meat.
Liu Tao: They 5 very nice. 6 I have a taste (尝)
Father: Sure. 7 is the meat, Taotao
Liu Tao: Yummy. You are a great 8 , daddy!
Father: Thank you. Dinner is 9 now. We can start our dinner.
Mum and Dad: 10 Birthday, Taotao!
Liu Tao: Thank you, Mum and Dad.
Nancy: Hi Wang Bing! Why are you so happy today
Wang Bing: B 1 today is my birthday.
Nancy: Happy Birthday!
Wang Bing: Thank you.
Nancy: W 2 do you usually do on your birthday
Wang Bing: I usually have a party with my friends at home. We have great fun. What about you
Nancy: My birthday is on the third of F 3 . I always watches a film in the c 4 with my parents on that day. And my parents buy new c 5 and shoes for me.
Wang Bing: Oh, great.
(A)1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C
(B)1.wear 2.looks 3.fruit 4.presents 5.some 6.happy 7.likes 8.talk 9.say 10.great
(C)1.G 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.E
(D)1.going 2.Children’s 3.play 4.morning 5.play 6.piano 7.about 8.play 9.film 10.fun
(E)1.date 2.4th 3.birthday 4.would 5.present 6.football 7.playing 8.of
(F)1.brother 2.happy 3.His 4.nine 5.for 6.cake 7.presents
(G)1.doing 2.kitchen 3.making 4.is 5.smell 6.Can 7.How 8.cook 9.ready 10.Happy
(H)1.Because 2.What 3.February 4.cinema 5.clothes



