八年级英语上册Unit 9—Unit 10基础知识过关 题型演练突破(人教版)(含答案)

八年级 Unit 9—Unit 10 基础知识过关+题型演练突破
1. v.预备; 准备 24. 难过, 失望
2. 考试 25. 劝告, 建议
3. 可得到; 有空的; 26. 旅行
4. 悬挂; (使)低垂 27. 代理人, 经纪人
5. 直到 . 的时候;直 28. 专家, 能手 29. 青少年
6. 赶上; 抓住; 捕捉 30. 正常的
7. 邀请 31. 除非, 如果不
8. 接受; 32. 当然, 肯定
9. 拒绝 33. 皮夹, 钱包
10. 邀请; 邀请函 34. 担心的, 烦恼的
11. 回答, 回复 35. 生气的, 发怒的
12. 发送, 向前的 36. 粗心的, 不小心的
13. 删除 37. 善解人意的, 体
14. 准备 谅人的
15. 开幕式, 落成典礼 38. 相信, 信任
16. 客人 39. 错误, 失误
17. 音乐会 40. 小心的, 细致的
18. 校长 41. v 劝告, 建议
19. 大事, 公开活动 42. 解决; 解答 20. 日历, 日程表 43. 信任, 经历
21. 录像, 录像带 44. 中途的 adv.半路地
22. 组织, 筹备 45. 别的, 其他的
23. 巧克力
v 邀请→ n 邀请
2. v 接受→ adj 可接受的→ adj 不可接受的
3. adj(令人) 悲伤的, 难过的→ adv 伤心地, 难过地→ n 伤心, 难过
4. adj 高兴的, 开心的→ adv 高兴地
5. n 胶水→glue. v 黏住, 粘住
6. adj(人)感到惊奇的,意外的→ adj(物)令人 意外的 → adv 令人感到惊奇地→ n 惊奇, 意外
7. n 开幕式, 落成典礼→ v 打开→ adj 打开的, 敞开的, 空旷的
8. n 会议集会, 会面→ v 遇见, 碰见
9. =). v 组织,筹备→ n 组织, 机构
10. adj 难过的, 失望的, 沮丧的→upset. v 使沮丧, 使难过
11. n 劝告, 建议→ v 建议
12. adj 正常的, 一般的→ adv 正常地, 一般地
13. adv 无疑地, 肯定地, 确定地→ adj 某个的, 可能的
14. adj 发怒的,生气的→ adv 生气地→ n 生气, 愤怒
15. v 理解, 懂得→ adj 善解人意的, 体谅人的
16. v 解决, 解答→ n 解决办法, 解决方案
17. n 经验, 经历→ v 经历→ adj 有经验的, 经历丰富的
1. 为 … …做准备
2. 去看医生
3. 患流感
4. 其他时间
直到 … 才 … … 太多家庭作业
9. 为考试而学习
10. 邀请某人做某事
11. 前天
12. 后天
13. 照顾
14. 拒绝
15. 期盼
16. 帮忙
17. 回复
18. 去旅行
19. 收到 (某人的) 信
20. 没有告知某人
21. 炸薯条
22. 班里一半的同学
23. 玩得开心
24. 制作一些食物
25. 派对游戏
26. 太 … …而不能 …
27. 让某人进入
28. 看录像
29. 感到厌烦
30. 提一些建议
31. 犯错误
32. 受教育
33. 解决这个问题
34. 害怕做 … …
35. 建议某人做 … …
36. 环游世界
37. 保守秘密
38. 上大学
39. 赚很多钱
40. 从 … …逃跑
41. 分成两半
1. 看到她离开我很悲伤, 这个聚会是表达谢意和离别的最好方式。
2. 我已经有了一个怎样做的好主意。
3. 让我知道你是否需要我的帮助。
4. 多喝水, 多睡觉。
5. 后天你要做什么?
6. Sam 要直到下周四才离开。
7. 你要和谁一起去看电影?
8. 周六你有空来我那儿吗?
9. 把 Ms. Steen 来参加聚会而不要告诉她, 以至于让她感到惊喜。
10. 我盼望着收到你的信。
11. 我们最喜爱的老师, Ms. Steen, 就要离开我们回到美国去了。
12. 她要离开了, 我们非常悲伤。
13. 为了表示我们有多么想念她, 让我们在下周五 28 号为她举行一个聚会, 给她一个意
14. 如果是这样, 你能帮助做任何事吗?
15. 假如你去参加派对, 你会过得很快乐。
16. 要是我们做那件事, 更多的人都会想玩这个游戏。
17. 只要你想, 你就可以和我们一起来。
18. 何时才是开派对的好时间呢?
19. 对于下个周的派对, 我们应该叫人们带食物吗?
20. 要是我总是把我的想法埋在心底, 我将交不到任何朋友。
21. 生活中, 麻烦与担忧是寻常的。
22. 除非我们与他人交流, 我们当然会感到更糟糕。
23. 分享问题 (困难) 就象把它一分为二。
24. 与他们交流有很大的帮助。
25. 总害怕告诉父母这件事。
26. 他们给她买了新钱包, 并且叫她更小心。
27. 最好不要逃避我们所面对的问题 (困难) 。
28. 这个人不必是专家。
29. 我们应该努力解决问题。
只要和他们聊聊你的问题, 就等于解决了问题的一半
31. 为什么不在周末进行呢?
32. 后天要进行考试。
33. 最糟糕的事是不作为。
34. 他和 Laura 有同样的感觉。
Passage A
Hi David,
What a great idea! I really like Ms. Steen a lot, She helped me to (提高;改 善) my English so much. I'm s to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” I can help (buy) some of the food and drinks. I can also help to bring Ms. Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about to do that.
He Wei
Hi David,
Thanks so much for (计划) this. I'd love to come to the party, but I'm not . . (有空的). My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle However, I'd still be (高兴的)to help out with any ofthe party (prepare) , like planning the games. Let me know ifyou need my help. Jake
Dear classmates
As I'm sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is (leave) soon to go back to the US. We're very sad that she's leaving she is a fun teacher. To show how much we're going to miss her, let's have a (惊喜的)party for her next Friday the 28th!
Can you come to the party If , can you help with any of these things Please tell me by this Friday.
1) Buy food and drinks.
2) Think of games to play.
3) Prepare things we need for the games (glue, paper, pens, ...).
4) Bring Ms. Steen to the party ( with) telling her so that she can be surprised
I look forward to (hear) from you all.
Passage B
Dear Parents,
I would like to (邀请) you to the opening of our new library at No. 9 High School. The opening will be the morning ofWednesday,January 8th at 9: 00. After this, you can enjoy our school (音乐会), Then lunch will be in the school hall at12:00. I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a . for the new library. Please reply in writing to this (invite) by Friday, December 20th.
Larry Smith Headmaster
Passage C
Students these days often have a lot of ( 担忧). Sometimes they have their problems with schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this Some people believe the (bad) thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees.“Problems and worries are (正常的)in life,” says Laura.“ But I think talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone, we'll certainly feel (更糟糕) .
Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was (害怕的)to tell her parents about it, She even walked three miles to school each day she didn't have any money. She just kept thinking,“ If I tell my parents, they'll be (生气的) !” In the end, she talked to her parents and they really were (understand) . Her dad said he sometimes made (care) mistakes himself. They got her a new wallet and
asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says.
Robert Hunt (建议) students about common problems. He feels the same
way as Laura. “It is best not to run away our problems. We should always try to solve them. He thinks the (one) step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesn't need to be an (专家) like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more (经验) , and are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in h , So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!
Passage D
discuss your problemstell her parentsrun away fromshare her problemsunless you talktalk to someoneto do nothing
Students often have a lot ofproblems and worries. Laura Mills thinks the worst thing is. . .She thinks you'll feel worse if you don't about your problems. Laura remembers that she once lost her wallet and was afraid to about it, Now she believes you cannot feel better someone. She says she will always in the future. Robert Hunt agrees with Laura. He thinks you should not your problems, but you should try to solve them. If you can not talk to an expert like Robert, you can with your parents because they have a lot of experience.
题型突破一: 阅读理解
Passage A
Many years ago, it took a long time to send someone a letter. Today, we can send someone on the other side of the world a letter using email in a second. However, a letter posted during World War I finally arrived at a London address more than 100years later.
Film director Finlay Glen said the letter was from1916, which turned up on his front door in Crystal Palace. South East London, two years ago. It has now come to light after Glen shared its backstory(故事背景). Glen said, “ We were pretty surprised as to how it could have been sat around for more than 100years."Why was the letter delivered(投递) so late Royal Mail in the UK
said it was “uncertain what happened".
The letter is in mystery, with the first sentence being, "My dear Katie, will you give me a hand—I'm feeling quite embarrassed after saying what I did at the circle.” Readers are left wondering what happened in the “circle” during World War I. The writer, Christabel Mennell, daughter of a wealthy local tea businessman said in the letter that her behavior was influenced by being“ unhappy here with a very heavy cold" .The letter was written to her friend Katie Marsh.
The letter was sent from Bath in England's West Country and it was believed to be lost and forgotten in a local sorting office(邮件分拣室). The office had been closed for more than 100 years. A recent redevelopment(重新建设) allowed the letter to appear again.
A worker at Royal Mail said, "Such things seldom happen. We're thankful that people are so interested in the history of this letter from 1916, but we have no further information on what might have happened.”
1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To lead in an unusual letter.
B. To explain why a letter was so late. C. To compare different forms of letters.
D. To talk about the great role of email. 2.What can we know about Glen
A. He made a movie about the late letter. B. He has kept the letter for a long time. C. His address is just the letter receiver's.
D. He was surprised why he was written to. 3.What probably happened to Christabel Mennell
A. She was asked for help. B. She suffered from an illness.
C. She studied the “circle". D. She succeeded in the tea business. 4.How did the worker view the fact that the letter was delivered over 100years late
A. It is a shame. B. It is valuable. C. It is interesting. D. It is accidental.
5.What's the best title for the passage A. A mistake made by Royal Mail B. A sad story from a lost letter
C. A film director received his lost letter
D. A letter was delivered more than100 years late
Passage B
A dog is back with his family after going missing for over one month. Nanuq was found over
200 kilometers away across sea ice.
Mandy Iwworigan lives on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Strait(白令海峡) in the western part of Alaska. Nanuq disappeared in March when Iwworigan and her family went to visit friends. She believed Nanuq and another dog Starlight ran out onto the ice looking for food. Starlight returned a few days later but Nanug did not come back.
About one month later, people in Wales began posting photos of a dog they had found on the Internet. Iwworigan noticed the photos and shouted with excitement, “That's our dog. What is he doing in Wales ”
If you look at a map, you can see that the town of Wales and St. Lawrence Island are separated by a lot of water. But in the winter, most of it is frozen. This might have allowed Nanuq to cover 241 kilometers either floating(漂浮) or running on the ice. The trip is being described as" amazing” . But no one will ever know how he survived for so long.
“ I have no idea how he ended up in Wales,”Iwworigan said.“ Maybe the ice moved while he was looking for food.”Iwworigan said the dog probably ate the remains of dead animals.“ He's clever,” she said.
Nanug came home to his family on an airplane last week and Iwworigan's daughter , Brooklyn became excited when she saw him. The dog had been bitten by another animal but was otherwise(除此以外) in good shape after his long time away from home.
1.What might happen when Iwworigan and her family were out to visit friends
A. They took Nanuq with them. B. Starlight returned surprisingly.
C. Nanuq left their home. D. Nanuq played with Starlight at home. 2.How did Iwworigan feel when she saw the photos of the dog
A. Excited and surprised. B. Upset and helpless.
C. Worried and shocked. D. Proud and happy.
3.What can we know from the fourth paragraph
A. Wales is really a fascinating town.
B. Sea ice might play a big role on Nanug's trip.
C. Swimming is one ofNanuq's skills.
D. Nanuq is clever enough to read a map. 4.What didNanuq experience on this trip
A. He had trouble in running. B. He made a few friends in Wales.
C. He was attacked by another animal. D. He couldn't remember Brooklyn at all.
5.Which word can best describe Nanuq
A. Lucky. B. Lovely. C. Active. D. Funny.
Passage C
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games were more than a sporting event. 1 They are helping athletes (运动员) become “faster, higher, stronger” and offering you a great game- watching experience with the support of 5G. Let's look at some technologies behind the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games . The National Speed Skating Oval (国家 速 滑 馆 ) is said to have “the fastest ice” , as twelve new Olympic records and one world record were set there, including Chinese speed skater GaoTingyu's Olympic record of 34.32 seconds in the men's 500 meters .
2 If the ice surface temperature doesn't change much, the ice will stay even
flatter(平滑的).Liquid carbon dioxide(液体二氧化碳) is put under the ice to keep the temperature changes on the ice surface within half a degree . 3.
In events like freestyle skiing and ski jumping, the direction and speed of the wind can have a great influence on an athlete's performance . Some events only last a few seconds and the wind is changing all the time . A research team from the Chinese Academy
of Sciences ( 中 国 科 学 院 ) developed a system to measure wind. 4. It allows athletes and coaches to “ see” wind directly with real-time data (数据) on their pads (便 携式电脑) and decide when and where to jump.
During the speed skating race, athletes can reach speeds of up to 18 meters per second. To catch every exciting moment of the competition, we have used Lie Bao for the event. Lie Bao is a 4K high-definition(高清) camera system developed by China Media(媒 体 的 ) Group. 5. It closely follows the athletes' movements and catches different scenes during speed skating, according to the report.
A. The system uses AI technology. B. They were also a show for science and technology. C. The secret is a new ice-making technology. D. It can record speeds of up to 25 meters per second. E. That keeps the ice a flat surface and it is easier to skate on .
题型突破二: 完形填空
On the last day of the Spring Festival, a lion dance performance was held in a village in Yulin, Guangxi, to celebrate the admission( 录 取 ) of 14-year-old Guan Ziqin to Tsinghua University. This big news 1 the village and the whole area. Guan is not only the first middle school student from the area to be directly admitted to Tsinghua, but also the 2 person ever to attend the top university. Many people praised the boy as“ 3 ”and “the future of the motherland".
In October last year, the third-year student at middle school received the admission letter. It told him that he had been 4 by the Shing-Tung Yau Mathematical Science Program for Training Leading Talents. He became one of 50students from across the country to have the 5 . As the program 6 him not to attend both high school and gaokao, Guan has been admired by many Chinese students.
According to Tsinghua University, students must pass seven tests before being admitted. These tests cover Chinese and English reading ability, math and physics. This is really something that only someone with true talent can 7 .
Since the 1980s, several well-known universities have accepted really intelligent teenagers as students. Young talents have a 8 to complete university education earlier. That will provide them with more 9 to do scientific research and make achievements. The admission of Guan is 10 a good beginning, and he has become a role model for more students who will go after their dreams and serve their motherland.
1.A. excited B. worried C. encouraged
2.A. poorest B. newest C. youngest
3. A. talented B. lucky C. strong
4.A.praised B. chosen C. discovered
5. A. dream B. wealth C. honor
6.A. allows B. advises C. warns
7.A. accept B. organize C. achieve
8. A. skill B. chance C. rule
9. A. time B. money C. knowledge
10. A. hardly B. even C. just
题型突破三: 语法写作
Passage A
China is the birthplace of tea. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea. Chinese tea makers have developed 6 main kinds 1 tea—green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black teas. There are more than 2,000 tea 2 (product) in China.
Tea was originally used as herbal ( 香 草 的 ) medicine 3 (call) “tu” . During the treating process, people gradually found that tea could not only cure illness 4 also help to clear heat away, so tea became 5 necessary drink. Nowadays, tea is one of the world’s three major drinks. It 6 (enjoy) by people all over the world. Tea can be found everywhere, such as in family activities, workplaces, teahouses and restaurants. It is also an important 7 (communicate) medium for making friends, weddings and other activities. So far, Chinese tea culture 8 (become) an important part of Chinese culture.
On November 29th, 2022, China’s traditional tea-making was 9 (successful) added to the intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录) of the UNESCO. China now has the 10 (many) items (项目) on the list. The move will help protect and hand down Chinese tea culture. It also helps foreign people have a better understanding of Chinese tea, as well as Chinese culture.
Passage B
假如你叫Jack,你的生日快到了。请给你的英国朋友 David 发一张邀请卡,邀请他来参 加你的生日聚会 。 聚会的信息是这样的:
时间 12 月 20 日 星期二
地点 阳光饭店(Sunshine Restaurant)八年级 Unit 9—Unit 10 基础知识过关+题型演练突破
1. prepare [pr 'per]v.预备; 准备
2. exam[ ɡ'z m] 考试
3. available[ 've l bl] 可得到; 有空的;
4. hang[h ] 悬挂; (使)低垂
5. until[ n't l] 直到 . 的时候; 直到 …为止
6. catch[k t ] 赶上; 抓住; 捕捉
7. invite [ n'va t] 邀请
8. accept[ k'sept] 接受;
9. refuse [r 'fju z] 拒绝
10. invitation [ nv 'te n] 邀请; 邀请函
11. reply [r 'pla ] 回答, 回复
12. forward['f rw rd] 发送, 向前的
13. delete [d 'li t] 删除
14. preparation [ prep 're n]准备
15. opening['o pn ]开幕式, 落成典礼
16. guest[ɡest] 客人
17. concert ['kɑ ns rt] 音乐会
18. headmaster[ hed'm st r] 校长
19. event[ 'vent] 大事, 公开活动
20. calendar['k l nd r] 日历, 日程表
21. video ['v dio ] 录像, 录像带
22. organize[' rɡ na z] 组织, 筹备
23. chocolate ['t ɑ kl t]巧克力
24. upset[ p'set]难过, 失望
25. advice[ d'va s ]劝告, 建议
26. travel['tr vl] 旅行
27. agent['e d nt] 代理人, 经纪人
28. expert ['eksp rt]专家, 能手
29. teenager ['ti n e d ] 青少年
30. normal['n rml]正常的
31. unless[ n'les] 除非, 如果不
32. certainly ['s rtnli] 当然, 肯定
33. wallet['wɑ l t] 皮夹, 钱包
34. worried ['w rid] 担心的, 烦恼的
35. angry [' ɡri] 生气的, 发怒的
36. careless ['kerl s] 粗心的, 不小心的
37. understanding [ nd r'st nd ]善解人意 的, 体谅人的
38. trust[tr st] 相信, 信任
39. mistake[m 'ste k] 错误, 失误
40. careful['kerfl] 小心的, 细致的
41. advise [ d'va z] v 劝告, 建议
42. solve [sɑ lv] 解决; 解答
43. experience [ k'sp ri ns] 信任, 经历
44. halfway [ h f'we ] 中途的 adv.半路地
45. else[els] 别的, 其他的
1. invite. v 邀请→invitation. n 邀请
2. accept. v 接受→acceptable. adj 可接受的→unacceptable. adj 不可接受的
3. sad. adj(令人) 悲伤的, 难过的→sadly. adv 伤心地, 难过地→sadness. n 伤心, 难过
4. glad. adj 高兴的, 开心的→gladly. adv 高兴地
5. glue. n 胶水→glue. v 黏住, 粘住
6. surprised. adj(人) 感到惊奇的, 意外的→surprising. adj(物) 令人意外的 →surprisingly. adv 令人感到惊奇地→surprise. n 惊奇, 意外
7. opening. n 开幕式, 落成典礼→open. v 打开→open. adj 打开的, 敞开的, 空旷的
8. meeting. n 会议集会, 会面→meet. v 遇见, 碰见
9. organize(=organise) . v 组织, 筹备→organization. n 组织, 机构
10. upset. adj 难过的, 失望的, 沮丧的→upset. v 使沮丧, 使难过
11. advice. n 劝告, 建议→advise. v 建议
12. normal. adj 正常的, 一般的→normally. adv 正常地, 一般地
13. certainly. adv 无疑地, 肯定地, 确定地→certain. adj 某个的, 可能的
14. angry. adj 发怒的, 生气的→angrily. adv 生气地→anger. n 生气, 愤怒
15. understand. v 理解, 懂得→understanding. adj 善解人意的, 体谅人的
16. solve. v 解决, 解答→solution. n 解决办法, 解决方案
17. experience. n 经验, 经历→experience. v 经历→experienced. adj 有经验的, 经历丰富的
1. prepare for... 为 … …做准备
2. go to the doctor 去看医生
3. have the flu 患流感
4. another time 其他时间
5. go bike riding 去骑自行车
6. be not available 没有空
7. not...until... 直到 … … 才 … …
8. too much homework 太多家庭作业
9. study for a test 为考试而学习
10. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
11. the day before yesterday 前天
12. the day after tomorrow 后天
13. look after 照顾
14. turn down 拒绝
15. look forward to 期盼
16. help out 帮忙
17. reply to 回复
18. take a trip 去旅行
19. hear from 收到 (某人的) 信
20. without telling sb 没有告知某人
21. potato chips 炸薯条
22. half the class 班里一半的同学
23. have a good time 玩得开心
24. make some food 制作一些食物
25. the party games 派对游戏
26. too ... to ... 太 … …而不能 … …
27. let sbin 让某人进入
28. watch a video 看录像
29. be bored 感到厌烦
30. give some advice 提一些建议
31. make mistakes 犯错误
32. get an education 受教育
33. solve the problem 解决这个问题
34. be afraid to do ... 害怕做 … …
35. advise sb to do ... 建议某人做 … …
36. travel around the world 环游世界
37. keep ... to oneself保守秘密
38. go to college 上大学
39. make a lot of money 赚很多钱
40. run away from ... 从 … …逃跑
41. in half分成两半
1. I’m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” 看到她离开我很悲伤, 这个聚会是表达谢意和离别的最好方式。
2. I already have a great idea about how to do that. 我已经有了一个怎样做的好主意。
3. Let me know ifyou need my help.让我知道你是否需要我的帮助。
4. Drink lots of hot water and get lots of sleep.多喝水, 多睡觉。
5. What are you doing the day after tomorrow 后天你要做什么?
6. Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday .Sam 要直到下周四才离开。
7. Who are you going to the movies with 你要和谁一起去看电影?
8. Are you free to come to my place on Saturday 周六你有空来我那儿吗?
9. Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised. 把 Ms. Steen 来参加聚会而不要告诉她, 以至于让她感到惊喜。
10. I look forward to hearing from you all. 我盼望着收到你的信。
11. Our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US. 我们最喜爱的老师, Ms. Steen, 就要离开我们回到美国去了。
12. We’re very sad that she’s leaving. 她要离开了, 我们非常悲伤。
13. To show how much we’re going to miss her, let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday 28th.
为了表示我们有多么想念她, 让我们在下周五 28 号为她举行一个聚会, 给她一个意 外惊喜
14. If so, can you help with any ofthese things 如果是这样, 你能帮助做任何事吗?
15. If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.假如你去参加派对, 你会过得很快乐。
16. If we do that, more people will want to play the game.
要是我们做那件事, 更多的人都会想玩这个游戏。
17. You can come with us ifyou want.只要你想, 你就可以和我们一起来。
18. When is the good time to have the party 何时才是开派对的好时间呢?
19. For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food 对于下个周的派对, 我们应该叫人们带食物吗?
20. I will not make any friends if I always keep my ideas go myself. 要是我总是把我的想法埋在心底, 我将交不到任何朋友。
21. Problems and worries are normal in life.生活中, 麻烦与担忧是寻常的。
22. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse. 除非我们与他人交流, 我们当然会感到更糟糕。
23. Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.
分享问题 (困难) 就象把它一分为二。
24. Talking to someone helps a lot.与他们交流有很大的帮助。
25. She was afraid to tell her parents about it.总害怕告诉父母这件事。
26. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. 他们给她买了新钱包, 并且叫她更小心。
27. It’s best not to run away from our problems.
最好不要逃避我们所面对的问题 (困难) 。
28. This person doesn’t need to be an expert.这个人不必是专家。
29. We should try to solve problems.我们应该努力解决问题。
30. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it. 只要和他们聊聊你的问题, 就等于解决了问题的一半
31. Why not have it on the weekend 为什么不在周末进行呢?
32. There’s a test the day after tomorrow.后天要进行考试。
33. The worst thing is to do nothing.最糟糕的事是不作为。
34. He feels the same way as Laura.他和 Laura 有同样的感觉。
Passage A
Hi David,
What a great idea! I really like Ms. Steen a lot, She helped me to (提高;改 善) my English so much. I'm s to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.” I can help (buy) some of the food and drinks. I can also help to bring Ms. Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about to do that.
He Wei
Hi David,
Thanks so much for (计划) this. I'd love to come to the party, but I'm not .. . (有空的). My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle However, I'd still be (高兴的)to help out with any ofthe party (prepare) , like planning the games. Let me know ifyou need my help. Jake
Dear classmates
As I'm sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is (leave) soon to go back to the US. We're very sad that she's leaving she is a fun teacher. To show how much we're going to miss her, let's have a (惊喜的)party for her next Friday the 28th!
Can you come to the party If , can you help with any of these things Please tell me by this Friday.
1) Buy food and drinks.
2) Think of games to play.
3) Prepare things we need for the games (glue, paper, pens, ...).
4) Bring Ms. Steen to the party ( with) telling her so that she can be surprised
I look forward to (hear) from you all.
参考答案: improve sad to buy how planning available glad
preparations leaving because surprise so without hearing
Passage B
Dear Parents,
I would like to (邀请) you to the opening of our new library at No. 9 High School. The opening will be the morning ofWednesday,January 8th at 9: 00. After this, you can enjoy our school (音乐会), Then lunch will be in the school hall at12:00. I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a . for the new library. Please reply in writing to this (invite) by Friday, December 20th.
Larry Smith Headmaster
参考答案: invite on concert gift invitation
Passage C
Students these days often have a lot of (担忧). Sometimes they have their problems with schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this Some people believe the (bad) thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees.“Problems and worries are (正常的)in life,” says Laura.“ But I think talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone, we'll certainly feel (更糟糕) .
Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was (害怕的)to tell her parents about it, She even walked three miles to school each day she didn't have any money. She just kept thinking,“ If I tell my parents, they'll be (生气的) !” In the end, she talked to her parents and they really were (understand) . Her dad said he sometimes made (care) mistakes himself. They got her a new wallet and
asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says.
Robert Hunt (建议) students about common problems. He feels the same way as Laura. “It is best not to run away our problems. We should always try to solve them. He thinks the (one) step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This
person doesn't need to be an (专家) like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more (经验) , and are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in h , So you're halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!
参考答案: worries worst normal worse afraid because angry understanding careless advises from first expert experience half
Passage D
discuss your problemstell her parentsrun away fromshare her problemsunless you talktalk to someoneto do nothing
Students often have a lot ofproblems and worries. Laura Mills thinks the worst thing is. . .She thinks you'll feel worse if you don't about your problems. Laura remembers that she once lost her wallet and was afraid to about it, Now she believes you cannot feel better someone. She says she will always in the future. Robert Hunt agrees with Laura. He thinks you should not your problems, but you should try to solve them. If you can not talk to an expert like Robert, you can with your parents because they have a lot of experience.
参考答案: to do nothing, talk to someone, tell her parents, unless you talk, share her problems, run away from, discuss your problems
题型突破一: 阅读理解
Passage A
Many years ago, it took a long time to send someone a letter. Today, we can send someone on the other side of the world a letter using email in a second. However, a letter posted during World War I finally arrived at a London address more than 100years later.
Film director Finlay Glen said the letter was from1916, which turned up on his front door in Crystal Palace. South East London, two years ago. It has now come to light after Glen shared its
backstory(故事背景). Glen said, “ We were pretty surprised as to how it could have been sat around for more than 100years."Why was the letter delivered(投递) so late Royal Mail in the UK said it was “uncertain what happened".
The letter is in mystery, with the first sentence being, "My dear Katie, will you give me a hand—I'm feeling quite embarrassed after saying what I did at the circle.” Readers are left wondering what happened in the “circle” during World War I. The writer, Christabel Mennell, daughter of a wealthy local tea businessman said in the letter that her behavior was influenced by being“ unhappy here with a very heavy cold" .The letter was written to her friend Katie Marsh.
The letter was sent from Bath in England's West Country and it was believed to be lost and forgotten in a local sorting office( 邮件分拣室). The office had been closed for more than 100 years. A recent redevelopment(重新建设) allowed the letter to appear again.
A worker at Royal Mail said, "Such things seldom happen. We're thankful that people are so interested in the history of this letter from 1916, but we have no further information on what might have happened.”
1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To lead in an unusual letter.
B. To explain why a letter was so late. C. To compare different forms of letters.
D. To talk about the great role of email. 2.What can we know about Glen
A. He made a movie about the late letter. B. He has kept the letter for a long time. C. His address is just the letter receiver's.
D. He was surprised why he was written to. 3.What probably happened to Christabel Mennell
A. She was asked for help. B. She suffered from an illness.
C. She studied the “circle". D. She succeeded in the tea business. 4.How did the worker view the fact that the letter was delivered over 100years late
A. It is a shame. B. It is valuable. C. It is interesting. D. It is accidental.
5.What's the best title for the passage
A. A mistake made by Royal Mail
B. A sad story from a lost letter
C. A film director received his lost letter
D. A letter was delivered more than100 years late
一封信件在 100 多年后才被送达目的地, 收到这封信的 Glen 说他感到相当惊讶 。英国 皇家邮政说这样的事非常罕见, 他们也不确定发生了什么。
1.A 推理判断题 。本段先介绍过去和现在派送信件的用时: 过去需要很长时间, 现在使 用电子邮件瞬间就可以把信件发给对方, 然后引出本文主题: 有一封一战时期的信在过了 100 多年后才被送达, 下文内容围绕这封信件展开 。 由此推断, 本段的目的就是引入这封不 寻常的信件。
2.C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句中的“Film director Finlay Glen. which turned up on his front door in Crystal Palace, South East London ”可知, 这封信被送到了 Glen 的住址 。 由此 推断, 收信人的住址和 Glen 现在的住址是相同的。
3.B 细节理解题。根据第三段倒数第二句“The writer, Christabel Mennell... being‘unhappy here with a very heavy cold'. ”可知, 她在信中说自己深受重感冒的影响, 所以她那时可能生 病了。
4.D 推理判断题 。根据最后一段中工作人员说的话“ Such things seldom happen. ”可知, 像信件被遗忘这么长时间这样的事情是很少发生的, 故推测他认为这是一次偶然事件。
5.D 主旨大意题 。通读全文可知, 本文主要介绍了一封迟到一百多年的信件 。故 D 项 最适合作本文标题。
Passage B
A dog is back with his family after going missing for over one month. Nanuq was found over
200 kilometers away across sea ice.
Mandy Iwworigan lives on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Strait(白令海峡) in the western part of Alaska. Nanuq disappeared in March when Iwworigan and her family went to visit friends. She believed Nanuq and another dog Starlight ran out onto the ice looking for food. Starlight returned a few days later but Nanug did not come back.
About one month later, people in Wales began posting photos of a dog they had found on the Internet. Iwworigan noticed the photos and shouted with excitement, “That's our dog. What is he
doing in Wales ”
If you look at a map, you can see that the town of Wales and St. Lawrence Island are separated by a lot of water. But in the winter, most of it is frozen. This might have allowed Nanuq to cover 241 kilometers either floating(漂浮) or running on the ice. The trip is being described as" amazing” . But no one will ever know how he survived for so long.
“ I have no idea how he ended up in Wales,”Iwworigan said.“ Maybe the ice moved while he was looking for food.”Iwworigan said the dog probably ate the remains of dead animals.“ He's clever,” she said.
Nanug came home to his family on an airplane last week and Iwworigan's daughter , Brooklyn became excited when she saw him. The dog had been bitten by another animal but was otherwise(除此以外) in good shape after his long time away from home.
1.What might happen when Iwworigan and her family were out to visit friends
A. They took Nanuq with them. B. Starlight returned surprisingly.
C. Nanuq left their home. D. Nanuq played with Starlight at home. 2.How did Iwworigan feel when she saw the photos of the dog
A. Excited and surprised. B. Upset and helpless.
C. Worried and shocked. D. Proud and happy.
3.What can we know from the fourth paragraph
A. Wales is really a fascinating town.
B. Sea ice might play a big role on Nanug's trip.
C. Swimming is one ofNanuq's skills.
D. Nanuq is clever enough to read a map. 4.What didNanuq experience on this trip
A. He had trouble in running. B. He made a few friends in Wales.
C. He was attacked by another animal. D. He couldn't remember Brooklyn at all.
5.Which word can best describe Nanuq
A. Lucky. B. Lovely. C. Active. D. Funny.
1.C 细节理解题 。根据第二段中的“ She believed Nanug and another dog Starlight ran out onto the ice looking for food. ”可知,Iwworigan 确信 Nanuq 和另外一只狗跑到冰面上去寻找
食物了, 故它离开了家。
2.A 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 中 的 “ Iwworigan noticed the photos and shouted with excitement,‘That's our dog. What is he doing in Wales ’”可知,Iwworigan 看到照片后激动地 大喊,“那是我们的狗 。它在威尔士做什么? ”。由此可推知, Iwworigan 看到丢失的狗的照 片后非常激动, 且很惊讶这只狗跑到了威尔士。
3.B 推理判断题 。根据第四段中的“But in the winter. most ofit is frozen. This might...on the ice. ”可知,冬天大部分海水结冰,这也许可以让 Nanuq 在冰上漂浮或者跑 241 千米 。由 此可推知, 海冰可能在 Nanuq 的这次远行中发挥了巨大作用。
4.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The dog had been bitten by another animal but... ” 可知, Nanuq 在这次远行中被另一只动物咬过。
5.A 推理判断题 。通读全文可知,Nanuq 在外出时, 通过海冰跨越了 241 千米 。幸运的 是, 它被威尔士人发现 。他们把 Nanuq 的照片发到网上后, 照片被 Nanuq 的主人发现 。 Nanuq 最终平安回到了它在阿拉斯加的家中 。 由此可推知, Nanuq 是幸运的。
Passage C
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games were more than a sporting event. 1 They are helping athletes (运动员) become “faster, higher, stronger” and offering you a great game- watching experience with the support of 5G. Let's look at some technologies behind the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games . The National Speed Skating Oval (国家 速 滑 馆 ) is said to have “the fastest ice” , as twelve new Olympic records and one world record were set there, including Chinese speed skater GaoTingyu's Olympic record of 34.32 seconds in the men's 500 meters .
2 If the ice surface temperature doesn't change much, the ice will stay even
flatter(平滑的).Liquid carbon dioxide(液体二氧化碳) is put under the ice to keep the temperature changes on the ice surface within half a degree . 3.
In events like freestyle skiing and ski jumping, the direction and speed of the wind can have a great influence on an athlete's performance . Some events only last a few seconds and the wind is changing all the time . A research team from the Chinese Academy
of Sciences ( 中 国 科 学 院 ) developed a system to measure wind. 4. It allows
athletes and coaches to “ see” wind directly with real-time data (数据) on their pads (便 携式电脑) and decide when and where to jump.
During the speed skating race, athletes can reach speeds of up to 18 meters per second. To catch every exciting moment of the competition, we have used Lie Bao for the event. Lie Bao is a 4K high-definition(高清) camera system developed by China Media
(媒 体 的 ) Group. 5. It closely follows the athletes' movements and catches
different scenes during speed skating, according to the report.
A. The system uses AI technology. B. They were also a show for science and technology. C. The secret is a new ice-making technology. D. It can record speeds of up to 25 meters per second. E. That keeps the ice a flat surface and it is easier to skate on .
1.根据 They are helping athletes(运动员)become "faster,higher, stronger" and offering you a great game- watching experience with the support of5 G.可知选项 B 、它们也是一场科学和技术 的展览 。符合情境, 故选 B.
2.If the ice surface temperature doesn't change much, the ice will stay even flatter(平滑的)﹒ (如果冰面温度变化不大, 冰将保持更平滑。) 可知选项 C 、秘密是一种新的制冰技术 。符合 情境, 故选 C.
3. 根据 Liquid carbon dioxide(液体二氧化碳)is put under the ice to keep the temperature changes on the ice surface within half a degree.(液态二氧化碳以将冰表面的温度变化保持在半 度以内。) 可知选项 E 、这使得冰面保持平坦, 更容易滑冰 。符合情境, 故选 E.
4.根据 A research team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院)developed a system to measure wind. (中国科学院的一个研究小组 (中国科学院)开发了一个测量风的系 统 。)可知选项 A 、该系统采用人工智能技术 。符合情境, 故选 A.
5. 根据 It closely follows the athletes' movements and catches different scenes during speed skating, according to the report.(据报道,它密切跟踪运动员的动作,捕捉速度滑冰过程中的不 同场景。) 可知选项 D 、它可以记录高达每秒 25 米的速度 。符合情境, 故选 D.
题型突破二: 完形填空
On the last day of the Spring Festival, a lion dance performance was held in a village in
Yulin, Guangxi, to celebrate the admission( 录 取 ) of 14-year-old Guan Ziqin to Tsinghua University. This big news 1 the village and the whole area. Guan is not only the first middle school student from the area to be directly admitted to Tsinghua, but also the 2 person ever to attend the top university. Many people praised the boy as“ 3 ”and “the future of the motherland".
In October last year, the third-year student at middle school received the admission letter. It told him that he had been 4 by the Shing-Tung Yau Mathematical Science Program for Training Leading Talents. He became one of 50students from across the country to have the 5 . As the program 6 him not to attend both high school and gaokao, Guan has been admired by many Chinese students.
According to Tsinghua University, students must pass seven tests before being admitted. These tests cover Chinese and English reading ability, math and physics. This is really something that only someone with true talent can 7 .
Since the 1980s, several well-known universities have accepted really intelligent teenagers as students. Young talents have a 8 to complete university education earlier. That will provide them with more 9 to do scientific research and make achievements. The admission of Guan is 10 a good beginning, and he has become a role model for more students who will go after their dreams and serve their motherland.
1.A. excited B. worried C. encouraged
2.A. poorest B. newest C. youngest
3. A. talented B. lucky C. strong
4.A.praised B. chosen C. discovered
5. A. dream B. wealth C. honor
6.A. allows B. advises C. warns
7.A. accept B. organize C. achieve
8. A. skill B. chance C. rule
9. A. time B. money C. knowledge
10. A. hardly B. even C. just
1.A 根据文章首句可知, 14 岁的官子钦被清华大学录取,村里举行舞狮表演为其庆祝,
2.C 根据文章首句可知, 官子钦 14 岁就被清华大学录取了 。结合选项可推知, 他是上 这所顶尖大学的年纪最小的人。
3.A 根据上一句可知,官子钦不仅是该地区第一个直接被清华大学录取的中学生,也是 上这所顶尖大学的年纪最小的人 。这么小的年纪就被清华大学录取,足见其天赋过人 。7 空 前的 with true talent 也是提示信息 。talented“有天赋的 ”,符合语境。
4. B 根据上一句中的 received the admission letter 可知, 他收到了录取信 。再根据下一 句中的“He became one of 50 students from across the country ”可知, 包括他在内的 50 名学 生被清华大学“丘成桐数学科学领军人才培养计划 ”选中。choose“选择 ”,符合语境。praise “表扬 ”;discover“发现 ”;interview“采访 ”。
5.C 根据语境可知, 官子钦是有幸被“丘成桐数学科学领军人才培养计划 ”选中的学生 之一 。honor“荣誉; 荣幸 ”,符合语境。
6.A 根据上文可知,14 岁的初中生官子钦被“丘成桐数学科学领军人才培养计划 ”选中, 并提前被清华大学录取, 故此处指这个计划允许他不用上高中, 也不用参加高考。
7.C 根据本段前两句可知, 被录取之前, 学生要通过 7 项测试, 测试包含中英文阅读 、 数学和物理。故推知,此处指这的确是只有真正有天赋的人才能做到的事情。achieve“达到; 成功 ”,符合语境。
8.B 根据上一句可知,一些知名的大学会录取非常聪明的青少年作为学生。故推测此处 指青年人才有机会提前完成大学教育 。chance“机会; 可能性 ”,符合语境。
9.A 根据上一句中的 complete university education earlier 可知, 青年人才可以提前完成 大学教育 。故此处指他们会有更多的时间来进行科学研究并取得成果。
10.C 根据空后内容可知, 未来将会有更多的学生以他为榜样来追求自己的梦想并为祖 国服务 。故此处指官子钦被录取仅仅是一个好的开始。
题型突破三: 语法写作
Passage A
China is the birthplace of tea. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea. Chinese tea makers have developed 6 main kinds 1 tea—green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black teas. There are more than 2,000 tea 2 (product) in China.
Tea was originally used as herbal ( 香 草 的 ) medicine 3 (call) “tu” . During the treating process, people gradually found that tea could not only cure illness 4 also help to clear heat away, so tea became 5 necessary drink. Nowadays, tea is one of the world’s three major drinks. It 6 (enjoy) by people all over the world. Tea can be found everywhere, such as in family activities, workplaces, teahouses and restaurants. It is also an important 7 (communicate) medium for making friends, weddings and other activities. So far, Chinese tea culture 8 (become) an important part of Chinese culture.
On November 29th, 2022, China’s traditional tea-making was 9 (successful) added to the intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录) of the UNESCO. China now has the 10 (many) items (项目) on the list. The move will help protect and hand down Chinese tea culture. It also helps foreign people have a better understanding of Chinese tea, as well as Chinese culture.
本文是一篇说明文, 介绍中国的茶文化。
1.句意: 中国的茶叶制造商已经开发出 6 种主要的茶——绿茶 、黄茶 、红茶 、 白茶 、乌 龙茶和红茶 。kinds of“各种 ”,固定短语, 故填 of。
2.句意:中国有 2000 多种茶叶产品。“more than 2,000 ”修饰可数名词复数,故填 products。
3.句意: 茶最初被用作草药, 被称为“荼 ”。此处应使用过去分词 called 作后置定语修 饰其前的名词, 故填 called。
4.句意: 在治疗过程中, 人们逐渐发现茶不仅可以治病, 还可以清热, 因此茶成为一种 必要的饮品。根据“people gradually found that tea could not only cure illness...also help to clear heat away ”可知, 此处是 not only...but also...结构, 意为“不仅……而且 … … ”。故填 but。
5.句意: 在治疗过程中, 人们逐渐发现茶不仅可以治病, 还可以清热, 因此茶成为一种 必要的饮品 。此处泛指一种饮品,“necessary ”首字母发辅音音素 。故填 a。
6.句意: 它受到全世界人民的喜爱 。本句主语是动作的承受者, 时态是一般现在时, 主 语是 It, 故填 is enjoyed。
7.句意: 它也是交友、婚礼和其他活动的重要交流媒介 。此处在句中作定语修饰其后的 名词, communication medium“交流媒介 ”,故填 communication。
8.句意: 迄今为止, 中国茶文化已经成为中国文化的重要组成部分 。根据“ So far ”可 知, 时态是现在完成时, 主语是“Chinese tea culture ”,助动词用 has 。故填 has become。
9.句意:2022 年 11 月 29 日,中国传统制茶成功被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗 产名录 。此处在句中修饰动词, 用副词形式 。故填 successfully。
10.句意: 中国现在拥有清单上最多的项目 。 此前有定冠词 the 修饰, 用形容词最高级 most 。故填 most。
Passage B
假如你叫Jack,你的生日快到了。请给你的英国朋友 David 发一张邀请卡,邀请他来参 加你的生日聚会 。 聚会的信息是这样的:
时间 12 月 20 日 星期二
地点 阳光饭店(Sunshine Restaurant)
Dear David,
My birthday is coming. I'm going to have a birthday party at Sunshine Restaurant. I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party. The party will be on Tuesday, December 20th at 3 p.m. We will play games, eat delicious food and see some good movies. My father is going to tell us a funny story.
Can you come to my birthday party Please reply to let me know if you will come by Monday, December 19th.



上一篇:九年级英语全一册Unit 9—Unit 10基础知识过关 题型演练突破(人教版)
