
练习01 Smartphone Addiction 笔记
Many of us look at our smartphones hundreds of times a day. We depend ___1___ them to finish a lot of tasks and to connect with our friends and family. But have we become addicted to our phones Certainly, the ___2___ (invent) of the first mobile phone, American engineer Martin Cooper, thinks we might be. In a BBC interview, he suggested people should stop scrolling and “get a real life”. But of course, once we start watching videos in our smartphones, we just can’t kick the habit. Many of us compulsively check our phones if we’re waiting for a text or getting really into social media. And then we look up and realize that an hour ___3___ (pass). There’s even a word — a phubber — to describe a person ___4___ ignores the real people around them because they are ___5___ (concentrate) on their phones. But does it matter if we make full use of this technology Possibly, because like a drug, the problem appears when it ___6___ (take) away. A study from King’s College London found young people couldn’t control ___7___ amount of time they spend on their phones. Such addictive behavior means that people become unhappy or upset if they are not allowed ____8__ (use) their smartphones, which can cause anxiety and mental health issues. ___9___ (interesting), another study by the scientists of the London School of Economics and Political Science suggests we don’t just look at our phones because of a text or an e-mail. The people they studied felt they couldn’t help ___10___ (use) their phones, just as a smoker would light a cigarette. Professor Saadi Lahlou, one of the writers of the study, told the BBC: “We must learn tricks to avoid the temptation when we want to concentrate or have good social relations.” [1]on depend on“依赖、依靠” [2]inventor 由American engineer Martin Cooper可知此处表示“发明家”,且是单数,invent“发明”动词,inventor“发明家”名词 [3]has passed 根据句意可知“意识到一小时已经过去”,用现在完成时,时间作主语看作三单,用has done [4]who/that 此处是定语从句关系词,先行词是a person,指人,关系代词用who或that [5]concentrating are doing构成现在进行时 [6] is taken it指代a drug,与take之间是被动关系“一种药品被拿走”,用被动语态be done,时态是一般现在时,用is done [7]the the amount of“……的数量” [8]to-- be allowed to do“被允许做某事” [9] Interestingly 用副词修饰整个句子 [10]using can’t help doing“忍不住做某事”
练习02 Failing Is Part Of Learning 笔记
A number of years ago, a man went to visit a circus in New York. He was able to walk around looking at the lions, monkeys, bears and other circus animals. As he ___1___ (pass) the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope ___2___ (tie) to their front leg. No chains, no cages. ___3___ was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some ___4___ (reason), they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked ___5___ these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much ____6___ (small), we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough ___7___ (hold) them. As they grow up, they still believe they can not break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.” “How could it be ” said the man. These animals could at any time break free from ropes. But because they were always ___8___ (stick) right where they were, they believed they couldn’t. Just ___9___ the poor elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we can not do something, just because we ___10___ (fail) at it once before Failing is part of learning. [1]was passing 根据句意可知“当他经过大像时,他突然停了”,表示动作正在发生是进行时,且由stopped可知发生在过去,故用过去进行时was doing [2]tied were being held是谓语动词,此处是非谓语,逻辑主语rope与动词tie之间是被动关系,故用过去分词表示被动含义,作后置定语“被系在前腿上的一根绳子” [3]It it作形式主语,代替真正主语that从句 [4]reason for some reason“不知为何”,固定短语 [5]why 根据句意可知此处询问“为什么动物站在那里……”,“为什么”why引导宾语从句 [6]smaller much后加比较级 [7]to hold be enough to do“足够做某事” [8]stuck were后过去分词构成现在完成时,stick的过去分词是stuck [9]like just like“就像” [10]failed once before“曾经”,是一般过去时,用过去式
练习03 The Ancient Tea Horse Road 笔记
China is one of the ____1____ (big) tea production countries in the world. Tea has a history of 5,000 years in China. It ___2___ (say) Shen Nong was good at farming and he discovered tea ___3___ chance. An ancient road makes tea popular around China. It is the Ancient Tea Horse Road. The Ancient Tea Horse Road can date back to the Han Dynasty. It then continued ____4___ (develop) in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. There were two main roads. One began in Sichuan province. ___5___ other began in Yunnan province. Each one ended in Tibet (西藏). People in Tibet have a tea history of about 1,000 years. The weather in Tibet is dry and cold. People there need ____6___ (eat) a lot and keep warm. Tea can help them digest. But tea can’t grow in Tibet. They used to sell their horses for tea. So tea and horses ___7___ (trade) through the Ancient Tea Horse Road. In the past, horses carried bags of tea from Yunnan to Tibet. The trip took more than two months. In Sichuan, ___8___ the road was very difficult for horses, only people carried bags of tea. And each young worker carried 15 bags of tea. Each bag ___9___ (weigh) 10 kg. The Ancient Tea Horse Road not only served as a trading road, but also a bridge ___10___ (connect) different nationalities—such as Han and Tibetan people. [1]biggest one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 [2]is said It is said +(that)从句“据说” [3]by by chance“偶然” [4]developing continue doing“继续做某事” [5]The 根据two main roads可知,共两个,one…the other“一个……(两者中的)另一个……” [6]to eat need to do“需要做某事” [7]were traded 主语tea and horses与trade之间是被动关系“被交易”,且由used to可知是一般过去时,故用were done [8]because 根据句意可知,前因后果,用because“因为”引导原因状语从句 [9]weighed 由in the past可知该段描述过去的情况,是一般过去时,用过去式 [10]connecting 谓语动词是served,此处是非谓语动词,逻辑主语a bridge与动词connect之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词doing表示主动含义
练习04 Chinese Instruments 笔记
China, a country with a rich cultural heritage (遗产), has kinds ___1___ traditional musical instruments. These instruments reflect the special beauty and wisdom of the Chinese people. One of ___2___ most symbolic instruments is the guzheng, a plucked (弹) string instrument with a long history. It has 21 strings and produces a sweet and emotional sound, often used to express deep ___3___ (feel). Another famous instrument is the erhu, a two-stringed bowed instrument that ___4___ (have) a special sorrowful tone, often connected with traditional Chinese folk music. The dizi, a bamboo flute, is another popular instrument. ___5___ (it) sweet and pure sound adds charm to many traditional pieces. The pipa, a four-stringed plucked instrument with a pear-shaped body, ___6___ (know) for its bright and ___7___ (lively) tone. The traditional Chinese musical instruments have made a great ___8___ (different) to Chinese culture. They ___9___ only reflect the unique aesthetics (美学) and wisdom of the Chinese people, but also serve as important carriers (载体) of ___10___ (history) and cultural traditions. Through them, the world gets to appreciate the charm and depth of Chinese culture. [1]of kinds of“各种各样的” [2]the 形容词最高级前有the,one of the+形容词最高级+复数,表示“最……的……之一” [3]feelings 此处表示“表达感受”,“感受”feeling可数名词,此处用复数 [4]has 此处是定语从句的谓语动词,时态是一般现在时,关系代词that指代先行词a two-stringed bowed instrument是三单,动词用三单形式 [5]Its 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词sweet and pure sound [6]is known 时态是一般现在时,主语a four-stringed plucked instrument与动词know之间是被动关系“被知道”,用被动语态is done (be known for“因……而出名”) [7]lively 用形容词修饰名词tone,lively“活泼的”形容词 [8]difference make a great difference to“对……产生巨大影响” [9]not not only…but also…“不仅……而且……” [10]historical 修饰名词traditions用形容词historical“历史的”
练习05 Swedish Learning 笔记
Come to learn Swedish. It seems ____1___ (challenge), but it could be easier if you are a good English speaker. The two languages have a lot more in common than you think. The Swedish alphabet (字母表) is almost the same ___2___ the English alphabet, but has three more letters:A, and . ____3___ some letters, like O and look alike, they are ___4___ (actual) different. ___5___ (take) the Swedish words “lov”and “l v” as an example. The word “lov” can refer to holidays while “l v” translates to “leaves”. Many words are close in Swedish and English. “Bok” in Swedish is only a one-letter change to “book”, “ pple” is an easy change to “apple” and “man” and “piano” are the same in ___6___ languages. However, there are special suffixes (后缀), such as “-en” and “-t”, to stand for “the” in English. For example, “boken” in Swedish means “the book” in English. Another similarity is the word order. It’s often possible ____7___ (translate) sentences between the two languages directly. One big ___8___ (different) is that Swedish always ___9___ (put) the verb (动词) in the second place of a sentence. Although in English sentences, words like “always” or “hardly” often appear in the second place, Swedish is very strict about that verb-second rule and will put them after the verb. There are many reasons that make Swedish hard, but with your English learning experience, you’ll find it ___10___ (easy). [1]challenging it指学习瑞典语,seem后接形容词,此处应表示“有挑战的”challenging [2]as the same as…“和……一样” [3]Although\Though 根据句意可知“尽管一些单词相像,但是不同”,“尽管”although/though引导让步状语从句 [4]actually 副词修饰形容词different [5]Take 句子缺少主语,此处是谓语动词,用动词原形开头表示肯定祈使句 [6]both 根据前文Many words are close in Swedish and English可知此处指瑞典语和英语中的一些单词相近,both“两者都” [7]to translate it is adj to do“做某事是……的”,it是形式主语,不定式to do是真正主语 [8]difference one后加名词,difference“区别、不同之处” [9]puts 主语Swedish“瑞典语”是三单,动词用三单形式 [10]easier find sth adj“发现某物……”,此处adj修饰sth;根据语境可知此处表示“有了英语学习的机会,你会发现瑞典语更容易”,用比较级
练习06 An Ancient Chinese Poem 笔记
Welcome to Classic Reading. I’m your host, Jordon. While living in China for the past seven years, I ___1___ (become) interested in Chinese culture, ___2___ (especial) classical Chinese poetry. I have also known some Chinese poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and so on. Today, I will talk about a poem from the Tang Dynasty by the poet He Zhizhang. Here is an English version of the poem by Xu Yuanchong, ___3___ world-famous translator of ancient Chinese poems in both English and ___4___ (France). Let’s take a look at his translation. Oh, I return to the homeland I ___5___ (leave) while young, ___6___ (thin) has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue. My children, whom I meet, do not know who am I. “Where are you from, dear sir ” they ask with beaming eyes. In this short poem, He Zhizhang tells a story about a visit to his birthplace. It’s been decades ___7___ the last time he was home, but he could still pick up his local accent. Things ___8___ (not change) much, but the people did. The poet had mixed feelings about it, so he wrote this poem. Personally, I like this poem because it reminds me ___9___ my own hometown. No matter where I live or for how long I’ve left, my hometown and family will always have a special place in my heart. I hope you can enjoy this poem as ___10___ (much) as I do. See you next time! [1]have become 由for the past seven years可知是现在完成时have done [2]especially 副词修饰句子,especially“尤其是” [3]a 许渊冲是一位翻译家,表示“一位”用不定代词,且world发音以辅音音素开头,用a [4]French 此处表示“用英语和法语”,“法语”French [5]left “I…while young”修饰名词homeland;根据while young可知是一般过去时,用过去式 [6]Thinner 根据语境可知“我的头发已经变稀少了”,是指与年轻时相比,故用比较级 [7]since “It is/has been+时间段+since…”表示“自从……已经有……时间了” [8]didn’t change 由but people did可知是一般过去时,否定句是didn’t do [9]of remind sb of sth“使某人想起某事、提醒某人某事” [10]much as…as表示原级比较,much修饰动词enjoy,故用much原形
练习07 The Discovery Of DNA 笔记
DNA is the whole “map” of the human body. It is something ___1___ all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is ___2___ reason why we look like our parents. Because we get some of the DNA to make our own. People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look similar ___3___ other people in our family. It is because of small things called genes (基因) in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts ___4___ (be) real messages. They ___5___ (write) in the DNA with a special language. In 1961, another two scientists found the first “word” that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell to build ___6___ (it) parts. So far, scientists ___7___ (find) all the words in the DNA map, but we do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors ___8___ (be) able to do. Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine ___9___ (help) sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words” and find out more information, we will use in the wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people ___10___ (get) jobs. [1]that 此处是定语从句的关系词,先行词是something,关系代词用that,不用which [2]the the reason why“……的原因”,固定搭配 [3]to similar to“与……相似”,固定搭配 [4]are 宾语从句描述客观事实时,用一般现在时,与主句时态无关 [5]are written 时态是一般现在时;主语they指基因,与谓语动词write之间是被动关系“基因被写入DNA”,用被动语态are done [6]its 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词parts [7]have found 由So far可知是现在完成时have done [8]will be “the+比较级, the+比较级”表示“越……就越……”,后半句表示结果用一般将来时will do [9]to help 根据句意可知此处表示目的,用不定式to do [10]getting stop sb (from) doing“阻止某人做某事”
练习08 Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet 笔记
Du Fu, one of the ___1___ (great) Chinese poets, is well-known in China. However, Du has still been ___2___ (known) in the Western world. Recently, the BBC’s one-hour documentary Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet is spreading through the Internet. The film introduces the great poet to Western audiences. As the ___3___ (one) English language documentary about Du, it compares him ___4___ Dante and Shakespeare, two of the greatest writers of the West. It also introduces the poet’s life ___5___ (experience) in detail. Du was born in 712 and lived a hard life. Du never stopped writing, ___6___ life was difficult for him. Even though he never held a high position in the government, Du still cared about common people. In his poems, he cared about his country as well as the people. The documentary explains why Du’s works ___7___ (be) popular for centuries. Chinese people really value the recording of history and Du is better than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry. That’s because the historical events were mirrored in his own life. Du’s 1,400 poems have been collected by Stephen Owen from the USA. He spent eight years ___8___ (translate) them into English and published a book. It ___9___ (expect) to help Du’s works reach more readers. There is no doubt that Du is a ___10___ (culture) symbol of ancient China, but his brilliant works and spirits have also inspired people abroad. [1]greatest one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……的……之一” [2]unkonwn 根据“well-known in China. However”可知前后是转折关系,在其他国家并不被人熟知,unknown“不出名的、未知的” [3]first the后加序数词,表示顺序 [4]to him指杜甫,根据句意可知“把杜甫比作但丁和莎士比亚”,compare…to…“把……比作……” [5]experiences 此处指“介绍这位诗人的生活经历”,experience“经历”可数名词,此处用复数 (experience“经验”不可数名词) [6]although 根据句意可知此处表示“虽然生活很难,但是杜甫没有停止写作”,although/though“虽然、尽管” [7]have been 根据for centuries可知是现在完成时have done [8]translating spend time doing“花时间做某事” [9]is expected it指代这本书,与expect之间是被动关系,用被动语态,be expected to“被期待、有望” [10]cultural 用形容词修饰名词symbol,形容词cultural“文化的”
练习09 Pre-made Meals 笔记
Last year, a primary school in Jiangxi Province made a decision. It would no ___1___ (long) prepare meals in its own canteen (食堂). Instead, it would serve its students pre-made (预制的) food. The move ____2___ (quick) became a hot topic across the country. Many parents said that they were worried about food ___3___ (safe). Some of them even sent homemade meals to school ___4___ lunchtime every day. The Ministry of Education warns against ___5___ (introduce) pre-made meals to schools. That’s mainly ___6___ there are not yet any national standards for such food. The market for pre-made meals ___7___ (be) developing quickly over the past few years. In 2022, there were more than 60,000 related companies in China. And the number is still growing. By 2026, the market will have reached more than one trillion yuan. What has made pre-made meals so popular They have many advantages. They’re quick and convenient to prepare. They also have a long shelf life (保存期). However, parents’ worries are not without reason. Pre-made food may be ___8___ (accept) every now and then, but few people eat it every day. Naturally, parents don’t want their children to do so, either. In fact, pre-made meals are all prepared by central kitchens. They’re not necessarily unhealthy ___9___ (compare) with freshly cooked food. The problem is how ___10___ (make) sure these companies follow all the hygiene (卫生) rules when they cook and store food. For now, the pre-made food industry still has a long way to go. [1]longer no longer“不再” [2]quickly 副词修饰动词became [3]safety food safety“食品安全” [4]at at lunchtime“在午餐时间” [5]introducing warn against doing“警告不要做某事” (against是介词,后接动名词) [6]because 根据前后句句意可知,前果后因,用because引导原因状语从句 [7]has been 根据over the past few years可知是现在完成时,主语是market,用have done [8]acceptable be动词后用形容词作表语,acceptable“可以接受的” [9]compared are是谓语动词,此处是非谓语;逻辑主语they与compare之间是动宾关系,用过去分词表示被动含义 [10]to make 疑问词+不定式,how to do“如何做某事”
练习10 Pi Day 笔记
Have you ever heard of Pi Day You may think it is all about having pies. That’s only ___1___ (part) right. Pi Day is actually about maths! Every year __2___ March 14th, maths lovers and scientists celebrate Pi Day ___3___ (honour) the special number π (3.14159…). Pi Day is a young international festival. It ___4___ (set) up in 1988 by Larry Shaw. He worked at the Exploratorium, a museum of science and technology. He connected March 14th with π and celebrated his very first Pi Day with a pie party. Later, the celebration became a ___5___ (year) tradition at the museum and more visitors ___6___ (join) in. In November 2019, Pi Day was designated as the International Day of Mathematics by UNESCO, international organization. There are many kinds of celebrations of Pi Day. Some people choose to memorize as many digits as they can, while some take part in a Pi parade, enjoying delicious pies and dancing to music. Besides, people use a writing style called Pilish to celebrate Pi Day. In a Pilish sentence, the number of letters in each word matches the digit of π. The first word has three letters, the second has one letter, the third has four letters, and ___7___ on. An engineer, Michacl Keith, even ___8___ (write) a book called Not a Wake by using Pilish Pi Day is a day of discovery and joy, ___9___ (remind) us of the ___10___ (important) and beauty of mathematics in our lives. Let’s celebrate the mathematical wonder of π! [1]partly 副词修饰形容词right,表示程度 [2]on 在具体某一天用on [3]to honour 用不定式表示目的“为了纪念……” [4]was set it指Pi Day,与set up之间是被动关系“被设立”;由in 1988可知一般过去时,用was done [5]yearly 用形容词修饰名词tradition,yearly“每年的” [6]joined 由became可知动作发生在过去,是一般过去时,用过去式 [7]so and so on“等等” [8]wrote 根据句意可知“写书”发生在过去,是一般过去时,用过去式 [9]reminding is是谓语动词,此处是非谓语,逻辑主语Pi Day,与remind之间是主谓关系,故用现在分词doing表示主动关系 [10]importance the后加名词,the importance of“……的重要性”
练习11 Live A Healthy Life 笔记
Many people dream to live a healthy life and it ___1___ (believe) that healthy diet and regular exercise are very important. ___2___, many people don’t get to know the effects of their diet. They don’t pay attention ___3___ the benefits of a regular exercise routine, either. In fact, there are physical, psychological , and social benefits to living a healthy lifestyle. A person can enjoy physical benefits from choosing ___4___ (follow) a healthy lifestyle. For example, proper exercise and a well-balanced diet help a person in a good shape. In addition, people who keep a healthy lifestyle will, on average, live ___5___ (happy) than people who do not take care of their health. Another physical benefit that people notice is healthier-looking skin. So a person can get many physical benefits from keeping a healthy lifestyle. People who take care of ___6___ (they) enjoy psychological benefits. For example, regular exercise can lift one’s mood. Better nutrition means that they can deal with the daily stress better. Because of the effects that their healthy ___7___ (choose) have on their bodies, people with the healthy lifestyle ___8___ (general) feel better. Most importantly, people agree that they feel better because they have more self-confidence. Taking proper care of one’s health also ___9___ (lead) to better social life. The ___10___ (confident) improve his or her relationships. Because health-minded people join in different kinds of physical activities, they increase their chances of meeting other people. If people have a healthy lifestyle, they are more likely to have satisfying social lives. [1]is believed it is believed that从句,表示“人们相信” [2]However 根据前后句句意可知“健康饮食和规律的锻炼很重要,但是许多人不知道饮食的影响”,前后是转折关系,且后有逗号,用however“然而” [3]to pay attention to“注意、重视” [4]to follow choose to do“选择做某事” [5]more happily 用副词happily修饰动词live;由than可知是比较级,用more happily [6]themselves 定语从句主语who指代people,宾语与主语是同一主体,用反身代词 [7]choices their后名词,choose动词,名词是choice,此处用复数 [8]generally 副词修饰动词整个句子,generally“通常、大体上” [9]leads 根据该段可知是一般现在时,且动名词作主语看作三单,动词用三单形式 [10]confidence the后加名词,形容词confident“有信心的、自信的”,confidence“信心”
练习12 Give Up Something That’s No Longer Meeting Your Needs 笔记
My daughter loved dance but after the first year, I ___1___ (notice) her interest disappearing week by week. Then, one day, she slowly walked towards me before class and asked if she could just drop it. I planned to advise her to “finish what your start”. After all, I thought ___2___ very necessary for everyone to stick to something difficult in the life. But ___3___ (watch) my daughter drag(勉强) herself in each dancing class, I started to question the meaning of my advice. Is it really good for my kid to stick to what she doesn’t like Is it also good for her to give up the things that are not right for her With the winter show coming near, I realized she needed to ___4___ drop her class or put all her effort into it. After a few days, she decided to give up dance. This is a wise ___5___ (choose) I supported. Giving up is never a black-and-white problem. Sometimes, it means clearing a barrier in your way to love something else. In my daughter’s case, ending dance made space for her new hobbies, such as horseback riding and painting. As adults, we are used to ___6___ (say) yes, but what about saying no Sticking to something is important, but the ability to know what is not right for us is also important. As my daughter gets ___7___ (old), I expect her ___8___ (be) brave to give up something ___9___ is no longer meeting her needs. She shouldn’t be held back by the thought that she must finish something at any cost ___10___ (simple) because she has started. [1]noticed 根据loved可知是一般过去时,用过去式 [2]it think it adj for sb to do“认为做某事对某人来说是……的”,it是形式宾语,to do是真正宾语 [3]watching 谓语动词是started,此处是非谓语,根据句意可知“看着女儿在每节舞蹈课上都很勉强自己,我开始质疑我的建议的意义”,用现在分词作原因状语 [4]either either…or…“要么……要么……、或者……或者……” [5]choice a后单数名词,choose是动词,choice是名词 [6]getting 根据句意可知“我们习惯说是,但是……”,be used to doing“习惯做某事” [7]older 根据句意可知“随着女儿年纪越来越大……”,用比较级 [8]to be expect sb to do“期待某人做某事” [9]that 此处是定语从句的关系代词,先行词是something,关系代词用that,不能用which [10]simply 用副词修饰整个原因状语从句
练习13 Fugu 笔记
Some food is ___1___ delicious that many foodies may risk their lives to just have a bit of it. But sometimes, it may put themselves in great danger. One day, three men were in a hospital, feeling tired and weak. They couldn’t speak and had trouble ___2___ (breathe). The doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong with the men ___3___ they found the three men were all fishing lovers, and they had just shared a dish of fugu (河豚). Fugu is one of the strangest fish in the ocean. It gets its name from the way the fish protects itself ___4___ enemies. Whenever it ___5___ (attack), the fish blows up its body to over twice its normal size! The reason why the three men was taken to hospital is that fugu is also very poisonous. As a rule, if you eat a whole fugu, probably you ___6___ (die). Luckily, the three men survived. Although fugu is poisonous, it’s expensive and welcomed by many people. In order to eat a fugu meal, customers have to pay up to $200 per person. However, because of the danger, fugu can only be prepared by ___7___ (cook) with a special license from the government. They are trained to remove the poisonous parts of the fish. Most people that died from eating fugu were people who had tried their hand at preparing the fish ___8___ (they). In fact, because of its good taste, it ___9___ (be) popular since Song Dynasty. Our government poet Su Shi was one of its fans. However, we should always remember that food safety ___10___ (come) first. [1]so “so+adj+that从句”表示“如此……以至于……”[2]breathing have trouble (in) doing“做某事有麻烦” [3]until 根据句意可知“直到医生发现这三个人都是钓鱼爱好者,他们才发现他们到底出了什么问题……”此处not…until表示“直到……才” [4]from protect sb from doing“阻止某人做某事” [5]is attacked 主语it指Figu,与谓语动词attack之间是被动关系“河豚被攻击”,且句子是一般现在时,故用is done [6]will die if引导条件状语从句“主将从现”,主句用一般将来时will do [7]cooks 根据句意可知“河豚只能由有特殊执照的厨师准备”,“厨师”cook,此处用复数表示全部 [8]themselves 此处与主语“大部分死于吃海豚的人”是同一主体,用反身代词 [9]has been 由since Song Dynasty可知是现在完成时has done [10]comes 从句是客观事实,用一般现在时,food safety是三单,动词用三单形式
练习14 Chinese Characters 笔记
China has great ___1___ (tradition) culture, especially Chinese characters (汉字). They are one of the most representative ___2___ (symbol) of Chinese culture. The history of Chinese characters dates back to ancient times. It is agreed that hanzi began with simple pictures, images that the ancient Chinese people drew, painted, and carved to describe nature and their lives. The ___3___ (old) Chinese characters are found on ancient animal bones. These 3000-year-old symbols, jiaguwen, show us how ancient Chinese ___4___ (see) the world around them and their great creativity. ___5___ someone first look at Chinese characters, he may feel that they are very complicated (复杂的). ___6___ fact, about 80% of Chinese characters ___7___ (make) of much smaller parts, they are combined in many different ways to form tens of thousands of hanzi. ___8___ (luck), you need to know only about two or three thousand characters for use in daily life. Chinese characters have a close relationship ___9___ Chinese culture. China’s writing system forms a strong bridge between the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. As China takes ___10___ (it) place in the international community, millions of international students are studying Chinese and are coming to appreciate China’s impressive culture every year. [1]traditional 用形容词修饰名词culture [2]symbols one of后加名词复数 [3]oldest 根据句意可知“最古老的汉字是在古代动物骨骼上发现的”,用最高级 [4]saw 此处是宾语从句,由ancient Chinese可知是一般过去时,用过去式 [5]When 根据句意可知“当一个人第一次看汉字时,他可能会觉得它们很复杂”,用when引导原因状语从句 [6]In in fact“事实上” [7]are made 此处是被动语态be made of“由……制成”,“百分数+of+名词”作主语,谓语动词单复数由主语决定,characters是复数,时态是一般现在时,用are done [8]Luckily 用副词修饰整个句子 [9]with have a relationship with“和……有关系/关联” [10]its 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词place
练习15 Yan Zi: A Wise Adviser 笔记
Many years ago, there were many states in China. The State of Qi used to be very strong, but it became less ___1___ (power). Yan Zi was a wise adviser, so the king of Qi sent him to ask Chu to support each other. The king of Chu knew Yan Zi was very short. He tried to make Yan Zi feel shy about his ___2___ (high). When Yan Zi arrived, the guard told him to enter through the small gate. Yan Zi didn’t get angry. “Only a state of dogs will greet visitors with a gate for dogs. I ___3___ (visit) the State of Chu. This gate isn’t for me.” Yan Zi said. So the guard had to take him ___4___ the main gate. The king of Chu was unhappy at ___5___ Yan Zi did. “Why did Qi send YOU Don’t they have anyone better ” the king tried another way. “If Qi ___6___ (meet) a great king, it’ll send the best ambassador (使臣). I’m the ___7___ (bad). That’s why I’m here.” Yan Zi replied calmly. At this time, the guards brought a thief to the king. The thief was from Qi. “Ha! Yan Zi, is Qi a state of ___8___ (thief) ” asked the king impolitely. Yan Zi replied, “The orange trees south of Huai River produce big and delicious fruit, ___9___ the orange trees north of Huai River produce small and sour fruit. The environment makes the fruit grow ___10___ (different). In Qi, people are good and honest, but here, they steal. What made that person a thief here ” Finally, the king looked at Yan Zi and laughed, “I was wrong about you and your state!” [1]powerful become后加形容词作表语,powerful“有力量的” [2]height his修饰名词,high的名词是height“高度” [3]am visiting 根据语境可知“我正在访问楚国,这个门不适合我”,用现在进行时am doing [4]through 根据句意可知此处表示“带他从主门过去”,through“(内部)穿过” [5]what 根据句意可知此处指“晏子所做的事”,用what作did的宾语 [6]meets if引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,Qi作主语是三单,动词用三单形式 [7]worst 根据语境可知“我是最差的,所以派我出使楚国”,bad最高级worst [8]thieves 此处用复数表示整体 [9]while 根据句意可知,前一句“橘生淮南”,后一句“橘生淮北”,用while“然而”表示对比 [10]differently 副词修饰动词grow
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
练习01 Smartphone Addiction 笔记
Many of us look at our smartphones hundreds of times a day. We depend ___1___ them to finish a lot of tasks and to connect with our friends and family. But have we become addicted to our phones Certainly, the ___2___ (invent) of the first mobile phone, American engineer Martin Cooper, thinks we might be. In a BBC interview, he suggested people should stop scrolling and “get a real life”. But of course, once we start watching videos in our smartphones, we just can’t kick the habit. Many of us compulsively check our phones if we’re waiting for a text or getting really into social media. And then we look up and realize that an hour ___3___ (pass). There’s even a word — a phubber — to describe a person ___4___ ignores the real people around them because they are ___5___ (concentrate) on their phones. But does it matter if we make full use of this technology Possibly, because like a drug, the problem appears when it ___6___ (take) away. A study from King’s College London found young people couldn’t control ___7___ amount of time they spend on their phones. Such addictive behavior means that people become unhappy or upset if they are not allowed ___8___ (use) their smartphones, which can cause anxiety and mental health issues. ___9___ (interesting), another study by the scientists of the London School of Economics and Political Science suggests we don’t just look at our phones because of a text or an e-mail. The people they studied felt they couldn’t help ___10___ (use) their phones, just as a smoker would light a cigarette. Professor Saadi Lahlou, one of the writers of the study, told the BBC: “We must learn tricks to avoid the temptation when we want to concentrate or have good social relations.” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习02 Failing Is Part Of Learning 笔记
A number of years ago, a man went to visit a circus in New York. He was able to walk around looking at the lions, monkeys, bears and other circus animals. As he ___1___ (pass) the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope ___2___ (tie) to their front leg. No chains, no cages. ___3___ was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some ___4___ (reason), they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked ___5___ these animals just stood there and didn’t try to get away. “Well,” the trainer said, “when they are very young and much ____6___ (small), we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough ____7____ (hold) them. As they grow up, they still believe they can not break away. They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free.” “How could it be ” said the man. These animals could at any time break free from ropes. But because they were always ___8___ (stick) right where they were, they believed they couldn’t. Just ___9___ the poor elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we can not do something, just because we ___10___ (fail) at it once before Failing is part of learning. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习03 The Ancient Tea Horse Road 笔记
China is one of the ____1____ (big) tea production countries in the world. Tea has a history of 5,000 years in China. It ___2___ (say) Shen Nong was good at farming and he discovered tea ___3___ chance. An ancient road makes tea popular around China. It is the Ancient Tea Horse Road. The Ancient Tea Horse Road can date back to the Han Dynasty. It then continued ____4___ (develop) in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. There were two main roads. One began in Sichuan province. ___5___ other began in Yunnan province. Each one ended in Tibet (西藏). People in Tibet have a tea history of about 1,000 years. The weather in Tibet is dry and cold. People there need ____6___ (eat) a lot and keep warm. Tea can help them digest. But tea can’t grow in Tibet. They used to sell their horses for tea. So tea and horses ___7___ (trade) through the Ancient Tea Horse Road. In the past, horses carried bags of tea from Yunnan to Tibet. The trip took more than two months. In Sichuan, ___8___ the road was very difficult for horses, only people carried bags of tea. And each young worker carried 15 bags of tea. Each bag ___9___ (weigh) 10 kg. The Ancient Tea Horse Road not only served as a trading road, but also a bridge ___10___ (connect) different nationalities—such as Han and Tibetan people. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习04 Chinese Instruments 笔记
China, a country with a rich cultural heritage (遗产), has kinds ___1___ traditional musical instruments. These instruments reflect the special beauty and wisdom of the Chinese people. One of ___2___ most symbolic instruments is the guzheng, a plucked (弹) string instrument with a long history. It has 21 strings and produces a sweet and emotional sound, often used to express deep ___3___ (feel). Another famous instrument is the erhu, a two-stringed bowed instrument that ___4___ (have) a special sorrowful tone, often connected with traditional Chinese folk music. The dizi, a bamboo flute, is another popular instrument. ___5___ (it) sweet and pure sound adds charm to many traditional pieces. The pipa, a four-stringed plucked instrument with a pear-shaped body, ___6___ (know) for its bright and ___7___ (lively) tone. The traditional Chinese musical instruments have made a great ___8___ (different) to Chinese culture. They ___9___ only reflect the unique aesthetics (美学) and wisdom of the Chinese people, but also serve as important carriers (载体) of ___10___ (history) and cultural traditions. Through them, the world gets to appreciate the charm and depth of Chinese culture. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]historical
练习05 Swedish Learning 笔记
Come to learn Swedish. It seems ____1___ (challenge), but it could be easier if you are a good English speaker. The two languages have a lot more in common than you think. The Swedish alphabet (字母表) is almost the same ___2___ the English alphabet, but has three more letters:A, and . ____3___ some letters, like O and look alike, they are ___4___ (actual) different. ___5___ (take) the Swedish words “lov”and “l v” as an example. The word “lov” can refer to holidays while “l v” translates to “leaves”. Many words are close in Swedish and English. “Bok” in Swedish is only a one-letter change to “book”, “ pple” is an easy change to “apple” and “man” and “piano” are the same in ___6___ languages. However, there are special suffixes (后缀), such as “-en” and “-t”, to stand for “the” in English. For example, “boken” in Swedish means “the book” in English. Another similarity is the word order. It’s often possible ____7___ (translate) sentences between the two languages directly. One big ___8___ (different) is that Swedish always ___9___ (put) the verb (动词) in the second place of a sentence. Although in English sentences, words like “always” or “hardly” often appear in the second place, Swedish is very strict about that verb-second rule and will put them after the verb. There are many reasons that make Swedish hard, but with your English learning experience, you’ll find it ___10___ (easy). [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习06 An Ancient Chinese Poem 笔记
Welcome to Classic Reading. I’m your host, Jordon. While living in China for the past seven years, I ___1___ (become) interested in Chinese culture, ___2___ (especial) classical Chinese poetry. I have also known some Chinese poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and so on. Today, I will talk about a poem from the Tang Dynasty by the poet He Zhizhang. Here is an English version of the poem by Xu Yuanchong, ___3___ world-famous translator of ancient Chinese poems in both English and ___4___ (France). Let’s take a look at his translation. Oh, I return to the homeland I ___5___ (leave) while young, ___6___ (thin) has grown my hair, though I speak the same tongue. My children, whom I meet, do not know who am I. “Where are you from, dear sir ” they ask with beaming eyes. In this short poem, He Zhizhang tells a story about a visit to his birthplace. It’s been decades ___7___ the last time he was home, but he could still pick up his local accent. Things ___8___ (not change) much, but the people did. The poet had mixed feelings about it, so he wrote this poem. Personally, I like this poem because it reminds me ___9___ my own hometown. No matter where I live or for how long I’ve left, my hometown and family will always have a special place in my heart. I hope you can enjoy this poem as ___10___ (much) as I do. See you next time! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习07 The Discovery Of DNA 笔记
DNA is the whole “map” of the human body. It is something ___1___ all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is ___2___ reason why we look like our parents. Because we get some of the DNA to make our own. People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look similar ___3___ other people in our family. It is because of small things called genes (基因) in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts ___4___ (be) real messages. They ___5___ (write) in the DNA with a special language. In 1961, another two scientists found the first “word” that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell to build ___6___ (it) parts. So far, scientists ___7___ (find) all the words in the DNA map, but we do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors ___8___ (be) able to do. Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine ___9___ (help) sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words” and find out more information, we will use in the wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people ___10___ (get) jobs. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习08 Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet 笔记
Du Fu, one of the ___1___ (great) Chinese poets, is well-known in China. However, Du has still been ___2___ (known) in the Western world. Recently, the BBC’s one-hour documentary Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet is spreading through the Internet. The film introduces the great poet to Western audiences. As the ___3___ (one) English language documentary about Du, it compares him ___4___ Dante and Shakespeare, two of the greatest writers of the West. It also introduces the poet’s life ___5___ (experience) in detail. Du was born in 712 and lived a hard life. Du never stopped writing, ___6___ life was difficult for him. Even though he never held a high position in the government, Du still cared about common people. In his poems, he cared about his country as well as the people. The documentary explains why Du’s works ___7___ (be) popular for centuries. Chinese people really value the recording of history and Du is better than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry. That’s because the historical events were mirrored in his own life. Du’s 1,400 poems have been collected by Stephen Owen from the USA. He spent eight years ___8___ (translate) them into English and published a book. It ___9___ (expect) to help Du’s works reach more readers. There is no doubt that Du is a ___10___ (culture) symbol of ancient China, but his brilliant works and spirits have also inspired people abroad. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习09 Pre-made Meals 笔记
Last year, a primary school in Jiangxi Province made a decision. It would no ___1___ (long) prepare meals in its own canteen (食堂). Instead, it would serve its students pre-made (预制的) food. The move ____2___ (quick) became a hot topic across the country. Many parents said that they were worried about food ___3___ (safe). Some of them even sent homemade meals to school ___4___ lunchtime every day. The Ministry of Education warns against ___5___ (introduce) pre-made meals to schools. That’s mainly ___6___ there are not yet any national standards for such food. The market for pre-made meals ___7___ (be) developing quickly over the past few years. In 2022, there were more than 60,000 related companies in China. And the number is still growing. By 2026, the market will have reached more than one trillion yuan. What has made pre-made meals so popular They have many advantages. They’re quick and convenient to prepare. They also have a long shelf life (保存期). However, parents’ worries are not without reason. Pre-made food may be ___8___ (accept) every now and then, but few people eat it every day. Naturally, parents don’t want their children to do so, either. In fact, pre-made meals are all prepared by central kitchens. They’re not necessarily unhealthy ___9___ (compare) with freshly cooked food. The problem is how ___10___ (make) sure these companies follow all the hygiene (卫生) rules when they cook and store food. For now, the pre-made food industry still has a long way to go. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习10 Pi Day 笔记
Have you ever heard of Pi Day You may think it is all about having pies. That’s only ___1___ (part) right. Pi Day is actually about maths! Every year __2___ March 14th, maths lovers and scientists celebrate Pi Day ___3___ (honour) the special number π (3.14159…). Pi Day is a young international festival. It ___4___ (set) up in 1988 by Larry Shaw. He worked at the Exploratorium, a museum of science and technology. He connected March 14th with π and celebrated his very first Pi Day with a pie party. Later, the celebration became a ___5___ (year) tradition at the museum and more visitors ___6___ (join) in. In November 2019, Pi Day was designated as the International Day of Mathematics by UNESCO, international organization. There are many kinds of celebrations of Pi Day. Some people choose to memorize as many digits as they can, while some take part in a Pi parade, enjoying delicious pies and dancing to music. Besides, people use a writing style called Pilish to celebrate Pi Day. In a Pilish sentence, the number of letters in each word matches the digit of π. The first word has three letters, the second has one letter, the third has four letters, and ___7___ on. An engineer, Michacl Keith, even ___8___ (write) a book called Not a Wake by using Pilish Pi Day is a day of discovery and joy, ___9___ (remind) us of the ___10___ (important) and beauty of mathematics in our lives. Let’s celebrate the mathematical wonder of π! [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习11 Live A Healthy Life 笔记
Many people dream to live a healthy life and it ___1___ (believe) that healthy diet and regular exercise are very important. ___2___, many people don’t get to know the effects of their diet. They don’t pay attention ___3___ the benefits of a regular exercise routine, either. In fact, there are physical, psychological , and social benefits to living a healthy lifestyle. A person can enjoy physical benefits from choosing ___4___ (follow) a healthy lifestyle. For example, proper exercise and a well-balanced diet help a person in a good shape. In addition, people who keep a healthy lifestyle will, on average, live ___5___ (happy) than people who do not take care of their health. Another physical benefit that people notice is healthier-looking skin. So a person can get many physical benefits from keeping a healthy lifestyle. People who take care of ___6___ (they) enjoy psychological benefits. For example, regular exercise can lift one’s mood. Better nutrition means that they can deal with the daily stress better. Because of the effects that their healthy ___7___ (choose) have on their bodies, people with the healthy lifestyle ___8___ (general) feel better. Most importantly, people agree that they feel better because they have more self-confidence. Taking proper care of one’s health also ___9___ (lead) to better social life. The ___10___ (confident) improve his or her relationships. Because health-minded people join in different kinds of physical activities, they increase their chances of meeting other people. If people have a healthy lifestyle, they are more likely to have satisfying social lives. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习12 Give Up Something That’s No Longer Meeting Your Needs 笔记
My daughter loved dance but after the first year, I ___1___ (notice) her interest disappearing week by week. Then, one day, she slowly walked towards me before class and asked if she could just drop it. I planned to advise her to “finish what your start”. After all, I thought ___2___ very necessary for everyone to stick to something difficult in the life. But ___3___ (watch) my daughter drag(勉强) herself in each dancing class, I started to question the meaning of my advice. Is it really good for my kid to stick to what she doesn’t like Is it also good for her to give up the things that are not right for her With the winter show coming near, I realized she needed to ___4___ drop her class or put all her effort into it. After a few days, she decided to give up dance. This is a wise ___5___ (choose) I supported. Giving up is never a black-and-white problem. Sometimes, it means clearing a barrier in your way to love something else. In my daughter’s case, ending dance made space for her new hobbies, such as horseback riding and painting. As adults, we are used to ___6___ (say) yes, but what about saying no Sticking to something is important, but the ability to know what is not right for us is also important. As my daughter gets ___7___ (old), I expect her ___8___ (be) brave to give up something ___9___ is no longer meeting her needs. She shouldn’t be held back by the thought that she must finish something at any cost ___10___ (simple) because she has started. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习13 Fugu 笔记
Some food is ___1___ delicious that many foodies may risk their lives to just have a bit of it. But sometimes, it may put themselves in great danger. One day, three men were in a hospital, feeling tired and weak. They couldn’t speak and had trouble ___2___ (breathe). The doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong with the men ___3___ they found the three men were all fishing lovers, and they had just shared a dish of fugu (河豚). Fugu is one of the strangest fish in the ocean. It gets its name from the way the fish protects itself ___4___ enemies. Whenever it ___5___ (attack), the fish blows up its body to over twice its normal size! The reason why the three men was taken to hospital is that fugu is also very poisonous. As a rule, if you eat a whole fugu, probably you ___6___ (die). Luckily, the three men survived. Although fugu is poisonous, it’s expensive and welcomed by many people. In order to eat a fugu meal, customers have to pay up to $200 per person. However, because of the danger, fugu can only be prepared by ___7___ (cook) with a special license from the government. They are trained to remove the poisonous parts of the fish. Most people that died from eating fugu were people who had tried their hand at preparing the fish ___8___ (they). In fact, because of its good taste, it ___9___ (be) popular since Song Dynasty. Our government poet Su Shi was one of its fans. However, we should always remember that food safety ___10___ (come) first. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习14 Chinese Characters 笔记
China has great ___1___ (tradition) culture, especially Chinese characters (汉字). They are one of the most representative ___2___ (symbol) of Chinese culture. The history of Chinese characters dates back to ancient times. It is agreed that hanzi began with simple pictures, images that the ancient Chinese people drew, painted, and carved to describe nature and their lives. The ___3___ (old) Chinese characters are found on ancient animal bones. These 3000-year-old symbols, jiaguwen, show us how ancient Chinese ___4___ (see) the world around them and their great creativity. ___5___ someone first look at Chinese characters, he may feel that they are very complicated (复杂的). ___6___ fact, about 80% of Chinese characters ___7___ (make) of much smaller parts, they are combined in many different ways to form tens of thousands of hanzi. ___8___ (luck), you need to know only about two or three thousand characters for use in daily life. Chinese characters have a close relationship ___9___ Chinese culture. China’s writing system forms a strong bridge between the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. As China takes ___10___ (it) place in the international community, millions of international students are studying Chinese and are coming to appreciate China’s impressive culture every year. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习15 Yan Zi: A Wise Adviser 笔记
Many years ago, there were many states in China. The State of Qi used to be very strong, but it became less ___1___ (power). Yan Zi was a wise adviser, so the king of Qi sent him to ask Chu to support each other. The king of Chu knew Yan Zi was very short. He tried to make Yan Zi feel shy about his ___2___ (high). When Yan Zi arrived, the guard told him to enter through the small gate. Yan Zi didn’t get angry. “Only a state of dogs will greet visitors with a gate for dogs. I ___3___ (visit) the State of Chu. This gate isn’t for me.” Yan Zi said. So the guard had to take him ___4___ the main gate. The king of Chu was unhappy at ___5___ Yan Zi did. “Why did Qi send YOU Don’t they have anyone better ” the king tried another way. “If Qi ___6___ (meet) a great king, it’ll send the best ambassador (使臣). I’m the ___7___ (bad). That’s why I’m here.” Yan Zi replied calmly. At this time, the guards brought a thief to the king. The thief was from Qi. “Ha! Yan Zi, is Qi a state of ___8___ (thief) ” asked the king impolitely. Yan Zi replied, “The orange trees south of Huai River produce big and delicious fruit, ___9___ the orange trees north of Huai River produce small and sour fruit. The environment makes the fruit grow ___10___ (different). In Qi, people are good and honest, but here, they steal. What made that person a thief here ” Finally, the king looked at Yan Zi and laughed, “I was wrong about you and your state!” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
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