
练习01 Electric Cars 笔记
Do you see there are many electric cars running on the road There might be more in the future, because it is ___1___ way to help slow the climate change. In the United States, it is said thay by 2030, half of all new cars sold should be electric ones. Now this country is one of the ___2___ (big) makers of greenhouse gases. More than a quarter of those in the country come ___3___ cars. But over half of Americans don’t want that. They say the electric cars are expensive and it’s not easy ___4___ (charge) them when the cars run out of power as charging stations are not enough. So should all cars be electric Our newspaper held a ___5___ (discuss) too. 55% readers choose electric cars as the oil is not reusable. Electric cars can use renewable energy including solar and wind power which can help reduce the air pollution. ___6___ 45% readers don’t like electric cars. It’s hard to control the car when the weather is poor. The batteries (电池) ___7___ (make) of things found at the bottom of the sea. That’s ___8___ (harm) to sea animals and the environment too. Environment problems are becoming more and more serious. Maybe they won’t be solved ___9___ (simple) by producing more electric cars. Every one of us ___10___ (have) to do more to make our home better. [1]a a way to do“做某事的方法” [2]biggest one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“最……的……之一” [3]from come from“来自” [4]to change it is adj to do“做某事是……的” [5]discussion a后加单数名词,discuss是动词,名词是discussion [6]But 与前文55% readers choose electric cars as形成转折,用but [7]are made be made of“由……制成”,此处被动语态,时态是一般现在时,故用are made [8]harmful be动词后加形容词作表语,此处表示“有危害的” [9]simply 副词修饰动作 [10]has 时态是一般现在时,主语every one of us是三单,动词用三单形式
练习02 Howes’s Animal Friends 笔记
Howes was spending a day at the Ocean Beach in New Zealand. His daughter Niccy and her two friends, Helen and Karina, were with him. They were swimming over 300 feet out to sea ___1___ they saw six dolphins (海豚) coming to them. “We couldn’t believe our eyes,” Mr. Howes said. “They kept ___2___ (move) in a circle and we didn’t know why.” Then, one dolphin swam to Mr. Howes and Helen, who were about 65 feet away from the other two. It pushed Mr. Howes and Helen a lot. Mr. Howes felt that the dolphin wanted to bring them together. “___3___ (sudden) I saw another fish swimming to me and Helen,” said Mr. Howes. “It was ___4___ fact a great white shark (鲨鱼). It was only about 15 feet away from us,” he said. Then he knew what the dolphins ___5___ (do)! They were trying ___6___ (save) them from the shark. The shark then went to the other two girls. Mr. Howes was really ___7___ (scare). One of the ___8___ (girl) was his daughter. The dolphins pushed the four swimmers back together and placed ___9___ (they) between the swimmers and the shark. About 40 minutes later, the shark finally lost interest and swam away. The four swimmers were finally out of danger. For Howes, it was ___10___ unforgettable day. He couldn’t thank his animal friends enough. [1]when 根据句意可知此处表示“当它们看到海豚在游来,它们……”,用when引导时间状语从句 [2]moving keep doing“一直做某事” [3]Suddenly 副词修饰句子 [4]in in fact“事实上” [5]were doing 根据后一句They were trying…可知,此处是“他知道它们正在做什么”用过去进行时were doing [6]to save try to do“尽力做某事” [7]scared be动词后加形容词,且此处形容Mr. Howes,用scared“害怕的” (scary“吓人的”) [8]girls one of后加名词复数,表示“……之一” [9]themselves 此处指the dolphins,与主语是同一主体,用反身代词 [10]an 此处表示“这是令人难忘的一天”,且unforgettable发音以元音音素开头,用an
练习03 Lei Jun 笔记
Xiaomi Su 7 electric car ___1___ (get) tons of attention since its presentation (发布会) was held on the evening of March 28th, 2024. More and more people are crazy about Xiaomi ___2___ (product), such as Mi phone, Mi TV, Mi band and so on. The man behind this craze is Lei Jun, the founder and CEO of Xiaomi Company. Lei was born in Xiantao, Hubei in 1969. He entered Wuhan University to study computer science ___3___ the age of 18. When studying in the university, he showed a great ___4___ (interested) in computer programming and electric products. He used to think he would be a programmer for a lifetime. But a book called Fire in the valley, ___5___ tells the story of the founder of Apple Company, Steve Jobs, changed his life. Encouraged by the book, 21-year-old Lei set up his first company with his friends. But it soon failed because he lacked a long-term plan. After graduation, Lei became a programmer of Kingsoft Company. In 16 years, he became one of the ___6___ (excellent) IT company leaders. But that’s not ___7___ only thing he wanted. Then he left Kingsoft and started ___8___ (he) own company. In 2010, the smartphone company Xiaomi Technology ___9___ (set) up. Now there are more than 14 million Mi phone users. “Never ___10___ (give) up your dream. Life is long, always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” said Lei. [1]has got 由since ts presentation (发布会) was held可知是现在完成时has done [2]products 根据举例such as Mi phone, Mi TV, Mi band and so on可知此处指的 “小米产品”,“产品”product,用复数表示全部 [3]at at the age of“在……岁时” [4]interest show a great interest“表现出巨大兴趣” [5]which/that 此处是定语从句关系代词,先行词是a book called Fire in the valley,指物用which或that [6]most excellent one of the+最高级+名词复数,表示“最……的……之一” [7]the the only“唯一的”,固定搭配 [8]his one’s own“某人自己的” [9]was set 由in 2020可知是一般过去时; 主语the smartphone company Xiaomi Technology和set up之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,故用was done [10]give 此处是否定祈使句,never do sth“绝不……”
练习04 Problems In Some Families 笔记
Now cities are full of ___1___ (car). Some families even have two or more cars, so parking is becoming a big problem. The traffic in some cities is getting ___2___ (bad), too. Car drivers drive so fast ___3___ there are more traffic accidents. More and more people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. Mr. White often sees people in the restaurant eating face to face while they ___4___ (look) at their own mobile phones. He thinks it is strange that they don’t talk to the ones ___5___ sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun ___6___ (chat) with others on the phone. Most families own computers now. A study found that children use the Internet more and more. The number of children using the Internet ___7___ (grow) by three times in the past three years. Mr. White’s grandson is a middle school student. He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet. He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spend ___8___ (little) time doing homework. His teacher told Mr. White that his grandson failed another test. Mr. White got very angry ___9___ him. Mr. White thinks that life ___10___ (use) to be simple and happy, but now it has changed a lot. [1]cars 根据句意可知此处是复数 [2]worse 根据语境可知“一些城市的交通也变得更坏”,用比较级 [3]that so…that从句,表示“如此……以至于……” [4]are looking while后加进行时,由sees可知是现在,故用现在进行时are doing [5]that/who 此处是关系代词,先行词是the ones,指人,是定语从句主语,故用that或which [6]chatting have fun doing“做某事很开心” [7]has grown 由时间状语in the past three years可知用现在完成时,主语the number of看作三单,故用has done [8]less 此处表示“做作业花的时间更少”,用比较级 [9]with get angry with sb“对某人生气” [10]used 根据but now可知此处指的是过去,用used,used to do“过去常常做某事”
练习05 Every Dog Has Its Day 笔记
Lisa has always ___1___ (be) overweight (肥胖的). She wanted to lose weight, not only because she wanted to look more beautiful and healthier, ___2___ also because it would make life easier. For example, it was difficult for Lisa ___3___ (find) ready-made clothes. She had to ask a tailor (裁缝) to make clothes that were large enough. In school, she needed a special chair that was bigger and stronger ___4___ other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very ___5___ (quick). She was also ___6___ (happy) about the way people treated her sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. I can’t enjoy ___7___ (have) dinner with my friends because I’m afraid of getting fatter.”But now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing for School Art Week. Someone ___8___ (advise) Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen who was tall and overweight. Lisa agreed and practiced a lot. Soon after the play, Lisa became a star! She did ___9___ well that everybody knew the proud Queen. Now Lisa doesn’t worry about being overweight any more. She believes in the English saying: “Every dog has ___10___ (it) day.” [1]been has后加过去分词构成现在完成时 [2]but not only…but also“不仅……而且” [3]to find it is adj for sb to do“对某人来说做某事是……的” [4]than 由bigger and stronger可知此处表示“比较”,用than [5]quickly 副词修饰动作got tired [6]unhappy 根据People look at me and even make fun of me可知他不开心 [7]having enjoy doing“喜爱做某事” [8]advised 根据上下文可知时态是一般过去时,用过去式 [9]so so…that从句,表示“如此……以至于……” [10]its 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词day
练习06 Handwriting And Typing 笔记
The earliest form of writing appeared about 5,500 years ago. In the past, hand writing was ___1___ important subject in school. Now, many students sometimes do homework on a computer and turn in their tasks online. Many people think typing (打字) is quick and easy to read, while writing by hand may take ___2___ (long) than typing. ___3___ others say writing with a pen and paper is more valuable. Writing by hand has big ___4___ (advantage). Research shows that when we write down ideas with a pen or pencil, we make the brain active to help us learn, remember and think. Writing by hand lets people show their creativity. No two people have the same handwriting. Writing by hand can also help people concentrate. When using a computer, people can go online or play computer games ___5___ (easy). Handwriting may be pretty, however, people can get ___6___ (they) ideas and thoughts down more quickly when they type. Typing can also make it easier for people to change. Once something is ___7___ (write) by hand, you can’t delete it. If you want ___8___ (make) a change, you have to write it all over again. What’s ___9___ (much), some people’s handwriting may be hard to read. Typing makes everything clear, and no one will have to worry ___10___ their words being clear enough. [1]an 此处表示“一门重要的科目”,且important发音以元音音素开头,用an [2]longer 由than可知是比较级 [3]But 根据 typing (打字) is quick and easy to read和writing with a pen and paper is more valuable形成转折,用but [4]advantages advantage“优势、好处”是可数名词,此处应用复数 [5]easily 副词修饰动作go online or play computer games [6]their 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词ideas and thoughts [7]written 由by hands可知是被动语态,is后加过去分词 [8]to make want to do“想要做某事” [9]more what’s more“此外”,固定搭配 [10]about worry about“担心”
练习07 How I Met Reading 笔记
You can never imagine how crazy I was about football then. I used to play football ___1___ dark every day. But I ___2___ (unlucky) developed a serious disease one day. Soon my mother rushed to me to the hospital and the doctor said that I needed to receive treatment in the hospital for some time. My dad often spent the night with me in the hospital while my mother looked after my sister at home. Then came the happiest moments when my father told me wonderful stories. My father was a ___3___ (talent) storyteller. In the hospital, he would tell me a story or two. He ___4___ (copy) sounds of bicycles or animals, so the pictures would never disappear from my mind. I was ___5___ happy that sometimes I wished to stay in the hospital a little longer. Because ___6___ my mom’s strict and careful care later, it became difficult ___7___ (get) well slowly. No longer sick, no more stories. Disappointed, I went into my father’s room one evening. “Dad, you ___8___ (tell) me stories only when I’m sick.” My father laughed, “You are already eight and can read by ___9___ (you).” He handed me a book and said, “Go and read it. It will tell you stories.” That night, I opened the book and read the ___10___ (interesting) story I had ever read. Then I became thirsty for books and now I am a curious reader. [1]until 根据句意可知“打篮球直到天黑” [2]unluckily 用副词修饰动作developed [3]talented 用形容词修饰名词storyteller [4]copied 根据上下文可知动作发生在过去,是一般过去时,用过去式 [5]so so adj/adv that+从句,表示“如此……以至于……” [6]of because of后加名词短语 [7]to get it become adj to do“做某事变得……”,it是形式主语,不定式to do是真正主语 [8]tell 此处表示经常性的动作,用一般现在时 [9]yourself 此处指“你自己”yourself [10]most interesting 最高级句型:最高级+(that)完成时从句
练习08 A Boy And A Bale Of Hay 笔记
A man ___1___ (drive) down a country road one day when he saw a child trying to lift a bale of hay (一堆干草) off the ground. It seemed that the hay had fallen off the back of ___2___ truck. The man ___3___ (stop) his car and went over to the boy. “Hey there, you look like you’re having a hard time ___4___ (move) that heavy bale of hay. Why not ___5___ (take) a break I can give you some water,” the man said. “No, thank you,” the boy replied. “My dad said I need ___6___ (move) this bale of hay.” “Ah, but everyone needs a break. Just take a few minutes to get ___7___ (relax)!” the man said. “No, my dad said it’s ___8___ (real) important to move this hay as soon ___9___ possible,” the boy said. “That sounds strange! Can you tell me ___10___ your father is I’d like to talk to him about how he’s treating you,” the man said. “Well,” the boy replied, “he’s under this bale of hay.” [1]was driving 由时间状语从句when he saw a child trying to…可知,此处用过去进行时,表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作,故用was doing [2]a 此处指“一卡车”,且truck发音以辅音音素开头,用a [3]stopped 故事发生在过去,是一般过去时,用过去式 [4]moving have a hard/good time doing“做某事很困难/开心” [5]take why not do“为什么做某事” [6]to move need to do“需要做某事” [7]relaxed get后加形容词,此处表示“(你)放松”,用relaxed“感到轻松的” [8]really 副词修饰形容词important,表示程度 [9]as as soon as possible“尽可能的”,固定搭配 [10]where 根据he’s under this bale of hay可知询问地点,宾语从句连接词用where
练习09 Chinese Paintings 笔记
Zhou Baile is a student at No. 150 High School of Changchun. He and other 20 students at the school worked together to paint A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains on the walls of ___1___ (they) fine art classroom. The painting ___2___ (paint) by Wang Ximeng during the Northern Song Dynasty. The project began in early March, and it took the students 129 days ___3___ (finish). The 3.5-meter-tall painting has a total length of 11 meters. Duan Yingzi, the fine art teacher, guided the painting. ___4___ the end of 2022, Duan set up a painting club. She bought ___5___ amazing copy of the painting and brought it into class ___6___ that her students could enjoy the ___7___ (beautiful) of Chinese painting. “Wang finished the painting at the age of 18. My students are at a similar age. Why couldn’t they give it a try So I invited my club members to join in the painting project,” said Duan. “Seeing the work we created, I could know how Wang ___8___ (feel) when he finished this painting more than 900 years ago,” said Zhang Chuying, another student of the painting team. Duan hopes that through their hard work, the students can have a much ___9___ (good) understanding of Chinese painting and pass on the excellent ___10___ (tradition) culture in a new way. [1]their 用形容词性物主代词修饰名词fine art classroom [2]was painted 由during the Northern Song Dynasty可知是一般过去时;由by Wang Ximeng可知是被动语态,用was done [3]to finished it take sb some time to do“花费某人……(时间)做某事” [4]At at the end of“在……末尾” [5]an 此处表示“一份”用不定冠词,且amazing发音以元音音素开头,用an [6]so so that“以便、为了”,引导目的状语从句 [7]beauty the后加名词,beautiful是形容词,名词是beauty [8]felt 根据could和finished可知此处是一般过去时,用过去式 [9]better much后加比较级,表示“……得多了” [10]traditional 用形容词修饰名词culture
练习10 Watch Football Matches On A Pole 笔记
Henry works in a factory. He comes from a poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work. But he is paid only a little. He likes to watch football matches very much and spends much time ___1___ (watch) them. One day, there was an important football match on the playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and ___2___ (hurry) there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets ___3___ (sell) out. He was sorry for it. He saw a pole (杆子) outside the playground and climbed it quickly. While he ___4___ (watch) the match, a policeman came and said, “It is dangerous ___5___ (stay) on it! Come down!” “Wait a minute, please!” Henry said, the policeman heard cheers on the playground and asked, “Which team has kicked a goal ” “Ours!” “Wonderful! I believe our team ___6___ (kick) another goal soon. You can stay there, but take care,” the policeman said happily and left. When the match would be soon over, he came back again and asked, “Who has won ” “Theirs, 3:2.” “Come down,” the policeman said ___7___ (angry). “Such ___8___ match is not worth watching!” Henry had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said ___9___ a hurry, “Climb up quickly ___10___ see who has kicked a goal.” [1]watching spend time doing“花时间做某事” [2]hurried 此处和borrowed是并列谓语动词,也用过去式 [3]were sold tickets与sell out之间的动宾关系,用被动语态be done;且故事发生在过去,是一般过去时,故用were done [4]was doing 由came可知是过去时态,由while可知用过去进行时was doing [5]to stay it is adj to do“做某事是……的” [6]will kick 由soon可知是一般将来时will do [7]angrily 副词修饰动词said [8]a such a/an+单数,表示“一个如此……的……” [9]in in a hurry“匆忙地” [10]and 该句是肯定祈使句,并列谓语动词climb和see都用原形
练习11 Vegetable Gene 笔记
Foreigners like growing flowers in the garden and enjoy the nice smell in spring. However, Chinese people prefer growing vegetables and get a harvest in autumn. For Chinese, bottles, boxes, even plastic bags are perfect for growing vegetables. It’s said that there is a “vegetable gene (基因)” in every Chinese. After all, they ___1___ (farm) for thousands of years. ___2___ of this, they grow vegetables around the world, creating conditions for planting before there are any. A group of parents of Chinese students once grew vegetables at Yale University. This area used to be covered ___3___ weeds (杂草). ___4___ (help) change the situation, these Chinese parents worked together and finally turned weeds into vegetables. Africa is such a poor place. Many hard-working and kind-hearted Chinese workers went there to help. They helped build roads as well as ___5___ (teach) Africans how to farm. All kinds of fruits and vegetables have been ___6___ (grow) in Africa. The soldiers (士兵) on the islands of the South China Sea also created a vegetable garden through ___7___ (they) own efforts. It used to be difficult for the soldiers to eat fresh vegetables on the islands. But ___8___ (recent), they harvested 750 kg of vegetables on sandy beaches. Everyone was ___9___ (excite). With the development of the country, Chinese people have grown vegetables all over ___10___ world, from America to Africa, from South Pole to the outer space. Just as what we saw in the movie, the days of planting potatoes on Mars (火星) will not be far away. [1]have farmed 根据for thousands of years可知是现在完成时have done [2]Because because of后加名词短语,表示原因 [3]with be covered with sth“被……覆盖” [4]To help 不定式to do表示目的 [5]taught 与helped是并列动词,也用过去式表示动作发生在过去 [6]grown been后加过去分词构成现在完成时 [7]their one’s own“某人自己的” [8]recently 副词修饰整个句子 [9]excited be动词后加形容词,且此处修饰人everyone,用excited“感到激动的” [10]the all over the world“固定短语” (all over遍及,all over the city全城,all over the ground遍地)
练习12 My Husband’s Transition To Retirement 笔记
In 1988, Wang Chengbang retired (退休) from the army. Instead of enjoying a ___1___ (relax) life, he volunteered to save the soil from desertification (沙漠化) by planting trees in Korla, Xinjiang. It is not an easy job. The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone ___2___ (work) day after day in the sunshine. What’s more, water is one of the ___3___ (big) problems. In fact, Wang Chengbang’s work in the first few years failed as very few trees survived (存活). But no matter how hard, Wang Chengbang would not give up. “After trying many different ways, I have learned ___4___ to grow young trees in a better way,” said Wang Chenghang. He also worked out new ways to save water. With his hard work, more and more trees have survived. So far, he ___5___ (plant) more than 1.5 million. Those green trees prevent desertification, make the air cleaner and cleaner, prevent people from the hot sun. Now, Korla is ___6___ model city in environmental protection. Wang Chengbang also succeeded in ___7___ (fight) cancer (癌症). In 2021, he had cancer and ___8___ (tell) that he had only six months to live. However, he continued taking care ___9___ his trees rather than lie in bed. “Working is the best medicine. Planting trees ___10___ (help) to fight cancer,” he often jokes. Now although he is at the age of 86, Wang Chengbang is still working. [1]relaxing 形容词修饰名词life,修饰物用relaxing“令人放松的” (relaxed“感到轻松的”) [2]to work make it adj for sb to do“使得做某事对某人来说是……的” it作形式宾语,to do是真正宾语 [3]biggest one of the+最高级+名词复数,表示“最……的……之一” [4]how how to do“如何做某事” [5]has planted 由so far可知是现在完成时has done [6]a 表示“一个城市”用不定冠词,且model发音以辅音音素开头,用a [7]fighting succeed (in) doing“成功做某事” [8]was told 主语he与动词tell之间是动宾关系,用被动语态be done,由had可知是一般过去时,故用was done [9]of take care of“照顾”,固定短语 [10]helps 时态是一般现在时,且动名词作主语看作三单,故用动词三单
练习13 Help The Disabled 笔记
Compared to most people with disabilities (残疾), Zhao Hongcheng is ___1___ (luck). She is disabled, ___2___ her parents give her great supports on her education. So nothing can stop her ___3___ learning. When she was twenty years old, she went into a university in Shanghai and ___4___ (success) completed her studies there. In 2019, the rising popularity of short videos inspired Zhao. Zhao wants to be a bridge between ___5___ disabled and the rest of society. So she began to make her own videos. Many people like her videos. Especially one video about how she got to work in a wheelchair made her even ___6___ (popular). Now she becomes a famous person that ___7___ (have) over 84,000 followers on the video-sharing platform Bilibili. In the daily life, zhao also wants to help more disabled people. She did a survey about the disabled people’s tripping. She ___8___ (find) their trips were not very smooth, especially when they wanted to take buses. Zhao wrote down some ___9___ (suggest) to the local government. Luckily, her advice ___10___ (accept) and they helped more disabled people. [1]lucky is后加形容词,根据后文可知“她很幸运”,“幸运的”lucky [2]but 根据句意可知“虽然残疾,到那时父母支持她的教育”,前后句是转折关系,用but [3]from stop sb from doing“阻止某人做某事” [4]successfully 副词修饰动词completed,success是名词,形容词是successful,副词是successfully [5]the disabled“残疾的”是形容词,the+形容词,表示“一类人” [6]more popular even后加比较级 [7]has 此处是定语从句,时态是一般现在时,关系词that指代先行词person,是单数,故从句谓语动词用has [8]found 动作发生在过去,是一般过去时,用过去式 [9]suggestions some后加名词,suggest是动词,suggestion“建议”是可数名词,some后可数名词用复数 [10]was accepted 时态是一般过去时,且advice与accept之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,故用was done
练习14 Old New Medicines 笔记
What should you do if you have ___1___ headache In modern times, people often take aspirin (阿司匹林). But is aspirin actually a modern medicine More than 4,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians used dried leaves to treat pain. And in the fourth century B.C. a medicine made from tree bark (树皮) ___2___ (use) to treat fevers. In the nineteenth century, ___3___ (Europe) scientists discovered that both medicines have the same chemical (化学物质). They used the chemical to make a modern medicine—aspirin. Today, it’s one of the ___4___ (world) cheapest and most helpful medicines. Some of the medicines we have today come from traditional Chinese medicine. In the third century B.C., some people began studying the human body. They ___5___ (try) many different ways to treat the patients and recorded their results. For more than 2,000 years, doctors recorded ___6___ they found in books. These ancient books are still useful today. Tu Youyou, a Chinese medical researcher, found that in the past, people used a herb with yellow flowers to treat fevers. After studying it, she developed a medicine that saved ___7___ (million) of people from dying. For centuries, ___8___ (West) medicine paid little attention ___9___ traditional Chinese medicine. But today, scientists are ___10___ (study) traditional treatments to develop new medicines. [1]a have a headache“头疼”,固定短语 (have a fever,have a toothache等) [2]was used 由in the fourth century B.C.可知是一般过去时;此处表示“被用来”是被动语态,故用was done [3]European 形容词修饰名词scientists,European“欧洲的” [4]world’s 用所有格修饰名词medicines [5]tried 由In the third century B.C.可知是一般过去时,用过去式 [6]what 此处是宾语从句的连接词,从句中found缺少宾语,用what [7]millions millions of“数百万的” [8]Western 形容词修饰名词medicine,western“西方的”是形容词 [9]to pay attention to“重视、注意” [10]studying are后接现在分词doing,构成现在进行时
练习15 Nanjing Confucius Temple 笔记
Nanjing Confucius Temple lies in the Nanjing City, at the north bank of the Qinhuai River. It ___1___ (build) in 1034 to show respect (敬重) for Confucius, who was a great thinker and teacher of ancient China. The temple was also a college. People considered it as a cultural center in the old times. The whole temple covers a large area and includes a group of old buildings. For example, Gongyuan used to be ___2___ examination school. It was founded in the Song Dynasty as a place to choose officials. Now the temple has ___3___ (turn) into a popular place for traveling. Thousands of ___4___ (tour) come here to pay a visit. They can not ___5___ know much about the history, but also learn Confucius’s great ideas on education. Visiting the temple at night will give visitors a different feeling. It’s wonderful ___6___ (take) a boat on the Qinhuai River. The water looks ___7___ (beautiful) than usual as the sun goes down. So do the ancient old buildings because they are all lit up (照亮) by lanterns. What a nice thing to recite some Confucius’s sayings on the boat! The temple holds many cultural activities during the Spring Festival. It’s a good chance for visitors to experience ___8___ (tradition) Chinese arts, ___9___ paper-cutting and piyingxi. Besides, there are more than 100 kinds of Nanjing dishes and snacks. If you go there, why not ___10___ (have) a try [1]was built it指代Nanjing Confucius Temple,与build之间是动宾关系,用被动语态,由in 1034可知是一般过去时,故用was done [2]an 表示“一所考试学校”用不定冠词;且examination发音以元音音素开头,用an [3]turned has后加过去分词构成现在完成时 [4]tourists 此处指“成千上万的游客”,“游客”tourist,且是复数 [5]only not only…but also…“不仅……而且……” [6]to take it is adj to do“做某事是……的”,it是形式主语,不定式to do是真正主语 [7]more beautiful 由than可知是比较级 [8]traditional 形容词修饰名词Chinese art [9]like like“像、比如”,用于举例 [10]have why not do“为什么不做某事”
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
练习01 Electric Cars 笔记
Do you see there are many electric cars running on the road There might be more in the future, because it is ___1___ way to help slow the climate change. In the United States, it is said thay by 2030, half of all new cars sold should be electric ones. Now this country is one of the ___2___ (big) makers of greenhouse gases. More than a quarter of those in the country come ___3___ cars. But over half of Americans don’t want that. They say the electric cars are expensive and it’s not easy ___4___ (charge) them when the cars run out of power as charging stations are not enough. So should all cars be electric Our newspaper held a ___5___ (discuss) too. 55% readers choose electric cars as the oil is not reusable. Electric cars can use renewable energy including solar and wind power which can help reduce the air pollution. ___6___ 45% readers don’t like electric cars. It’s hard to control the car when the weather is poor. The batteries (电池) ___7___ (make) of things found at the bottom of the sea. That’s ___8___ (harm) to sea animals and the environment too. Environment problems are becoming more and more serious. Maybe they won’t be solved ___9___ (simple) by producing more electric cars. Every one of us ___10___ (have) to do more to make our home better. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习02 Howes’s Animal Friends 笔记
Howes was spending a day at the Ocean Beach in New Zealand. His daughter Niccy and her two friends, Helen and Karina, were with him. They were swimming over 300 feet out to sea ___1___ they saw six dolphins (海豚) coming to them. “We couldn’t believe our eyes,” Mr. Howes said. “They kept ___2___ (move) in a circle and we didn’t know why.” Then, one dolphin swam to Mr. Howes and Helen, who were about 65 feet away from the other two. It pushed Mr. Howes and Helen a lot. Mr. Howes felt that the dolphin wanted to bring them together. “___3___ (sudden) I saw another fish swimming to me and Helen,” said Mr. Howes. “It was ___4___ fact a great white shark (鲨鱼). It was only about 15 feet away from us,” he said. Then he knew what the dolphins ___5___ (do)! They were trying ___6___ (save) them from the shark. The shark then went to the other two girls. Mr. Howes was really ___7___ (scare). One of the ___8___ (girl) was his daughter. The dolphins pushed the four swimmers back together and placed ___9___ (they) between the swimmers and the shark. About 40 minutes later, the shark finally lost interest and swam away. The four swimmers were finally out of danger. For Howes, it was ___10___ unforgettable day. He couldn’t thank his animal friends enough. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习03 Lei Jun 笔记
Xiaomi Su 7 electric car ___1___ (get) tons of attention since its presentation (发布会) was held on the evening of March 28th, 2024. More and more people are crazy about Xiaomi ___2___ (product), such as Mi phone, Mi TV, Mi band and so on. The man behind this craze is Lei Jun, the founder and CEO of Xiaomi Company. Lei was born in Xiantao, Hubei in 1969. He entered Wuhan University to study computer science ___3___ the age of 18. When studying in the university, he showed a great ___4___ (interested) in computer programming and electric products. He used to think he would be a programmer for a lifetime. But a book called Fire in the valley, ___5___ tells the story of the founder of Apple Company, Steve Jobs, changed his life. Encouraged by the book, 21-year-old Lei set up his first company with his friends. But it soon failed because he lacked a long-term plan. After graduation, Lei became a programmer of Kingsoft Company. In 16 years, he became one of the ___6___ (excellent) IT company leaders. But that’s not ___7___ only thing he wanted. Then he left Kingsoft and started ___8___ (he) own company. In 2010, the smartphone company Xiaomi Technology ___9___ (set) up. Now there are more than 14 million Mi phone users. “Never ___10___ (give) up your dream. Life is long, always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.” said Lei. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习04 Problems In Some Families 笔记
Now cities are full of ___1___ (car). Some families even have two or more cars, so parking is becoming a big problem. The traffic in some cities is getting ___2___ (bad), too. Car drivers drive so fast ___3___ there are more traffic accidents. More and more people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. Mr. White often sees people in the restaurant eating face to face while they ___4___ (look) at their own mobile phones. He thinks it is strange that they don’t talk to the ones ___5___ sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun ___6___ (chat) with others on the phone. Most families own computers now. A study found that children use the Internet more and more. The number of children using the Internet ___7___ (grow) by three times in the past three years. Mr. White’s grandson is a middle school student. He often stays up late playing computer games on the Internet. He falls asleep in the early hours of the morning and spend ___8___ (little) time doing homework. His teacher told Mr. White that his grandson failed another test. Mr. White got very angry ___9___ him. Mr. White thinks that life ___10___ (use) to be simple and happy, but now it has changed a lot. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习05 Every Dog Has Its Day 笔记
Lisa has always ___1___ (be) overweight (肥胖的). She wanted to lose weight, not only because she wanted to look more beautiful and healthier, ___2___ also because it would make life easier. For example, it was difficult for Lisa ___3___ (find) ready-made clothes. She had to ask a tailor (裁缝) to make clothes that were large enough. In school, she needed a special chair that was bigger and stronger ___4___ other chairs. If she went for a walk, she got tired very ___5___ (quick). She was also ___6___ (happy) about the way people treated her sometimes. “People look at me and even make fun of me. I can’t enjoy ___7___ (have) dinner with my friends because I’m afraid of getting fatter.”But now things are quite different. Last month her classmates were preparing for School Art Week. Someone ___8___ (advise) Lisa to play the lead role of the proud Queen who was tall and overweight. Lisa agreed and practiced a lot. Soon after the play, Lisa became a star! She did ___9___ well that everybody knew the proud Queen. Now Lisa doesn’t worry about being overweight any more. She believes in the English saying: “Every dog has ___10___ (it) day.” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习06 Handwriting And Typing 笔记
The earliest form of writing appeared about 5,500 years ago. In the past, hand writing was ___1___ important subject in school. Now, many students sometimes do homework on a computer and turn in their tasks online. Many people think typing (打字) is quick and easy to read, while writing by hand may take ___2___ (long) than typing. ___3___ others say writing with a pen and paper is more valuable. Writing by hand has big ___4___ (advantage). Research shows that when we write down ideas with a pen or pencil, we make the brain active to help us learn, remember and think. Writing by hand lets people show their creativity. No two people have the same handwriting. Writing by hand can also help people concentrate. When using a computer, people can go online or play computer games ___5___ (easy). Handwriting may be pretty, however, people can get ___6___ (they) ideas and thoughts down more quickly when they type. Typing can also make it easier for people to change. Once something is ___7___ (write) by hand, you can’t delete it. If you want ___8___ (make) a change, you have to write it all over again. What’s ___9___ (much), some people’s handwriting may be hard to read. Typing makes everything clear, and no one will have to worry ___10___ their words being clear enough. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习07 How I Met Reading 笔记
You can never imagine how crazy I was about football then. I used to play football ___1___ dark every day. But I ___2___ (unlucky) developed a serious disease one day. Soon my mother rushed to me to the hospital and the doctor said that I needed to receive treatment in the hospital for some time. My dad often spent the night with me in the hospital while my mother looked after my sister at home. Then came the happiest moments when my father told me wonderful stories. My father was a ___3___ (talent) storyteller. In the hospital, he would tell me a story or two. He ___4___ (copy) sounds of bicycles or animals, so the pictures would never disappear from my mind. I was ___5___ happy that sometimes I wished to stay in the hospital a little longer. Because ___6___ my mom’s strict and careful care later, it became difficult ___7___ (get) well slowly. No longer sick, no more stories. Disappointed, I went into my father’s room one evening. “Dad, you ___8___ (tell) me stories only when I’m sick.” My father laughed, “You are already eight and can read by ___9___ (you).” He handed me a book and said, “Go and read it. It will tell you stories.” That night, I opened the book and read the ___10___ (interesting) story I had ever read. Then I became thirsty for books and now I am a curious reader. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习08 A Boy And A Bale Of Hay 笔记
A man ___1___ (drive) down a country road one day when he saw a child trying to lift a bale of hay (一堆干草) off the ground. It seemed that the hay had fallen off the back of ___2___ truck. The man ___3___ (stop) his car and went over to the boy. “Hey there, you look like you’re having a hard time ___4___ (move) that heavy bale of hay. Why not ___5___ (take) a break I can give you some water,” the man said. “No, thank you,” the boy replied. “My dad said I need ___6___ (move) this bale of hay.” “Ah, but everyone needs a break. Just take a few minutes to get ___7___ (relax)!” the man said. “No, my dad said it’s ___8___ (real) important to move this hay as soon ___9___ possible,” the boy said. “That sounds strange! Can you tell me ___10___ your father is I’d like to talk to him about how he’s treating you,” the man said. “Well,” the boy replied, “he’s under this bale of hay.” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习09 Chinese Paintings 笔记
Zhou Baile is a student at No. 150 High School of Changchun. He and other 20 students at the school worked together to paint A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains on the walls of ___1___ (they) fine art classroom. The painting ___2___ (paint) by Wang Ximeng during the Northern Song Dynasty. The project began in early March, and it took the students 129 days ___3___ (finish). The 3.5-meter-tall painting has a total length of 11 meters. Duan Yingzi, the fine art teacher, guided the painting. ___4___ the end of 2022, Duan set up a painting club. She bought ___5___ amazing copy of the painting and brought it into class ___6___ that her students could enjoy the ___7___ (beautiful) of Chinese painting. “Wang finished the painting at the age of 18. My students are at a similar age. Why couldn’t they give it a try So I invited my club members to join in the painting project,” said Duan. “Seeing the work we created, I could know how Wang ___8___ (feel) when he finished this painting more than 900 years ago,” said Zhang Chuying, another student of the painting team. Duan hopes that through their hard work, the students can have a much ___9___ (good) understanding of Chinese painting and pass on the excellent ___10___ (tradition) culture in a new way. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习10 Watch Football Matches On A Pole 笔记
Henry works in a factory. He comes from a poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work. But he is paid only a little. He likes to watch football matches very much and spends much time ___1___ (watch) them. One day, there was an important football match on the playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and ___2___ (hurry) there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets ___3___ (sell) out. He was sorry for it. He saw a pole (杆子) outside the playground and climbed it quickly. While he ___4___ (watch) the match, a policeman came and said, “It is dangerous ___5___ (stay) on it! Come down!” “Wait a minute, please!” Henry said, the policeman heard cheers on the playground and asked, “Which team has kicked a goal ” “Ours!” “Wonderful! I believe our team ___6___ (kick) another goal soon. You can stay there, but take care,” the policeman said happily and left. When the match would be soon over, he came back again and asked, “Who has won ” “Theirs, 3:2.” “Come down,” the policeman said ___7___ (angry). “Such ___8___ match is not worth watching!” Henry had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said ___9___ a hurry, “Climb up quickly ___10___ see who has kicked a goal.” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习11 Vegetable Gene 笔记
Foreigners like growing flowers in the garden and enjoy the nice smell in spring. However, Chinese people prefer growing vegetables and get a harvest in autumn. For Chinese, bottles, boxes, even plastic bags are perfect for growing vegetables. It’s said that there is a “vegetable gene (基因)” in every Chinese. After all, they ___1___ (farm) for thousands of years. ___2___ of this, they grow vegetables around the world, creating conditions for planting before there are any. A group of parents of Chinese students once grew vegetables at Yale University. This area used to be covered ___3___ weeds (杂草). ___4___ (help) change the situation, these Chinese parents worked together and finally turned weeds into vegetables. Africa is such a poor place. Many hard-working and kind-hearted Chinese workers went there to help. They helped build roads as well as ___5___ (teach) Africans how to farm. All kinds of fruits and vegetables have been ___6___ (grow) in Africa. The soldiers (士兵) on the islands of the South China Sea also created a vegetable garden through ___7___ (they) own efforts. It used to be difficult for the soldiers to eat fresh vegetables on the islands. But ___8___ (recent), they harvested 750 kg of vegetables on sandy beaches. Everyone was ___9___ (excite). With the development of the country, Chinese people have grown vegetables all over ___10___ world, from America to Africa, from South Pole to the outer space. Just as what we saw in the movie, the days of planting potatoes on Mars (火星) will not be far away. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习12 My Husband’s Transition To Retirement 笔记
In 1988, Wang Chengbang retired (退休) from the army. Instead of enjoying a ___1___ (relax) life, he volunteered to save the soil from desertification (沙漠化) by planting trees in Korla, Xinjiang. It is not an easy job. The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone ___2___ (work) day after day in the sunshine. What’s more, water is one of the ___3___ (big) problems. In fact, Wang Chengbang’s work in the first few years failed as very few trees survived (存活). But no matter how hard, Wang Chengbang would not give up. “After trying many different ways, I have learned ___4___ to grow young trees in a better way,” said Wang Chenghang. He also worked out new ways to save water. With his hard work, more and more trees have survived. So far, he ___5___ (plant) more than 1.5 million. Those green trees prevent desertification, make the air cleaner and cleaner, prevent people from the hot sun. Now, Korla is ___6___ model city in environmental protection. Wang Chengbang also succeeded in ___7___ (fight) cancer (癌症). In 2021, he had cancer and ___8___ (tell) that he had only six months to live. However, he continued taking care ___9___ his trees rather than lie in bed. “Working is the best medicine. Planting trees ___10___ (help) to fight cancer,” he often jokes. Now although he is at the age of 86, Wang Chengbang is still working. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习13 Help The Disabled 笔记
Compared to most people with disabilities (残疾), Zhao Hongcheng is ___1___ (luck). She is disabled, ___2___ her parents give her great supports on her education. So nothing can stop her ___3___ learning. When she was twenty years old, she went into a university in Shanghai and ___4___ (success) completed her studies there. In 2019, the rising popularity of short videos inspired Zhao. Zhao wants to be a bridge between ___5___ disabled and the rest of society. So she began to make her own videos. Many people like her videos. Especially one video about how she got to work in a wheelchair made her even ___6___ (popular). Now she becomes a famous person that ___7___ (have) over 84,000 followers on the video-sharing platform Bilibili. In the daily life, zhao also wants to help more disabled people. She did a survey about the disabled people’s tripping. She ___8___ (find) their trips were not very smooth, especially when they wanted to take buses. Zhao wrote down some ___9___ (suggest) to the local government. Luckily, her advice ___10___ (accept) and they helped more disabled people. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习14 Old New Medicines 笔记
What should you do if you have ___1___ headache In modern times, people often take aspirin (阿司匹林). But is aspirin actually a modern medicine More than 4,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians used dried leaves to treat pain. And in the fourth century B.C. a medicine made from tree bark (树皮) ___2___ (use) to treat fevers. In the nineteenth century, ___3___ (Europe) scientists discovered that both medicines have the same chemical (化学物质). They used the chemical to make a modern medicine—aspirin. Today, it’s one of the ___4___ (world) cheapest and most helpful medicines. Some of the medicines we have today come from traditional Chinese medicine. In the third century B.C., some people began studying the human body. They ___5___ (try) many different ways to treat the patients and recorded their results. For more than 2,000 years, doctors recorded ___6___ they found in books. These ancient books are still useful today. Tu Youyou, a Chinese medical researcher, found that in the past, people used a herb with yellow flowers to treat fevers. After studying it, she developed a medicine that saved ___7___ (million) of people from dying. For centuries, ___8___ (West) medicine paid little attention ___9___ traditional Chinese medicine. But today, scientists are ___10___ (study) traditional treatments to develop new medicines. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
练习15 Nanjing Confucius Temple 笔记
Nanjing Confucius Temple lies in the Nanjing City, at the north bank of the Qinhuai River. It ___1___ (build) in 1034 to show respect (敬重) for Confucius, who was a great thinker and teacher of ancient China. The temple was also a college. People considered it as a cultural center in the old times. The whole temple covers a large area and includes a group of old buildings. For example, Gongyuan used to be ___2___ examination school. It was founded in the Song Dynasty as a place to choose officials. Now the temple has ___3___ (turn) into a popular place for traveling. Thousands of ___4___ (tour) come here to pay a visit. They can not ___5___ know much about the history, but also learn Confucius’s great ideas on education. Visiting the temple at night will give visitors a different feeling. It’s wonderful ___6___ (take) a boat on the Qinhuai River. The water looks ___7___ (beautiful) than usual as the sun goes down. So do the ancient old buildings because they are all lit up (照亮) by lanterns. What a nice thing to recite some Confucius’s sayings on the boat! The temple holds many cultural activities during the Spring Festival. It’s a good chance for visitors to experience ___8___ (tradition) Chinese arts, ___9___ paper-cutting and piyingxi. Besides, there are more than 100 kinds of Nanjing dishes and snacks. If you go there, why not ___10___ (have) a try [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 9 What does he look like?语法与阅读训练(含答案)
