
1. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. younger B. shorter C. stronger D. heavier
( ) 2. A. stayed at home B. washed my clothes C. read my book D. saw a film
( ) 3. A. went fishing B. rode a bike C. took pictures D. went camping
( ) 4. A. gym B. dinning hall C. library D. teaching building
( ) 5. A. bird B. spaceship C. plane D. kite
2. 听录音,根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的选项。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. How tall is the dinosaur
A. It’s 4 metres. B. It’s 3.4 metres. C. It’s 3 metres.
( ) 2. How did Tom go to Sanya
A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.
( ) 3. What does John want to be in the future
A. A football coach. B. A scientist. C. A businessman.
( ) 4. What was the matter with Sarah
A. She had a fever. B. She had a cough. C. She had a headache.
( ) 5. Where is China Science and Technology Museum
A. Next to the cinema. B. On Beichen Road. C. Near the Olympic Park.
3. 听短文,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的选项。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. Where did Leo go last summer holiday
A. Australia. B. America. C. Africa.
( ) 2. What was the weather like there
A. Hot. B. Warm. C. Cold.
( ) 3 What did Leo do during the trip
A. Went camping. B. Climbed mountains. C. Went shopping.
( ) 4. When did Leo go to a concert in Sydney Opera
A. On Aug. 3rd. B. On Aug. 6th. C. On Aug. 7th.
( ) 5. How did Leo feel in the country
A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Worried.
Welcome to Yang Guang Primary School. It’s next to Dong Hu Lake. There are two buildings and a big playground in our school. This is our teaching building. There are 72 classrooms in it. This is another building. There are many function rooms (功能室) here. The library is on the first floor. On Fridays, we often read books here. The music room is on the second floor. On Wednesdays, we sing songs here. The computer room is on the third floor. On Thursdays, we learn to use computers here. The teachers’ offices are on the fourth floor. Every Mondays, we usually have the assembly (校会) here. There is a gym behind the building. We can play basketball and play ping-pong in it. We have a small garden in front of the gym. Students often water the plants and draw pictures of the flowers on Thursdays.
4. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。
(1) There are two buildings and two playgrounds in our school. ( )
(2) The music room is on the second floor. ( )
(3) On Thursdays, we learn to use computers on the fourth floor. ( )
(4) The gym is behind the building. ( )
5. 根据短文回答问题。
(1) Where is Yang Guang Primary School
(2) How many classrooms are there in the school
April 7th Saturday Sunny It was sunny today, I went to Dengfeng City with Jack. We visitedShaolin Temple. We watched Kungfu Show there. It was amazing. April 8th Sunday Cloudy I went to Luoyang City today. I visited Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟). I watched the Peony Show(牡丹花展) there. I took many pictures of the beautiful flowers. April 9th Monday Rainy Today I went to Zhengzhou City with Henry. We visited Henan Museum. I learned a lot of Chinese history. In the afternoon we went to Renmin Park and rowed a boat there.
6. 根据日记内容,补全下面表格。
When Who Where What (写出至少一个)
_______ Tom and _______ Dengfeng City _________________
Sunday Tom __________ Visited Longmen Grottoes and watched Peony Show.
_______ _______ _______ _________________
7. 从下面选择正确图片,帮助外教Tom完成每天的日记照片匹配,并将序号写在相应的横线上。
A. B. C.
D. E.
(1) April 7th _______
(2) April 8th _______
(3) April 9th _______
My name is Lingling. I am a student. I ___8___ at 7:30. Then I ___9___ . On the weekend, I often ___10___ . Sometimes I ___11___ . My favourite season is ___12___ , because I can ___13___ . My birthday is on ___14___ . I often go to school ___15___ . Last weekend I went to a bookstore. I ___16___ . Then I went home and washed the clothes. Do you want to be my friend Please ____17____ .
A. visit my grandparents
B. get up
C. make a snowman
D. eat breakfast
E. go shopping
F. write to me
G. winter
H. September 8th
I. by bike
J. bought a comic book
Reporter: ___18___ Yaping. May I ask you some questions
Wang Yaping: Sure.
Reporter: You are the first Chinese woman to walk in space, we are all proud of you. ___19___
Wang Yaping: I was born in Shandong.
Reporter: ___20___
Wang Yaping: I joined the army when I was 17 years old.
Reporter: ___21___
Wang Yaping: I dreamed of being a woman taikonaut(中国航天员) and flying into space.
Reporter: That’s wonderful. You have realized your dream.
Wang Yaping: Yes, I worked very hard and passed all the training tests.
Reporter: In 2013, you flew into space in Shenzhou X, you were the first China space teacher and gave a lesson to the teenagers. They were very interested in this lesson.
Wang Yaping: I hope the teenagers can have dreams of space flight, in the future, they can make contributions(做贡献) to the space industry(航天事业) for China.
A. Where were you born
B. Nice to meet you.
C When did you join the army
D. Where are you from
E. What was your dream
F. What are you doing
22. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
23. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
24. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
25. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
26. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
27. 书面表达。
同学们,这个暑假之后,你将步入中学。小学阶段美好时光即将结束,暑假里你有什么计划吗?请参考下面的思维可视图,以My Summer Vacation Plan为题,写一写你的计划吧。
1. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. younger B. shorter C. stronger D. heavier
( ) 2. A. stayed at home B. washed my clothes C. read my book D. saw a film
( ) 3. A. went fishing B. rode a bike C. took pictures D. went camping
( ) 4. A. gym B. dinning hall C. library D. teaching building
( ) 5. A. bird B. spaceship C. plane D. kite
【答案】 ①. D ②. B ③. D ④. D ⑤. B
2. 听录音,根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的选项。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. How tall is the dinosaur
A. It’s 4 metres. B. It’s 3.4 metres. C. It’s 3 metres.
( ) 2. How did Tom go to Sanya
A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.
( ) 3. What does John want to be in the future
A. A football coach. B. A scientist. C. A businessman.
( ) 4. What was the matter with Sarah
A. She had a fever. B. She had a cough. C. She had a headache.
( ) 5. Where is China Science and Technology Museum
A. Next to the cinema. B. On Beichen Road. C. Near the Olympic Park.
【答案】 ①. A ②. B ③. C ④. C ⑤. C
3. 听短文,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的选项。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. Where did Leo go last summer holiday
A. Australia. B. America. C. Africa.
( ) 2. What was the weather like there
A. Hot. B. Warm. C. Cold.
( ) 3. What did Leo do during the trip
A. Went camping. B. Climbed mountains. C. Went shopping.
( ) 4. When did Leo go to a concert in Sydney Opera
A. On Aug. 3rd. B. On Aug. 6th. C. On Aug. 7th.
( ) 5. How did Leo feel in the country
A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Worried.
【答案】 ①. A ②. C ③. B ④. B ⑤. A
Welcome to Yang Guang Primary School. It’s next to Dong Hu Lake. There are two buildings and a big playground in our school. This is our teaching building. There are 72 classrooms in it. This is another building. There are many function rooms (功能室) here. The library is on the first floor. On Fridays, we often read books here. The music room is on the second floor. On Wednesdays, we sing songs here. The computer room is on the third floor. On Thursdays, we learn to use computers here. The teachers’ offices are on the fourth floor. Every Mondays, we usually have the assembly (校会) here. There is a gym behind the building. We can play basketball and play ping-pong in it. We have a small garden in front of the gym. Students often water the plants and draw pictures of the flowers on Thursdays.
4. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。
(1) There are two buildings and two playgrounds in our school. ( )
(2) The music room is on the second floor. ( )
(3) On Thursdays, we learn to use computers on the fourth floor. ( )
(4) The gym is behind the building. ( )
5. 根据短文回答问题。
(1) Where is Yang Guang Primary School
(2) How many classrooms are there in the school
【答案】4. ①. F ②. T ③. F ④. T
5. ①. It’s next to Dong Hu Lake. ②. There are 72 classrooms in the school.
(1)句意:我们学校有两栋楼和两个操场。根据原文“There are two buildings and a big playground in our school.”可知学校有两栋楼和一个大操场,句子不符合原文,故答案为F。
(2)句意:音乐室在二楼。根据原文“The music room is on the second floor.”可知句子符合原文,故答案为T。
(3)句意:星期四,我们在四楼学习使用电脑。根据原文“The computer room is on the third floor. On Thursdays, we learn to use computers here.”可知计算机教室在三楼,句子不符合原文,故答案为F。
(4)句意:体育馆在大楼后面。根据原文“There is a gym behind the building.”可知句子符合原文,故答案为T。
(1)句意:阳光小学在哪里?根据“Welcome to Yang Guang Primary School. It’s next to Dong Hu Lake.”可知学校在东湖旁边,故答案为It’s next to Dong Hu Lake.
(2)句意:学校有多少间教室?根据“There are 72 classrooms in it.”可知学校有72间教室,故答案为There are 72 classrooms in the school.
April 7th Saturday Sunny It was sunny today, I went to Dengfeng City with Jack. We visitedShaolin Temple. We watched Kungfu Show there. It was amazing. April 8th Sunday Cloudy I went to Luoyang City today. I visited Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟). I watched the Peony Show(牡丹花展) there. I took many pictures of the beautiful flowers. April 9th Monday Rainy Today I went to Zhengzhou City with Henry. We visited Henan Museum. I learned a lot of Chinese history. In the afternoon we went to Renmin Park, and rowed a boat there.
6. 根据日记内容,补全下面表格。
When Who Where What (写出至少一个)
_______ Tom and _______ Dengfeng City _________________
Sunday Tom __________ Visited Longmen Grottoes and watched Peony Show.
_______ _______ _______ _________________
7. 从下面选择正确图片,帮助外教Tom完成每天的日记照片匹配,并将序号写在相应的横线上。
A. B. C.
D. E.
(1) April 7th _______
(2) April 8th _______
(3) April 9th _______
【答案】6. ①. Saturday ②. Jack ③. visited Shaolin Temple/watched Kungfu Show ④. Luoyang City ⑤. Monday ⑥. Henry ⑦. Zhengzhou City ⑧. visited Henan Museum/learned a lot of Chinese history/rowed a boat
7. ①. B ②. CD ③. AE
①句意:什么时候?根据文中“April 7th Saturday”可知时间是4月7日 星期六。故答案为Saturday。
②句意:谁?根据文中“I went to Dengfeng City with Jack.”可知汤姆和杰克一起去了登封市。故答案为Jack。
③句意:做了什么事?根据文中“We visitedShaolin Temple. We watched Kungfu Show there.”可知我们参观了少林寺。我们在那里观看了功夫表演。故答案为visited Shaolin Temple/watched Kungfu Show。
④句意:哪里?根据文中“I went to Luoyang City today.”可知汤姆今天去了洛阳市。故答案为Luoyang City。
⑤句意:什么时候?根据文中“April 9th Monday”可知4月9日 星期一。故答案为Monday。
⑥句意:谁?根据文中“Today I went to Zhengzhou City with Henry.”可知今天我和亨利一起去了郑州市。故答为Henry。
⑦句意:哪里?根据文中“Today I went to Zhengzhou City with Henry.”可知今天我和亨利一起去了郑州市。故答为Zhengzhou City。
⑧句意:做了什么事?根据文中“We visited Henan Museum. I learned a lot of Chinese history. In the afternoon we went to Renmin Park, and rowed a boat there.”可知我们参观了河南博物馆。我学到了很多中国历史。下午我们去了人民公园,在那里划船。故答案为visited Henan Museum/learned a lot of Chinese history/rowed a boat。
⑴句意:4月7日。根据文中“We visitedShaolin Temple. We watched Kungfu Show there.”可知我们参观了少林寺。我们在那里观看了功夫表演。图片B就是在少林寺观看功夫表演。故选B。
⑵句意:4月8日。根据文中“I visited Longmen Grottoes. I watched the Peony Show there.”可知我参观了龙门石窟。我在那里观看了牡丹花展。图片C是龙门石窟,D是牡丹花。故选CD。
⑶句意:4月9日。根据文中“We visited Henan Museum. I learned a lot of Chinese history. In the afternoon we went to Renmin Park, and rowed a boat there.”可知我们参观了河南博物馆。我学到了很多中国历史。下午我们去了人民公园,在那里划船。图片A是河南博物馆,图片E是人民公园。故选AE。
My name is Lingling. I am a student. I ___8___ at 7:30. Then I ___9___ . On the weekend, I often ___10___ . Sometimes I ___11___ . My favourite season is ___12___ , because I can ___13___ . My birthday is on ___14___ . I often go to school ___15___ . Last weekend I went to a bookstore. I ___16___ . Then I went home and washed the clothes. Do you want to be my friend Please ____17____ .
A. visit my grandparents
B. get up
C. make a snowman
D. eat breakfast
E. go shopping
F write to me
G winter
H. September 8th
I. by bike
J. bought a comic book
【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. E 12. G 13. C 14. H 15. I 16. J 17. F
句意:我在七点半起床。根据图片可知是get up起床,故选B。
句意:然后我吃早饭。根据图片可知eat breakfast吃早饭,故选D。
句意:在周末,我经常去看望我的祖父母。根据图片可知是visit my grandparents看望我的祖父母,故选A。
句意:有时我去购物。根据图片可知是go shopping去购物,故选E。
句意:我最喜欢的季节是冬天,因为我可以堆雪人。根据图片可知是make a snowman堆雪人,故选C。
句意:我的生日在九月八日。根据图片可知日期是September 8th九月八日,故选H。
句意:我经常骑自行车去上学。根据图片可知是by bike骑自行车,故选I。
句意:我买了一本漫画书。句子是一般过去时,谓语动词buy用过去式bought,根据图片及句意可知是bought a comic book买了一本漫画书,故选J。
句意:请给我写信。根据图片及句意可知是write to me给我写信,故选F。
Reporter: ___18___ Yaping. May I ask you some questions
Wang Yaping: Sure.
Reporter: You are the first Chinese woman to walk in space, we are all proud of you. ___19___
Wang Yaping: I was born in Shandong.
Reporter: ___20___
Wang Yaping: I joined the army when I was 17 years old.
Reporter: ___21___
Wang Yaping: I dreamed of being a woman taikonaut(中国航天员) and flying into space.
Reporter: That’s wonderful. You have realized your dream.
Wang Yaping: Yes, I worked very hard and passed all the training tests.
Reporter: In 2013, you flew into space in Shenzhou X, you were the first China space teacher and gave a lesson to the teenagers. They were very interested in this lesson.
Wang Yaping: I hope the teenagers can have dreams of space flight, in the future, they can make contributions(做贡献) to the space industry(航天事业) for China.
A. Where were you born
B. Nice to meet you.
C. When did you join the army
D. Where are you from
E. What was your dream
F. What are you doing
【答案】18. B 19. A 20. C 21. E
22. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
【答案】I went to a cinema and watched a film.
【详解】图片是电影标识和零食,可以描述为:我去了电影院看了一场电影。时态用一般过去时,去了电影院went to a cinema,看了电影watched a film,故答案为I went to a cinema and watched a film.
23. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
【答案】My mom is a pilot, and she works on a plane.
【详解】图片是一个女飞行员,背景是飞机,可以描述为:我的妈妈是飞行员,她在飞机上工作。时态用一般现在时,一个飞行员a pilot,在飞机上工作work on a plane,故答案为My mom is a pilot, and she works on a plane.
24. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
【答案】Oliver is angry and he should count from one to ten.
【详解】图片是一个男孩在生气,一个男孩在数数,可以描述为:奥利弗很生气,他应该从一数到十。时态用一般现在时,生气的angry,从一数到十count from one to ten,故答案为Oliver is angry, and he should count from one to ten.
25. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
【答案】You can turn right at the corner.
【详解】图中显示右转,可描述为:你可以在拐角处向右转。向右转turn right,在拐角处at the corner,故答案为You can turn right at the corner.
26. (根据图片内容,用一句英语来描述)
【答案】We can do kung fu.
【详解】图中是在练武术,可以描述为:我们会练武术。练武术do kung fu,故答案为We can do kung fu.
27. 书面表达。
同学们,这个暑假之后,你将步入中学。小学阶段的美好时光即将结束,暑假里你有什么计划吗?请参考下面的思维可视图,以My Summer Vacation Plan为题,写一写你的计划吧。
My Summer Vacation Plan
Summer holiday is coming. I will go to Shanghai this summer holiday. I will go there with my parents by train. We will go to Shanghai Disney Resort on July 8th, and we will have fun there. We will eat good food in Shanghai. On July 9th, we will go to Zhouzhuang Town and walk around there. This is my summer holiday plan.
【详解】1.题干解读:该题目要求用第一人称以“My Summer Vacation Plan”为题写一写自己的计划。时态为一般将来时,同时注意句子完整通顺,书写工整,大小写及标点符号正确并要符合字数要求。
参考词汇:summer holiday暑假,my parents我的父母,by train乘火车,have fun玩得高兴,Shanghai Disney Resort上海迪士尼度假区,Zhouzhuang Town周庄古镇
参考句型:I will...;We will...;This is...



