Unit 5 Amazing things同步练习(无答案) 牛津译林版七年级 下册

Unit 5
1. It was ____________( 勇敢的) of him to run into the burning building to save the old lady.
2. We use many _____________(毯子) to keep warm in winter.
3. Every year thousands of foreign_____________(访问者) come to Nanjing.
4. Did you do anything for your own __________(safe)
5. He saw a lot of __________(smoke) from the next door。
6. Fire can be very ____________(danger).
7. Jack fell off the ladder and _________ (hurt) himself.
8.It is important _____________ ( learn ) English well .
9. The old man was ill, and he looked very (虚弱的).
10. If he comes to ask me, I will tell him how to (答复) to the girl.
11. The little boy was not old enough to look after (他自己).
12. Mike is playing near a river. (突然), his ball falls into the water.
13. Can you tell me some (事实) about the things
14. He told me that he (想知道) what to do next.
15. I'm really (惊讶的) that he remembered my birthday.
16. I want to see English films to improve my English, but they speak too q for me to catch their meaning.
17. He often s for some useful information on the Internet.
18. How s the cat is! It has only three legs.
19. The girl________(visit) her uncle last week. She________(have) a great time there.
20. I listened carefully but________(hear) nothing.
21. Dinosaurs________(live) on the Earth long long ago.
22. Millie________(meet) Andy and told him everything.
23. They all________(go) to the park last week.
24. She was sick and________(lie) in bed last night.
25. Xiao Jingteng________(write) this piece of music on a rainy night of 2012.
26. Yesterday my family and I________(plan) our summer holiday.
27. He turned around and________(find) a little cat in the bushes.
28. He________(take) his book and went out with Andy.
( )1. As students, we should listen to teachers ________ in class.
A. careful B. carefully C. care D. carelessly
( )2.Though the old man lives ___________ , she never feels ___________.
A . alone ; alone B. lonely ; lonely C. alone ; lonely D. lonely ; alone
( )3.Marry rushes into the kitchen and puts out the fire _________ a blanket .
A. for B. to C. in D. with
( )4. Can you do anything for your own ______________
A.safest B. safety C. safer D.safe
( )5. Please don’t put ________ here, it’s very dangerous.
A. something hot B. hot something C. anything hot D. hot anything
( )6. Many people ________ flowers____ him when he was in hospital.
A. bring, to B. take, for C. brought, to D. took, with
( )7. Parents should let children know it is very important _____ fire.
A. to careful of B. for careful C. to be careful with D. be careful with
( )8. Don’t ________ the stove ________before you go out.
A. let. on B. leave, on C. keep, fire D. forget, on
( )9. ________ you tell me the way to Suguo Supermarket
A. Could B. Can C. May D. Might
( )10. --- We will build a subway in Xuyi before 2014
A. What an excited news B. How excited the news is
C. What exciting news D. How exciting news
( )11. While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped ________ and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _______ what was wrong with him.
to run; to see B. running; seeing
C. running; to see D. To run; seeing
( )12. Can you __________this word __________English.
A. speak, with B.say, in C. speak, in D. say, with
( )13. How long does it ________ to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by air
A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take
( )14. We are all _________ at the ___________ news.
A. amazed; amazed B. amazed; amazing
C.amazing; amazing D.amazing; amazed
( )15. He turned around, but he couldn't see__________.
something unusual B.anything unusual
C. unusual anything D.unusual something
( )16. Is there_________in today's newspaper
A. special something B. special anything C. something special D. anything special
( )17. Mum is ill. I have to ___________her at home.
A.look for B. look at C. look around D. look after
( )18. We can hear a whisper. It_______ a little cat.
A. sound B. sounds C. sound like D. sounds like
( )19.Yesterday I met Amy ____________.
A. on my way home B. in my way home
C. on my way to home D. in my way to home
( )20. You look worried. What happened ________ you
A. on B. for C. to D. With
1. Kate wondered if she really knew the fun facts. (改为同义句)
Kate if she really knew the fun facts.
2. There is nothing else in the fridge. (改为同义句)
There in the fridge.
3. There was a call for me. (改为反意疑问句)
4. There are also birds, __________ __________ (改为反义疑问句)
5. 昨天他没有像往常一样做早操。
Yesterday he ________________________________________.
Today let me tell you some amazing things in the world.
The longest pencil in the world is 20 m 1 long. It is also very big. It is about 1 metre wide. It took many workers thousands of hours to m 2 it. A pencil factory in Malaysia made it in 2002.
The world’s smallest book is only as b 3 as a sesame(芝麻) seed. It was made in 1996 in Russia. It has 30 p 4 and 3 pictures in it. On each page, there are 11 lines of text. The b 5 is half in English and half in Russian.
The world’s largest f 6 has 178 people, from the great-great-grandparents to the little babies. Every day, the Indian family eat lunch and dinner t 7 . But they have to eat in turn. A group of 30 people can eat while o 8 wait. Women have to cook and serve the food. M 9 eat first. Every day, cooking starts from noon and goes on until midnight. The family eat about one thousand six h 10 cakes every day.
Mrs Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. On a Friday afternoon she finished 1 housework and went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and 2 outside. She liked to see the green farm. There are many cows,horses and small animals 3 the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo 4 an old jacket under the window. It stood there and was hungry. Mrs Brown gave some bread 5 nuts to it. The kan-garoo ate them 6 . Then it became happy and jumped away. Suddenly something dropped on the 7 from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, 8 it and found there was $300and a photo in it. That was a man's photo with his name“John”on it. John She looked more 9 and remembered she had a brother many years 10 . His name was also John. “Is this man my lost brother ”She 11 . She 12 the wallet with her and began to 13 the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. 14 her surprise, he was John, her lost brother. They were very excited and 15 to see each other.
( )1. A. his B. our C. their D. her
( )2. A. looked B. saw C. look D. see
( )3. A. for B. out C. on D. from
( )4. A. by B. in C. on D. over
( )5. A. on B. and C. but D. nor
( )6. A. all B. none C. any D. many
( )7. A. back B. water C. river D. ground
( )8. A. open B. closed C. opened D. close
( )9. A. careful B. carefully C. care D. careless
( )10. A. before B. ago C. later D. after
( )11. A. says B. thinks C. thought D. throught
( )12. A. taked B. took C. takes D. take
( )13. A. find B. call C. look for D. look at
( )14. A. On B. from C. To D. for
( )15. A. sad B. angry C.late D. happy
Computers games are great! They’re better than TV. On TV you can watch a spaceship, but in a computer game you can fly a spaceship!
Computers are bad for your health. In the past, Children ran around and played sports .Now they just sit at home. A lot of children spend too much time with computers. They start playing and then they can't stop. They don’t talk to anyone, they just sit and look at the computer for hours and hours.
When children play with computers, they learn to understand puters are going to be very important in the future. So children should play with them and learn about them. The Internet is very useful. There is more information on the Internet than in the world’s biggest library.
A lot of computer games are very bad. There is a lot of shooting and killing .These games are worse than TV. You see bad things on TV. But in computer games you do bad things. It can’t be good for you.
I don't think children learn much from computers. They can’t learn about life from a computer. And they can't do their homework if they play computer games all the time.
I’ve got friends all over the world. I’ve never seen any of them, but I know them all well because we send e-mails to each other. My computer is the door to the world.
( ) 1. In a computer game, you ________ exciting things.
A. never do B. do C. read D. just watch
( ) 2. Children _______ before computers.
were less healthy B. did more sports
C. sat at home D. were more healthy
( )3. Some children play with computers ________ .
A. too little B. and talk too much C. nearly all the time D. seldom
( )4.Children _______ important things when they play with computers.
A. should do B. do C. learn D. never do
( )5. You can find _______ information on the Internet than in a library.
A. better B. more C more useful D worse
The red kangaroo is famous, special Australian animal. It moves by jumping on its long hind(后部的) legs. Its heavy long tail helps it keep its balance(平衡). If it is running, a large kangaroo can reach a speed of 40 kilometers an hour. One jump may be 8 meters long and up to 3 meters high.
The red kangaroo mainly live on the dry grasslands of Australia. It usually travels in small groups. Each group has about 12 kangaroos.
When a baby red kangaroo is born, it weighs only 28 grams! After being born, it crawls(爬行) through the mother’s fur to her pouch(育儿袋). In hard times, the mother kangaroo can stop the baby from being born until there is enough grass for her to eat.
The mother feeds the baby called a “Joey” with milk from her body. The Joey will spend at least a year in the pouch.
If a kangaroo is run after and cannot run away, it will turn and fight. It will lean(倾斜) back on its tail and kick with its hind legs. These legs are very, very strong and have large claws(爪). The front legs are used to hold things, not to box, as you often see in cartoons. Kangaroos can live for up to 20 years. A kangaroo never stops growing bigger, so an old kangaroo can be very large. These are probably millions of kangaroos of all types in Australia. They were very important food for Aborigines(土著居民).
( )6. A kangaroo can jump_____.
as high as 8 meters B. as fast as 8 meters
C. as high as 3 meters D. as far as 3 meters
( )7. Which of the following is TRUE
A. A kangaroo often uses its strong front legs to fight with its enemy.
B. Mother kangaroos have babies when there is enough grass for them to eat.
C. A red kangaroo mainly lives alone on the dry grasslands of Australia.
D. The baby kangaroos stay in their mothers’ pouches for at most one year.
( )8. What is the best title of the passage
A. A Strong Animal—Kangaroo B. A Dangerous Kangaroo
C. A Large Animal D. A Real Australian



上一篇:Unit 3 My weekend plan 单元测试(无答案)
