
A.It will start at 7: 00 p. m. B.Maybe it's in October. C. 1 will write a letter to thank her. D.We'll play games and meet the Easter Bunny. E. I like beef best.
1.What will you do for your mum on Mother's Day ( )
2.My favourite food is fish. What about you ( )
3.When is the school trip this year ( )
4.What will you do at the Easter party ( )
5.When will the party start ( )
A.He’s in the kitchen. B.No, we don’t. C. I get up at 7 o’clock. D.Yes, you can. E. I often go shopping.
6.When do you get up ( )
7.What do you do on the weekend ( )
8.Where is Fido now ( )
9.Can I read the books here ( )
10.Do you like summer ( )
A.No, she isn’t. B.They are in the woods. C. He is sweeping the floor. D.Yes, he is. E. No, we aren’t.
11.What is John doing ( )
12.Is Amy doing housework ( )
13.Are you cleaning the classroom ( )
14.Is Wu Binbin washing the windows ( )
15.Where are the girls ( )
A.Yes, it is. B.Because the colours are pretty. C. OK. I will. Thanks. D.September 27th. E. He’s in the kitchen.
16.When is Mid-Autumn Festival this year ( )
17.Where is Fido now ( )
18.Is the singing contest in May ( )
19.Why do you like autumn best ( )
20.Keep your desk clean. ( )
A.No, it’s in June. B.No, they’re doing homework. C. He is sleeping in the bedroom. D.At 9:40 p.m. E. I usually take a Chinese class.
21.Are they listening to music ( )
22.When do you go to bed ( )
23.What do you do on the weekend ( )
24.Is the English test in May ( )
25.What is your grandpa doing now ( )
A.They’re theirs. B.It’s mine. C. Spring. D.Yes, it’s mine. E. No, they’re his.
26.Whose shirt is that ( )
27.Which season do you like best ( )
28.Is this yours ( )
29.Are these all yours ( )
30.Whose shoes are these ( )
A.I often get up at 6:00. B.I usually play ping-pang with friends. C. He is in the library. D.My mother is ill. So I'm shopping today.
31.What do you do on the weekend ( )
32.Why are you shopping today ( )
33.When do you get up ( )
34.Where is Tom ( )
( )1.Is it yours
( )2.Whose carrots are these
( )3.Whose dog is this
( )4.What are they doing
( )5.Is the girl singing
A.Yes, she is.
B.No, it’s Lily’s.
C. They are running.
D.It’s his.
E. They are theirs.
A.Because I can swim. B.I play ping-pong with my friends. C. At 8:10. D.Spring. E. On March 12th.
36.What do you do on the weekend ( )
37.When is Tree Planting Day ( )
38.What’s your favourite season ( )
39.Why do you like summer best ( )
40.When do you read English in the morning ( )
A.I often get up at 7 o'clock. B.No, I don't. C. I often clean my room. D.At 8:00 a. m. E. Yes, it is.
41.Do you eat dinner at 6 o'clock ( )
42.What do you do on the weekend ( )
43.When do you get up ( )
44.Is it 5 o'clock now ( )
45.When do you go to school ( )
A.No, I’m going hiking. B.My birthday is on April 4th. C. OK, I will. D.Winter. E. I often do homework and go hiking.
46.What do you do on the weekend ( )
47.Keep your desk clean. ( )
48.Which season do you like best ( )
49.Are you climbing the mountain ( )
50.When is your birthday ( )
看图片, 为其选择相应的句子, 将序号填在括号内。
A.She is listening to music.
B.He is doing his homework.
C. Chen Jie is reading a storybook.
D.Mom is cooking dinner.
E. Lingling is writing an email.
51. ( )
52. ( )
53. ( )
54. ( )
55.     ( )
( ) 1.What do you have on Tuesdays
( ) 2.Do you go to bed at 9:00 every day
( ) 3.When do you finish class
( ) 4.When do you go to bed
( ) 5.Do you often go hiking on Saturdays
A.Yes, I go to bed at 9:00 every day.
B.We finish class at 7 o'clock.
C.I go to bed at 9 o'clock.
D.I have English, Chinese and math.
E.No,but sometimes..
A.There are seven. B.Her birthday is in May. C. Sorry, I can’t. D.It’s in June. E. I live on the fifth floor.
57.—When is your sister’s birthday ( )
58.—When is Father’s Day ( )
59.—Can you play football with me ( )
60.—Which floor do you live on ( )
61.—How many days are there in a week ( )
A.We have a singing contest. B.I will cook for her. C. It's on July 3rd. D.No, it isn't. E. Yes, I will.
62.Is your birthday on May 2nd ( )
63.What do you have in June ( )
64.Will you go for a walk ( )
65.When is the test ( )
66.What will you do for your mum ( )
快乐选择。 从上面栏里选出正确的的答语。
A.Good idea. B.Shanghai. C. Me, too. D.We are dancing. E. I want to swim. F. Fine, thank you. G. I’m in the garden. H. They’re one. I. Only five. J. Sorry, wrong number.
67.Hello, may I speak to Helen ( )
68.How old are they ( )
69.How many pencils do you have ( )
70.How are you ( )
71.Where are you ( )
72.What are you doing there ( )
73.Let’s sing a song. ( )
74.Where do you live in ( )
75.I like art very much. ( )
76.What do you want to do ( )
( )1.When is your birthday
( )2.What do you usually do in the morning
( )3.Whose cat is it
( )4.When do you finish class
( )5.What is she doing
A.I usually do morning exercises in the morning.
B.It’s Li Peng’s.
C.She is taking a dancing class.
D.Usually at 5:00 p.m.
E. It’s on June 23rd.
A.I like spring best. B.No, I don’t. C. I always do homework. D.Liu Xin's parents. E. They will read riddles.
78.Do you like the music ( )
79.Who will come here ( )
80.Which season do you like best ( )
81.What will the students do ( )
82.What do you do on Saturdays ( )
A.Autumn. B.We have English and art. C. They will go to the Great Wall. D.Yes, it is. E. It’s in September.
83.When is Teachers’ Day ( )
84.Is the singing contest in May ( )
85.Which season do you like best ( )
86.What do you have on Tuesdays ( )
87.What will the students do in May ( )
A.He’s in the study. B.Yes, he is. C. Sure. D.OK. Take turns. E. I’m cleaning my bedroom.
88.Can I use your pens ( )
89.Is he watching TV ( )
90.Where’s he ( )
91.What are you doing ( )
92.Can you go with me ( )
Read and choose. 读问句,选择最佳答句。
A.I often wash my clothes and do my homework. B.I’ll play the pipa and cook for her. C. At 4:30 p.m. D.I like summer best. I can go swimming. E. Because I get up late.
93.When do you play sports every day ( )
94.Why are you late for class ( )
95.Which season do you like best ( )
96.What do you often do on the weekend ( )
97.What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day ( )
A.It’s usually in March. B.I’m looking at the rabbits. C. Bamboo. D.They are ours. E. Because I can fly kites.
98.Why do you like spring ( )
99.What do pandas eat ( )
100.When is Tree Planting Day ( )
101.Whose books are these ( )
102.What are you doing here ( )
A.Because my birthday is in March. B.She is listening to music. C. They are ours. D.I often visit my grandparents. E. At 7:30 in the evening.
103.When do you go for a walk ( )
104.Why do you like March ( )
105.What do you do on the weekend ( )
106.Whose toys are these ( )
107.What is Betty doing ( )
A.It’s on May 2nd. B.He’s in the kitchen. C. I often watch TV. D.They’re eating lunch. E. Summer.
108.What do you do on the weekend ( )
109.Which season do you like best ( )
110.When is the art show ( )
111.Where is Fido now ( )
112.What are they doing ( )
A.It's in September. B.No, they are playing. C. Yes, I will. D.At 6: 30 p. m. E. It's mine. F. Because I like snow. G. Autumn.
113.When do you eat dinner ( )
114.Why do you like winter ( )
115.When is the trip this year ( )
116.Which season do you like best ( )
117.Are the rabbits eating carrots ( )
118.Will you cook for your mum ( )
119.Whose picture is that ( )

1.C 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.A
6.C 7.E 8.A 9.D 10.B
11.C 12.A 13.E 14.D 15.B
16.D 17.E 18.A 19.B 20.C
21.B 22.D 23.E 24.A 25.C
26.B 27.C 28.D 29.E 30.A
31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C
35.1.B 2.E 3.D 4.C 5.A
36.B 37.E 38.D 39.A 40.C
41.B 42.C 43.A 44.E 45.D
46.E 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B
51.C 52.E 53.D 54.A 55.B
56. 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.E
57.B 58.D 59.C 60.E 61.A
62.D 63.A 64.E 65.C 66.B
67.J 68.H 69.I 70.F 71.G 72.D 73.A 74.B 75.C 76.E
77.1.E 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C
78.B 79.D 80.A 81.E 82.C
83.E 84.D 85.A 86.B 87.C
88.D 89.B 90.A 91.E 92.C
94.E 95.D 96.A 97.B
98.E 99.C 100.A 101.D 102.B
103.E 104.A 105.D 106.C 107.B
108.C 109.E 110.A 111.B 112.D
113.D 114.F 115.A 116.G 117.B 118.C 119.E



