
A.I’m swimming. B.They are under the table. C. I can see four. D.It’ s sunny. E. It’s six thirty.
1.How many pens can you see ( )
2.What’s the time ( )
3.What are you doing ( )
4.Where are your shoes ( )
5.What' s the weather like ( )
A.One year. B.Yes, it was. C. At the airport. D.He made a video. E. How beautiful!
6.What did he do in space ( )
7.Look at this spaceship. ( )
8.How long did she spend there ( )
9.Was it a great day ( )
10.Where did you meet ( )
A.He is doing his homework. B.I can help her. C. Yes, I am. D.She is in the classroom. E. It’s a panda kite.
1. Who can help her ( )
2. Where is your English teacher ( )
3. Are you going to Beijing ( )
4. What is he doing ( )
5. What’s that ( )
A.No, it isn’t. B.It’s ten yuan. C. It’s sunny. D.We are going to have a picnic tomorrow. E. At half past twelve. F. It’s eleven o'clock. G. We are going to go to a park. H. A hot dog, please. I. Thank you. J. I want a cup of tea.
13.When are we going to eat for lunch ( )
14.What time is it ( )
15.What are we going to do tomorrow ( )
16.Where are we going ( )
17.What’s the weather like today ( )
18.What do you want to eat ( )
19.How much is it ( )
20.Can I help you ( )
21.Is it really a dog ( )
22.Here you are. ( )
A.By plane. B.Because I am happy. C. Yes, we are. D.Next Monday. E. Yes, I was.
23.Were you proud of your father ( )
24.Are you going to middle school ( )
25.How did she go to Beijing ( )
26.Why are you laughing ( )
27.When will he go home ( )
A.Seven. B.Thank you. C. She flew a kite. D.No, I didn’t. E. I’m writing goodbye letters.
28.What are you doing ( )
29.What did Nancy do yesterday ( )
30.Good luck for your future. ( )
31.How many apples do you have ( )
32.Did you go to the park ( )
A.Because it didn’t want to be a hot dog. B.She read a book at home. C. Because he was eating fast food. D.Because she is eating an ice cream. E. Because she wanted to be a star.
33.Why did the girl go into space ( )
34.Why did the boy eat fast ( )
35.Why did the dog sit under the tree ( )
36.What did she do last weekend ( )
37.Why is she happy ( )
A.I’m going to play in the park. B.They are eating our sandwiches. C. At eight o'clock. D.It will be cloudy. E. I’m going to swim in the sea on the weekend.
( )1.When are you going to play chess
( )2.What are you going to do after school
( )3.What will the weather be like in Jinan
( )4.What’s the plan for the weekend
( )5.What are the ducks doing
A.She’s a writer.
B.Yes, I can.
C. I work in a factory.
D.In the fridge.
E.There are five.
F. He is a worker.
G.Yes, there are.
H.No, she isn’t.
I. Yes, I do.
J. He likes drawing pictures.
39.Is she a nurse ( )
40.What does your mother do ( )
41.Where are the cakes ( )
42.Can you show her around ( )
43.How many flowers are there on the table ( )
44.Are there any computer rooms ( )
45.Where do you work ( )
46.Do you like sweets ( )
47.What does he like doing ( )
48.What does his father do ( )
A.No, I wasn’t. B.They’re rowing a boat. C. We went there by bike. D.Yes, it will. E. Yes, he can.
49.Will it be windy in Leshan ( )
50.Were you at home yesterday ( )
51.Can the old man tell lots of jokes ( )
52.What are the girls doing ( )
53.How did you go to the zoo ( )
A.I'm going to Lake Middle School. B.Yes, I am. C. I will go to school by bus. D.We're going to middle school in September. E. I'm going to study Chinese.
54.What are you going to study ( )
55.Are you going to middle school ( )
56.How will you go to school ( )
57.When are you going to middle school ( )
58.Which middle school are you going to ( )
⑴What is he doing ________ A Sorry , I can't .
⑵Who can help me ________ B She's at the supermarket .
⑶Am I going to have a birthday party ________ C I'm fine , thank you . And you
⑷Where is your mum ________ D Yes , you are .
⑸How are you ________ E He's getting on the bus .
A.I am making a birthday cake. B.Thank you. C. I can help you. D.She is at the supermarket. E. Yes, we are.
60.Who can help me ( )
61.Where is your sister ( )
62.What are you doing ( )
63.Are you going to have a birthday party ( )
64.I can carry this box for you. ( )
A.Thank you, Mum. B.Yes. I bought him a pencil. C. He went to the park with his family. D.I bought a lot of things. E. Ha! It looks funny.
65.What did you buy on the earth ( )
66.Did you buy him a pencil ( )
67.Sam, I bought a cap for you. ( )
68.Look at the little monkey. ( )
69.What did he do ( )
A.Yes, I’d like to.
B.It means ‘No littering’.
C. No, you can’t.
D.No, they weren’t.
E. Thank you.
F. It was funny.
G. I watched a football game.
H. I’m sorry.
I. It’s Monday.
J. Yes, I did.
70.Were they in the pencil case ( )
71.What day is it today ( )
72.What does this sign mean ( )
73.How was your holiday ( )
74.Don’t smoke here. ( )
75.Would you like to come to our school ( )
76.Did you go fishing ( )
77.What did you do on Sunday ( )
78.Here’s an apple for you. ( )
79.Can I go in ( )
A.Confucius was a great teacher. B.We spent three hours at the zoo. C. Yangliwei is a famous taikonaut. D.As a baby, she became deaf. E. My uncle made a video for my birthday.
1. ( )
2. ( )
3. ( )
4. ( )
5. ( )
( ) 1. What do you want to drink
( ) 2. How much is it
( ) 3. What are you going to do
( ) 4. When are we going to go
( ) 5. Do you want a hamburger
A.It’s six dollars.
B.No, I want a hot dog.
C. At six.
D.We’re going to have a picnic.
E. I want a cola, please.
A.I am singing. B.A hot dog,please. C.At half past twelve. D.They are over there. E.They are going to play chess.
1.Where are Darning and Lucy ( )
2.What are they going to do ( )
3. What are you doing ( )
4. What do you want to eat ( )
5. When are they going to drink ( )
A.Yes, you are. B.Thank you! C. My book is on the desk. D.Yes, I like apples. E. Sorry, I can’t.
( )1.Who can help me
( )2. Do you like apples
( )3. Where’s my book
( )4.Am I going to have a birthday party
( )5.Happy birthday to you!
A.Sorry, I can’t. B.I want a hot dog and a hamburger, please. C. At twelve. D.I am reading a book. E. Because I am sad.
84.What do you want ( )
85.When are you going ( )
86.What are you doing ( )
87.Who can help me ( )
88.Why do you crying ( )
A.Sorry, I can’t. B.She’s in the library. C. I’m going to school in September. D.I want some meat. E. No, I didn’t. F. Thank you. G. I was born in 2006. H. I’m going to Lake Middle School. I. I’m listening to music. J. Because I’m hungry.
89.What do you want ( )
90.When are you going to school ( )
91.What are you doing ( )
92.Who can help me ( )
93.Where is Amy ( )
94.Did you buy me a pen ( )
95.When were you born ( )
96.Why are you eating ( )
97.Good luck for the future! ( )
98.Which school are you going to ( )
A.It’s twenty yuan. B.It’s half past seven. C. I want some noodles, please. D.To the library. E. A cup of juice, please.
99.Can I help you ( )
100.How much is this book ( )
101.Where are you going ( )
102.What do you want to drink ( )
103.What time is it now ( )
A.Because he flew into space. B.He was born in 2004. C. Thank you. D.She’s in the park. E. I’m reading a book.
1.What are you doing ( )
2.When was he born ( )
3.Good luck for the future. ( )
4.Why was he famous ( )
5.Where’s your grandma ( )
( ) 1. Where’s my bag A.Because I’m happy.
( ) 2. Why are you crying B.Because I’m going to the theatre.
( ) 3. Why are you laughing C. It’s on your bed.
( ) 4. Why are you here D.Because I’m sad.
( ) 5. Why are you wearing a dress E. Because we’re playing hide-and-seek.
A.No, Thanks. B.It's two dollars. C. I don't know. D.She is my friend. E. At half past eleven. F. They are American. G. Yes, I am. H. It's under the tree. I. It's very hot. J. I'm going to watch TV.
106.What's the weather like in summer ( )
107.What are you going to do tomorrow ( )
108.Are you a student ( )
109.Where's Lucy's bike ( )
110.Are they American or English ( )
111.How old is your uncle ( )
112.How much is it ( )
113.Who is Kate ( )
114.When are you going to eat ( )
115.Can I help you ( )
( ) 1.Could you post the letter for me A Yes, I did.
( ) 2.Would you like to have a trip with her B I’ve got a toothache.
( ) 3.Did you enjoy the concert C You’re welcome.
( ) 4.What’s the matter with you, Jim D We had a picnic in the park.
( ) 5.When shall we start E Yes, I’d love to.
( ) 6.What did you do last Friday F With pleasure.
( ) 7.Thank you very much. G At 6 tomorrow morning.
( ) 8.How do you like your school H The same to you.
( ) 9.Why didn't he go to school today I It’s pretty.
( ) 10.Happy New Year! J Because he was ill.
A.Because I’m behind the tree. B.Because I lost my pen. C. It’s under your bed. D.I bought an umbrella. E. She is my cousin.
117.—Where’s my football ( )
118.—Who is the girl in blue ( )
119.—What did you buy ( )
120.—Why can’t I see you ( )
121.—Why are you crying ( )

1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D
6.D 7.E 8.A 9.B 10.C
11. B D C A E
13.E 14.F 15.D 16.G 17.C 18.H 19.B 20.J 21.A 22.I
23.E 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.D
28.E 29.C 30.B 31.A 32.D
33.E 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.D
38. C A D E B
39.H 40.A 41.D 42.B 43.E 44.G 45.C 46.I 47.J 48.F
49.D 50.A 51.E 52.B 53.C
54.E 55.B 56.C 57.D 58.A
60.C 61.D 62.A 63.E 64.B
65.D 66.B 67.A 68.E 69.C
70.D 71.I 72.B 73.F 74.H 75.A 76.J 77.G 78.E 79.C
80. C E A B D
81.1. E  2. A  3. D  4. C  5. B
82. D E A B C
83.1.E 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B
84.B 85.C 86.D 87.A 88.E
89.D 90.C 91.I 92.A 93.B 94.E 95.G 96.J 97.F 98.H
99.C 100.A 101.D 102.E 103.B
104. E B C A D
105. C D A E B
106.I 107.J 108.G 109.H 110.F 111.C 112.B 113.D 114.E 115.A
116.1. F 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.G 6.D 7.C 8.I 9.J 10.H
117.C 118.E 119.D 120.A 121.B



