
Mao Zedong once said that “Women hold up half the sky.” So it should not be surprising that China is now including female astronauts in its rapidly developing space programme.
China’s first woman in space was Liu Yang, a major (上校) in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force. Liu was one of the three astronauts on board the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft when it vas launched (发射) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Gansu Province on June 16th, 2012. While in space, Liu carried out (进行) experiments in space medicine, before landing back in Inner Mongolia 13 days after the launch.
Liu was born in 1978 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. She joined the PLA Air Force in 1997. About 13 years later, she was chosen to work in China’s space prograrame, and after two years of difficult training, she finally travelled into space. Liu said before the launch of Shenzhou 9, “I feel honoured to fly into space on behalf of (代表) hundreds or millions of female Chinese citizens.” Liu now lives in Beijing with her husband. Her hobbies are reading and cooking.
1.Liu Yang was China’s in space.
2. astronauts travelled into space with Liu Yang on Shenzhou 9.
3.While in space, Liu Yang carried out experiments in .
4.In , Liu Yang was chosen to work in China’s space programme.
5.Liu Yang’s hobbies are .
(2024·天津南开·二模)阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容完成句子。
Dancing and singing, the Yi people and visitors had fun around the fire during the Torch (火把) Festival in Bijie, Guizhou Province, on August 12th. Every year, the Yi ethnic group (彝族) lights torches to show they look up to the fire.
The early Yi people lived in high and cold places in the mountains. They used fire for light to stay warm and cook food. One Yi ethnic old saying goes, “Everything you eat must ‘see’ fire. ” In the old days, people lit a small fire outside the door before they took animal meat into the home. They put the meat over the fire to drive away bad luck. Fire was also used to light leaves on the ground to make the land rich.
But the festival is more of a social event now. During the festival, both the Yi people and visitors come together. They show and spread their happiness and thanks for a good life. The Yi people also want to get more people to learn about their life.
6.The Torch Festival in Bijie, Guizhou Province is held every year.
7.The early Yi people lived in high and cold places .
8.To drive away , people lit a small fire and put the meat over it.
9.Fire was also used to light leaves on the ground to make the land .
10.Now, the Torch Festival is more of a .
“How do you get to school “This question often gets an answer like “By bus”, “On foot” or “By bike”. But not always —there are children in many different parts of the world who, every day, have to go on a difficult journey to get to their lessons. They travel for many kilometres. They cross deserts (沙漠), mountains, rivers, snow and ice. For example, the children of the Inupiat Community in Alaska go to school in very cold temperatures, and then come back when it is dark. Let’s see some other examples.
In Sri Lanka, some children have to cross a piece of wood between two walls of an old castle (城堡) every morning. In Indonesia, some children have to cross a bridge ten metres above a dangerous river to get to their class. And some children in Delhi, India walk along the railway tracks(铁轨) to get to their school every morning.
Six-year-old Fabricio Oliveira gets on his donkey (驴) every morning to ride with his friends for over an hour through a desert area. Their school is in Extrema, a small village in Brazil —only very few people live there.
So why do the children do this Because for them going to school means a better future. They hope to get a job and make money in order to help their families and neighbours. And this is why rivers, deserts or danger won’t stop them on their way to school
11.Children in many different parts of the world have to to get to their lessons.
12.The children of the Inupiat Community in Alaska go to school in .
13.In Indonesia, some children have to cross a bridge ten metres to get to their class.
14.Fabricio Oliveira rides his donkey every morning for through a desert area.
15.The children there hope to get a job and make money so that .
A yearbook is a tradition in some high schools. The book contains (包含) the name and the picture of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with.
A 15-year-old schoolgirl Catherine Cook and her brother David, 16, wanted more than this. They thought, “We don’t really know our classmates from just a picture, so why not have a yearbook online You could learn about people’s musical tastes, the movies they like, and so on.” With their hard work, a website named my Yearbook was set up, which soon became popular among schoolmates.
On the website, members can connect with each other by sharing movies, music, photos and study guides. Some students feel that they don’t fit in at school, but can make friends more easily online. My Yearbook users can also make virtual (虚拟的) “Lunch Money” by completing activities on the website. They then give it away to charities (慈善机构) in the my Yearbook “causes” programme, which has sent 22, 000 books to Africa, and bought 20, 000 kilos of rice for people without enough food.
Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completing their schoolwork successfully. Now, they go on to university, but still manage to put in 50 hours a week developing the website.
16.The book contains of each student in your final year.
17.Catherine Cook and David a website named my Yearbook, which soon became popular among schoolmates.
18.On the website, members can each other by sharing movies, music, photos and study guides.
19.Some students feel that they don’t fit in at school, but can more easily online.
20.Catherine Cook and David run the website and successfully at the same time.
It’s good to share your feelings with others. No matter whether your feelings are good or not, it can also help you to get closer to people who you care about and who care about you.
But how to share your feelings First, you should focus (聚焦于) on your feelings. You can’t tell your friends what’s inside your backpack if you don’t know what’s in it yourself. Feelings are the same way. Before you share them with someone, you should know what feelings you have. You can make a list of feelings in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper or even by drawing pictures. What bothers (使烦恼) you Does it make you sad or angry Do you feel this emotion (情感) only once or many times When you do this, it might help you to remember something that happened and think about how it makes you feel. Then you can say, “I feel sad when my friend doesn’t play with me.” or “I feel angry with my classmates…”
Do you know why you should talk about your feelings If you always keep your feelings inside, especially sadness, nervousness or anxiety (焦虑), it can even make you feel sick. But if you talk with someone who cares about you, like your mum and dad, you’ll feel much better. Your parents want to know what’s happening in your life because they love you. But if you don’t want to talk with them, please talk with your friends. They will help you.
21.It is good to .
22.First, you should if you want to share your feelings.
23.Before you share them with someone, you should know .
24.If you always keep your feelings inside, it can even .
25.But if you don’t want to talk with your parents, please .
In ancient China, people’s names had three parts: their family name, given name and courtesy name (字).
Take famous poet Li Bai as an example. His family name was Li, his given name was Bai, and his courtesy name was Taibai.
People used their given names when they were among family members. But in social life, they called each other by their courtesy names to show respect. This was mostly done among people of similar age. If you were talking about yourself, or if your elders were talking about you, the given name would be used instead of the courtesy name.
Men would get their courtesy name when they turned 20. It was a symbol of adulthood (成人). Women would get their courtesy name after getting married.
One’s courtesy name often had something to do with one’s given name. For example, Mencius’ name was Meng Ke (孟轲), His courtesy name was Ziyu (子奥). Both Ke and Ziyu mean “carriage (马车)”. Zhuge Liang’s given name was Liang, which means “bright”. His courtesy name was Kongming (孔明), which means “bright” too.
26.In social life, courtesy names are mainly called by people to .
27.Your name may be used among the communication of your elders.
28.Women would get their courtesy name after they .
29.One’s name often had something to do with one’s given name.
30.Zhuge Liang’s given name and courtesy name have the meaning.
Everybody should develop a habit of daily learning something new from now on. It opens our eyes to the world and gives us a deeper understanding of how the world works.
Many studies have shown that learning new things can improve our brainpower (智力) and memory. When we learn something new, our brains (大脑) form new neuronal (神经元的) connections. The more we learn, the easier it is for us to get knowledge. The brain is like a muscle (肌肉). The more we use it, the more powerful it gets. Learning new things can also improve our skills, such as creative writing, math and many others we’ll find helpful now and in the future.
Understanding new information helps us develop our critical thinking (批判性思维) skills. When we’re studying a new subject, our brains actively process (加工) new information and compare it to what we already know. Knowing different knowledge also helps us to avoid believing fake (假的) information on the Internet. Even when you are just writing a book report, you are training your mind to become more analytical (善于分析的).
By learning something new, we can have interesting conversations with our friends. We should let ourselves know as much as possible about others’ opinions. Next time you meet your friends, share some of the information that you’ve learned and discuss it. This will give you a deeper understanding of the topic you are trying to know more.
31.Learning something new opens our eyes to the world and of how the world works.
32.It is easier for us when we learn more something new.
33. helps us develop our critical thinking skills.
34.If we want to avoid believing fake (假的) information on the Internet, we should .
35.We can with our friends by learning something new.
An Astronaut’s Day
Every morning you get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and get ready for your day. These daily actions are so common that you don’t think about them much. But what if you were in space There is no gravity (地心引力) there, so weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth. When you drop something, it doesn’t fall to the floor. It floats (漂浮) slowly away in the air. This means that astronauts can’t just put down a tool. They need to tie it down. And how do astronauts drink In space, water just breaks into small drops and hangs in the air.
Well, astronauts eat and drink differently in space. They have special plates so that their food doesn’t float away. They use special bags for drinks so that the drink stays inside. Sleep is also different in space. Astronauts tie themselves to the wall so that they don’t float around when they are sleeping. Since they have to work hard, they need to get plenty of rest. The sun rises and sets so often that it can be confusing (令人迷惑的). The astronauts have alarms (闹钟) and sometimes music to wake them up.
Exercise is important for astronauts as well. Since there is no gravity and astronauts float instead of walking or running, their muscles (肌肉) become weak very quickly. They have to exercise on special machines every day so that this doesn’t happen. No one wants to become ill in space and exercise helps them stay healthy.
However, it is not all hard work in space. When they are not doing science experiments, writing reports or exercising, there is a little time for fun. They watch movies, read the news and call family members and friends. The astronauts on the International Space Station can even connect to the Internet.
36.In space, weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth because .
37.Astronauts use special plates to eat and drink so that the food .
38.Astronauts to the wall when they are sleeping.
39.In order to stay healthy, the astronauts must every day.
40.Astronauts don’t always work hard, they can also have .
1.first woman 2.Two/2 3.space medicine 4.2010 5.reading and cooking
1.根据“China’s first woman in space was Liu Yang,”可知,中国第一位进入太空的女性是刘洋。故填first woman。
2.根据“Liu was one of the three astronauts on board the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft when it vas launched (发射) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Gansu Province on June 16th, 2012.”可知,两名宇航员与刘洋一起搭乘神舟九号进入太空。故填Two/2。
3.根据“While in space, Liu carried out (进行) experiments in space medicine,”可知,在太空中,刘进行了太空医学实验。故填space medicine。
4.根据“She joined the PLA Air Force in 1997. About 13 years later, she was chosen to work in China’s space prograrame, ”可知,1997年加入中国人民解放军空军。大约13年后,她被选中为中国的太空计划工作,也就是2010年。故填2010。
5.根据“Her hobbies are reading and cooking.”可知,她的爱好是阅读和烹饪。故填reading and cooking。
6.on August 12th/in August 7.in the mountains 8.bad luck 9.rich 10.social event
6.根据“...Torch (火把) Festival in Bijie, Guizhou Province, on August 12th.”可知贵州省毕节的火把节在每年八月十二日举行,故填on August 12th/in August。
7.根据“The early Yi people lived in high and cold places in the mountains”可知早期彝族生活在山地高寒的地方,故填in the mountains。
8.根据“They put the meat over the fire to drive away bad luck.”可知他们把肉放在火上以驱除厄运,故填bad luck。
9.根据“Fire was also used to light leaves on the ground to make the land rich”可知人们用火点燃地上的树叶,使土地变得肥沃,故填rich。
10.根据“But the festival is more of a social event now”可知现在火把节更多的是一个社交活动,故填social event。
11.go on a difficult journey 12.very cold temperatures 13.above a dangerous river 14.over an hour 15.they can help their families and neighbours
11.根据“But not always —there are children in many different parts of the world who, every day, have to go on a difficult journey to get to their lessons”可知,在世界上许多不同的地方,每天都有孩子不得不踏上艰难的旅程去上课。故填go on a difficult journey。
12.根据“the children of the Inupiat Community in Alaska go to school in very cold temperatures”可知,阿拉斯加因纽特人社区的孩子们在非常寒冷的天气里上学。故填very cold temperatures。
13.根据“In Indonesia, some children have to cross a bridge ten metres above a dangerous river to get to their class.”可知,在印度尼西亚,一些孩子必须穿过一座离危险河流十米高的桥才能去上课。故填above a dangerous river。
14.根据“Six-year-old Fabricio Oliveira gets on his donkey (驴) every morning to ride with his friends for over an hour through a desert area. ”可知,法布里西奥·奥利维拉每天早上骑着他的驴穿过沙漠地区一个多小时。故填over an hour。
15.根据“They hope to get a job and make money in order to help their families and neighbours”可知,那里的孩子们希望找到一份工作,赚钱,这样他们就可以帮助他们的家人和邻居。故填they can help their families and neighbours
16.the name and the picture 17.set up 18.connect with 19.make friends 20.complete their schoolwork
16.根据第一段中的“The book contains (包含) the name and the picture of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with.”可知,这本书包含了你最后一年每个学生的名字和照片。故填the name and the picture。
17.根据第二段中的“With their hard work, a website named my Yearbook was set up, which soon became popular among schoolmates.”可知,Catherine与David建立网站my Yearbook。故填set up。
18.根据倒数第二段中的“On the website, members can connect with each other by sharing movies, music, photos and study guides.”可知,在该网站上,会员可以通过分享电影、音乐、照片和学习指南来相互联系。故填connect with。
19.根据倒数第二段中的“Some students feel that they don’t fit in at school, but can make friends more easily online.”可知,一些学生觉得他们不适应学校,但可以更容易地在网上交朋友。故填make friends。
20.根据最后一段中的“Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completing their schoolwork successfully.”可知,Catherine与David在运营网站的同时成功地完成了他们的学业。故填complete their schoolwork。
21.share your feelings with others 22.focus on your feelings 23.what feelings you have 24.make you feel sick 25.talk with your friends
21.根据“It’s good to share your feelings with others.”可知,和别人分享你的感受是件好事。故填share your feelings with others。
22.根据“First, you should focus on your feelings.”可知,首先,你应该关注自己的感受。故填focus on your feelings。
23.根据“Before you share them with someone, you should know what feelings you have.”可知,在你和别人分享之前,你应该知道你有什么感觉。故填what feelings you have。
24.根据“ If you always keep your feelings inside, especially sadness, nervousness or anxiety, it can even make you feel sick.”可知,如果你总是把自己的感觉藏在心里,它甚至会让你感到恶心。故填make you feel sick。
25.根据“But if you don’t want to talk with them, please talk with your friends.”可知,如果你不想和父母交流,你可以和朋友谈谈。故填talk with your friends。
26.show respect 27.given 28.get married 29.courtesy 30.same
26.根据“But in social life, they called each other by their courtesy names to show respect”可知,在社会生活中,礼貌的称呼主要是人们表示尊敬的称呼。故填show respect。
27.根据“If you were talking about yourself, or if your elders were talking about you, the given name would be used instead of the courtesy name.”可知,你的名字可以在长辈的交流中使用。故填given。
28.根据“Women would get their courtesy name after getting married.”可知,女人结婚后才会有自己的字。故填get married。
29.根据“One’s courtesy name often had something to do with one’s given name.”可知,一个人的字往往与他的名有关。故填courtesy。
30.根据“Zhuge Liang’s given name was Liang, which means ‘bright’. His courtesy name was Kongming (孔明), which means ‘bright’ too.”可知,诸葛亮的名和字意思相同。same“相同的”。故填same。
31.gives us a deeper understanding 32.to get knowledge 33.Understanding new information 34.know different knowledge 35.have interesting conversations
31.根据“Everybody should develop a habit of daily learning something new from now on. It opens our eyes to the world and gives us a deeper understanding of how the world works.”可知,每天学习新东西让我们放开眼界去看世界,让我们更深入地了解世界是如何运作的。故填gives us a deeper understanding。
32.根据“The more we learn, the easier it is for us to get knowledge.”可知,我们学更多的新东西,对于我们获得知识就更容易,即当我们学到更多的新东西时,获得知识对我们来说是更容易的,句子为when引导的时间状语从句,主句为it的特殊句式“It is+adj+for sb to do sth”表示“做某事对某人来说是……的”,空处需填“不定式to+动词原形do+sth”。故填to get knowledge。
33.根据“Understanding new information helps us develop our critical thinking skills.”可知,了解新信息有助于我们发展批判性思维能力,句首首字母u需大写。故填Understanding new information。
34.根据“Knowing different knowledge also helps us to avoid believing fake information on the Internet.”可知,了解不同的知识也有助于我们避免相信互联网上的虚假信息,即如果我们想避免相信网络上的虚假信息,我们应该了解不同的知识,情态动词should后需填动词原形,know“了解”,动词。故填know different knowledge。
35.根据“By learning something new, we can have interesting conversations with our friends.”可知,通过学习新东西,我们可以与朋友进行有趣的交谈,情态动词can后需填动词原形,have“有”,动词。故填have interesting conversations。
36.there is no gravity/there is no gravity there 37.doesn’t float away 38.tie themselves 39.exercise/exercise on special machines 40.a little time for fun
36.根据“There is no gravity (地心引力) there, so weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth.”可知,在太空中,重量不像地球上那么重,是因为那里没有地心引力。故填there is no gravity/there is no gravity there。
37.根据“They have special plates so that their food doesn’t float away.”可知,宇航员用特殊的盘子,以便食物不会漂走。故填doesn’t float away。
38.根据“Astronauts tie themselves to the wall so that they don’t float around when they are sleeping.”可知,宇航员在睡觉的时候把自己绑在墙上。故填tie themselves。
39.根据“They have to exercise on special machines every day so that this doesn’t happen.”可知,为了保持健康,宇航员每天必须在特殊的机器上锻炼。故填exercise/exercise on special machines。
40.根据“However, it is not all hard work in space. When they are not doing science experiments, writing reports or exercising, there is a little time for fun.”可知,宇航员不总是辛苦工作,他们也可以有一点娱乐的时间。故填a little time for fun。




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