
1.Which animal are the speakers talking about
A.A panda B.A horse. C.A tiger.
2.When will the boy help his mother with the housework
A.At7:00. B.At7:30. C.At8:00.
3.What did the boy's cousin' use to be
A.Shy. B.Outgoing. C.Friendly.
4.What kind of weather does the woman love
A.Cloudy. B.Sunny. C。Rainy.
5.Where are probably the speakers
A.On a plane. B.In a restaurant. C.In a:book cafe:
6:What' does the woman do
A.A driver. B.A traveller. C.A ticket seller.
7.What time is it now
A.Half past two B.A quarter,to two. C.A quarter past one.
8.What are the two speakers talking about
A..Hobbies B.Sports. C.Festivals.
9.How long has the girl collected stamps
A. For 7 years. B.For 8 years. C.For 15.years.
10.How many people were there in Lisa's family
A.7. B.8. C.9.
11.What did Lisa spend her weekends doing when she was young
A.Meeting her friends. B.Reading and studying. C.Hanging out with her sisters.
12.What did Lisa do when she grew up
A.She had no job. B.She became a doctor. C.She became a scientist.
13. How long did Betty stay in Sanya last year
A.For about two weeks. B.For about three weeks. C.For about four weeks.
14.What did Aunt Huang do before she retired
A.A nurse. B.A doctor. C.A manager.
15.For whom did Betty buy many gifts
A.Helen,Jim and Kate. B.Rose,Helen and Mary. C.Helen,Mary and Kate.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
A. B. C. D. E.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
How much salt do we eat a day Salt hidden in food
How much salt can we eat a day Age 2~ 4~ 7~ 11~ Salt intake 2g 3g 4g 5g
How can we reduce the salt we eat ①When cooking, use vinegar (醋) and lemon juice to reduce the amount of salt and soy sauce (酱油). ②Use low-temperature cooking methods such as steaming (蒸) rather than frying (炒) ③ Eat low-sodium (钠) salt, which can reduce sodium without reducing saltiness. ④ Avoid snacks that are high in salt.
1. A 10-year-old child can eat no more than ________ of salt a day.
A. 2g B. 3g C. 4g D. 5g
2. The list of “Salt hidden in food” is put in the reading to show ________.
A. what food is popular with children
B. more salt needs to be added to food
C. we often eat a lot of salt without knowing it
D. how much salt is enough to make food taste good
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce salt
A. Change the way you cook. B. Say no to foods high in salt.
C. Choose low-sodium salt. D. Do not add salt when cooking.
4. What can we learn from the reading
A. Americans eat more salt every day than Italianis.
B. 130g of instant noodles have more salt than 130g of salted duck eggs.
C. It’s okay for middle school students to eat 106g of Latiao a day.
D. The amount of salt Canadians eat every day is within the standard.
5. In which part of a magazine can we read the reading
A. Food & Health. B. History & Culture.
C. Science & Technology. D. Population & Environment.
In the village of Kentucky, there lived a young girl named Amanda. She moved here for only 2 weeks. Her closest friends were far from her. Amanda kept herself busy for hours by walking around the grassy fields nearby, enjoying the natural beauty along them.
Still, it was easy for Amanda to feel lonely in her big house. One day, just as Amanda was about to leave and spend time walking around, she saw a cat jump onto the porch (门廊). Even though the cat looked dirty, it was beautiful, with bright blue eyes.
Amanda’s feeling of surprise quickly gave way to a feeling of pity. Thinking of what she could offer the cat, Amanda hurried to the kitchen and prepared two bowls: one filled with fish and the other with water. After sniffing (嗅) them carefully, the cat began to hungrily eat them. Once it finished its meal, the cat ran away into the thick grass and disappeared.
From that day, the cat would appear on the porch every day in the morning and beg for food and water, and Amanda would always be there ready. Their relationship started to deepen as Amanda enjoyed regularly seeing her new “furry (毛茸茸的) neighbor”. The cat was too nervous to be taken indoors, but it was comfortable with Amanda gradually.
However, one day, everything took a different turn. In the morning, Amanda brought a bowl of fish near the porch and waited for the cat as usual, but it didn’t appear. The next day, and the day after that, the cat didn’t show u either. She stepped into the thick grass where the cat usually went and searched carefully.
At that time, she heard the sounds of kittens (小猫) meowing. She was surprised to find her “furry, neighbor” lying in the grass with four kittens. The kittens were very cute. Amanda quickly rushed back home to prepare some food and water for them.
6. The first paragraph is mentioned to ________.
A. introduce why Amanda moved to the village
B. show the character of Amanda
C. explain why people are busy in Kentucky
D. create a picture of the beautiful village
7. Which of the following shows Amanda’s feelings when she first met the cat
A. Surprised→happy B. Surprised→pity C. Worried→satisfied D. Worried→happy
8. What did the cat do when Amanda fed it
A. It sniffed the food carefully. B. It waited patiently.
C. It refused to eat the food. D. It ran away quickly.
9. In Amanda’s eyes, what role did the cat play in her life
A A pet that needs her so much. B. A friend who always helps her.
C. A neighbor that meets every day. D. A family member that is kind to each other.
10. What is the possible ending of the story
A. From then on, Amanda took the kittens to school.
B. From then on, Amanda made new friends at school
C. From then on, Amanda had four more furry neighbors.
D. From then on, Amanda sent the little kittens t her teachers.
Everyone may feel angry at any time. It’s a common feeling. Some people cry when they feel angry and some may shout. Unluckily, many of us have been used to hiding anger. A study suggests that this can have long-term bad influences on our health.
Is it better to cry or break things whenever something makes us angry The study points out that when we show our anger in this way, we can't probably get on well with our friends or our family. The more time we keep being angry, the worse result we’ll get. So how can we deal with our feeling of anger in a right way
First know what anger is. Anger is often caused by feelings of being too afraid, disappointment (失望) and so on.
Also, care more about those everyday things that will make us angry. For example, we may get angry in a long line at the store. Take a step back and think that it isn’t personal. Everyone in the line has dinner to make, just like us. Then we’ll feel better. Another way of dealing with anger is to talk about it. The study has shown that if we name our feelings, we can slowly calm ourselves down.
Besides, take a deep breath or find some helpful exercise to do. Exercise helps deal with anger.
Remember that how we act when we are angry can make things better or worse. If we learn to deal with anger, we will be happier and healthier.
11. How does the writer lead into the topic in Paragraph 2
A. By telling a story. B. By asking a question.
C. By giving an example. D. By using an old saying.
12. Which picture can show the relationship between anger and time (x=the time you keep angry, y=the bad influences it will have)
A. B. C. D.
13. Which can help deal with the feeling of anger according to the text
a. Taking some exercise. b. Eating delicious food.
c. Talking about anger. d. Taking a deep breath.
A. abc B. abd C. acd D. bcd
14. What is the structure of the text (P= Paragraph)
A. B. C. D.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. What Makes You Angry B. Why Are You Angry
C When to Deal with Anger D. How to Deal with Anger
Progress means the act of going forward. Making any kind of progress can make us healthy and happy in life. ____16____
To make more progress in life, start looking at problems in a different way. Whatever happens, if we think positively, it can be useful and helpful. ____17____ After we solve problems one after another, we can make more progress and become stronger.
Having confidence (信心) is helpful for us to make progress. Confidence comes from different places, such as proper education, training or having good relationships. ____18____ These people can help push us towards progress. ____19____ Just as the old saying goes, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you not stop”. Progress usually comes a lot more slowly than we expect. Even if progress is slow, try not to be worried. One important thing is that we keep taking steps towards our goals, and another is that we clearly remember what our goals are all the time. The actual speed isn’t important.
The road to progress is not always smooth. ____20____ Sometimes, maybe it feels like we’re taking one step forward and three steps back, but it won’t always be like that. Keep going towards our goals and we can much more easily make the progress we want.
Progress doesn’t always happen in a straight line. As long as we keep working, we will achieve higher levels.
A. Slow progress is still progress.
B. We need to know that problems are part of life.
C. We should also stay with people who believe in our success.
D. Most progress often comes with setbacks (挫折) along the way.
E. By setting and actively working towards our goals, we can make progress in our life.
“Anna, your voice sounds great.” Helen greeted Anna with a hug. “But it might help if you...”
“Look, Helen,” Anna stopped her, unable to hide her ____21____. “I know what’s best for my performance. I’ve spent a lot of time practicing and I know how to be ____22____.”
“I’m sorry, Anna. I know you’re good at ____23____, but...never mind. I’ll give you some space.” With that, Helen left.
Anna realized she had driven her friend away, but she ____24____ to let these things distract (使分心) herself. She told herself that it would be ____25____ to focus (集中) without other people’s advice.
The singing competition was coming in two days. “Anna! Pay attention to the lyrics!” Teacher Smith said when Anna ____26____ the lyrics. Anna saw Helen’s empty seat and tried to push away the ____27____ she felt from her friend’s absence (缺席).
Teacher Smith went up to Anna. “Anna, it seems that you are distracted, and you need to get your ____28____ back on the song.”
Helen always nitpicked (挑剔) her performance, but she always had ____29____ supportive to say as well. Anna missed the encouragement Helen gave her ____30____ she was doubting herself—like now.
Finally, the day of the competition came. Although Anna knew the lyrics by heart, she still felt ____31____. She stood there with a worried face.
“You’re going to be great!” Anna suddenly heard. She ____32____ saw Helen walking towards her.
Anna stood with her mouth open. “I really didn’t think you were going to ____33____. I’m sorry—you were just trying to help me, but I didn’t want to listen to what you tried to say.”
Helen hugged Anna. “I know you needed your ____34____, but there’s no way I was going to miss your competition—you’re my best friend! I’ll always ____35____ you.”
Anna felt better. When it was her turn to perform, she walked to the stage with her head held high.
21. A. lights B. feelings C. sounds D. lines
22. A. perfect B. strange C. fair D. silly
23. A. dancing B. speaking C. drawing D. singing
24. A. preferred B. remembered C. refused D. expected
25. A. easier B. worse C. harder D. lower
26. A. raised B. forgot C. explained D. caught
27. A. happiness B. pride C. sadness D. peace
28. A. job B. dream C. body D. mind
29. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
30. A. until B. before C. though D. when
31. A. glad B. nervous C. bored D. relaxed
32. A. quietly B. madly C. surprisingly D. slowly
33. A. give up B. show up C. look up D. pick up
34. A. space B. advice C. attention D. skill
35. A. leave B. control C. support D. introduce
they modern high Chinese friend leave but tradition read in
In ancient China, when people were separating, they would pick a willow (柳树) twig (枝条) and give it to the person who was ___36___. This was to express their wishes for him to stay. In ___37___, the word for “willow” is pronounced the same as the word for “stay”.
Many Chinese poets liked writing about willows in ___38___ works. One of the best poems is A Farewell Song (《送元二使安西》) by Wang Wei. It ___39___,
No dust is raised on the road wet with morning rain,
The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green.
I invite you to drink a cup of wine again,
West of the Sunny Pass no more ___40___ will be seen.
Nowadays willow twigs can also be seen in ___41___ art. There was an amazing performance about willow twigs. 365 people held willow twigs ___42___ their hands on the green stage. At the same time, a painting of weeping willows (垂柳) appeared on the LED screen. The setting of 365 people stood for 365 days, and the color green meant the return of spring. The performance was praised ___43___ by the audience (观众). “I was deeply attracted by ___44___ Chinese culture,” one of them said.
In short, giving a willow twig to a person is not saying goodbye ___45___ asking him to stay. This is the beauty of Chinese culture.
MBTI is a personality test. Many people in China are crazy about it now. Are you an “I” (I=introverted内向的) person or an “E” (E=extroverted外向的) person The topic ___46___ widely discussed online.
I am Jessica. I am an “I” person. I’m a shy girl who doesn’t like being around people. I am quiet when I am in groups. I enjoy being alone. I am good at writing novels, maybe I could ___47___ a writer in the future.
I am Keven: I am an “E” person. I am pretty outgoing: My friends call me asocial butterfly. I like to go out and meet new people all the time. I enjoy being ___48___ center of attention. I do well ___49___ sports and my dream is to be a basketball player.
Dr. Know wants to tell something about it. When you take a personality test, you may think, Oh, that’s me. That’s because the descriptions are common. They can be used ___50___ describe many people. So, don’t take it too seriously. You can be both an “I” person or an “E” person. Don’t label (标签) yourself!
A: Hi, Li Hua. How time flies! We are going to graduate this month!
B: Yeah. For me, it’s really hard to say goodbye to all the teachers and friends.
A: Who is your favorite teacher
B: My English teacher, Mr. Niu, is my favorite. ____________51____________.
A: You’re right. And what are you going to do in the coming summer vacation
B: ____________52____________.
A: A volunteer teacher Where do you plan to go
B: A small village in Nanyang. The children there need help.
A: ____________53____________
B: I can teach the children how to play basketball. You know I’m good at it.
A: That sounds wonderful! ____________54____________
B: Of course. Everyone is welcome to join us.
A: I can teach them how to sing Henan Opera. That’s my favorite.
B: Wow! Henan Opera ____________55____________
A: I have learned it for about ten years. And I learned it from my grandma.
B: No wonder you can sing it well. I believe we’ll do a great job in the volunteer teaching.
56. 在春节热播电影《热辣滚烫》中,贾玲通过坚持不懈的努力,实现了自己的人生价值,过上了“热辣滚烫”的人生。作为九年级的学生,我们正需要不屈不挠的毅力,不断拼搏的勇气。全力坚持做好每一件小事,成就更好的自己。请以“We Only Live Once”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇演讲稿,参加学校的英语主题演讲活动。
1. 最近或多年来你坚持并全力以赴去做的一件事及理由;
2. 它给你的学习和生活带来了怎样的影响。
1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 词数100左右。文章的开头已为你写好、不计入总词数。
We Only Live Once
Dear classmates,
It’s my honor to make a speech here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you!2024年英语中招第二次模拟考试试卷
1.Which animal are the speakers talking about
A.A panda B.A horse. C.A tiger.
2.When will the boy help his mother with the housework
A.At7:00. B.At7:30. C.At8:00.
3.What did the boy's cousin' use to be
A.Shy. B.Outgoing. C.Friendly.
4.What kind of weather does the woman love
A.Cloudy. B.Sunny. C。Rainy.
5.Where are probably the speakers
A.On a plane. B.In a restaurant. C.In a:book cafe:
6:What' does the woman do
A.A driver. B.A traveller. C.A ticket seller.
7.What time is it now
A.Half past two B.A quarter,to two. C.A quarter past one.
8.What are the two speakers talking about
A..Hobbies B.Sports. C.Festivals.
9.How long has the girl collected stamps
A. For 7 years. B.For 8 years. C.For 15.years.
10.How many people were there in Lisa's family
A.7. B.8. C.9.
11What did Lisa spend her weekends doing when she was young
A.Meeting her friends. B.Reading and studying. C.Hanging out with her sisters.
12.What did Lisa do when she grew up
A.She had no job. B.She became a doctor. C.She became a scientist.
13. How long did Betty stay in Sanya last year
A.For about two weeks. B.For about three weeks. C.For about four weeks.
14.What did Aunt Huang do before she retired
A.A nurse. B.A doctor. C.A manager.
15.For whom did Betty buy many gifts
A.Helen,Jim and Kate. B.Rose,Helen and Mary. C.Helen,Mary and Kate.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
A. B. C. D. E.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
How much salt do we eat a day Salt hidden in food
How much salt can we eat a day Age 2~ 4~ 7~ 11~ Salt intake 2g 3g 4g 5g
How can we reduce the salt we eat ①When cooking, use vinegar (醋) and lemon juice to reduce the amount of salt and soy sauce (酱油). ②Use low-temperature cooking methods such as steaming (蒸) rather than frying (炒). ③ Eat low-sodium (钠) salt, which can reduce sodium without reducing saltiness. ④ Avoid snacks that are high in salt.
1. A 10-year-old child can eat no more than ________ of salt a day.
A. 2g B. 3g C. 4g D. 5g
2. The list of “Salt hidden in food” is put in the reading to show ________.
A. what food is popular with children
B. more salt needs to be added to food
C. we often eat a lot of salt without knowing it
D. how much salt is enough to make food taste good
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce salt
A. Change the way you cook. B. Say no to foods high in salt.
C. Choose low-sodium salt. D. Do not add salt when cooking.
4. What can we learn from the reading
A. Americans eat more salt every day than Italianis.
B. 130g of instant noodles have more salt than 130g of salted duck eggs.
C. It’s okay for middle school students to eat 106g of Latiao a day.
D. The amount of salt Canadians eat every day is within the standard.
5. In which part of a magazine can we read the reading
A. Food & Health. B. History & Culture.
C. Science & Technology. D. Population & Environment.
【答案】1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A
细节理解题。根据“How much salt can we eat a day ”中的内容可知,7岁至10岁每天摄入的盐量少于4克。故选C。
细节理解题。对照“How can we reduce the salt we eat ”可知,没有提到我们烹饪时不能加盐这个建议。故选D。
In the village of Kentucky, there lived a young girl named Amanda. She moved here for only 2 weeks. Her closest friends were far from her. Amanda kept herself busy for hours by walking around the grassy fields nearby, enjoying the natural beauty along them.
Still, it was easy for Amanda to feel lonely in her big house. One day, just as Amanda was about to leave and spend time walking around, she saw a cat jump onto the porch (门廊). Even though the cat looked dirty, it was beautiful, with bright blue eyes.
Amanda’s feeling of surprise quickly gave way to a feeling of pity. Thinking of what she could offer the cat, Amanda hurried to the kitchen and prepared two bowls: one filled with fish and the other with water. After sniffing (嗅) them carefully, the cat began to hungrily eat them. Once it finished its meal, the cat ran away into the thick grass and disappeared.
From that day, the cat would appear on the porch every day in the morning and beg for food and water, and Amanda would always be there ready. Their relationship started to deepen as Amanda enjoyed regularly seeing her new “furry (毛茸茸的) neighbor”. The cat was too nervous to be taken indoors, but it was comfortable with Amanda gradually.
However, one day, everything took a different turn. In the morning, Amanda brought a bowl of fish near the porch and waited for the cat as usual, but it didn’t appear. The next day, and the day after that, the cat didn’t show u either. She stepped into the thick grass where the cat usually went and searched carefully.
At that time, she heard the sounds of kittens (小猫) meowing. She was surprised to find her “furry, neighbor” lying in the grass with four kittens. The kittens were very cute. Amanda quickly rushed back home to prepare some food and water for them.
6. The first paragraph is mentioned to ________.
A. introduce why Amanda moved to the village
B. show the character of Amanda
C. explain why people are busy in Kentucky
D. create a picture of the beautiful village
7. Which of the following shows Amanda’s feelings when she first met the cat
A. Surprised→happy B. Surprised→pity C. Worried→satisfied D. Worried→happy
8. What did the cat do when Amanda fed it
A. It sniffed the food carefully. B. It waited patiently.
C. It refused to eat the food. D. It ran away quickly.
9. In Amanda’s eyes, what role did the cat play in her life
A A pet that needs her so much. B. A friend who always helps her.
C. A neighbor that meets every day. D. A family member that is kind to each other.
10. What is the possible ending of the story
A. From then on, Amanda took the kittens to school.
B. From then on, Amanda made new friends at school
C. From then on, Amanda had four more furry neighbors.
D. From then on, Amanda sent the little kittens t her teachers.
【答案】6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C
推理判断题。根据“Her closest friends were far from her. Amanda kept herself busy for hours by walking around the grassy fields nearby, enjoying the natural beauty along them. On the weekend, Amanda would even volunteer on farms to help take care of sheep, cows and horses.”可知第一段介绍了Amanda的人物背景,来到小镇,好朋友不在身边,所以让自己忙起来。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Amanda’s feeling of surprise quickly gave way to a feeling of pity.”可知Amanda惊讶的感觉很快变成了怜悯之情。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“After sniffing them carefully, the cat began to hungrily eat them.”可知当Amanda给猫咪食物时,猫咪仔细嗅了嗅,然后开始吃。故选A。
推理判断题。根据“She was surprised to find her ‘furry neighbor’ lying in the grass with four kittens.”可知Amanda把小猫叫成“毛茸茸的邻居”,所以是当成每天遇到的邻居。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“She was surprised to find her ‘furry neighbor’ lying in the grass with four kittens. The kittens were very cute. Amanda quickly rushed back home to prepare some food and water for them.”可知Amanda发现小猫生了四个小猫咪,所以她多了四个邻居。故选C。
Everyone may feel angry at any time. It’s a common feeling. Some people cry when they feel angry and some may shout. Unluckily, many of us have been used to hiding anger. A study suggests that this can have long-term bad influences on our health.
Is it better to cry or break things whenever something makes us angry The study points out that when we show our anger in this way, we can't probably get on well with our friends or our family. The more time we keep being angry, the worse result we’ll get. So how can we deal with our feeling of anger in a right way
First, know what anger is. Anger is often caused by feelings of being too afraid, disappointment (失望) and so on.
Also, care more about those everyday things that will make us angry. For example, we may get angry in a long line at the store. Take a step back and think that it isn’t personal. Everyone in the line has dinner to make, just like us. Then we’ll feel better. Another way of dealing with anger is to talk about it. The study has shown that if we name our feelings, we can slowly calm ourselves down.
Besides, take a deep breath or find some helpful exercise to do. Exercise helps deal with anger.
Remember that how we act when we are angry can make things better or worse. If we learn to deal with anger, we will be happier and healthier.
11. How does the writer lead into the topic in Paragraph 2
A. By telling a story. B. By asking a question.
C. By giving an example. D. By using an old saying.
12. Which picture can show the relationship between anger and time (x=the time you keep angry, y=the bad influences it will have)
A. B. C. D.
13. Which can help deal with the feeling of anger according to the text
a. Taking some exercise. b. Eating delicious food.
c. Talking about anger. d. Taking a deep breath.
A. abc B. abd C. acd D. bcd
14. What is the structure of the text (P= Paragraph)
A. B. C. D.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. What Makes You Angry B. Why Are You Angry
C. When to Deal with Anger D. How to Deal with Anger
【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. D
细节理解题。根据“Is it better to cry or break things whenever something makes us angry ”可知第二段通过一个问题引出话题。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“The more time we keep being angry, the worse result we’ll get.”可知,生气的时间越长,结果就会更糟糕,A图片符合。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Another way of dealing with anger is to talk about it”及“take a deep breath or find some helpful exercise to do”可知,可以通过交谈,深呼吸和做一些锻炼来处理生气。故选C。
最佳标题题。根据“So how can we deal with our angry feelings in a right way ”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了如何处理生气这种情绪。故选D。
Progress means the act of going forward. Making any kind of progress can make us healthy and happy in life. ____16____
To make more progress in life, start looking at problems in a different way. Whatever happens, if we think positively, it can be useful and helpful. ____17____ After we solve problems one after another, we can make more progress and become stronger.
Having confidence (信心) is helpful for us to make progress. Confidence comes from different places, such as proper education, training or having good relationships. ____18____ These people can help push us towards progress. ____19____ Just as the old saying goes, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you not stop”. Progress usually comes a lot more slowly than we expect. Even if progress is slow, try not to be worried. One important thing is that we keep taking steps towards our goals, and another is that we clearly remember what our goals are all the time. The actual speed isn’t important.
The road to progress is not always smooth. ____20____ Sometimes, maybe it feels like we’re taking one step forward and three steps back, but it won’t always be like that. Keep going towards our goals and we can much more easily make the progress we want.
Progress doesn’t always happen in a straight line. As long as we keep working, we will achieve higher levels.
A. Slow progress is still progress.
B We need to know that problems are part of life.
C. We should also stay with people who believe in our success.
D. Most progress often comes with setbacks (挫折) along the way.
E. By setting and actively working towards our goals, we can make progress in our life.
【答案】16. E 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D
根据上文“Making any kind of progress can make us healthy and happy in life.”可知,取得任何进步都可以让我们健康快乐地生活。此处应是指取得进步与生活之间的联系。选项E“通过设定目标并积极努力实现我们的目标,我们可以在生活中取得进步。”符合语境。故选E。
根据下文“After we solve problems one after another, we can make more progress and become stronger.”可知,此处应是与解决问题有关。选项B“我们需要知道问题是生活的一部分。”符合语境。故选B。
根据下文“These people can help push us towards progress.”可知此处与那些能帮助我们进步的人们有关。选项C“我们还应该与相信我们成功的人在一起。”符合语境。故选C。
根据下文“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you not stop”可知,只要你不停下来,走得多慢并不重要,说明缓慢的进步也很重要。选项A“缓慢的进步仍然是进步。”符合语境。故选A。
根据下文“Sometimes, maybe it feels like we’re taking one step forward and three steps back, but it won’t always be like that.”可知,进步常与退步同行。选项D“大多数进步往往伴随着挫折。”符合语境。故选D。
“Anna, your voice sounds great.” Helen greeted Anna with a hug. “But it might help if you...”
“Look, Helen,” Anna stopped her, unable to hide her ____21____. “I know what’s best for my performance. I’ve spent a lot of time practicing and I know how to be ____22____.”
“I’m sorry, Anna. I know you’re good at ____23____, but...never mind. I’ll give you some space.” With that, Helen left.
Anna realized she had driven her friend away, but she ____24____ to let these things distract (使分心) herself. She told herself that it would be ____25____ to focus (集中) without other people’s advice.
The singing competition was coming in two days. “Anna! Pay attention to the lyrics!” Teacher Smith said when Anna ____26____ the lyrics. Anna saw Helen’s empty seat and tried to push away the ____27____ she felt from her friend’s absence (缺席).
Teacher Smith went up to Anna. “Anna, it seems that you are distracted, and you need to get your ____28____ back on the song.”
Helen always nitpicked (挑剔) her performance, but she always had ____29____ supportive to say as well. Anna missed the encouragement Helen gave her ____30____ she was doubting herself—like now.
Finally, the day of the competition came. Although Anna knew the lyrics by heart, she still felt ____31____. She stood there with a worried face.
“You’re going to be great!” Anna suddenly heard. She ____32____ saw Helen walking towards her.
Anna stood with her mouth open. “I really didn’t think you were going to ____33____. I’m sorry—you were just trying to help me, but I didn’t want to listen to what you tried to say.”
Helen hugged Anna. “I know you needed your ____34____ but there’s no way I was going to miss your competition—you’re my best friend! I’ll always ____35____ you.”
Anna felt better. When it was her turn to perform, she walked to the stage with her head held high.
21. A. lights B. feelings C. sounds D. lines
22. A. perfect B. strange C. fair D. silly
23. A. dancing B. speaking C. drawing D. singing
24. A. preferred B. remembered C. refused D. expected
25. A. easier B. worse C. harder D. lower
26. A. raised B. forgot C. explained D. caught
27. A. happiness B. pride C. sadness D. peace
28. A. job B. dream C. body D. mind
29. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
30. A. until B. before C. though D. when
31. A. glad B. nervous C. bored D. relaxed
32. A. quietly B. madly C. surprisingly D. slowly
33. A. give up B. show up C. look up D. pick up
34. A. space B. advice C. attention D. skill
35. A. leave B. control C. support D. introduce
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. C
lights灯光;feelings感情;sounds声音;lines台词。根据“I know what’s best for my performance”可知,安娜感觉不高兴,所以是无法掩饰自己的感情。故选B。
perfect完美的;strange奇怪的;fair公平的;silly愚蠢的。根据“I’ve spent a lot of time practicing and I know how to be”可知应是知道如何做到完美。故选A。
dancing跳舞;speaking说话;drawing画画;singing唱歌。根据“Anna, your voice sounds great”可知,是擅长唱歌。故选D。
preferred更喜爱;remembered记住;refused拒绝;expected期望。根据“to let these things distract (使分心) herself.”可知,是拒绝让这些事情分散自己的注意力。故选C。
easier更容易的;worse更糟的;harder更难的;lower更低的。根据“without other people’s advice.”可知,是没有别人的建议会更容易集中注意力。故选A。
raised提高;forgot忘记;explained解释;caught抓住。根据“Pay attention to the lyrics”可知,是安娜忘记歌词时史密斯老师说的。故选B。
happiness快乐;pride骄傲;sadness悲伤;peace宁静。根据“she felt from her friend’s absence”可知,是因朋友缺席而感到悲伤。故选C。
job工作;dream想;body身体;mind注意力。根据“it seems that you are distracted”可知,是要集中注意力。故选D。
something某事物;anything任何事物;nothing没什么;everything一切。根据“supportive to say as well”可知,转折词后表示也总是说一些支持她的话,该句为肯定句,填something。故选A。
until直到;before在……之前;though虽然;when当。根据“she was doubting herself”可知是当她怀疑自己时,用when引导。故选D。
glad高兴的;nervous紧张的;bored无聊的;relaxed放松的。根据“She stood there with a worried face.”可知,是感到紧张的。故选B。
quietly安静地;madly疯狂地;surprisingly惊讶地;slowly缓慢地。根据“Anna stood with her mouth open”可知,对于海伦的出现她感到很惊讶。故选C。
give up放弃;show up出现;look up查阅;pick up捡起。根据“saw Helen walking towards her”可知,是没想到海伦会出现。故选B。
space空间;advice建议;attention注意;skill技能。根据“I’ll give you some space”可知,是需要自己的空间。故选A。
leave离开;control控制;support支持;introduce介绍。根据“you’re my best friend”可知,作为朋友海伦会永远支持安娜。故选C。
they modern high Chinese friend leave but tradition read in
In ancient China, when people were separating, they would pick a willow (柳树) twig (枝条) and give it to the person who was ___36___. This was to express their wishes for him to stay. In ___37___, the word for “willow” is pronounced the same as the word for “stay”.
Many Chinese poets liked writing about willows in ___38___ works. One of the best poems is A Farewell Song (《送元二使安西》) by Wang Wei. It ___39___,
No dust is raised on the road wet with morning rain,
The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green.
I invite you to drink a cup of wine again,
West of the Sunny Pass no more ___40___ will be seen.
Nowadays, willow twigs can also be seen in ___41___ art. There was an amazing performance about willow twigs. 365 people held willow twigs ___42___ their hands on the green stage. At the same time, a painting of weeping willows (垂柳) appeared on the LED screen. The setting of 365 people stood for 365 days, and the color green meant the return of spring. The performance was praised ___43___ by the audience (观众). “I was deeply attracted by ___44___ Chinese culture,” one of them said.
In short, giving a willow twig to a person is not saying goodbye ___45___ asking him to stay. This is the beauty of Chinese culture.
【答案】36. leaving
37. Chinese
38. their 39. reads
40. friends
41. modern 42. in
43. highly 44. traditional
45. but
句意:在中国古代,人们在离别的时候会摘一根柳树的枝条送给离别的人。根据“when people were separating”可知,是指将柳枝送给即将离开的人,leave“离开”,空处用现在分词与was构成过去进行时,表达过去将来的含义。故填leaving。
句意:在汉语中,“柳”和“留”的发音是一样的。根据“the word for ‘willow’ is pronounced the same as the word for ‘stay’.”可知,汉语中,“柳”与“留”发音相同,Chinese“汉语”符合语境。故填Chinese。
句意:许多中国诗人喜欢在他们的作品中描写柳树。此处指代Many Chinese poets,用代词they,且修饰名词works,应用其形容词性物主代词their。故填their。
句意:西出阳关无故人。根据“West of the Sunny Pass no more ... will be seen.”可知,此处是指出了阳关就不再有朋友可见,friend“朋友”,空处用名词复数表泛指。故填friends。
句意:如今,柳条在现代艺术中也随处可见。根据“365 people held willow twigs ... their hands on the green stage. At the same time, a painting of weeping willows (垂柳) appeared on the LED screen.”可知,柳条也出现在现代艺术中,modern“现代的”,形容词作定语。故填modern。
句意:在绿色的舞台上,365人手持柳条。根据“365 people held willow twigs ... their hands”可知,是指将柳条握在手里,介词in“在……里”符合语境。故填in。
句意:这个表演受到了观众的高度赞扬。根据“was praised ... by the audience”可知,此处是指受到高度赞扬,副词highly“高度地”,修饰动词。故填highly。
句意:我被中国传统文化深深吸引。根据“Chinese culture”及备选词可知,是指传统的中国文化,用形容词traditional“传统的”,修饰名词。故填traditional。
句意:总之,送人一根柳枝,不是说再见,而是请他留下。not ... but“不是……而是”,固定结构。故填but。
MBTI is a personality test. Many people in China are crazy about it now. Are you an “I” (I=introverted内向的) person or an “E” (E=extroverted外向的) person The topic ___46___ widely discussed online.
I am Jessica. I am an “I” person. I’m a shy girl who doesn’t like being around people. I am quiet when I am in groups. I enjoy being alone. I am good at writing novels, maybe I could ___47___ a writer in the future.
I am Keven: I am an “E” person. I am pretty outgoing: My friends call me asocial butterfly. I like to go out and meet new people all the time. I enjoy being ___48___ center of attention. I do well ___49___ sports and my dream is to be a basketball player.
Dr. Know wants to tell something about it. When you take a personality test, you may think, Oh, that’s me. That’s because the descriptions are common. They can be used ___50___ describe many people. So, don’t take it too seriously. You can be both an “I” person or an “E” person. Don’t label (标签) yourself!
【答案】46. is 47. be
48. the 49. in
50. to
【导语】本文介绍了MBTI性格测试。分别描述了两位同学的自我介绍及Dr. Know对这个测试的观点。
句意:这个话题在网上被广泛讨论。根据“The topic…widely discussed online.”可知,此处指的是“被讨论”,应该用被动语态,其谓语动词构成是be done,主语是“the topic”,因此此处用is。故填is。
句意:我擅长写小说,也许我将来会成为一名作家。根据“I am good at writing novels, maybe I could…a writer in the future.”可知,空处缺be动词,could是情态动词,其后跟动词原形。故填be。
句意:我喜欢成为关注的焦点。the center of意为“……的焦点”,固定词组。故填the。
句意:我擅长运动,我的梦想是成为一名篮球运动员。do well in意为“擅长”,固定词组。故填in。
句意:他们可以用来形容很多人。be used to被用来做某事,固定词组。故填to。
A: Hi, Li Hua. How time flies! We are going to graduate this month!
B: Yeah. For me, it’s really hard to say goodbye to all the teachers and friends.
A: Who is your favorite teacher
B: My English teacher, Mr. Niu, is my favorite. ____________51____________.
A: You’re right. And what are you going to do in the coming summer vacation
B: ____________52____________.
A: A volunteer teacher Where do you plan to go
B: A small village in Nanyang. The children there need help.
A: ____________53____________
B: I can teach the children how to play basketball. You know I’m good at it.
A: That sounds wonderful! ____________54____________
B: Of course. Everyone is welcome to join us.
A: I can teach them how to sing Henan Opera. That’s my favorite.
B: Wow! Henan Opera ____________55____________
A: I have learned it for about ten years. And I learned it from my grandma.
B: No wonder you can sing it well. I believe we’ll do a great job in the volunteer teaching.
【答案】51. He is really friendly/patient/kind/We have learned a lot from him/He helps me to be a better person/…
52. I’m going to work as a volunteer teacher/I plan to teach children as a volunteer/…
53. What can you do there/What can you teach them/…
54. May/Can I join you/May/Can I teach the children with you/…
55. How long have you learned Henan Opera/How long have you learned it/…
根据“My English teacher, Mr. Niu, is my favorite.”可知,此处在夸赞牛老师,探讨牛老师的好。故填He is really friendly/patient/kind/We have learned a lot from him/He helps me to be a better person/…
根据“And what are you going to do in the coming summer vacation ”以及“A volunteer teacher ”可知,此处在回复暑假想要当一名志愿者。故填I’m going to work as a volunteer teacher/I plan to teach children as a volunteer/…
根据“I can teach the children how to play basketball. You know I’m good at it.”以及标点符合可知,此处在询问对方可以在做什么事。故填What can you do there/What can you teach them/…
根据“Of course. Everyone is welcome to join us.”以及标点符合可知,此处在询问对方是否可以加入这样的志愿活动。故填May/Can I join you/May/Can I teach the children with you/…
根据“I have learned it for about ten years.”以及标点符合可知,此处在询问对方学豫剧的时长。故填How long have you learned Henan Opera/How long have you learned it/…
56. 在春节热播电影《热辣滚烫》中,贾玲通过坚持不懈的努力,实现了自己的人生价值,过上了“热辣滚烫”的人生。作为九年级的学生,我们正需要不屈不挠的毅力,不断拼搏的勇气。全力坚持做好每一件小事,成就更好的自己。请以“We Only Live Once”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇演讲稿,参加学校的英语主题演讲活动。
1. 最近或多年来你坚持并全力以赴去做的一件事及理由;
2. 它给你的学习和生活带来了怎样的影响。
1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 词数100左右。文章的开头已为你写好、不计入总词数。
We Only Live Once
Dear classmates,
It’s my honor to make a speech here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you!
Dear classmates,
It’s my honor to make a speech here. Have you ever tried your best to do one thing Have you ever lived your life to the fullest Today I want to share the thing I keep doing these years it you.
When I was in Grade 7, I couldn’t speak English well because of my poor pronunciation, so I was always laughed at by others. I made up my mind to improve my spoken English no matter how hard it was for me at that time. These years I get up at 5 o’clock every morning so that I can spend at least half an hour practising speaking English. To correct my pronunciation, I also read English aloud after the tape every day. Now my English has greatly improved.
This leaning experience has made a great difference to my life. I am not as shy as I used to be. Besides, when facing difficulties in study. I will never give up. I'm ready to take on any challenge in the future.
Thank you!
①make up my mind to do sth.下定决心去做某事
②make a great difference to对……产生巨大影响
①I made up my mind to improve my spoken English no matter how hard it was for me at that time.(no matter how引导让步状语从句)
②These years I get up at 5 o’clock every morning so that I can spend at least half an hour practising speaking English.(so that引导目的状语从句)



