2023-2024牛津译林版八年级英语下册期末Unit 7 International Charities 重点短语复习练习(无答案)

8B Unit7 期末复习讲义
班级 姓名
1. 国际慈善机构 ___________________________________ international charities
2. 有一些零花钱剩下 ___________________________________ have some pocket money left
3. 吃一顿丰盛的午餐 ___________________________________ have a big lunch
4. 太虚弱了而无法再走下去 ___________________________________ too weak to walk any further.
5. 尤其是全世界的孩子 ___________________________________ especially children all over the world
6. 为孩子提供基础教育 ___________________________________ provide basic education for children
7. 为女孩的平等权利而工作 ___________________________________ work for the equal rights of girls
8. 防止严重疾病的传播 ___________________________________ prevent the spread of serious diseases
9. 对一位ORBIS医生的采访 ___________________________________ an interview with an ORBIS doctor
10. 告诉我们一些关于失明的事 ___________________________________ tell us something about blindness
11. 有眼疾的人 ___________________________________ people with eye problems
12. 主要在贫困地区 ___________________________________ mostly in poor areas
13. 80%的病例可以被治愈 ___________________________________ 80 per cent of the cases can be cured
14. 有医疗的钱 ___________________________________ have money for medical treatment
15. 被用来当做一个培训中心 ___________________________________ be used as a training center
16. 没有能力去医院看病 ___________________________________ can’t afford to go to hospital
17. 被邀请上飞机 ___________________________________ be invited on board
18. 通过培训他们 ___________________________________ by training them
19. 150名病人被实施了手术 ___________________________________ 150 patients were operated on
20. 我很骄傲帮助人们复明。 ___________________________________ I’m proud to help people see again.
21. 当代医学正飞速发展 ___________________________________ Modern medicine is developing quickly.
22. 继续我们的工作 ___________________________________ carry on with our work
23. 分发传单 ___________________________________ hand out leaflets
24. 成立,建立一个组织 ___________________________________ set up an organization
25. 许多东西在Oxfam商 ___________________________________ Many things are sold in Oxfam
店被出售,包括书 ___________________________________ shops, including books.
26. 在某人的帮助下 ___________________________________ with sb’s help
27. …的一部分 ___________________________________ part of
28. 通过卖圣诞卡筹钱 ___________________________________ raise money by selling Christmas cards
29. 防止他们得病 ___________________________________ prevent them from getting illnesses
30. 牙痛 ___________________________________ have a toothache
31. 看起来惨白的 ___________________________________ look pale
32. 你出了什么事啊? ___________________________________ What’s the matter with you
33. 你已经感觉像这样多久了? ___________________________________ How long have you felt like this
34. 一天三次饭后服药 _________________________________ Take the medicine after meals three times a day
35. 几天之后你就会好的 ___________________________________ You’ll be all right in a few days.
36. 一家大公司的秘书 ___________________________________ a secretary of a big company
37. 下定决心培训成为一名医生 ___________________________________ make up one’s mind to train as a nurse
38. 出席课程 ___________________________________ attend courses
39. 习惯坐飞机旅行 ___________________________________ get used to traveling by plane
40. 很高兴能做某事 ___________________________________ be glad to be able to do sth.
41. 有和以前一样多的钱 ___________________________________ have as much money as before
42. 了解当地人的状况 ___________________________________ learn about the conditions of the local people
( ) 1. I think it's _______ useful advice, so I will always remember it.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 2. The girl is _______ young _______ look after herself.
A. so; that B. too; to C. very; to D. so; to
( ) 3. English _______ in many countries, but the Chinese _______ their own language.
A. speaks; spoken B. is spoken; is spoken C. is spoken; speak D. is spoken; speaks
( ) 4. In China, the old _______.
A. are taken good care of B. are taken good care C. is taken good care of D. is taken good care
( ) 5. Our monitor has won the first prize in the competition, and we are very _______ him.
A. busy with B. famous for C. good at D. proud of
( ) 6. To protect the environment, most supermarkets have stopped ______ free plastic bags.
A. to send B. sending C. to provide D. providing
( ) 7. Carry _______ while I'm away.
A. on with your work B. working C. on to working D. with working
( ) 8. _______ of the people in the North live on wheat. They live _______ on wheat.
A. Mostly; most B. Most; mostly C. Mostly; almost D. Most; almost
( ) 9. -Nancy, you are going to buy a flat here, aren't you
-Yes, but I can't _______ an expensive one.
A. spend B. pay. C. cost D. afford
( )10. The man had something wrong with his nose so he _______.
A. operate on B. was operated C. was operated on D. operation on
( )11.-Is your brother a Swimming Club member
-Yes, he _______ the club three years ago. He _______ a club member for three years.
A. joined; has been B. joined; has been in C. joined in; is D. joined in; has been
( )12. The government will _______ more colleges for more students to receive higher education.
A. set up B. send up C. set out D. use up
( )13. The bird was let ______ away yesterday.
A. fly B. flying C. to fly D. flown
( )14. _______ meaningful work it is to raise money for charities !
A. How B. What C. How a D. What a
( ) 15. John _______ living in the countryside because he _______ the environment there.
A. was used to; used to B. is used to; is used to C. used to; is used to D. used to; was used to
( )16. We must _______ computer games too much.
A. keep students from playing B. prevent students from playing
C. stop students from playing D. all the above
( )17. -How many cakes can I have, Mum -None, dear. They _______ for your father.
A. prepare B prepared C. have prepared D. are prepared
( )18.”________ drink from a bottle and walk about at the same time.” My mother told us.
A. Not to B. Never C. Always D. Often
( )19.—A latest English newspaper, please!--Only one copy left. Would you like to have_______, sir
A. it B. one C. this D. that
( )20.She left in_______ a hurry _______she forgot to lock the door.
A. so, and B. such, that C. too, to D. such, and
1. I really hope there are no_______________(战争) any more in the world.
2. It is warm all year round and sometimes is very hot in Kunming, _______________(尤其) in May and June.
3. Now I will show you some_______________(基本的) examples of using them.
4. The US_______________(官员)are made to say sorry to those people who lost their family members in this fire.
5. Maria is still under_______________(治疗)now. She may miss the chance to go abroad.
6. When the ship was leaving ,we saw the people on_______________(在船上)waving.
7. Mother always _______________her to do good deeds. I think this is a good _______________(教育).
8. The cloud _______________(扩散) and the sun comes out.
9. They can raise money by_______________(组织) a fund-raising event.
10. Black people in western countries don’t have the same_______________(权利) as the White people.
11. Everyone is_______________ in the law, so we should be treated_______________(平等)in our daily life.
12. The girl with long hair is one of the_______________ (秘书) of my company.
13. The flood affected many people, _______________(most) the poor.
14. What’s the_______________ (事情) with you You look very nervous.
15. I can’t remember all those_______________(patient) names.
16. Are you ready The_______________ (interview) have prepared a lot of questions.
17. China Daily is one of the most popular newspapers. The number of its ______________(read) is over 2 million.
18. Most of the ________________(case) have been solved. Do you have any other problems
19. Dr. King felt tired because he had two_______________(operate) in the day.
20. With the fast_______________of science, more and more robots has been _______________.(develop)
21. Looking directly at the sun with a telescope can cause_______________(blind)
22. I think the bag are those_______________ (India). They are playing basketball over there.
23. Can I have a_______________ (medicine) examination today I don’t feel well.
24. Mike got hurt in the accident and he looked p_______________because of losing too much blood.
25. --Can I ask a day off today -- Sorry, everyone must take part in the activity, i_______________you.
Your homework must _________________ (check) carefully before you hand it in.
All the students _________________ (advise) to have a rest during the break.
The Blacks _____________________ (visit) us when you called us this morning.
In the past few years, a number of flowers ____________________ (grow) on both sides of this street.
He wanted my help. So I ______________ (stop) _________________ (help) him.
I can’t wait _______________(hear) from you.
The student ______________ (make) _________________ (clean) the classroom every day.
The Internet ______________(connect) the computers all over the world.
A kilo of beef ______________ (cost) 10 yuan.
---When ___________ this story ______________(take) place ---Not long ago.
These daily newspapers ____________ (print) well and ____________(sent) to the post office every morning.
---What ___________computers _______________(use) for ---Sending and receiving e-mails.
You may go out and play as soon as your homework _______________(finish).
----Did you go to Li Lei’s birthday party ----No, I __________________(not invite).
The boy _________________(teach) to cook and do other housework since he was little.
--______ three more parties _________________(hold) at the hall next month --Yes, I’m sure they are.
If these pens ______________(write) easily, I will buy more from you.
Welcome! The best service __________________(provide) here in International Hotel.
--_________ you ______________(mop) the floor
--Yes, we have. And all the windows __________________(clean) just now.
The old town we were used to ________________(turn) into a new one by the government already.
The organization ______________ (set) up by him always______________ (do) meaningful things for us.
How boring it is_________________ (listen) to such a useless report!




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