

英 语
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得分 评卷人
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答
( )1.What does Tim look like
A.He is short. B.He has straight hair. C.He has yellow hair.
( )2.How will the woman go home
A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike
( )3.Where are the speakers
A.At a restaurant. B.In a museum. C.In a classroom.
( )4.What was the weather like yesterday
A.Cloudy. B.Windy C.Rainy
( )5.How often does the girl have the class
A.Every day B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.
听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
( )6.What's the matter with the boy
A.He has a cold. B.He has a headache. C.He has a stomachache.
( )7.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Doctor and patient. C.Teacher and student.
( )8.How many people are there in the boy's family
A.3. B.4. C.5.
( )9.When does the whole family go to the park
A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C.On Sunday
( )10.Why will Mr.Adam leave the school
A.Because he is sick. B.Because he has a new job.
C.Because he has to look after his mother.
英语试卷 第1页(共8页)

( )11.What will the school do to thank Mr.Adam
A.Hold a party for him. B.Give him lots of money.
C.Name something after him.
( )12.Who will teach the students math next term
A.Mr.Adam. B.Mr.Green. C.Mr.Brain.
( )13.What gift will the speakers give their father
A.A shirt. B.A book C.A notebook
( )14.Which kind of noodles does the father like best
A.Seafood noodles. B.Beef noodles. C.Chicken noodles
( )15.Where will they go first
A.A restaurant. B.A cake shop C.A supermarket.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
得分 评卷人
Do you love to read Here are some kids of your age sharing their reviews of the most interesting books they have read.
Amy Book title:Singing with Elephants Writer:Margarita Engle Kind:Realistic fiction(现实主义小说 The number of pages:224
Reasons Young people who have moved to a new place will like this book.This book is a series(一系列)of poems that tell a story,so if you love poetry,this book will be especially worth reading Like Ω Reply
Sarah Book title:Swim Team Writer;Johnnie Christmas Kind:A graphic novel(漫画小说) The number of pages:256
Reasons: Anyone who doesn't know how to swim or fears to swim would like this book.It could give people the courage they need to try swimming and face their fears. Like ΩReply
英语试卷 第2页(共8页)
Jackson Book title:Peeves Writer:Mike Van Waes Kind;Science fiction The number of pages:336
Reasons; Imagine if your worries turned into real living things ..That's what happens to 12-year-old Steve in this funny adventure(冒险).Teenagers who like science fiction will certainly like this book. Like Ω Reply
Joe Book title:Consider the Octopus Writer:Nora Raleigh Baskin and Gae Polisner Kind:Realistic fiction The number of pages:272
Reasons: I think all kids would like this book.It's a story about the importance of protecting the environment and making friends Like Ω Reply
Which book do you like best And if you want to share your review,please click (点
( )21.Who may take interest in Singing with Elephants
A.A pop singer B.A poetry lover
C.An animal helper. D.An environmental volunteer.
( )22.What can you get from Swim Team
①Some poems. ②Some skills of swimming
③How to face fears bravely. ④How to deal with the new environment.
A.①② B.②④ C.②③ D.①④
( )23.Why does Jackson like Peeves
A.Because it is easy to read. B.Because it has a great ending.
C.Because it provides some skills. D.Because it is full of imagination.
( )24. What do Singing with Elephants and Consider the Octopus have in common
A.They are of the same kind. B.They can draw the same readers.
C.They were written by the same writer.D.They have the same number of pages.
( )25.Where is the text most probably from
A.A magazine. B.A newspaper C.A noticeboard. D.A website.
A huge block of ice appeared in the middle of the forest one morning.What interested the animals most was the wonderful treasure they could see inside it.The lion king said whoever could get it out would win the competition and be named"the cleverest animal of the forest".
As soon as he said this,all the animals except a dog rushed to the treasure.The tiger used his paws(爪子),but they got stuck in the ice.Several goats tried to lick( 舔 )the block,but it was useless.The monkeys tried breaking the block by throwing bananas. However,they hit so many of the other animals that they had to stop. After a long time,the block stood still.
英语试卷 第3页(共8页)
Suddenly,someone said,"Look!Something's moving inside the block!Is the treasure alive Does the treasure have an owner living with it "
It was the dog who soon appeared with some pieces of the treasure.They all wanted to know how the dog did that.The dog told them that he took some time to think at first.He knew that the block was too big to break it up with force,and it would take too long for the
sun to melt (使融化)it.So he dug a tunnel(隧道)to get to the middle of the block.Then he made a small fire,which quickly melted some ice above.So,with little effort the dog got the treasure!
At last,the dog became"the cleverest animal of the forest".And he did it by showing everyone that one can achieve more by thinking about problems rather than by jumping into action at once.
( )26.What did most animals do when they heard the lion king's words
A.They looked for their helpers.
B.They discussed the proper plan.
C.They kept the dog away from the huge ice.
D.They took their own action to get the treasure.
( )27.What can we know from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2
A.The animals'methods didn't work.
B.It was impossible to move the block away.
C.The animals should break the block with force.
D.The animals were not interested in the treasure at all.
( )28.How did the dog get the treasure
A.He licked the block.
B.He broke the block with force.
C.He waited for the sun to melt the block.
D.He dug a tunnel and made a fire in it.
( )29.Which word can best describe the dog
A.Proud. B.Brave. C.Thoughtful D.Honest.
( )30.What does the writer want to tell us
A.All is well that ends well. B.Think twice before acting.
C.Experience is the best teacher. D.Action speaks louder than words.
Plastic (塑料)is an important part of our daily lives.It is very cheap, strong and long-lasting.However,we use a lot of it but recycle little. There are about 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste in total on the earth.80% of the rubbish in the sea is plastic.267 kinds of animals around the world are harmed by plastic.Plastic pollution is serious.
Recycling plastic can be tough because it is difficult to separate all the
different kinds of plastic simply by looking.Scientists wanted to find a way to solve it so that they could recycle more plastic and produce better products.To do this,they tried to see if computers with cameras could correctly separate up to 12 kinds of plastic.
Scientists placed the 12 kinds of plastic onto a conveyor belt(传送带). It then moved them under a special camera.This camera catches much more information than the human eyes can see!It could get different light according to the different kinds of plastic.In this
way,the camera recorded the feature (特点) of the plastic.Next,the camera sent the
英语试卷 第4页(共8页)
information to a computer.Finally,the computer's learning was put to the test!Scientists placed three kinds of unknown plastic onto the conveyor belt to see if the computer could tell them by comparing them.Luckily,the computer correctly separated them.
The test shows that this technology can help us to recycle more plastic.The results can be used in our life successfully.Scientists are now trying to cut down the information processing (处理)needed.This means that the computer can separate plastic quickly and process more each day.This is an exciting step towards cutting down the plastic waste that we are creating.
( )31.How does the writer describe plastic pollution in Paragraph 1
A.By telling a joke. B.By listing numbers.
C.By asking a question. D.By using an old saying.
( )32.Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word
“tough”in Paragraph 2
① having problems or difficulties ②requiring that rules must be followed ③unlucky for sb.in a way that seems unfair ④strong enough to deal successfully with difficult situations
A.① B.② C.③ D.④
( )33.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A.How the test was done.
B.How plastic was collected.
C.How the results were used in life.
D.How plastic was turned into new products.
( )34.What does the camera record to tell different plastic
A.The size. B.The light C.The color D.The weight.
( )35.What is the meaning behind the use of the results
A.To produce better products. B.To end the plastic pollution.
C.To cut down the plastic waste. D.To invent a new kind of plastic.
If you are too young to find a part-time job,but you're old enough that you want to start making some pocket money,what should you do 36 Here are several ideas just waiting to be taken!
Do extra chores(额外的家务) around the house. 37 Besides your weekly or monthly pocket money,ask your parents if you can do extra work for even more money. 38 This can mean sweeping leaves,picking up rubbish or throwing away useless things in the yard.Besides,wash your parents'cars.They'll be happy to pay you to do this instead of going to a car wash.
39 If you have a sharp(敏锐的)eye for prices and things that are“hot”,this may be a good choice for you.If you have anything that you don't use but someone else might use,that's money.You can ask your parents for help when having problems online.
Recycle.For example,all those cans of soda are worth 5 cents for one.100 means 5 dollars. 40 Ask your family or close neighbors to save their cans for you.They'l probably be happy to recycle and not have to make the trip to the store themselves.
英语试卷 第5页(共8页)
根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内 容完整。
A.You're so lucky.
B.Resell your things online.
C.Parents always love a clean house.
D.And all you have to do is drink soda!
E.You can get paid for cleaning the yard.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40
得分 评卷人
先 通 读 短 文 , 掌 握 其 大 意 , 然 后 从 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 一 个 可 以 填 入 相 应 空 白 处 的 最佳答案。
Steven loved playing soccer and his dream was to be a soccer player when he was 15 years old.He was very 41 and he was the best in his community.
One day,a Manchester United scout (曼联球探)came.The scout wanted to find gifted boys in 42 families.He saw Steven playing really well and he wanted to take him to Manchester for 43 .Steven was very excited.But his mom was sorry to tell him that she couldn't 44 the flight or the hotel in England for that long.
Steven was very 45 ,but the scout believed that he would succeed.So he decided to 46 for the flight.And he even let Steven stay at his house in Manchester.
On the first training day,Steven was very excited.The soccer field in Manchester was very large and the other kids were very good.He 47 to play with them.Steven knew that his mom was hard,so he had to try his best.
One rainy day,Steven and his teammates were training really hard. 48 ,one kid hurt him.Steven was sad 49 he couldn't play all season.But he didn't 50 .He started to go to the gym(健身房)of Manchester United every day for at least 3 hours.
After the whole 51 ,Steven finally came back to play.Luckily,he didn't lose his gift.The coaches were very 52. to find that he came back like he never left.
When he turned 18,he was 53 to be a bench player(后备球员)in the first team. In his first game as a bench player,he scored a goal in the last minute of the game.He cried and it was the happiest moment of his 54 .He would try hard because he knew
that was just the 55 ( )41.A.active
( )42.A.poor
( )43.A.teaching ( )44.A.afford
( )45.A.mad
( )46.A.ask
( )47.A.agreed
( )48.A.Luckily ( )49.A.because ( )50.A.wake up ( )51.A.day
( )52.A.crazy
( )53.A.chosen
.He had a long journey ahead of him.
B.proud B.warm B.researching B.avoid B.sad B.search B.loved B.Easily B.s0 B.look up B.month B.surprised B.caught C.gifted C.big C.travelling C.change C.bored C.call C.failed C.Suddenly C.but C.give up C.year C.sure C.raised
英语试卷 第6页(共8页)
D.stand up

) (
)( )54.A.story
( )55.A.break
得分 评卷人
阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填 一词,每词限用一次。
speech believe than when special they produce light wide century
Many historians said that fireworks were developed in ancient Liuyang,China.It is 56 that the first natural“firecrackers”were bamboo stalks (茎) . 57 they were thrown in a fire,they would explode (爆炸)because of the overheating of the air in the bamboo.The Chinese thought these natural“firecrackers”would keep away from bad things.
Sometime during 600-900 AD,a Chinese person 58 the first“gunpowder(火药)”. The powder was poured into the bamboo sticks,forming the first man-made fireworks.
In the 13th 59 ,fireworks made their way to Europe.And by the 15th century they were 60 used for certain festivals and public celebrations.The Italians were the first Europeans to make fireworks and European rulers especially liked to use fireworks to interest their people and 61 up their palaces in important activities.
The early Americans brought 62 love for fireworks to the New World.Later, government officers used the fireworks to make the people interested in their 63 .Now Americans continue to use fireworks to celebrate at festivals,in 64 activities and in sporting traditions such as the Olympics.
A study showed that fireworks during a festival can bring more 65 $56 million for the local economy.Fireworks bring people not only smiles but also dollars.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
AI is part of our everyday life.It makes our lives easier.But some educators worry that chatbots could keep students from learning 66 their own.Some students may depend on chatbots too much.Should students use AI to do their schoolwork Let's see some kids'
AI could change the way students learn.Chatbots can be programmed 67 guide students to solve questions instead of giving them answers.They can also help teachers create lesson plans for different students. (
Schoolwork should teach kids skills and develop their brains Although technology can be 68 useful tool,kids need to finish basic tasks independently.This is why kids learn 69 to write by hands well,even though computers can do it for us.
英语试卷 第7页(共8页)

AI shouldn't be used in schools.First,AI is improving every day 70 is difficult for teachers to use it for their classes freely.Second students in poor areas have no chance to use the latest technology.It's unfair.
67. 68. 69.
根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A:Hello,may I speak to Cindy
B:71. Who is that
A:This is Mike.What are you doing
B:Nothing much.Im reading a book.
B:It's about the history of our city.I learn many interesting things from it. A:Why not go to the City Museum 73.
B:Sounds great!When shall we go there
A:74. It's sunny and we can also enjoy the sunshine.
A:At the gate of the museum at two o'clock this afternoon.
B:Great!See you then.
A:See you!
得分 评卷人
为引导学生树立正确的劳动观念、养成良好的劳动习惯并培育积极的劳动精神,学校将举 行以“Let's do housework actively”为话题的演讲比赛。假如你是李华,请你根据写作要求,用 英语写一篇演讲稿。
Good morning,everyone!
It's my honor to give you a speech today.My topic is"Let's do housework actively".
That's all.Thank you!
英语试卷 第8页(共8页)



